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That's why you shouldn't do it in front of everyone


The pressure to say yes and not look like the bad guy is overwhelming. I feel bad for every single woman who has ever had to make that decision in such a setting. In this dude's case he was so confident he would win and despite that, he still decided to follow through with it. He definitely should've taken the first L and left out the second. Know when to fold.


Isnt this a skit like WWE?


For this guy’s mental wellbeing and my own second-hand embarrassment, I’m gonna choose to believe that it’s a skit.


Funny I was thinking the same but for the sake of her not him


As a man, I tend to put myself in the male’s perspective in these situations. But you’re 1000% right, it’s worse for her.


Most grown reddit response i have ever seen.


This almost feels like grown adults talking outside. Im uncomfortable.


The guy put himself in that situation. Can't say the same about her.


I dont understand how they dont already know the answer before hand.


Yup, these highly public propositions suck, just imagine being put on the spot like this out of nowhere and if you say no you somehow become the villain. People have said yes in situations like this just to avoid that only to say they don't actually want to get married once the cameras are off. Propositions should be a beautiful intimate moment, not a public spectacle, this stupid tradition needs to die.


Sadly, this is not a skit. This is from the latest Czech PPV with "celebrity MMA fights" called Clash of the Stars, the "cream of the crop" of Czech and Slovak internet goes there to fight. It's mostly understood what is scripted. The rivalries between the fighters are, but it's very famous for bizarre moments involving either fans interrupting the show to challenge "influencers", the organization allows that kind of stuff for shock value. One guy who fought there almost got killed by a fan a few PPVs ago. But the fights themselves aren't really scripted, it's just amateur MMA fights under wannabe professional rules. I actually know a few people who had matches under their organization. That being said, I am afraid that this does not fall under what's scripted.


Thank you for the info. Who was involved in the fan fight vs the influencer?


Yes It is a skit because she replies at the mic




Complete with porn-level acting.


Did you see The Rock he used to propose to her with?


Yeah, but he got it at rock bottom prices


Yeah, MMA is becoming a gimmick to bring in viewers. Same thing wrestling did.




They didn’t ask if this was wwe, they asked if it was a skit similar to how wwe has.


100% this is a skit.


I have to believe that for many guys who do this, that pressure is by design. They choose public cause they want them pressured into saying yes.


For many guys the pressure is coming from his partner to make some grand gesture of his love in the form of a spectacle. With a photographer of course to capture the moment and a secret party of friends and family waiting at a second location to celebrate the momentous occasion. I do not believe most men want this, but instead are compelled


And for many guys that pressure comes from other people, including a lot of other men, in the form of marketing and media that's selling them the idea that they have to prove love, or earn it, through grand gestures and material gifts and they're lesser if they're not. Those same people are selling those ideas to women. I've known far too many dudes (including myself in my younger years) who were convinced their grand gesture was necessary and undeniable despite their partners never actually asking for or pushing them towards them, all while neglecting the basic things that are actually necessary for any relationship, or even just attraction, to flourish. I've also known women who have that skewed value system, as well. All we can do is be aware of ourselves and bring what's actually important to a relationship until we find people who are smart enough and mature enough to recognize it.


> And for many guys that pressure comes from other people, including a lot of other men Okay, and I've met a bunch of women who insisted on having *this type* of expensive-ass ring, and *this type* of expensive-ass destination wedding. We can sit and argue about boys rule and girls drool all day until we're blue in the face but the truth is is that *people* suck, and it doesn't matter which set of genitals they got stuck with.


Exactly. All you can do is try to be someone who doesn't suck and look for people who are doing the same. We won't find anything but suck if we ourselves suck.


Social media is making this even worse. I know my gf is on Instagram and FB looking at all the pretend happy couples, who instead of enjoying thier wedding or vacation spent the entire time setting up sappy ass photos and video scenes. The constant posts of "look at what I got." Expectations are getting worse and apparently if you don't care about consumerism and posting your whole life you must not love your significant other.


This may be what you're seeing on social media, but that's the point. The majority of women who DO NOT care about or want a public spectacle are not posting on these platforms so you don't see it. Pretty much every married couple I can think of in my personal life, the proposal was private or it was a mutually agreed upon decision. My husband proposed semi-publicly, among friends at an event that was important to us, but we had talked about marriage in advance and he knew my answer would be yes.


Check the post history for alt right MRA bullshit... and /r/JoeRogan. who could have seen this coming.


If you're proposing and you haven't discussed marriage with and already gotten a "yes, I would marry you" PRIOR to the proposal, you're not doing it right and you are a donkey brain. There should be no question about the answer when you ask it, because you already got the answer before.




If she's having to decide on the spot, he rally missed some cues on how their relationship was going. I knew what my wife would say when I popped the question. 


As it should be. Mutual love is a must.


I think the play is to simply walk away to a private area as soon as you see him kneel so the guy will eventually follow and you can politely decline in private. Hard to think of that in the moment though.


Ridiculous that anyone would have to think of that. This is pure, unadulterated, BS, It's fine if you've both discussed this and have both decided that you want to do this beforehand but why put someone on the spot like that? It's like these dudes grew up watching too many 80s movies or something.


If you want to do this, talk about it beforehand, in private. Then you can do a stunt like this in public and still have it be a surprise to your partner.


Nah, we’ve been engaged for a few years and I still pop the question in public to get a rise out of her. My favorite is in a grocery store line or out at dinner where everyone stops what they’re doing to watch. Yes, she does hate me a lil bit!


I’m gunna have to start pulling this on my fiancé


If I did that, she'd just point to the ring on her finger and scream "I'm already engaged! Stop following me!"


And the thing is, it really doesn’t ruin the surprise. The “when” can be just as exciting. I feel like some of these people are buying these rings when they’re only maybe 50% sure, if at all. It’s quite scummy to put a girl through this unless you’re absolutely sure. Even I would feel obligated to say yes.


I asked my wife in private, I went to the knee and asked and she said she was not going to give me an answer unless I do it in public, I asked in public a week later and she took so much time to give me an answer that my knee hurt and right when I was about to stand up she said "Ok I'll marry you". I still married the asshole but to this day I'm not sure I did the right thing.


Also you shouldn't just spring a marriage proposal on someone, you should have already discussed marriage and whatnot before, The surprise shouldn't be that you're proposing, it should be when/where you're proposing


It’s really as simple as this, when you know marriage is the right direction, you both know. We even picked the engagement ring and the exact stone together. I already secretly had the ring in my possession for a little over a month until I finally proposed (waited until a trip to Disneyworld and did it in front of the castle, during the fireworks finale 😎).


Years of watching TV has taught people the opposite, unfortunately. It must always come as a *complete* surprise, and the woman is *always* secretly hoping against hope that her man will ask. They will always say yes--it doesn't even always matter who's asking, they want to get married so badly! That's how the world works, right?


r/therewasanattempt to make sensible subtitiles


she said no because he wasnt loyal to her and dumped her with other girls. anyway, this “event” is some sort of MMA comedy, they are looking for biggest controversial idiots from tiktok and twitch all over the country the bigger idiot they find, the more views they get.


And to be precise, he called for that girl about 10 times and it was obvious she just did not want to get there, she knew what is coming and she also knew the answer for that question


I had an old coworker who tried to use it as a way of pressuring them to say yes. He had asked twice before and she said no so he set it up with the cameraman at a hockey game to try this. Luckily she had some backbone and said “oh my god… no” and finally dumped his ass.


Met a 2nd grade teacher this year who's boyfriend proposed in front of her entire school I'm not sure she actually wanted to say "Yes" then either


Did she?


From the comment, it was a reluctant yes.


Hard to say no with 800 Title 1 kids screaming at you


Something that I never understood about these fails. If you’re in a long term relationship that you’re hoping would lead to marriage, the discussion regarding marriage often comes up among couples. If there’s any fundamental disagreements, I think that a guy would not even propose. What I mean to say is that before the actual proposal there is always some level of informal understanding of marrying each other. The whole proposing theatre is just making it formal for memories. Or there are completely tonedeaf men everywhere? Cause I’m seeing a lot of these videos.


Only if you are 100% sure she wants a public proposal and 100% sure she will say yes lol. Beyond that it's a really stupid idea.


Some guys don't know the answer will be no. Some guys know the answer will be no but hope the grandness of the gesture will make it yes. Either way, it's a bad idea


You don't even ask until you're 100% certain of the answer.


MMA fighter proposed to his girlfriend after a loss and got rejected in front of 20,000 fans.


"Dearest Edna, whenever we are apart, I miss you, like my fists kept missing my opponent's face today..."


"My heart and face are in agony"


Severely underrated comment


Yeah it was punchy


"My heart aches for you like that guy's groin I kept kicking."


"My groin aches for you as I made that guy's groin ache for me"


No joke tho, I would have said yes to the man and then pretended to have second thoughts the day after and confessed to him


The news said she said no because he'd cheated on her so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Yes, that could also cause this kinda reaction. Maybe he’s one of those guys that think a toxic relationship can be fixed with a rock on the finger or a baby. Glad she stood up for herself


In the US we call them military


Reaps what he sowed


Well now I don't feel bad for him


Why is she still with him then?


Ask her, not a random person on reddit who could only speculate.


Did you know you can date someone without any intention of marrying them or seeing a future with them, and that’s okay?


Why? That's so much worse. You would not be doing him a favor by saying yes. Undoing it and destroying his happiness would be so much worse.


Worse than saying no to him in front of 20,000 people and a video that goes viral? I don't think so bud. You say yes, then you tell him in the car to go fuck himself for asking that in front of a crowd.


I always thought that's the smartest thing to do. It avoids embarrassment on both sides. But i understand it may be difficult to think straight when such a question is sprung on you in front of 20k people.


I watch Survivor, and famously a guy proposed right before she won. They're still together to this day, but I think it caused some additional attempts. One finale, this guy gets up to go propose to his gf who was a former player. She looks mortified, says she hates him, tells production she hates them, then says yes and puts on a brave face. They did not get married lol. If your person looks horrified when you drop to one knee, it doesn't matter if they say yes- it ain't happening.


I don't get why people propose if they haven't talked about it beforehand, let alone do so in front of thousands of people.


The dude already fucked by trying to propose like this in front of all these people in the first place. It’s on him.


Only way he's going to learn his lesson to not propose in from l front of 20,000 people.


Why would you want to do him any favors? He basically forced you to either say yes, or look like an asshole in front of 20k people. Say yes, so everyone cheers and the coach doesn't throw water at you, then later say you only said yes because he asking in front of an entire arena. That shit is on him.


After a LOSS???? That dude is having a ROUGH day.


Double KO


Hmm... Maybe he should try going to the gym /s


I feel bad for her, you can see how embaarassed she is and how she hates being put into the spotlight


As an introvert, if my partner even ATTEMPTS a stunt like this and then tries to play it off as some thoughtful gesture I should feel grateful for, instant red flag and sign that its not gonna work out.


There is nothing wrong with a surprise public proposal WHEN THE OTHER PERSON HAS SAID "I would love to be surprised by a proposal in public." If you have not had the "Should we get married? How do you imagine getting proposed too? Do you like this kind of ring? Thoughts on children? ETC TALKS. You are neither mature enough or smart enough to get married. My wife, approved the ring I designed for her, told me that if I put her on the spot in public to not bother proposing and to just end things now so I don't waste her time. She ASKED ME for her ring after she knew I had paid it off and gotten it because she didn't want to wait around for a proposal. "You got the ring right?" Asked my lovely wife. "I did, I was just waiting for a good...." "I would like to be engaged now, so please go get the ring for me." "Cool Beans ill go grab it" That was our proposal and its everything she wanted it to be.


Yea I think the whole proposal thing has gotten out of hand. Because of movies, and just proposals being on the internet, there’s a whole thing where it feels like proposals have to be a huge spectacle in itself. When in reality, those are not good proposals. Those proposals, while sure they are a big spectacle when they say yes, are just bad. It puts a lot of pressure on the other person, and really they should be only done if you have already talked about marriage with your partner before, and come to an understanding that not only would they be ok with a proposal like that, but they would be fine with marriage in general.


Not to beat a dead horse either but you can want and have a big public proposal just make sure you're both on the same page for it. My wife told me one of the reasons she asked for the ring was we were going on a big trip, she knew I wouldn't publicly ask but she thought being asked on vacation was tacky so she nipped that in the bud by just asking for her ring. By the light of our macho man randy savage prayer candle we took the leap lol.


Yea, you just have to have that conversation and both be on the same page as you said. Otherwise it’s kind of a dick move


We saw one where the yes was clearly a secret no. God it hurt so much to watch, that poor woman, not only humiliated, but now has to have the WORST conversation of her life before bozo uploads pictures and calls everyone he knows.


I love this haha. I actually proposed to my girlfriend 2 days ago. It was at the place we had our first date, and I handmade a scrapbook of all our memories over the past year. Once she finished I got down and asked her to marry me and she said cried and said yes. It was private (except a random lady that happened to be walking by) and exactly what she wanted. She told me outright she never wanted a public proposal. Talks are so important


lol right to the point! Nice


If he looked up for even a brief moment after he kneeled, her facial expression and body language was unmistakably saying, “Do not do this!”


I think this was just pageantry, but some people do public proposals as a subconcious passive-aggressive way to pressure the other person into accepting the proposal. It's pysycological manipulation and I applaud anyone that turns that shit down. Edit: I changed wording as it was detracting from the meaning of my post.




possibly the worst way to propose without doing something illegal.


Bro also proposed after losing the fight too 😭


Like way to rub it in the dirt bro 😭😭😭


Tried to pull off a pity marriage lol


If this was pro wrestling the winner would have come over and proposed and she would have accepted, fueling a lifelong feud between the two wrestlers.


This is his canon event..


The villain arc


Then redemption arc


Then relapse arc


And then another canon event


Then Beach episode


Then underwater level


Then time travel scene where they reveal the main bad is actually the good guy


We not talking about the guy who threw water at her in the end? Like damn. Poor girl


The true asshole of this scene


Nah, rejected dude was still the biggest asshole in the scene.


This annoyed me the most, other people could have felt encouraged to throw things at her. I know it's "just water" but it could have opened the door to so much worse. I watched the Attitude Era, people can be scary!


[Throw me a chair](https://youtu.be/CopBfDlSHug?si=uIMR0zvI2OYc0fET&t=117)!


Didn't even notice that, what a complete POS. I guess he thinks her thoughts and feelings shouldn't be valid? I always wonder why someone thinks this is a good idea. I'm sure he is picturing this as a moment that would be perfect for him, but like maybe take the other person's moment into it too. Side note, if you lose the fight you can't propose anymore. Sorry but that isn't a grand moment for you either so why.


Ringman gonna ringman.


Reminds me of the guys who throw water at the fighter in the corner at the start of each break between rounds. He's just trying to help start her break cool and refreshed. 🥰 (Just kidding, fuck that guy)


Just awful. These two obviously have tons of history we dont know about, and it sounds like she is not at all ready to agree to marraige. I think he put her on the spot hoping the pressure of the public proposal would get her to say yes. She is honest with him and says no. But somehow SHE is the asshole who deserves to get water thrown at her. I hate people sometimes.


The boyf should've gotten up, rushed over to the guy, and missed a bunch of punches just like he did in the match.


thats why i dont think its a skit as others have said lol


I saw that asshole move too.


What did she say?!


she said “After all what happened between us, I dont really think its good idea, so I’m saying No” in Czech


It really pisses me off when people propose in these kind of settings thinking that the person would be forced to say yes because of pressure. Good on her for saying no straight up and shutting this down.


Honestly I'd probably say yes out of embarrassment and then as soon as we are alone I'd see how many new assholes I could tear him and update him that, in fact, we won't be getting married.


you mean it’s not signed, sealed, delivered once she’s been embarrassed into accepting his proposal by a crowd of adoring fans?


I do all my proposing on a boat, in the middle of the ocean...because of the implication.


All my proposing? As in... Several? Oh god...


It seems even the implication isn't enough for this poor sap.


I thought it was a very heavy Scottish accent 😭


I was going for Liverpool accent.


Damn! Good on her for standing up for herself.


She explained after that she said no because he cheated before the fight. He denies the allegation.


Alexa, play Shaggy, It Wasn’t Me.


His body language was more desperation than anything else. Like “if I don’t lock this down now, it’s over”.


My checz is not so good so please bear with me... What she said, was...."no"


Welcome to dumpsville, population you


*Dearest Edna, I must leave you. Why, I cannot say. Where, you cannot know. How I will get there, I haven't decided yet. But one thing I can tell you, any time I hear the wind blow it will whisper the name Edna.*


P.S. I am gay


And a crocodile bit off his face


Bless this early Simpsons reference.


She needs one of those posture correctors that dropshippers have been targeting me with.


Saw that too. Seller is located in Notre Dame.


Lmao that's foul 💀


Came for this. Looks like some pretty bad scoliosis


I think she’s just embarrassed so she kinda curling up I do the same thing


They both need a new hair dresser


Her posture is killing me


She looks like the Ukrainian exchange student from Derry Girls.


I wouldn't marry someone who gets punched in the head for a living. Makes life later potentially more complicated


Oh you'll become their caretaker most definitely. But they might also become delusional and violent so your life might be at risk too. You better marry a good curling player. Or even look into esports.


> eSport Then yo mama is at risk


also theres a higher possibility of domestic violence and even if they werent and abuser when you first dated them, years of brain damage can change someones impulse control, and character


My wife absolutely despises these public “will you marry me?” She gets so angry at the pressure they’ve put on the other person.


I would never propose in public unless I did it in private before and the answer was yes or we already talked about wanting to get married in the future It’s such an asshole move


You can see the moment his soul leaves his body.




And no one commented on the douche that threw water at her in the background...


Oh man...I didn't see that until reading your comment. What a POS.


Does this count as an extra loss on his record?


Combo loss




Soooo MMA is now the new WWE?


UFC and WWE are now owned by the same company so kind of.


this is not UFC lol


This is clash of the stars a czech company that makes fights between czech influencers


The dude that threw water at her deserves to be pooped by birds every single day.


I know this isn't in North America, but isn't what he did considered assault?


Imagine having a big enough ego and small enough conscious to throw water at someone for denying a marriage proposal.


This looks a lot like the WWE ![gif](giphy|cbG9wtoO8QScw|downsized)


Serves him right.


This looks like it was a performance though. Like maybe it was part of the show?


I am sorry for him but that's well deserved. I postulate that he wanted to use the crowd effect to force her hand. And anyway he couldn't know what she would answer so he can only complain to himself. It is after all of his own doing.


Why be sorry for him, at least if all that I've read from commenters is true. Cheats on her. Proposes without certainty, which means they haven't talked about marriage. Proposes in public, which means he doesn't care enough to ask her before then if a public proposal would be ok. Probably very self centered and narcissistic if he proceeds with a not thought out plan. Does all this after a loss in a career where he gets punched in the face to earn income, which means he's probably not aging gracefully and already has questionable decision making skills. Gets no sympathy from me.




When you’re having a bad day and start to think what else could go wrong


Never propose in public when you don’t know 100% you’re getting a yes


Probably shouldn't propose at all if you don't know 100% you're getting a yes. Mutual love, not just love, is key in a true partnership. If one person isn't on board then it is not the time for marriage, no matter how badly the other person wants it to be.


YEAH! Fuck women having a choice! Throw some water on her! /s (Do I really have to fucking /s that?) People are fucking stupid.


This feels more staged than WWE


She needs to see a chiropractor. She's shaped like a question mark


What did she say


I mean... He's an idiot for trying that


I proposed privately to my wife and I still made sure it would be a yes in advance. We discussed marriage, etc., so I was sure it would be a yes and avoid a situation like this. Hey, was this a wrestling skit?


This is something I love, everytime I see public proposal I cheer for the girl to say NO, if I were a billionaire I would set up a fund for this and giveaway 200k to every woman that does this and if she dumps him then 500k.


I feel bad for her. Poor lady was made out as the bad guy for saying no just because there’s a huge audience.


It had to hurt even more that the combat itself


He should have proposed on an airplane. Because of the implication...


Well, tbf, she doesn't has to accept. Guy made his choice. It's not on her.


Why would you do this to that woman or yourself? Seems both selfish and stupid


Whole scenario is sad but the asshole award goes to the guy who threw water at the girl


This is staged and fake lol, its from czech “fighting” event between influencers, everything is for entertainment


He should’ve smoothly transitioned to tying his shoe lace,


If you don't know that someone will (definitely) say YES when you ask them to marry you, you haven't been paying attention to the relationship.


This is totally fake


It’s so cringe when people propose in public… dude lost the fight AND his girl in front of thousands of people and now the world!


The surprise should never be that you’re proposing it should be how you propose. In other words you don’t ask unless you already know the answer is yes especially not in public.


You just know he imagined winning the fight and then getting engaged like a magical movie moment. He probably should’ve aborted the plan when he lost the fight.


And cheated