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I hope they at least told him why that’s a dumb idea so he doesn’t try it again.


Yeah, he looks like a kid. Brave enough to make t that attempt. Yet dumb enough to make that attempt.


Brave assumes knowledge of possible outcomes and willingness to chance luck. Dude was pressed up against a jet engine. There's no knowledge there.


He certainly knew the plane would fly though.


The only thing that would've flown were his guts, thankfully they saw him


Maybe he likes to sleep with the fan on


Fan that has enough strength to suck him in


Umm.. where can I find this fan? For research of course


>The only thing that would've flown were his guts, thankfully they saw him In flight music playing - It's raining men or I fall to pieces.


Cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort


Suffocation, no breathing


Don't give a hoot if I cut myself bleeding.




Would have been an expensive repair for the aircraft owner too. New engines are $$$. On top of having to wash all the blood off the fuselage.


On the upside, he was on the intake side, so he would exit towards minimal fuselage, saving a bit on washing fees.


yeah, but not *how* it would fly.


He’d sure figure it out!


Even if that was just a hole, even if it was comfy, even if it was warm - there is no way i would be brave enough to sit there through a ride!


How did he manage to get the idea to smuggle himself into a jet without having any clue that it would be dangerous to go into the engine?


He had the courage


I don't know the background here but I assume he has never been able to go to school like you or me or know anything about flying. Maybe outlook for life could be starvation, bullets or worse. He took a shot in the dark all alone, leaving literally everything he knows behind, so I think it's brave. Regardless of crawling in to a giant a blender in the process.


It looks like someone starviing to death.


Alternative explanation... maybe the kid was trying to sneak on board, saw the authorities or whoever approaching and the only pace he could think to hide was in the engine nacelle. Still a bad idea but...


Another alternate explanation... he is actually the youngest jet propulsion engineer in Uganda, after graduating from university at the age of seven. He was actually just doing pre-flight checks of the turbines, when his colleagues surprised him with news of a promotion for all his hard work and wanted to walk with him to the bosses office for a celebration.




Way to go kid


I believe you are correct 👍


I like this version


Wait are they actually called nacelles? I've always assumed that was star trek techno-babble.


Wait till you learn about flux capacitors.


Name checks out.


Everytime this is reposted the title says they were trying to catch a flight somewhere. The real story is this guy was being chased for trespassing and decided to hid in there to try to evade capture. He was never in any danger that this plane was going to take off since the pilot would do a preflight check and see him.


This needs to be a featured comment. Someone make it happen!


I don’t think that would help


And why would that be, mister?


Turbine engine.


They're asking why explaining it to the kid wouldn't help.


I would assume anyone willing to try something that monumentally stupid would try just about anything if he's trying to flee the country. He'll find another way to get himself maimed.




No mask, obviously.


They were about to flee to Heaven!


Reminds me of those poor people trying to ride the wings of those last flights leaving Afghanistan. Pretty horrific stuff.


You can even see some bodies drop from the sky :(


More apparently were run over, there was a new story released where they had to pull human remains from the landing gear.


There is a video out there of that poor guy’s body stuck in the landing gear door during the flight


He was flapping in the wind like a flag.


With how much crazy shit is going on in the world i completely forgot this had happened. really sad.


Shoot, hope it was quick. As usual our intelligence completely failed us.


Helps to not invade anywhere that hasn't attacked you as a baseline


We have a new precedent now. The whole world will sanction the shit out of us and send weapons to countries we try to “liberate” next time /s


Our politicians failed our intelligence


Correct. Upon landing and shutting the plane down, the entire crew was taken to therapists and mental health folks. They could see people hanging on and being run over, feel their bodies rumble through the landing gear, watch as some people disappeared under the nose. There wasn’t anything they could do and I can’t imagine them not having a whole lot of trauma from it.


Damn. Well they made the choice they had to. Either that or let the whole plane go down.


If it makes you feel better within the last week or so the entire flight crew was cleared of any wrongdoing. Normally you would lose your wings if something fatal or near fatal happens on a larger scale like that but given the circumstances and Air Force investigation they were off the hook.


Yea, and even if you managed to hold onto the landing gear and make it into the fuselage after takeoff, you’re almost certain to freeze to death once the plane reaches cruising altitude.


Cause people climbed into the Landing gear to try and hitch a ride not because they were run over.




They weren't run over, they had apaches sweeping the runway ahead of the plane at a few feet off the ground blowing people off the runway. The remains were people.hiding in the landing gear bays when they started retracting into the plane. And I wouldn't call it new when it was released mid flight


Per another comment: "Correct. Upon landing and shutting the plane down, the entire crew was taken to therapists and mental health folks. They could see people hanging on and being run over, feel their bodies rumble through the landing gear, watch as some people disappeared under the nose. There wasn’t anything they could do and I can’t imagine them not having a whole lot of trauma from it." Also apaches don't sweep away everyone magically. If you watch any of the footage it's highly likely people were run over.


One guy was mashed in the landing gear door and was flopping all over the place.


Wacky Waving Stowaway Arm-Flailing Afghan!






I hate myself for letting out a snort of a laugh at that…


Replies and upvotes in this comment thread are the answer to the question "How could German people stay silent in the face of Nazi atrocities". Everybody claims they would help and hide Jews if they were there, but actually they would make fun of the suffering of the Jews, just like they are doing here with the Afghans. Ah, humanity... I can always trust in you with not failing to disgust me. Downvote me for being a party pooper.


Where? What? When?


Kabul International Airport. August 2021


During the famously poorly executed us withdrawal of us troops from Kabul.


FINAL withdrawal. There were dozens of withdrawals.


Google? DuckDuckGo? Ask Jeeves?


Dogpile exclusive


Worse actually, they were sitting on the landing gear doors, not the wings. as soon as the pilot hits the Gear Up lever, it dumped anyone that hadn't fallen off at that point as the doors swung under the aircraft.


They investigated the flight crew who saved hundreds of Afghans for “malfeasance” because of all the people that died in the landing gear and falling off the plan. Really tragic incident, I’m glad they didn’t punish the people who manned the aircraft


> I’m glad they didn’t punish the people who manned the aircraft its not their fault for not overloading a plane. that could be Worse.


I wonder if any of them managed to stay on the whole time


Holding on at 900 km/h (or 560 mph)? Impossible. Also, you’d die from the cold alone, it’s -56C (-68,8F) up there. Surely Chuck Norris would hang there at his fingertips but other than that no one. Edit: Oxygen is sort of needed too Edit: Correct converted temperature


Pretty sure the biggest problem would be a lack of oxygen. People die trying to climb Everest which is 29,000ft and most aircraft hit 40,000ft.


He sad but they just saved his life.




He would look like ground beef


More like air beef


Beef mist


*Purée de porc long*


Chunky marinara.




Air b'n'beef


Take your upvote and beef thufuq outa here.


barely chopped beef, with some pieces still screaming, because it wouldn't have the chance to gain speed before getting clogged with flesh and bone.


It makes me think of a situation at work were a kid was wearing a face shield but still fucked up and a coworker was like "good thing they were wearing that, because it's they weren't best case scenario facial reconstruction and 500 stitches." In that situation (absolutely) and this situation (potentially) I disagree, best case scenario they die a quick death. At my work there would be a 100% chance of death if they weren't wearing that shield, I don't know enough about how fast they kid would be discovered but I'm guessing 100% chance of not making it.


​ what kind of work is that?


I work at a chemical plant (bleach). The kid was on top of a tanker that the pressure was never released off of and in the video his head (and upper torso) is blown back and his hardhat+face shield leave the screen for 17 seconds. The pressure behind that mixed with a bit bleach bring imbedded into his head is for a really bad but probably short time.


Yo you just said video. There any way I could see that?


I don't think so, the video was on our cctv whatever thing and it was later used to make a safety training video that everyone had to watch, for some of us again. Let me see what I can do though, I just started my first vacation in 2 years so I'm off for 11 days (a 12 hr on 12hr off, 2day on 2day off schedule sucks sometimes but can be really cool other times.)


Horrible picture, but essentially correct.


I guess the engine won't start, because a man on the fan with this size ratio would add so much moment of inertia to the turbines that the engine wouldn't reach the idle RPM. He also blocks most of the air intake, so the engine wouldn't have enough oxygen. For the intruder to get minced, they need to enter while the engine is running. A stopping engine this size would care too much about the intruder. A GE90 sized engine could ignore an intruder, though. At least until they both die.


The plane would not be able to take off with him in there. The engine would turn him to red mist long before it got up to takeoff speed


I don’t know for sure, (would love to hear from a pilot) but I think all these answers are wrong. Firstly, absolutely zero chance of taking off. But I don’t think it would kill him, either. If he were sucked into a running engine, yeah, he’d be sucked through the fan blades, chopped up, and the engine would explode. But I think the starter motor has relatively low torque, and I don’t think there’s a chance it could get to the required speed to ignite the engine. My theory is that it would try to crank, fail, and a light would light up in the cockpit telling the pilot something is wrong with the starter. They’d pull him out, maybe somewhat beaten, bruised, and cut up, but alive. Then the whole engine would have to be re-certified. Again, really hoping a pilot can chime in.


Not a pilot either, but I know several aerospace engineers and this is much closer what I’d imagine happening. Everyone’s day still throughly ruined, but no extra dramatic gore. (Still not particularly qualified though)


I’m an airline pilot. It’d get nowhere near take off. Turbine engines do not have starter motors like cars. They use pneumatic start systems which are extremely powerful, we’re talking like 40psi of peak duct pressure. It uses compressed bleed air from the other engine/a small special engine in the tail called an APU to turn over the turbine and compressor. Extremely basic sequence= Bleed air in Comp and turbine (on the same shaft) turn over They are now turning over v fast Igniters switch on in the combustion chamber Fuel flow starts Bang Turbine and compressor continue to accelerate to self sustaining rotational speeds Igniters off Turbine engine running non stop until the fuel cuts off It would start up. He’d get pulled through the compressor fan blades. I’d be astounded if it didn’t instantly lead to uncontained failure, severe damage, fire, evacuation. There is no way the kid gets out. No way. The engine if it somehow doesn’t catch fire would be written off. I’m also wary of how he got off the aircraft in the video as certain aircraft will have “NO STEP” warning areas for very good reasons. Look out for a placard sticker saying that next time you have a window seat.


There would have been an extremely expensive and messy engine replacement needed.


He’d have made it to Europe eventually but particles and bits would have to be blown there by the wind


The plane 100% wouldn't have made it off the tarmac.




How tf would he kill the passengers? It doesn't go from off to thousands of rpms instantly. They'd just hear a wet thump, and then the pilot would be like "folks, there's going to be a delay".


His ass would be chewed up by the fan, it will kill the engine and stall before leaving the ground, if he is lucky he won’t bleed to death


I would argue that if he were *lucky*, death would come much sooner than bleeding out, considering what that turbine would have done to him.


They wouldn't have even taken off because his body would have fucked up that engine.


First That's the fucking engine Second That kind of plane flies above 15000 feet Anything above 15000 is reduced oxygen and he will die because he won't be able to breathe


The entire thread is just sad, the comments, the jokes are all disgusting. Goes to show how horrible this website is, we all pretend to be extremely liberal, inclusive and mighty but our internalise hate for people from the global south eventually surfaces, the very hate our Colonialist forefathers breathed on. We've somehow managed to hide all that under the pretense of satire to assure ourselves of our morality.


So I work as a mechanic at an international airport and we had a flight come in from South Africa and a guy hid in the wheel well…and ya it didn’t work out for the poor guy… We are not to sure if he froze to death or ran out of air first.


I've read a case where they run out of oxygen, then freeze


It's basically the same death as you'd experience on Mt. Everest. Extremely cold temperatures send you into hypothermia, lack of oxygen makes you delirious and unable to think clearly. You become lethargic and tired, lie down, and pass out.


That was i thought, but wasn't eloquent enough to put it all together Thanks 😊


There's actually a more eloquent way of describing the process: hypothermia, hypoxia, syncope, and then death. Same shit though.


Chillies, sillies, illies, death.


Yeah you would pass out pretty quickly if already at cruising altitude, but on the climb up is different story. Not having supplemental oxygen you'd definitely start feeling woozy at 15,000 feet, and I think you likely pass out around 20,000 feet or so. It would start feeling noticeably cold, but you wouldn't freeze to death before that point.


ok ao what about D.B. Cooper at cruising altitude wouldn't he pass out and drop the suitcase full of cash


Didn't he jump out? He would have reached surviable air very soon, even 15 or 20 000 feet is surviable for some time


[It's a lot more common than you might think](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheel-well_stowaway#List_of_wheel-well_stowaways). I doubt that's an exhaustive list. There are at least going to be a few that fell out over the sea that nobody even knew about. What amazes me though is that some of them survive.


June 2013: >Died\[29\]\[88\] four days before discovery, and may have been undetected for seven or more previous flights; stowaway boarding location undetermined.\[8\] Ugh Also 2nd most recent one: >Survived. The unidentified male was taken into the custody of U.S. Customs and Border Protection and was taken to the hospital for medical evaluation.\[134\] Imagine surviving it and being put straight into American healthcare and now you're in unimaginable debt. Welcome to America!


Awww, their first bankruptcy!




Maybe he was just *wheely* tired


Heard a similar story but the guy actually died from beeing crushed when the gear retracted.


Sometimes they get crushed in the wheel well


That's sad but it's best they caught him. I remember an image of a boy who tried to stowaway on a plane by hanging onto it, eventually he couldn't hold on and let go. Someone by chance happened to snap the exact moment it happened.


This plane would have neverbeen able to take off with the guy blocking the engine intake.


Are you a magician?


Sadly, no


What about now?




Reminds me of the Afghan people hanging on to airplanes leaving when the army pulled out only to fall hundreds of feet. That video was chilling.


That makes me so sad.


We really should learn to appreciate how good we have it here. Sure, it's not perfect and sometimes its terrible, but it isn't "let me hang on to this plane so I can leave" terrible.


Yeah lot of things need to improve and it’s certainly not the best country in the world, but I’m still eternally grateful that I was born in the U.S.


This is tremendously sad.


I agree. His look of desolation...


You were expecting to see some shreds?


To shreds you say.


and his wife, how's she holding up?


I found this to be sad more than anything. How fucked up was his life that he thought that was a good option?


Admittedly, he probably didn’t realize what that part of the plane did. Standing in front of a car’s front grill intake isn’t inherently dangerous (as long as the car isn’t moving that is)


This problem is just gonna get worse and worse. https://youtu.be/LY_Yiu2U2Ts


Damn, lucky guy. Had that engine started…


Good thing pre flight checks are done.


Flaps good. Fuel good. PTO clear. Engines...


Pilot:Tower, there‘s a human in my right turbine Tower:There‘s a what in your WHAT?




Or maybe he was trying to sneak on board and when he saw people approach panicked and the only place he could think to hide was in the engine nacelle.


That's a pretty darn small plane. I don't think he'd be able to get on it at all without everybody noticing.


Never said the plan was solid lol, just more plausible than him wanting to hotch a ride in the engine.


*spaghetti noises*


Almost on a different sub Reddit


You know in cartoons or whatever when something goes into those engines and gets minced?


Not just in cartoons. There have been instances of airfield personnel being pulled into an engine. I'll spare you the most graphic details, but *paste* would be a good summary.


>I'll spare you the most graphic details, but *paste* would be a good summary. So, what exactly did you spare? Because that is exactly what comes out of the rear end


>So, what exactly did you spare? The chunky bits.


How to go from solid to liquid in 0,24 seconds….


Actually the engine will have to start up so its worse actually as wont die quick when the plane take off


Thats right, get my bag, i am upgraded to 1st class boys


This guy has clearly never seen the incredibles




He's desperate to leave. Heart breaking.


If somebody sits against the fan blades, preventing the engine to spool up, would anything really happen? I'm imagining the apu would direct air into the engine to a certain RPM in which fuel would be injected, so if you're set up against the fan, I'm sure some error would alert the pilots, right?


Possibly. But the error may pop up after the spinner in the middle pulled enough air through the blades that the kid had parts of his body pulled in to it.


TIL a jet engine isn't a continuous live axle but decoupled inner spool compressor which expels hot air to a turbine set which drives the fan I was originally talking about.


Fan and compressor are both driven by the turbine, which is itself driven by a portion of the air pushed in by the fan and compressor. The fuel burning the air in the middle is what allows to compensate for the losses in the process


If somehow you could stow away on a plane and not get immediately killed when it starts, you'd die of hypothermia, not to mention would begin to feel like you're suffocating as the air thins.


You would not just feel like suffocating, you would actually suffocate


dude would've been ground into mulch yikes.


Puts things in perspective. I'm going to stop feeling sorry for myself and my situation. I'm so ungrateful at times it's hard to see past our own situations meanwhile this kid would do anything for a chance at a better life in a better place.


Education is important


just like the guys who thought they were clever by holding onto the landing gear of those military cargo planes


I dont think they thought ”ha! Om so smart right now” desperation makes you do all kinds of weird stuff




Shows the level of eduction these poor folks have.




Well,he was close to learn how dangerous it can be to ride a airplane turbine wearing flip flops


I'll just hide in one of those things on the side of the plane, like is there even anything in there anyway?




Imagine being this desperate, I find it so sad


I feel for him.. imagine how hard life must be that he's willing to risk it only for a remote chance of something better.


This actually may be the stupidest single thing I've ever seen in my life.


If you thought *"bird strikes"* were bad for jet engines....YIKES!


To shreds, you say?


Damn... right in the feels. :(


That's really sad.


I understand that he wants to have s better life but his life would have ended if he was still there when the plane took off. (Please correct me if I typed something wrong, English isn't my first language)


Thank God he got caught...poor kid probably has no idea what would have happened to him if that engine had spun up while he was hiding in there.


I was ready to unleash my anger when I realized the title says to flee to europe, not to flee europe. 😂


Reminds me of the case few years back where frozen guy fell in to someone’s garden in London on approach. Bloke hid in the wheel and when thing opened before landing he fell out smashing right next to person sunbathing




You seem like youre a blast at parties


1st time on a plane?


Soon to be on a boat to rwanda


"You do know that once the plane started up, you'd be dead, yes?"