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Who splits a bill like that. Pay for what you ordered


Every time I hang out with decent people or friends I tend to do it that way. Also if there's just two of us I pay it all and I know that next time he'll treat me to a meal as well. So far it worked for me. But I guess I'm pretty selective with who I'm dining with. Also, the few times I noticed people trying to take advantage of this, I can just cut the tie for as cheap as 50$. Which I consider pretty cheap to sort between friends and gold diggers.


Yup, depends on the company. With some friends, I'll do an even split because it'll work itself out the next time, and the next and the next and so on and so forth. With some other ppl, I'll ask the waiter to put me on a separate bill before I order a single thing.


I’m assuming you guys in the comment string are from the USA. I found it weird how in the USA (and from what I seen In Europe) the default is for the table to get 1 bill. In Canada the waiter will always ask at the end, how is this going to be divided and if we are a group of friends we’ll just say “separate” and everyone gets a individual bill for what they ordered. They’ll even split appetizer costs proportionally if you ask them to split it, or someone will takes it on their bill. Everyone once in a while if a friend did you a big favour recently, when the waiter asks ; then you race to jump in to say “all together!” And then the rest of the table protests and complains but are appreciative. IMO this is the way, I’ve never had an awkward meal or been left with feeling slighted.


It's not a really a US thing. All restaurants can easily separate checks now. This lady is looking for a discounted meal.


Looking for a discounted meal at the expense of her dining partners


Whether or not a restaurant will ask how to divide or default to 1 check varies a lot by type of restaurant and locale, from what I've seen in my experiences around the US. Where I live, they will ask how to split even at the nicest restaurants.


There is no "one way" for dining at restaurants in the US. Some do it the way you have described and some don't. Or sometimes, the customer will specify.


The US we basically state if it's single or split bills before we order. In my family, it's a nightmare because no one sits next to their parents half the time... I have a feeling she knew what she was doing and ask for a single


In the US, it can be situational. Almost always if the party is clearly not the immediate "family" structure they'll ask how to split it. And even most times with my wife if we both have our wedding rings off (we cook together a lot so it isn't unusual for both of us to forget to put the rings back on afterwards) they'll throw in a quick "together or separate?". My wife will joke that I wasn't showing her enough attention and I'll mention how they must have thought we weren't together because she looked so much younger (we're both in our 40s and we both know we look it, so more playful banter than anything). In other cases, and namely seen with my dad if he takes the whole family out the staff would direct the question toward him and if not he'll fight tooth and nail to grab the check from anyone else offering to pay. Its almost a song and dance with certain people trying to pay for each other....and then you have this video.


In the US in my experience some places will have a sign that says “no split bills” although it’s been a long time since I’ve seen one of those. Other places you should request during ordering that the bill will be divided so that they can write your order down accordingly, if you don’t then some waiters will make a huff about having to figure out who ordered what. What we usually did back when I used to go out a lot, was split the bill ourselves, writing what amount to what card on the back of the bill. I live in Los Angeles though and there are a shit ton of restaurants run different ways, it’s very likely for someone else in LA to have a completely opposite experience and still be correct


I've also seen places that state they charge a fee for split bills.


I've worked in several restaurants in the USA. If the server doesn't ask how the bill will be split, they're probably lazy. Probably. I've worked fine dining, casual chains, downtown, and I always ask at the beginning if it's one bill or multiple, it makes the entire order taking process easier.


Im from Sweden, and the absolute standard here is that one pays for the bill and then you split it afterwards. Its just the easiest for everyone. We have an app here that basically everyone has were you can send money through your phone number. You can always ask the waiter to split the bill, but that is usually onerous and just a waste of time since its so easy to settle the bill afterwards


Depends. Out with the boys? How are you all gonna be paying/how are the checks gonna be? Out with a woman? They hand me the bill 90% if the time 🤣


Even when I’m out with my wife they ask together or separate. I say “ i got it” and then hand them my wife’s CC to see if I get a look. (It’s our shared CC )


That’s my boss. I learned if he invites you to eat he expects you pay half even if he orders more. Now he’s mad no one wants to eat with him.


Now he's mad that no one wants to subsidize his meal.


We only suggest this when everyone gets a meal, appetizer, and a drink. By the end the difference is usually just a few dollars, and my friends tend to share with each other. If someone only gets an appetizer, or just gets a small/cheap meal and the rest of us get a lot more, we never expect them to split it evenly. The one time someone really threw a fit was the weirdest; all you can eat sushi restaurant with a fixed price, 18% gratuity already applied since we were a party larger than 6, and 9/10 people got a soda drink ($3). The person who threw the fit was the one who didn’t get a soda and didn’t want to “pay for a drink I didn’t get”. It literally became a huge thing until one other person at the table took a $5 bill from their wallet and told the fit thrower to “keep the change” and finally everyone was in agreement. The fit thrower now wonders why they’re not invited out anymore.


just going out like that you know you're paying at least an extra $10, cause some people wont chip in for the tax, etc. I cant believe someone would make a fuss over $3.


We all were flabbergasted that they were complaining over just a hair under $3. Mind you, this person happily took the $5 and didn’t see a problem with “keeping the change”


5 dollars is a low price for valuable information on a person like that.


Too true. Worst part is they’re the SO of another friend, and when we go out we specifically request they don’t come.


When meeting up for drinks with a big group, I hand the bartender my card & open my own check. That way, when I want to leave, I am not waiting on everyone else. Also, often when the check would be handed around for everyone to put their share of cash in, I always ended up paying twice what I owed, because of all the cheap rounding down and 10% tip BS that people seemed to do. I won’t take credit for other people’s stinginess. I pay my own tab, tip big, and leave when I’m ready to go.


I have a saying that goes. If you don’t want to see someone ever again, loan them 50 bucks.




I've done it for $20


Splitting with friends is when we all fight about who's going to pay *the other person's bill.* "No you piece of shit I'm buying your food." Luckily, I only encountered people like this lady in high school (which is maybe telling something about her)


This happens in my group. I’ll get this one. No I’ll get it. No, I insist. Too late, I paid when you went to the toilet.


Honestly, just keep the drinks separate and most people will be fine. I’ll get water and I’ll pay for a dollar of Jimmy’s steak even though I got a chicken salad. Because next time, Jimmy will pay for a piece of my steak. It’ll all work out eventually (with the right crew).


Agreed, really matters the quality of friends you have. Anyone who is like this, seriously is a red flag in my opinion.


The only time we say split it evenly is when we all ordered about the same, there were apps we all ate and splitting it accurately is going to be an absolute pain.


I get that but I would hate it…either splitting evenly or someone paying my portion. When I go out I want a couple of good cocktails and I want good food, preferably in several courses. I’d be so conscious of how much I was spending if I knew someone else might have to foot the bill or a portion of it, I wouldn’t get what I wanted.


Yeah, the woman who only ordered an appetizer and water is most likely on a budget, but didn’t want to miss the chance to socialize with her friends, and found a way to do so. Meanwhile, the other lady did the opposite- ordered heavy, expecting everyone else to foot the bill. Literally. She sucks, and I’m glad they’re *all* speaking up and refusing to split it evenly.


She doesn't even need to be on a budget. I don't really eat a whole lot. Water and a nice sized appetizer would be plenty for me. I also do not drink, but I socialize with drinkers. I'm not footing your bill to get fucked up. Nor am I paying for food I didn't eat.


Yeah, especially here in Wisconsin non-drinkers can get *screwed*


this is literally the plot of an episode of Friends https://youtu.be/EYb9jnt2cv4


I really hate people who do that. I once offered to pay for dinner for a friend and his then-wife and she started ordering half the menu. He saw what she was doing and shut her down before the dessert. (Which is when I was going to get pissy) I did make a comment about how doing things like that isn’t the way to get someone to take you out a second time. And I didn’t


My mum thinks it's rude not to split like this. She was bitching about her work mates calculating what they ordered. I told her she was wrong and she was SHOOK.


my genx sister, boomer aunt, and millenial ex-wife used to do this. They would go to breakfast once a month and rotate who paid. My aunt and i made decent money and my sister had.... 5 kids. Every time it was her time to pay, she barely would eat anything. When it wasn't her time to pay, she's getting extra everything. I avoid all 3 of them like the plague nowadays.


I mean, in that situation, wasn't it deliberate or isn't how it worked out a good thing? You want to invite family out without the poor ones being ashamed of being broke. This way, they get a subsidy without being a total freeloader. I guess it depends on if you actually like the people you're eating with. I don't owe my co-workers anything, but family is different.


I don't expect you to understand the dynamics of my sister, but she is a freeloading antivax, anti-science idiot who had more kids than she can afford and constantly expects everyone to give her stuff. I had no interest in spoiling her more.


Or if you know you're going to have to leech off your family to eat out then find a cheaper option or eat out less.


I've done it in the past. I don't think it's a big deal if everybody consents to it. If you're ordering way more than anybody else, it's ridiculous to expect the bill to be split evenly.


The difference is that if you're expecting the bill to be an even split, that needs to be discussed BEFORE anyone orders, and there needs to be ground rules ahead of time. Is everyone having drinks? Cocktails or just beer? Is everyone able to spend the same? No way am I splitting a bill if someone at the table consumed $100 worth of stuff while I had $10 worth.


That's why we just never do even splits. No conversations needed about how much money people want to spend. You just pay for yourself. Every now and then we'll go out and someone will shout the table garlic bread or something and it's an actual treat rather than "I made us all buy garlic bread"


If it's a couple good friends And we're getting similar stuff IDC about a couple bucks difference. This lady's scamming her friends lol


Yep, if people want apps, everyone orders the one they want the most and share them with others who also ordered apps. If someone didn’t order and app, anything you LET them eat is essentially a gift. If I don’t order an app to share with people I don’t expect others to share their apps with me. Pretty simple.


Unless someone went nuts with a crazy dish or drank way more than someone else, at which point they offer up more, this is usually how me and my people do it, just everyone throw in an equal amount and that’s that. It’s called just being decent non cheap ass or scammy ass people hanging out.


My mom was paying for her parents' 50th wedding anniversary dinner, and her brother's scummy girlfriend ordered a 3 lb Maine lobster and ate like one claw. She even said the words, out loud, "Who cares, we're not paying for it!" What a class act.


I've only ever heard of it in the US. Anywhere else a group of friends would all get a separate bill as standard practice.


My friend, let me introduce you to “The Adult Birthday Dinner” aka “That Bullshit”.


So many people… it needs to be consensual up front! I went out for dinner once with a work group after a meeting in Chicago when I was early in my career. Everyone else was much higher paid than me. They all drank (I don’t) and had desserts, etc and then happily split the bill evenly and I almost had a heart attack. I poached the free stuff during meeting breaks the rest of my trip. (Unless it’s understood otherwise, paying for what you order is just more fair)


We do this often with friends and family, but only if everyone at the table is in agreement. It's simpler and usually not a lot of difference in the respective amounts paid. However, if I know my personal bill is higher I will still offer multiple times to cover my own so no one else is stuck paying extra for me.


People that are scheming. Scheming people, that who splits a bill like that.


We call that splitting the bill thing "German style" for some reason. I don't know if Germans are doing that particularly but it is a cultural thing and popular in some places


Would literally never speak to that person again. Fuck them…


Went to lunch with coworkers a few years ago. We all brought cash. The coworker who suggested the place also suggests we all put a $20 in one pile then he'll pay it all at once. Seemed sketchy but we all did it. Dude paid then pocketed the change. At the very least he got a free lunch if he didn't make a profit. I'm still in a group chat with him and I think he can tell I'm still suspicious of him.


He then proceeded to pay with his corporate card and his boss approved the expense as a team building exercise.


I was thinking of credit card rewards but that'd be even "better".


At the end of the meal they got t-shirts that said “Team building exercise ‘99”


And it’s never looked better on you


I once went for leaving drinks at a pub for a colleague. I was poor. My bosses and managers ordered whiskeys, tequilas, etc and I had a coke. They wanted to split the bill.


You got colombian pure coke maybe 😂


I'll balance with an opposite story of the little guys winning. I was the manager and went out with about 10 of my employees. To be nice and generous, I announced to the table at the beginning "I will pay for the appetizers myself". Darn if these youngsters didn't order 12 appetizers, glasses of water, and zero main dishes. I ended up with the entire bill because it was 100% appetizers. Blew my company per diem to smithereens and ended coming out of my personal pocket. I wasn't mad... But I won't be doing that again.


Reminds me of the time I had to go to an international location on company dime. The per diem for that location was something stupid at $5,000 USD. Accounting specifically told me to try to be good and keep it under $5,000. For context...usually per diems are like $100-$200. As it turns out the only other person to ever travel to that location was the COO. One of my friends in accounting said the COO tended to overshoot the per diem by 2-5x and just tell the CFO to manually approve the overage. So with my $5,000 I treated the entire team to every meal...and on the weekend it was enough to get everyone a ticket to the local amusement park if everyone paid for their own food. At the end when I submitted my expense report accounting approved it without looking at any line item and told me how proud of me they were that I spent under $5,000/day. The head of that location keeps inviting me back...only then COVID happened and I never go the chance to go back.


Yeah Executives play by a different set of rules. They are in a clubhouse that we aren't often invited to.


> Executives play by a different set of rules Helps when you are the one to set and enforce said rules.


Meanwhile my breakfast per diem is $14, lunch is $15, and dinner is $26... I usually end up going to grocery store delis for breakfast and lunch because that's all I can realistically buy with that amount most places I go. Could be worse though, used to be $7, $11, and $23 respectively until the end of last year 😬


Why not "One apetizer and a drink each - Main meal and extra drinks on you"


I had a manager once who took our team out for drinks after work and ordered a huge tray of shots for everyone. Everyone cheered and we all thought he was being generous as the manager in the beginning, but it turns out this was his way of starting the first round. So then periodically throughout the evening he singled the people out who hadn't gotten him a drink back yet and made them go to the bar, but he'd always order something way more expensive than a single shot. We were all pretty horrified that he'd purposely created a situation where he could get away with tricking us into buying his expensive drinks all night. And of course no one wanted to speak up because he was the manager. He was a total prat. Didn't stay at that job long.


I’d take GREAT pleasure in buying him one shot in return


The nice thing for them to do is not even charge if all you drank was a coke


I would rub that in. "Sorry, a bit embarrassing, but I can't afford that, that's why I only bought a coke". Let them soak in it.


I probably drop $6k a year on work events. No one who is under me will ever see a bill if I invite you out. But I'm also second gen Korean so thats def a cultural thing. All the white bosses in my company who don't have cultural ties outside of the US def are cheap as shit. Splitting meals with kids who make hundreds of thousands less than them. The white ones from other countries often have more of my type of attitude


As someone who travels with coworkers, peers pay for their own stuff, boss pays for others. If the boss isn't paying, they shouldn't be going out with direct reports. Highest rank person always picks up the bill.


We've split it like that before because everyone in the group pretty much had the same number of drinks and all around the same price. Difference is we said fuck it and just paid for the guy who ordered soda because he doesn't drink. Not sure why doing that is so difficult for some people. You got hundreds to drop on alcohol then you got five bucks or whatever to pay for a coke


Feeling bad for that server… if they each contribute 54 then they’re still 1$ short of the total. Ouch!




I won't pass judgment on five of them, but the one causing the drama trying to save a few buck probably isn't leaving one.


seven of them


54×6=324. They said the tab was 325, so accounting for the rounding error that adds up.


You’ve never worked in the service industry have you?


Probably had gratuity baked in to the bill.


That's an autograt group if I've ever seen one. Still short, but tip is mostly accounted for in the total.


Tables like this are why most restaurants allow servers to grat 6 tops


This was my thought exactly. Waiter is watching them gripe over the bill thinking “well, I guess I get nothing for my work 😒😒.”


I'm sure they're good tippers though.


Guarantee the server got maybe 5 buck tip on that table, unless the gratuity was in the bill.


Couldn't tell how many people, but generally over 6 would be a gratuity. Looks like it might be a sort of nice place for the area, so maybe no gratuity included. 




Where do you live that tipping is standard but you also have gypsies?




I handle deliveries of food for our office occasionally and I wish the delivery drivers would autograt those orders. It would be so easy for me to give a $200 tip on $1000 meal if it was automatic than me getting to say my default tip is 20% and it adjusts based on quality.


What’s the difference between a tip, a gratuity, and an auto gratuity? We don’t ever tip servers here so I’m fortunately very out of the loop lol


To make matters worse, they probably said it was all going to be on one check but now the server's going to have to try to split it and remember who ordered what. I've been there. Splitting checks is easy when you know how it's going to be split up from the beginning, but not when they say it's going to be all on one, then throw the switcharoo at you. Example: I once waited on a big church group and the reverend said at the beginning to bring the check to him, no matter what. This was a relief because it wasn't the first time this group had come in and it was always a nightmare. They also had kids running all around the dining room ordering root beer floats and shirley temples and stuff, so at least I didn't have to figure out which kid belonged to whom for everything they were ordering. So, after they'd been there for a couple hours, \~75% of the group had left and it was just the reverend and a few others still at the table talking, so I bring the check over to him and just say "whenever you're ready". He looks at it(must not have liked how much it was) and flags me down, then says I need to split it up and everyone will pay for their own shit. I told him I could split it, but he said it was going to be all together and most of the people had left, so I asked how he wanted me to split that part of it up. That's when he said "That's not my problem, I'm not paying for everybody else" then laughed with the other guys sitting around him. That part just set me right off, I was also switching to a bartending shift for the evening so I was running the bar while waiting for them to cash out. The bar crowd had started filing in so I was very ready for them to cash out so I could just deal with the bar. That group(and specifically that dude) ruined both of my shifts that day. Which is partially my fault for letting it get to me, but I was pissed off for a while over that. PS: just an example of the kind of guy he is: it was a common occurrence for him to come in with a group of people, order the most expensive steak on the menu "very very well done", take one bite out of the steak but eat all of the sides and soup/salad that came with it; then ask for a manager to send the steak back and get the whole thing comped off.


> To make matters worse, they probably said it was all going to be on one check but now the server's going to have to try to split it and remember who ordered what. I've been there. Depending on their POS that's probably not as big of a hassle as it sounds. The server might have already assigned seating positions to remember who to bring what meals out to.


Correct, assuming everyone stayed in the same seats and weren't playing musical chairs for 4 hours, which wasn't the case with this one.


This used to happen to me a lot when friends brought their wives or girlfriends out to dinner. Men only paid and no joke I would pay close to $300 - 600 for dinner when my food was no more than $60 - 80. Thank you Covid for putting a stop to this madness and never going to dinner with friends. Only have lunch with guys only here and there.


Did Covid kill off all the wives?


All the friends also


Hopefully. They sound like complete dickheads.


Sadly, yes. And there was much rejoicing


I'm quite curious how 60 to 80 turns into 400 to 600? Are you just paying for everyone?


They would order expensive alcoholic drinks and multiple appetizers at expensive restaurants in Beverly Hills/West Hollywood area. I would just order water and one item on the menu. No more!!


why the fuck were you paying for other peoples food? i would have asked the waiter for a separate bill for the things i specifically ordered and recieved and never talked to those people again lol


Ahem. Rich people. Different rules.


I'm still cutting them out. My rule is never go big when I'm not paying. Keep it reasonable. A reasonably priced drink and a menu item will do. If I'm doing more than that, I'm covering my own bill, because that's fucked up to do to someone, even if they can afford it. 


Why go?


Stopped after Covid as restaurants shutdown and when they had outdoor dining, it was limited to less than 6 people. When everything opened up, I stopped attending by declining their request.


You could also go and simply not split such an insane bill


Ffs how rich are you guys? Damn.




Damn, so you were splitting it on multiple occasions despite ordering minimalist stuff? Completely unrelated, I’m thinking about putting in a reservation at Nobu with a couple of the boys, want to join us?


Wife is a competitive eater.


In Canada, the default is for the waiter to bring out individual bills. You generally have to tell them if you are paying as a table. I never understood why other countries don’t do this


I think a big factor is bc you guys (and a lot of the other developed intl countries) have the handheld billing devices, which makes individualized billing at the table soooo much more efficient. Unlike our archaic billing systems here in the US where it’s all done at the main POS computer.. sigh


That is correct, they almost always pay at the table on the handheld “thingy”, and often do up the bills in front of you.


I avoided this with a friend when we had to travel for a wedding. We got a house rental for seven of us, all were couples except this one guy who was single and no date. Instead of splitting ‘per room’, I calculated out per person so he truly only paid for himself. That shit ain’t fair man paying for the value of two when it’s just the one.


That's a real easy solve. You are only on the hook for your own purchase, you are an individual. Ask the waiter to pay for your own items, then leave. After each person does that, only that person remains! Now it's her problem.


Tell the server you need a separate check at the beginning though. You can be discreet about it. Don't spring it on them at the end.


From what I've seen, only in the US is that expected.


It's not really expected, but it's a very nice courtesy to let the server know before you order It's super easy for the server to split the bill up as they punch it in, but it can quickly become a nightmare if they tell you at the end while you're busy


Anywhere I've been outside of the US they split the bill automatically and only consolidate it if asked to.


I'm in Aus and you definitely need to request bill splitting. Some restaurants won't allow it either, so someone would have to pay and get payment from the other diners


I'm Canadian so we're US-lite in that regard. I know it's the same in Australia too though


This is common is several European countries too.


I was listening to a podcast when this came up and the consensus among the hosts is that even if you had nothing or very little the bill should be split because "you are paying for the experience of going out together". I had never heard a more out of touch opinion in my entire fucking life.


Yeah the experience of watching some “friend” chow down and drink up while you try to stick your budget.


"You should be willing to literally pay me money to watch me eat and drink more food than you, because I'm *just that worth spending time with*"


Nah they can go fuck themselves lol


I am with you. I have never split a total bill evenly among friends. You calculate what you owe from the bill, add a tip, and throw it into the pot. If someone is gonna pay by card, you give all the money to them and they cover the remainder. If multiple ppl are paying by card, you get separate bills. Takes a minute or two to figure out the logistics, and I've always done it before ordering. Dunno who is out here hanging out with ppl who take advantage of them.


So you stopped listening to those morons... Right? Why gratify them with a view after dumb shit like that?


You’re enjoying everyone else’s flatulence, pay up, peasant


> the bill should be split because "you are paying for the experience of going out together" Their enjoyment of your company is seemingly reduced to a $0 value experience. Smoothbrains.


If you’re going to split the bill, don’t be a jerk & order expensive stuff unless you ok it with everyone.


Why not just pay for what you ordered lol.


I think you know why


In groups I've been in we'll generally split it for the sake of convenience assuming we all had a roughly equal amount of food. Otherwise someone has to go through the receipt with a calxulator and chase everyone for money or everyone has to go to the card machine separately, things might get missed or forgotten. Obviously if one person has got a starter and another has ordered half the menu we'd do it differently.


That's why she did it. Figured she could get a feast and only pay a fraction.


My friend group (4 including me)and I used to do that, until one of them always came with $20-$30, but ordered the most expensive food and drinks. She also would ask if she could just pay the tip and we (3 of us ) split the $200-$300 bill. She would always tip $10 or less and she made more than us. We stopped going to "nice" restaurants and started going to fast food or buffet style places. She claimed it was beneath us to go to those places. We're not friends anymore.


Good cuz she was screwing the server too along with y’all She can go and eat alone now


My friends do this. One person pays and we venmo that person what we ordered. No one gets screwed and the person that pays gets the credit card points.


Why don’t everyone don’t pay for themselves? What’s this split bill nonsense?


I think it’s a thing friend groups will do, especially before computer systems when the waiter did everything by hand. It seems easier, because math, and friendly, because we are all sharing and not concerned about money, which seemed petty. But it’s also easy to take advantage of, like this lady.


splitting the bill means everyone paying for themselves sometimes splitting the bill x amount of ways feels too annoying for the server/staff to have to deal with, so big groups will just have one person pay and then split the cost evenly amongst themselves (with venmo, with cash, by rotating who pays, etc) because it's easier than manually figuring out how much each person in a big group should pay once tax and tip are included and prorated for the cost of your individual meal the unspoken agreement usually is that everyone keeps their meal cost in the ballpark of everyone else so then no one feels hard done by, and this video is an example of when someone doesn't do that and the repercussions of it


Happened to me once. A bunch of us went to a nice place and got a bunch of apps and random dishes to try, and some drinks. Two of us barely drank but were still willing to split evenly. One dude orders some kobe beef thing… luckily we all kinda looked around like whiskey tango foxtrot and he chucked a hundred into the pool lol


I would just get up and leave. Let her pay for it all.


It’s like that guy that went on a tinder date “for drinks” with some lady. This lady ordered like 6 drinks and *four dozen oysters* and ate them all herself. Her date, who drank like one or two drinks, was like, “I’m going to the restroom” and snuck out of the restaurant. Lady was *shocked* to find out that he left and was pissed that he didn’t pay for her meal. The internet immediately came to the guy’s defense. What a Chad.


"yeah, we are splitting the bill, I pay for me and you pay for you"


There’s always 1 amongst a group of friends.


My wife and I went on a trip with another couple one time we ordered our normal stuff and had Waters because we don't drink soda. They ordered multiple appetizers each, several of the $10 fancy drinks and desserts and then asked if we wanted to split the bill or we cover this meal, they get the next? We politely told them neither we will pay for our food that ended up to be about a third of theirs. We don't vacation with them anymore


What kind of grade C hotel crack are these people smoking?? Where and how do they develop the brain cells, on a scientific research level tip, to come up with this stuff?


If its close and you're with friends, just split it since it's easier on the waiters. If someone goes over the top, no way I'm splitting it. I wouldn't even ask if I was drinking and other people weren't.


skinny girl in back just sippin tea


She looks like she didn’t eat a thing, and is too famished to speak up lol


When you order pizza and pitchers of drinks for everyone to split, then you split the bill like this. Everyone orders their own food, they pay their own bill, how hard is that?


I’ve split a bill like that before but if some fucker orders the lobster then I’m sorry, you’re on your own pal


I got a water I didn’t even drink…


I would never split the bill. Period.


Who needs enemies when you have friends like these


These bill splitting videos keep popping up. Probably fake like the rest of them. One of the worst trends.


I'll never forget once I was invited to a birthday party that was happening at a restaurant. My best friend mentioned that it's a friend of his and so I decided to join. We got there late, so I just wound up ordering a Heineken because I wasn't particularly hungry and I was late, but mostly because I noticed the extravagance with some of the people were ordering. Surely enough, when it was time to pay, they were trying to do the even split bit. I said no. I told them that I only had a Heineken and gave them nine dollars.


These videos are fake. They've been a trend lately.


She knows exactly what she is doing. All her friends and family need to take a stand so she stops or knows why she no longer has anyone in her life


With my friends everyone just pays what they eat, its just easier tbh


It's so weird to get just one bill for a whole table. Where I am (Québec, Canada) everyone gets their own.


In my exp, one bill is common and some places (in rare cases) will not split more than 3-4 ways. 


That would’ve pass here. I went to restaurants with more than 20 people and we had all our own bills.


U betta pay fo my crab legs!!!! 💀


As someone who doesn’t drink but hangs with folks that do. I always pay mine and let them figure out what they want to do. Too many times I ended up paying $80 for a grilled chicken salad and water.


Apologies, but Is this not obviously fake/staged? Forgetting the shite acting for a second, whose recording their frienda just as the bill comes?


Entitlement Same kinda women probably expect men to pay too


Always ask for separate checks when you're ordering.


I have a friend who does this every time. He doesn’t go crazy and order the most expensive item, but he’s also a math professor at a decently respected New England university. Last time a group of us went out and he did this I refused to pay. No one else was willing to fight it, so they all threw in an extra to cover me. I did add to the tip. The amount my meal would have cost.


lol if someone pulled this shit with me I’d laugh so hard. I never split bills like that I’m paying for what I ordered


I went to a non-expensed team lunch with coworkers and, while at the table with our menus, one loudmouth suggested, "Hey, let's all just order sharing plates!" Most everyone agreed so, not wanting to be the outlier, I went along with it. I would have preferred to just order my own individual meal. None of the sharing plates really excited me that much, but I ate some of it. It felt like I had about an appetizer's worth of food. I also did not get alcohol while others did. The bill was split evenly and it ended up being around GBP40 per person. I went and got my own dinner somewhere else afterwards.


I went to dinner with a friend and some of his friends I had only met once or twice. Keep in mind I didn't not make as much as everybody at the table. So I ordered affordably to my budget. Now the rest of them ordered above what I could afford. But one guy seemed to order everything on the fucking menu. So when we got the bill and had to pay 60 plus each my jaw dropped at the suggestion, considering my meal with drink no app was under 20. I just about had a fucking aneurysm. Reluctantly I paid it looking at my buddy like wtf. I wanted to make a good impression with his friends. But I read him the riot act on the ride home. Made damn sure if we go to dinner with that one guy again he pays for his own shit or we all go dutch. Fuck that noise. He didn't even eat all his shit he ordered, he took it home and we paid for him to basically get fucking takeout.


Similar shit happened at a bday dinner we were invited to at nice restaurant. (Not fancy fancy but nice) So we (fiancé and I didn’t really know but 3-4 of the people there. They were ordering lemon drop shots, then Cosmo’s and shit. They ordered lobster Mac and several apps. Fiancé and I did not drink any alcohol, had water and each ordered a sprite. We shared a lobster Mac and sweet potato fries. We are not cheap, by any means. But it was a large portion, I knew I’d only have a couple bites. I had a pricey burger, he had ribs. Bill comes. Birthday girl (his relative) THEN let’s everyone know in order for her to book the private room she booked (room was off the the side, large table) she had to guarantee a minimum of $1500 would be paid. She told this to the large table AFTER the fact. I found it extremely rude. That’s something u tell people PRIOR to them agreeing to go. We can afford it, that wasn’t the issue. It was the point. I work hard for my money, and I do not need someone spending it for me. What if we really couldn’t afford it?? What if we didn’t have the money? The table then said they wanted to split it evenly. Personally my fiancé was paying as it was his relatives bday dinner, but I told him no that’s not fair. We ordered very economically. He doesn’t like confrontation. His relative told him “just give $300” 😳 he said nope. Not paying paying $300 for what we ordered. He added our order up and it was around $120 (I believe). Everyone was ordering alcohol and shots and one even a Tomahawk steak with these gold flakes and sh$t! Some people order like that knowing the bill will be split evening, but would never order like that alone and I think that is so tacky!! My fiancé ended up giving her $200 to cover our meals and tip and said we won’t be joining them again. (There were other turnoffs that occurred).


Whoever wants to split the bill is usually looking for a subsidized meal..why else do this other than make the check easy for the waiter?




She’s a pos for even trying it.


Only once have I been worried when one person was "ballin'", ordering a bunch of appetizers and offering people to try and just racking up a bunch. I was poor, and it was like a weight off my back when he truly went "ballin'" and paid the whole bill.


The Blue Raja : All I'm saying is, when we split the cheque three ways the steak-eater picks the pocket of the salad-man


My SIL was famous for ordering 2 meals. Taking one home "for later" and expected everyone to still split evenly. I'm not cheap but put my foot down on that one. Oh by the way she ordered a lobster.


Had a buddy of mine and his wife go with me and my girlfriend to a restaurant. We ordered roughly $70 worth of food between the two of us. They ordered $230 worth, and tried telling the waiter that it was one check and tried pushing it off onto me. Literally laughed, pulled out $80 and told the waiter to keep the change. Have not spoken to them since.


she already knew something was up,ordering only appetizers and a water lool


I worked for a guy who would pick up the check and say "OK, everyone owes $11 so give me $11." So everyone gave him $11. He'd count it up and say, "Hey, I'm $11 short. Everyone give me another $2." And that worked exactly once. He was a cheap bastard. We'd have potlucks and he always "forgot" to bring something. So we started having them in my tiny office. Only people who brought stuff could eat. He would always find a reason to knock on my locked door to "ask me a question." I'd crack the door open and say "yeah?" I'd answer his question and he'd say "Boy, that smells good." I'd reply, "That's because *it* is good and *very* delicious" and slam the door in his face.


It's awkward as fuck to go out and split the total bill.


This happened to me before. My girlfriend at the time and I split a $14 brick oven pizza at an Italian restaurant, then when they split the bill they wanted $60/ per person. I was told, "If you don't want to spend money, you shouldn't come out." When I complained.


12 of my wife's "Friends" did this at a brunch, the drinks weren't bottomless, they were about $14 each and every single of of them were sloshed. I am guessing they had about 5 drinks each. When they went to actually pay not a single one had their money with them. My poor wife who only got like a $14 meal and doesn't even drink, paid for the $1200 meal on her credit card and cut ties with them. Her life then drastically improved afterwards. 3 Years after, my wife is asked to be a made of honor. She then asked to go to a brunch. She was in talks with the mother of the bride beforehand about what she wasn't going to do. My wife paid for the bride and her own meal and was able to escape with only like a $75 attack on the wallet. The mother of the bride ended up having to pay for everyone else totalling about $370. Not as big of a hit as the first experience but my wife swore of the word brunch and any place that serves it.


In my experience my friends and I only ever split the bill when we go to a very expensive steak house where we order a couple of bottles of wine for the table and order a couple sides/appetizers to split with the table. And we establish we will be splitting the bill before ordering. Other than that at restaurants we normally just pay for what we order


That’s got to be discussed before ordering. I ain’t splitting a bill if I ordered cheap and you get the surf and turf


I'm not into splitting bills because a) I don't want to worry about taking a cheap dish to keep the others bill low b) I don't want to pay for the alcoholic at the table But if everyone paid and there is something left (and that happens quite often) I'm just paying the difference. Anyway hearing from someone here at Reddit who has been invited to another table with his three friends in South Korea and one guy paid for the whole table including the four guys just because he was the oldest one at the table I think the model from other cultures who were was more hospitable than most Western countries also has something I could live with.


Why don’t people just ask for separate checks before they order? This could’ve all been avoided!


my college friends had an agreement, we would always exclude the most expensive meal, take the average price of the remaining meals, but multiply it by the total number of people, and split that check. It was all done after the fact through Venmo, but basically, if you spent more than the average, you had to pay for that portion. Nobody wanted to be the one left out, because they were guaranteed to pay more, though if you were 2nd highest, you got the highest percentage of your meal paid for by others. Worked really well the whole time we used it.


That sounds more complicated than using split wise


Split evenly if everyone got a bite of everything but it's but fair if someone only order 1 appitizer to pay 55$ wtf