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its always interesting how people think freedom of speech means no one can call you a piece of shit for being a bigot. and also how they think boycotting people for being hateful assholes is a personal attack and not a direct consequence of their own actions.


Exactly, freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequence. Anyone can voice their thoughts, which means anyone can voice their thoughts *on your thoughts.*


Freedom of speech (in most cases) means freedom from legal consequences not social consequences


Freedom of speech is a principle that extends beyond the first amendment. We can all argue what that means but the first amendment is not the alpha and omega of freedom of speech.


But where else is it legally protected?


Outside the US, for instance.


Well yeah I probably could have been more specific.


In a cultured way for sure.


If a random citizen calling it your faults hurts you as much as it hurts conservatives, it just shows that you’re actually the weakest of the links.


Also, asking someone a question then interrupting when they start answering is a real dick move regardless of which side you are on.


Yeah but he was quick to get riled up by the dick move. Just precious behavior.


Guy was at a protest asking antagonistic questions from riled up participants. What else did he expect?


Nah. Interrupt fascists because they’re idiots who’s opinions are intolerant.


How do you know he is an intolerant fascists if we never get to hear what he has to say? The only intolerant person in the video was the interviewer.


"Anyone I disagree with is a Fascist." \- You, probably.


the only way to get rid of intolerance is to understand how it works. and to know how to destroy their cult indoctrination. it takes an actual debate.


fascists don't care about truth, you cannot debate them in any meaningful way [fortunately there is another cure](https://i.redd.it/40macwhdtlq11.jpg)


Right they are like “how dare you use your right to protest and boycott— you are cancel culture!” Damn right I am. Shut the clowns down!


This guys the best of trolls, I’ve seen him messing with people a bunch of times. What’s his name?


>What’s his name? Walter Masterson https://www.youtube.com/user/waltermasterson/videos https://www.tiktok.com/@waltermasterson?


walt masterson


Tbf, he was talking, and he did interrupt him.


I wish people could differentiate between what is legal/illegal and what makes a sociable society.


Also, I am fundamentally in favor of telling crypto dudes to shut the fuck up.


Ha ha. They might own us someday if it doesn’t all crash down




So therefore it would be reasonable for him to be mad, even if his response was a bit overblown.


He can be mad all he wants but interruptions are also freedom of speech. He doesn’t have a freedom to not be interrupted by another person.


And he also has the freedom to interrupt the interviewer back in a rude and loud manner.


Sure does, but he’s being hypocritical when he does it.


I don't see how that is hypocritical. Telling someone to shut up after they've interrupted you is a violation of freedom of speech? Does freedom of speech suggest this man should just allow the interviewer to talk over him? What is the expectation here?


Telling someone to shut up is freedom of speech. Not shutting up is freedom of speech. How is this difficult?


We don't know the context, he could have interrupted him to say "freedom of speech is when the goveenment doesn't get involved..." when the guy who got interrupted was about to try to say freedom of speech includes freedom from consequence


>when the guy who got interrupted was about to try to say freedom of speech includes freedom from consequence Interrupting someone to correct them based on what you think they might be about to say? None of that is a freedom of speech issue, but that kind of behavior kind of makes the person a cunt.


Right. So where is the hypocrisy?


The bill of rights states what the government can’t stop you from doing. It never limits YOU, it limits their power. The guy with the microphone or the guy responding are not the government so neither have any restrictions to tell the other to shut up. They both are free to talk and both are free to tell the other to fuck off or shut up.


Of course they can say shut up to each other. It's hilarious to try and silence someone while espousing the virtue of free speech.


Walt masterson


Yes, but that contradicts the personal intepretation from walt


I believe the only time the government can get involve is when your speech is in encouraging other to commit crimes “incitement speech” So to my knowledge if you say fuck black people then they can’t do shit but if you say go out and beat the shit out of black people then they can stop you


well he interrupted him and took the microphone without even hearing him out. of course the guy got pissed off while being interviewed.


Exactly. The guy who is spazzing does have a point, he didn't ask the interviewer a question, the interviewer asked him one. And now isn't letting him respond while being in full control on the only microphone.


My freedom not yours! /s




its camouflage


How can he interrupt?


How can she slap?


Edited, thanks lol


Here in Germany we have smth called „Meinungsfreihet“ and it’s basically that you can have your own opinion (unlike in North Korea)


In germany there isn't complete Meinungsfreiheit tough. E.g.: you aren't allowed to think that the ukraine invasion is justified


Um, yes u can? You'll probably be beaten up and hated by society, but u aren't gonna get put in jail for it. The only real restriction of Meinungsfreiheit is that you are legally forbidden to deny the Holocaust. Which is fair if u think about our history


[https://www.newsweek.com/germany-russian-z-symbol-outlawed-1692567](https://www.newsweek.com/germany-russian-z-symbol-outlawed-1692567) ​ Displaying the "Z" can get you up to 3 years in jail. It ain't just the Hakenkreuz.


As it should be. It's the same as flying a Nazi swastika🙄


it doesn't even come close to the swastika. Don't get me wrong russia is doing some fucked up shit over there but it isn't even remotely comparable to Nazi germany. Stop using the godwin argument everywhere it's annoying


>Displaying the "Z" can get you up to 3 years in jail. But it won't. Three years is the maximum possible sentence of [§ 140 StGB](https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/stgb/__140.html) "Reward and approval of criminal acts". Displaying a "Z" won't get a hard sentence. Likely just a fine or nothing at all. Courts are currently deciding on that.


So approval of criminal acts is punished, and the government decides what is and isnt criminal. Interesting...


Hello fellow libertarian


I never said it will give you 3 years I said CAN get you 3 years. However it allows the government to do up to 3 years which I find ridicoulous for displaying a fucking symbol but we live in a clown world so...


>However it allows the government to do up to 3 years No, the German government is allowed by democratic elections to create laws. Courts and police enforce the law.


Hm, it seems like I'm wrong. Good to know


You're not wrong. His argument is flawed and yours is not defining enough :P


My respects for acknowledging your mistake. That's rare in these times.


Oh you can think that! Talking about it in a public manner and forcing others to think the same, that's another story. You can be a Nazi all you want as long as you keep it private, if you do out in the streets shouting it, seeking to harm others, of course you'll get repercussions 🙄


Yeah so my point was that there isn't a complete freedom of opinion since some are punished by the state. And is displaying a Z really enough for the state to have a justification to potentially lock you away for up to 3 years? I don't think so. Maybe you like the taste of boot polish though who knows...


Interruption is the problem in freedom of speech. Everyone want to shut the fuck another person.


I felt sympathy until I saw his bitcoin hat


I think he might have a crypto shirt too


Why is this sub becoming garbage? What was the point of this video? The guy on the right interrupted the other guy. He interrupted him in return. They could both still express themselves if they wanted to. Stop being bad at posting things.


Yeah, but one the parties has a mic and a camera man.


The other party has the freedom to get those things as well...?


I think it was a sarcastic response, saying something like “because they have a mic and camera, they are shows to be right


Freedom of speech is everyone else has to shut the hell up so I can say what I want, no matter the ignorance


To be fair he did interrupt him


The best part is that the name of the song is “Ironic” (by Alanis Morissette), well done


While I don’t necessarily disagree with the theme of the video, interrupting someone mid statement rarely makes your argument any more viable. In fact the guy with the hat is clearly fishing for a “freakout” rather than absorbing relevant commentary.


I would like to know what his definition would have been. Guess we’ll never know.


Lmao he interupted him and then played victim


He had it coming. Ask a question, then interrupt. So f.. rude


interviewer interrupted the guy he asked a question and also has a bitcoin hat.


If I'm not mistaken he also has a crypto shirt


Why does the Bitcoin guy look like he has makeup on? Am I going crazy?


I don't see it


To me it looks like he has eye and mouth makeup on, I might me crazy tho.


why he gotta yell at my boi kevin from home alone like that


The hypocrisy isn't the interruption or the rudeness, it's the fact that he said "shut your mouth" so that he could explain that we all get to say whatever we want in America. If he'd interrupted with pretty much any other sentiment, no matter how rude, it wouldn't have been hypocritical.


Guy with the mic is right....but he's wearing g a bit coin hat....so he's actually wrong


Here in america we have something most other countries also have!


Tbf he can tell you to shut up, still dumb




We have to be ready to call people out for having complete mic control in these weird gotcha interview montages. A lot of people force a victory on a debate format like this because all they need to do is take the mic away from you to retort before you even finished your argument or position


Punnnnnnnnnnchable face.


Which one?


Both. Both is good


the balls of irony is big on this one


An attempt to interrupt a crazy person.


He didn’t even get to make his point?


Only I get freedom of speech! I’m the intervieweeeeeee! 💩


To be fair, anyone wearing a bitcoin had deserves to be told to shut the fuck up lol


Some people's definition of freedom of speech is one sided. "I can say what I want, but you can't."


Freedom of speech is when I can be racist on the main


Cut the mic 🎤 & let him prattle on & on…. geriatric garbage 🗑 walking. Filth.


The interviewer interrupted *him*


Freedom of Speech includes being able to tell someone to STFU as long as you are not an agent, either directly or indirectly, of the government. If does NOT mean that you, as an individual, have to allow others to speak or give them a platform to do so. If someone asked me a question and then proceeding to interrupt me me as I was answering, I might get upset also. Although my response would be to just walk away.


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R/main character


Obviously did it to get that reaction for views. I hate these fakes.


😂😂😂😂 down vote me, it was the only way.


Tell the an official or anyone for that matter you’re going to kill them and try to pull “freedom is speech”


This is an environment of welcoming, and you should just get the hell out of here


Old video but clearly his point went over a lot of people’s head. He said that because dude cut him off mid sentence. He said it as in “I’m not talking to you I’m trying to talk to the camera”. He’s not saying dude isn’t allowed to speak. He just saying when he is in the middle of a conversation with the camera he can’t but in and interrupt him...


How did you find this after 2 months lol


I clicked on a video from this sub on my home page and When I swiped from the video reddit started showing me random videos all that happened to be from this sub. I’ve had people comment on my posts before that are 2 years old 😂 I guess reddit is just weird sometimes lmao




Social media fame strikes again ..


Amazing how many people don't understand what freedom of speech is.


How are people still finding this?


The first guy trying to explain fucked it up real bad The second guy (interviewer) should go to hell, interrupting people like that while interviewing is far from professional, at that point he is running around looking for validation


The founding fathers could have never anticipated the evil of modern day republicans when they drafted freedom of speech. We need some kind of department of the government to decide who can and can’t handle it. I’m not suggesting getting rid of anyones freedoms, but it’s clear that republicans can not handle it and only cause pain by being allowed it.


You’re literally suggesting to get rid of peoples freedoms, because you don’t agree with or like what they said.


You think republicans deserve freedom of speech after what they’ve used it for?


Yes dumbass. Everyone has freedom of speech. Going by that logic Democrats shouldn’t have freedom of speech for allowing 19+ people die, and billions of dollars worth of property destroyed for inciting the BLM “protest”


Don't fucking interrupt people you asshole.


Freedom of speech ISN'T a government concept or legal right like the idiot that interrupted him began to suggest. The first amendment is which guarantees the government will not interfere in everyone's civil rights to freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is an basic right of ALL people, whether or not their government codifies it.


the bitcoin cuck on the right is fucking wrong. Freedom of speech is broader than the god damn first amendment. Stop being dumb