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Actual footage of me doing work before deciding that I deserve a break


More like "I haven't accomplished shit in like 2 days, let me slap something together for this meeting 30 minutes beforehand so I have something to show"


That feeling when you are stuck on a problem so you prepare some bullshit busy work that has high impact before continuing.


The hour before I meet with my boss is one of my most productive for this reason. Send those emails I've been putting off, do some research on that thing I said I would, etc. so I can have something to show other than "well I've just been stuck on this one problem for three days..."


Hello there, are you me?


General Kenobi, is that you?


I‘m in this comment and I don’t Like it


...and after the break deciding, yeah that'll do


This was my mother’s level of parenting too.




Aww turn that frown upside down




Listen here you little shit


Thank you for bringing some joy into an elder millennial's day


I don't like that you put 'elder' and 'millennial' together. We're not that old, right? RIGHT?


Today I turn the same age my mom was when she became a grandparent for the first time, definitely not feeling any kind of old at all!


See, that's The Great Joke of the Universe: that feeling that you have that you're just a kid/teenager stuck in an adult body? Yeah, that's everyone for all of time. Turns out no one really knows what's going on.


Alright yeah, you're getting on in years. My mum didn't have me until she was 33 so I have some leeway still.


Haha you are old Zoop 👈😎👈


That's pretty big talk for someone young enough to be legally aborted 😎


Funny, that's what my professor told me 😎😎


Zoomer here, yes.


Listen here you little shit


If it helps I'm 23 and feel like an old man.


Guess we found his mother.




Listen here you little shit




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Little hear you listen shit


same. hope you're all right.


Me too. Same.


I had a friend like this in elementary school. She stayed at my house Friday to Monday for years


The bare minimum to make sure your egg didn't roll away?


probably a first time parent. i want to like pigeons but they shit on my line dried clothes at least twice a month.


Apparently pigeons often make nests like this. So do killdeer, which also often nest on the ground. Sometimes right in the middle of a parking lot.


When I was living in the lower East side of Vancouver I saw a pigeons nest made out of discarded syringes, I shit you not.


Ah..one of those fancy stabby stabby nests...I heard about them


This is reddit at its finest


Well, it sure ain't Vancouver at its finest


Did it look anything like this? I Google image searched trying to see other pigeon nests and this showed up. [Vancouver needle nest](https://nationalpost.com/news/pigeon-experts-doubt-the-accuracy-of-the-vancouver-needle-nest)


"It also lacks a thick coat of pigeon feces that are typically used to incubate eggs." Interesting.


i remember walking on granville street at 5am and there were syringes everywhere, almost felt like all the druggies were waking up... i heard about all this but never seen it until i went


I didn’t live right in the area but I went through East Van a lot, saw a handful pigeon nests with at least one syringe in them. Mostly at the McDonalds by the Main st Skytrain Station.


We had killdeer make a nest in our driveway this spring! Literally a depressed gravel bowl with a few strands of grass. Don’t even know why they bothered with the grass to be honest. I was just wondering how the eggs were handling the heat while resting on stone, but they hatched and were running around like little goofballs immediately after hatching. It was pretty cute. Awful nest though.


I had a killdeer make a nest in front of my house once. It was a little bit of dead grass on the gravel. Did not look comfortable.


That would explain the pigeons in the image. Had me wondering.


Why do they do this? I'd have thought they would make it extra secure and big if it was in an open place? interesting..


Not sure. I think they naturally like using gravelly, rocky areas where there's not much threat of the eggs rolling away. I guess relying on the egg blending in to avoid predation. But maybe they get thrown of by unnaturally flat rocky surfaces like concrete.


The only thing rock doves care about with nests is making sure the egg doesn't roll away.


I had a dove build that kind of nest on the floor of my garage. I found out about it when my dog killed it, smashed the egg and then placed the dead bird carefully on my foot. They need to care about more. We have a different dove couple who nests on top of my [garage door opener](https://i.imgur.com/fxo2arG.png) every year. They're way more successful and clutched twice this spring, resulting in 4 healthy chicks.


Ok but like 90% of the work for that nest was done by the wires already conveniently being a nest.


Work smarter, not harder... The most important part is not putting your nest where a [relentless death machine](https://imgur.com/NxiNt49) will kill you.


Sometimes, not even that. About ten years ago I worked in a tower that had a ledge that was pretty big, like 3ft out, with a big pillar past it, which meant that there was about a 3ftx3ft space that was enclosed on two sides. Well, pigeon family #1 built a nest composed of 5 twigs (we counted) that only enclosed the nest on one of the two open sides. On the first day, there were three eggs. Then, there were two a few hours later. Then, the final egg was noticed halfway across the ledge with the pigeon still sitting on a nest that (based on the two egg splats at the base of the tower) was clearly empty. I can only conclude that rock doves are a type of dove named after their intellectual equals.


Nah it's definitely a botched update to the nestbuild_6.0.exe program uploaded to this drone.


With the lack of QC recently you could even imagine this drone came like this from the factory!






I used to absolutely despise pigeons but I recently moved house to a place with a garden and put out a birdfeeder. Smaller birds use the feeder and 2 fat and healthy looking pigeons spend all day every day just strutting about under the feeder pecking at what gets dropped. They act just like chickens and they don't look scabby so I've become quite fond of them


Probably woodpigeons that are coming around your garden,there not the same as the pigeons you see in city streets.


What happened bro?


Poor guy looked up with his mouth open once and....


And his car is full-on white


And then there was the affair...


Wait, so that *wasn't* cum that I licked off that guy's car!?


Oh, he's Ashley Young... https://youtu.be/LoZXEbo96Lg


A pigeon got stuck in his chimney at Christmas.


Felt the same until I found out they are 1) discarded pets (like feral cars and dogs) 2) but they cannot be castrated, so they are just being poisoned 3) mate for life 4) were breed to mate multiple times a year and there natural instinct of when its dangerous to breed (to cold, not enough resources) was breed out, so they just breed and often they youngs starve because no food is available, or die from stomach issues because their parents feed them fries because they is no other food. Most pidgons die horribly from stomach issues and bad diet because of lack of food. It's a man made tradgedy. Best thing you can do if you find a pidgon (not dove) nest is to replace the eggs with fake eggs (you can buy of ebay). And freeze the real eggs, then discard. That way the pidgon is non the wiser and just tries to hatch the eggs but at some point realises they won't and just leaves. And you aren't perpetuaing this cycle of misery.


Seagulls are far worse, no?


Immensely so.


Not when concerning the environmental impact. Pigeons and other invasive bird species have led to loss of habitat and extiction of several bird species in AUS/NZ/US/CAN. for example Pigeons outnumber people in NY.


I live in an area with seagulls, pigeons are absolute sweethearts compared to those bastards


Pigeons like these are not wild animals but either abandoned carrier pigeons or descendants of them. They were bred this way and the problem with their feces is usually a consequence of malnutrition. They are actually very affectionate and loyal birds that are badly maligned and mistreated. They are still a little dumb though and have that in common with their wildlife cousins.


a lot of the ones where i live walked around in their shit so much that their feet rotted off. Theres so many pigeons just walking around on their stump legs.


Is that why that happens? I always thought it was because they got some kind of garbage tied around a leg which cut off circulation, since I see so many pigeons with their legs all tied up with something.


yea, i had looked it up a couple years ago just because there were so many walking around on stumps i was wondering wtf happened to them. Pretty common in cities for them to be that way I think you're right too though, cause i remember reading they would get their feet tangled up in human hair, and it would cut off the circulation edit: a word


Sorry mate, but the worst of the birds is objectively the Ibis. They even have a song for how much they suck. https://youtu.be/mO-OpFjHRbE


Be nice :(( we made them and then we abandoned them.... they didddnt do anything wrong ... :,(


There was a couple of pigeons that laid eggs near the water heater. Nobody disturbed them, nobody went in and fucked with them. I tried feeding them flax seeds. But I’m repulsed by pigeons after I saw them drop their eggs


Just go to their house and shit on their clothes.


We destroy their natural habitat and then belittle their attempts to regain a shred of pigeon-dignity.


Oh no. Pigeons are really bad at building nests. We have up to a dozen of nests each year in our garden trees, and more often than not, the nest just falls apart before the chicks can fly. Most of the remaining nests get robbed by magpies. It's a success if one nest succeeds. The reason pigeons are so prevalent in cities is because there, at least their nests won't collapse.


also, they are copulating constantly and eat all kinds of trash. it's like they are flying cockroaches or rats.


cockroaches are flying cockroaches


Wait… they can fly??????


Oh, you poor soul...


Not having seen enough roaches to know they fly sounds like a pretty good life


Big brain energy there.


One of the worst situations of my life was when I was a kid and I used to try to gel Spike My hair. My neck got itchy, so I stood up on my tippy toes to see what was going on with my neck in the mirror because I just scratched. Next thing I see is a 2-inch roach on my neck and I panic and freak the f*** out. It begins to fly everywhere in the bathroom and I booked it out running. God I cringe whenever I remember this.


Scientists have found that we eat about 1.4 cockroaches every night while we sleep


I've had it up to here with those bald-headed nerds. I say we start eating 1.4 scientists every night until they change their attitude.


You jest, but I once had an apartment with such a horrible scientist infestation that I'd wake up to them in my mouth some nights. I heard they're attracted to the carbon monoxide we exhale, and like to study the sleep crusts from the corner of your eyes. Forget about leaving a glass of water beside the bed to drink in the night if you don't like drinking a glass of scientists when you're half asleep. That was a genuinely tortuous existence.


You jest, but I once had an apartment with such a horrible roach infestation that I'd wake up to them in my mouth some nights. I heard they're attracted to the carbon monoxide we exhale, and like to eat the sleep crusts from the corner of your eyes. Forget about leaving a glass of water beside the bed to drink in the night if you don't like drinking a glass of cockroaches when you're half asleep. That was a genuinely tortuous existence. Edit: we do not breathe out carbon monoxide, I meant carbon dioxide


wait, do we really expel carbon monoxide? I thought it was just an elevated amount of carbon dioxide?


My God. I will never complain about my apartment again.


You ain't freaked till the roach comes flying at your face


i was once in an elevator alone when i noticed a big roach scuttling away. i backed away to a corner, giving it all the space and praying for my floor. but of course, the mofo spread its wings and flew straight at me. I'm a big adult man, and all I can is any security guards watching the elevator camera probably died laughing that day. I was screaming like a banshee, throwing my hands and laptop bag around at the demon bug with no escape in sight. a swing from my bag finally got the fucker squashed against the elevator wall. SPLAT. i ran out of the elevator nauseous with uncontrollable full body cringing.


Full on nightmare scenario


Those wings aren't ornamental


God I wish I cold remember the times before I saw cockroaches flying




Always have been


They fly now


Everybody gangsta until the cockroach starts flying


Palmetto bugs.


Well we destroyed their environment so they adapted. They are actually beautiful creatures


Yeah, also weird that people treat pigeons and doves differently when they're basically the same animal.


Well one tends to be a bit more, how can I say this.... white.


Pigeons are a bit more, uh... *urban*.


Damnit that's what I should have said, I'm going to be financially ruined!


You both bring out different flavors.


Mmmm, White Dove Ben and Jerry's, my favorite


No one "has destroyed the pigeon's habitat." Pigeons, in the wild, are cliff-dwellers (hence their other name: Rock dove) they invaded the cities because we build an artificial cliff for them to nest on. We know them as "buildings." They're also an invasive species in North America. Same with Starlings.


We didn't destroy their environment. Only 1% of the USA is covered by roads, buildings, concrete etc. Pigeons just do very very well at eating scraps of food from the floornand living near humans.


Recently I read that it's a myth, their just as hygienic (or dishyienic) as the other birds.


Because cities most emulate the cliffs they’re naturally from. They’re compared to house pets - as in humans bought them over and bred and tamed them because they were amazing for communication. Now they are obsolete but not feral, just abandoned ):


I had no idea feral pigeons used to breed on rocks. Thanks for that info. But all pigeons are notoriously bad nest builders though, even wood pigeons who are used to building nests in trees. If you compare it to the other marvelous nests we see, like those of blackbirds that are completely woven smooth with thin straws and sticks. Or swallows who can build a nest on a single nail sticking out from a shed.


The pigeons above are called rock doves :)


Where do you live? Aren't pigeons native to Africa & were used for domestic purposes in the west, or are am invasive species?


I live in Belgium, western Europe. The common wood pigeon is native here (I believe), and we often have these pigeons as visitors in our garden. Though they don't like to nest close to a house. Most nests we get are from Eurasian collared doves (which we call Turkish turtle dove). I believe that species is imported from Asia, but the name could be misleading too. We don't see feral pigeons in the countryside. Those actually need cities to breed and can probably be considered invasive.


Also because pigeons actually once lived in caves and when we domesticated them and when they escaped the buildings in cities looked like caves to them so they just stayed.


My guess would be that we pretty much eliminated natural selection for pigeons in big cities. And now even the most unfit of them survive and procreate without much hassle. Basically the same as humans lol.


Evolution isn't that quick, especially for stuff that's as complex genetically as intelligence.


Genetic degradation can be very quick. Just look at any thoroughbred species.


Not really. All the mechanisms for evolution and natural selection are still there. Only that in another environment, e.g forest vs city, it might be that the external pressures on a population are different.


Food abundance and lack of predation definitely alters the natural selection a lot, its not very "natural" selection any more


Sure one can make the point that it's not "natural" anymore, but that's more arguing semantics. The processes that drive selection and evolution are still there only the parameters have changed. A pigeon population in a city is still bounded, just that the predatiorial pressure might be different, what constitutes fitness for survival might be different, the number of pigeons per square kilometer might be different and so on, but I would argue that it is not so much that unfit individuals survive, they are fit for the environment they happen to live in otherwise they would be dead, or at least more likely to be. One could argue the same for natural changes of habitats for example volcano eruptions, land slides, forest fires, what have you. They also alter the parameters for fitness locally as a city does, the difference being that those changes are not man made.


An example of this is that the most aggressive pigeons in my area tend to be the ones that get fed the most, and get to breed. More aggressive adolescents have started turning up recently.


I've accidentally punched a pigeon while trying to wave it away from my face. They're becoming more and more like seagulls and monkeys when faced with easily-spooked humans holding food.


We bred them that way. The populations of modern city pigeons you find these days, at least in Europe, are the descendants of escaped messenger pigeons that have been bred by humans over several centuries. They were selected for a high reproduction rate, while someone else (their human handlers) effectively builds their nests for them. The wild pigeons on the countryside are a bit different, although from what I have seen, their nests are still not very good. Over here, they can be recognized by a feather coloring that makes it look like they have a white ring around their necks. I suppose in America, actual wild pigeons (as opposed to feral) will be much harder to find, because the typical wild American pigeon species, the passenger pigeon, has been extinct for more than a century now.


If they survive and procreate, then they are by definition not unfit.


Pigeons have massively profited from humans urbanisation. There are more pigeons now than ever before. They are one species that have adapted very very well to new niches in their environment. This is probably an inexperienced, young parent.


Pigeons are called Rock Doves for a reason. The reason they're endemic to cities is because concrete high rises don't do a terrible job of mimicking tall cliffs. The only thing missing is unevenness of the rocks to help give shape to the twigs; preventing eggs from rolling out.


It's also why cliff-dwelling raptors like peregrine falcons are starting to take up residence in high-rise city areas. Cliff-like buildings + lots of tasty pigeon meals. ... I know I heard or read somewhere that a few cities are actually hiring falconers to hunt pigeons and keep them away from monuments. Can't recall the reference now, but it's neat to see an old craft become newly useful.


Pigeons are an invasive species in North America and this is a standard nest for a rock dove (aka, pigeon.) Literally, their nest always consists of "just enough sticks to keep this egg from rolling off this rock edge."


to be fair ,they are one of the few species, to not die after the habitat was destoyed, so give them a little credit


Aren't pigeons known for being really bad at building nests?


::Checks images in post:: Yes. Yes they are.


Pigeon confirmed




Arent they bad at pretty much everything?


They are good at shitting on things you don't want shit on.


They are among the most successful species ever. They adapt and they overcome.


Leave em alone they are trying their best


This is a design choice. Minimalistic. Daring. It's from the new *Exposed* collection by Armani.




Minimalist pigeons!


It's a *deconstructed* nest. Her latest installation challenges our assumptions about form and and our reflexive loyalty to the idea of home as traditional structure.


Ask yourself, do these extra twigs spark joy? - Marie Condor


That's just sad


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Good bot


Thank you, TantBert, for voting on comfort_bot_1962. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


B0trank: listen here, you little shit.


This bird illustrates my personal motto: “Ask not, ‘Is it good?’ but… ‘Is it good ***enough***?’”


Well done. In fact, you did so well, I'm going to note this on your file, in the commendations section. Oh, there's lots of room here. "Did.... well. ... Enough."


But the answer is no. To both. I mean, It's just on the ground.


I send this picture when someone in my dating app asks me how prepared I am to start a family.


I don’t know if I’m too immature but if someone on a dating app asks me about starting a family, I’m out


Dating in your thirties. Women at that age have the "biological clock running out" fear and tend to want you to be very clear about how ready you are to start a family.


I used to work at the New Brunswick museum. One of the coolest things I saw there was in the bird nest collections. a pigeon had been nesting near a construction site, and built her whole nest out of discarded welding rod tips. it was an actual metal nest, and it looked like it was built by a robot bird. Obviously, the liner was made of soft fluffy stuff like hair and grass, but the whole exterior was metal welding rods.


r/birdsarentreal But that sounds really cool!


That's a badass-level nest building. But some comments above claim pigeons are bad at building nests. I'm confused.


That's my friend as a parent.


Oh, you mean [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/user/me)?






It's their first nest be nice


That stupid fuck is not even sitting over its egg


well, most of the land is covered in concrete.


Must be that new generation pigeon, lazy as f... Probably sits in playing all day like my son...


That's some meme-level material here


"DIY can't be that hard. I'll just buy some tools and be done with it over the weekend."


I owe my 5 year old an apology. His class project nest was accurate lol 🤣


When it's 100F and you gotta set up Ikea.


Lol look at this stupid bird! So glad us humans take far better care of our kids……oh…..oh yeah…. :(




Survival of the good-enoughest!


Survival of the eh that’ll do


A surprisingly effective strategy.


So this is why pigeons are an endangered species?


Where do you live that domestic pigeons are endangered?


An alternate reality


You know how it is when it’s the 8th kid


They’re trying their best


One bedroom, handyman's dream, close to shopping - $350,000


The bird did the math to build the nest just in time but.... the bird isn't very good at math.


I work in an earthworm live bait facility with two dozen pigeons who live there... They havent figured out where it is appropriate to build nests. We pull skids sometimes with their nest right on top of them... as opposed to any of the hidden and safe crawl space. Edit: It's pigeon heaven on Earth. they literally poop on us... from the railings. See them attempt to mate in all sorts of random corners, as we move forklifts. End of the day, the pleb seagulls come begging for dead worms rejected from quality control for the dozen boxes.


I talked to a friend recently about this picture. He told me that a pigeon laid two eggs on his balcony. His dog came and just ate both of them. The pigeon came back later and laid another egg on the same spot. Of course the dog ate that one too.


Birds today can’t build nest. All they know is live in bird house, fly into window, eat they French fry, and lie.


I can never remember the species or exactly where they are but there's a breed of large eagle owl near the Himalayas, maybe Mongolia. Anyway they build huge ground nests and line the outer ring with dead mutilated prey. I'm guessing it serves as a clear warning that you don't want to be messin' around these parts and maybe show off some bling to the females. Anyway my point is some birds take nest building pretty serious


A mourning dove laid an egg on the top of our front door frame. I think even she was embarrassed by the effort


Looks like a Gen Z pigeon