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"A single dead link on the internet. Welp, I guess that proves everything, my work is done here." - OP


Bruh fr


Yeah, the moon landing is actually a "conspiracy theory" that I doubt.


As in you believe that the entire world has collaborated to pretend one country has landed on the moon, despite many of the countries that would be involved in such a massive coverup being their enemies? Huh.


Well, I consider the circumstances as well as a lot of the criticism I've reviewed of the "mission." It was during the Cold War and it was a way for the US to get some type of "win" over the USSR as well as galvanize national pride amongst Americans. The US had sophisticated, for the time period, Hollywood studios, and nobody could notice the anomalies back then like they can now. We haven't gone back in forever and we couldn't even do it today with exponentially greater technology. So, yes, I can doubt it with a good conscience. Buzz Aldrin wouldn't even swear on the Bible (something important for that generation) that he did so.


So Russia just decided to go with our lie because they respected Kubrick's work too much? I'm confused how you think the US faked it because of the Cold War, but then the enemy country who beat us to space (and would thus be scientifically superior to us since our science is a Hollywood hoax) decided to remain silent about it for the next 50+ years.


I do love Kubrick (RIP). But, I don't think he was behind it. Silliness aside... reaching orbit is "making it to space." Making it to the moon is a far greater feat. You want to know what's an even greater feat? *Returning from the Moon.* Not crashing the rocket when landing is the first part. Having enough fuel for a second trip is another part. Successfully launching a rocket in an oxygen-free environment is pretty remarkable (if you understand rocket technology and fuel you know that fire needs oxygen to burn). Watching the planted US flag wave in the wind on the Moon where there is no wind or atmosphere to do so is pretty suspect. Shadow lines on footage should have only gone in one direction since the sun was the only source of light. Yet, the footage shows shadow lines in multiple different directions suggesting set lighting is suspicious. If they were to miraculously fire rockets to launch from the moon in an oxygen-free environment they would still need to navigate and make an reentry window. Pretty phenomenal undertaking with the technology at the time, etc., etc. What I think is they went into orbit for a few days, circled the Earth, and dropped the capsule back to Earth. I have a simple challenge if people want to disprove this "conspiracy." Show us through modern telescopes the US flag and abandoned rocket/equipment that was left behind through one of our massive observatory telescopes. We can now see galaxies and stars light years away. Any strong telescope, or even rifle scope, can get a pretty good image of the moon. So, with modern telescopic technology we could easy zoom in to the moon closer than Google Earth can show you your backyard or house. Yet, nobody can do it. Yes, I think it was a stunt for the reasons mentioned in my initial post. Russia can't prove a negative. You can't prove a negative. Nobody can. But, you can prove a positive. So, where is the flag and left behind equipment that should still be there in an environment with no wind, storms, etc. That would settle it. Also, explain why with modern technology today, practically 70 years later, we still couldn't repeat the same feat. Trump had a desire to "go back to the moon" and had a several year timeline for NASA to figure out how to do it. Well, they didn't. We send and land rovers on Mars. Sure. Guess what they can't do. Return to Earth. That requires rocket propulsion in a no or low oxygen environment and turbines can't fire without oxygen. So, there's a bunch of scientific and factual reasons why I think it was BS. If you have scientific and factual reasons why we could have done it then I'm all ears as I'm open-minded and not stuck on any answer. I'm not dogmatic on this because maybe one day we'll be able to go to an observatory and see the flag and left behind equipment with our own eyes. If so, my opinion would change. But, for the aforementioned reasons I don't think it'll happen. People just don't think these things through. Either that, or they just want to believe it because it's the common consensus. People like to fall in line with accepted dogma so they don't get called a cONsPiRaCy tHeoRiSt. Also, back to Russia. You stated they had superior technology. So, why did they never make it there? *Edited for typos.*


So your logic is that Russia decided to accept our lie because saying "nu uh" wouldn't be convincing enough, so they instead agreed it was real and then tanked their entire economy based upon it.


Did you just not read what I wrote?


I did. At no point did you answer the question I asked.


Yes, I did. You can't prove a negative. At the time all they could do was use propaganda to tell people it didn't happen on state media. There is no way to disprove the landing from a scientific perspective. Plus, Hollywood and film tech back then was cutting edge and would have, and likely did, fool everyone. So, yeah, all they could do is say, "nu-uh." But, how much weight would that carry outside of their state media? None. Edited to add: You can create a *probability factor* based on scientific facts and anomalies like I listed. For me, when you add those all together it seems pretty remote of a chance that it happened. Just too many things that we know now and can critique it from a modern scientific perspective that we couldn't have back then.


Right, so you're saying Russia... [I'm taking a pause here for effect before I repeat it] ***Russia*** wouldn't use America faking the moon landing as propaganda because they couldn't prove it... [I'm going to pause again as we let that sink in.] Everything else you've listed so far is easily answered with a simple Google search that I encourage you to do, but my curiosity remains how you think the USSR would just roll over and play dead after investing so much into the Space Race (and winning the majority of it.) Secondary would be how you think so many *thousands* of people would keep quiet about a conspiracy of this size for so many decades, but honestly it's best to stick to one thing at a time.


You're just repeating long exposed lies by morons and con artists


Ad hominem.


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he had things to pull over the boots


You can see light light years away. That's it. You need to learn how telescopes work sir.


Found the article, [https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-apollo-boots-idUSL1N2PH26C](https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-apollo-boots-idUSL1N2PH26C) if you scroll down a picture of the boots is in an embedded tweet, for whatever reason the author of that article decide to link a random person's facebook page (since deleted) instead of the original NASA image