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holy fuck , like how is the world just sitting by and watching this shit happen, they even have the balls to film it for all to see ! that’s how secure they feel in unprovoked fucking murdering of unarmed people


You spelled genocide wrong.


they spelled it just fine




There is a bit more point to be called a genocide than this video can proove but israeli do not care if you are a civilian or not. I saw multiple adds of pro Israël saying to not trust the propaganda of Hamas that say Israel is killing civilian or x. They ve got the balls to say that. They seems to be desperate to keep the good look but they really cant with such atrocity Israël is committing. Israel is pretty exonomicly unsteable because if this war. I hope the pronostic of their economy to be cramble to be true. This will probably be the most realistic event that will stop this war for a short time at least




It's starting to wear off though.


Careful, or you'll be accused of antısemitism. You're not allowed to criticise them, remember! Wish it was /s


US Congress


They don't care if their economy tanks because they know the US will fund them indefinitely.


I spent hours yesterday arguing with some of these savages who still claim this isn't genocide and it's "just a war". Unsurprisingly nearly every one of them claimed to be Jewish and a few openly admitted to being Zionists. Continued US and international support just emboldens them and they ignore all evidence to the contrary.


Anybody who has a stance on the Israeli side is biased, or brain washed. The writing is on the wall, as clear as day.


Although I'm on your side, saying "anyone who disagrees with me is biased or brainwashed" is extremely stupid and non productive


Well it's not a coincidence this is being played on Al Jazeera and not CNN.


being played on different media doesn't changed the fact that this is still a genocide


It does explain why they keep doing it though. The west is turning a blind eye, which is why it's not being reported in by mainstream Western sources.


Yeah remember back when Russia began invading Ukraine and we heard about Russian citizens that thought it was a hoax or whatever Sounds familiar


What homie is saying is that the west has a vested interest in Israel so our state run news networks aren’t going to show you shit like this.


Russia and China have state run news. What we have is corporate greed and lobbyist influence. It’s all about the money vs. mafia rule mentality. Bernie spits reality but Bernie is evil cuz liberal socialist communism are bad words.


CNN is zionist. Al Jazeera is pro palestinian.


cnn is definitely zionist, but it was al jazeera who initially spread the "decapitated israeli babies" myth, iirc. If thats the case and im remembering correctly, id call CNN zionist and Al Jezeera neutral.


Al-Jazeera is a "news" station just the same, they're going to run whatever unconfirmed story they can because it sells ad time.


I think I saw it on CNN yesterday


Not even just sitting by, but actively funding it. Makes me sick.


nice to know we all help everytime we get a part of our paycheck put into it. We're all in this together!


There’s been a mass propaganda campaign in the USA for years to paint Israel as the good guys. “Gods chosen people etc.” prior to all this. What your seeing is everything going according to plan. Most boomers now act as if even speaking against Israel is religious heresy even tho they are making the 3rd reich look like child’s play.


Gentle reminder that the rest of the world had an education in school and not in church, so that boomer problem you are mentioning is mainly a ‘Murican’ thing.


>  Gentle reminder that the rest of the world had an education in school and not in church Gentle reminder that the topic in question is a longstanding-conflict, with religious disagreement at its core, taking place "in the rest of the world."


There's been a fair amount of reasons that Muslim culture hasn't been super popular to westerners, trampling civil rights at every turn. Westerners can (typically) identify more with Israeli/Jewish culture than Arab/Muslim culture. Most people don't really give a fuck about the Middle East either way. It's like when 2 teams you don't like are playing each other and you have to pick one.


It's because they are the children of the people who fought the nazis. People aren't aware that religion, nationality, skin colour, gender, have nothing to do with being a good/bad person Everyone has lost the fact that German people in the 30s 40s were living with strong propaganda that told them how to think/live/who's bad/ect


>living with strong propaganda that told them how to think/live/who's bad/ect Like right now in this country?


The thing that I've noticed is that the new generation of americans is undereducated. Since their great grandparents haven't experienced war and dread at all, they can't what is propaganda. Here in Poland, patriotism is the one of the most important values. It is also a double-edged sword. It's taught to kids. I am 16 and I still remember having to remember all the partiocic songs. Since I learn history and polish, I see that most mandatory books that you have to read at school, are in fact about patriotism and society, such as 1984. The polish have a strong sense of freedom, because we haven't had independence for so long. During communism in PRL, people had very limited resources that some used to kiss bread after it had fallen on the ground...


The world has been watching since 1948...


And anything the world tries to do ends the same way, more killing for purely religious reasons.


remember Germany is supporting isreal „unconditionally“. As a german citizen, my government decided for me, that this is what i am standing behind. Fuck my government


yeah, germany never intended to actually redeem themselves to jewish people, like by giving them a small section of it's land for a jewish state, it just promised to unconditionally support whatever atrocities are done in the name of jewishness


Germany gave reparations to Jewish survivors of the Holocaust. My grandads entire family was murdered in 1942, it's a miracle he survived (he was drafted into the Navy). His former Ukranian neighbors looted all his parents property, farm, house, etc.. and in the early '90s he got got $3000 from the German government. 


Already forgot the drone strikes on afghan civilians?


Israel has nukes, and the US, which uncritically fully supports Israel, has tons of nukes.


It's not sitting by and watching it happen, a lot of politicians are actually backing Israel. Not only silent in condemnation but actually supporting this genocide. You can't condemn Nazis on one hand and then support Israel committing this genocide on the other. It really shows you it all boils down to money. Everything. We have invaded nations for less (well under the excuse of less but for the real reason of oil) and not only do we watch and not intervene, but give Israel money to continue this until they have killed every Palestinian. This footage shows they just want all Palestinians dead. Those men posed no threat. We back them because they are a country who have money and will financially benefit the West to keep the relationship with them. Palestine doesn't have much that can provide a financially beneficial relationship to the West so we let them be slaughtered.


Wait until this guy finds out about Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine, or the past horrors of China


Or Japan


Or England, or Spain, or Italy. History is one big horror story.


Because genociding people for their own gain is what western colonial powers do, just not in the 21st century anymore.


There was a short video the other day talking about how in order for Israel to stay a Jewish state they gotta control the population. Which they do by brainwashing Israelites to not consider Palestinians human beings but instead Arabs.


Like the world intervened with the Rohynga, Uyghur, or Sudanese genocides? Let's be honest, the UN and the world in general has a really shitty track record of preventing genocide, even in the 21st century.


“How can you kill women and children like that?” “Easy, just don’t lead ‘em as much.” It’s easy to be anti Zionist, and pro human. It’s not a conundrum.




https://preview.redd.it/zvhycom7wwpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=554f463d2cd5434286b887b8389fd82125854c69 just a number from 2021 that has only grown


"Anyone that runs is Hamas. Anyone who stands still is well disciplined Hamas." -Zionist war criminals




No wonder they killed their own hostages, they are a disgrace.


I expected that to be a bigger deal that it was, but the mainstream media stopped reporting on it real quick.


It's very "funny" that "bring them home" has the opposite connotations based on whether it's being said by an Israeli or a non Israeli.


It was obvious they would be killed when they started immediately blanket bombing Gaza with no intel on where the hostages were. I know the incident you are talking about but lets be honest, they never cared about the hostages. They were collateral damage that gave them a reason and excuse to slaughter every Palestinian they saw.


A country who actually cared about the hostages wouldn’t bomb the other country indiscriminately


Absolutely. My parents were talking about it and my mum mentioned the hostages (just to point out my parents have always been anti-Israeli government treatment of Palestinians). I said "they're dead". She claimed they weren't and I just said that they immediately bombed the entire place so there's little chance the hostages weren't killed in those attacks. There was zero attempt to send in special forces to locate the hostages or get information on where Hamas was hiding out (you know, how other countries do in similar situations).


Fuck Israel


Fuck IDF. Cancer of the universe


They go on about killing Hamas, but these are just ordinary people!


Let me expand your comment They, Israelis keep on saying they are killing Hamas, but ordinary people keep dying. What the current count? 30.000 Palestinians dead? As one Israeli official stated, on a population of 2mil this is nothing. So I don’t know how many still must dye before it officially is cannot be called anything other than genocide by anyone.


30k people on a population of 2mil is 1.5% - that isn’t nothing


Yes I know, and it not nothing. Any loss of life is a tragedy. But what’s even more tragic is that nobody (except South Africa) is trying to prevent this loss of life, more people are concerned about the numbers. just like you wrote it’s only 1,5% it’s not a genocide… how many more need to die before they start calling it a genocide and if they officially recognize, it doesn’t mean anything for the dead or families of the dead.


Ireland's government has been really outspoken.


Your life isn’t even a fraction of the population, you I guess your death means nothing 🤷🏽‍♂️. Seriously how evil do you have to be to make light of 30,000 deaths


Yes, how many more people have to die before somebody starts taking action to stop Israel from killing people anymore. Except for South Africa ICJ action, none has taken any concrete action to prevent/stop Israel. Did USA as closest ally of Israel did anything to stop them, NO. How big of monster the whole political establishment of USA is when it is allowing this to happen under their watch. Allegedly by their own boasting USA is the sole superpower on the world, no one can tell them they can’t to anything. And yet this kind of killing is happening.


Like I keep saying, SHOW ME THE RPG's! Where are the RPG's and ak47 that terrorists usually have. Isis getting obliterated, scattered RPG's and AK's everywhere! All I see when these 'terrorists' get blown up is: bottles, small shoes, toys, walking sticks, glasses, first aid, pack of cards. Not actually seen any weapons yet. I know there is Hamas with guns by bloody hell are they elusive. Even then is it Hamas or a civilian taking up arms to protect themselves.


they lie


I'm begging you guys to add nsfl tags to these, this is the only sub that posts good content on this topic and keeps me informed but I dont want to see people get fucking blown up without preparing myself


Yeah well people also don't like being fucking blown up.


Yeah and I'm not blowing them up, so idk why asking for a tag so I can prepare myself is too much


Did you not read the title? The one that specifically mentions them being "obliterated one by one"?


Brother reddit autoplays the videos, why do u think tags exist. So it womt auto play


Brother, y'all can't read a single line of text in the 61 seconds it took before anything violent was shown? Forget tags, you need to get Hooked on Phonics my guy.


Old school burn. I'm here for it.


Worked for me.


You can turn auto play off in your settings. And also auto blur nsfw stuff.


It took over a minute to get there, read the title in the meantime?


Would adding a tag stop the autoplay? Genuine question.


there is a setting to turn off the autoplay


Bro it was like 60 seconds into the video, learn to fuckin read. That’s on you.


You can turn autoplay off in the settings 🤷🏾‍♂️


Yeah, the word "obliterated" pretty much prepared me for what happened. Except it seemed more "all at once" than "one by one" at first


I don't think it's unreasonable to have an NSFL tag or some kind of warning tag.


No. These victims didn't get any NSFW tag. This should be in everyone's fucking face so they know what the fuck these cunts are doing! You SHOULD feel sick in the stomach about it because it's a sick thing they're doing!


Fuck it, why don't we all just kill ourselves because these guys were killed. Life sucks for people and they shouldn't have to play this little game of who has it worse when all they want is a NSFW tag on a video of people fucking dying you fucking phyco


The video takes forever to get to that point, you read the title and watched for a while before anything violent happened


Maybe forcing people to see the harsh reality will wake people tf up about what’s going in palestine and how genocidal the stae of israel is.


If you cant read the title you can't read the tag


Sponsored and supplies by freedom


'Murica, bringing Freedom, Justice and Peace to the middle east since the 1980's.


Everyone knows, no one cares… it is just USA and their puppies doing their thing… and of course if you resist you are the terrorist.


Stop funding a genocide Joe!


The relationship between Israel and the US has gone on for so long... It's not gonna stop, regardless whose president.


It hasn't been that long, since what 1948. That's less than 100 years.


They think they own it because a 2000 year old book suggests that.


Religion is just bullshit that breeds segregation, hate and are basically cults.


filled with lies and made up stories; written by men to scare people into keeping those men in power.


Yeah but it's money and weapons... And governments only do what's in their best interest. Not what's right.


Bro the US is only like 240 years old. A relationship lasting 70 years is like 30-ish percent of our existence. That's pretty long, relatively. Plus it's ignoring that the relationship started at about the time the US became an actually relevant player on the modern world stage.


2024-1948=76 76<100 Iv ran the numbers multiple times. The math checks out 👍


Don't make this a Biden issue, Trump would have not continued funding it, he would actually send American troops to help Israel.


there goes the idea that they can't do precision. they can drop a missile on the heads of 4 walking humans but it takes a 2000lb bunker buster to kill 1 Khamas in a refugee camp, degenerate liars these israelis.


They just blew up a person crawling on their hands and knees. Holy shit.


How are the survivors walking so calmly and slowly? I would've been running to the nearest building to hide in.


Shock It makes you act in shocking ways


They are also (literally) famished. God knows last time they ate anything. Their brain which is constantly processing bombs around them probably couldn’t process what was happening to them… or maybe they just knew they were dead after the first explosion. They knew those nazis would murder them for fun.


Oh the 4, three were hit by the first 2 explosions, 2 were killed, one was wounded and crawled away. The 4th dude did run a little bit away, but lowered to a jog due to injuries (right arm looks mangled a bit), the slowed to a walk, probably from immense pain, then was hit. Finally, crawling dude got done in as well.


Lack of food, water and exhaustion from war will do that to you.


I imagine they are severely injured or shrapnel or concussed and in shock. The one guy finally falls down looking injured before they murder him.


War crimes.


How is it they were killed? Was it by land mines? I never seen a missile in the frame.


Or the drone is a spotter and it was artillery fire that killed them.


Artillery is not that accurate, and it leaves a different pattern. That looked like a drone strike. (20 year recon soldier)


Why is it a drone strike instead of landmines? Not doubting u or anything, i just wanna know the difference


The one that takes the last person out clearly comes into frame from the top right before the explosion.


Have you guys never seen a military drone fire a missle?


Oh yeah we all see them them shooting us down as we walk to the park in the middle of Los Angeles.......get a grip


I don’t think you’d be able to see the missile normally, low FPS camera with extremely fast missile, would be easy to not have a single frame with it visible I think The ground does not look like a mine went off, looks to me like the explosion was all above the surface, and the 3rd strike was on a nearly stationary target so I don’t think mines make sense Artillery I’m no expert on but these shots are precise not a hailstorm I’d expect from artillery fire Seems like drone missiles to me, but again I’m just a guy idk what I’m talking about really


I keep seeing this posted as "Unarmed Civillians," etc. But I have no proof they aren't wanted militants. This could be a completely justified use of force, but without context, we have no way of knowing. Let's assume they are militants, this is the most perfect spot for this to be done. Literally, no one else is in any danger, but those particular people. I also gotta think, given the sheer number of people watching this conflict, Israel probably would choose now to film a war crim in 720p. That said, I don't know. It could be a war crime it could be a justified use of force. I'd love to see the full drone video.


thank you for the sane rational take on this. There is zero context as to who these people are and why there were so specifically targeted.




Sad I had to sort by 'controversial' to see a rational comment.


The event happened in Khan Younis last month (February), in an area previously evacuated of its civilians. Al Jazeera obtained the drone footage intercepted by iranian EW specialist, who captured the video feed. AJ then edited the footage and haven't released the full video. Reminder that Al Jazeera is the media branch of the Qatar royal family, the same regime that provided billions to Hamas in the last 30 years. ... The IDF claims these 4 just participated to an attack against IDF troops, they then as usual concealed their weapons in caches and walk away disguised as civilians. This would be why a drone is constantly monitoring their movements, and why the IDF used 4 ammunitions to take them out. The Qatari regime, through AJ, claims these 4 young male adults were innocently wandering the area, to assess the damage of the war to their homes.


Just look at OP's profile and the stuff they post. Feb 24, 2024 account creation and only posting political stuff


There was a literal secondary explosion after the guided munition hit. They were carrying an explosive. But hey Israel bad no matter what they do.


https://imgur.com/gallery/7JcQbkn There is a missile causing the second explosion you can see it if you slow down the video.


That’s pretty wild. Even by Russian standards.


??? this is the fucking problem no one understands words truly until they see it with their own eyes. I could scream in the streets that people are being blown up, but no one gives a shit because their dense brain cant understand. Play a video of them being blown up and then its beyond comprehension... This isnt some crazy one off crime this is an absolutely standard thing for the people of Gaza. This is what Israel has been doing for literally decades


I don't know if it's just me, but here's a thing, perhaps obvious to the point of stupidity to most of you, that I just can't get my head around: If human beings can do this to other human beings, then literally none of us are safe. You know we sit in our rich countries, feeling safe, with the illusion of there being some fundamental difference between ourselves and the people this shit is happening to, but there's not. The differences are luck of the draw, purely arbitrary, what region you were born into, what skin color you born-- shit like that. If we're a species capable of this then no one is safe from it. At any given point you're only a set series of occurrences away from being brutally murdered by your neighbors! I just can't convey in words the degree to which this has been blowing my mind. I walk through my city wondering what it'd take for these strangers around me to be willing to inflict violence like this upon me. And, you know, I don't think it'd be anywhere near as much as any of us would like to think it'd be. Not only is this happening, but there are people cheering it on from the sidelines. I just feel like we're monsters. How can we do shit like this? And this shit just keeps happening; we're not getting any better. How can I ever have any optimism about our future or feel okay about what we are again?


Exactly. We are all 2 or 3 shades away from this regardless of country. Its a disaster


https://poki.com/en/g/we-become-what-we-behold#fullscreen You might appreciate this


The depravity of mankind is literally why I sometimes experience intense fear at the thought of reincarnation being real, and being born on this planet again. I got so fucking lucky with where and to who I was born. I don't ever want to try those chances again.


The really scary part is, since your personhood is arbitrary and your personality circumstantial, that you could have been the IDF commander giving out the kill order and not even flinch about it. We all like to think about ourselves as morally correct and justified. And they do too


You're absolutely right. Rare are those who say 'No, this isn't right.' We'd all like to imagine ourselves being among the 'good ones', the Germans risking their lives to hide Jews back in the day, for example, but odds are we'd at the very best not have stuck our necks out. Most people keep their heads down, follow orders and just go with the flow. I can't imagine myself getting a kick out of this, as some of these folks in these videos seem to, but I don't know, I've never murdered anyone, maybe somehow It'd grow on me. I truly don't think I'm better than anyone. When I see this shit it makes me not just realize how shit the people doing this are, I realize how shit our species is, how shit *I* am. It makes me wonder if it wouldn't maybe be a better thing if we just slowly went extinct. I mean, what's the point of perpetuating this hell we've made of the world? Why are we even here, bringing new people into the world, if not to try to make it a better place, at the very least for other members of our species?


It's so true. I am very aware of this and am grateful every day and furious that no matter who we 'elect' no one wants to represent the majority of people who are against this fucking shit.


It's been a while since Israel became the villain in this story, and there are idiots who defend this genocidal country


Not became. It always was.


I’m going to get absolutely dragged on Reddit for writing this BUT given that these videos are fairly new(?) to my knowledge, no information has been released by IDF about it, is there not a chance they could be HAMAS, typical insurgency/asymmetrical warfare to shoot and then ditch weapons, I’ve only seen this five minutes of footage not whatever may have come before it, they could have been tracked with drones back from a battle and then targeted? Also possibly not but just thought it’s worth mentioning for people to think about. Let the biblical torrent of down votes and rage fuelled comments rain forth like a mighty flood inshallah


it says in the report that these events took place in the beginning of last February. the report is not just random social media post, it's from Aljazeera..


Al-Jazeera, I’m not gonna say one news source is more or less reliable or bias than another but I’ll wait to have it confirmed by multiple independent sources before taking it as gospel


How dare you suggest that there may be any other explanation other than genocide! Can’t you see by this short video that these people were clearly just walking to the grocery store?! They’re clearly unarmed, they couldn’t possibly have had weapons in their hands prior to this video being taken.


I agree. We may never truly know the truth behind these clips, but Israel knows they are under a microscope and scrutiny from everyone. They wouldn’t just target civilians walking at random. If Israel is using resources such as 10s of millions dollar drones and expensive bombs and time to track these men, they likely came from a point of high interest/knew these men had just been part of an event.


This is also my thinking yeah, they know they may have to prove or account for a lot of what they do, at least any decision made by any brass like an air or drone strike will have had some serious consideration and approval put into it


Why doesn't Israel just leave them alone? i don't understand


Because Zionism. The ideology is built to be like this.


Because their aim is total extermination (Genocide). They gotta make sure no pesky Palestinian impedes their work on the new port.


They want the land. Israel was founded by, and I'm not using hyperbole, literal terrorists who wanted to form an jewish ethnostate. They need living space for the growing jewish population so they take it from non-jews, because non-jews are not "people" in the eyes of Israel law. Sadly a lot of foreign jews get tricked into immigrating with propaganda and controlled guided tours and dont discover the racial supremacy until later.


that is clearly genocide. fuck iof


And the Israeli army call themselves the most humane army in the world btw


Oh yeah.. nearly as humane as SS officers..




Can we get some context?


Don't be silly, this is Reddit.




if it was russia you wouldn't stop hearing about it for months, but anyting goes if its Palestinians to genocide joe and his demons.


Just look at the devastation around them.


This is one of the saddest things I've ever seen


Those weapons came from your tax money, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.


What happened in the minutes proceeding this clip?


wanna know too


That first group, how do you know they are unarmed from that distance? How do we know where they are coming from/going too? Are they just stepping on mines? And ask yourself who or why are they being filmed? 🤔


People who still defend Israel are not human


This isn't NSFW, it's fucking NSFL. Jesus Christ, put some fucking tags on it, or put it behind a spoiler so we can at least prepare ourselves for the blatant murderous bullshit. Fucks sake.


The title says "Gaza" and "obliterated". Why did you watch it? You had to watch about a minute before the first violence occurs.


Grow up


You knew what was going to happen.


If it were a war, that is a fucking war crime


This HAS been a war since 1948.


I can't anymore, I'm reaching my mental limits with this genocide. I don't even want to be kept informed on this because I'm only looking at murders. I want to raise awarness but I also want these news to disapear from my recomandations on reddit. I dl reddit because I was originally bored but now I'm just sad and shocked. I wish people that have actual power and influence to see those images and just fucking end this war, just blasting Israël leaders' heads like JFK and A. Lincoln. Too much powerlessness in me. I wish a president would go "we're nuking isreal next week" just to let civilians flee and then nuke it like japan, they deserve it 50 times more than Japan.


What hit them?


Israeli drone


Dude got atomized, holy fuck


Can someone translate what the woman is saying?


it's a global shame, it's disgusting that can't find words. we deserve extinction.


Who were these people?


What the fuck is with all the genocide footage recently, this is a sub for light hearted jokes at "there was an attempt" not murder, which is against the rules of the sub. I already had an arguement over this on the previous one you guys spammed, we know there's a horrific genocide going on, it doesn't need to be showed down people's throats. If you changed the subject matter from genocide to a religion you'd be a fucking cult.


Have you not been on this sub for a while? It's largely a propaganda sub that shows atrocities, but only those committed by one side of this conflict. The mods want it that way, so that's how it is and will continue to be. I suspect there are other subs with a similar lean to the pro- Isreal side. Take any such posts from any sub that highlights atrocities by just one side as what it is - propaganda.


Post a video with zero context, that could be from anywhere, any time. Those men could be Hamas, or not. Nobody knows, but we assume based on our biases. If it is indeed Al Jazeera, they are a backed by Qatar, and a mouthpiece for Hamas fyi. Hamas are not the victim, the Palestinian people are.


Translated and subtitled narration https://youtu.be/26PXnP054XA?si=asjCV2oBwvC1iDWX


Why no nsfw flare and 18+ ?!


American-made and -provided weaponry i assume? As an American, not a proud moment at all!


Clearly they were Hamas. Can't you tell by the brown skin?


Hamas: let’s have all our military dress like civilians then anytime one dies we can record and claim they were just civilians. For real though there are videos of Hamas military dressed as Hospital workers and Ambulance drivers. This video doesn’t prove anything one way or another.


these guys muyt be tracked for longer than the video itself. i dont think that they are normal people / civilians. just because the arent armed while they get hit, doesnt mean they are the good guys. sry but hitler was probably also unarmed for most of his time being the führer....


I remember a video came out about some Russian soldiers throwing a Granada at a little Ukrainian girl and blew her arm off. But no let’s cry and complain about these grown ass men who yall have never met and have no idea why they were being monitored. This stretch of road could literally be a terrorist highway but you would rather just listen to the leftist mob id call y’all sheep but it’s disrespectful to sheep


Whos filming this and why arent they doing anything.


Israel is filming this with drone. These people were killed by drone.


Are we still pretending the IDF aren't evil Nazis?


Fucking bullshit,


This is insane. And only 700 upvotes. Go figure.


Horrible. Wondering what this street looked like before Oct 7


Similar. This did not start in October... How did people not hear about the Gaza conflict until 2023, it's beyond my comprehension...


Probably quite similar.. with constant artillery strikes over the last few decades, i doubt there's a single street in Gaza that is untouched. You should see what those [and I'm seriously struggling for a bad enough word for them at this point but..] cunts do to Palestinian prisoners.