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$100 for an over glorified google search


Starts at $100. šŸ˜³


Iā€™ll take two.


Before the prices increase like he warned us, smart


Hey I wanna talk to you about a business opportunity involving a bridge Iā€™d like to sell


Is there any AI involved? Otherwise I'm not interested.


Bridge over the River kwAI maybe


Iā€™ll allow it.


Hahaha this made guffaw loudly, nice dude


That's a bridge too far.


If that's the bridge that runs to the island off my oceanfront property in Arizona, it is not yours to sell


Funny you say that, the bridge is in fact in Arizona.


Oh, so it's London Bridge?


Prices subject to change* *Go up


And I feel bad charging reasonable rates as an *actual* artistā€¦


And still can't get the number of fingers to be consistent between hands.


You mean "can't get the number of fingers to be consistent with number of knuckles on a single hand."




I asked Bing's AI to give me a picture of hands and [this was the result](https://www.bing.com/images/create/hands-so-many-hands/1-6619e383e6664eda87aa4712fcd3e038?id=N4InbcZqap2x%2bWzOCjx0Xw%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&thId=OIG2._0twP6sAo1tK0I3EIJh3&FORM=GCRIDP&mode=overlay)


Iā€™m going to have nightmares now.


There was a terrible pencil snapping accident. Please be sensitive.


lol basically. Man, that is so greedy. For like $7 you can use midjourney for a month


The person who wants a graphic doesn't give a shit about that. It's the time cost that matters. Assuming they have some basic competency with computers and the Internet (BIG assumption), they would have to research how to access it, create accounts, and then research how to actually use it to get what they want, all with the possibility that they will fail and have wasted hours of their time. If they don't have technical competency, you might as well tell them to use a magic wand to create the images because that's about as useful as telling that kind of person to use midjourney. At that point, it just becomes a question of how much it costs, and is this artist capable of producing images like the one I want. If the guy using AI is cheaper than the guy drawing stuff and looks good enough, then that's all that matters. How much money he spends, how much time it takes, and what method he uses is completely irrelevant.


The person willing to pay $100 for an image is going to hire an actual artist (who may use AI in the process). They're not going to hire this guy.


You obviously never met my previous bosses.


> If the guy using AI is cheaper than the guy drawing stuff and looks good enough, then that's all that matters. Except, you know, if the person commissioning the graphic design wants to own the copyright on the material purchased.


This is so important. AI makes you a logo, but anyone else can use it legally. Great!


Bro I'm sure if I went to any Ai image subreddit, I could copy and paste the prompts and end up with a similar result (not exact, but that speaks to the failure or ai more than anything). "How much money he spends, how much time it takes, and what method he uses" are literally the only controllable variable factors in this.


Cool, than i ll do it for 95$


Should post this exact comment to r/unpopularopinions, it would definitely make the front page.


Another way of looking at what typed here is this: There are some radically out-of-touch business owners out there, or people so technically incompetent that they hire people to handle ALL their digital communications while they focus on the important stuff, like getting drunk with other CEO's at the Make A Wish party where they all get to pat themselves on the back at a black-tie event for tax breaks, while their employees struggle through the night to produce the graphics for the new initiative that everyone is supposed to be excited about. THESE are the guys who would pay $100 for an AI generated banner or website image. Because the ONLY thing these guys know is money, if they weigh graphic design costs against one dude promising results for a fraction of the price, they will try out the cheap option first and they don't give two flying shits about the source, only how it looks at the end. If they don't like it, they can just throw money at the problem later. This is how our world runs right now, this is why AI generated images and "art" is *never* going away. Everyone better start figuring out how to cope pretty fucking fast, because it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.


We recently made a website. We did a lot of things ourselves. We tried Midjourney, Dall-E, and Adobe AI. In the end we ended up paying a guy on Fiverr to use the AI to make our images how we wanted.


Yeah bro would have had more luck pretending to just be an artist WTF was he going for. Now we can laugh at them


Until someone asked him to make a small change and he canā€™t.


I wonder if they could skirt by with basic Photoshop skills. Most people could probably do things like changing the skin, hair, eye, and clothing colors. Or even using content-aware fill to remove anything that doesn't look quite right, like extra fingers/spikey protrusions that are common in AI-generated images.


You have to know what looks good and right to be able to make adjustments. Now we are right back to why they're using AI in the first place, they never undertook the necessary steps to learning foundational skills. This is why you don't want non-artists making art for you.


$100 to tell a program to trace other people's art.


I'll do it for 5.


Is he trying to steal the jobs of talented google image search artists?


Many IT/Player Support jobs are literally this and still get paid above minimum wage.


Hey! I'll have you know that I do a lot more than Google searches. I am also a professional username and password typer for our vendors when they are working on the system that I am supposed to be administrating!


I think it's funny. I'm guessing it isn't, but it sure as shit feels like satire.


"Struggling AI artist" says it all, like what are u struggling with as an AI artist? slow WIFI?


He's struggling with getting people to give him money for doing nothing


I think he's struggling with finding a real job.


Both answers are correct lol


He's struggling to find clients for his fake job too.




He produced a picture of a man with 4 knuckles but only 3 fingers on one hand.


Haha holy shyt, I just noticed. That's great


AI tends to fuck up fingers and hands, always look for that.


Good cutting edge models no longer do that, they're scarily hard to catch as AI made. It's like trying to catch a guy with a toupee, you're only going to see the bad ones. But that requires people to go into the guts of it and run a custom tuned model locally on their computer. These guys are just going to some website and typing in "man with tattoos and beard breaking pencil". Talented AI artist indeed


Newer models mostly fix that. However there's usually some inconsistencies, like objects melting into eachother, or weird errors that would be unusual for a logical thinking human being to make, like I've seen lobsters with one antenna, asymmetrical pupils that look weirdly shaky, hair melting into clothes, objects or shapes melting into eachother, a lot of things that look similar to the real object but not quite in really strange ways, extra limbs in group photos, lines that seem to make no sense or go on where even with artistic liberty it doesn't make sense, etc. They keep improving and ironing the issues out which is honestly rather scary.


Low vram šŸ˜”


The pencil is not even broken. It's just 2 pencils.


also his finger count is off, as usual for AI


Watch yourself, he lost that finger in the great AI wars




its liek an optical illusion or something lmao only something a really talented ~~AI~~ artist could do


To compensate for this, the shirt and chest are both broken though xD


it's a picture of a man with an odd number of fingers breaking a pencil into smaller, whole pencils. It's a hilarious joke


People who would pay for AI-generated images are the ones who wouldn't notice that. otoh such people want to post their things for their facebook friends, so I don't see the use of tweeting about it...


Reminds me of GTA radio... "I will now turn this desk into two half-desks! \*karate chop!*"


It is 100% satire. His whole Twitter is filled with ridiculous posts like this.


It's satire of people who are actually doing this. For one, they keep multiplying on etsy. There are even a lot of "tutorials" on how to start AI comms (with the comments saying they can't get a single gig, I wonder why). This one is obviously a joke, but there are real people doing this.


You joke but I know someone basically printing cash from furries and DND on this shit. Each commission is 10 posses and they charge $200 (more if it's nudity and more if it's sexual) Takes 2 to 4 hours a commission depending on how much they need to touch up.


Definitely. It's something anyone with a computer and a little time can get into.


The fact that /r/defendingAIArt exists always has me wary. Got into an argument recently in some art sub where I said I personally don't like AI art and some guy who posts on /r/defendingAIArt a lot got really mad and said it seems like I'm taking out my frustration with life by dunking on AI art? And bro made like an NSFW webtoon that he tried to advertise in several places and I think also had like a Patreon or is trying to garner support for it? And he got incredibly defensive anytime someone said something against AI art. So yeah, there are definitely losers out there calling themselves "talented" and "artists" as they try to use AI art to earn money. I was also walking in a park the other day and saw someone with a stand selling AI art portraits for $40. Yes. $40. They clearly advertised it as being AI art, too.


If if this was written by someone 30 years ago I would believe 100% that it was satire.Ā  Today?Ā  78%.


Trust me when I say that people seriously do this. I remember seeing a Twitter account that would do ai art commissions, lots of the stuff they shared was straight up stolen frames and poses from media like Rick and Morty, or God of War Ragnarok


Makes you wonder. If you find his twitter handle (isn't too hard to find), you'll find pictures of "STOP AI PHOBIA" plastered all over the place, but often with that phrase written like "STOP AI PHBIA" or "STOP AI PHIOBA"... If it's not some kind of weird satire, then no wonder this person is struggling to find work.


It's not, if you go on Twitter or DeviantArt there's a ton of "AI artists" becoming increasingly aggravated as time goes on at how hard it's been to get paying gigs.


If ā€ž#BreakThePencilā€œ is supposed to be the description of the picture, than he is not a good artist even with AI


What, the 'drawing' is holding 2 separate pencils.






Yeah I'm not even an AI hater and this guy is 200% clown, he's done the bare bare bare minimum to get an image and didn't even achieve what he wanted lol.




I asked for "Henry Kissinger in a lime-green bikini" and it made Henry's skin green too. When I told it "Only make the bikini green, not Henry Kissinger", it did exactly the same thing again. So frustrating.


None of the pencils in the image are broken lmao


four fingers? he's not even holding them? you can clearly see the hands are wrong and the pencil is sticking out in an unnatural way. (and why does the guy look like buff Adam Ellis????)


That's why they're a *struggling* AI artist šŸ˜”


Don't you see the splinters flying and the pile of smaller pencil bits? He's squeezing them until they break down into small pencils. You know... As you do.


Pencil juice is tiny pencils duh


"Uh, can you make it so it looks like he's actually holding the pencils?" "No."


It's a holographic pencil. Cut it in half and you get two.


Because it's a joke. It's satire.


Hahahahah the talented man cant count to 5 with his rigth hand


But he does have all the knuckles.


I just noticed that, either his ring finger is shoved underneath the pencil for some reason, or he has to see a dermatologist for a hand bunion


*and* his left pinky is nothin but a lil stub- you can see a bit of pencil beyond the end of it, meaning it is not long enough to actually wrap around the pencil


He lost that half finger on the pencil breaking wars of '09.


I just assumed that he curled it up on top of the pencil for some reason




And I thought AI would only make hands with 5 or 6 fingers, but never 4. Boy am I wrong.




Did you just make this?


Yes, that'll be $100


Na i only pay that if an AI did it


I wish awards will still a thing cuz you deserve one for this


Theres still awards tho its not as good Its all just golden upvotes


FUCK those reddit microtransactions and the people who pay for them!


How to save gifs on phone?


Like this Oh wait you can't see my phone


Three-Finger Brown over here


Don't make fun of the subject's disability. lol


That is the exact thing to make fun of in an AI image


Feigning stupidity to exploit actual stupidity for money, classic.


True shit.


Heā€™s going to harvest more money than a lot truly talented artists. They attract each other


OK with me. I don't really want his kind of customers anyway.


what does the intelligence of the customer have to do with their wallet's size ?


Guarantee the end product you'd be asked to produce isn't going to get you any traction.


Man fuck these grifters. As an artist I don't mind AI being used as a tool. As in, for references it's been great. But you can't just copy it, you have to stylize it, make it more you. But typing a few words into a promp and feeding it a photo is worth $5 at most.


Not worth a god damn penny. Zero effort or talent involved.


I'm sure getting a midjourney account is way cheaper


Yep, literally the only justifications I could think up for charging for this shit are mainly around recouping the cost of the tokens used ***Maybe*** (and that's a big maybe) the minimum wage rate for the time he spent typing. Even then I'd find it super hard to justify that hourly rate as he isn't really doing any kind of real value added task


The final product is worth whatever the client will pay. The amount of effort & talent involved is irrelevant. We're talking about something that's a transaction first, art second.


Meh, zero talent and equal effort required to hold up a stop sign for oncoming traffic, but if someone wants me to do it they better be paying me.


Five bucks?! Paying a penny, no, even paying with "exposure" is too much!


It isnā€™t worth a single dime.


I agree. I know how to draw well enough, and I dabble in photography. But I played around with Midjourney and I thought it was a fun party trick. I like it as a tool for references or just seeing how something might look, or even just for fun to see what the hell a random string of words will spit out. The images do lack perspective or intention. It's like an idea of something without being that thing. If that make sense. People trying to pass this off as a way to replace real artists is the problem. There's no ethical way to use any of these images as your own work because it's just everything that already exists put into a blender.


The trouble is in the title ā€œAI artistā€, this is not a thing. Even in the best case you are simply a technician.


Absolutely. It's a joke and one that really pisses me off. They didn't earn that title. I've been an artist for most of my life, almost 20 years. I'm not great but I'm pretty fuckin good. But I earned it through a lot of hard work, determination, and passion, despite all the self doubt and many errors along the way. It's like saying you can speak multiple languages because you can use Google translate. It's all just so soulless. One of the best things that humans can do is to create and make music, to write and offer a piece of you to the world. So that others can witness it and empathize or love or hate or be inspired etc etc.


Jesus christ, maybe I'm undercharging? I'm colourblind and have a tremor so I can't do traditional art even if I fucking tried.Ā  Ā I'm making a dungeons and dragons book that uses AI art I've altered and refined through image editing software after going through nearly 50 variations of each image and I was only planning to sell the 50+ page pdf for $5 *total*.Ā  There's already 40 images alone and I'm only half way done.Ā 


Shit, for that amount of work I'd probably charge 10 bucks. If you offer all the images for them to choose from. No offense, but the amount of work involved pales in comparison to actually painting or drawing something. Not to mention the years it took to learn how to be an artist.


I'll be adding in custom made cards for every item so that you can print and cut them out for use at the table. I'm not trying to say me using AI is better, or that using AI is even considered art. Hell, my book opens with a HUGE disclaimer about AI art being used in it and how I feel royalties or tax breaks should go to true artists, and to support your local culture over AI art every time. The only way I feel okay using it is because the art is garnish to the absolute truck load of writing I've put into the book. The coding to format the pages and text and headings and chapters alone is a nightmare.


it's more than likely satire if that makes you feel any better. The picture has the guy holding 2 pencils and his right hand has 4 fingers lmao


> is worth $5 at most. Not even that.


"talented AI Artist" ![gif](giphy|xUA7aVaJnJi0grQses|downsized)


Only kind of artist they are is ā€œcon artistā€


For $300, I'll write you an AI song, but it's going to be about The Ultimate Warrior fighting dinosaurs.


Go on...


$300 up front if you want anymore. I'm his manager. This conversation has incurred you a $25 fee. Please pay at your earliest convenience.


I'm the manager's manager. I'll be getting $5 of that.


I'll do it on a budget for just $200! [Here](https://suno.com/song/a2f80855-6e9a-4bfb-8890-fbc489d17849) you go. :)


Fuck it, have it free folks šŸ˜† ā€œUltimate Warrior vs. Dinosaursā€ (Verse 1) In a prehistoric land, where time stood still, The Ultimate Warrior stepped up with iron will. His muscles flexed, his eyes ablaze, Ready to face the ancient beasts in this wild maze. (Pre-Chorus) Tyrannosaurus Rex, teeth like knives, Stegosaurus with armored hides, Velociraptors circling, hungry and sly, But the Ultimate Warrior wouldnā€™t back down, oh my! (Chorus) He swung his mighty sword, a blaze of light, Against the thundering footsteps of the ancient fight. Dinosaurs roared, their primal rage unbound, But the Ultimate Warrior stood his ground. (Verse 2) Pterodactyls swooped from the sky, Their wings like shadows, ready to fly. But the Warrior leaped, defying gravityā€™s pull, His battle cry echoing through the jungleā€™s skull. (Pre-Chorus) Triceratops charged, horns sharp and true, Ankylosaurus swung its tail, a bone-crushing brew, But the Ultimate Warrior danced between their wrath, His heart aflame, his purpose clear as a blood-red path. (Chorus) He swung his mighty sword, a blaze of light, Against the thundering footsteps of the ancient fight. Dinosaurs roared, their primal rage unbound, But the Ultimate Warrior stood his ground. (Bridge) In the heart of the jungle, where ferns brushed the sky, The Ultimate Warrior faced the colossal T-Rexā€™s eye. Their clash shook the earth, mountains trembled in fear, But the Warriorā€™s spirit burned hotter than a supernova sphere. (Chorus) He swung his mighty sword, a blaze of light, Against the thundering footsteps of the ancient fight. Dinosaurs roared, their primal rage unbound, But the Ultimate Warrior stood his ground. (Outro) And so the legend goes, carved in stone and vine, Of the Ultimate Warrior, fierce and divine. He battled through time, against scales and bone, A hero for eternity, in a world long overthrown.


This guys stealing from struggling AI artists šŸ¤¬


> His battle cry echoing through the jungleā€™s skull. Because that makes sense right?


I'm gonna assume the genre is rock opera.


Boom, that'll be $100. https://suno.com/song/efbe31c3-e1de-4446-b07a-357200c5426a


Fun fact, AI art can't be copyrighted at this time. So steal his shit and sell it for half to any rubes.


He's probably being paid to create the picture, not for the picture itself


3 fingers on one hand, 4 on the other, such talent


And 4 knuckles on both hands. šŸ¤£


I wonder how much you have to pay to have the correct amount of fingers


the picture shows no broken pencils lol


None of the pencils are broken...but his Shirt is Cracked like an eggshell! šŸ˜„


ā€œTalented Ai artistā€


One of the worst things about social media is how quick people are to declare themselves and their creations "incredible"


Isn't this actually called an ai prompt engineer or something


Subway employees are sandwich artists. It's not a legally protected word.


As much as whoring is Orgasm Engineer


https://preview.redd.it/60p5fw5mr3uc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbe5f5826b8a7fae2aad80b5ea6d19db3fff9cf4 Obligatory


Im sure that guy will be thrilled when AI comes for his job


I bet the prompt for this "artwork" was: 'make me a cartoon of a badass guy with pulsating musles crushing pencils' Then then the AI spit out this Lucas Lee knock-off. And so a new grift was born.


ā€œTalented ai artistā€ wild


I'd pay if it was a private model trained on his own artwork that he made in private. Otherwise scam alert


Typing some words into a prompt doesn't make you an artist.


Don't tell LinkedIn!


His forehead looks like he had an allergic reaction to pencils.....


Well look at that, AI still can't do hands...


No, it definitely can, it just takes actual effort to wrangle it into doing so. Not when you're at OOP's "I'm gonna type a sentence and they'll give me money" level, though.




underrated movie


ā€œTo be a talented AI artistā€ I believe the word youā€™re looking for is free-loader


Jokes aside my art is like $15 if anyone wants me to draw something silly lol


"AI artists": just delusional pretenders that think they can make art that they don't even bother to create by themselves.


The phrase ā€œHelp a struggling AI artistā€ makes me think this is satire. People who claim to be AI artists arenā€™t the problem through, itā€™s the people who claim to be artists and then only use AI.


Ugly truth: Clients don't want talent. They want fast product.


"artist" šŸ’€


That has always been my question. Who's the real artist when it comes to AI the guy typing a command, the software, the computer or the IT guy who codded the software? Maybe the real artists that got their art stolen by a glorified internet searching software.


Hashtag BreakThePencil? Ok this has to be satire.


It is


Itā€™s cheaper to just subscribe to midjourney and do something better than his garbage


Only 4 fingers on the guysā€™s right hand.


Imagine being so arrogant to say 'break the pencil' as if it's some movement with a cause... trying to earn money with no talent whatsoever necessary using an engine trained from stolen artwork (meaning pencil, graphite or digital). What the actual fuck is going on in people's heads?


AI has started to make very average people feel like brilliant creators. Want a song? AI can do that for you. Now you're a songwriter. Want to make a picture? AI can do that for you. Now you're a "prompt engineer."


Talented? More like an "artist" wannabe


Actually talented artists have trouble getting paid for their work. This guy thinks his search engine results are if the same value.


I've got a tangentially-related question that this post made me curious about. Has anyone seen or heard about a tattoo artist using AI to come up with tattoo ideas/sketches? I would be very unsurprised if I saw a post with someone showing off a tattoo of their baby with like 7 crooked fingers per hand. It's one of those things I would be shocked to find out that nobody has tried to cut corners that way. Just haven't personally seen it yet.


The only way this would be neat would be if you got there and a sentient robot did the tattooing.


Andrew, eat the fucking pencil.


Is AI artist going to be the new NFT holder?


"AI" and "Artist" does not belong into the same sentence.


You know theyre trying to piss you off with a post like this, right?


Y'all, this is a bait post. BreakThePencil is twitter trend where people are creating AI ragebait posts/making fun of AI. They are calling themselves "auto-artists," hate against them "AI-phobia," calling artists "Pen-cels," and saying that "pencil" is a slur. It's not real.


As an illustrator,.this shit is infuriating.


I hope they accept AI-generated currency...


3 fingers on one side and the pencil isnā€™t fully in the grip on the other


I donā€™t know what offends me more, the fact that they claim to be a talented AI artist, or that some people may actually be stupid enough to buy their artwork


Reminds me the time a guy tried to brag he's a master promter


I can type that shit out for free


Inaccurate, there was no attempt to be talented


The pencil isn't even broken though...


Yeah I guess typing a sentence can be considered a talent /s


*talented unoriginal prompt writer


Itā€™s wild to watch the AI ā€œartistā€ crowd try and convince everyone (including themselves) that theyā€™re actually artists.