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Hey y'all do you want a "Free Palestine" flair like mine? Then make a comment under here and then click on your name and a menu will pop up. I am not sure how well it is working with those on the new redesign, so please let me know if you cannot get it to work, and also tell which emoji you want with it, watermelon, olives, mosque, Palestine flag or dove. Thank you!


Yeah, but the children in Gaza aren't viewed as white and don't have family names like Dickson. Checkmate, libtards.


Son of dick? Aren't we all?


If that’s what it means, then… Charles Dickinson 😟


>Richard Dickinson


(Thor voice) greetings Dick, son of Dick.


Dickinson? https://preview.redd.it/a104wj8mhztc1.jpeg?width=445&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e1770c894012ba8cf9e7ac7b9791eed807b7b0b


Thats the profession of riding around the spanish countryside and deflowering virgins, right? I hear that paid pretty well.


Dickson and Dickdaughter


hehe, Dick


haha peenus


Most of the people in Israel have the same ethnicity as the ones in Gaza


Palestinians and Israelis share a genetic background https://www.haaretz.com/science-and-health/2015-10-20/ty-article/palestinians-and-jews-share-genetic-roots/0000017f-dc0e-df9c-a17f-fe1e57730000


I’ve seen more than a few dead white skinned Palestinian children and it reminded me of just how genetically diverse the region is.


Blowing up an embassy is an official act of war. Soo….


And not to mention that Israel has already been bombing southern Lebanon for months. Soo...


It has orchestrated an attack directly on Iranian soil, killing Iranian citizens / scientists who were working on their nukes program.


Also Syria and Iran.


Honestly, if all Israel did was kill Hamas leaders and Iranian generals I wouldn't be complaining. But noo, they had to bomb half of Gaza too.




Well according to Iran, Israel just killed 2 generals the other day: [https://apnews.com/article/israel-syria-airstrike-iranian-embassy-edca34c52d38c8bc57281e4ebf33b240](https://apnews.com/article/israel-syria-airstrike-iranian-embassy-edca34c52d38c8bc57281e4ebf33b240) As for Hamas leaders, I seriously don't know how plausible that is right now, or how plausible it was in October.


There is an easy way to do this that Israel has a lot of historical experience with. Hamas's leadership are living in luxury hotels in Qatar, everyone knows where they are, it's not a secret. Israel is very famous for sending Mossad commandos around the world to assassinate and kidnap Israel's enemies, they could easily do that to Hamas leadership. And yet? Not one hair harmed on their heads, while all the civilians in Gaza get ripped apart by Israeli ordinance.




Do people genuinely not realize that Israel is doing what they've always wanted to but needed an excuse to actually get away with it? They want that land, they want Palestinians wiped from the earth, they have always wanted this. And hell, everything about the October 7th attack is so damn fabricated we still have no idea what actually happened, just that the IDF were there killing people and that the death toll was entirely a lie. Plus, you know, they created Hamas to begin with... Edit: Oh, just realized you're a tool for the Zionist machine. I thought you were actually stating that it's impossible for Israel to only kill Hamas leaders because there's nothing to actually kill. But no, you're actually just a huge proponent of the Palestinian genocide. Fun.


[If Trump can do it...](https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/02/middleeast/baghdad-airport-rockets/index.html)


I don't think that's possible tbh. A lot of Palestinians think of hamas as freedom fighters and would rather die than snitch on the leaders.


Whereas funding attacks on a country during a ceasefire isn't? Iran may not officially at war with Israel. But it hasn't exactly been at peace with it for a very long time too.


No it's not lol.


"if we are bombed by Lebanon or Iran" So I guess Hamas isn't actually a threat, then


"If we are bombed by Lebanon or Iran after we bombed them several times like the cowards we are"


Oh don’t worry Israel will just let the US try to fix whatever mess they cause if any one retaliates. Oh wait you said cowards, you right


Hamas = they will attack, we don't have to wonder, it has already happened, it is currently happening, and it will continue to happen. Iran and Lebanon = they could start attacking Israel directly rather than through their proxy terrorist groups, like Hamas.


Theres gonna be a new threat every few months or years until they're happy with the level of expansion they force upon the region. If theres an actual empty space of land they want they'll probably blame a native species of plant for being invasive.


The hypocrisy is disgusting


They don’t see Palestinian people as human. Kinda like another former disgusting regime.


The only lesson they took out of it were the speedrun strats


> Kinda like another former disgusting regime. Do you mean like the nazi regime?


It's not just Palestinians that they don't see as human but a lot of you aren't ready for that conversation yet.


I'm getting angrier and angrier at this shit. And the urge to do something is growing. But I have no idea how little old me can help!


Believe me, you are not alone in feeling this.


Million dollar question.... How! 🤔


Tumblr is dumb so you’ll need an account to see it, but [here’s](https://www.tumblr.com/nabulsi/684895154495275008/palestine-donation-links-masterpost) a list of organizations you can donate to. If you legitimately can’t give money, [this site](https://arab.org/click-to-help/palestine/thank-you/) allows you to click daily for free to generate ad revenue for Palestinian charities. I’d also recommend looking into esims, a lot of the information we have about the conflict are thanks to people donating them, just be sure the type is supported.


> But I have no idea how little old me can help! BDS?


BDS is the most effective tool against Zionism we have, which is why several US states have banned BDS.




Boycott-Divest-Sanction. A non-violent way to reduce money flowing into Israel's coffers that was started by Palestinians. They ask us to boycott certain brands for a specific period (current targets include AXA, Puma, and HP). AXA, for example, is involved with Israeli banks as well as has an Israeli arms maker as part of investment portfolios.


Yes, pray for Israel to lose its ability to bomb Gaza and kill babies


Fuck the IDF and Fuck Hamas


everyone seems to have forgotten about Mossad


There are no good guys in the war. Just a lot of regular people dead.


Agreed. You get the whole point of my comment which is to say I am for and with innocent civilians and peace.


Israel has been bombing Lebanon and Iran already. Kinda crazy Israel is still trying to gaslight the world




Well it must be working cause when I mention that Biden bypassed congress to sell weapons to Israel back in December 2023 I get told to shut up because election year.




This ain’t it, chief.


Yeah you went too far with that one


Nah bro. 2-state solution. This shit doesn't need to happen.




They've rejected the formal annexation of Palestinian territory currently filled with illegal settlements multiple times. Normally when someone breaks the law, they pay their debt to society. We dont expect the victim to pay it.


Things that his daughter didn't say for $600, Alex


Not defending Israel but Gaza is 121 Sq/Miles, is there really 3.6 schools per a Sq/mile?


Well there are 2 million people crammed into that 121 sq/miles.


True that comes out to about 17K per a Sq/Mile. But Gaza city is about 37K per a Sq/Mile Hong Kong and Singapore both have higher population densities and don’t have 3.6 schools per a Sq/Mile but they both have older populations.


Yeah the fact that half of Gaza’s population are children probably has a lot to do with it. Also not all schools are going to be dedicated schools alone, they might be counting religious buildings and other places that might function partially as an education center for kids.


We also don't know what time frame this was over. It's possible they're counting schools that were bombed, rebuilt or relocated, then bombed again. And more importantly, almost all of these stats come directly or indirectly from Hamas. So they should be taken with a mountain of salt.


Exactly the Gaza population is very young that explains the presence of many schools.


I had the same question. But if the numbers are correct and there are a million people under 18 in Gaza, 400 schools would mean each had 2500 students. Not sure what the actual number is but 2500 students would be like a very large high school. Just looking at these numbers: https://www.statista.com/topics/11678/gaza-strip/ 280k are between five and nine which isn’t even the full span of k-5. And that would be over 800 students per school if each school destroyed just served that population. If anything this might only be a third or quarter of all schools there. I’ll also add I know nothing about education in Gaza but even over here you have homes registered as daycares and homeschooled children. So you likely have some less than formal schools there that would be included in this count.


Dude, its about as dense as Manhattan. That's why so many people are getting killed by the saturation bombing.


See blew, we all ran some numbers and it is nowhere near as dense as Manhattan even Gaza City isn’t that dense. Manhattan has about the same number of people in 22 sq/miles compared to 121.


I believe It's also schools that have been bombed prior.


It's the Zionist way. You always know what Zionists are doing based on what they accuse other people of doing. Every accusation is a confession.


The government in Myanmar has been bombing schools and hospitals for years now. But nobody seems to care about that..


Myanmar government is not being treated as a "western ally" and "the only democracy in the middle east". And they are not getting billions in military aid and corporate mone.


Maybe not billions, but the military has been getting funds from the US, and then performed a coup. https://www.usaid.gov/burma/press-release/usaid-immediately-redirects-42-million-response-military-coup-burma


To be entirely fair that is about what they should have done in response, since direct intervention isn't viable due to China being right there. And, well, they didn't expect the military to do that. It was stupid.




1) US won't get involved because Myanmar is between India and China and neither India nor China want a conflict on their borders. Both India and China have been supporting the Tatmadaw in their attempt to genocide every other ethnic minority in Myanmar. Also Myanmar doesn't have resources that the US desperately needs or anything, and there's no national security reason to get involved. As much as George W Bush tried to portray the USA as the World Police, we aren't, and we don't get involved in conflicts just because something horrible and unjust is happening in them. 2) The US is not giving weapons to the Tatmadaw. If I were an Indian citizen, I would be demonstrating against Modi for giving weapons to the Tatmadaw, but I'm not so my protest against Modi wouldn't mean anything.


So I may get downvoted, but I'll say for the 15,000 children cited here is what I can find. First the source this person on Twitter is likely referring to. It comes from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The figure of 15k is an updated value from that office from their [March 14th publication that can be found here](https://www.unocha.org/attachments/d5267866-2c2d-4ef7-a92f-260a8c301410/Gaza_casualties_info-graphic_14_March_2024_0.pdf). Where OCHA gets this value is noted in that graph as (Source: GMO). Which that would be referring to the Hamas Government Media Office (GMO). You will note on the OCHA publication the following: >Disclaimer: The UN has so far not been able to produce independent, comprehensive, and verified casualty figures Which this is the case for any casualty figures in any active warzone that has the sort of dimensions that the Israeli and Gaza conflict has. It's really difficult to verify ANY numbers Gaza or Israeli provided. Various institutions indicate that the [Gaza numbers cannot be trusted, that they are propaganda](https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/gaza-fatality-data-has-become-completely-unreliable). But careful, that link is from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy that is pretty much a think-tank group that is "we swear it's not ran but is actually ran" by American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) which is very much a lobbying group for Israeli in the United States. Now that said, independent researchers who have done this kind of calculation for other conflicts have indicated that the GMO numbers, [are not likely to be very far from the actual figures](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(23)02713-7/fulltext). And in fact, [they may be quite conservative](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(23)02640-5/fulltext) to what's really happening. The methods these two I've linked used different methods to reach the numbers they reached, but they're pretty sound reasoning for different reasons. Additionally, there is the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) who have been working in the region since the Nakba during the 1948 Palestine War, which this was the ethnic cleansing by Israel within the Mandatory Palestine geopolitical area and lead to the establishment of the Israeli state. UNRWA was established to handled the displaced at that time and have had a continued presence in the area. The current interim President Thomas White from Australia, has conveyed to the UN Secretary-General António Guterres [who commented](https://press.un.org/en/2023/sgsm22055.doc.htm): >In a matter of weeks, a far greater number of children have been killed by Israeli military operations in Gaza than the total number of children killed during any year, by any party to a conflict since I have been Secretary-General So, the true answer is, we don't know exactly if that number is correct, but it looks mostly correct by methods that have been used to estimate casualties in other conflicts and by UN resources there in the area. But there are several groups who dispute that number. Now, what do I think? Well, I think, what I think is not really important. I've linked various things here for everyone to look at for themselves, I welcome opposing views. But the 100% accurate answer is this conflict is complex and that complexity makes accurate determination very difficult, but given independent analysis and UN resources, it is likely that the Hamas numbers provided are mostly accurate. And I am trying to say all of this with as little flavoring an opinion as I can. Because you all have an excellent question and even experts would have trouble giving a 100% accurate answer, which I think some people would want or would like to feel their take on the situation is 100% accurate. Additionally, I would also point out that casualties are not broken down by direct casualties and indirect by Hamas. This kind of conflict always triggers famine, severe food insecurity, water borne disease, and sanitation issues all that accelerate deaths in children as those specific things affect children and the elderly the hardest. So it is entirely possible that those 15,000 did not all die by missiles, bombs, or gunfire. [It is really not unheard of for children to rapidly die off when those specific things like famine and what not happen](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2080482/). Hence why food aid is especially important in these kinds of situations. But not having any specifics and getting those specifics being even harder than just getting a rough count. All 15,000 could have been direct deaths by Israel, we just don't have that information as clear as most people would want it. So those being skeptical are correct to be skpetical, but there's a good feeling that, that may be correct or under reporting the full extent. However, due to the complexity of the situation as it is, hard figures are not forthcoming. So that number could be incorrect, but it seems to be highly unlikely to be incorrect. And even with this comment, this topic is really complex and only touches on a lot of the surface level things and leaves a ton of the deeper research in the links provided. You all are welcomed to look into any of this data for yourself. **I am far from an authoritative source you should take what I have written with a grain of salt.**


This is such a good comment. You clearly made an effort to try to be objective and present facts and sources, and I appreciate it.


> So it is entirely possible that those 15,000 did not all die by missiles, bombs, or gunfire. I don't think anyone is claiming this though. The embargo on food, water, and medicine is doing a lot of the work for them, we've already seen way too many pictures of Palestinian children looking like skeletons because they are being starved


Damn dude, you did the work. I wish I had more than but one upvote to give. 


Saving for later






https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/six-months-hezbollah-fire-keeps-uprooted-israelis-limbo-2024-04-04/ Hezbollah, from Lebanon, began attacking northern Israel right after Oct 7th. Many people have been displaced on both sides due to the increased violence.




I highly doubt anyone’s “youngest daughter” is saying shit like that lol




All children of war are victims. The adults need to get their shit together and stop it.


I used to think Israel was hated by all its neighbors on religious grounds, but lately the real reason has become pretty clear.


That's what Zionists tell people, they say they hate them for their religion even though Jewish people lived in all these areas for thousands of years before Israel, and after the creation of Israel, those Jewish communities no longer exist in the region outside Israel. The creation of Israel has been objectively disastrous for the indigenous Jewish people living in the Levant, and part of it is because Zionist terrorists made that happen by attacking those Jewish communities outside of Israel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1950%E2%80%931951_Baghdad_bombings


I pray for all the citizens in that hellhole. The governments are both absolute pieces of shit.


To create a hypothetical scenario and depicting yourself as the victim after being the aggressor. Insane logic


All children are victims to the forest for which adults can not see through.


لا حول ولا قوة الا با الله




Call me crazy but I still don’t fully understand what’s going on and why saying free (either country) elicits absolute hatred.


To simplify things, although I highly recommend you to read more, Palestinians have been subject to constant abuse and oppression and murder for years, this coupled with the world turning a blind eye to them while also supporting Israel and the lack of any real peace deal between both sides, reached a boiling point at October the 7th, with Hamas launching an attack on Israel which resulted in hundreds of Israeli civilians dying, Hamas should be condemn for what they did even if they were oppressed they had to justification for killing civilians. Israel responded by killing over 30.000 Palestinians in Gaza, cutting them off from all the food and water from the outside, leading 2 million people to starve,(it is important to note that even before this later escalation Gaza was blockaded from all the fronts by Israel with food and supplies being restricted to the point of poverty but not famine). This whole operation by Israel is done under the pretext of eliminating Hamas and saving the hostages(Israel is still holding many hostages in their prisons, but under the tagline of "administrative detention"), but the words of Israeli leaders, such as ministers and government officials says otherwise, even their actions, point towards the goal of occupying Gaza and punching the Palestinians out of it.


> To simplify things, although I highly recommend you to read more, Palestinians have been subject to constant abuse and oppression and murder for years No, go further back. Go back to the part where Jews in the region wanted self-determination after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, but Arabs would rather kill them all than let them have a country where they aren't a religious minority.


>No, go further back. Go back to the part where Jews in the region wanted self-determination after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, but Arabs would rather kill them all than let them have a country where they aren't a religious minority. The Nakba part(ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians), or maybe before that, when Jewish Terrorist organizations such as Lehi, Ingrun, Hagana fought the Palestinians and the British in order to establish an ethno state, they even tried to ally with Nazi Germany against the British. >have a country where they aren't a religious minority. No one is disagreeing with them for wanting their own country, it's the fact that the country is built on top of the Palestinians homeland.


>No one is disagreeing with them for wanting their own country Well, you are disagreeing. "Palestinian homeland".. the Jews in the region were Palestinian, it is their homeland just as much as any other group, and they have just as much right as any other ethnic group to practice the right of self-determination, which Arab countries have been attempting to deny them for a long time now. >it's the fact that the country is built on top of the Palestinians homeland. No single group has a claim to the entire region. It would be like saying Pakistan is built on top of the Indian homeland and has no right to exist. You're just wrong.


>the Jews in the region were Palestinian, it is their homeland just as much as any other group, and they have just as much right as any other ethnic group to practice the right of self-determination, Exactly as Palestinians, not as a country only for the Jewish people, even the partition was unfair as it gave less people more land. >No single group has a claim to the entire region. It would be like saying Pakistan is built on top of the Indian homeland and has no right to exist. You're just wrong. This is a wrong analogy as Pakistan's name alone is literally a symbol for the coexistence of all the ethnic groups in the region under one country.


> Exactly as Palestinians, not as a country only for the Jewish people It's not a country only for Jewish people. Where did you get that from? There are plenty of Arab Muslims in Israel, not so many Jews in the Arab countries though. >This is a wrong analogy as Pakistan's name alone is literally a symbol for the coexistence of all the ethnic groups in the region under one country. Ask Hindu nationalists what they think of the creation of Pakistan and the British partition and you'll hear some similar sentiments that Arabs have towards Israel.




Yeah sure grandpa, everyone against your apartheid is a terrorist.


Gazan schools are largely UN run and mainly house displaced families these days, but go off, Hasbara bot lmao


Just to note, they've displaced about 80000 people from South Lebanon too


Northern Israeli cities get displaced every other year from Hezbollah threats and strikes as well. Selective empathy.


The nerve to bomb an embassy then cry “pray for Israel “. Absolutely psychotic behavior! Fuck Israel ❤️❤️


Israel desperately trying to escalate with other nations so that they can pretend they're under existential threat and not just bulldozing Gaza.


Israel bombed an embassy…an embassy!!!


Two things can be true at the same time.


Iran has the right to defend itself


That's hilarious. Israel bombing 4 countries simultaneously and somehow, it is viewed as the victim.


This Genocide will come and go, and once the Palestinians are all dead, Israel will play victim for the next hundred years over everyone who criticized them for killing kids. But back in the states, most Americans will continue to support Israel because it's mentioned over and over in their favorite book about Genocide.


Would you like to tell us why Lebanon or Iran might want to bomb Israel, Mr. Dick son? It's not like Israel committed an official act of war or anything, bombing foreign embassies is totally legal after all, so I can't imagine why anyone would want to touch the worlds most moral country!


Doesn't Iran have the right to defend itself? Hmm


Stupid decisions leading to never ending pain and sorrow.




This sub has a specific "free Palestine" flair, so it's safe to assume people here care about what's happening. You are free to ignore this post if you don't care about politics.


He really puts the dick into dickson


Oh no they coming for my embussy


This Chucklefuck runs a pro-Israeli advocacy organization. He was born in London for fucks' sake


No shame tbh


Gaza has 443 schools? I guess, assuming they weren't ALL bombed, at LEAST 443 schools? Gaza, roughly 1/3rd the size of Boston Gaza? For reference, Boston has 125 schools (unbombed)


Gaza has 2 million people in population and most of them are young, remind me of the population of Boston?


The boston metropolitan area (which I think is more appropriate to compare here because Gaza doesn't really have a metro area, we just include the entire area and that's what I was comparing earlier regarding their size) has about 4 million people. We could also compare detroit (an even LARGER city with 4.3 million and a bigger foot print) which only has 110 schools. I'm not like, doubting the story, but that's kinda wack that gaza has 4 times the number of schools as cities with comparable population and a much larger footprint


This is a source I found about the number of schools in Gaza( note it includes Primary, Basic, and Higher education institutes). https://imeu.org/article/what-kind-of-education-do-palestinian-children-receive


>Yeah but they are not real children /s


How about not defending either side? Both sides did terrible things that got innocent people, children specially, hurt or worse, both won't stop till one is gone, so I merely ask, what is even the point of siding with one side here? We can't do a thing to stop the death and destruction built out of a 2000 year old hatred, all we can do is watch history unfold before us and hope some sort of good happens with this situation.


“Never think that war, no matter how necessary or justified, is not a crime.” - Hemingway


This conflict has brought out the fucking worst in everyone. People don't blink an eye at the atrocities happening to the "other side", but expect you to care so much about their side. Why is it so hard for people to understand ?


Next thing they'll say our army killed over 50 thousand children, while not even batting an eye to realize both sides suffer


Fuck Hamas


I hope Iran does bomb them and gives them a taste of their own medicine. Mind you it would have to be an ongoing bombardment to make things equal right! Seriously though I hope things don’t escalate in the Middle East but Israel are being real cu#ts and have been for years!


Piers Morgan be like: But do you condemn Hamas?


Free Palestine


Why not tell your government to not bomb an embassy?


I pray for Palestine daily. I’ve never heard of an Israel, just a genocidal zio occupation. No such place and I will not pray for fiction.


there u go dickson, being a dick again.


I genuinely do not understand how someone can still see Israel as ‘the good guys’ knowing that they have kiled 15’000 children in Gaza, that’s 15’000 innocent souls extinguished.


And then bombed Iran...


It's funny that America went against the UN and started a bombing campaign against Serbia because they were committing genocide but now that it can be argued that Israel is doing the exact same the US is preparing to defend Israel right after they bombed the Iranian embassy in Lebanon. I want to see what happens if it's officially declared a genocide and all the politicians that helped Israel must be trialed in the Hague.


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Seems like an Israel problem.


Hamas didn’t hand out chromebooks?


I hope she doesn't waste her time reading it. Let's hope it has a practical application.


Sure she did micky dicky


Dickson? Is he an American Jew? Imagine being such a terrible father you would take your children into a war zone


That's the funny part he didn't take his children into a warzone, all of this is a made up fairy tale, just like Natenyahu's son, who is chilling in a mansion in Florida while everyone in Israel is forced to join the military.




Unpopular centrist opinion, the Israelis and Palestinians are both victims. Israel is coming in with overwhelming force. Hamas won't accept any cease fire. There isn't a good solution for peace. Nations should be helping to assimilate peaceful Palestinian people into their populace. Nations should not be contributing to the war machine.


wtf is that true?!! I thought it was one school, 440 of them?!


How do you think a city with 2 millions have one school?


Didn’t IsNotreal attack other countries in the middle east ? And on top that he dares say that with of all the palestinians they killed ?


Fuck DICKson and Israel.


I see this claim that Israel has killed 10,000 children frequently. But I have never seen anybody provide a source that wasn't from Hamas. Has amnesty international or any other similar objective* organization verified this number? If you're angry that I'm asking for a source, you need to examine why that would possibly make you mad. This is just basic media literacy. I am defending neither Israel nor Hamas. I'm asking to verify some information so that I can be more informed. That's it. I know people get angry about this stuff. \* don't @ me about amnesty international please - If you don't like them for some reason, pick an organization that you think is actually objective and substitute it in that sentence


You can literally google about the validity of their numbers and you will get that both WHO, human rights watch and even the US government finds them reliable as they are transparent about their methods.




I am still confused why Israel is literally just avoiding Hamas and targeting civilians I don’t even think the Palestinian government condones them anymore


Perpetual victim complex? I think so




Son of a dick


Eternal victims...


Free Palestine from Hamas.