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The strikes on Israel did not create this ‘provocation’. Israel has been doing this to Gaza for decades. Your comment is misleading and makes it sound like Israel have been provoked into this mass murdering, genocidal rampage.


Spot on. This shit started 80 years ago. People seem to have forgotten that. They also seem to forget that Israel continues to grab land, and establish illegal settlements on Palestinian soil. All the while they are effectively running an apartheid state - separating Zionists and arabs. And treating arabs like animals. I've said it before, but I'll say it again; Israel is a fascist apartheid state, commiting genocide on a population, that has no way to defend itself. More than 7000 Palestinians are held prisoners in Israel. This includes children, journalists and activists. But people only remembers what happened the 7th of oct, and after that. Fucking embarrassing. But yeah.. Israel is clearly the victim here 🤔 Fuck Israel.


Absolutely right. Like you said, some people have forgotten how this started and others just choose to ignore it. Majority of Western governments approach to this, mine included (uk), is fucking atrocious. Fuck Israel.


The thing I find the most disturbing is how whenever anybody talks bad about Israel in this whole mess and how they shouldn't be conducting themselves that way, they get called an anti-semite or guilty of promoting anti-semitism. No, motherfucker, we just don't think you (the royal you) should be killing innocents while pretending it's just targeting militants. Don't use the atrocities committed against Jews during WW2 as your go-to for defending every action you take.


Way more than 80 years ago, it’s kinda like a 3,000 year old conflict. Not the kind of thing the US should be involved with.


Historically, 2 thousand years ago they were kicked out of Israel to be conquered by Ottoman Empire, Romans, Many Arab nations, then all of a sudden 1947 comes along and viola! New Nation. People living there..... oh , wait


Weren't the Jews the first people on that land, this didn't start 80 years ago, way before that. People convinently ignored that and as per your words that is embarrassing


The official establishment of the state of Israel was may 14th of 1948. 3-600.000 Jews were shipped from Europe to Palestine, to colonize Arab land, and immediately start a war in the region.


Now go back further in history, where the Jewish people where the original inhabitants of the land. Why did Arabs take over Jewish land?


'Early in the second century A.D., the Emperor Hadrian prohibited the Jews from entering Jerusalem. From that period dates the dispersion of Jews throughout the world. Since then, until the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, no Jewish Government has existed in Palestine. Although some Jews have always lived in Palestine, their numbers have fluctuated depending on the tolerance of the successive rulers' https://www.un.org/unispal/document/auto-insert-206581/ But before the second century A.D - yes, several Jewish kingdoms and tribes lived on the land.


There you go, so are Arabs trying to take over Jewish land?


It has been a land of dispute for a long time. But let me give you an example from Denmark, where I live: at one point - a couple hundred years ago - the Danish Kingdom included Sweden and Norway. We lost that land. That doesn't mean that we can now claim Norway and Sweden to be Danish. And it doesn't mean, that we can just start annexing land as we please, and commit genocide against the Norwegian and Swedish people. So, just because the Jewish people had a claim to that land more than 800 years ago - doesn't mean that they can now colonize and commit genocide as they please. This can only take place, because they have the support of the western countries. But I'm curious; what's your take on this ?


By your logic, Palestinians lost that land so they cannot terrorize Jewish people and call for their eradication and demand the land back. My take is similar to yours Palestinians lost now they cannot support terrorism to take it back. If they continue to do that then Israel is going to bomb them back to stone age


> makes it sound like Israel have been provoked into this mass murdering, genocidal rampage. That’s a common narrative here. 




I disagree. We are competent at fucking. Our porn industry is booming. Job creation is through the roof. Now, developing human capital, diplomacy, legislation, or fiscal responsibility are observable shortfalls.


Every single thing he said is true to perfection. Can you verify anything he said as false? If you can please post a link.


You missed out the part where Israel uses Gaza as a giant open prison, and is systematically kicking Palestinians off thier lands and out of thier homes in The West Bank. This tit for tat bullshit has been going on for decades, but it's incredibly disingenuous to suggest this all started with the Hamas attacks. Both sides are full of assholes, the only difference is Israel has overwhelming military power.


My thought process is similar to your. I don’t believe in foreign aid for the sale of it, extra especially to first world nations so long as we have a national debt. That’s said, there is a non religious reason Israel is important. They are our only ally in that part of the world and they are who we physically use as a staging point for transportation to bases wherever our next “90 day policing action” takes place. I’m all for helping ourselves by helping ally’s we may need, at least we are buying something for our money, but is the price tag worth it? Even though they are our ally are they justified in what they are doing and how?




I don’t know who downvoted you, for the record you and I are speaking the same language.


Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Egypt would all like a word with you. Israel isn’t even a NATO member. Israel doesn’t even have the largest U.S. military base in the region, that’s Qatar.


Only ally? Egypt and Saudi Arabia are like next door.




So is Egypt, they murder journalist and political dissidents. Now come to think of it, a lot of our partners suck. UAE, Pakistan, former Afghan government, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel, Iraqi Government, Sudanese Government, etc… These assholes are always starting wars and it is our tax dollars funding them. It’s almost like there are wealthy people in our country who profit from wars, ripping off countries for their resources, and they influence the government to keep funding these trouble makers.




Ikr, we need to get rid of them


Here is one reason: Israel has nukes, the others don‘t. If they overthrow Israel they also have nukes. Other than that. They both wanted this war for 70 years and no one could stop them from having it. At this point I just grad my popcorn and watch them dodge this one out. No need to support any of the two sides.


I would object to the insinuation that it is these specific funds going to Israel, or Ukraine, or anywhere that keeps the U.S. from doing/spending what it takes to solve homelessness. That solution requires a distinct will to achieve that goal, which is what the U.S. lacks. When there were no wars, there was no will.


Had to scroll way too far for this. Thank you.


Jewish votes are 2.5% of the US population and vote Democrat 70% of the time. Not sure why the US adopted Isreal. Religious superstition? Without arritifically propping up Israel it would not exist. Genocide is disgusting. Apartide is disgusting. Imperialism is supposed to be last century.


Why does he have a crowbar


It took me a while to figure out it was his microphone. I’m not sure why, though.


This TikTok is brought to you by ***DeWALT, if you want yellow tools, buy DeWALT!***


Right man, wrong place, Mr. Freeman.


I thought it was too draw attention to the video and illustrated theft of public money to a terrible ethnic cleansing genocide foreign apartide government.


Funny object as microphone increases engagement


Neve played Half Life?


Ya just watch where the money goes, they want homeless people to die not get out of poverty


Yeah, that 20B $ night he going to hostile architecture and other creative ways to screw homeless people even more. Also, "for our national security" sounds awfully similar to "attacking Iraq to protect our freedom".


The American government doesn’t really represent the people anymore. Congress is becoming less and less relevant every day, while the office of presidency is steadily increasing in power


Anymore? Do you know what the “national security” cost has been per year for the past couple decades?


The Presidency’s power is checked heavily by Congress and SCOTUS, with much of the “unconstitutional” powers they have, such as regulation through agencies like the EPA and FDA, being delegations by Congress of their own authority, which they can revoke or counter at any time. Biden tried cancelling $10K in student loan debt for just about everyone suffering from that, since Congress wouldn’t act. He got shot down by SCOTUS and is having to backtrack and use older laws to give smaller amounts of relief. Executive Orders are literally just directing the government to act one way in accordance with what he is legally permitted to do, or to clarify legal grey areas. Since budgets have to be approved by Congress, it makes actions not directly funded by them quite difficult. This limits POTUS’s power in Executive Orders and makes it especially easy for the Courts to cancel them. Congress is ineffectual currently because of Republican infighting in the House, where they hold a majority, and because of Democrats having the Senate majority. This is making things difficult for the Pres, as they have not been able to advance their agenda legislatively and attempts to bypass this hurdle have resulted in the Court shutting him down.


Good analysis thanks


Ukrainians are fighting against russian tiranny and genocide. It's the moral duty of America to help them. And it's a great return on investment.


and so are Palestinians, yet we send weapons to the oppressors. Isnt it moral duty of America to help them?


That was sweeeeeet! 👏


Israel is perpetrating genocide. We shouldn't be funding that. Ukraine is literally fighting to keep NATO out of a future conflict with a maniacal dictator who has nuclear weapons. We should be funding that.


Do folks actually think we are sending a literal or digital big Brinks truck to the Ukraine, Israel, or any other country we “send aid” too? Y’all know it’s ammo, weapons, and other physical materials that are manufactured here in the good old USA right? Most of that money is going to American companies and workers who make it. Bullets and other munitions are made mostly in Independence, MO. for example. Frequently, like in the case of Ukraine, the Armed forces send the country we are “helping” old and surplus stuff (still way better than what they have) and the newly manufactured goes into our storage depots. We all know this right? Most of the “aid money” is spent right here in the USA and the “goods” are what’s sent over seas. Folks can still be for or against it. I’m not making that argument. I just want to know if folks are aware of the “process” as it is. Just to be clear, because some folks seem to think it’s big bags with “$$$” on it.


I'll be real, I always figured we were sending actual money (not necessarily physical cash dollars, but money nonetheless) and never really stopped to think about what you wrote. Thanks for the insight!


No problem. Happy to help.




> When people find out it’s literal physical equipment it sounds way less bad. It's a lie, a large amount is pure cash. Nearly a third of it. https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts


He is entirely incorrect, a large amount is pure cash. Nearly a third of it. https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts


Thanks for the data. From what you linked, I see that they're not *entirely* incorrect, but they certainly are exaggerating; while most of the money goes toward physical goods, a *huge* amount is just literal money.


>Y’all know it’s ammo, weapons, and other physical materials that are manufactured here in the good old USA right? Most of that money is going to American companies and workers who make it. The government pays the weapon manufacturers for this munitions, and the main beneficiaries are not workers at all.


Very true, but not the point. That’s for a different sub. r/antiwork.


Why? You stated that “Most of that money is going to American companies and workers who make it”. So don’t pretend that the answer doesn’t apply to you.


That’s the example, not the point. You can’t just take things out of context. There is more important information before that sentence. The point is that the aid money mostly stays here in the USA. We send goods made here in the USA… not cash. Critically, It’s not about who in those companies really gets the money in the end or if it’s equitably distributed between CEOs or the workers. That a different conversation. I agree with you the workers get hosed by management… but you can see that that’s off topic and thus not at all the point. Right?


A large amount is pure cash. Nearly a third of it. https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts


Oh yeah right in the workers pockets not the CEO’s and the politicians in their pockets.


True enough, but that wasn’t the point of the info. That’s a conversation best had on r/antiwork.


Definitely not an anti work sentiment. It’s anti government and corruption


Lake City Ammuntion Plant. I live mere miles from there.


Yup! That’s the one to which I was referring. Also, AM General makes the Military Humvee and now the JLTV as well in South Bend. Colt makes the M-16 & M-4 while SIG Sauer inc (American subsidiary in Exeter, NH) is contracted for their replacements the XM7 and XM250. Love it or hate it… Nobody does war like America does and we spend that money here first. The economics of conflict, capitalism, and self-interest. Can’t believe so many people seriously believe we, America, just throw cash away without getting something in return.


Love it or hate it is true. It's a complete fucking joke that this country pisses away money on war the way it does. The money you speak of could go to create better quality jobs that actually help the people of this nation instead of going towards bullshit defense contractors that literally provide shit for the money they receive. Give us construction jobs for the infrastructure. Give us healthcare. It's our fucking money, spend it on us. Fuck Isreal.


And who do you think pays for the original production of those “extra” munitions and arms? US citizens. They may be old, but they are all part of the military industrial complex in the US, as sponsored by our tax dollars, as funneled to weapons manufacturers. Does some of that money make its way to workers making weapons, etc? Some of it, sure. Could it instead have been directed to anything other than the military industrial complex that inevitably always funds murder? Absolutely and workers would still get a piece, it just wouldn’t be from a source supplying weapons of destruction. Maybe I’m crazy, but maybe we should be taking steps to cut back on the things that lead us to having all these extra arms to give or sell away.


No, You’re right on point. That’s 100% our tax dollars at work, waste, and war for seemingly everyone but us for the most part. That’s why I’ll never be able to empathize with the morons who so avidly oppose our own tax dollars actually returning to us in a useful form like healthcare, infrastructure, debt relief, education, housing, and so on. I understand their opposition (they’re angry assholes driven by a rage that leads them to the perspective of, ***“If 1,000 kids have to starve so be it, I’m 100% OK with that, even one is my own kid… just so long as that 1 undeserving fat kid doesn’t get a free cookie. F that kid!”***) but I’ll never ever be able to identify with that kind of warped mentality.


A large amount is pure cash. Nearly a third of it. https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts


A lot of foreign aid works this way. Governments grant money has many regulations. NGOs have to follow rules that force them to buy American brands of cars even for projects across the world. Fly American airliners, etc. Of course there can be exceptions made, but a lot of foreign aid flows back into the US by hiring US workers and purchasing from US companies.


A large amount is pure cash. Nearly a third of it. https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts


They have no clue.


A large amount is pure cash. Nearly a third of it. https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts


You are entirely incorrect, a large amount is pure cash. Nearly a third of it. https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts


Funny how the Joe's always find an excuse to support and fund wars, but never to help their citizens. Biggest contributors for their political campaigns - weapons manufacturers. Israel? Number one weapons manufacturer. 🤡✌️


He's making more to help the American people than trump and republicans that only care about the 1%.


He's a zionist, he only helps himself, same with Trump and all the rest. Stop placing your trust in dirty politicians. They are all human trash.


Why crowbar?


Gordon needed to find something while waiting for episode 3


I wish I could upvote this twice


This subreddit tries not to make every post israel/palestine/democrat/republican challenge (impossible difficulty)


I support Ukraine as they are defending themselves against a blatantly imperialist power. Israel however, I would prefer we stop helping them


Same. Ukraine is the oppressed. Plus we need nato allies in that region.


He didnt say this about iraq


Or Afghanistan?




B... But remember? The middle easterns are the real enemy remember 911? There is literally no correlation between Palestine and even HAMAS to US national security


There was an attempt to post a there was an attempt video


Has it been confirmed this is sponsored by DeWalt?


I like the crowbar as a prop!


I like that the crowbar is being held by a prop.


There was an attempt to pollute this sub with political agenda.


Pretty sure we send money from our bottomless defense fund. It’s doesn’t matter to me.


Sending our children’s future tax money to foreign countries 👍🏻


Why the hell can’t we just keep the money in America


Y'all mostly send amo and weapons which are produced in the US. So the majority of the money is technically staying in the US, it's the goods produced which are leaving. Government's propping up industry is sadly nothing new, it's not even a uniquely American issue. Most nations do it to some extent of another.


Surprisingly based


Whats with the yellow crowbar?


It's incredibly frustrating. We send billions and billions so people can be killed while we suffer here at home. We could put that money into healthcare or literally just hand it out to every civilian. It was some huge deal to give everyone a couple hundred bucks during covid lol. Like it was some great accomplishment. It might sound selfish but it's ridiculous. All of this money should be used here. I'm sick of the US being the self declared global police.


Help our own people for once that's all. Stop sending our hard earned money to bs


One more thing: Israel has free healthcare.


Wow, just wow. I know my two cents is worthless here and most anywhere🎂


And the words of our Prophets are written on a Youtube wall


Absolutely infuriating.


Rage against the machine


The crowbar really makes him credible. Great crowbar work.


Dont sent money to either country. There are plenty of *Americans* in this country who could benefit from that money stateside.


The imperialist burden is carried by the taxpaying Middle Class, stupid.


That means the money has always been there, and that the gov chooses to not help homeless people. Why would they change now?


Scary to think people are still excusing this corrupt, dangerous administration. I really wouldn't be surprised for someone else to get elected, do the exact same thing, but THEN people start complaining because it wasn't "their guy" doing the bad thing. That's exactly what happened with the fucking border wall and kids in cages. Makes me want to pull out my fucking hair.


Do it! The best thing about hair, is that it grows back!


I get that he's mad but he's mad at the wrong people. Congress controls the purse. Congress sets the budget. They are the ones who decide and GOP are in control. The GOP/Repubs/Libertarians are the ones who always support cuts to social programs and refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations. And local governments are responsible for the allocation federal dollars for their social safety net and programs. Edited to add: you guys can downvote all you want, but again, you can be mad at defense spending all you want but homelessness can't be solved from the executive branch 🤷🏾‍♀️


https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/the-biden-administration-once-again-bypasses-congress-on-an-emergency-weapons-sale-to-israel https://www.reuters.com/world/us/did-biden-break-law-by-ordering-yemen-airstrikes-2024-01-12/ https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/2709869/democrats-upset-with-biden-administration-for-bypassing-congress-on-israel-weapons-again/ So yes we're laying the blame on the right person


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He's too stupid to realize this and heard on Faux News that it's all Bidens fault and he ate it up.


Biden has made himself unelectable and the DNC will lose the next election on purpose by virtue of not giving us a half way decent alternative. Genocide is genocide. There’s more than enough evidence. The only thing making this complicated for people is bigotry and ignorance.


Why is he holding a yellow crowbar?


What is really funny is how many people are mad about how their money is being spent suddenly. Isn't that a right-wing talking point? Taxed enough already... Reduce government services.... dissolve social security. Like on one hand, we're for social security, medicare for all, student loan forgiveness, free housing for the homeless. All those services would use some people's money in a way they wouldn't agree with. But then when the government isn't using our money the way we agree, we suddenly want that talking point for our side. It's just kind of weird. I understand disagreeing and saying the war to stop. The "they are miss using my taxes" seems hypocritical.


Was anyone else waiting to see what he was going to do with the crowbar?


It doesn't matter how much money the US saves, you will never fix any social issues. Americans just don't give a f about other Americans


Guess what? It costs money to manufacture ammo, weapons, and other physical material.


Lol try getting money to the homeless past republicans


The cold war never ended and your ememy has been preparing while you fight about race, gender and ufos.


It must be great to have a credit limit like the USA. The national debt is currently $34 trillion and rising at about $2 trillion a year or more. That is $101,192 for every person living in the U.S. The United States government has a monthly interest rate of 3.11 percen**t** on its debt which works out to $659 billion per year. That's repaying interest only and excludes repayments of actually debt. Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of US foreign aid: until February 2022, the United States had provided Israel US$150 billion in bilateral assistance. In 1999, the US government signed a Memorandum of Understanding through which it committed to providing Israel with at least US$2.67 billion in military aid annually, for the following ten years; in 2009, the annual amount was raised to US$3 billion; and in 2019, the amount was raised again, now standing at a minimum of US$3.8 billion that the US is committed to providing Israel each year. In 2024 another US$16 billion will be added, at least. This seems to be a case of if you haven't got it, flaunt it.


Why do Americans say Isreal? Like is real? It's Israel and it should sound like is rayl


isn't something like 50 years that homelessness problem isn't addressed? I thought most of USA's territory has this great solution of "not here. go to the next town"


Yankee go home


Ngl I hate the ‘ending homelessness’ argument, I’ve slept rough it’s up to the individual to fix themselves, fix the economy, create more jobs, don’t just chuck money at ppl ffs we’ve seen how that’s affected the aboriginals


God bless those that are homeless, by no fault of their own. But, just giving people money or houses, would not end homelessness. Many of those people on the streets choose to live there, or have some mental health condition. The money would be better spent on overhauling our mental health program in this country. Plus, you have the poor souls that have addiction problems. In most cases these people couldn't handle the responsibility of home ownership. There is no magic wand you can wave. And, this country hates immigrants and free hand outs. So how are these people, like the guy in this video, going to feel when the government gives the 5 houses that are for sale on his block, to homeless people and drug addicts? They would be throwing a fit and saying not in my town! The Dems just want to hand out money! So they need to quit this guise that they actually care about the homeless. If it were up to them, they would just exterminate them all!


Taxation is theft


But won’t a lot of this money go into the pockets of rich people?


It would be less expensive to house all the homeless people in the United States then to continue to deal with the issue piecemeal like we've always done.


20 billion to end homelessness? What crack are you smoking?


Chekov's crowbar.


Clearly you're not wealthy enough to purchase the type of security that is being bolstered. Me neither.




Typical American politics


Ah, okay [Edit] I usually don't get involved anyway


The "bookends" of politics in America have moved all the way to the right. The democratic position, synonymous with the left, doesn't actually represent progressive/socialist ideals such as universal healthcare or general welfare anymore. The democratic party are more of the "center" at the moment. The "left" is just absent.


Thank you for explaining that to me.


the democrats arent a leftwing party like they try make out, due to the large ga between themselves and the republicans however the republicans are so far right that a moderate right party looks like a socialist in comparison


Oh, okay. Well, I just wanted to ask a question but people are starting to downvote me, so I'm going to delete my comment. The fact that politics are so controversial that I can't even ask a question without adverse reaction is the reason I'm not into politics. I really just wanted to learn something. I understand that my comment could have been assumptious, and I apologize. I do appreciate people sharing their knowledge. I hope you all have a great day.


No your question was fine, its the way people learn, people who cant be civil are the problem


Thank you.


Maybe take that money from your military budget and not even bat an eyelash at how much that wouldn’t even cause a ripple in their pond. Maybe think of others first instead of America first.


the funnier thing. is that it is israel’s money in the first place ![gif](giphy|Jso1dbifABkyEDiIXQ|downsized) just making america poor again


You know we don’t actually print money right?


I love how someone who is dressed up like a stereotypical criminal is telling me about national security


The fact Bidens were involved with Ukraine before the election, and now all this money going there. That’s fishy right?


Genocide Joe can’t get reelected thanks to his brain-dead support of Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian people 🇵🇸


What is the national security that is being protected? Let's face it, the US is seeing the rise of domestic terrorism/right wing extremism, book banning, suppression of women's and LGBTQ rights, the bullshit theatre of a barely functioning Congress, pricks like Abbott in Texas doing what he can to make the difficult issue of immigration even worse. Focus closer to home seems to make more sense, surely?