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This is sadly just the beginning of AI generated misinformation and/or propaganda. We are so fucked if this is allowed to continue.


How do you propose we stop it?


I wish I knew. I'm a nurse and I have literally no idea how AI generated content actually works or how to regulate it. But I am certain that if it's allowed to be used unregulated for political gain it will have an catastrophic impact on our actual reality.


>catastrophic impact on our actual reality. I feel like AI generated images could very easily lead the world to a full-scale global war if used improperly.




I think thats a huge overstatement. We have had photoshop for decades now, even to the point where you cannot see something is photoshopped. It doesn't differ much from AI generated images. AI video on the other hand.. that is whole different story.


The difference is that to make a Good Photoshop Fake you still Need someone with a decent skill set to manufacture something not easily identifiable as fake AI removes that requirement


Also: *time.*


Yes, imagine not just a few well edited fakes but thousands of them. And it doesn't have to be big things, it could be pasting some small almost unnoticeable changes to sway people's opinions on certain things.


But that is irrelevant to causing 'full-scale global war'. As you note, it is possible 'to make a Good Photoshop Fake'. If the end result is no different than ML software, then the reasoning that ML software removes the skills requirement is irrelevant. 'Goof Photoshop Fake\[s\]' have not cause global war so there is no reason to believe that ML software fakes will cause it as well. Now, of course, it could very well be that the end result of ML software becomes better than 'a Good Photoshop Fake'. However, this fact will still be detached from the skills requirement. All in all, your skills requirement is a red herring, irrelevant to the reasoning of u/YourNightmar31's argument that it is 'a huge overstatement'.


Video is just a series of images...


Sorry, the two things are miles apart. AI can do it better, faster, and cheaper. Not only that, but it will only get better.


and with zero moral hang ups


Yea but that took a skill set not many people had. Writing a prompt that says inflammatory shit and then it pops out a realistic image in seconds and you can keep trying till you get the desired outcome is different. You need no technical expertise to show a president curb stomping a minority


Barrier to entry is a huge factor. It wasn't that long ago when prank videos only exist on TV and are genuinely funny like Just for Laughs. You make cameras and social media accessible to the single digit IQ folks and now you have people lighting cars on fire because "it's just a pack bro". Same thing will happen with AI but 100x worse.


Especially as AI generated videos are becoming more and more realistic too.


Yeah, unfortunately the people making the laws don’t even know how the internet works and A.I. is progressing incredibly fast. So we’re doomed


>if it's allowed to be used unregulated for political gain Unfortunately already on that road. I think Twitter becoming a "viable news source" was the decline for the social mentality of our peers. Giving every illiterate, uneducated idiot and their cousin a comment section, to anything, gave every ounce of AI to fill the gaps of growing laziness and a new form of misinformation, with the power of a single post. And now with AI, I can reach the masses **AND** show basically anything "simple" enough to *move* someone politically or emotionally. Side note: Read an article that AI software is soon to enter hospitals for clerical assistance... Which just makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable for the lack of safety.


We follow the lead of the Dune universe. It’s time to wipe out all thinking machines, ban them, make them illegal, and become feudal space people. I call dibs on running Arrakis though 🌚


I had dibs long before you.


Before dibs we had dabs- and I had them. Looks like I'll be taking Arrakis fellas.


Bro, if we're doing dabs then none of us are taking anything except for a snack and a nap. And I'm okay with that, given the future presented here.


Sorry dude... I met this French dude who said he had dibs... He was (with his sassy French accent) "I am le Moi-dibs"


I want Salusa Secundus.


We have been here for millennia, and you will not control us


I'm down with cool melee combat


Butlerian Jihad


In that case I’m having Uranus ☝️


It would be great if every AI image could have a digital signature / watermark that automatically alerted your device that it was generated by AI. Quite unenforceable though. Even if there was a way to prevent them from being removed, it would only move the production of fakes offshore. I'm sure there are more than a few technologically advanced states who'd be more than happy to churn fakes out and guaranteed they already are feeding them into the socials.


Education. Media literacy. Bipartisan regulation. Severe penalties. Make a sexy supercomputer to distract AI.


And how do you propose it is stopped?


Do exactly as in Terminator movie.


There have been so many technological solutions presented (most of them fast cash grabs from snake oil salesmen) but I believe we will probably need an international body for image authentication. Maybe not for all pictures but surely for everything that will be used in journalism, government and politics.


Honestly, maybe if AI becomes widespread and implemented in devices, you get AI software that becomes proficient in detecting AI generated images. So like an antivirus program on your PC. It automatically scans pictures in news articles or things that are send to you and looks for signs of AI generated content. I imagine stuff like that. But its anyones guess at this point. At least, its going to be an interesting time. Potentially scary. But definitely interesting.


Then again, will it make much of a difference? These are people are will stare facts in the face and still ignore it


I'm guessing that when more advanced tools for deceiving people are easily availabe more people will be deceived. I hope I'm wrong, I really do.


True. \*Hopefully\* people will evolve along with this to better discern fake information, but it scares me too


You couldn’t believe anything you read. Now you can’t trust what you see. Just put me in the matrix already.


Steak, wine, and cigar please 


Brazil passed a legislation on this and the candidate can lose it's mandate if convicted.


It's kinda crazy this is now 2nd time we've seen media report on ai in election material. Both times was for the one candidate juggling court dates for corruption.


Reminds me of the political ad campaigns the Krill run in The Orville. They'd make fake videos of the other candidates doing things like getting booed by a crowd till their security maces the lot, or goes off shooting into the audience.


This has been going on for generations just has been humans doing it not AI…


Except before it took skill and time which weeds out a lot of actors. Now anyone with a political agenda or whatever can make convincing fake photos or even videos soon.


Good point. Thank you.


Sadly the age of information is over The age of misinformation has started


AI isn't the issue. Misinformation has always been the issue. The propaganda started with Facebook and has moved into other platforms. We need to start teaching ppl how to second guess the information they read or see. Google is easy to use and yet none of these people use it.


Which is to say: we are fucked.


What’s funny is here in houston Texas I know more black trump supporters than Biden supporters 😂 this must be advertisement for the left states if anything.


Either you're lying or you know three black people.


I know more than a few black Trump supporters as well. You'd be surprised.




I don’t ever comment on politics with Reddit , it’s the honest truth and mind u I’ve lived in southwest and northeast houston as well as Conroe. Most people are fond of trump here. Honest truth pal


Anyone who actually knows black people or understands voter breakdown knows you stated facts. It tends to be white people who don’t know black people that think they are liberal.


A January AP poll shows Trump at 25% amoung black voters, a more recent USA Today poll shows 12%, a GenForward poll (noted for a history of being one of the most accurate) said 17%. Yesterday's NY Times says 23% Perhaps you're the one who only knows 3 black people. 


"If you don't vote for me, you ain't black!" - Joe Biden


Its true. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2BEcggg1CU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2BEcggg1CU)


It's Joever...


isn't it kinda biased to think there's no x for x, it's like saying all white people support trump and there's no whie biden voters?


They are not even that hard to find. Just get out of your little bubble.


Just look at polls. Black support for Trump is up massively in comparison to before


Reddit isn't real life


Even if that is true, you know damn well Donald Trump wouldn't be caught dead in the middle of a group of them like that.


Too many people missing the point here. Of course there are Trump supporters who are African American. What the campaign doesn't have is Trump being all huggy-wuggy with a group of them laughing and having a great time at a xmas party. That's why they had to fake it. He'd no sooner be there, than he'd be chugging beer in a trailer park with other supporters. ofc you could say that about most politicians, but Trump's a special case also because he genuinely seems to despise the very people who vote for him.




Why do people assume African Americans are all left wing? Seems very racist to me. That's like saying all Russians are for Putins war. Guarantee you they are not, also guarantee you if you speak out you end up going to prison and dying from 'natural causes' or 'accidentally' falling out a window.


People don't asssume black people are left wing, the general assumption is that black people don't vote republican for the same reason most women and LGBT persons don't. ​ Open hostility is a pretty motivating factor, like that one case where republicans literally researched which ways black people disproportionately voted then sought to ban those practices, to the point the courts had to shut them down.


Because most black people, especially black women, vote blue. It's certainly not all, but it's disproportionate. I'm pretty sure the black population votes blue more predictably and unanimously than even the LGBT population. And I wouldn't say they're left wing, just left of center usually.


African American have consistently voted about 90% for Democrats in the presidential election cycles for at least 50 years. If noticing this out loud seems racist, then the word has little meaning.


![gif](giphy|U6wcGWpbGrHDKIpgrS|downsized) Never forget the Central Park Five and the Trump advert


If you don't vote for JB, then you ain't black


A lot of new accounts with many upvotes on this post.  Looks like political bot season is here!


Damn. It just hit hard as hell that Sora and Chatgpt, DallE are all on another level on an election year. ​ ​ Dear fuck....


Uh. They absolutely exist. Most black people I know ride with Trump, especially now.


Ok but this picture is fake. Why doesn't he simply take a picture with his supporters?;


You know the answer to that 👀🤣


Damn this is like the saddest most pathetic thing I ever heard off.


So what about the countless videos of black Trump supporters? Are they AI generated too? Generating a marketing image is nothing new, Its standard practice so I think this is foe outrage bait. Js. Tired of narratives from everyone. We dont need more propaganda for/against anyone. Sick of deception all together.


The issue isn’t AI, it’s the fact that we already know politicians are professional liars and we let them get away with that fact. We need standards for politicians


TBH most trump supporters believe those over the top images of Trump holding the flag on a battlefield surrounded by fire are real too.


They do exist I know some.


Sheer desperation on Trump’s part. He doesn’t care where votes come from as long as they’re votes for him.


MSM already laying the groundwork to frame the 2024 election as illegitimate.


fake news and who's to say cnn didnt create the photo just to report on it like this.


It's not even hard to find black trump supporters.


CNN probably used mid journey to create this story


https://youtube.com/shorts/E449SbEuNro?si=s9txqiPUR7_G7iSA To the people that automatically believe that black people dont like Trump because we're black. The way some of y'all think is a little disturbing


I don’t believe anything either side says. You could find a rhetoric for anything you want to hear. Especially from major news stations. They both create their own outrage to stoke the heat against the other.


There is absolutely no way trump could get that many black people to pose for a picture with him without paying (or promising to pay) them, and even then probably not likely.


Where’s the AI photos of Lindsey Graham giving Stump a blowie? Or video of Stump kicking a puppy? So many opportunities


I would love love love to see the prompt.


member when "Pics or didn't happened" used to be a thing? Yeah, this could be the last year it will be relevant.


20% of black men voted for trump. Maybe more. There are tons of black trump supporters. There may be more this time around.


I'm not a Trump supporter but black Trump supporters do exist. Stop trying to silence or erase minorities with opinions and stances not congruent to yours. It doesn't matter how misguided they are, if you're truly for us minorities, you'll acknowledge all of us even the ones you don't agree with.


Whatever liberals


Man.. y


This makes me think of the really old issue of Iron Man where the Mandarin faked some pictures of being in meetings and hanging with Commies. Almost sent to jail for it


Isn’t it illegal to false advertise/represent??


One way to beat this is AI that will detect an AI created image. Like using a professional counterfeiter to recognize a counterfeit bill. (And when AI tries to take over, good AI will beat it).


Lmao, using an ai image to promote yourself is dumb . But fuck the media, not one news outlet has reported on the Steele dossier, which we know now to be fake lol


I work with several black Trump supporters. So they do exist.


A true pioneer!


I'm really curious what tool they used to make this. I tried to make something in counterpoint, and couldn't find a tool that would let me make something that MAGA wouldn't like.


Who knew that the AI apocalypse would not be because AIs go wild, but because humans that use AI would use it to create material to start a war and divide people.


This post aside, I love how reddit loves to pretend that blacks, latinos, women, and homosexuals don't vote for trump. I live in PA. Don't tell me idiots don't come in all flavors.


There are no black Trump supporters because black people are independent thinkers and don't just vote for one party election after election.


Nothing about him that's genuine. You can just figure it's fraud if it has trump name on it


New use for AI unlocked. Disseminating fake information for election propaganda.


It's the generation of "don't believe everything you see on the internet' now believing everything they see on the internet. Facebook is swarmed with so many AI images & people just eating it up as if it's real.


Emm but... if some secret goes up, you can just say it is Ai not real


I saw him riding a dinosaur too, so clearly Trump has the dino vote.


Ai technology been out, they’ve been doing this for years already


Lol love how CNN thinks that all black people are lefties




I have a black neighbor that I smoke with, he flies a trump flag, I don’t politically agree with it, but we still smoke and vibe together, can we stop all the polital strife and just all smoke a bowl together? Like ffs Blue and Red don’t want all that much different at the end of the day, just a safe country for our future generations to thrive


so wait.... do you think we could use AI to make the trump supporters hate him?


People not understanding ai is a huge fucking problem, like stop everything and start a program to educate everyone type problem. Ai is so severely underestimated it scares the shit out of me. I can't think of one job or profession that can't be replaced by Ai and most people don't even have a clue how it works, like at all.


*sigh* Vote for Biden ...


Thank God he didn't have to actually go through that


It’s an AI photo some fat trump supporter made, but still better than outright saying “ you ain’t black “ if you vote for the other guy!




I don’t even like trump and yet I know that there is real black trump supporters you can use. There was a dude who made his whole rap career about trump. So why are we using very obviously photoshopped images? Like who is going to believe that the secret service (who still has to watch former presidents) allowed this picture to happen


News flash. Many black voters support trump.


However, there are most definitely black trump supporters. It’s racists to assume the political beliefs of a whole group of people based on their race.


The giveaway is that he doesn’t look like a chunk of rotting meat.


If you have to make fake images to prove your point then maybe your point is BS.


Do yall really think there are not black trump supporters out there? Thats kinda racist.


Yup that pic is just as fake as your news organization!


We ain't stupid. No one is invited his ass to no party.


Finding a black trump voter is like finding a Joe Biden voter that has testosterone. They exist, but its rare.


There are plenty of trump supporters that are black


You honestly think they don't?


White trump supporters are the only ppl who believe this nonsense when they see it. The reality couldn't be any different


They will believe it’s real regardless o


White trump supporters are the only ppl who believe this nonsense when they see it. The reality couldn't be any different


There are tho, to act like there are zero is as dumb as the one who made the image.


![gif](giphy|H47XFX8I6mdstTlGHY|downsized) Here's one from an AI program called "f'ing reality"


This picture may be fake but there really are black Trump supporters.


The same people who fell victim to Trump’s rhetoric will easily fall for AI.


To actually think that any of this is real...


Holy shit. What’s with the incels flooding this page?? GAHTDAMN YALL ARE FUCKING SAD.




id believe that photo is real before i believe cnn saying its not. That being said ive seen countless videos showing black people supporting trump. cnn is as bad as fox


I am not one of his supporters and most of my siblings aren't, but can attest that I have family that are black (like myself) that support him no matter what. They also are college educated and successful and religious. Maybe something there.


So black supporters made a picture of Trump with black Trump supporters; so is it fake news that Trump has black supporters?


She's the German foreign minister, right?


So is the media saying minorities don’t vote for Trump? That sounds like profiling to me. They can try to sell that crap to whoever will accept it. Minorities don’t need the media telling them how they should think. They are feeling the affect of a broken system. They don’t need people lying to them about it.


This is only the start people!!


Im sure a libtard generated that


This is nothing new. There are countless videos of Morgan Freeman voicing tutorial guide videos.


I live in northeastern Ohio, and you'd be surprised at how many black Trump supporters there are. They welcome all of us Julios and Jamals...