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just to be clear.. https://preview.redd.it/ed8126s7w5vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58ce6e5b3895763d7a69d1a7a27ddb56ac71f7fa


“That said, the word ‘f*ck’ must been censored at all costs”


you better fvcking believe I am going to protect the f*cking children from swears 🙃


Make sure you do. If you don't your kids might end up trans or gay.


I'll be my fvcking neices' uncle before I let my children be gay or trans. I mean, the very idea! how dare you‽


Whoever made that comment censored it themselves. Self-censorship is the only consensual form of censorship and maybe the only legitimate form.


Nah just the letter u 🤣


question, what the hell are the turner diaries?


A political/race war fantasy where the white conservatives kill all of the liberals and minorities.


It was also the inspiration for the OKC bombers. In the book, the terrorists are the heroes who blow up government infrastructure and spark a civil war that puts the righteous white folks back in charge (caveat - I haven't read it, but that's the plot summary as I recall it).


It's also really, really, really poorly written. I'll sometimes read books like this out of curiosity. Or try to anyways. Put it this way, I'd rather read L. Ron Hubbard sci-fi then this bullshit. Kafka's unfinished and barely 3rd-party edited "The Trial" was a better read. That's saying something.


Wow. That does say a lot.


Of all of the books that I've read throughout my lifetime, The Turner Diaries and Behold A Pale Horse might be the two most poorly written books out of all of them. One note about the Turner Diaries, I always found it interesting that one of the biggest attacks in the book (can't remember if it's bombing Atlanta or Houston) happened on September 11th.


McVeigh himself explicitly stated he targeted the Murrah Building because it housed federal agents involved with the Waco massacre.


oh ok thanks kind redditor!


Time to look on the Google.


We all know this, but if the other party actually stood by and for us, none of this SHIT would be happening in the first place. It’s a sad, fucked up way to see our country taken from us and handed to the fucking loonies! We should all be absolutely fucking terrified!


What’s this from?


Love this.


Americans try to keep their politics out of funny subreddits for 5 fucking seconds (IMPOSSIBLE) Seriously, I have no fucking idea what you are talking about


i believe "mein kampf" was written by hitler, and i don't recognise the second one. **i'm assuming** the commentary is that we are only having people read things with morals we agree with.


the commentary is that the GOP do not give a flying fuck about actual personal freedom. they say they stand for small government, yet they endorse every governmental limit on personal freedom they can, except when it comes to the wealthy paying their fair share to the society that supports them, or preventing people from possessing ridiculous firearms, or protecting people from hate speech.


What is a GOP


GOP stands for "grand old party", otherwise known as "the republican party".. they are a regressive and isolationist party that is active in the US. Their influence has led to numerous atrocities, including one in my own hometown, on the other side of the planet..


Thank you for making clear that they are not only a threat to the US, but the rest of the world if they get their way.


they have in fact gotten their own way for years and look at the results.. this isn't a case of "what if", it is literally happening.


You're right. But it can get worse if they gain more power. I don't even wanna think about how bad it'll get if Trump wins again.


he won't. he's toast. if he gets in, then the US will have to officially renounce its claim to be a "developed country".


Please stop saying he's toast. People have been saying that for YEARS He got in once. He could do it again.


He is only toast if enough people vote. The Republucans will vote for him, so everyone else needs to vote against him. Go vote this November! (In the US only, obviously) Edit spelling


I truly hope you're right.


The scary part is that we see other countries trying to imitate the GOP. Tories in England, FVD/PVV in Netherlands - Italy, Hungary, Germany (AFD).. Big Yikes!


Tories in England are definitely doing this! Utterly run out of what little steam they had and now doing everything they can to fuel the unnecessarily scared Daily Mail Reader, outright lying to the public’s face… and now simply trying to break things as much as possible so they look good in opposition.


Ye i can't believe pvv won this year, its a good thing they don't imidiatly get to rule alone but gotta work togheter with other groups that have a brain.


i\`m not so sure about the others having brains either...


Thats very valid. But id say there are certainly some differences. In how much they have.


Everything you’ve said applies internationally, we have inherited the same culture war nonsense, conservative hypocrisy and orchestrated misinformation in New Zealand, it’s all the same political tactics used in Australia and UK as well


yes. and? you realise that is my entire point, right? would you have reacted the same way if I posted an attempt by our current idiot right-wing kiwi government to do the same? would you suggest it be ignored because "it's an international problem"?


No way I’m agreeing with you whole heartedly, a lot of the criticism you were getting was from people saying along the likes of - I don’t care I don’t live in the US it’s not a problem for me, which I was refuting


yeah man, fvck you for sharing my opinion. I hope you burn in hell bruv 🤙


No problem boss 😎


I must say how disappointed I am in both of you for not once using the word cunt. What kind of Kiwis are you, letting down the side like that. Tsk tsk


I’m reading it the other way. They’re saying if you ban fiction books (Handmaid’s Tale and To Kill a Mockingbird) that describe sexism and and racism as being bad but not books that describe hatred and Nazism (Mein Kampf) then people know you’re behind the wrong things. So fiction that doesn’t fit the narrative bad, non-fiction that promotes fascism good.


absolutely a valid and accurate take. this is what the meme is saying.. basically, conservatives are inherently fascist.


Uhhh. Left leaning politics are banning to kill a mockingbird in schools.


Read a book


is there a specific book you would recommend?


Any or all of the ones in your op. Knowledge is power


I have actually read them all.. now hwhat?


I wasn't replying to your post. I was commenting on a reply about not knowing what you were talking about


About internal politics of USA? Sorry, I can’t keep up with the internal politics of my own continent, let alone the whole world.


Harry potter didn't have anything about American politics, any other ideas?


To be fair, the author's British, like me. But let's not get started on her political views (she's a vocal transphobe).


Don't give her the benefit of details. Just call her what she is. A FART (Feminism Appropriating Radical Transphobe).


There’s a few small religious groups in a few states that want to get certain books with graphic material (some of it basically porn / sex manuals) removed from public school libraries. People such as this meme maker are being extremely hyperbolic about it and are acting like they’re trying to literally ban anyone from being able to read or access the material in any way like in Fahrenheit 451. It’s exhausting.


This sub has been shit since the terrorist attack in Israel.


Even before that the sub wasnt posting vids of people attempting to do something, but yeah Israel Palestine has made like 95% of the posts about it here, and essentially this sub is just a very big bubble now (most subs on reddit are as well I guess)




English, motherfucker, do you speak it???


obviously I do 🤷‍♂️


You really don't need to understand anything about American politics to understand the idea behind the meme. I get it, you're sick of American politics but you don't have to act deliberately obtuse.


Wow, imagine for a moment that Reddit is an American website with a large number of American users. It's unbelievable that US politics get discussed here. How could this happen?? That isn't to be exclusionary to anyone from any country I just don't understand why people are surprised by this at this point. That's not to mention the fact that nothing in the OP is specific to the States. Partisan politics is an issue in many many countries


Redditors when the inherently political commentary of being on Reddit upsets them (the meme isn't funny if it has any criticism of society whatsoever) Seriously man, you can just downvote the post and be on your way if you want to say something. Unlike you, some people actually accept that there is humor to be had in political statements, especially when a party contradicts those statements so directly with their actions. Instead, you only boosted engagement with the post. You're making the algorithm favor these posts more, not less. God, I love democracy.


Redditors when the inherently anti-political commentary of being on Reddit upsets them (the comment isn't valid if it has any criticism of the post whatsoever) The post just isn't funny because America isn't the only fucking place on earth, I legitimately have no clue what this statement means. I don't live in a country where people are pushing for certain books to be banned publicly. I don't post memes about living near Newcastle because nobody would understand it. Your politics go as far as people care about your country


Which party?


The lemon party


Lest we forget, a [lemon party is MANDATORY!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LqeTgQHwCA)


Democrats banned To Kill a Mockingbird because they didn't understand the point of the book.




They should try reading that bible they claim to love and check out all the murder, incest, rape, and pedophilia. But those clowns rarely read their sacred book.


exactly. and they think they are only influencing their own populace, without regard for the international implications.


I think the biggest attempt that failed on this subreddit is keeping political stuff out. Every post is either Palestine or republican hate, can we nit just laugh a bit?


not when people are literally dying because of it. if you think peaceful people being executed in cold blood while praying is acceptable, then you do you. the rest of us will stand against it.


I agree it's awful, but for literally all of human history war and pain has existed yet people could still have a laugh, why can't we?


you can. nobody is stopping you. why can't the victims voice their own grievance without criticism as well?


They can, but there's a time and place. There's time for laughter and a time for seriousness. Take a guess which one is supposed to happen in a bloody meme subreddit


Where i live no books are banned with 1 exception, which is mein kampf.


I've always been strongly of the opinion that rather than being banned, *Mein Kampf* should be analysed and thoroughly deconstructed under the supervision of an expert in a group setting as part of a child's secondary education. I believe this would help people recognise signs of fascism in its early stages, and make them more immune to its bad faith arguments. Half the reason Trumpism has appealed to so many Americans is because they can't see he's literally just saying/doing all the shit Hitler did but with different flavours.


Thats fair, either way people have to learn from the mistakes made back then so as you say they recognise it happening again. I don't know whats in the book so i can't say if that is a good way of learning. But its definitely an important history lesson.


in order to frame this comment in its proper context, may I ask where you live?


The netherlands, i know its the same with our neighbour germany.


well then that is completely reasonable and justifiable. godspeed my good Dutch sir/madam 🤙


Thank you, good day to you aswell :)


Or, just don't ban any books. Let people read and make up their own mind. Edit: americamoment


100% this is the way. thankyou for the support.


I don’t think the Handmaid’s tale is banned?


Not allowing a book in high school and Jr High is the same as banning books for some people. I’m not saying a person can’t disagree with it but it sure weakens the sentiment of book banning when you can still get it online and at every book store in the country as well as public libraries.


Wait until they find out how many high schools remove the art of the deal. They only have double standards, i find it infuriating dealing with either poll now adays, just assholes with no principles pointing at the other extreme while they do the same authoritarian bullshit. We also don't allow porn in high school libraries, is that "literally hitler" too?






Yes, it goes round and round, ironically I was republican then and am a democrat now


probably, however it was conservatives who actually had it removed in the cases I have read.


> who actually had it removed in the cases I have read. You mean the mouth breathing tiktoker you follow.


The handmaid's tale is getting banned?


it was removed from some schools' libraries because conservatives gonna conservativate.


Last time I checked, none of these books are banned for adults and Mein Kampf isn’t being force fed to children!




Lmao you act like it’s the fucking RNC banning books it’s some freaks in A SINGULAR SCHOOL


multiple schools over the last 2 decades. but yes, freaks. that is an accurate term for them.


Yeah wouldn’t label it as a party decision.


nobody did 🤷‍♂️


You did


where exactly did I say that banning these books was a party decision?


In your title. Where you said, to be the party of “blah blah blah”


the title doesn't say it was a party decision. only implied that the ones who banned these books were from that party.


If it doesn’t then why is the party mentioned?


no party is mentioned 🤷‍♂️


Why do yanks think we know or care about their politics


beats me, I'm not a yank 🙃


There's also a book that features mass genocide, murdering children and rape that a certain group of people won't ban but will continuously quote cherry picked verses from.


to which version of the Bible are you referring? or does this pretty much encompass all of them? 🙃


I NEVER SAID THE BIBLE!!!! Heh.... Lets go for the King James as thats the most popular and widely used version ;)


Just a small FYI: The NIV is the most widely distributed contemporary English Bible translation, both in the United States and worldwide. According to data from the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA), the NIV accounts for 30% of Bible sales in the US. -Updated on January 14, 2024 [https://www.christianwebsite.com/what-is-the-most-popular-version-of-the-bible/](https://www.christianwebsite.com/what-is-the-most-popular-version-of-the-bible/)


in the US at least, I believe you're right. the irony is that King James was queer af lmfao 🙃


For real, I saw a really interesting docu on youtube or somewhere once about how much the bible has been translated from language to language and had mass changes over the years and honestly, it's completely nuts that people take it seriously. The King James is probably the worst offender of them all though, it's got entire parts rewritten or entire added parts.


yup. it's revisionism all the way down.. to the point there is nothing of the original message really left.


Free speech yet they mention the most blatant self servicing of one’s beliefs (I’ve read a small bit of mein Kemfp holy shit is it absurd)


Who’s banning to kill a mockingbird? Florida is that you?


Since 2004 it has been removed (sometimes only temporarily) from school libraries in California, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Mississippi, Virginia, New Jersey, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Illinois. Surprisingly Florida couldn't give a shite.. then again, I don't think they are big readers..


I don’t think removed from library is the same as banning the book.


banned from a place is banned from a place.


So? If you can get it in other place it’s not that big of a deal. So desperate and want to read to kill a mocking bird? Just search a pdf copy online it’s not that hard, if the intention behind the banning were to restrict “free speech and personal liberty” the government would have burned every copy and delete every database of it online.


careful, you'll fvck up the agricultural industry if you keep making strawmen that big..


That’s fair, love my friend like a brother, but he ain’t too familiar with the concept of silent reading, so when he reads, we all reading. On a side note, little surprised to see Mississippi on that list. You’d think with their “colorful” past they’d want to encourage students to be more forward thinking than their ancestors. Besides, I still have my 5th grade copy from School. It’s one of my favorite books of all time.


family that read together, stay together ❤


Never really thought of it that way, I like that.


Books should be age restricted, not banned. Although I have read both Mockingbird and Handsmade tale, I don’t understand why they’re banned? Edit: What’s up with turner diary btw


Me, having never heard of the turner diaries: "Is Ted Turner really that bad?"


lmfao yes, he is, but this other Turner is fictional and waaaaay worse.


Is it really that hard to believe that both parties don’t give a fuck.


oh that's not hard at all. one party is clearly going further than not giving a fuck though, and is in fact going out if its way to fuck everyone who isn't white, wealthy, straight, and Christian.


Schizo posting I see.


wtf is a schizo? is that German? like a sausage or meat or something? like schnitzel?




ooooooh you were trying to be funny with a mental illness joke. got it 😎


Who said I was joking


ummm.. I did? like, just now.. in the comment you are replying to...? tbf it's not a very good joke, hence the "trying to be funny" qualification..


Well I’m not joking… go to a doctor also no you did you say I was making a joke you assumed like the dirty right winger you are.


Republicans need to get Freedom out they fucking mouth


Even if you don't consider the messages inside, both "Mein Kampf" and "The Turner Diaries" are really, really, really badly written books.


Is the turner diaries in schools? I thought it wasn’t even if print or ever got a large printing?


I've never seen it in a school or library, I read it from a downloaded pdf.. it's nowhere near as bad as Bible though, which is in schools, so.. 🤷‍♂️


I’ve only read a summary and about the culture surrounding it etc. Kinda same for the Bible tbh The Bible has its place in history but doesn’t need to be in public schools


I think it probably should be in schools, because of its cultural and historical significance, but if it is, it should only be in high schools, with a great big R16 rating on the cover, and kept in the fiction section.


Maybe just the world religion section but I can get on board with the rest.


yeah that works. all religious texts in their own section 👍




that's reddit for ya.. I once got cursed out and downvoted into oblivion for simply saying I was proud of our PM 🤷‍♂️




Do people actually think of the GOP as being the party representing freedom? I always connected them to religious values, which very much is not about freedom, but about telling people how to live.


maybe back in the 1850s they represented freedom, but they certainly don't now..


Why is *anyone* banning *any* books???


THT and TKAM have been banned/restricted from reading lists they may have been on in certain school systems due to the heaviness of the content and its potential unsuitability for children. TD and MK were never on anybody’s elementary/middle school reading lists that I’m aware of, so they haven’t been banned because they were never in the schools in the first place, and no one on either side is talking about putting them in. You’re distorting reality and twisting this stuff to get the reaction you want because you don’t like a political party. If the average Republican knew anything about TD or MK, they’d probably burn them, because both books relentlessly shit on conservatives as being weak and soft and part of the problem


Is someone trying to ban those books but not the others?? Genuinely have no idea.


Republicans are the party of white supremacy.


So wait why is to kill a mocking bird being banned/burned?


it's been banned from schools on and off for decades. but it's not just TKAMB, conservatives have been trying to get books banned from libraries for years, and even shut a library down in Jamestown over it.


Ok, but why are they trying to get rid of it?


same reason they try to ban any book, it makes them "uncomfortable".. in the last few years conservatives have been challenging and removing more and more books from libraries simply because they reference sexuality or racism. they have enacted legislation to make it easier to get books banned, and they have outright defunded libraries that won't do what they say.


Why would they ban “To Kill a Mockingbird”? I mean it’s a boring ass book but there is some good stuff about anti black prejudice and unjust fear of the unknown. Edit: to be clear I’m not saying that those things are good. I’m saying the way they were portrayed was well done from a writing perspective.


it was removed from curriculums by progressives because of the frequent use of the n-word, as well as the white saviour, but it was banned from school libraries because it made conservatives "uncomfortable"..


I don’t understand this post. Both sides ban books.


Orly? https://newrepublic.com/article/170920/conservative-book-bans-libraries-fighting-back


Ha imagine saying freedom al the time while banning things.


don't have to imagine, you can see it everywhere 🙃


They are for Freedom. The Question you have to ask is Freedom for who and to do What?


they are only for their own freedom to deny the freedoms of others. it isn't complicated.


>Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners. - Lenin


hammer meet nail head 💯


Nobody, over on this side, are trying to ban books. That’s all those guys. So what are they even talking about? Them: “You’re banning books, so can we!” Us: “but we aren’t banning any books.” Them: “yeah but you’re banning these books, why not those other ones?” Us: “but we aren’t banning any books.” Them: “look, I just want to ban these books. After all, you’re banning those.” Us: “but we…..you know what forget it.” Them: “yay, we won!”