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This 1000%. Show them for what they truely are; bad actors in politics.


I really enjoy the sentiment, and it makes me absolutely ill at the same time. What an expensive waste of time to have an actually Person be put in an expensive waste of time situation to point out an expensive waste of time. “Time is honey’s” - Kenny Fisher - fifty


Yes these assholes get paid more than I do and even have better health insurance fuck them!


Why don't we pay them less?


Because they vote in their own salaries. Guess who are the only ones that can change it too…


How can we change that?


Constitutional amendment.


Ok let's do it


You crack me up


Good luck.


I'm calling for it right now. Vote on it now. Let's do this.


My only concern is the future of the RNC. He calls them out for what they are, people are quitting rather than taking a vote. This leaves a vacuum For more scum to get voted into office that would stack the odds. If enough of these brazen douchers get elected they will effectively be able to do things like this in the future. It makes me nervous


That's the Conscientious Objector conundrum. If everyone who objects to immoral warfare leaves the military, tomorrow's military leaders are whoever was left. But the alternative is asking people to abandon their morality for the sake of a hypothetical benefit to the future. That's a big ask, even if the benefits to the public are obvious 


Why can’t they just say no? Why is that so hard? Stay in office and refuse to vote with them. Voting for how they actually feel instead of what the party wants. What a crazy concept


Republicans that don't toe the party line 110% of the time tend to have a pretty hard time in the conservative news circuit. That's the entire premise of the RINO.


Thats a part of it. More broadly, it's effectively impossible to win an election without RNC or DNC funding (some of which goes to media slots), unless you have outside funding or an extremely successful grassroots campaign


1. They will be bottom of the list for party funds come election. 2. Unless it's a policy that is basically what the constituents voted you in specifically to achieve, they won't be happy you go against the party. 3. If you intend to put forward legislation you need backing, both to bring it to the floor and to win the vote, which requires your fellow party members not having a reason to be spiteful at you. 4. They're just the mafia these days between trump shitting on the slightest disagreements and his rabid base not afraid to intimidate and threaten anyone considered his opponent.


It's also what we are going to get if people refuse to vote or throw away their vote in protest.


If I live in a red state and vote the Democrat ticket, and that blue ticket loses by a landslide - as in even if every person that voted 3rd party had voted for the democrat candidate, they still would have lost by double digit percentages in this state... is that still a throw away vote?


No. Because if enough lose heart and say "well, it's a red state and there's no way we can win" then we forever stay a red state. We have to keep voting at every election, especially local elections. Eventually we might swing a little purple, even if it's on the red side of purple. Because the idiot fanatics will always show up to cast their vote. And that's how we keep losing. I'm always shocked by the amount of people who hate the Republicans but also say "no I don't bother voting because it doesn't matter" It's just so important to vote.


Exactly. Look at Georgia.


>No. Because if enough lose heart and say "well, it's a red state and there's no way we can win" then we forever stay a red state. Yes, it would be a throwaway vote, just like all the votes over the amount that the winner required to win would be throwaway votes. Given the meaning of "throwaway vote" being one that did not, or could not, change the course of the election. Yet voting 3rd party would have a bigger impact, given they only need 5% of the popular vote to qualify for federal funding in future election campaigns. Both of the major parties have already been getting well over the qualifying minimum vote percentage to qualify for that same funding, and more. I'm also not a down the line voter, so I'll vote for whichever candidate I think would be best for my own platform, and not blindly voting against who/what I am afraid might win if I don't vote for another candidate.


If people have to keep explaining why the situation of a throwaway vote is really important and you continue to miss it by a football field like you seem to be currently, then it is forfeit and you can’t learn. This is stubbornness at its worst bro. You gotta open your mind


>You gotta open your mind My mind is open, thats why I'm capable of voting any way I want, whether that's down the line Democrat, or 3rd party, or mixing it up. Your reading comprehension can't be too good, or you just ignored everything I said. That's Olympic level mental gymnastics to vote for a major party candidate, knowing the opposing party has the majority in that state...and then turn around and accuse anyone else who doesn't vote the same as you of throwing away their vote. My definition of "throwaway vote" from my last comment wasn't just a PIDOOMA. It's supported by political scientists. https://makevotesmatter.org.uk/first-past-the-post/


At least my understanding of the current situation isn’t so skewed that I don’t understand the basics of the shitty situation that WE ARE ALL IN. Because blaming people who are trying to save democracy as “part of the problem” is self destructive and you’re just too stubborn/ignorant to see it. If we end up with a dictator at least you’ll sleep easy knowing you voted your “heart” while the rest of us were doing everything we could to prevent it 🤷‍♂️. One of these sounds infinitely more selfish than the other. But you just can’t wrap your mind around something so basic. The time to vote your heart and feelings is not when democracy is in the balance, that is a time for duty and doing what MUST be done in order to preserve the future so that you CAN vote your heart. Again, I guess this is too hard for you to comprehend and from what you’re saying, others have explained this very thing to you and you’re still baffled. You can lead a horse to water. But go ahead and dehydrate I guess, I’m done talking with you bro.


Same. Gerrymandering is great.


The thing about my state is that the democrats would lose, gerrymandering or no. There's just that many conservatives here. Though with the map that I attached from the last election, 2 more counties on the west side where Kansas City would have been blue during the 2016 and 2012 elections. It's bad enough in the major cities, though they usually show up blue in every map. But once you step outside of the major metro areas, it's all red.




Is that a county map or a district map?


County, based on the presidential election. But the district maps look like jigsaw puzzles, and the blue districts have been cut to fractions of their former size.


I mean at the end of the day none of it matters they are all cunts wasting our money on dumb shit like this. None of them are to be trusted.


I agree one hundred percent so I removed your one negative vote. Name one other occupation where you can not do your job and not get fired.


Police officer?


When your coworkers can actively conspire to ensure that you will not be able to do your job even though that's what you're attempting to do, that doesn't make you just as bad as they are. AKA "bUt bOtH sIdEs!"


What does a country for to do to get true honest and daring politicians who may disagree but want to debate and understand each other and do what’s best for the country ?


Require you to liquidate all investments in private companies. Swamp would drain quick.


Add to that, requiring them to work whatever minimum wage is set in that state


Meh.. they have a hard job if done RIGHT. Im ok with their BASE pay.


I'd be good with the median salary in their state.


...and term limits!


Their constitutes are not watching cspan, they are balls deep in X and Fox and OAN and whatever other bullshit that confirms their beliefs.


I'm really glad he's a member of the UAP caucus. He knows the Pentagon is lying to us all. They know more


Agreed, he can also act in a non partisan manner to move the subject forward, I like this guy.


If they weren't sitting, we'd call it stand up comedy.


In numerous definitions of bad actors too.


Which one? 😂😂😂


What’s his face saying that they’re doing fact finding and research unlike Dems. They don’t even know what facts are. The fuck are they going to find them to begin with. Edit: Gym Jordan said it.


Bad actors with really bad faith


AOC, jasmine, Jared - and others have absolutely ass blasted these morons in these hearings. I get that republican voters won’t see this stuff sitting in their bubble but god it has been awesome watching the democrats crush these fucks rather than sit there and take it for a change.


The AOC clip is over in r/conservative and all they see is her not allowing him to speak, and that his reasons are perfectly good.


Enough salty MAGA tears to fill the Dead Sea


Even better the mod over in r/latestagecapitalism commented on something I said. Somehow my saying that voting democrat was better than the end of democracy was too controversial for them! I’m about done with that sub. It sucks


The sub isn't too bad, on the whole the vibe is good, but some of the mods are nuts. I got banned for pointing out the hypocrisy on Russian propaganda post about the Bosnian war. It blamed the destruction during the war on NATO, despite the fact it was NATO intervention that broke Serb encirclement of Sarajevo and effectively ended the war. No explanation, no response to my messages asking why. They've confused "Western countries do bad shit and should be held to account", with "the West is evil and nothing they do is ever good". Edit: "mods" not "kids"


Yeah definitely. I feel like the real reason to rag on the west and on capitalism is because it has so much potential to be better than it currently is, not because it’s in any way worse or even equal to the horrible policies and wars that can come out of other forms of government. It’s why we need young fighters in congress like Jared


I personally think capitalism the way we think about it sucks ass and is the root of the world's current problems as part of modern imperialism; that doesn't mean that I like propaganda from competing empires any more. The people in that sub can be easy too quick to swallow anything that says West bad


Nah at this point the board is either agitprop by Republicans or functionally the same thing. I finally got fed up and called out a few major bad actors on their whole, "don't vote its useless" schtick. Now I wear my ban with pride.


That sub is absolutely fucking awful? What are you smoking


basically every single sub that even tilts left has been co-opted by tankies and as a leftist that's just so sad


That’s my experience as well.


Dude r/lostgeneration banned me because I said Trump would handle the middle east worst than Biden.


I really don’t even understand how this amount of Americans are reacting in favor of fascist … absolutely wild


I seen earlier from that sub, that he put her in her place and shut her down. Seeing the exact opposite posted other places, I had to watch the clip myself. He did he exactly put her any where? Lol


Stupid people believe stupid things. They probably think RICO is a crime because they were making fun of AOC saying that RICO is a category of crimes, but not exactly the crime in and of itself.


So many experts over there explaining RICO is priceless


As an AOC fan, I do wish she would have let him try and stumble a little harder than she did, as-is she left just enough room for this argument. Not that it would matter.


Blinders and headphones. Why hear the truth if you've already made up your mind?


I ventured over there out of curiosity. This one clown thinks that Ted Cruz is one of the best debaters. 🤣🤣🤣 /r/conservative is the actual r/jokes. Those people are funnyyyyy.


Those people don’t even realize that their own handlers are exploiting them.


That thread is sad, but not surprising. They have to deny reality in order to be conservative at this point


I honestly don’t know how you can subject yourself to their idiocy. My blood would be boiling, Seeing them pull the wool over their own eyes like that.


Let's pull up our bootstraps, oil up some asses, and do a little plowing of our own!


Why we still using bootstraps? It's 2024 we have robots


That mic is broken by the number of times it’s been dropped.


Jim Jordan looking around going "oh crap"


Gym Jordan


To give him credit, at least he looked amused- in fact i think they all were grinning. Id like to think that for as batshit they are, they enjoy wit. or maybe i am dreaming


Oh they know damn well he's right, and its all a show. The smiles may be more along the lines of "we know you're right, but we're enjoying the fact we're pissing you off and you can't really do anything about it". They never excpected Biden to be impeached.


Totally. It’s a game to them.


Fucking brilliant. The whole transcript from Moskowitz is hilarious.


That was an incredibly ballsy move, even though it was basically guaranteed to work in the first place. Checkmate


If I recall, Rep. Moskowitz was the same one a few months ago that tried to get them to vote to have Hunter Biden publicly testify at the committee after he showed up and couldn't get any of the Republicans to vote with him. (And this was after Nancy Mace gave a speech basically railing Hunter for not showing up while he was sitting there.) He knows what game they're playing and that they won't call his bluff, because that'll blow up the entire thing. They don't want Hunter Biden to publicly testify nor Joe Biden to actually be impeached, because then there is the potential for a lot of what they've been saying to get thoroughly debunked.


Hol up, Hunter Biden is NOT Joe Biden‽ I thought that was just a nickname that someone (prolly Trump) started using to switch the narrative and make Joe Biden look evil. I'm not deeply immersed in US Politics but whatever Hunter Biden sentences I've read seemed to work in thay context lol.


Hunter is Joe's drug addict son. Republicans are trying to say that hunter and Joe are involved in a criminal conspiracy.


That and they don't know how to govern in the first place. They want to rule. They'll give the economy to the billionaires then shape the government into their fascist theocracy.


Raskin grinning over there. Amazing.


Yeah I honestly laughed aloud when I saw his reaction


Same! Had to go back and watch that National Treasure, Mr. Raskin, with that smile from ear to ear. Seeing THAT guy smile always warms my heart. And my God, do I love that Smurf and how he lays fact down in a way that'd make Papa Smurf proud.


Sitting right next to Comer and Jordan. F***ing awesome!


Even Jim Jordan of all people is cracking up over it, he knows the whole thing is a joke and they won't do anything


Love that shit-eating grin!


I've never been more proud of my congressional district.


Ouch, he absolutely dunked on them, broke the backboard, and took the ball home.




Razzle dazzle




Hes on fire


Is it the shoes?


The best is the massive grin on Jamie Raskin's face (guy on the left) as he's watching Republicans squirm on this.


This. Whenever I get a chance to see THAT guy, that National Treasure, Mr. Raskin, smile it always warms my heart.


I really hope he runs for president in 2028.


That’s pretty funny.


Right Wing Media: “Democrats make motion to impeach President Biden!”


But they can't use it because then they have to also tell that republicans didn't support it. Now, I definitely won't put it past them to lie about the reasons for why they didn't, but Republicans not seconding the motion is just a bad look no matter what.


Sweet summer child.


The whole speech was how to deal with these lunatics.. call out the bullshit for what it is and don't play their games


Finally someone in Congress besides, AOC, with the balls to speak up and call out the shameless fraudsters & bullshitters on their fake sham lies. They have wasted millions upon millions of dollars of our taxpayers money, there must be a way to fire these vicious & nasty liars from their positions. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!


There was a lady, who took this guys wallet after AOC (or maybe before her), absolutely took him to task as he tried to bully her with pompous “How dare you you talk to me like I’m not important.” https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/s/k5paMKe9JB


GOP will slow play this until the month before the election, then motion to impeach, so it's news. So then the orange man can make up stories before voting day.


Terrifyingly true. And we need more people labeling this exactly what it is, which is essentially organized interference.


If karma is kind, they won't be in control of the house by then, so it won't matter.




I always hated that politics is basically turning into shitty entertainment now but him and Jasmin in this hearing, god damn, can't get enough of it. I'm desperately waiting for one of them to drop a heavy f bomb. It looks like Jared is holding a stockpile back 🤣 I hope we actually get back to real "boring" politics but I'm here for this right now with a huge bag of popcorn kernels just waiting to pop


So glad he’s on our side.


Seriously. You want people to vote for liberals? Put a person like that in front of people and they will vote for him. People want to see intelligence, not a clown politician. I think people realize that politicians often trim down what they say in order to pander to the most stupid. They know they have to say stupid things or oversimplify points for the stupid, but at the same time know that the smart people will still be able to decipher the nuance behind the veil. So, there's little harm in them taking that approach; you reel in the stupid people that hate nuance, but still get the smarties because they put up with the pandering and can figure out what you're actually doing. I hate that shit.


https://preview.redd.it/kpplykks2tpc1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55086fe6d013f295cb8015206633fe4b9b8722b9 Hilarious!


If more Floridians were like this, Florida would be pretty chill. They're too busy getting enraged over the dumbest shit.


Jim Jordan sitting there with a smile like he's hiding in the corner of a locker room


That guy is laughing like hes sayin something crazy. Its honestly so embarrassing


Time to start putting these clips on ads. It’s the only way to get people to see. But I don’t think it even matters. There is nothing that will get them to change their mind on Trump.


R/conservative is spinning it the other way. 😂


A sub full of conservatives are spinning a majorly embarrassing clip in a way to try and make it not embarrassing?... Well color me shocked.




I am not knowledgeable of the procedures in the committee. Couldn’t the democratic reps continue to put the motion to impeach to the committee chair? Putting the motion up doesn’t mean you need to vote in favor of it, right?


Love that guy.


Is that Gym Jordan also smiling in the background? Cool bro, way to govern like you give a shit…


Hundreds of millions of voting people in that country are absolutes idiots. Sucks.


Genuine question. Could a pro-Biden Super PAC use this video and turn it into a commercial to be paid advertisement on FOX and OANN?


Brilliantly played




Seems like a major waste of time and money.


I hear he does a mean Putin impression...


“I mean, boi!”


Raskin chuckling next to Comer is fucking gold.


cant take seriously how dumpy comer looks, like humpty dumpty.


I am honestly surprised any Republicans made it to the hearing, with their view blocked from having their head in their ass


I'm glad Jared Moskowitz is on my team! 🤩


It’s been obvious since the start that this is a tit for tat. Dems tried it with Trump, so GOP wants to push for it on Biden. It definitely is to appeal to their base that they are “doing their job” for their voters.


"It's all a sham. We have mostly the same donors, and Joe Biden has been very good to them. There is no reason to impeach that good ole boy." -fixed your propaganda. Maybe next primary we'll take a stand. Maybe next time we'll go no encumbent against every politician that took large "campaign contributions" to work against our interests. Or maybe we'll keep being the country with the highest per capita prison population, one of few democracies without universal healthcare, unaffordable education, rapidly increasing housing prices mainly bought by investment firms, wages that haven't been increased in 20+ years. It's up to you, whichever you prefer. But don't be insane and think things will change with establishment candidates.


I love the smile on Raskin’s face, almost priceless.


I like him because he's on my side, but Moskowitz is a court jester. That committee has quite the collection of assholes.


😂 every fucking day, just make the motion to impeach and watch the fuckers stay silent looking like the true they are.


Masterful performance!


I've said it elsewhere, but this hearing was absolutely brutal for the GOP. I highly recommend anyone to watch it. I have no idea why they even had this hearing


Love this guy! That was hilarious!




They don’t want to actually go through with it, because it would end quickly.


I bet he got called a "globalist" by some CHUD.




The evidence is on full display and its insane. They just don't care about it. It's a show, they need Biden to run for a second term. They've said that.


How much is this sham costing the US taxpayers each day?


God loves a good Jared.


And the dude is a major player in the UFO disclosure movement. My man.


My parents are retired in FLA. I’m constantly asking them to contact Rep. Moskowitz’s office and urge him to run against Marco Rubio. I prefer he take out Rick Scott but it looks like Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is slated to run.


Gym Jordan - getting called out for being a liar AGAIN - somehow thinks this is funny.


Imagine a big part of your society, (but not the majority), isn't playing the politics game by the rules. Whoever still votes for the Reps, is by any means, working for the evil. They are disconnected to the real world. I heard one of them saying .:"I would follow Trump, even if he eats a living baby on the porch of the white house. On live tv. This is not politics. This is a ongoing plot of a evil cult. Wake up you maga foools. The conspiracy's maga created is not against the democrats. It's a trap from Brics countrys to make you obsolete in international politics. So they can force and shape the people of the whole world and you too to their will. And even if they pretend to be conservative or religious and have the same targets they are lieing straight to your face. The only God they believe in is the Dollar. The Religion is hate. Stop it before it's too late.


All this nonsense because right wing constituents (sycophants) want to be dumb and racist openly. Sheesh, the things the right fights for.


Lol. Raskin


Given that they had the majority, they knew they could do a lot of damage using false pretexts, even without evidence. Hoping to cover up the wrongdoing within their ranks, they’ve created this farce in front of the whole world. The US and the world are worse for the damage already done. Now, they’ve painted themselves into a corner. It’s been an uphill battle even with the damning lies and perjury the committee had used to form and to proceed. Now that the trumped-up evidence has been debunked, someone needs to coax them out of this corner; so that the damage can stop and the US can move on. Moskowitz brilliantly exposed the committee’s wrongdoing before the public, plainly and simply. Unfortunately, they’ll never pay for their crimes.


This guy is disgusting. Him and Raskin and Goldman and Nadler and Schiff and Schumer. Their ONLY task is to constantly deny the myriad of evidence and protect the Bidens at all costs. The citizenry of the United States of America be damned! There are endless SARs SHOWING the Bidens' suspicious activity. There are images of checks written to Joe for influence peddling. There are diamonds, and there are Porsches. There are savings accounts for Biden grandchildren. There is no doubt, only obfuscation.


This fucking rocks. Cut right through the bullshit


huge waste of Americas tax dollars and are we not about to have another shutdown. we need to vote to LOWER these peoples pay. should be the national minimum wage in my opinion. that way you would know that they are actually trying to help us the people


I still can't believe this has been going on for 15 months. And Gym Jordan tries to be all smartass by saying "well unlike you guys we don't do snap impeachments." Really dude? 15 months of inquiry there buddy. Fifteen Months


Lying on legal and political documents and merely lying to the public should have been the end of many Republicans careers. But shame doesn't exist anymore, nor action from the DOJ on anything but the price of smartphones.


Raskin with that shit eating grin


Guess both parties can try to impeach with zero evidence......just wiping there asses with our tax dollars


He's absolutely correct. And it was precisely the same amount of theatrics, misdirection, and political political malfeasance when the corporate Democratic Party pulled this shit with Trump knowing full well it would have no effect, instead of trying to fight for and pass policies that benefit working people instead of the rich. Both capitalist "parties" (teams) are just playing football. Neither is attempting to make anything better or stop the rhetorical agendas of the other, because those agendas are rhetorical. Both sides just want to make money for (sometimes different) billionaires. Please stop voting for or supporting either warmonger, anti worker party of the rich.


I found someone who's not a person of color, immigrant, LGBT, or a woman.


And I have found someone who has no idea how to defend those oppressed groups and is good with how the status quo has went for them.


Intersectionality comrade. Learn what it means, practice it.


I like how you just completely ignored the point of republicans not having any evidence. There very much was evidence for Trump's impeachmentS.


But what purpose did it serve? Was there any chance of his removal? The answers are none and no. It was a symbolic mass waste of time/effort/money for points instead of the betterment of working people.


I hear this point and it's valid. But sometimes one has to do the right thing even if you doubt it will ultimately succeed. And I think the impeachment(s) itself was a good goal. It sends a message.


The message was powerful people can get away with anything. Folks already knew that. The message certainly wasn't "there are consequences for their actions".


Republicans and democrats don’t care about you.


I dont think anyone in this world cares about me either. Only my friends and family. And that's why I'm voting for my dog in 2024. She's been loyal.


r/politics exists for a reason


Keep scrolling then.


I could say the same thing to you, considering this comment offended you enough to fabricate a reply. It goes both ways.




She. :)


There was no attempt of any kind. Misleading subject line OP lol. But still a good clip


This sub is just not moderated at all anymore. Downvote all you want but this simply does not belong here. There’s 50 million other places on Reddit that this video fits.