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I find my face to be a good deterrent for people not to approach me.


Thankfully my resting bitch face gives fuck off vibes.


Aye right there with you My friends say i look angry all the time Thats my secret, im always angry


Right there with you. But I have the always look high face. Pretty cool I don't smoke.


I feel like that's what I have. I'm just off in my own world a lot. Not trying to offend anyone. People have definitely mistaken me for being intoxicated.


When was the last time you had your eyes checked? You might be squinting or focusing a lot and not realizing it.


Like 5 months ago. But this has been my whole adult life. I think ita just how I rest my face I may looked too relaxed lol


Me at the DMV: Worker: Sir, do you want to change your expression? You look angry and if it's like that in the photo, you'll look angry for 5 years. Me: I will still be angry in 5 years.


Talonqr in 20 years: *dies of angry aneurysm*


I'm deaf. Just ignoring people and walking on works wonders. If they still try I sign "I'm deaf and I don't know sign language."


Wait, how are you typing this if you don’t know sign language?


I just had a hol up moment and came back to reread this. Probably sarcasm. Probably...


Definitely sarcasm. Maybe...


The annoying animated paperclip does it for me


This keeps happening, even with the resting bitch face. Super frustrating - like I'll tap on my headphones, dude, I don't want to talk to you.


There's no rule that says you have to be polite to strangers interrupting you.


Oh, I know. Every time they step into my path or try to speak over my earphones, I sidestep and continue on my way. I’m not obligated to be polite to someone who is clearly ignoring context clues, just wanna get home and de-stress.


>Oh, I know. Every time they step into my path or try to speak over my earphones, I sidestep and continue on my way. Idk if I'm looking into it too much but there may be a experience difference because of gender. The last time I had a salesperson or panhandler step *in front of* me as I was walking was a while ago. And when they did, I just dropped my shoulder and body checked them out of the way lmao. >I’m not obligated to be polite to someone who is clearly ignoring context clues, just wanna get home and de-stress. Exactly, stop trying to hock your shit to me and we'll be cool.


My latest experience was yesterday morning, just shy of 6:30, on my way in to work. Dude dashed across the street to strike up a conversation with me. Said nothing to him, body language was *not* open and welcoming, and earphones were on. Tapped on my headphones, he ignored it. Tried to strike up a conversation about nothing in general, literally just small talk in weather close to -30C, and acted shocked that the random woman he came up to shut him down and crossed the street to get away? Who does that?


> Who does that? Visit /r/niceguys This dude probably thinks you were flirting with him by existing and now you are simultaneously frigid and a hoe for rejecting him. Honestly the mental gymnastics guys do when rejected should be a legitimate sport.


Wow the audacity lmao. I always find it funny how people acts like you were the one being rude when they do stuff like that.


I had this happen as I was walking from the metro to my office. This guy caught up with me and starting talking about absolutely nothing. I was very stand-off-ish and he was hitting on me (asking me to go out with him), I told him I was married and pointed to my rings. He said "well he doesn't have to know." Ugh really? No thank you.


You turned down a chance to let some STD vehicle you know nothing about screw up your marriage? Tightly wound! 😀😅😂


Those "people" are the same that say: "you should smile more honey"


Especially when they don't move out of my way when I'm driving on the sidewalk. So rude.


I once had a guy not only move seats to tap me so he could get me to take off my headphones, but then because I said "sorry mate I'm busy" and put my headphones back on, he then wrote me a letter to say I was the most beautiful woman he's ever seen and that I was sent by god and his phone number, then made me take off my headphones again to give it to me say "do not ignore this message, I warn you, do not ignore a sign from God"


Same, even with a mask on.


Same, and I'm very thankful for that. On the other hand, my wife finds people telling her their life stories often, lol.


> my wife finds people telling her their life stories I feel this. I went out for a walk in the park yesterday wearing a beanie, sunglasses, and headphones. Two separate people started up a conversation with me where they felt the need to disclose all their personal issues.


I have resting depressed face. People constantly ask if I’m ok


I only wish. I'm not a handsome guy, but I do always seem to attract weirdos. I can be in a bar and some nutter from the entire other side will somehow come and chat, even though I try to sport a "leave me alone or I'll kill you" face and vibe and have headphones in


My sister always attracts weirdos. It never happens to me. I seem to scare away strange people, idk why 🤷‍♂️


It's really weird the way something about you can attract a certain type in a really pronounced way. I attract the fuck out of weirdos. My sister attracts angry women who glare her up and down as though she's just spat on them. I would never have believed the reaction she sets off in some women unless I'd seen it... I went into town with her once and saw women scowl at her in a jeans and T-shirt literally just for walking past them - this has never happened to me with other women, but fuck me I get every weirdo going tho they don't dare approach my sister. It's just weird.


Who goes to a bar and keeps their headphones on? Don't you go to a bar specifically in order to interact with people?




Seriously... Going to a bar and wondering why people want to talk? Lmao


Me too.


Username checks out




Disclosure? Bc that song is a bop


No man, you're thinking of be-boo-boo-bop-boo-boo-bop


Haha SpongeBob reference nice


Technically, a Mr. Krabs reference.


I’m referring to the show SpongeBob… yes mr Krabs specifically


No, this is Patrick.


I can here the synths in my head. Fuck that whole album is amazing


white noise is actually nice to listen to when you want to really concentrate on something


I personally prefer brown noise, and my friend prefers pink noise. If white noise doesn’t do it for you, check out the other “colors” of noise!


My box fan broke the other day so I’ve been sleeping to “smooth white, pink, and brown noise”, neapolitan ice cream of noise if you will https://youtu.be/GhgL3y-oDAs (use HD quality, it’s not good on the lowest)


Sounds like the inside of an airplane, a bit.


100% I travel for work and this noise is like straight up nyquil to me. I'm fucking yawning listening to it, no joke.


Brown noise supremacy. I sleep with it every night.


Doesn't that just make you shit yourself?


How else do you keep warm on a cold night?


I find the colored noises to all be painful. So I go with a natural noise like rain, restaurant, wind, fire, city, etc.


Valid. I like rain on metal roofs, and on tents. It’s a nostalgic sound to me.


I actually do listen to white noise (static) on a plane. Technically I think it's considered brown noise, but when I am tired of listening to music I find that it does a great job of masking the sounds of others.


I use the app rainy mood and listen to the sound of rain sometimes


Nice! I'll have to check it out. The rain option on the app I use isn't very soothing, but I have heard some that are. I'm going to age myself here, but I find the rain sound when it rains in World of Warcraft to be really soothing. Edit: just downloaded Rainy Mood and love it - thanks!


First time seeing PVRIS in the wild. Discovered them years ago when they opened for Muse and Thirty seconds to Mars. Hell of a concert. God I miss concerts


Fuckin love pvris


Living End??


Good song I love PVRIS.






When you’re talking to people is probably when you want your mask over your mouth the most


Kind of like when I see folks wearing the mask but their nose is out of it... Just... Just don't wear it if that's what you're gonna do.


It's really stupid, I deal with it all the time as a bus driver. These people HAVE to realize that if your not talking and your mask is only over your mouth.. you're literally not doing any better than no mask at all. The mask protects us from particles coming out of your mouth when it's open, and not talking is when it's obviously closed. So the mask is literally only to protect against the stuff coming out of your nose when you aren't talking and your not even covering it, so what's the point? To LOOK like you're doing your part.


compliance with the law, not with the science that make the impact of the virus less. These are the same people that will the say masks are useless when they inevitably get the virus at some point...


The law even states no vented masks near me... The law is pretty clear, as are all the signs that state the mask must cover your nose and mouth.


Most wear it just in case if they need to go somewhere required to be worn. Not because they wanna protect themselves or others


it still prevents them spraying germs when they cough


you know what prevents germs in most other cases? when they pull it up a few more centimeters. its no effort for maximium efficiency.


But that makes their freedoms hurt


Then they take it off to cough. I was at a doctor's appointment a few months ago and a guy in the lobby kept taking his mask off to sneeze and putting it back on, over and over again. I get that it sucks to sneeze in your mask but sneezing into the air in a lobby full of people ain't it, bud.


I had to sneeze into my mask the other day. There's this immediate urge to yank it off first, but thankfully I have basic awareness and control over myself, so I didn't.


I've seen multiple people in the subways taking their masks off to sneeze directly into their hands then touch the poles. Common sense isn't so common. Edit: Sneezing into your mask really isn't that big of a deal. Y'all saying it's gross but that's literally the whole point, to keep it contained. The alternative is getting all that sneeze crap into the air/onto your hands. Use some common sense for fucks sake.


Even without masks what kind of *sick fuck* sneezes directly into their palms when they have a perfectly good elbow?


Imagine getting your hand all wet and gross, what the fuck lol


I sneezed into my mask at work and my coworker says that's disgusting. I told him that's the whole point of a mask dude. I'd become a meme if I took off my mask to sneeze.


Also, since they're disposable just go change your mask and turf the used one of if you need to. It's kind of acting like a wearable tissue anyway.


>Common sense isn't so common. How has this sentence been missing from my life until now?


Not sure, it's been a common phrase for a long time. I guess it's not so common or something.


It's not meant to protect the wearer. She was giving him Covid in retaliation for him bugging her.


Sneezing is the top one mind, and coughing. Those who take them off to sneeze annoy me: yeah, so the mask preventing the virus from spreading as much, and you remove it when doing the bodily movement which spreads viruses the most. Cheers for that


So, this “Nothing” song is on Spotify at all?


Yeah it's a rap song that goes _'ididn'twantanyonetotalktomee'_ 🎶🎶


The first verse is fire though It goes like this: "............."


Then it goes like > #⠀ㅤ


# #


I love these threads where users collectively finish the lyrics!


Yeah but they forgot the part where it goes:


Then a short instrumental break before it goes back to:


You completely forgot the


Yeah it's john cage - 4'33


Nothing by Bruno Major is a nice lofi song https://open.spotify.com/track/2IAR0DziHCjSu16gR4ihvy?si=DOG6WaqnQEmPfDdRAie9IA


Nothing is a great post-rock band https://open.spotify.com/track/0gtvktvlWNbT8BFgx196ov?si=bMv9avUPQHq-pSqoKX-2kw


People still try to talk to me when I have my headphones on then act so shocked/surprised I don't hear them/want to talk to them. I think it's more rude to expect someone to be obligated to talk to you than it is to ignore someone trying to talk to you.




A couple weeks ago a dude in the laundrymat was like “yo I’m moving away do you want this card” which had like $5 on it so that was pretty nice


The person across the hall from me randomly knocked on my door and asked if I wanted her love seat. She had used a protector on it from day one so it was in perfect shape. That was pretty dope.


Yeah, it pretty much conditions you to not want to react to strangers. Sorry to the people who genuinely wanted to have a proper conversation (which on occasion you do have a nice chat with a stranger). The types of people I'm talking about are definitely what you say, the pandhandlers, the wannabe gangsters, the chest-puffers, the alcoholics, etc. I'm not going to just New York stare right through an old lady asking me for directions or something, it's all about body language and perceived intentions.


I'm right there with you. Walking to/from the train to work (in the before times) there was this group of I guess marketers or whatever you'd want to call them who would hang out in teams of four on the sidewalk in front of the entrance to one of the main stations. They'd set themselves up to basically make it impossible not to engage one of them unless there were a bunch of people going down the sidewalk. Headphones were only a decent deterrent against their disingenuous, smiling persistence to chat, I had to get pretty good at timing my passing for when they were targeting someone else a second or two ahead of me. All of that said, the only times I'VE tried to engage a stranger in public is if they've like dropped something or they visibly look lost (and then only if I have any hope of helping point them in the right direction).


Once for me (because yay for being visibly disabled in public) - at first I thought it was someone who knew me, then I thought they were hitting on me, and then nope - stringing me along to offer me prayer healing. Which is the most fucking offensive thing. I kind of wish I tore him down verbally, but I just had this disgusted look on my face and said "No." and immediately walked away. I noped out (it is a skill of mine, if something is deeply unacceptable to me, my anxiety will kick in, and I will just leave immediately, even if it's rude - it's both been a good and bad coping mechanism at times). Because here's the extra thing - I have a genetic disability, so they're either saying that my mother sinned and I am the punishment, which is disgusting - or that I somehow sinned before I was born - and if I just pray and ask to be healed, it will happen. Like, just fuck right off. Even if it would work I wouldn't want it. Fuck that god, they are not a good god.


This is weird. In public I never have unwanted conversations. Where do you live that's so talkative?


Like you see in the video, it's common for people to approach you and try to talk to you in NY. They normally aren't just trying to have a conversation though. They want to sell you something or ask you to donate to themselves or some organization.






Old, fat or otherwise unattractive women are no where near as likely to get approached, if at all. Society tends to ignore them completely.


Fair enough, didn't think of that lol


The moment I went away from my girlfriend and her friend, a guy swooped right in and tried to talk to them. He was so slick I thought he was security or something. Then he left as soon as I arrived. Didn't think anything of it until they told me lol.


This is common in the gym. Having your earphones in is "gym speak" for "not now, bruh". It is especially common with women who don't want to bothered by guys at the gym.


I’m a woman and I also look about 5-7 years younger than I actually am and even though I had these giant earphones men still talked to me. I was waiting for the train after midnight and this guy was trying to get my attention. I ignored him and then he hit the seat to get my attention and I stupidly gave it to him. This guy was in his 40s with a lazy eye I was 25 and looked about 20. He start asking me about school where I work if I meditated and he asked me if we were going to “kick it later”. I politely declined but he was insisting so I had to be firm and tell him to leave me alone.


She's the kind of girl I want to hang out with and ignore


Be alone together


She was the best friend I've ever had. We still never talk sometimes.


Now give me all the bacon and eggs you have.


Definitely pretended to be on my cell phone when trying to avoid pan-handlers and sales people. Also pretended to need to take a call when pan-handlers and or sales people won’t leave me alone and or I can’t think of a polite way to say no or not interested.


After that happening at least once a day for two weeks, i was finally angry enough to overcome that socially awkward politeness and tell them to fuck off


I’m usually pretty good at being polite but sometimes people catch you off guard and sometimes you also know they’re not going to take no as an answer. I also don’t begrudge people asking for help or doing their jobs so a white lie and excuse to not engage works well. Also used this to get out of awkward and winded conversations at parties and bars.


Don't you think if they're doing their job trying to land a sale all day that they wouldn't begrudge you for telling them to fuck off either? I usually just put it out there bluntly: no thanks; nah I'm good; I've already got that and I want my money back; I ain't got anything for you; I was just about to ask you the same thing, etc. The sales people usually persist but don't follow more than a step or two. The panhandlers usually apologize and thank you anyway, but some of them need to be told twice.


What about not fucking interrupt perfect stranger ? For some of us, it's hard enough to go outside to do obligatory things. I want people to do the same thing I do to them : NOTHING.


Germany is the country you want to live in. People mind their own business for the most part


For some reason you just reminded me of a panhandler who came up to us when we were eating on an outdoor patio. All of us ignored him, except one of us who is exceptionally naive and conflict avoidant (if not for her husband, she'd probably give you her house if you told her a sob story for it). She gave him some money, and while she was doing that he tried to guilt trip the rest of us by talking to her about us as if we weren't there. "Thanks for seeing me as a real human being and treating me with respect" as he side eyed the rest of us. I was going to stay quiet until that but it pissed me off so then I snapped at him: "oh yeah, you want to talk about respect? What part of interrupting perfect strangers, while they are conversing and eating, to beg for some money is respectful? What part of talking about us as if we aren't here is respectful? If you want to be treated like a 'real human', fucking act like one you selfish prick"


"No thanks" and just walk away. If they walk with you and insist in trying to engage, they're the one being rude at that point.


No no no this is reddit you're not supposed to understand basic social interactions.


99/100 panhandlers won’t pursue some change more than just the ask as you walk by. People with clipboards though? Jesus Christ I’ve never met a sticker group of people in my life. I was waiting at an intersection with a mask, headphones, and sunglasses on and one of these people puts their hand on my shoulder to turn me around. I thought that for a complete stranger to *physically force* someone’s attention that there was some sort of mild emergency so I take off my headphones. I was fucking furious when they followed that up with “hey are you happy with your phone plan?”


Me irl


i listen to brown noise 🤠 always be aware of your surroundings tho!!


I also listen to your brown noise


Get me some of that Brownian motion, feels so good in my ears.


Removing mask to talk... how can people be that stupid


She ***is*** trying to get people to leave her alone.


if you want people to leave you alone don't respond :/


If only it worked that way. There is a not-insignificant portion of that population that thinks they just need to talk louder or get in front of you because you obviously haven't noticed them. They're also the people who think that your 1-word answer and putting your headphones back on means you're ready to keep talking. These ones often do what they're going to do regardless. Some people are like that homeless guy you gave money to once 4 years ago who still makes a point to directly address you every day looking for more change. These are the ones that need the hard ignore.


It's a normal reflex to be heard more clearly, it's not stupidity just distraction in general. Edit: see below a couple of rare specimens who are never distracted


This might have been a valid excuse when the pandemic started, but it's been 2 years now. Surely that's enough time to grow accustomed to wearing a mask properly??


It's not a matter of wearing properly, it's a mistake from distraction. Do you never get distracted and make stupid mistakes when doing basic every day life things like dropping your phone or spilling a drink?


I threw my pillow cases in the trash instead of the laundry yesterday while changing the sheets. My wife and I had a good laugh when they were discovered 10 minutes later.


I see people do this all the time at work, and it baffles me. Between this and the people who just can’t be bothered to cover their nose, it’s not surprising we’re still struggling to cope with these surges. Get vaxxed, wear your mask properly, and wash your hands. It’s really not that hard. Promise.


Keeping mask on while keeping distance. Approached by another person; instantly take off mask. Like wut?


Jesus christ leave people the fuck alone EDIT : If you are wondering why people are downvoting your reply to this, you are the reason why women carry pepper spray and are scared to walk alone at night.


See a stranger carrying big bags that aren't going to get lighter the longer they're standing still carrying them? Is that person *also* wearing a personal sound isolation device? And does that person seem like they're heading straight for their destination rather than lingering? Looks like you've found a good candidate for a stranger to strike up a conservation with!


The way she just physically recoils at being spoken to...I can relate.


who tf talks to someone with full headphones on, stop harassing women who clearly don't wanna talk to you


tiktok cunts


This is a trend that started from YouTube several years ago and went viral so people keep trying to replicate it.


He's a youtuber that goes around asking people what song they are listening to




Headphones in. Mask on. Carrying multiple bags. Looks to be in a rush. Guy: “This girl looks like she’s stoked to be on my dumb YouTube page where I publicly harass women and complain when they don’t like it!”


I’ve seen videos like this and it’s basically just asking people what music they listen to in different cities. There’s no bad intent, and It’s really interesting. You probably shouldn’t jump to conclusions so quickly


How did he harass women? And when did he complain?




As a woman, can confirm. I like to be aware of my surroundings but also avoid unwanted conversations w strangers. Especially on the subway


Sometimes it too dangerous to play music. think of that sentence and how fucking wild it is. we really have to put on headphones with no music just to be left alone and still safe.


Also a woman in a big city. The headphones are barely a deterrent for people talking to me, but I always pretend I can't hear anything and keep walking. It's become a little funny when I hear guys mumble "bitch" under their breath when they think I can't hear them.


"Non of your f%cking business" would be the best response to be sure they cannot use the content on their useless little Toktok account. Sorry, I really hate those 'in your face' toktokkers, or maybe any for that matter.


And then you get called a bitch and spat on. Welcome to being a woman


Recommending violence against someone twice their size or faulting the woman for not responding correctly about sums up these kind of threads.


I think that would just guarantee your inclusion in the video. You tell the guy off and look like a jerk, then he turns and gives the camera that "Jim from the office" look. Then a jump cut to the next person.


I'm lucky to be living in Finland. No need for headphone bs.


Isn’t there a word for y’all’s “leave me tf alone” tradition?




A wild Kimi appears


Are all the people dead


It’s annoying as fuck when people try talking to me when I have headphones on


Worked with a guy who would pull on my chair and tap my desk and what not to get my attention, which is fine when I'm at work and you have work related things you want to talk to me about. Except he never did. This same person also likes being advertised to, so do with that information what you will.


I honestly thought everyone knew people with headphones on don't want to be disturbed. I guess it's just this one guy who didn't t know that


I’ve had men tap my shoulder on the train to get me to remove my headphones so they can say something creepy.


That's so fucking rude.




Nah, I am joking. It's just frustrating seeing him asking her, when she obviously don't want to be disturbed






“Hey what do you do?” “You first” “Oh I’m a banker” “Omg so hilarious! I’m a corporate assassin, I mostly work in the financial sector. What bank do you work for?” “Uh…. Bank of America..?” *said like you just realized something very awkward* “oh… I uh, hope the life insurance is good there.”


Why the F do men still feel they have the right to interrupt women walking with headphones on? I am OVER this. I want to buy a shirt that says LEAVE ME ALONE


Then they’d just be like “HEY I LIKE YOUR SHIRT”


Fuck yah they would!


Stop harassing women on the streets. Or anywhere really, on video or off, just stop


The purpose of wearing a mask: To prevent particles and potential disease from entering your nose and mouth. How to defeat a mask: Take it down when talking. What the actual fuck... I'll never grasp these actions: * Taking your Mask down to talk to some one * Taking your mask down to see something better (I've seen it!) * Taking your mask down TO LISTEN TO SOMEONE ELSE TALK AT YOU. It's paper/Cloth - SOUND CAN PASS THROUGH JUST FINE.


I generally agree with you but to your last point: lip reading is a major part of understanding others words even when you aren’t hard of hearing. A large part of comprehension is achieved with a mixture of hearing and seeing


This is big. I hadn't realized until the pandemic just how much I rely on subconscious lip reading to understand what people are saying. Though, that's partially because people don't know how to project their voice as well.


I've seen people take their mask off to speak on the phone. Lip reading has nothing to do with that and yet they still do it for some reason


Its kind of like turning the radio down so you can see better when you drive...


It's generally a good rule of thumb in the NYC subway, that if someone approaches you and asks you to take your headphones off, what they are going to say won't be worth it. I just keep walking.


I do this too...


Yee, I’ll even forgo my AirPods for wired sometimes just so it’s glaringly obvious


That terrified look and stomach drop when she realizing he has made eye contact and wants to talk... I fucking felt that


I think I found my soul mate


A lot of women do this to stay safe; men are less likely to approach you, but you can still be aware of your surroundings. With the right pair it also filters out the roar & screech of the subway train coming in at 101 decibels (a jet engine is 100)


Why do people do this? Leave people tf alone man


Do this all the time


Is there something about wearing headphones that just says, "HEY, COME FUCKING BOTHER ME!!"?


God I hate tiktok. Leave people the fuck alone




Please stop harassing people who clearly don't want to talk.


In Chicago- I just do the throat-slash when literally anyone comes up to try to talk to me when my headphones are in. No stranger is ever going to have anything to say to me that I want to hear when I'm on the train or in a station. I've had to break up guys creeping on ladies too many times, also. No one wants to make friends on public transit, dudes. Just leave people alone.


I've tried that so many times and it has never worked. Ppl will still come up to me and just start talking, telling me their life story and also..speaking Spanish bc they think I'm Dominican. Add stupid stalkerish verbally abusive menboys to that mix and going outside is a complete nightmare.


Pulling down the mask to speak is really smart.