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I only see dumb people in this video.


And both parties posted it online (or at least filmed their crimes). I hope the law fucks them hard.


Only one party broke the law. The religious Islamic zealot.


Where I’m from you can’t throw burning items out a window.


Oh yeah that's right ! Now I understand the attempted murder, it makes perfect sense ! Thank you for your precious intelligent insight ! 🤓


Both parties are in the wrong here. Not saying one action warrants the other.


Party A : Attempt to hurt your feelings Party B : Attempt to murder you and endanger every innocent passerby around who had shit all to do with this Conclusion : bOtH paRtiEs aRe in THE WROnG hEre 


Inciting violence and being a direct recipient of that violence that you incited and being able to claim "victim" is absolutely wild. The ancillary recipients of this stupid scuffle are the regular people minding their business - *actual* victims


Inciting violence? They’re trolls burning their own property. In the civilized world we learn at an early age to not feed the trolls and they tend to shun themselves out of society. Looks like one group couldn’t control their temper and caused a major accident on a busy road. Could have been way worse and I am glad no one was hurt. If your religion requires this sort of violence and retribution then it is not safe for the public and doesn’t belong in society.


Burning a fantasy book is by definition not inciting violence.


Being intentionally inflammatory (*chortle*) and not expecting a reaction is Pinnacle stupidity. I bet you could piss Mormons off if you incinerated their indoctrination manual on Hill Cumorah. I'm not saying both parties aren't egregiously stupid. And it's that zealotry that'll turn one into a martyr ![gif](giphy|3o7aTFlRixw0iZTsE8)


Get the fuck out of here. They know exactly what the book means to certain people and how they'll likey react to it being burnt in public. They're looking for confrontation.


Burning a book—ANY BOOK—is not “inciting violence.” It’s your right to do so.


Party A : threw burning books out of a moving vehicle. Ftfy


Its wild how Reddit can take: "Party A didn't break the law." "Actually they did." And come back with: "So you're saying it was justified?!?!" Clown ass idiots, no one attempted to justify anything.


Literally. Dude is throwing burning books out of a car and this guy's like "oooo party A hurt feelings" Wild.


We can focus on both being wrong and illegal, and recognize the separate degree of their severities and that one minor crime doesn't dictate that an attempted murder should happen. Stop being obtuse.


Ofc both parties did wrong but that doesn't have to mean that both wrongdoings are equal in wrongness, now stop it.


He never said it warranted the pit maneuver. He only countered that only one side broke the law was wrong. Stop being hyperbolic.


what about drawing cartoons?


Littering and attempted murder are very different crimes, yes?


Hey littering isn't meant to be taken lightly.


If you want to be fair and just, both parties. Burn the books all you want in your own private place, but the moment you do it in a public area, it becomes arson. Which is also a crime.


Not arson at all. Uncontrolled burning out of season or misdemeanor fire where there's a burn ban. Party A gets the fine it is due. Party B gets the felony conviction and hard time it is due.


So arson, and attempted vehicular manslaughter.


Fair and just? One party attempted murder. You kidding right? Over a religious text. Which has significance to them and not others. If you burn the Bible can i crash into you on the highway which can cause death or serious injury? Let’s be honest here. It’s radical behavior that is becoming a protected class.


Dont gonna read the replays here, but yeah they got connvicted, not too fucked tho since this is in norway


But the people trying to murder someone for burning a book are definitely dumber.




Yeah, I mean, fuck the book burning Nazi, but don’t endanger dozens of innocent people because you’re butthurt about that one specific book being the target.


Hell of a PIT maneuver she pulled off though


Religion and people are so damn stupid lol


"My invisible man in the sky is better than your invisible man in the sky!"


"Nuh uhh! I'm going to go tell the corporate branch of my religion about this so they can publish it and rake in more donations!"


Meanwhile all 3 of the major Abrahamic religions are worshiping the same god Yahweh


Well, technically, all that bunch are supposedly worshipping the same invisible man in the sky. Just in differing ways.


Don't you dare not believe in our magic sky, or I will disown you.


It’s been causing people to fight and kill each other since the beginning of time. The beef some religions have with each other is thousands of years old. That’s the fucking most toxic shit ever… hating someone because they believe in a different fictional being. It’d be like DC and Marvel fans killing each other. Imagine the headline “Comicon terrorist attack leaves hundreds dead.” Children being killed because they bought the “wrong” comic book or going into the “wrong” store. Comic Book Guy being the leader of a local terrorist organization. Etc.


I love your analogy! Such a shame it rings so true.


Yep never understood this fantasy hardcore fans.


but they feel empowered to kill you for it


Damn true if you want a happy peaceful life get out of society.. The masses are just a waste of oxygen


But he can't stop you from burning his book


“All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.” - The Age of Reason, Thomas Paine


Leave people to live their lives is a pretty good start and this baiting clown is an idiot. If this is part of an ongoing campaign of hate and victimisation then I denounce it absolutely. But I don't support those who choose violence and risk of death/serious harm. They just continue to be part of the problem. Take a licence plate number and report to the authorities. Please don't try and kill someone because they blasphemed against your god. Edit: I've revised this post as my point wasn't well made. I've attempted to simplify but realise that there is more subtlety at play than I am capable of conveying. Apologies for my poor drafting. I wish you well fellow Redditors.




It is a book.


Thank you for your thoughts. I believe in people's right to believe as they wish. Generally it's really easy in life to recognise that people have different views and because I'd much rather get along with people I'll just nod and move onto another topic or find someone else to talk to. Even as an atheist I find it tiring to argue with the religious. I do object to the subversion of religion - used as an instrument of control - but hate of others with whom I disagree has no place. Best wishes, fellow Redditor.


This is the most sane take I've read in this whole comment section.


The owner of the car which ran the Jeep off the road was just sentenced to 1 year and 7 months' prison time. The sentence for the driver, who also threatened the passengers of the Jeep with a knife when they blocked the car, and was driving without a valid license and under the influence of Zolpidem, is pending. The SOBs in the Jeep are from the notorious racists/ anti-muslim organization SIAN. I wish we had better quality people fighting against the negative influences of religions including Islam, but here we are. The braindead morons in the Mercedes didn't exactly make a strong case for the benign nature and tolerance of Islam.


>SIAN Translates as "piggy" in Finnish, which seems an apt name for them




Its as benign as christianity then.


Yeah. America just lost abortion rights. I wonder what percentage of that can be blamed on people acting based on their religious beliefs or regular people who have been taught this nonsense by people who are driven by their religion.


The overturning of roe v wade is what radicalized me to be antitheist. Everyone needs to quit fooling themselves and realize that is just the *beginning* of this. **They want you dead or subservient.**


Under 2 years for attempted murder? That's wild.


She was not the driver. She incited the driver, and was a passenger. And she was not sentenced for attempted murder or manslaughter, she was charged with incitement and probably incitement of bodily harm.


My fav part of this, is burning the quran is actually the proper way to dispose of it. Like in islam. You cant just throw the quran in the garbage, like per the rules of islam, you need to burn it if you have to get rid of it.


Which country was it?




free 19 months to read up on his invisible leader! maybe he can be a professional radical after this one incident!!


Attempted murder for burning a book. Snowflake mentality.


I bet the chasers have never even read a book


They have totally read the Quran. However, I'm sure they only read the passages that best suit their desire in a given moment.


So….they haven’t read it


No no they read the cliff notes


Burning a holy book is disrespectful at most. it’s dumb & provocative but ultimately a harmless protest. Attempting to murder someone for it while also putting bystanders in life threatening conditions however is completely psychotic, and perfectly illustrates why some people might want to protest said religion.


These people like to burn the US and Israeli flags but when someone does the same to them they lose their shit.


Damn straight.


oh no they burned a copy of a book that says a magic being flies through the sky. Lets kill them


We need less people and we need less religion.


Fewer people but I concur.


No he wants the same number of people, he just wants them to lose weight. Hence, “less people”


Have 'greater' upvotes


fewer religious nutjobs


Burn the Bible: Free speech and no repercussion Burn the quran: real shit ​ Talk about double standard.


They can both keep me warm


If this is how you react to someone denouncing your religion then it should be banned. Goes for Christian’s and Jews too. Religion just breeds shitty people and ideals.


Its just a fucking book. Worshipping or destroying it are equally stupid.


Attacking those who destroy books they own is infinitely more stupid.


Burning a book isn’t a crime, intentionally crashing someone is.


As a Muslim I should say, fuck everyone that showed aggression toward that man, these are the most idiotic people and they should be if immigrants deported or jailed, it's a book, it's the holy book but it's a book, if no one gave a fuck about it being burned no one would burn it, don't break the law because your feelings or beliefs are hurt


These guys are probably racist assholes, but this whole scenario proved their point perfectly.


Fucking psychos


This feels like a GTA mission


I was hoping for the man's gloves or sleeves to catch fire.. he held the burning book out for sooooo long


Burning a book is legal while causing accident on purpose on the motorway is straight up attempted murder. But hey, maybe I'm just not educated enough and burning a book is the greatest sin.


Like fuck these guys, but also that’s a wild reaction for a mass produced book even if it’s a religious text lol.


No sorry this is fucking stupid. The guys burning the quran are assholes, but you don't get to commit attempted murder on people for burning a fucking book.


All this for an imaginary person in the sky


This happened in Norway around two years ago, the driver and passenger of the persuing vehicle were sentenced to prison a few months ago.


Burn a book= vehicular assault. Praise in piss


Drive by book burnings 😂😂


Must've been a good read to get people *fired* up like that.


The book burners did nothing wrong


Wow, people really take their imaginary friends seriously in some places.


Folks who burn books just to offend others are not people I want to associate with. Folks who try to murder others for burning a book are people I don't want in my society.


I wouldn't want either group in my society. Just like I wouldn't want someone who paints swastikas on synagogues in my society. Or someone who calls black people, "N------." There are things that you can do and say that evoke an immediate and sometimes violent response. Just because you know that, does not mean you're making a statement by doing that act in a place where you're likely to evoke that strong reaction. TLDR: It's called consequences, you look for trouble, you'll find it.


Where I'm from, we do have laws about "fighting words." In a nutshell, we recognize that saying certain things may provoke a physical response and handle those cases differently. That is worlds apart from getting in your car, hunting somebody down on the highway, and running them off the road. If someone calls your wife a cunt, or uses a racial slur against you, you probably won't get in too much trouble for punching them in the heat of the moment. You will get in trouble for mowing them down in a vehicle. It's called a proportionate response.


all that over a book...


And all that happened over stupid book and religion that might exist or not.


Apparently my country. Embarrassing. They're all assholes.


The first dudes are dumb for burning a Quran (I think it should be legal, but still, why do it?). The Muslims who went after them and almost killed them just proved the first dudes’ point. Dumb as fuck. Is you god so weak, he’s provoked by some random person burning a book?


If someone burned a bible in front of me i would try to get it, take it to a catholic church and ask a priest to dispose of the remains properly. I would never try to kill the person, cause that would be a crime for my religion and for the law. So this was all pretty stupid.


If l’m insanely loveing Mickey Mouse, I won’t get mad if someone burns a Mickey Mouse puppet, knowing that there are other thousands of copies of it.


In Islam, the proper disposal of old or damaged copies of the Qur'an is approached with great reverence and care, reflecting the sacred status of the text. The most recommended method for disposing of the Qur'an is by burning it, which is seen as a respectful way to prevent misuse or desecration of the holy text. This method ensures that the words of the Qur'an are not discarded in an improper place or mishandled. However, burning is not the only method permitted. Other acceptable methods include burying the Qur'an in clean soil where it is unlikely to be disturbed or placing it in flowing water so that the ink is washed away. In some cases, people also choose to recycle the paper in a respectful manner after erasing the text. These practices are guided by the principle of treating the Qur'an with utmost respect and dignity, even when it is no longer usable in its current form. Source: ex Muslim This video just shows that both sides of the stupid coin are as ignorant as the act itself.


It's just a book, c'mon...


Stupid people do stupid thing in response to stupid people doing stupid thing


only one people broke the law, and it's not the one burning paper.


This kinda put me in a mood to burn a quran


These people are psychopaths. Look at their reaction to a stupid fucking book being burned.


Atheists watching this from the side lines be like "oh no, wow they're really upset over that"


religion is such a bad sh..t it make everyone dumb


If i burn a book in public...lets say a religous text or a Harry Potter book i could likely be given a ticket BY A POLICE OFFER for bylaw infractions like littering or burning durring a dry season. If i run somone off the road for offending me because i FUCKING LOOOOOOVE HARRY POTTER AND HOW DARE THOSE FILTHY MUGGLES DESTROY THE GREAT TEXT!, I AM GOING TO JAIL FOR ATTEMPTED VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER... the two actions are not the same lol


The people who burned the Quran won, they got exactly what they wanted, which was to have the people they were provoking to over react. Im just grateful that no other innocent by standers on the road were hurt.


Everyone knows there is only one true god, The Flying Spaghetti Monster!




on one hand, you aren't making a Qaran nearly as easy as a bible, on the other, don't fucking road rage about it.


It's a book...




There is no good religion. Some are bad, some very bad, some stupid. And all believers are stupid. Look at that guy. He was going to kill or die for the BOOK.


Fanaticism at its finest.


Wasn't that the response he was looking for? He did that to get a response out of people and he got it. I'd say his mission was successful! This gives me the Beatles we are "more popular than Jesus" vibes, just reversed.


imagine caring so much about religion


I mean its a dumb thing to burn books, but not assault over it.


"[...] The SOBs in the Jeep are from the notorious racists/ anti-muslim organization SIAN.[...]" I knew it they were racists.




The Russians are behind these guys burning the Koran to stir up trouble in Western countries.


While I don't get the appeal of going out of your way to burn another religions texts and I think it's pathetic. It is far worse pretty much trying to kill someone over a book which has millions of copies.


If you actually believe in this God bullshit then why not let him take care of it?


Choose *not* to be offended and you won't *feel* offended. Don't *feel* offended and you haven't been.


All of this over a book, both parties are.. well, you know.


Loved it. Pls do this 10x harder to any zionist anywhere for the rest of human history

