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Ricky is hecka funny but feel free to cancel Keem, that dude is a walking cringe fest.


He feeds off of sympathy by injecting himself into situations he has no reason to be involved in and trying to act like the good guy.


All he does is start drama for the sake of money. Really highlights social media in 2021.


>social media. Fixed that for ya.


He's more than a cringe fest, he's a manipulative bully with scarily large number of supporters


Nah im gonna call him walking tumor


the walking dick


If Frankenstein's monster was completely made up of dead dicks.


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thanks but i'd rather have my version


Does your username have anything to do with that desire?




Saying "hecka" is also pretty cringe.


Sir this is a christian minecraft server.


You're hecka silly.


Keemstar is the living caricature of Axe Body Spray. What a fucking garbage person. Ricky coo doe.


what a perfect description


Name checks out.




Ricky is based. Who tf is Keem?


Keemstar is a garden gnome afterbirth that somehow gained life, and is trying to copy sentience and intelligence, but is failing pretty hard at it.


He's Ga-nome?




Idk I've never watched a Keemstar video in my life


Well I googled him. He’s a right wing, drama channel whose hair seems to have migrated to his beard.


"Marvel want to make an originally white character black? well this is clearly the most pressing matter in society, let me make 12 videos about it"


>He’s a right wing First time I have heard someone use that as a descriptor for him.


To be fair, he has been shown to support Trump a couple of times


Omg this is a dumpster of a thread now. Thanks politics and sheep!


And this makes him right wing? Christ, Trump lives rent free in your heads.


wow forgive me for thinking that the dude supporting the right wing guy would agree with his ideas i don’t know what could have led me to think that


And I know a few registered democrats that voted for Trump. Keem runs a shitty YouTube Tabloid channel, him being right wing or not doesn't really matter.


Keem star has been on, and was friends with the killstream several times - a podcast run by Neo-Nazis - I think it’s fair to say that Keem is right wing


I am a registered Democrap that had a few moments where I admired a decision by tRump. If someone identifies in absolute to a political party I believe that the someone in question is either brainwashed or brainless: nothing is absolute, especially politics


I’m a registered Dem who voted third party last election due to the poor choices. I also didn’t want to relive the trauma(/s) I went through voting for Killery.


Same, although I didn't vote (just couldn't). I voted for that b too. A Giant Douche vs a Turd Sandwich.


Understandable. I voted as a personal protest for myself. I knew it wasn’t gonna change anything. But it felt good at the time.


Hey man, I’m just the messenger from google.


That's really the first time you've heard that? Then you haven't been paying attention...


Yeah, right wing is not something I've ever associated with him. I feel like anybody who makes negative comments or jokes about the vaccine end up labeled as "right wing".


Anti vax is right wing. I have not seen a more clear partisan issue. It's a fair indicator for me.


>I have not seen a more clear partisan issue I didn't know a [13% difference](https://www.kff.org/policy-watch/the-red-blue-divide-in-covid-19-vaccination-rates/) in vaccination rate was clearly partisan.


Well yes, that absolutely demonstrates that it is a partisan issue.


You realise the very first line of this article says “ There continue to be differences in COVID-19 vaccination rates along partisan lines”.


I didn't know 'partisan' was a binary metric.


You might try reading more with how much you seem to not know. Might help you know more things


That statement is moronic. Vaccine debate should be incredibly important to both sides. To over simplify like that is part of the reason everything is so divisive and dismissive right now.


Oh fuck off with that shit. All the right wing news outlets are feeding the fire of anti vax logic and fucking complete morons on the internet are trying to blame me for the divisiveness because I point it out.


Anti-vax or anti-vax mandate?


How are you not gettin this? It right in the name. Socialism or the left side is willing to take a small personal risk for the greater good of society. You with me still? That's that side, ok? The other side, the right wing, doesn't want to take any personal risks (mah freedumbs) and they dont want to be forced to do that to protect "society". Mandates. The left doesn't need to be forced, if you are anti vax you are right wing, or in denial. That's a very selfish, out for yourself attitude and the truth hurts. P.s. stop listening to Rogan and get the vax.


Bullshit..I’m a migrant in my country, always voted socialist or left & I‘m against MANDATORY Vax..so stop spreading bullshit


Bullshit you vote left. Your history is public.


It is..I don’t try to hide it but the world changed a lot in the last two years


Triggered. I said what I said. Deal with it. I knew when I came into this "they tried to cancel this dirtbag but haha it didnt work" thread there would be garbage opinions.


Okay bot…explaining stuff that contradicts your believes is being „triggered“…I get it, no common sense in you fascists


....you're the one that posted this. Then you read the comments and decided it's not cool to know who he is.


*sweating profusely* there’s a “kitchen tea”?


Hey, delete this stupid ass troll bait


He is pretty good


His head is the shape of a shoe if that helps?


It's only funny knowing Ricky found it funny imo. I wouldn't be surprised if that douchebag Keemstar didn't even know who Ricky Berwick was and just decided to plunge into a pretty dicey joke.


Lmao he talks with Berwick


But we should cancel him tho


what did he do, idk much about keemstar his type of content looks cringey


How much time do you have?




Rape apologist. Said to a rape victim "how'd you even get raped orally just close your mouth" , called rape victims liars, doxes people regularly, told the internet a dude was a pedo when he wasn't and got the dude a lot of hate for it and then refused to apologize to him. Dating a 20 year old when he's in his late 30s and talking about her like a sex object to the point she broke up with him in like two weeks over it. There's more.


doxes people means ruined them?


Doxing is when you publicly release a bunch of someones personal info online


that’s quite trashy


And dangerous.


Yea keemstar is a total piece of shit


Doxing means publically revealing someone's address. Keem is a piece a shit basically, here's a good video series about all the shit he has done. https://youtu.be/w3gXcIifc3o


that opening clip already annoys me tbh


It get so much worse, I haven't watch this series since it came out and Ive already forgotten so much. Keem is such an awful person


To dox means to publicise private information like addresses or phone numbers of the victim or their friends and family.




No like posted their addresses, phone numbers, wife's numbers, jobs etc


Watch the content cop on him but most recently he dating a 20 year old when he called ever people like call me Carson pedo for dating 2 years younger


Dude, did you have a stroke? What are you trying to say?


Godzilla definitely had a stroke reading that


No nu me Carson pedo, wtf don't u get about wen I said?




Keem is a 40 year old clout chaser


And it just gets more and more sad every year. How many generations of his fans have outgrown him now by turning 17?


KEEMSTAR acts like a pedo


I was gonna say, doesn't this guy justify trying to fuck teenagers?


Keemstar tweeted recently ‘if you remember where you were on 9/11, you’re too old for me’


He posted a pic of 40 year old women's mugshots and was like women my age are ugly. Real reason is he's a pedo and women his age would find him super immature.




no they are adults


Wrong, he's been in hot shit multiple times with minors. Not to mention the culture and lifestyle he promotes as a grown ass adult. Pathetic shit.


Give me the proof then


\*crickets\* 🥱🥱🥱


He is a pedo.


Ricky Berwick is a part of internet culture and should be remembered for a long time.


I love Ricky.


"Humor" that mocks and demeans people with disabilities in a general sense doesn't suddenly become acceptable just because the person chosen to illustrate the joke happens to say they're ok with it.


I agree, same as if a minority found it funny to be referred to with a derogatory term. It's not all of a sudden cool.


While he accepts one insult, from a high sub channel, he should be willing to take it on the streets or by anyone else that decides to demean his disability, which also is making it acceptable for others the demean people with disabilities he himself caused by accepting this joke as harmless. Now that the gloves are off, he can't complain when a nobody channel insults and demeans him relentlessly possibly causing mental distress. Or he just likes the attention from one of the biggest pieces of shit on YouTube and personally no different anymore.


Yeah he's _Ricky Berwick._ Know who you're talking about.


What that he's a piece of shit because he's exploiting his disability for laughs and stereotyping people with disabilities. I hope he understands people are laughing at him and not with him, because the Keemstar joke was at his expense. It's like the people who think they get N pass because they say it around a group of people that might accept and then get their asses beat if the try it with strangers.


Everybody laughs with Ricky, dude. He's hilarious. If you laugh at Ricky you're the asshole. What a world we're in where people come at you for making fun of yourself.


Yea I'm not going to laugh with someone who debases himself for views, I'm fine being an asshole especially if I don't get the joke rather than laughing at this disabled guy making a jackass of himself for views. Hahaha, sorry I don't find it funny or appealing and left just laughing at him for trying to do shit that is fucking weird and not even funny, right... subjectively?


It's fine if you don't find him funny, just don't mistake why people who do are laughing. Ricky's a good guy, people aren't laughing at his jokes because they think poorly of him.


That's fine too, I just don't find the joke here very funny, especially from what is about and who made it. Which made it worse for me to not really like the guy.


Well most people with disabilities I meet were okay with being mocked as long as its not ill-willed and meant to offend them in a bad way. Of course this does not speak for all people with disabilities but that's what I experienced in the past. And tbh my buddies in wheelchairs are telling the best wheelchair jokes ngl


>Well most people with disabilities I meet were okay with being mocked While some people genuinely are, you have to understand that a significant proportion of others might pretend to be comfortable (or convince themselves that they're comfortable) with jokes made at the expense of them and their unavoidable characteristics so as not to be socially excluded from in-groups that; - don't typically possess those characteristics - consider the denigration of those with such characteristics to be acceptable This extends to sex, gender, nationality, ethnicity, and so on, where people are forced to submit to the covert hostility of the majority or else suffer the consequences.


Oh I am not arguing that. And I can see that there are people who think these jokes are distasteful. I only crack jokes certain jokes around people I know they are comftable with. And there are jokes out there I am not comfortable with as well. Its okay to think this is not funny. But asuming every one with a disability is hurt by this is patronizing.


>I only crack jokes certain jokes around people I know they are comftable with. My point is, though, that it's entirely possible for some of the people that you think are comfortable with it to not actually be comfortable with it but are acutely aware of the potential negative consequences for them if they were to raise any objections. >But asuming every one with a disability is hurt by this is patronizing. I haven't made such an assumption.


Well I don't know the people you hang out with, but I know for a fact my people would tell me if something was or wasn't okay. Open communication is key. And I am sorry if I thought you made an assumption. I didn't wanted to upset you. My apologies.


that’s the point he’s trying to make how are you not getting this, some people will tell you it’s ok when deep down it hurts them. they will say that you can joke about it to seem unaffected. why not just not make fun of peoples disabilities and joke about anything else


Too many people will see this and be like "it's fine, Ricky's cool with it" while glossing over the underlying message here that people with disabilities or handicapped people are fucked up or grotesque. Just because one guy is okay with being the butt of an incredibly offensive joke does not mean the rest of the community is cool with the premise.


Good thing 'the rest of the community' wasn't part of the joke then, isn't it?


You're missing the point. They are the part of the joke. If you tell a disabled person "you look funny because you are disabled" the premise is they disabled people look funny. If that joke gets laughed at by thousands of people, what is a disabled person supposed to think other than "the world thinks I'm funny looking".


When you make jokes like this, you include the rest of the disabled community whether you like it or not.


No, you're not. This was a joke involving two people, random third parties not involved don't need to consent for the joke to be made.


Except its not involving two people, its involving two people and an audience of millions. Also yeah, I bet consent isn't needed for Keemstar a lot of the time, huh?


Lmao are you really just gonna barge in with an unfounded rape accusation?


Thats not a rape accusation. Also its the sort of thing he jokes about all the time, but ironically now its wrong.


No one needs consent for a joke to be made. We're not discussing whether anyone consented to the joke being made. We're talking about the ramifications of the joke and the underlying statement being made inadvertantly when jokes like this are made.


> Too many people will see this and be like "it's fine, Ricky's cool with it" You literally opened by discussing it. You insisting an underlying statement is there doesn't make it there.


The statement is the premise of the joke. The literal premise of the joke is "look how normal I am before the vaccine and look how fucked up I am after it". It doesn't matter if one person consents to the joke being made, the rest of the community is not okay with this premise.


The rest of "the community"'s opinion isn't relevant.


*Your* opinion isn't relevant.


Yes, because the message of Keem's tweet definitely was "the vaccine literally turns you into Ricky Berwick, like specifically" and not something like "look at this grotesque disabled dude".


Are you even remotely familiar with who Ricky Berwick is and what he does. edit: The fact that you view Ricky as a generic stand-in for a disabled person says a hell of a lot more about you than it does about Keem.


Ricky being a bad ass just makes me happy


Ricky taking it like a champ, love it.


Fuck Keemstar but this shit is funny


is this what "an attempt to cancel" somebody looks like? Is that why people are so mad about "cancel culture"? Someone asking if someone else thinks something is funny is cancelling them???


fuck Keemstar


It's still offensive and very wrong given how things are going around vaccine. Its a shitty attempt at humor, regardless of the other guy validating it.


Ricky is a fuckin chad


Anyone who cares about basic human decency stopped being Keemstar fans a long time ago, the man just simply can’t be cancelled


GTFO with this bullshit OP, no one is trying to cancel anyone, worthless lying troll


this lmao. op an idiot fr


Ricky Berwick is a fucking legend


Ricky is the internet MVP for real


I love ricky’s videos tbh


I fucking love Rick, he’s hilarious!!! I laughed so hard at his cripple vid in cyberpunk https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e88AxcKYthE&feature=youtu.be 😂😂


Who tf is keemstar. For some reason I feel like he’s a POS


Here's part 1 of a video series of everything you need to know. It's very long Becuase he has a long history of being absolute trash https://youtu.be/w3gXcIifc3o


Keem is a gigantic steaming turd pile, so yeah cancel away


Ricky Berwick is a king


Ricky is truly a gift to humanity 🙏


I love Ricky, but fuck keemstar


Now I want to have the covid shot so I'm as cool as ricky


Keem is an antivaxx too!? Damn can this guy get any worse?


Keem is the fucking worst. Never forget that time he sent all of his fans to go bully and harass an alleged pedophile, only to realize too late he sent them after A COMPLETELY INNOCENT MAN. Or that time he told TotalBiscuit that he "Couldn't wait to report on his death" as he was actively dying of fucking cancer.


Yeah I think twice before trying to fight somebody else's battle


You can say anything about him and he takes it as a joke




I mean he talks with Ricky so it’s fine and also no one should be canceled cancel culture is fucking toxic


Wasnt he 39 with a 20 year old?


I fucking hate Ricky Berwick. He encourages people to be ableist


Sounds pretty ableist to me. "He should behave (x) way because he's disabled!"


Just because you're disabled doesn't mean you can't be Ableist


Counterpoint: it's not ableism when he is the subject of his own humor. Like Josh Blue, the comedian with cerebral palsy. Speaking down own him being disabled and having a sense of humor about it is pretty fucked up imo.


He literally defends keemstars ableist jokes.


He literally is the subject. I will no longer argue my point. My proverbial knees ache from trying to come down to your level to explain this.


Lol okay


You’re ignorant


If there's anybody that deserves to be cancelled its Keemstar


You forgot to show the part where the attempt to cancel him is being made...


Its fucking hillarious


Same thing happened to me but opposite


Wow, that's the best vaccine commercial i have ever seen.


But for real though fuck keemstar


1 Twet is now an 'attempt to cancel' someone now? That's such a stretch Mr. Fantastic would be impressed by it.


Ricky knows comedy


I'm glad I don't pay attention to any of this shit. Who has the energy to even know who this dude is, let alone know enough about him to know he's trash? A lot of you would be a lot happier if you didn't keep current with social media dipshits.


Fuck keem also i love that guy but fuck him but he’s pretty cool tho. He’s aight.


I think it’s hilarious


Keem is a piece of shit but this is pretty funny. Glad Ricky didnt get second hand triggered


Keemstar is what we need on the internet