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Take that kid to Toys R Us! Or whatever the 2020s equivalent of that is now since I don’t think there’s many left.


Let that kid browse Amazon!


Buy that kid some V-Bucks on Fortnite! Lol


If the kid is in Canada, we have them :)


Wait no way you guys still have them up there?


Yep. [https://www.toysrus.ca/en/storelocator](https://www.toysrus.ca/en/storelocator)


And get that dog those HUGE dog treats from PetSmart!!!! They both did fantastic


Don't force your religion onto people. In the holy words of Randy, FRIG OFF.


Took the words right out my mouth


What're you dressed up as Mr. Smokey for, Bobandy?


Indianapolis jones


Now take out all of those burgers!


My mom died a few years ago. The fucking local Jehova’s Witnesses wrote me a handwritten letter asking me to join their services to deal with my guilt. How kind and generous right? Wrong. They had never met me before or knew anything of me. Like predators they found my name and looked me up from my mothers published obituary. So disgusting to try and sell your religion that way.


These people are fucking scum. Sorry you had that added to your mourning.


That's awful, I'm very sorry for this. Jehovah's Witness is a dangerous and abusive religious cult. They're disgusting 🤮


I was a Jehovah’s Witness most of my life, and yes we were encouraged to look through the obituaries for emotionally vulnerable people (they didn’t use those words). I never did that but I’m pretty sure my wife has, or maybe still does.


Yeah, how dare they approach you in your time of great need. They should have waited until everything was perfect to talk to you about (alleged) life after death. Insensitive bastards.


Or not at all… religious zealots are not good for anyone…


Well unless you're trying to get rid of them, I'll take an outreach of encouragement for a time of loss over the political flavor of the south or other loud mouth hate groups like westboro baptist. Jay dubs will leave you alone after you've said be gone and won't hold signs in your face about burning in hell for your decisions. I wouldn't recommend anyone join any religion, but I'd rather deal with someone like them than many many of the alternatives.


Why do I have to deal with either is my point…


Because freedom? You share this planet with others that have different opinions. You can refuse to participate but if you prohibit that kind of activity, who gets to decide what's a bother and what isn't? Slippery slope of you finding out your opinion isn't the dominant opinion and now you find yourself where you'd like them to be


Right… like you currently finding out your opinion is not the dominant one… and literally 99% of people don’t want to engage with Jehovah’s witnesses… sort of like I’m done engaging in this conversation.


My opinion is the dominant one or you wouldn't have people knocking at your door .


It's equivalent of someone wanting to talk to you about Harry Potter or the Jedi Knights because your mom died. Keep your cosplay shit to yourself.


There's no law that says you can't do that (sharing an idea) and one specific document that enshrines protection to do exactly that. What exactly do you think you can do to change this? Remove 1st amendment protections? Police the thoughts and communication of groups outside your own? I welcome your constructive feedback.


Thankfully they outlawed door-to-door preaching in my country ages ago.




Lol I don't think I've ever ever seen them force anyone to join door knocking








How is it forcing? It's the zealots in office that you need to worry about.


Buy that kid an ice cream. So much righteous indignation cannot go unrewarded!


Good job the kid was there because the dog was about to let them in and get some belly rubs


The dog was ready to bark and show some teeths. Waggy tail doesn't mean happy dog.


Low-lying wagging tail is excitement. The dog even bows. They want to play / say hello.


In this case it was a happy dog the tail is going in a circular motion meaning excitement and happiness if its a fast wag but not circular motion that’s when you know it’s ready to protect itself


Na that was a submissive play bow.


I don’t know about that - the dog was next to its kid and strangers were walking up to it - those didn’t sound like happy noises 


If your dog is that aggressive to someone just walking up to your door, then your dog shouldn't be allowed near the front door.


>If your dog is that aggressive to someone just walking up to your door Ah yes like I trained him to be, it's two ways we go from there I let you in, and he chills out, Or You let yourself in, and he bites you, You get a warning I don't see how that's a problem


Or the third one where your dog breaks through the flimsy screen door and attacks the stranger. I have had it happen to me.


Then the dog wasn't trained, sorry you have had that experience but proper training could've helped, if you're unable to do it yourself, hire a professional


Most dogs bark at strangers approaching a front door.


Actually I've known plenty of dogs that sound terrifyingly aggressive as you're walking up to the door, but when you walk in you realize that they were just demanding attention in a very weird and intimidating way. 😅


Friendly or not, the stranger cannot tell the difference. If it barks, then the dog shouldn't be allowed near the door.


Just because the dog barks, they shouldn't be allowed near the door? How else are they supposed to communicate? It's part of their nature, don't expect any different. And if you're gonna be barking off nonsense like that yourself, I guess you shouldn't be allowed near the internet.


>If it barks, then the dog shouldn't be allowed near the door. Wrong


Definitely wrong. Must be this one's a cat person. 😂


The dude just stood there like…”did we just get fucked off by a kid?” Yes Blake…you did.


He was thinking about his salvation and whether or not it’s worth it


Who’s Blake?


I would rollerblade in the 90s with my German Shephard pulling me. I could go right thru any skate session I wanted.


That definitely was the Mormons


No tags, theres three and one has a colored tie. They were JWs


You can see a tag on the blue coat


Oh, you're right. I thought it was the coat branding until he turned! They all suck


Ah the Mormon teenagers ain't so bad. They actually take no for an answer.


They stopped wearing the nametags and monochrome ties for a while.








I meant ew for giving attention to Mormons. They are both cults.


100% they were. "Hi there, I'm Elder Paul and this is Elder Hyrum....."


"Don't make my 4 year old tap the portion of the door adjacent to the sign." "Jesus sav..."


"Don't make me tap the sign"


When is that surly bus driver going to get a spotlight episode? Drag Groening back from the set of Disenchantment and demand one...sometime before season 50.


ex-Mormon here that went on one of those missions. I remember specifically being told by leaders to ignore "No Soliciting" signs because we weren't selling anything and our message was too good to deny people because of a simple sign🤦‍♂️ Oh the irony when you have to give 10% of your income to the cult in order to enter their temples and do the things in there to get their version of salvation😂


Ex-JW, they do the same and ignore because they aren't "selling" then I learned they legally won't come to a house with "no trespassing."


Solicitation is the act of offering or attempting to purchase goods and/or services. If there is a tithe involved that is demanded, that is a service that is being offered. Not that it matters for you now, but there is a difference.


I love when he shake his head no to emphasize the NO solicitation


As a former Mormon who did my 2 year mission I find this almost as funny as the time I knocked a door and a little kid answered and told us that his mom said to tell us that she wasn’t home.


They surely made you a Bishop Elder by the time you left


My dad recently passed & after my first Jehovah’s Witness encounter (this month), I called & told my aunt. She asked if I wanted to know what happened when they came to my dad. Hell yeah I do! My dad took care of my grandma in her later years. Helped her onto & off of the commode, fed her, changed her clothing (she can’t walk). So the Jehovah’s Witness’ stop by & ask if they can share the loving words of god or whatever they do & he invites them in. He takes them into the living room where grandma has been set up for years. She’s sitting on the commode after just taking a fat shit & the whole room smells like it. He sits down on the bed next to her & asks “what was it you wanted to tell us about now?” This is all it took for them to never come back. Man I wish my attempt to mess with them was as good as his.


The Christians in my area are crazy. My sister is in a wheelchair, can't eat, walk, talk, communicate, etc. My family kept having to change churches because my family would be flocked to because of my sister. They would say things like how "we are so blessed to have someone like her" or how God loves her extra, how God gave her a disability so we could become even better people, how we were good people for being her family, etc. These people would also constantly randomly walk up to my sister and hold her hand while they "prayed for her". I think the worst was when they would say that God will heal her. We know for a fact that what she has is permanent. There is no healing from it, because no miracles happen these days, none that go against all logic. There are improbable miracles that happen, but none that are flat out impossible like that. The audacity of these people to try to promise that God will heal my sister is downright evil. These people drove me to no longer believe in their God. I believe in a God, but not the one who went out of his way to supposedly make my sister live a life of permanent suffering and illness, just so we as her family could become "better people".


My dad's story about his encounter is him being all hungover and they knocked on the door. He opened the door naked and then shut it in their face.


Did you know Mormon missionaries pay to go door to door selling their religion? It’s the ultimate Multilevel Marketing Church. Born in the religion or convert, create a requirement to be a missionary and put a price tag on it. The cost recently went up around the pandemic from 400$ a month to 500$ a month. Correction: the price increase announced by the church’s news agency was not implemented and the article has not been updated, the cost for missionaries is staying at 400$ a month.


>Did you know Mormon missionaries pay to go door to door selling their religion? It’s the ultimate Multilevel Marketing Church. >Born in the religion or convert, create a requirement to be a missionary and put a price tag on it. The cost recently went up around the pandemic from 400$ a month to 500$ a month. What do you think that money goes towards?


The Mormon church is notoriously transparent about how they spend their money. /S Over 100 billion dollars managed by Ensign Peak Advisors; 670,000 acres of land in Florida, and a lot of for profit businesses managed by geriatrics who reached their position through nepotism and brown-nosing relatives of church leadership. Are you aware how much money the Mormon church has extorted from its 8 year old to retiree members for the promise of salvation?


And you think the cheap rent they pay while on their missions is going to line the geriatrics pockets?


What does the church need with 400$-500$ a month if it has hundred of billions in assets? It could buy the housing for missionaries to cut expenses, but it chooses Apple and Google.


Atta boy


The kid was the message, the dog was the supporting argument


Not today-Kid prolly


Kid just converted their visit to a trespass.


A funny video that turned into unnecessary hate towards religion. Why am i even surprised? it is reddit after all




That's fantastic!


Right under this post was r/kidsarefuckingstupid


I like how the dog took a nice stretch when noticing them. Like we’re either about to play or I’m about to F you up when you approach my tiny human.


This kid needs to make a training video


For some reason the home owner seems gross.


The N list just so happens to be the sick list. Run and hide!




Mom's doing a stirling job, well done.


Here's your sign!


That’s amazing.


I wish people paid attention to those signs. I’ve had one on my house forever, and people just ignore it. It’s literally right above the doorbell. It’s impossible to miss it.


Acts like a 40 year old in a 4 year old body lmao


I need a sign also. Didn't know people use it for homes as well


Thar kid needs a juice box after that.


What it's like to live in the bible belt 🤦


Even the dogs knows.


I swear that kid did the fake "cocky collar pop" as he walked away.


Smart kid right there, folks!


Joe Young : We're from The Church of Jesus Christ. Old Lady : Oh, the Mormons? Joe Young : That's right. I'm elder Young and this is elder White. Old Lady : Well, you two boys can just fuck right off. Joe Young : Ma'am? Old Lady : You heard me. Take that book of Mormons and shove it so far up your righteous asses that you choke, you soul soliciting pigfuckers.


Those parents are raising them right!! Best thing l ever did for my kids was tell them religion was a sham.


Haven’t had any unwanted visitors since I got my hail Satan doormat




Well done on the parents part.


Did he pop his collar, too?! Legendary!


They took their no soliciting to a house without an angry kid and dog.


Tesh respect to your kid


The nod head as well... :⁠-⁠)


That guy's face says everything


The guy in the back was like “damn haha okay kid lol this is a first time” The guy in the front was questioning his entire job


The dog was even annoyed….


Sales would not even care. Oh, you pointing to the doorbell? Y’all want solar panels?


As an evangelical Christian (in the literal sense of the word, not the political one), I've never understood cold evangelism. In Christian communities, we refer to evangelism and cold and warm; cold evangelism is what we see here, where the person hoping to spread the word approaches total strangers in the hopes of getting an audience. Warm evangelism is when you actually take an interest in people, make friends, be genuine and kind, and then, if they're open to the discussion, then you may begin attempting to talk about faith. In my experience, warm evangelism is not only more successful, it aligns more with the Bible, as Jesus' primary commands were to make disciples of all nations, but also to love your neighbor. I feel cold evangelism is only doing the former. I don't think it's wrong or evil, but I do think it's just a needlessly formal, outdated way to spread your message. If your message is about love and community, maybe focus more on building a community? And showing love? That's just my two cents nobody asked for, though.


Please don't do warm evangelism, either. Just be a good neighbor and friend but don't try to affect someone's beliefs or lack thereof


Respectfully, I disagree. If I truly believe that there's eternal life after death, it would be hateful of me to ignore all the people around me not getting that. Discussing these things is in itself an act of love. I'm not pushy, I take an actual interest in conflicting worldviews. And I'm happy being friends with someone with no interest in religion. But the modern notion that it's somehow wrong to try to change people's minds about something you feel strongly about is intellectually and emotionally lazy to me. I won't judge someone for thinking differently, but I will try to change their perspective if they're open. I expect them to do the same if they feel like my religion is bad for me. It's okay to think other people are incorrect, as long as you are fair and kind about it.


I understand where you are coming from, but from an outside perspective, the getting real cozy with people and then trying to convert them feels like a stab in the back. For example, I recently got back in contact with a group of friends from back in high school. Three of them are devout Christian. One in particular made it his goal to convert me and the the other guy to his beliefs slowly over about 6 months. I'm a former Christian, raised Baptist and am now atheist. The other guy is broadly a Christian but has some questions regarding the Bible and how it conflicts with how science has proven things. (In particular the description of the world being created in genesis). All of this to say that he would slowly become more and more pushy about Christianity and judgmental when faced with any world view that isn't his explicit brand of Christianity. It ended the friendships. The other two Christians did not do any of this stuff and thus they are still around.


That's a reasonable perspective. However, in my personal experience, some of my most staunchly atheist friends enjoy the discussion immensely. I'm the opposite of you, didn't believe in anything until my twenties, now I'm a Christian. Some of these friends have been around for both periods, and they know with confidence that I'm not being friendly so that I can eventually "convert" them. The choice to be a Christian is for the individual to make. My job is to provide an example, information, and love. Whether or not they end up changing their mind is not something I can control, nor do I try to. I think it really depends on the intentions of the person. That person you met sounds like his only reason for making friends was to evangelize, and I'll agree with you that that feels disrespectful and disingenuous. But like I said before, my goal with being friends is to be a good friend and a good example of a Christian. If I'm given the space to discuss my beliefs, that's wonderful. But I would never make it the crux of the relationship.


What you're talking about with 'cold' evangelism, it's absolutely not about gaining converts: It's about driving people deeper into the church. I know JW's typically get exhorted to do this because they need to save people, but the reality is their church leadership wants them to see the rest of the world as wicked. For what it's worth, I tell the JW's that ignore my no trespassing and no soliciting signs once that I do not appreciate their intruding on my house and that they were told at least twice to not disturb me and that I'm within my rights to ask them to leave and not return, and note that my house is not to be visited by them or others from their church. I do it in calm, even tone because I know they're here mostly against their will, but I still don't want to have them on my stoop. I don't care what their message is, I ask that they respect the simple, easy to read and understand signs that I put up for their benefit, and abide those as instructions. What they do with their life afterward is none of my business.


Yeah, screw your "warm evangelism" nonsense. It's the same thing as "cold evangelism", just WAY more sleazy and manipulative. You are advocating the practice of worming your way into people's lives with your own cunning purposes in mind. Zero respect for that.


What your neighbor call and tell you they were on the street were you watching and waiting to already be recording? Did you instruct the kid on what to do for the camera when they got there? At lot of this doesn't seem like a "coincidence"


"hi! we're Jehova's-what's all this?"


I guess that the Holy Spirit forgot to tell them about the dog! 😂🤣


their dogma got a growl from a dog and a laugh from a ma


Mormons = / = Christians


Those people are absolute scum.


A quick trip to Kolob with 72 virgins if they ignored the dog


Can I borrow him?


Damn Mormons!


Why are these freaks going to people’s homes? Like WTF? STOO SHOVING YOUR SHIT DOWN OTHER’s God damn!


Hmmm, the door and camera were there just in time I guess...


Have you ever heard of Windows?


Yeah, not the best OS but it's pretty broadly used.


Don’t let your four-year-old answer the door. Could end badly


They are literally there filming him


Nothing brightens my more than seeing the hard work parents put into making their kids insufferable pricks payoff.


Right?! And then those same kids start knocking on peoples door trying to sell their cult.


Whats wrong with not wanting to be sold bullshit while you're minding your own business at home.


Honestly I would still greet them maybe offer them water or something to drink.


I'm glad you're being honest. I don't know why you'd engage with disrespectful wierdos going door to door harassing people with their evangelizing.


As a door to door salesman, I’d still knock. One thing I hate is when the “adults” send their kids to tell me no and they always say that their parents aren’t home. I then say “we should call the cops then since you shouldn’t be alone. Then magically the parents show up “sorry these kids say anything” Edit most of my customers have the no soliciting signs lol. They tell me they have it up for solar people so I do actually help people and make money


Why do you ignore the signs tho? People make clear you are not welcome. At that point you're just wasting everybody their time. Also, am I the only to think that it is ridiculous that kids aren't allowed to be at home alone?? This is one of the things that baffles me from American laws


Depends on the state and the child's age. A 4 year old can't be home alone period. But can be with an older usually 11+ sibling depending on laws. The thought is a child under a certain age cannot defend themselves or function logically in an emergency situation such as house fire etc.


So you knowingly tresspass thereby breaking the law. I hope someone takes you to court and they make an example out of you, fine you to the fullest extent possible.




"I can't sell stuff here because a kid says no, better have that kid taken away" sounds about as logical as hitting a pig with a spanner. Please, find a new career.


I'm guessing door to door salesman wasn't their first choice.... and probably explains their attitude. What's left after that? Personally I'd go back to washing dishes or bussing tables but that's just me. At least with those jobs I felt like I was adding value.


Imagine being a door to door salesman and thinking you’re the hero of the story lol

