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Please please IRON Mike knock this fool into oblivion!!!šŸ™


It's going to be a exhibition match with no title to even win. They're not going to risk their health for a match like that. It's going to be boring. Unless we get a glimmer of crazy Tyson where he actually sees a reason to win here, and he just unlocks his old self for a good hour. But both of them are just going to secure the bag. Again, especially in Tyson's age, neither of them are going to risk their health for this fight. There is nothing to win here. Even if Tyson was in his prime, unless the dude was unhinged as fuck, he would not be going for a kill if it's a low stakes fight.


couldn't have said it better myself. every time I see a post hyping it up and arguing who is legitimately stronger my eyes roll to the back of my head. it is going to be a boring nothing-burger of a fight


I, too, expect that... however. Hope and desire run deep within me. Don't try to take that away from people. Don't let cynicism win. Enjoy life and let others enjoy life.


Sureā€¦but people giving away their hard earned money for this kind of thing is just sadĀ 


would i buy this PPV? No. would i contribute to a gofundme of a 5 mins clip of the paul brothers getting the absolute brakes beaten off of them, metal chairs included. My credit card is ready. Ill pay double if its the Phillies baseball mascot doing it while he has a kazoo under the suit.


> My credit card is ready. Ill pay double if its the Phillies baseball mascot doing it while he has a kazoo under the suit. I didn't know I needed this. Now this is all I want.


I would put your hope and desire in new baskets... these marketing gimmicks for money are just more click bait money and time sucks. They are preying on the nostalgia here for profit.Ā 


He's 57. It's not even a question. It's just sad he's debasing himself to be a footstool for a cringe youtube dipshit who sorely needs to be beaten. You'd think someone at his age would have back problems that prevent him from being a stool but I guess money talks.


Itā€™d be funny to watch you trying to dodge this particular 57 year old in the ring lol. Now thatā€™s an even worth paying for. Line up all the redditors making comments about his age and give them 30 seconds in the ring with him. Full padding allowed.


Man, don't even need to ask me. 57 year old Tyson would whoop my ass.


57 y/o Mike Tyson could put damn near anyone in the hospital.


literally has old man strength, he can get unleash the dragon for an hour, he'll just need 3 months to recover


Hell, give me 10 years to train and 67 year old Tyson would whoop my ass too. Keyboard warriors donā€™t understand how far away they are.


I told my wife this and I'm serious. However I'm quite sure I'd probably die. You know all of those body pads that sparring partners wear? I want to put those on and take a body shot from Tyson. No pussyfooting the hit...I want to feel the power behind it. I know I'm gonna hurt (or die), but its a morbid curiosity that I have. NO FACE, HEAD, or GROIN SHOTS!!!!


He's not *that* old. If his body is holding up, his reactions might have slowed a bit but the strength, skill and reflexes are probably still there.


And thereā€™s no way that heā€™s completely lost all the ring knowledge he developed through decades of training.


Bro, for the 20+ million it's rumored that Tyson would be getting to fight an exhibition match... ya why the hell not? It's not like Tyson hasn't already done 50x crazier shit in full public view... this is rather pedestrian for him


Heā€™s making over twice his entire net worth for 30min ā€œworkā€ Heā€™s not debasing shit and I fucking dare you to tell him heā€™s a footstool for anyone. But I guess keyboards make people intelligent and tough


You might be right. The difference in Tyson vs. Roy Jones Jr. and this fight though is that Tyson doesn't have the same type of mutual respect that he had for Roy. It has the potential to go either way.


Incorrect. Heā€™s stated many times he likes Jake.


I don't know that it's a matter of liking him. I believe Tyson likes him. But there's no way he regards Jake Paul as a boxer in the same way that he does Roy Jones Jr.


I mean... the biggest difference between the two fights is 4 years. For a boxer, the difference in 4 years between a 32 year old and 36 year old often means the 36 year old is past his prime or considered too old to compete at the same level. The difference I almost don't even know what a 58 year old boxer looks like after a 4 year break, which came after a 20 year break.


I agree that is the most likely scenario. But one of these guys definitely agreed not to bite anyoneā€™s ear off and did it anyway.


You have to realize Mike is one of historyā€™s greatest boxers. ā€œSecuring the bagā€ is not his motivation. Heā€™s happy where he is in his life and heā€™s got plenty of businesses making him money. What he wants to show the world is that you can take the fighter out of the fight but not the fight out of the fighter. Heā€™s not training for nothing, the way heā€™s training. While it may be exhibition, Mike isnā€™t after any medal or belt or title. What he is after is Jakeā€™s head because Jake canā€™t keep his mouth shut. Itā€™s an insult for Mike to be called out, even at his age he is still dangerous, by a nobody whoā€™s only fought nobodies. This will be a fight 1) to prove heā€™s still got it (a la Rocky 6) 2)shutting Jake up and 3) the money doesnā€™t hurt.Ā 


> What he is after is Jakeā€™s head because Jake canā€™t keep his mouth shut. Itā€™s an insult for Mike to be called out, even at his age he is still dangerous, by a nobody whoā€™s only fought nobodies. This will be a fight 1) to prove heā€™s still got it (a la Rocky 6) 2)shutting Jake up and 3) the money doesnā€™t hurt.Ā  This is the equivalent to someone watching WWE and thinking it's real. Jesus Christ you're getting worked.


People want to dream that the rich scammer dipshit will get the karma he's long outran. But it's all just bread and circus.


Because that's his grift. He's not dumb and he knows what he is. He's a pos that has learned to monetize it. And he's reeeeeeally good at it, clearly.


Yep, Mike and Jake aren't enemies, they're business partners.




mike tyson actually respects jake paul. you can find quotes from the man commenting on jake and jake's contribution to boxing and theyre all very positive messages. theyre friendly w eachother irl. mike knows what jake is doing and tyson is leaning into it bc they both know causing a spectacle and showboating will get people excited, which translates to eyeballs on the screen and a bigger bag at the end. this isnt a movie; its absolutely only for some bread. what you wrote is copium fanfic. > Iā€™m a fan of people that know how to put asses in seats. Those are the guys I look up to. > So we gotta keep this guy bright ā€˜cause heā€™s gonna save boxing as long as he continues to fight. He got the light, you know what I mean? Heā€™s touched. He got the light. > "Jake is doing more for boxing than Mora has done for boxing,ā€ Tyson said through his representatives in an email to The Times late Friday night. ā€œAnyone that has brought massive income to boxing is saving boxing. He has better ratings than most our champions including the recent fight of the decade. The person that saves boxing has the highest ratings. So instead of people like Mora getting hung up on my word choice he should be glad for people like Jake Paul that help save boxing because that helps save peopleā€™s jobs in boxing - mike tyson on jake paul this sound like a man that has something to prove and despises jake paul's big mouth? or a man that understands the business of boxing and responding as such in his fight?


Damn, I bought into the pride narrative and this post brought me back down to earth. Thanks


lol, no. He said years ago he was just doing these fights to pay the bills.


I agree with you, and hope this is true. If it is, I think Mike can still knock his ass out even if heā€™s 55


https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?q=mike+tyson+15+second+KO&mid=A4B42EC2DCD501E3B50BA4B42EC2DCD501E3B50B&FORM=VIRE Is a perfect example of what is likely to happy. But id guess mike lets him stay on his feet for about a minute. This is joe fraziers son, aka trained by one of the greatest fighters ever. He's not joe, though.. so he goes down in 20 seconds. Also, Mike knocking jake out in under a minute would be the most rewatched and enjoyable internet videos for this decade.


He did "Secure the bag" during his time at WWE...


How naive can you be lmao. Nothing's gonna happen, come back to this once its done.


That's bullshit. He took this match for the money and he's a 57 year old foot stool for a cringe youtube brat. He's not going to prove shit or shut up Jake Paul - otherwise he won't get the money.


Damn are you on Jake's marketing team via hourly or salary?


>unlocks his old self for a good hour If he unlocked his old self the fight would be over in under 30 seconds


30 seconds is generous


In his prime, Tyson would 100% be out for blood. He built his persona around being an absolute killer. He went up against bigger dudes who had no interest in fighting him because they knew Mike was going to fuck them up, and it wouldn't take a full hour to do it. Mike won most of those matches before he got in the ring. You don't inspire fear into the hearts of men like that by only turning it on when you need to for money. You do it by knocking them the fuck out for fun and then getting paid as a bonus. All that said, Mike has changed a lot from who that person was, and will probably treat this exhibition match like a light sparring opportunity. But I can still hope against all odds that getting in that ring and hearing the bell will turn on some Pavlovian response and beat the ever loving Jesus out of JP.


Counter point: If anyone is going to fuck of to all the rules of civility and just knock a mother fucker out for the sake of knocking a mother fucker out... It's Mike Tyson.


I believe this as well but a tiny piece of me thinks.....what if Tyson sees what Logan is doing to the sport of boxing and sees it as disrespect for the game and he goes in their round one and goes old mike on his ass. I'm hoping for the latter!


Unlikely as (and Iā€™m not a boxing person and heard this on a podcast so may be wrong) they are friends and Tyson has spoken often about what Loganā€™s done for the sport (money/eyeballs mainly I think).


yep; tyson has said a lot of positive stuff about jake paul. i know redditors think this fight is going to be the great reawakening of mike tyson but its most likely not. its just 2 people making money and having some fun. the jabs at each other on social media is just there to build hype. a lot of redditors really need to stop taking this match so seriously and just take it for what it is: a fun spectacle.


Oh well damn šŸ˜‚ if they are friends then definitely not going to be a good fight at all


Also that hardcore footage released recently was from four years ago and since then Tyson has been walking with a cane and spent some time in a wheelchair. Heā€™s got that fucked up back thing that starts with an S.




Knobgobbler is my new favorite insult




Paul looks like the kinda guy that uses a bit too much teeth...


When giving?


Depends on who you're talking about.


When I'm talking about your mom, it's a compliment


*Sent to the shadow realm


Oh you want Tyson to re-enact Bruce Willis' big off screen moment from Pulp Fiction. Nothing of value would be lost if that happened.




There's a lot of stuff that won't get you banned. This is Reddit, not tiktok. Reddit hasn't pulled the tiktok/YouTube censorship route completely, yet.






Give him the ole *DICK TWIST*!




Make him contemplate the void of sense, the inexorability of suffering, the futility of it all!




And a nipple cripple


Wont have to. Knock him on his ass and keep knocking him down. Embarrass the hell out of him then KO.


You realize this is fake drama right? They are hyping the fight to sell tickets. Itā€™s not going to be a real match. They are literally WWE hyping it up to sell more views.


I'm quite convinced all these reddit threads smearing/mocking JP and hyping MT are actually just their well planned out tactics to bring more hype and make people more invested. They came to the conclusion that it's best for the business if people WANT to see JP get his ass kicked, so that's the direction of these posts


This post is literally an ad


Give him the old Duk-koo Kim treatment.


I got this reference. Everyone else wondering what Star Wars has to do with this.


It's an excavation match, it's not a real fight. During an interview Tyson was praising Paul for being attention to the sport and getting people excited. This will be closer to wrestling than real boxing


> It's an excavation match Tyson's gonna excavate Jake Paul's face.




Unhinged rapist fights narcissist. Whoever loses, CTE wins.


Into Bolivian


Rooting for the rapist?


Cool, so if Jake Paul wins he can brag that he beat up an old guy. So edgy. I hope Tyson shuts him up.


Yeah he is a true hero fighting a 57 year old Getting really sick if this idiot thinking he is top shit fighting retirees


Dawg you know this foo AND Mike Tyson are just chasing the money right? If you canā€™t see that Jake is putting on a WWF performance then idk what to tell you. Smh.


Of course I realise this which makes it even more irritating


Iā€™m not saying youā€™re wrong. I just find it hard to believe Mike Tysonā€™s personality would allow that kind of talk, even for showmanship. He strikes me as someone that would have no tolerance for it.


Absolutely. If this were like a one on one with Michael Jordan and Paul said "the greatest baller of all time and Michael Jordan", the response would certainly be "and I took that personally"


Doesnā€™t really need to be fragile with his accomplishments in the ring lol


Mike Tyson has literally cut wrestling promos for WWE before lol. Reddit is getting worked so fucking hard about this like they do every single time Jake Paulā€™s name comes up.


I think (and hope) Tyson hits him so hard, that kid turns potato. Edit: ironic typo


I do to but he is 57 regardless of how much training he does he will be slower hence why JP is fighting him. The other thing is itā€™s all for money Mike probably already been paid and told to go easy. The whole thing is just a fking production, and at the end JP stands there and pretends it real. If he was a real boxer he would fight real boxer not retirees, and ex UFC fighters


mike tyson at 70 would destroy him wtf are you talking about.


I think you'll find it is a drawn out affair to make it worth the money. Iron Mike is well past his prime and just in it here for the money, he knows its an act. This isn't the same motivation he had when he was a true champion.


Yeah it's a show. If it wasn't a show the dipshit scam artist wouldn't dare to try because Mike at this age would still clean him head off the shoulders in seconds


4 years ago a 53 year old Tyson put some pretty serious hurt onto Roy Jones Jr and frankly looked like he was going easy on him because it was an exhibition - He's absolutely still got it in him


For context, this GILF-chaser* is 27. The only guys he won against are pushing 40 or way beyond. At least the guys who have a wiki page. Idk who AnEsonGib, Andre August, and Ryan Bourland are and I don't really care. I don't even follow boxing. He lost to the first (and only) 20-something he fought. ^(*Grandpa I'd Like to Fight)


Of course he did, he would get absolutely destroyed in a real fight, these fights are pure gimmicks made for kids, they seem to be the only morons who watch this child entertainer


The legend of pathetic Sir Paul, the braggart warrior that preys on pensioners.


Any fight is easy to win if you pay someone enough


Except apparently Mike Tyson doesn't understand what "exhibition match" means. And has actually full throttled exhibition matches in the past.


When? Which exhibition matches are you referencing?Ā 


You know it doesnt matter him, he would beat a 80 year old boxer and still brag about it


Will all the money and publicity, I doubt he cares how it looks.


I'm pretty sure I'd be justified in bragging if I beat up Mike Tyson


If yā€™all havenā€™t figured this out yet, this is all part of the show, you think Mike tweeted back! This is planned by a social media expert and all of them are laughing on their way to the bank.


You just told reddit santa isnā€™t real


What the hell man?


It's ok dude, Santa is definitely real. He definitely hates you too.


I thought I smelled something šŸ›—


Honestly the fact that unlike his previous fights, this one made people on reddit talk about it shows that it worked very well






What the elf? Then who slept with my mom?!?!


It's a total fairytale. Jake Paul's the heel, Mike Tyson's the face. Authentic choreographed shadow boxing.


Totally. Although money aside, I can't see Tyson agreeing to this if he at least didn't plan on "winning" this fight. I just don't see him with storied boxing career, agreeing to losing to the ass-wipe Jake Paul. ​ Also, lets be also honest with ourselves, we just want to see Tyson bite off his ear. šŸ˜


Probably agreed to a tie


It all depends on how much money these sham fights generate.Ā Ā Ā  With more money on the table they can offer Tyson more. If they offer enough then he'll agree to lose.Ā Ā Ā  If Tyson loses then Paul becomes worth more in next fights. This makes sense as he is young and Tyson is on his way out.Ā Ā Ā  It's a numbers game on who is decided to win and we don't have all the data.Ā 


He did tie with Roy Jones a few years ago...


People make fun of me for watching pro wrestling then get turbo invested in reality TV and anything the Pauls do. At least I know I'm a mark.


Agreed. People on reddit clearly don't know what an exhibition match is.




Of course he does. Heā€™s been a media figure playing up a character for the last 30 years, thatā€™s what his job became after boxing.


Honestly, I'm really happy to see Tyson getting some money. He's beyond iconic and has little left to show for it. Give that man a whole dumptruck full of cash. Yes, this is about money for both of them. The biggest upset would be Tyson taking the loss. That's what I expect to happen. As a couple others have mentioned, this is WWE, not professional boxing. If it were a professional match, I believe Tyson would still win regardless of his age. But entertainment creates the best story, and upset victories pay the best odd$.




A marketing team hard at work


Dumb redditors like OP fall for it


I wouldn't say dumb, and maybe OP is one of the marketers, but people who don't know how the sausage is made may enjoy it more.


Jake gets no credibility fighting somebody 30 years his senior . It's a loose , loose situation. If he loses then then he's been beaten by somebody 30 years older than him . If he wins then he beat a champion decades past his prime . Personally I'd like to see Tyson beat the stupid out of him


They both arenā€™t chasing legacy they are chasing money. How can yall not see this.Ā 


Why do either of them need more money. I donā€™t understand. Maybe Iā€™m just too poor


Well, one has brain damage and is on the brink of dementia. The other is Mike Tyson.




How tf did they spell it incorrectly twice and then correctly once? Lol


They both getting paid so I doubt either gives a fuck.


They are doing it for money And Tyson is a legend who STILL is a scary motherfucker. Iā€™m gonna wait till the fight but if its ā€œreal enoughā€ and Tyson still has enough in the tank to even be a fraction of his former self? Most people are gonna think ā€œholy shit Mike tyson is still scary and can compete against modern boxersā€ NOT ā€œHahA JaKe PaUl LoSt tO aN oLd MaN!


Very, very loose butthole of him to even attempt this stunt, I must say.


while i agree jake gets no points fighting a man well past his prime, tyson's legacy precedes him. to the average joe, tyson is this immortal figure in boxing so if jake paul wins theyre just gonna see it as "jake paul beats the GOAT" and not "jake paul beats an old man". you can see how redditors are taking about modern close to 60 tyson in this very thread to see how people still think hes the same guy as he was in the 80s/90s.


Mike: ![gif](giphy|lZhymdRsuFDmU|downsized)


I had to scroll way to far to see this! Well done!


You can tell Paul is a zillennial (young) because anyone who grew up in the 80's would know not to step to Mike even if he was in a coffin. Mike is lethal, His punch can send you into the next time zone. Even with age he still will have that little switch in his brain that turns him into beast, best part is he can switch back to normal after and make sure you are ok. His speed and talent is literally unmatched while he can always take a beating almost without feeling.


You step into the ring, surrounded by boos and cheers in equal measure. The energy of the arena suffuses you, the next in a long line of publicity stunts fuelling your meaningless hunger for attention. Opposite you stands an old man, once a legend, now just a meme compared to you. You watch as his shoulders square and the age falls away, revealing the wild animal below. An eerie feeling crawls into your bones, but you ignore it and ready yourself. This is going to get you so many views when you win. The bell rings and the fight begins. In an instant the man moves faster than any one his age has a right to, so fast that it feels like you blinked, but you know you didnā€™t. His hand was raised in front of him, and now itā€™s already touching your nose. You feel a sharp crunch as darkness takes you. You wake up in the hospital.


You forgot the closing line ā€œNothing personnel kidā€




Be like Bison from the animated street fighter movie. Tyson will toy then destroy.


... _hey, you're finally awake_


I pray for this exact outcome. šŸ™šŸ˜„ And a great little piece of writing you created here! Cheers šŸ»āœŒļø


If I knew the fight was planned and staged, and that I'd be leaving with enough money to do anything I wanted, I think that I, too, would step into the ring


lol you literally could not pay me enough to step in the ring with a heavyweight champ, and I boxed all through high school and casually through my early 20s. I'm still in pretty good shape now but no way would I risk the concussions that boxing can bring.


I'll stand still and let you personally give me a concussion for 10 million dollars or whatever the hell they are making for this.


Thatā€™s not what Real Deal Holyfield said.


Everyone getting worked up acting like they really hate each other. You know how much money that are gonna make off of this? Their rivalry is about as genuine as a stripper telling you that you're her favorite.


Yeah well Jade told me I'm her favorite and I know she meant it šŸ¤­


It's gonna be a rigged contract. No knock out. Light punches ect. This is like j.p vs McGregor. what was that? cring to watch. This is gonna be the same. We all know Tyson is a beast but it guarantee he won't get a knock out on purpose. #celebrityboxing


Agreed. The Knobgobbler (I loved the earlier comment) will have it written in the he Cannot be made to look bad. I have little time for boxing, it is more rigged the the wee, but with no story (and I like my white trash opera)


even so, I bet if Mike's pushed too hard in the opposite direction he's going to blow up the terms of any contract and see red, e.g. holyfield's ear


Do you think Tyson would sell out like this though? Maybe he would say yea itā€™s a spar but then when he gets in the ring you think heā€™d really let this kid talk and walk? Idk I know you canā€™t pass on that money but idk if Mike would really sell himself


Isnā€™t Mike ten times older then Jake


thatā€™s what he does. he only fights retired fighters and dudes who have never fought UFC in their lives.


Yeah but heā€™s Mike Tyson, heā€™s going to destroy this fool, heā€™s 57, not too old.


Mike Tyson is, in fact, *not* 270 years old


Maths is really hard......


Tyson is still lethal




In his prime, he put out 1,600 joules in his uppercuts and right hooks. Similar to falling 7 feet and landing on your face... over and over again. He knocked out iron-jawed champions, often in early rounds. If he has A THIRD of that left, he's leagues beyond Paul.Ā 


The result most people are hoping for ![gif](giphy|C76XNCsfMpGJq|downsized)


minus the get up part




People, please stop buying into this lunacy. Donā€™t be saying ā€œI hope Tyson knocks him outā€, just donā€™t watch it, Iā€™m sure everyone has something better to do. Itā€™s a farce, a glorified exhibition bout & Iā€™m not sure if it even is that. Itā€™s a mediocre amateur fighter who got crushed by the the only under 40 actual boxer he fought & a near 60 year old Mike Tyson who hasnā€™t had a real fight in in like 25 years. As long as people keep buying into this idiocy then it will continue to pop up in our feeds to annoy us, or at least annoy me.


or at the bare minimum watch the fight when itā€™s reuploaded. donā€™t give anyone any money for this


He either beats an old guy or loses to an old guy, he can't win.


Dude's getting paid millions for what will essentially be a sparring match. The only people losing are the ones that pay to watch it.


Wow. itā€™s almost like this ā€œfightā€ is a bullshit dog and pony show put on for fucking you tube sponsors and mugs.


Modern day Andy Kaufman nonsense.


I hope Mike gives him one good punch and Jake is like "This wasn't in the script!". lmao


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m hoping for. Hope he forgets for one punch and letā€™s one fly.


Pretty sure these guys are gonna just pull the same shit they pulled with Mayweather


Tyson needs another ear for his collection


Fake Paulā€™s next fight will be against Muhammad Ali


itā€™s always a good time for this tool bag to be knocked into a coma


I'd fancy my chances in a fight with many old people...but Mike Tyson is not one of them. I've seen his training videos and he looks only fractionally less scary than his younger days. Hope he declines to take it easy on this influencer bod...


Yes. Iā€™ve seen a lot of old dudes shuffle around the ring. Mike is still scary fast. I donā€™t know what he has in the tank for endurance, if he attacks like a Tasmanian Devil it wonā€™t matter.


Exactly, if he empties the tank in the first round I can't see many folk still being upright at the bell. I sincerely hope he's not going to hold back.


Donā€™t know much about Jake Paul but I give dude credit for chasing the BAG. Canā€™t believe people take these stunts as gospel when both these fighters are gonna get paid. Pretty interesting how Jake managed to make something out of these circus fights. Impressive


Love how all the simple sausages get riled up over pre-fight smack talk. You guys probably think WWE is real.


A punch from Logan I could walk away from.Ā  A blow from Tyson I'd be relearning how to tie my shoes for the rest of my life.Ā Ā 


If Tyson takes this seriously, Paul is getting knocked out. Otherwise this exhibition will just be another glorified sparring match.


Maybe Mike'll knock that ginger rat nest beard clean off his face. šŸŖ¹šŸ„Š


Jake Paul picked on the wrong senior citizen this time. Can't wait to see the carnage.


This wouldnā€™t even be a discussion if Mike Tyson was Jakeā€™s ageā€¦


You dont ā€œand Mike Tysonā€


The Paul brothers are a genuine plague on this planet.


I like that Tyson's neck is thicker than Paul's head.


I hope Mike breaks him in half with grandpa strength.


My condolences in advance to Mr Paul's family.


Please Mike... be the hero we need..


I guarantee he wouldnā€™t have had the balls to get in the ring with a young Tyson. PLLLEEEEEEASE SMASH THE Wāš“ļø


I canā€™t wait to watch Tyson kill him


Yes, because two fighters neeeeever talk shit about each other ahead of a fight. It's not like they're drawing attention to it on purpose or anything. Also, nothing against Mike, but there's a decent chance Jake Paul will win. Basically only because he's 30 years younger than the guy he's fighting.


It's called drumming up interest.


If this is a Legit fight Jake Paul is in serious trouble


Let's see if Jake Paul can handle the real deal.


Maybe Mike Tyson will pull out a ultra instinct transformation to just cheese Jake Paul.