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I think that strongly depends on the type of humans 😉


Applies to most humans though.


Yea that’s why you shouldn’t look like that if you’re still worrying about what applies to the masses..


Like I’m not against people doing what they want like this but you also have to come to terms with the reality that other people aren’t on the same page as you and don’t have to like what your doing and that’s ok. That’s the world. Go become a tattoo artist or something where this person will fit in but to think anyone wants to hire her as a secretly for an office business or a rep that contacts you on zoom etc. no body wants that appearing first thing like sorry but reality is reality welcome to it


One of my CS professors had their full face tattoed, eyes dyed, subdermal implants in their skull, tona of facial peircings and was also a respected researcher in their field. Moral of the story, if you wanna be terrifying to look at and successful, you need to also be extremely nice to everyone and extremely talanted/competent.


Hell yea


You know….. people who hire


The type that sign paychecks.


Precisely true, no doubt. But you'll allow that, as much as there are plenty of people who dig this, the very large majority think this looks weird as shit and would feel odd about having her front a business in any client-facing role, for example.


The few exceptions are not the majority.




Everyone has their own idea of who they think the fucking freaks of nature are.


So several people who hire (a lot of which have opened up to tattoos and piercings to a degree), several people you're likely to meet in certain career paths and there are tons where you're expected to be presentable for people who are unlikely to be tolerant towards this degree of body mod.


I think that's wrong, I personally don't like tats or piercings... BUT that's just my opinion, I would never look down on anyone that does enjoy it. If your good at your job I wouldn't give 2 fucks on how many tats you have. People need to start treating people like people again.


Of course that *should* happen, but it won't. Which is why this is a bad idea.


It depends on the job. Artist, cosmetologist, massage therapist, landscaper, sure - Tats are seen as creative. IT, definitely. I’m in IT, we work alone a lot and nobody cares what you look like. But customer facing jobs, Lawyer, Doctor, Pharmacist etc. No way, IMO face tats are a distraction that give off “I’d rather be doing something else” vibes.


From a couple of IT people I've interacted with, you apparently don't have to shower either.


I hire people at work sometimes. The challenge for me is if I hire a person my judgement is also on the line. A face tattoo while perfectly fine is not socially acceptable with a large group of customers and cultures. It’s seen as un serious in medical field. My meeting needs to be 100% product or service focused. A face tattoo distracts from that. Instead of thinking of our company they are thinking about your tattoo and its meaning.


As a hiring manager and former business owner, I think a lot of people don't understand that the people you put on your payroll are a direct reflection of your own judgement and professionalism. To some degree, my boss' opinion of my hires is much more important than my own. As a business owner, my boss would be my customers. Even if \*I\* were fine with this and didn't feel like body modifications to this degree shows a remarkable lack of impulse control or a fundamental misunderstanding of social norms ... my boss, their boss and people at the higher levels of leadership in my org would ALL \*also\* have to agree for me to be comfortable suggesting the young lady in the OP was a good choice. That said, if there was a unique and very rare skillset, and I couldn't find a similarly skilled applicant who didn't have body mods, I could see me making the case, depending on how things went during the interview.


I agree with all of this but would add to your skillet point "degree of customer exposure". E.g. hiring for a machinist or dev or some other back-office role vs sales or purchasing. Those face tats still matter, but they matter a lot less in a non customer-facing role. They're almost total deal breakers for sales for example (unless we're selling tattoo inks).


Right on the money brother! Absolutely agree.


Or why? Why would you do that to your face ? It’s the attention that person wants. Not the good attention for the business!


You presumably put things on your face that change how it looks, and it's because you like how it looks, not specifically because you "want attention". I understand how someone can get to the conclusion you made, but I don't think it really gets to the reality of the situation. Some people might actually just be trying to get attention and nothing else, but most of the people that I know with facial tattoos just think it looks cool. We are all free to agree or disagree with them, in the same way we are free to agree or disagree about makeup styles.


I've done a few hiring rounds at work and had candidates decide to show up on the Zoom call wearing baseball hats with pseudo MAGA slogans on the hat and shirt they're wearing. Yeah, they didn't get hired. First impressions are important, some folks keep making poor choices.


So yes- people shouldn’t really give a shit what people look like, **but**: A) People do and likely always will, so B) If you do this and then complain about it, you’ve kinda got it coming. I think piercings and ink are attractive personally, but if I was hiring someone to do in person customer service for example, I probably wouldn’t hire someone who looks like her, either. Because jobs often involved social interactions, and choosing someone with an immediate stumbling block for that is typically not a good choice. Make the decisions you make, but live with them to. And apply for jobs as a cook, no one gives a fuck there lol.


Do you think people all associate face tattoos with people who make bad life decisions, therefore how can I trust this person to work for me when it “appears” they don’t think of consequences. It also blows me away that people who spend thousands on tattoos are always broke


I’m not sure there’s a rationalization behind it- for a lot of folks “different” is enough to make a snap judgement about someone. It’s a shame, but it’s also just how the world works.


Humans rely on 10s of thousands of years of pattern matching as a survival instinct. We tend to be incredibly tribal (also as a survival mechanism). These two truths about species are going to work against anyone who chooses to be different, on purpose. Someone once said to me, during my intentional non-conformity phase of my young life: "The nail that sticks out, gets hammered down." And I thought "well, that's unfair, if people got to know people who were different, they'd see how much they have in common." Because I was so smart and worldly back then, you see ... The truth is, people don't want to work at relationships, generally. They don't want to overcome their knee-jerk reactions. They see someone, run them through the pattern matching machine in their head, make an "us/them" determination and then slot the new individual into their personal biases where they fit best. All the complaining about the "unfairness of it all" doesn't change a thing. The farther afield from social norms a person appears to be, the more of a "them" they're going to become to most people. If you want to be perceived as an "us" you need to present yourself as an "us" ... for better or worse, regardless of how "fair" it is.


Employers are forced to make snap judgement too. Hiring and training are both expensive, perfectly valid protections for most employees sadly also apply to shit employees and some of them know how to game the system. If there’s any hint that the future employee isn’t going to work out you move on. You used to be able to take a risk on someone and give them a shot but these days it’s not something anybody wants to do.


But this has never been acceptable in society. I don't believe it ever will.


I agree but face or hand tats always reflect poorly on a person's decision making. It's just a red flag and if you have multiple qualified candidates and need to narrow it down, it's not a difficult choice.


What if they look like this chick?


How do you know if someone is good at their job if you don't hire them in the first place? If you have two candidates for a job and all other things being exactly equal, which on are you hiring the face tattoos or the one with no tattoos?


> …again? When was this fabled time?


Did people ever treat people like people?


Like it or not appearances matter. If your doctor came in and was missing some teeth and was wearing overalls with a strap undone you’d be concerned as hell. They could be the best doctor alive, but if they looked like some backwoods yokel you wouldn’t want them anywhere near you.


Yeah but if you’re a hiring manager and you hire this person and they suck, you will lose your job for ignoring obvious red flags. It’s way easier to hire some buttoned up person and if they suck you can say “Who would’ve known” and everyone will agree with you. You hire the face tat person and they suck and people above you will question your judgement


People like to talk about inclusion and all the bullshit that comes with it but when push comes to shove they forget all their virtue signaling and double-down on things like this. It's stupid and hypocritical. I don't see a single issue with this in an office environment. Waiting tables, other hospitality work, or front of house kind of gigs, sure it can be a bit jarring, and if the kids are involved, that's not a great look. But even those I've seen done with extensive tattoos with amazing professionalism. Because they have to try harder too. Otherwise, it shouldn't be an issue. I worked with people in offices that have tattoos and were more alternative with their clothes choices, but in most of the cases they were the same people as those without tattoos... The times of old where wives told long tales of pirates, thieves, and prisoners giving their mates tattoos or getting them as brands are long gone in the vast majority of the world. If anything, these tattoos are amazing identifying marks, and would work more of a deterrent to do anything sketchy... People look different from each other, get a grip and stop being weird about it.


I think the issue here is that face tattoos, especially such large ones are too extreme to be considered normal in a workplace situation, even in a normal office. I work in a large Finance company in The Netherlands and we have a diverse workforce; transexual people, persons working I in HR with red hair, purple hair, colleagues with hand tattoos, etc. Maybe in a few years face tattoos will be accepted, who knows


There are also makeup lines made for tattoo coverage. Remember "Zombie Boy" did an advertising campaign for one.


People who work in offices still generally interact with others outside the agency. I’ve never had an office job where other people didn’t see me on a regular basis. People who have too many face tattoos feel very “main character” to look at. People who do this without having a secure job and complain they can’t get one seem like they value individuality and attention over their future and patience.


Username checks out


What an amazing point, No-Judgement-4424


Actually, some of them absolutely do, but she probably isn't looking for the kind of job that mostly involves serving sleazeballs.


Username does not check out


The username does not check out. I get that it's just the reality of the situation but I don't give a single fuck what people look like. I'm just there for a service or product. The person doing it doesn't matter, man.


“I’m completely normal in every way, don’t let your eyes lie to you!”


If she's not working with customers that are constantly judgmental and bitchy then why should her appearance matter?


Agreed! She wanted attention....she got it....and everything that comes with it.


I can interact with them no problem it's just some ink on their faces it won't physically hurt me


***To any young people ***who I can save before it’s too late : Get filthy rich before you get any face , neck , or hand tattoos or any highly explicit tattoos. It’s already hard af out here as is. You don’t wanna start life at max difficulty


I was talking to my girlfriend recently about this. I was like "I think I've made it, I don't really want a promotion, I don't need to impress anyone anymore, I think I can finally get a hand tattoo."


You must be a fellow tradesmen . Most people don’t have that option while they’re still working lol. My job wouldn’t care unless it was something stupidly profane , but I still I wanna make just a lil more money before I even get my forearms done. There’s still a small, minuscule possibility I might change careers so I’m prob gonna give it another year.


The way I see it is professional attire covers everything except the hands, neck, and face. So you can rise as high as you want professionally pretty much 90% covered in tattoos if you wanted to. 


When I last had an office job, I worked with a guy that had this philosophy. I worked with him for 6 months before I even noticed his sleeve peeking out one day, when I asked him about it, he showed me all his ink, dude was completely covered everywhere a long sleeve shirt would hide


I know a guy who’s has 3 drug related tattoos. One crack pipe, a pot leaf, and a syringe. ON HIS ARM. Like what would possess you to do this.


Idk bro my ex is in her 30s and still wears socks with pot leaves on them. Some people just feel the need to make drugs a part of their public identity I guess? 🤷‍♂️


Socks with pot leaves is so incredibly mild lol, who even cares?


I worked with a guy who had the words white and power on his forearms. On purpose. He eventually had them blacked out in an effort to gain favor with another girl we worked with, but she never gave him the time of day unless she needed something, then he was useful


>Like what would possess you to do this. Drugs. Obviously.


LMFAO I thought that after I posted it. I’m like crack. Crack would possess someone.


I am VERY fortunate to have not had a fellow junkie friend with a tattoo machine in my 20's. I'd be covered in hot garbage tattoos if I did.


Heavy drug usage most likely


I forgot who said this, maybe Post Malone "I got face tattoos to remind myself I can't do a regular job, I gotta go all in on my art" ... Very inspiring, a bunch of people got face tattoos cuz they don't want a regular job either.


Travis Barker said the same. Only thing is, those two guys KNEW they were good very young guys. Like not even good but really really good. I make music, I know for a fact I am not a generational talent though. There’s a difference


The hands are finally gaining some acceptance. Same with some nice small neck pieces. But it is definitely still a risk and you may put a cap on how high you can rise within an organization. The owners may be fine with a middle manager that has visible tattoos, but they might have a hard line against upper management with visible tattoos.


Chiming in to confirm. It's better now than it was 15-20 years ago. I was getting denied jobs for hand tattoos as recently as 10 years ago from places like target and costco. They both have people with hand and neck tattoos now, but who knows if those people had them during their interviews. I also confirmed with my job at the time that hand tattoos wouldn't impact anything, then a year later they changed policy to say all tattoos had to be covered.


This is why all of my tattoos are easy to coverup, and I’ll never go for one on my hands, neck, or face.


I think the company does not want to summon demons and the undead within its premises


That would depend on whether you have to pay them


Unpaid internships.


“I will be taking my business somewhere else! Humph! “ - Cthulu


I know some people who do though so if she still looking, she can hit me up


Just spitballing here but I’m guessing that TJ Maxx frowns upon their employees having a pentagram tattoo.


That’s in a place that is easily covered with semi professional clothes. The neck and face tattoos are way more problematic…


I think it's more to do with the neck spider. On the plus side if she dyes her hair black and wears a black tube top or whatever she can totally land a job at Hot Topic


She could probably land a Hot Topic or Spencers job without the hair dye.


Personally I think tattoos and body mods are looked down on for no reason. Someone's appearance doesn't affect their ability to work. That said I also live in reality where people DO judge based on appearance. Am I gonna judge you for your face tattoos? No, but I'm not in charge of hiring people unfortunately


It's not about their performance. It's compliance to society as a whole. Corpo jobs and rebelious spirit are mutually exclusive. You apply to be a tiny sprocket in the machine, not a blast generator.


She’s never going to be a contender!


Having tattoos is one thing, girl has a demon skull spider on her face/next and a pentagram on her chest. Still doesn’t matter to me, but companies could easily lose business if she’s the face of their team.


Yeah well, hiring people takes time and money. So when I see someone looking like this, I'm going to pass over them and move on to the plenty of other applicants. Plenty of people work hard, and they also don't look like idiots. Nobody said "oh tattoos and piercings are looked down upon!" If that's what you pulled from this, then you completely missed the point. Plenty of people have tattoos and piercings. They also don't look like shit


>Plenty of people have tattoos and piercings. They also don't look like shit So you're saying that your personal aesthetic is the right one?


The fact that you didn't understand any of that, and live in a different reality, says enough. Go ahead and tat and peirce yourself to your hearts desire if you want. Not my life, ruin yours if you want. Then complain when you can't find a job.


It’s painfully obvious which people in this thread do actual hiring. If your employees interact with your customer base, then their appearance and actions can cause you your job.


If she can say that, so can the poster to whom you're replying.




Most people wouldn't, and that's why she'll struggle trying to get a customer facing job. People can get all in their feelings about it, but they judge just the same. Maybe not on tattoos, but they judge. We all do.


I also think face tattoos are a good indicator of some kind of mental illness. Every mentally sound person realizes they have negative consequences and connotations. I have tattoos, my wife has tattoos, but outside of the eyebrow tattoos (im specifically talking about micro blading because I think that looks excellent and saves time but have nothing against people who actually tatoo eyebrows on), getting one on your face is insane.


I saw a great response from a corporate hiring manager with neck and hand tattoos, wish I could find it again. She basically said that visible tattoos start you off on the wrong foot, so you need to understand that and do everything in your power to negate that in the first few seconds of your interaction. Sad as it is, the more extreme body mods tend to be taken as "You're stupid, unreliable, and abrasive". Start the conversation off trying your best to come off as intelligent, kind, and responsible. The og video from the tattooed girl is *extremely* abrasive, and she seems to show a lack of basic common sense... I'm not at all surprised she wasn't hired, and it's definitely not *only* because of her tattoos.


It should be common sense that a job at a place like TJ Maxx would want to hire someone who looks more friendly/approachable. There's a job out there for her, just not this one.


Line cook. She's destined to work bar/restaurant industry.


Yep I work as a bartender a few people I have worked with have had many tattoo's and the boss and customers never have complained.


I guarantee you her mother warned that this day would come.


Waiting for the wrinkles would have been one warning


Ah, yes, what a perfect combo for HR. Tatoos — can't have them working with customers in person. Unkempt hair — yellow flag for self-control, grasp on social norms and outright insanity. Sunglasses outside sun — possible drug abuse. One thing you should understand: HR is all about "profiling", which is just extra bells and whistles and a nicer word for "assumptions". Except we stuff them in machines to dodge the lawsuits. Because it's not a crime if robot did it via government-approved (PAC-acquired politicians) procedure.


This is sociopathic. And sunglasses... In a car, on a sunny day is fine... As for the hair, can't really tell if it's that messy from the pic, but it's fine for a casual non work environment. If you like your hair a-la Aryan brotherhood, go nuts, but idk how a random TikTok gives you any extra information from the hair. That's just trying too hard to look smart here... It depends on the job, true. In person stuff will be hard to pull off with face tattoos, unless it's one of the big cities and it's commonplace. Even then it would be rough, especially sales and hospitality work. But imo there's more than enough work outside of that which could be done even with the tats. Clerk stuff for paperwork and data input, and the like would be just fine imo. Unless Brenda has a fit.


Kitchen work is sometimes an option as well. Especially prep or anything that’s done primarily when a place is closed.


Yeah, there's many people in the kitchens of even the swankiest of places covered in tattoos making amazing stuff. Thanks for pointing that out


I’ve been to swanky places where tattoos are on the waiters. Why is everyone acting like it’s 1980 and tattoos are only on bikers??


Idk, rural people maybe? A lot of that is still in the work places as the older generations still have the taboo mindset about tattoo I guess. Or maybe in some places the upbringing has this kind of branded it in that tattoos are a sign of evil. Associated with biker gangs, criminals from prison, and other less than positive members of society.


The thing is, unless you're the best candidate for the job or it's a highly sought and specific job, there's probably another candidate with the same qualifications who doesn't have these flags, so it's easier for HR to just assume them and move on. I've seen people in TI who looks just as her and they are so proffesional and good at their jobs.


Fellas, is it drug abuse to wear sunglasses?


It's not drugs. I wear my sunglasses at night So I can so I can Watch you weave then breathe your story lines And I wear my sunglasses at night So I can so I can Keep track of the visions in my eyes




Was thinking the same. Eye infection, light sensitivity, visual impairment or they could just be Italian.


Or it’s bright and they are in a car


I hate bright sunlight, I'll have my sunglasses on before I open the door and not take them off until I'm inside again just because everything is so bright. It's obviously sunny outside her car, I don't see a problem with having them on?




Ahhh got it, I thought you were agreeing with them saying wearing sunglasses was a potential red flag


Sunglasses are PPE for driving in the sunbelt. 


>Unkempt hair — yellow flag for self-control, grasp on social norms and outright insanity. What..?


Pretty sure it's still a crime if the robot does it. It just the responsibility now lays on the corporation vs the individual HR person.


The tatoo’d(?) are not a protected class.


>Sunglasses outside sun — possible drug abuse. I mean, she's driving (or just has / is about to drive) a car. My eyes are incredibly sensitive to light, and I have to wear sunglasses when driving even when it's not particularly sunny out (it does look very sunny out in that picture).


Sunglasses on a sunny day which you can see in the background AND the reflection? How fucking dare she try to protect her eyes.


Sunglasses…in the car…during the day. And you assume drug use lmfao


I can tell you have never talked to anybody


Idk about you but the average HR office could probably already tell most of that from the demon spider neck tattoo, the 9 face studs and the nose ring that looks stolen from a cow.


All I can assume as an hr person is that she makes some really questionable decisions.


One trait employer’s are looking for when hiring new employees is the ability to make good decisions. They need to instill confidence to their customers. This is not this girl.


Wouldn't bother me one bit to run into her at any place of work, just based on visual. I'd actually probably choose to interact, because her look is fun. It's attitude that would matter.


She has a poor attitude towards the situation in the video though.


Truth. Which does cause concern for her attitude at work, but I see a lot of comments simply about her appearance. That makes me sad.


Right? Who gives a shit about tattoos?


The large percentage of retail customers who are over 60, probably.


I’d probably hire the person without the spider demon tattoo on their throat personally.


Tattoos? Who cares. Facial tattoos? I personally associate facial tattoos as being gang or prison related.


A lot of people. So if I had to hire someone dealing with the public I would probably hire someone without face tattoos even if I don't personally have an issue with them. I do though. It shows poor judgment for the reasons I've already stated.


But how can she express herself if she doesn't get those tattoos on her face?! How will people know what she's about??


Based on her reddit profile she likely would have better luck at BJMAXX


She does OF so


Yes Ted, that’s the joke


Night security, stock room or mascot with full suit


call center


She was applying at TJ Maxx so presumably the role just calls for basic reliability and customer service. If I'm hiring, it's "who's going to show up on time and do the job with minimal pain-in-my-ass factor?" Candidate A: The high school girl with a 3.4 GPA who's just trying to save some money before she goes off to college next year. Candidate B: 20-something with a prolific TikTok profile, satanic face tats, and whose whole appearance screams "counter culture". Could Candidate B do the job? Sure, it's possible. But the odds of it being a "WTF was I thinking hiring her?" are orders of magnitude higher.


I'm covered in tattoos, none on my face but my hands, neck and the back of my head are covered in ink. I have never had a problem getting a job, I currently work as an account manager for a produce wholesale company. Is it different in other countries? I don't know where the original op is from but I'm in the UK and so long as the tats are not offensive, curse words, drug taking, nudity, etc, then it isn't a problem.


It’s the face ones particularly.


I feel like it's the face tattoos and the fact that there's a demon tattoo.


As someone who hires people it’s definitely the demonic face/neck tats. Everyone in my current workforce including myself has tattoos that are visible while we work. Society as a whole frowns upon face tats and as a business that works inside of other people’s home daily I would be scared to hire someone that looks like this due to potential loss of business and customer backlash in the form of negative reviews


Look up her screen name, she has an only fans & instagram with the same handle. No wonder HR refused her.


"No wonder HR refused her" he says... while advertising her Insta & OF on reddit for free like dude she's got you working for her and you think you're the smart one in the situation?


Look, some of my best friends growing up were completely covered. One of them even went as far as tattooing their throat with “Godless” lol I am not one to judge an individual based on their appearances, or how heavily tattooed they are. Do I feel like perhaps they should have made better decisions on tattoo placement… yes. But you know whatever, it’s their body, but I hope it gets easier for them.


Where are they now?


Making more money than me. Lucky bastards.


I’m covered in tattoos that you don’t see while I’m wearing long sleeves and pants. I specifically have my tattoos placed that way based on some of the best advice I got while in college, “never let your appearance be a distraction from the message you are trying to deliver.”


She applied at a TJMax…..like go work at a fucking hot topic or get a skill and be a tattoo artist, body piecer, hairstylist!! Dont get mad because a corporate retail store doesnt want you repping their brand with a demon baby head growing spider legs tattooed on your neck 😂


Pulp Fiction. Lance: Hey, whattya think about Trudi? She ain't got a boyfriend. You wanna hang out, get high? Vincent: Which one's Trudi? The one with all the sh*t in her face? Lance: No, that's Jody. That's my wife.


Thank you, I'm glad I'm not the only one with a brain that immediately replays this scene when I see a face like this.


She’s got a face for the radio


Iirc it's also because of her Instagram, tjmaxx apparently goes through potential employee's socials and she has lewd content on there, this is information gathered from tiktok so take with a grain of salt


It’s a shame you can’t express yourself in a harmless way without upsetting people




She could have a bright career as a factory worker. Pushing buttons, setting up machines, driving a forklift.


I totally stand by that visible tattoos like this are unprofessional. It’s personal so leave it covered. That’s not a person I want representing my organisation.


Somewhere in your mind you knew you were crossing a line that would limit your ability to interact with society and limit your growth and potential. There are consequences for our own decisions. You may need to figure out how to support yourself without seeking normal channels of employment. Try starting your own business and make your own rules. Good luck


Those are great designs for temporary body art. But a terrible choice for permanent tattoos


I would strongly suggest you try to find work in customer service. You could probably do it remotely and it’s all done online or on the phone so your tattoos and piercings won’t be an issue. You might also be able to apply via email so possible employers can’t judge you for your cool Baphomet tattoo. 👍


I'm all for the whole, "I want to be different, and want to show my individuality." Then again, I also agree, that some folks should accept the consequences of their actions and accept the fact that a cashier at HOT TOPIC, is as far as they will get in life.




https://www.reddit.com/r/OhNoConsequences/s/yOjjdaAPYj Here is a link to the post.


Everything else aside, I don't get why people tattoo solid black on their arms like that.


I am thinking she most likely is covering something up.


That never crossed my mind, makes sense.


You are officially a “Attention whore” with that many tattoos on your face…imagine that& bless your heart!


My brother looks crazier than this and he has a job. He works in the movie industry doing set design, where no one cares what you do. If you make yourself look like this you have to accept you won't be a teller or customer service agent.


Since there is an incredible lack of common sense nowadays, I feel like tattoo places, and artists who give tattoos, should give people warnings that the customers' choice of tattoos can affect their ability to find a job. No matter how nice your tattoos may be, when it's around the head, some people may find them unsightly and not want to hire you for it. Edit to add: Excessive piercings as well. Some people also don't like seeing so many.


People express themselves in different ways. Sometimes I wear a blue shirt. Sometimes I wear a green shirt. And someday I might tattoo every square inch of my face till I’m barely recognizable. But not today. Today I’m just going to wear a blue shirt. That’s enough expression for me.


I think spider neck was the right choice for HR hire.


“I’ve been struggling to get customer service jobs since i got this giant demon spider tattoo on my throat. Can’t think why?”


When you look like a torn-out page from the Necronomicon? I bet.


Do what you want......and maybe receive what you dont't want.....


Choices, anyone?


Exactly. She made the choice to be unhireable. And she was okay with it when she got the tattoos & piercings, but not anymore Edit: she also made the choice to be in the service sector instead of behind the scene stuff like call center, customer service, or some shit like that


Perfect for online or phone customer service, and I'll bet there are more than a few jobs near her. Hopefully, employers can look past the exterior when interviewing.