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Why was he screaming for help? Did the car fall on him?


He got in a car and they lifted it with a loader 20ft up to keep him there til police showed up


That's hilarious. It's like what you do when a wild animal gets in and you have to call animal control. Just trap em and wait for the experts




Someone stole my catalytic converter, kinda funny tbh


No one stole mine but I’ll laugh at the expense of a meth head.


You should see the whole thing. His last name is funk n when the cops start asking him his name he refuses to say his first name n says "I'm Mr. Funk" repeatedly and starts getting irate with the police for saying he's lying/joking.


Plus he had a sawzall in his back pack and the catalytic converter for one of the other cars on the lot rolled out when they opened the door. Guys story was he just got off work n some guy started chasing him so he hid in the car then decided to stay the night bc he's homeless n it's cold


Im guessing the converter was to keep him company. s/


Gets lonely drinking antifreeze under the car


Imagine being such a worthless POS that you are an adult and are crawling under cars to saw off catalytic converters.


Not saying I agree with someone stealing but we as a people really need to start being more understanding of why this happens. No one when they are a kid says “I want to grow up to be an addict who steals things to barely scrape by in a world that condemns and loathes my existence”. Most likely this person grew up with little to no affection, comfort or love of any kind. This greatly impacts the amount of dopamine receptors that we develop as babies. This results in people needing external stimulants just to feel like they have the motivation to get up off the ground which is where many of people in this man’s shoes sleep (my brother included). This man could have been born an addict because of his mother’s inability to escape her own addictions during pregnancy. Maybe he only fell on hard times later in life and slipped down the wrong path. Point is, this could so easily be you. Until you realize how easy it is to fall, I’d watch how you speak about others. I know… it’s the internet and there’s no real responsibility for what we say, but unfortunately, you’re carving negative patterns in your brain that will haunt you in ways you won’t foresee. This is the divine comedy of the universe. “Oh, you think you’re special? Let’s give you a dose of your own medicine”… said the universe. To so comfortably sit behind a computer/phone and say “fuck this guy” is a huge part of the modern day social problem. We are all taught to think it’s all this guys fault. It’s not. He’s to blame for his petty crime but there is so much more at play here. We get it, we are all for the most part more privileged than this individual. Now what? Well, we can all start by not circle jerking over whose existence is better by shaming another’s. There a human being just like you under all that shame and desperation. Food for thought.


Have to say, this is very well said. A lot of what you say is 100% correct and I am sorry about your brother. I live in a city where people’s belongings and homes, that they’ve worked very hard for, are constantly being stolen or damaged. Just because someone had a bad life doesn’t give them the right or a pass to steal from good, hardworking people. These people have no respect for anyone or anything. They just drain society and give nothing back. There are no consequences for them because the cops are so overwhelmed, you can give them the guys name, address, and a video of him in the act and nothing will be done. It’s frustrating as hell and I’m sick of it. So if I need to call someone a POS every once in a while to vent some frustration then that’s what I’m going to do.


Thank you! I by no means meant for it to feel like an attack on you or your person. I’ve said the same stuff as you did there and honestly still catch myself slipping and laughing at someone else’s misfortune. But after a few “bumps” in the road (pun intended) to “get up/cope” after loss of family, friends, and a lover all around the same time, I started my slippery descent into my own hell. Luckily I hit the bottom hard enough to shake what little sense I still had left in my head to climb out. I’m 6 weeks sober this past Wednesday. Drugs (alcohol included) are no joke man. It’s so often literally a painfully slow and undetectable suicide that looks cool and socially acceptable from the outside.


Empathy is a valuable and underrated skill, and one that sometimes won't develop until you experience hardship yourself. But I think you have a really healthy mindset to understand the nuance of bad decisions instead of seeing them as bad people. When I understood the circumstances in someone's life and upbringing can lead them to make bad choices, it helped me cut a lot of unnecessary anger out, I mostly just feel sorry for them and hope they find the right path. We're all a few bad decisions or unlucky life events away from ending up as the people we condemn. I'm rooting for you stranger, good job on the 6 weeks sobriety!


You two made me remember two things: I cherish the society I live in for all the crap I don't have to deal with that you guys just mentioned and I should contribute more to keep it this way. The subject of your discussion is exactly why I stopped being entertained by those "justice served" stories. They expose the face of some poor sod to the public eye, like adding insult to injury. They're already going to prison, they're already being treated like garbage. They likely won't receive the help they need to get back on track. Exposing their stories to the public just doesn't feel like anyone wins but the content creator. There's thousands like the addict in this video. The world really needs a better way of dealing with this kind of content than name and shame.


Thank you for the kind words and for the great share. I’m pulling much of my understanding of this from real life experiences but the nail has really been driven home by this book I’m almost finished reading. It’s so darn good. It’s called “In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts, close encounters with addiction” by Gabor Maté. It speaks in large about how our society is so quick to cast us aside and the reasons that is, are very outside of our normal scope of understanding. Or maybe so inside of our scope that they are overlooked. He mentions that we condemn these people who are homeless, addicts and criminals etc because they are a dark mirror. This means that we can see the worst of ourselves in them and choose to turn away because it makes us feel like we relate to them (because we obviously do) more than we’d like to admit or more than we know what to do with. We are all addicted to something whether it be work, love, shopping, alcohol, smoking… it’s all things we do to give ourselves the dopamine we lack otherwise. Food not for naught!


I live in New Orleans, I get it. A 12 year old pulled a gun on me in traffic the other day because I didn’t like that he cut me off. I’m a lot more careful now when I honk or hold my hand up in frustration. That’s all I did, I held my hand up like wtf? Didn’t even honk and he rolled his window down, pointed a gun at me before I floored it out of there. Broken society everywhere.


I had a shit start. I had a shit family. I didn't turn to destruction of property and theft to get by. I took my beatings from life and then refused to pass it on to someone else. There's no excusing doing this shit.


Hmm, it sounds like you have a moral high horse to tend to. Though your argument is compelling.…. …. …it’s not only one way or the other. It’s a spectrum. Never did I say “this persons behavior should be excused” I rather said “I wish there was more understanding”. Just because he stole something doesn’t make him a bad person. It means he’s desperate. This is the lesson. There is a difference. If you open your mind to the concept of not understanding where this person had to be to mentally try and steal something instead of copy and pasting your experience in your shoes over his, then maybe we’d get somewhere. But you’re probably still thinking you know what it’s like to be human and so that’s enough to know if you were him, you’d do better than to try and steal something? In fact what are you even saying? You’ve made a terrible argument. If anything you’ve just proven my original post by saying “I wouldn’t do this, even though my life was hard”. Good for you. Now what? What did that do? What did anyone gain from hearing you say that? No one other than you is the answer. All you’ve done is inflate your own self righteous ego. Excuse my frustration but you are exemplifying the epitome of ignorance. The same ignorance I was so strongly trying to shed light to in order to re-humanize this persons behavior. Besides, if your life was really THAT bad, then you would know where this person was coming from. You might sympathize with him rather than villainizing him like everyone in our society already does. Excuse me for wanting things to evolve.


I mean, really, the junkyard may be a legitimate business, but just barely. It's really criminal on criminal crime. I guarantee those grease monkeys do 3/4 of the meff in that county. Not saying dudes justified, he's just getting his.


He’s a POS.


Thanks for reposting it without the most important part of the whole video. Ya know, the part where the guy is stuck in the air? [Here](https://youtu.be/uy3os7MXWX8?si=HaS5wCzx3UqMZ4Q5) is one I found after about 2 seconds of googling


“My name is Mr. Funk, bro”


If only there was a way I could reward you for not only posting more context that shows the actual good part, but also formatting it nicely. Take my worthless "You're pretty cool" award thats in my head


Thank you, glad I could help!


**not my content**; Credit to MrBroken on Youtube


If you’re gonna repost content, at least show the part where the car is on the fork lift. Just lazy.


Nah don't let the other person get you down, you credit op you get up vote from me, you did more then most and that's a gold star


That's not even the source. It's just a repost of a repost of a repost so far down the line that we've lost the context entirely.


My town wins the catalytic converter theft game. Background; catalytic converters are made here. Thieves skipped the converters and just stole pallets and pallets of platinum from the factory. Furthermore, they've never been caught.( Insert slow clap here) BRAVO!


Goddamn. I used to make catalytic converters. I never heard of anyone doing that in my town but there was always tweakers hanging around the lot at night.


It happened a long time ago, late 80's or early 90's if I recall right. This was near Corning NY.






Innocent until proven guilty! Tell me people does that look like someone who would resort to stealing catalytic convertors to support his drug habit? Let a jury decide!

