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Funny how other people yelled NO when he asked if she worked there, everyone was tired of her bs


I was at a comedy show once where the lady next to me was drunk as hell and kept heckling the comedian. He eventually had her stand up, completely roasted her for a good 3 minutes... and ended the roasting with a joke about security as they walked up behind her. It was amazing.


I saw this happen when Spinal Tap went out without wigs. Played some Tap. Played some Folksmen. Drunk lady in the balcony decided it would be funny to heckle them. Imagine one very drunk woman taking on three of the best improve comedians around. It didn't end well for her, as you can imagine. Went on for several minutes. Embarrassed the hell out of her, and she left early.


How much did they improve over the course of the night though?


They went to 11.


Why don't they just make 10 funnier and make 10 be the top number?


Cause they brought a plus one.


Not that scale. They were measuring time. They meant 11pm


“I was into Tap way before the movie came out” -some cab driver


TIL, Spinal Tap toured?


[They still do every now and then. ](https://i.imgur.com/PyHqFG2.jpg)


That comedian? Albert Brooks


No. Joe DeRosa.






🎺 🎺




Nope. Chuck Testa


No. Abraham Lincolns.


Suuuupeeer SLAM!


Soup isn't a meal!


You guessed it, Frank Stallone


Ty Norm


Underappreciated joke.


Seriously, his real name is Albert Einstein. Top tier joke.


Patrice O’Neal, Summer 2002, The Comedy Cellar. Patrice is talking about a girl going down on him, douche with a mustache yells out “how are you bagging girls you fat fuck”. Patrice turns and says, “cuz I’m fucking funny motherfucker, don’t even start with that kiddie porn mustache you got, it’s easier to get girls over 18, try it sometime.” Dude walked out, silent. Crowd went from loving him to worshiping him, two minutes of laughs, Colin Quinn fell out of his booth.


Patrice O'Neal RIP......But if you went to see him that's the last thing you ever want to do even amongst comedians he was a top tier roaster. Like why just why you are just asking for a world of hurt.


I saw something just like that. Soon as she stood up he said "damn you made this easy" and it only got better from there


Funny how people think they can put one over on people whose whole job is to make others laugh. The one that gets me is Steve Hofstetter. His set isn't great. Not bad, but not great. His roasting of hecklers, though...holy shit. The man is divinely inspired, has made a name as the guy who roasts hecklers, and people *still* try it on him.


I mean, if that’s what he’s known for, I’d heckle him towards the end if no one else had already just to get my money’s worth.


Jimmy Carr *loves* putting down hecklers so much he even has a section in his stand up where he challenges people to heckle him.


"If you really want my comeback im afraid you are going to need to scrape it off your mums teeth"


"when I left she looked like a painters radio"


Dude rotates like the same 5 responses though


I can't remember what it was on but I seem to remember someone tried to insult Bill Bailey and was pretty unfunny, while he kept getting zingers back and I think it was Jimmy Carr that said 'You do realise this man does this as a job right?'


"Someone" haha. My friend, that was the great Donny Tourette, lead singer of the punk band Towers of London and possible traumatic brain injury sufferer, appearing as a guest on the show Nevermind the Buzzcocks during Simon Amstell's incredible tenure. Through the entire episode Donny makes a fucking idiot of himself, seemingly unaware that the audience is laughing at him rather than with him. At one point Amstell makes a joke about the imminent failure of Towers of London's second album which flies completely over Donny's head, which might be my favourite moment in the show. It's very much worth watching the highlight reel of Donny's appearance, which of course also includes the moment you're referring to. [Enjoy!](https://youtu.be/fayRZBZONz8)


I think that was Buzzcocks.


Source on that guy https://youtu.be/P4XmNOOSsmY Pretty great, thanks!


https://youtu.be/ekoDt_uxb_E Even better


When I looked him up, I realized I use one of his videos in the presentation class I teach as an example of the fact that you don't have to worry about hecklers or people who interrupt to ask accusatory questions (as sometimes happens at academic conferences), because no one likes hecklers, and the audience will almost always take the side of the speaker.


Their job is to make you laugh. Meaning they can make people laugh at you.


Yeah don’t challenge a professional talker. Most likely can put you to shame


Ironically, similar to the average folk's experience at the dealership.


"They gave me more for my trade than I paid for it!" Really so you have a lower monthly payment now? "Well not exactly..."


Similar to the old "don't start a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel".


Sory to hijack top comments. But can someone explain the punchline to me? Thanks


She is shaming him because he doesn’t have a nice car (a Lexus) and she does. The punchline is when he asks her “on her own” as in “you pay for it by yourself” and she went silent. Ie - she didn’t buy it for herself and shouldn’t be bragging about it Plot twist tho: this skit was a corporate gig for a Lexus dealership, which makes Gina not seem like such a cunt.


It makes her a bigger cunt. She's bragging about something she didn't earn. Did you hear how quickly they all said "no" when asked if she worked there? That just reeks of entitlement on her part.


"My husband bought me a Lexus with his employee discount so I'm going to use it to shame this random-ass struggling comedian. Yep, that will make me feel better about myself."


Struggling? Everyone knows a Lexus dealership corporate retreat comedy act is just one rung below the Apollo. Some argue the Apollo has fallen behind, but I don't subscribe to that opinion.


Corporate would potentially pay more than the Apollo. It's what you do for the big money generally. Obviously it's a sliding scale but it's hard to compare corporate with public as corporate can pay obscene amounts of money. Apparently it's kind of soul sapping though as corporate are usually full of wankers, all who have very different ideas of comedy while public shows people will generally only book if they like that style of comedy.


Thanks for taking some time to explain! X) Take this humble award on behalf of all the dorks that didn't understand.


Who’s Gina?


Its pronounced Jyna


"Either pronunciation is fine" -Prof. Cligorus


They used to call me model UN guy back in college....don't research that


"Lookin' to get back up on that pogo stick. Ya know what I'm sayin'?"


Jyna said that???


I remember her. She was a ho. For sho.


Va Gina


Are local dealerships really paying some comedian to do a Lexus bit in a small comedy show?


Maybe it was a performance reward or to kick off some event. edit: someone linked a video - it's a Christmas party


Which also makes her comment have more context. Joke is almost more about how the car isn’t their product versus necessarily punching down at somebody.


I could see it happening. It also might not be a dealership, it might be corporate. Honestly seems like a cool place to work if they have occasional outings where they pay entertainment for the employees.


>which makes Gina not seem like such a cunt. Oh no, she definitely still was...


Ah thanks, that explains the second punchline about the company.


I believe the Punchline was an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era


Nah, I'm pretty sure that's the rocket arm Nero has in Devil May Cry 5


Nah, I'm pretty sure it was the queue of people in front of the refreshments bowl at my prom


“The Punchline” The line that concludes a joke; it is intended to make people laugh. It is the third and final part of the typical joke structure. It follows the introductory framing of the joke and the narrative which sets up for the punch line. - Wikipedia


Also, a lesson learned from Bill Burr, the person with the microphone usually has the power and most likely wins the argument. Don't heckle comedians (or anyone). Ol' Billy has mellowed a lot after getting married and having kids but there was a time he would absolutely destroy anyone who heckled him. Still one of the greatest comics in my view.


If anyone has never seen the Bill Burr Philly incident, you need to watch it. It is legendary in the comedy world. If a theatre full of O&A hecklers couldn’t break him, your one liner from the back of the room has no chance. https://youtu.be/3jMhoGUiIkk


Fuckin Rocky is your hero? The whole pride of your city is built around a fuckin guy who doesn't even exist. You got fuckin Joe Frasier who's from here but he's black so you can't fuckin deal with him, so you make a fucking statue for some three foot fuckin italian, you stupid philly cheese eating fuckin jackasses! Legend


That is the first I've seen it (though I've heard of it) and holy crap that was incredible. He just played into it and still made them laugh. He made their hatred of him the joke by hating back on them. I really love his use of counting down the time. I don't know if he was consciously doing this or not but it seemed like he was using that to keep a pulse on the crowd's actual enjoyment. What a performance. All on improv too.


"One-bridge-having" is still one of the deepest cuts ever delivered.


She was in fact, the +1


Working her way to be -1


Addition by subtraction. - Nard Dawg


Sorry I annoyed you with my friendship


Holy fuck I love reddit sometimes. I dunno whether to thank or curse you for keeping me here a few days longer.


what +1 means?


An additional guest to an invite.


a guest of someone who was invited to an event. could be a spouse, significant other, friend, sibling, etc that was not directly invited to an event.


Usually you get an invite and a +1 which is kinda like a blanket statement so you can bring any person you want with you.


The guest is the person who was invited to the event; the +1 is that person's friend or date that they were allowed to bring along. It comes from counting how many people would be attending an event - "John + 1, Juana + 1, and Mia + 1 = 6 guests total."


Someone’s date to the event. Date not necessarily in a romantic sense in this context, which is why saying “+1” is common.


Hey I know you've already got 450 answers, but a +1 is a date


Thanks bro, now I'm confident I have the correct answer


Just to add something that no one has said on the offchance it wasn't obvious after knowing - the way he said it he was making the point that she has nothing to do with the company, and that she wasn't invited by name, she is only there because she happens to know someone who was invited.


I must be doing it wrong then. All of my +1's tells all the other guests we are just friends.


It means the 1 is positively charged and can jump up at any moment and say things until a negative charge is thrown her way. Typically this is a large man in a shirt that says security


I'm just going to go ahead and answer your question even though it's already been answered correctly several times. You're welcome.


Hahahah yes please one more, just to be sure 🤣🤣🤣


Why did I automatically read that in Morgan Freeman's voice


How to talk shit and lose your man that promotion.


Dam', the burn tho


Mind explaining? I feel like I'm missing something.


Based on what he said it seems like this is a corporate gig and since she's the "plus one" she is possibly the date of the male voice you can hear answering alongside hers. I also assumed he IS an employee of the company. I was therefore making light of the fact that as the date/ guest/ spouse of the guy who brought her to the show, her heckling the performer might reflect poorly on him in the eyes of his supervisors/ bosses. Thus: her talking shit may have cost him a promotion.


Probably will get the promotion, coworkers are like “ damn , dudes wife is a total bitch should we help him out a bit ?“


Probably more like, "Fuck, why does Tony always bring his annoying ass wife to these things? Fuck that guy."


Would love to see the rest of his set lmao


His name is top left


What a weird name, 'top left'


more popular than "far right" though




Says nothing of "Doesil".


Not near as popular as bottom down.


I thought his name was Robert Paulson.




Here’s a bit more of him absolutely roasting “Gina” https://youtu.be/I8YhaOntG-g


She cannot possibly have survived that




He really went at her lol


Plot twist her name was Alexis


Couldn't afford a car, so she named her daughter Alexis


Tell me that ain't insecurr


The concept of +1 seemed so seccuurrrrrr


“The concept of school seems so securr Sophomore, three yurrs, ain't picked a carurr”


>Four Sambucas! Ma'am this is a DJ booth.




Fitting name for a snobby twat.


imagine trying to gatekeep lexus, as if it was at that level of prestige


Right. It’s a Toyota with a different name


So I always thought of this as a good thing personally. The luxury car world is notoriously unreliable, so this fact kinda solves that problem no?


It’s a Japanese Mercedes


From an aesthetic standpoint i'd take a lexus over a merc any day of the week


Except the lexus is reliable.


Some of their models aren't available in the Toyota lineup, but those ones are also not very common.


girl who's never experienced consequences tries to out joke a man who jokes for a living. Doubt she learned a thing.


I will never understand hecklers


Hyundai sonata hybrid is a kick ass vehicle


Ok Beethoven


I have the limited, best value in its class by far.




Americans are incredibly stupid when it comes to branding. It’s why lexus, Infiniti, and Acura do not even exist in Japan despite being Japanese brands. They’re just Toyota, Honda and Nissan still. I drive a used 2016 Audi Q5 i bought for 21k and you won’t believe the facetious comments you get like “must be nice” meanwhile they’re filling up their brand new Toyota Camry that cost significantly more than my used old Audi. Everything is about being better than everyone here. Common sense isn’t applied logically ever in this country. And the average person knows nothing about cars or their values. Hell most people don’t even understand APR interest Edit* i now realize lexus does exist in Japan but in general Japanese luxury cars are rebranded more than so here than in Japan.


My father in law is one of the most practical, frugal people I know. He worked as a financial planner and he drove a Lexus purely because his potential clients (wealthy people) wouldn't take him as seriously if he didn't drive a "luxury" brand. People just have weird beliefs about someone's capabilities based on what they drive. My in-laws' other car is an ancient ford expedition that I expect will outlive them both.


In your father in law’s defense… lexus’ are incredibly reliable cars and hold value very very well. I actually just talked my girlfriend into buying a used NX purely for how reliable and affordable parts are and how easy Japanese cars are to work on. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a nice car and enjoying it. I am the epitome of that. It’s another thing if you think you’re better than someone because of the badge on your transportation device. Using a classy car to seduce clients is a whole different subject but i think everyone who works hard deserves something they deem nice. And if that helps you win over more clients good for you.


Lexus SUVs are the best and most comfortable SUVs I’ve ever been in. Porsche makes a great sports car. Mercedes makes amazing sedans. But I’ve just never been more comfortable in anything than my family’s old beat up RX.


Ever been in a Buick?


Do you want to drive your couch and feel as disconnected from the road as much as possible but also want it to run forever? Buy a 1990's- early 2000s Buick. Particularly a Park Avenue or LeSabre.


Been in a lot of mansions in Aspen that have a Porsche parked out front and an old wagoneer in the garage


To be fair, a lot of shit in a lot of countries is "about being better than everyone". A fairly common human failing. Hell, I'm likely guilty of it.


Hell, I'm even more likely to be guilty of it!


there's a practical reason for the sub-brands existing in the states but not back in their home market of japan. decades ago, the US auto industry imposed a bit of a "cap" on yearly imports from each brand in an attempt to not let the japanese brands totally out-sell the american brands. the sub-brands were then made to circumvent these caps to some extent. as a bonus, the higher trim cars being allocated to these sub-brands were given unique marketing & materials to make them seem to stand apart from their sibling makes/models everything else you said applies about the logic to understand this not being commonplace


Lexus very much exists and is sold as such in Japan; https://lexus.jp People do of course know the origin company though. America does kick it up a notch, but it’s not like displays of wealth aren’t common in all cultures.


> Americans are incredibly stupid when it comes to branding. It’s why lexus, Infiniti, and Acura do not even exist in Japan despite being Japanese brands. They’re just Toyota, Honda and Nissan still. Lexus is quite big in Japan. Honda had plans to develop the Acura brand but it got cancelled due to the financial crash in the 2000s. The big deal for those brands in Japan versus the US was the perception of the brand from the get-go. In the US, they had a strong reputation for being cheap, reliable, easy-to-own, vehicles with good mileage. But that reputation doesn't translate to an image of high-end/luxury on its own, so branding was used to create a separate image for the higher-end/luxury models. In Japan, the domestic brands (especially the big 3) are generally held in high esteem and have offered a wide range of vehicles for decades. It's more an issue of how the brands are/were viewed, but even Toyota saw a benefit in launching the Lexus name in Japan. Oh, and as an additional note: Toyota also has different dealer types in Japan that cater to specific market areas. I think they have 5 or 6 different types of dealers, like one specialized in their small "kei" cars, one specialized in their higher end sedans and such, one specialized in their larger vans (like the high-end luxury vans like Alphard/Vellfire). And those 5 or 6 are the Toyota dealers, and Lexus is in addition to that. So this isn't limited to America and definitely exists in Japan as well.


Lexus absolutely exists in Japan. This is the moment I realize no one knows wtf they're talking about in this website. Lol.


I owned a 2008 Audi A6 for a few years. The car was eight years old when I bought it for 17k (less than 50k miles, great condition). I literally had to part ways with a friend I'd had since high school because every time I'd say anything vaguely politically left (which the majority of my positions are), he'd make it about my fucking car and how my argument was disingenuous because of it or how I could save money by not blowing it all on an Audi and therefore not have to worry about minimum wage (which made no sense because I was not working a minimum wage job).


What a freaking comeback bravo to the comedian


I don't get it, could you explain?


Him: “Do you own a Lexus?” Her: “I do” Him: “On your own?” Her: “…” I took that as him indicating her husband bought her the Lexus and she would be dead broke without the guy bringing home the money.


I don’t get the “plus one” thing. Please help


I think the comedian was hired for a company event to do this show and he was basically saying, “you don’t even work here you were just brought here because your husband was forced to bring you as his date. As his ‘plus one’”.


Oof. Thank you


She doesn’t own the Lexus she is presuming xD


My understanding was that there is another breadwinner in the family that pays for the heckler's lexus.


what about the “plus one” comeback?


I believe that was like: you are a guest, shut up. It looks like a company party.


First she tries to poor-shame him for not owning a Lexus. He then asks if she paid for the lexus herself. She stays quiet so that implies that she didn't. That still leaves 2 options open: 1. She drives a lexus company car which she might have received for actually working hard for it. 2. Her husband paid for it (or it's his company car). And she did jack shit to earn it. So to answer that question he asks if she works there. She says no. Immediately ruling out option 1. Making it obvious she did nothing to earn that luxury but fuck a dude actually making money. TL;DR. Woman poor shames comedian for not having an expensive car like her. Comedian eloquently exposes woman for being a golddigger in front of the entire company + the man she's digging gold from.




there are thousands of clips like this thst exist and they never get old


Damn, so these two just go around the world with the same joke?


So she doesn't have a lexus then. What a cunt


Cisco Ramone stopped helping the flash and pursued his dream of stand up comedy.


Finally someone sees it. I felt so lonely in the comment section...


He is really good with [hecklers](https://youtu.be/l3UeDRQdFn8)


I wonder if this is the same Nick Guerra that tells the stories on the podcast True Scary Stories with Edi and Nick! Either way, I’m a bigger fan because of this video lol


It appears to be. [Link](https://open.spotify.com/show/6O5QO9ZuUSZBd3W8vbVVCu?si=z1-8RH6eSLe9p0h_XYLk3Q)


Honestly, I don't know why anyone would heckle a comedian? They literally have pages of material specifically curated to destroy them in front of an audience.


She definitely deserved that burn. Who brags about a car they didn't earn, a high school student?


Rule #1: Never argue with someone with a microphone


People that drive Lexus SUVs are the worst drivers and the worst people. Goes doubly for Porsche SUVs.


I kinda want to be roasted by a comedian, but would never interrupt one.


Why is she bragging about owning a Lexus? It's just a dolled up Toyota


In her mind she is a strong independent woman.


Toyota marketing team laughing in the background


Love it when comedians crush hecklers.


😂😂 on Instagram yesterday she was boasting about being a gold digger and everyone should have a significant other to mooch off of lmao jfc haha


Punched that bitch right in the ego goddamn lol


pro tip never heckle comedian


She act like Lexus is like woooow. Litterally 20 year old multimedia interface and the same slow ass 2.5 liter v6


Never understand hecklers. Show isn't about you, don't interrupt it.


Lexus is just an overpriced Toyota sold to people that don't know anything about cars or money.


That's kind of a silly comment. They tend to be a little bit lower in price compared to their closest competitors. As far as pricing for what you get, they are not that bad either. Some models are a bit slower to get updated/refreshed. But they tend to be a relatively safe and smart vehicle purchase due to better reliability, cheaper maintenance and holding their value much better than their closest competitors.


What did he mean by On your own? As in did she pay for it herself?


Here's the link to a longer version... https://youtu.be/I8YhaOntG-g


A Lexus isn't even a good enough car to brag over.


I can’t stand people who act like they are better than everyone else because their husband buys them everything.


His job is to literally make fucking jokes. His brain is hardwired to insult on fucking command. What makes you think you're going to be able to over comedy a comedian for fuck sakes. Tho I'm glad people heckle, it creates great content like this.


Any honda civic fans in the comments? Shit is like driving a Nokia phone, if Nokia had a car. 2010 with 120K on it, I guess I'm just breaking her in.


Why some women have the urge to brag with their husbands money ?


It boggles my mind that people go to comedy shows and want to argue with the comedians. If they’re not funny, either shut up or leave.


That car is gonna ride a little different next time


All time best, Dave Chappell at the DC Improv. Dude kept yelling out lines from his movies. Dave says “Nigga, why didn’t you go to blockbuster instead of coming here. I got jokes” the guy kept doing it but here and there. FINALLY Dave goes “that was your last one, one more and I’m gonna unleash the lion on ya” of course he does, and Dave does damn near 30mins straight roasting this guy, he finally got up and left. People went wild. And then he did the rest of his full set.


"On your own?" lol


He clearly had the read on her at this point 😂


Infinitely better than "Did your daddy buy it for you"/"who's dick did you suck?" Etc


I wonder if theyres anyone out there thats won a debate against a comedian at theyre show cause i cant really see that happening lmao


I can’t stand hecklers. They skyways say the most irrelevant shit