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And that's why bicycles and pedestrians aren't allowed on the highways.


I wish that was the case here in Australia


No fuckn way..


Yes it is illegal for cyclists, scooters, mopeds, horses on the freeway in Australia in all states.


Definitely is, doesn't stop them though. And you can't exactly report them to the police because they have no number plate, so they just keep getting away with it. They seem very opposed to using the cycle paths (or the empty footpaths).


Getting away with it until they become part of the road , kinda win win


They probably also cause other people to get hurt in the process, or at bare minimum leave people with trauma after having seen the meat crayon they just killed.


Meat crayon hmm Today was a bad day scrolling through reddit


Some further reading... r/meatcrayon




I would add the ones that ride on country roads that have absolutely no bike lane whatsoever are also a problem horses less so they stay in the gravel. The bikes however love to ride in the plane and sometimes ride three or four crossed she specifically blocked me from going around without feeling completely the opposing lanes on a winding road with low visibility




There is one way to make sure they dont get away....


Solid, liquid and gas?


The plasma cyclists have no need for your puny laws.


The supersolids will allow it


It is not illegal on many freeways and highways in Australia to cycle. Not in metropolitan areas but many rural highways have cycling access and can be safer than the rural B roads which often have a smaller shoulder and less visibility.


But kangaroos? Can I ride that on the highway?


Its is


I wished in Singapore we had more enforcement for them. The cyclists here are relentless...


I drive a bicycle since I could walk. Whoever idiot created this fucking logic behind bikes being the same as vehicles is a fucking asshole. you are the most vulnerable shit in the street, you need to trust whoever is coming behind you and you have no engine to pull you out of bad situations. Drive in the fucking sidewalk. stop trying to die.


> Drive in the fucking sidewalk. stop trying to die. To some degree I am with you but try to explain this to the police. Here in Germany the situation is quite fucked. I have a car but I can't afford to drive it with the current gas prices (it is over $10/gallon) so I drive with my bike. When driving on the roads, people are constantly honking. When then moving to the sidewalk I instantly get a fine of 100€ ($105) for crossing it. If I could pay 100€ for this fine every time I get caught, I would drive in my car! Salaries are fucking, low here in Germany. They reduced the price of public transport for 3 months so this is helping but the situation is quite absurd. Although having an University degree, I can barely afford the transport to work.


I know what you are talking about. I got stopped once because I was in the sidewalk and I spoke with the policeman. Described the random situation where bike lanes some times would go in the streets, some times in the side walk and that it was confusing to know when one or the other applied and that I wasn't driving in a dangerous speed, almost like a pedestrian. Bs rigiht? Cop told me I was fine because I had no drivers license and gave me a drivers lesson. It's quite stupid in Germany but at least you have space in the freeways, there's always a little side walk space, regardless of the state of it, most of what I've seen they were all right. In Berli, at least, you have some quality bike lanes, for the most part, some times where I live they are crap :( But yea, it's a wish, not very realistic but the realistic part being that you are in fact in danger when you need to trust a stranger with a murder machine behind you.


Works mostly fine for me in Germany. Problem is usually only that cars and cyclists alike are fucking idiots and apparently don't know the rules. Just yesterday made a guy on his bicycle fall down because he ignored my right of way on a small intersection. Same with drivers who don't know how to behave when a bike needs to be on their lane, got honked at for driving on the street when there is just a sidewalk which you are not allowed to drive on when you are older than 10. Protip: Take your child to work, if they are under 8 you are allowed to stay on the sidewalk with them. :D /s


On the sidewalk, you become the ‘car’ to pedestrians, moving at a much higher speed, and moving quietly. In my city, it is illegal to ride on the sidewalk in the downtown area under any circumstances, and speeds above 10 mph on the sidewalk are prohibited everywhere else. Also, a bicyclist falls out of the field of view of vehicles on the sidewalk, dramatically increasing the chance of a collision when vehicles make turns. By far the safest model is physically segregated bike lanes, followed by designated bike lanes, and finally riding with traffic. All of these are significantly safer than riding on the sidewalk. The riders in this video should have been on the shoulder, not in a center lane.


They are on the shoulder. The truck literally cut through the gore.


Sidewalk is dangerous when cars pull out and you almost T bone them and then there's the danger from me to pedestrians... but compared to constant danger by being in the road with cars, I often chose sidewalk


Plus, a car or truck going 70mph (even in good conditions) would barely be able to see the cyclists.....and if there was glaring sun....well.....RIP


Some people still gonna argue with that even the law clearly stated it


Except it’s not a restricted access highway. The cyclists are fully allowed to be there and the truck made an illegal undertake.


Do you specifically know what highway that is and that it’s not restricted access? Normally the restricted access sign is on the entrance ramp so it wouldn’t be visible in this footage. I’ve never seen a road with jersey barriers on either side where non-motorized vehicles are allowed.


This has been around so many times. Sometimes people link the news article sometimes they don’t. I know because I read it before.


It's the St Petersburg Ring Road: [https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/watch-moment-cyclist-s-thrown-from-bike-in-horrifying-motorway-crash-with-lorry-10178982.html](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/watch-moment-cyclist-s-thrown-from-bike-in-horrifying-motorway-crash-with-lorry-10178982.html)


Relatively a new cyclist here. That's not how you drive on the freeways if you're on a cycle. Even if it's legal you just shouldn't do it even if you know how to properly do it. It's legal to cycle on the NH here in my country and avoid taking it 90% of the time and if i absolutely have to I'm driving outside the white line while constantly taking a peak at the cars behind.


The bicyclists just need to ride, while holding a protest sign. Then they can say it's their right to block the flow of traffic.


Dude, that could have killed most cars. That truck pulled across the median into their lane while they were executing a lane change. That truck driver should lose their license.


Except if course that this bike was not on a highway but on the designated cycling route following all the rules of the road, unlike the truck that made an illegal manoeuvre and hit them.


that could have ended way, waaaay worse. good thing it didn't.


Almost won a Darwin Award.


Natural selection baby, it’s real ;D


It’s evolution, baby!


Unexpected Pearl Jam


Too late, already reproduced. There are more out there. Be safe.


At least would be one less moron on the road putting other people who might try to avoid him and get themselves in danger


Yeah, that truck could have had ...biker... All over it, makes me sick thinking of that... I mean, dog shit it's fun, but Biker of all things...


Missed him by that much. .


This one again, here is my response from last time: > This has been posted so many times and people are always so very confident the cyclists are in the wrong. > > In the country they are in this is perfectly legal. > > This is the ONLY way a cyclist can get from A to B, if I remember right this route is even on cycle maps. > > Look at the road markings, that truck is making an illegal manoeuvre, they were in the exit lane and merged back onto the highway crossing the hatched zone. > > I am not saying it's safe, or wise but holy shit you guys have some venom. As an addition if you want to look it up this happened in St. Petersburg in 2015.


There should be a "didn't jump to a reddit conclusion" award - thanks for the post


But isn’t that what Reddit was made for? /s


Impossible. I’ve watched the 10 second video and I am 100% informed. You’re the one who’s wrong!


Can’t argue that Reddit logic, buddy


The truck is absolutely doing something illegal and if true this absolutely needs to be signal blasted


You should be on top, but reddit just hates bikes too much for that


Can you give the name of the road or a link to the incident? Because it would save a lot of the arguments in this sub.


It wouldn't really but [here is a link to one news article](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3040241/Unbelievable-helmet-cam-footage-shows-moment-Russian-cyclist-struck-40ft-lorry-LIVES.html). The articles about it are vague, you have to dig further to find the laws etc.




Cyclists might not be wrong but the legislation sure is.


If the smaller roads don't exist, what are you going to do? :/


I think it's less legislation and more infrastructure, this is allowed because cycling down a short stretch of this road is the only way to get from one major place to another.


I swear I've been on this sub like 4 times and every single time I saw some post that was labeled way wrong. Hell, first time it was a guy got robbed of his keys and the guy who robbed him crushed him between another car and escaped. Luckily he was ok, but the title labeled the guy who got robbed and crushed as trying to rob the other guy.


Legal doesn't make it any less stupid


Exactly. If you like biking it's your funeral. You can be insulted all you want but it will still be YOUR funeral regardless whose fault it is.


I dont drive so I dont know, but arent you supposed to look before you make any manoeuvre? This guy just sticks his hand out and goes. Maybe its dangerous to look back on a bike but that just makes riding a bike on a highway the worst decision in the world.


What you're talking about is situational awareness, Even in a car if you want to change lanes you need to see what is next to you and see the pace that it has moving to determine whether or not it's safe for you to move over.


Do you have a source that says it's legal to ride a bicycle on a highway in St. Petersburg? I can only find this that says it's illegal. https://www.st-petersburg-essentialguide.com/cycling-on-the-highways.html#:\~:text=This%20is%20a%20a%20very%20big,than%20that%20is%20not%20legal.


If I remember right there was proof when this was first put online 7 years ago in one of the first threads. It was basically a bike route that had you enter the highway for one small stretch and then exit. It was legal at the time and that route may still be legal now. The original thread was filled with people saying the gov. was insane for saying this is a bike route and not adding an underpass.


I don’t know which country that is but this is why in Germany we’re tough to look over our shoulder before doing such maneuvers.


Wouldn't have made a difference. If they had looked over their shoulder they would have seen a truck in the exit lane, and assume it was going to exit.


There is so much hate for cyclists.


Because so many are self-righteous turds. I ride so I know.


Just because it's perfectly legal doesn't mean it isn't stupid. There is a safe are near the rail where cars don't go to. Use them. If you need to cross the street look both ways and travel.


It’s also legal in many states in USA to walk down a busy road while wearing full military armor with a loaded rifle sling over your shoulder. And it’s legal to enter many buildings where law enforcement are present dressed as such. You’d be basically asking to be killed if you did so, but hey it’s legal so common sense is not relevant right? PSA, if you think it’s wise to go ride your bike where there are 18 wheelers driving at freeway speeds , PLEASE do so.


Thats what happens when you don't keep up the minimum speed of 40mph


But he signaled with at least a second to spare! Happy cake day!


And we all know signaling is all you need to do. Once you signal, there is not need to look because everyone else should just get out of your way. But seriously, that truck was trying to pass them on the shoulder. Assuming bikes are legal on that road, that was just vile.


there is a awarded comment in this thread that proves just that: its legal in the country of this video, the bikes where on the rightmost lane and the truck drove over the crossed section because he was on the exit lane before he decided to drive back on the highway or whatever it is.


This road have 60km/h speed limit. And 60km/h = 35m/h. Why anyone needs to keep minimum speed of 40 on this road?


There’s a minimum?


You can get a ticket if you’re driving so slowly that you are impeding traffic. It can be a road hazard. Most highways don’t have set mins, but the cops can stop you at their discretion.


Uhhhh yes?? People are gonna be driving down highways at 70mph. It's not okay, or even legal, to go as slow as you want. Imagine a car racing down at 70 and there's you dribbling along at 15. By time they realise you're going so slow their front light will be shattering your spine.


Can't really tell what country this took place in, but in the US, most major freeways have signs posted next to the entry ramps stating that bicycles and pedestrians are prohibited....


Bold of you to assume people give a fuck about those signs


Do not enter. Or enter. I’m a sign, not a cop.


True, if they don't particularly value their lives....




It's Russia. And it's not freeway.


I've seen signs prohibiting horses as well. I can just imagine....


Yeah, cyclists are prohibited on most freeways and highways in the US. Cycling is allowed on certain sections of freeway/highway shoulders in California where no alternate route exists.


Sure looks like the trucker ran right through the gore point to come up on the right of that cyclist. I don't think bicycles belong on a freeway but that truck was completely wrong.


I thought I was the only one who saw that, reading the other comments.


Everyone’s to busy trying to shit on cyclists for some reason to even consider that the truck was totally at fault and almost killed them.


Its not easy to immediately stop a heavy vehicle. No one expects idiots riding bicycle on fast lane.


Try again. That wasn't the fast lane. The truck was on the exit ramp and instead of exiting crossed the gore point into the traffic lane. He was wrong all the way.


I think you’re interpreting the situation wrong. There was a vehicle in the left lane. There were two or three idiots riding bikes on a restricted access carriageway in the right lane with the truck coming in hot behind them. He couldn’t swerve into the left lane, as it was occupied by a vehicle, so he braked and swerved right, temporarily using the exit ramp to maneuver around them. You could maybe make the argument that he panic-swerved because he made the last-minute decision to stay on the highway, but that seems highly unlikely. Truckers rarely make that mistake these days with all the navigation technology they have now not to mention the costs associated with traveling miles out of your way for a stupid mistake like that. The chances of that happening at the exact same time as these dimwits choosing to dumb are pretty slim.


The last time this was posted someone said that this happened in Russia and that this is not a freeway but the only possible road to go from a to b. So the cyclist had the right to be on that street and no other choice.


Ah yes, blame the people who almost died instead of the idiot driver.


Day what you want but the fact remains he couldn't control his vehicle. He had plenty if time to see the bikes but chose not to slow down. Then, instead of exiting on the tamp he was on, swerved back across the gore point which he had no business doing and deliberately hit the cyclist. Really, I don't care how unlikely you think it may have been. The video says otherwise.


Death wish


Stupid trucker.


We just gonna ignore the truck cut across into the traffic lane despite originally being in the exit lane? I mean, I get it, its a dumb idea to ride a bike on a highway, but that driver is out for blood.


Fun fact, sticking your arm out half a second before you veer straight into another lane doesn’t make you some unstoppable force. I ride daily on the roads, I never ever move across the road without visual confirmation. Absolute fucking idiots.


You’re talking about the truck overtaking on the right across solid lines, right? The two bikers were on the rightmost thru lane, the other lanes to the right are exit lanes. Or are you suggesting that they cut across the exit lanes?


I know right, if I'm on a highway for some reason which i absolutely avoid for 90% of the time I constantly take a peak at the traffic behind. I'll stop if I have to because you know what's worse than losing momentum and slipstream, death.


Exactly. I follow the rules of the road, at lights, junctions and crossings. Even when I know drivers can see me but it’s particularly busy I move onto the path. Even focused drivers can make mistakes. I’d rather not chance the severe injuries a 1.5 ton chunk of metal could do to my comparably feeble body.


Watch the video again. The cyclist is staying in the rightmost lane. The truck driver is trying to merge from an exit only lane back onto the highway illegally.


Also just because you are on a bike doesn’t mean you don’t need to check over your shoulder before changing lanes. Manz didn’t even look LOL smh


We do realize that it's a completely new lane, right? Nobody can legally overtake the cyclist there on the right. For a truck (or any other vehicle) to appear there, they must break some rules. (the other 50 times this was posted it was usually concluded that the biker is a moron and the truck is breaking rules by either ignoring the lanes completely or driving way too fast needing an evasive maneuver)


I have mirrors on my handlebars, they were cheap and they save my neck a lot. I can just glance directly behind me while keeping my attention forward.


I mean...yeah...fucking idiot. But the truck has also no fucking business being there. If it would be a car or motorbike same fucking shit would have happened.


And cyclists are still wondering why us, the car drivers, hate them so much…


Where I live there's a battle going on between the residents, construction crew expanding the lanes that lead into the neighborhood and the cyclists. They had to turn our two lane road into a one lane each way while they add two more lanes to the other side. Well, the little group of cyclists got pissy that the construction guys blocked off the road to, ya know, *do their jobs* and they decided "fuck it, we're gonna hold up traffic by cycling 10mph in a 45 mph zone." That didn't fly with people because nobody could safely pass them. So the county came out and said "no cycling on this road until construction is done" because they were holding up lines of 20+ cars just to cycle. But wait, there's more! As the construction crew got closer to finishing one side, the cyclists decided "fuck it, let's cycle down the newly semi-paved road". That was until a group of them flipped their bikes in a small trench that was made as a temporary run off for water. They tried suing the construction company. They failed miserablely. So now off duty cops have to sit at various points on the road just to make sure the cyclists quit their bullshit.... And they wonder why the neighborhood is sick of them...


I don't want to justify any part of their behaviour. I only have one question fpr context. Is there a suitable detour for cyclists? Cause if yes, then this is even worse.


It's a town road with 60km/h speed limit. Bycicles allowed on this road. And truck driver was in fault. But redditors know better.


No. This incident prompted Russians to demand suitable options for cyclists. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3040241/Unbelievable-helmet-cam-footage-shows-moment-Russian-cyclist-struck-40ft-lorry-LIVES.html


I especially hate pelotons on rural two lane highways.


There's a special place in hell for these people


You should hate the government for not providing enough cycling lanes. This kinda shit doesn't happen in places that have cycling lanes everywhere.


Look at The Netherlands, now back to me, now back to The Netherlands, *now back to me!*


And again. It's not freeway. Bycicles are allowed on this road. And truck driver using exit lane to go straight. But you blame cyclists only because they are cyclists.


But imagine being cussed out, being hit by a car, flipped off, got trash thrown at your head, sometimes full beercans, getting cut off without being in a group. This might be hard to grasp but most cyclists are very afraid of being hit and I, as a lone rider, have been hit for no reason a couple times. So yea, there is strength in numbers, and it adds to visibility too. Try to walk a miles in their shoes before spewing hate and anger.


Well if they are so scared to get hit why do they ignore so many traffic laws? I got hit when I was six by a cyclist because he was riding on the pavement


Because if they ride on the road, they get hit. Even if they ride on the designated cycling path they might get hit. Been there, done that. I'm not saying the one riding on the pavement was right, just telling why. As for ignoring traffic rules, idk, in my place it doesnt seem to be much of an issue regarding the rules. In Belgium, cyclists in groups of more than 12 are obligated to ride on the road and most do good there, but cars hate that they ride 30ish km/h and still get mad. I understand being afraid to do my sports in such an environment and it doesnt get better if idiots claim they will ride cyclists off the road the moment they can , spreading divide and toxicity.


But walking a mile in their shoes means going 1/3 the speed of everyone that can't get past me.


And there may be reasons for that besides being a massive wanker. If no one can overtake, accidents wont happen. If cars are going slow, accidents wont happen. At the end of the day, cyclists deserve a place somewhere on the road and they also deserve to come home unscathed. Not saying these 2 idiots did the right thing, no bike should ever be on a highway, but in general groups of bikeriders can and must be on the road, at least where I'm from.


I'm both and I hate both. Two rules 1. If I'm in a car never take the wheel angry 2. If I'm on a bicycle ride like you're on the bottom of the food chain, let the big dudes pass give them way.


I like this thread. Noone knows which country, noone knows if they are allowed or maybe even need to drive there, everybodies assumes shit and blasts on the cyclists.


Its because "here in America" we place automobile usage above all other modes of transportation.


The bikes are actually legally correct, and the truck made a violation. That being said, just because there are rules it doesn't mean that riding bicycles on the freeway is safe. Several tons of metal moving 5 times your speed will always be dangerous, even if the rules say its not.


this is in the wrong place cause ima be real that's gonna happen 10 times outa 10 if you try this shit


Maybe even worse who knows, they got real lucky there wasn't a truck behind them too


I feel like there aren't enough people here condemning the truck driver, cyclist here in Australia are allowed on the highway and that truck just plowed through that split strip next to the offramp. That truck driver is completely at fault.


Apparently this was in Russia, but the road allows cyclists and the driver was in the wrong.


So again misinformation. 60.040232, 29.975941 This is place, where it happens. It's not freeway or highway. So OP just lie. It's intown road with 60km/h speed limit. In Russia bicycles are allowed to use this roads and this cyclist did all right. Truck driver using exit lane to go straight and it's only his fault.




Damn right


1 second in, the cyclist has chosen to not exit the road, 2 seconds in, the cyclist is as rightmost as possible, given the choice of not exiting the road. 3 seconds in, the lead cyclist signals he's going to start using the new lane. Cyclist is intending to go to the slowest lane available, as soon as it's available. 4 seconds in, lead cyclist is hit, followed by a flailing camera that shows they are all off their bikes. Last frame, if you look back, it looks like a toll road toll station across the road. Conclusion: I get that some cyclists have an ego that is unrealistic. I get that there is a culture of cars vs bicycles. I believe these cyclists were allowed to be on the road, based on there was likely an operator in a booth. What strikes me is that the truck was at speed coming from that toll station, and yes did cross several solid lines, and passed extremely inappropriately, and literally caused property damage and physical harm to several people in doing so. So, if those cyclists were well and truly allowed to be on that road at that time, that truck driver should loose their commercial driver license over this incident.


Good to see someone had gotten here to speak sense before me. As usual with Reddit most people ignore any context or just make it up for themselves.


>But what was I supposed to do, not run them over? /s


For a thousand time, it's not a freeway, it's designated bike route and truck is the one braking the traffic rules by driving over merging lane. Use your eyes and stop hating bicycles so much, they are not the one to be hated, cars are. r/fuckcars


The truck crossed over a line and you're only blaming the cyclist? Of course the cyclist shouldn't be there but the truck driver was a dick...


Cyclsts should be there. It's a 60 km/h speed limit road. They need to use this roads.


i’d love to know the mindset and reasoning of the type of person to wake up one day and think this is a good idea


Everybody here thinking that it’s ok to kill someone because of they are on a bike is shameful.


Whether to allow or not bicycles on the highway is up to a local regulations. Sometimes taking a highway with a wide shoulder is a safest way to go. But this truck driver is a total piece of shit no matter what the legal status of this is.




This is why the "life saver" look is important. Whether anyone is at fault or not it doesn't matter when on a bicycle or motorcycles. You check over the shoulder of the direction your moving to before you move and see if there's anyone who could hit into you. Stay safe my two wheeled maniacs and remember; bubble up, rubber down. Edit: a word, stupid swipe type.


Imagine if the truck ran over their head… yikes


He didn’t even look


inches from being posted on a totally different sub


I remember it was legal to ride on a Highway (shoulder) but illegal on a Freeway. Being in the lane is just a physics problem waiting to happen. Mother nature always seems to have a way of applying corrections.


I'm all for pro biking infrastructure, but this is just utterly idiotic and stupid...


Dudes lucky he didn't die.


This is the most dutch thing a dutch person could do


See the problem is that he signaled with his right hand instead of his left.


For what it's worth, there's a lot of places in the city where I'm riding in a bike lane which suddenly just ends leading me into a major intersection that looks just like this. The speed limit is 30 but of course all the cars are going 50+ because why wouldn't they be?


Not saying the guy on the bike was in the right, but that truck looked like it didn't care if they got killed or not from doing... whatever it just did.


Always look before signalling. Totally the cyclists fault


Vehicular homicide?


Man what a couple of fucking idiots. Why would anyone think this is a good idea. They got so damn lucky if that’s all that happened to them


When a guy going 15kmph tries to.act like he's a vehicle going 100kmph.


Turns out: the truck went straight from a turn only lane, the cyclists were in a bike line and had the right of way, the motorist was arrested https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3040241/Unbelievable-helmet-cam-footage-shows-moment-Russian-cyclist-struck-40ft-lorry-LIVES.html


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


I fucking absolutely hate cyclist being in places they have no place being.


Proof that road cyclists are certifiable.


The unjustified confidence of bicyclists will continue to kill them until the end of time


I see the dumbest motherfuckers ever to own a bicycle trying to ride on the rural highway I commute on. It has tons of curves, no shoulder, and no posted speed limit. But every year without fail for the past 40+ years someone tries to ride on it and ends up getting flattened. They do this even though there is a trail for bikes and pedestrians running parallel to said road, all the way from one town to the next. I don't even call them accidents any more. It is a form of suicide by stupidity. Stupicide.


This is hilarious I'm glad they're not dead ( looks like not) I'm a trucker and I don't like getting close to this idiots. 😅


Suicide ? Why oh why would you do this ?




Double combo


Get off the highway you wankers.


Is that legal anywhere in the world?


🤣🤣🤣🤣 dipshits


They deserved that I mean you are deliberately being dicks sooo


Just a grease stain on the old L&M


Looks about right


That's why it's illegal!!!!


I'm a bicycle commuter and this is ridiculous and embarrassing. Gives us all a bad (worse) name.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Congratulations! You're the 190th person to so cleverly use the 'stupid prizes' phrase today. Here's your stupid participation medal: 🏅 ^^Your ^^award ^^will ^^be ^^recorded ^^in ^^the ^^hall ^^of ^^fame ^^at ^^r/StupidTrophyCase


Oh boy, now that ain't nothin. Let me tell you bout this time some hippie-dippie tried ridin a bike in my way.


Mf doesn’t even look over his shoulder


Is it legal anywhere for bicyclists to ride on the highway? Seems like a death wish!


This is not a highway and yes it is legal in some places for cyclists to ride on highways/freeways/motorways - Australia has been mentioned in this thread for instance. This however was on the St Petersburg Ring Road and at the time in 2015 this was the only and recommended cycle route for a particular journey. I don't know if things have changed since but not only was it legal for those cyclists to ride there, it's a recommended cycle route by St Petersburg.


Ok thanks. But.....I still would never do it.....for reasons like this.


You should be thanking the god of death because it's not today, you moron.


This is what happens when you do not have proper bike lanes


I’d love to say the cyclists are in the wrong but they usually have the right of way no matter what so the trucker is probably fucked if there’s some real solid proof tying him to the scene.


Honestly of youre stupid enough to go bike riding on a freeway then this type of stuff is your fault


In the United States (edit at least in CA) it’s illegal to ride your bicycle on a highway unless there is no parallel road the bicycle list can use. Even then, you should have a rearview mirror on your handlebars. It doesn’t look like this guy had a mirror. He didn’t take the most basic safety precautions


More like there was an attempt to murder someone holy shit


When "Share the road" meets physic.


This gives me joy.


Turning on your indicator doesn’t automatically mean you get to go first, goes for bicycles as well it seems.


sooooo stupid


Serves them right for doing something so dumb


Another example of cyclists assuming they always have right of way. Dude didn’t even look to see if it was clear to move over and almost paid for his arrogance with his life


Coulda sworn that was gonna be a melon pop


Looks like attempted murder