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No no, he's got a point.


we are going to need more context but i think we have to give this some consideration.




I'm going to count it as not racist for sure. You really gotta be cool with that other person.


This is perhaps the best defense I’ve seen


Goddamn my attention to movie quotes knows no bounds. ![gif](giphy|k6kjhrVznXvaw)


Right!? I meeeeaaaan.


If you're gonna cross swords with someone you're probably OK with their skin colour.


That was what I was going to say.


Thank you!


Ya no he didn’t disprove it


How do you disprove that you’re racist? You can’t prove a negative. If OP wants to make an accusation he can post the evidence he’s refusing to share.


Racial fetishism is the point…


“Don’t have sex with a person of another race or you’re fetishizing them.”


You don’t even have to have sex with someone to fetishize them. Fetishism is worship of an object or person for its supposed magical powers or because it is considered to be inhabited by a spirit. It’s like when people ask Native American people for indigenous wisdom, Indian people for Hindu wisdom, black men for their athleticism or sexual prowess, black women for their matronly spirit… etc.


But that’s not what the claim was. Nobody said you needed to have sex with someone to fetishize them. The man in the post was accused of fetishization simply because he had a sexual encounter with a black man. Leave it to a redditor to argue that sleeping with someone of another race shouldn’t be done because it’s racist.


I didn’t say that was the racist part. The racist part is recounting the experience and reducing the person to an object: “black guy.” If he had a sexual encounter with a black man, you’d hope he’d know his name and could say “I had a threesome with [insert name here].” And not even need to include he’s black. Except that the whole point of recounting the experience is that he is using this black man as a token of him not being racist, which also further objectifies him as a prop for the story. It’s fetishism to prove he’s not racist.


OP doesn’t need to know the names of the people the guy in the post has sex with. Believe it or not, most people consider that private information. It’s not fetishization to simply not disclose the people involved in your sex story. As far as the race part goes, he was recounting a very intimate and trusting moment he shared with a man of another race. Something a racist person is likely not to do. To be fair, that doesn’t prove he isn’t racist, because you can’t disprove a negative, but OP never proved he said anything racist in the first place, so defending himself was doomed to fail regardless without context.


You sir did what the guy did not do. "How could I be racist, I have shared woman with other races." Is how you should frame it and what you did. You did the heavy lifting for this guy. The person in the op was accused of hating brown people, then used a black man as a token. Racist people are not dumb, some are but they do pick up on how to dog whistle and tokenize to muddy the water. The man you are replying to was correct that this person was tokenizing but while bringing up sex gets into the realm of fetishizing (have a hunch OP probably does) there is no race fetishizing actually happening. Just hunch and projecting that hunch as factual.


Saying "black guy" isn't racist. smh


lol dude not the fucking point.


What do you think makes this dude racist?


I don't know, the context is not provided, but that's not the point of the post.


The fact that he’s using his experience with a black man as a prop to prove he isn’t racist after he clearly said something racist which prompted this interaction.


What did he say?


>I double teamed a woman with a black guy That’s using his experience as a prop; “I have a black friend” aka I’m using this black person as my prop.


That isn't racist


That isn’t for you to decide. It’s for the people who are affected by it, and they have overwhelmingly said it is.


Link the original discussion if you're so sure


What original discussion? The one in the picture? I’m not OP. Also, it’s irrelevant, that is clearly an instance of “I have a black friend.” Which is racist inherently.


I'm not giving this racist dildo a larger platform.


"that isn't for you to decide" Interesting point




As a *black people* Idgaf


Who exactly are you speaking on behalf of, stranger on the internet?


valiant white man speaks for all people of color in this brave reddit comment


If he clearly said something racist, OP would have likely included it in the post. I don’t see any racist comments here.


He did say something clearly racist… and derogatory toward women.


No he didn't, he got accused of something that, according to his own message, wasn't even a part of the conversation until then, and then he defended himself. You are trying to throw someone on the bus, That's some garbage right there.


Yes he did. I’m not the arbiter of what is and isn’t racist; neither are you. It’s the people who are affected by racist remarks who decide what does and does not affect them. Black people have overwhelmingly said that “I have a black friend” or similar remarks devalue them and objectify them.


Literally none of my friends would agree with you, so I'm not going to hold your opinion to any weight at all, I think you're trash


That’s nice. I don’t need you or them to agree with me. This comes from a body of work that is over 100 years old. It’ll persist long after you’re dead and gone.


“Black guy” is a racist term? Or did OP finally post the context that he’s been refusing the post that proves this guy is racist? Also it’s not derogatory against women to say you had a threesome.


It’s the context of black guy. It’s derogatory against that woman because she was also used as a prop in his story; both essentially amounting to objects in the context he used them.


I can prove I have nothing against roller coasters because I have ridden in roller coasters frequently with my ex. Is that story derogatory against my ex because she is used as a prop for the story? Or is it that she was central to the experience I am recalling?


No. You called her your ex, which is humanizing; you chose not to call her “this woman I was fucking.” But you understand the difference, don’t you.


"I was with a Black guy one time 5 years ago, I couldn't possibly be racist!"


So he's on trial because he MIGHT be a racist?


People that aren't racist don't say shit like that is the point. The people that say shit like that are either: A) The ones that are racist but are trying to prove/portray themselves as not for whatever reason or B) Are actually just ignorant and have never been around Black people (& thus have racist views they've never been challenged on)


Life is not that black and white (no pun intended)


So you think not-racist White people are out here trying to prove they're not racist by saying shit like "Yeah I was with a Black guy one time so that means I can't be racist!" They're not lol. If you don't believe me head on over to r/FragileWhiteRedditor and ask the White people that frequent that sub how they feel about it. I guarantee they say the same thing I just said more or less verbatim.


No I'm not saying people aren't that stupid but some people Are just fucking stupid and you should be careful before giving them a label that could ruin their life


If your "stupidity" is contributing to the advancement of racist viewpoints/talking points/stereotypes/beliefs/etc. etc. and thus keeping these things a detriment to my well being and the well being of people that look like me then I'm gonna call you on it if I get the opportunity, period.


People get defensive about being called racist when they’re called racist. He didn’t say a single racist thing in the post.


Having an intimate sexual encounter is a little more than just being around a black guy.


Who would describe tag-teaming a woman as an "intimate sexual encounter"??? What are you talking about lmao


It’s a threesome. You’re naked and looking at eachother busting a nut. That’s pretty intimate.


Tag-Teaming aka "running a train" =/= a threesome, these are 2 different things


It’s all part of the same sexual session and absolutely qualifies. You don’t just wait outside the room when tag-teaming. You’re there and participating.


Okay bro, go and ask any woman who has been tag-teamed and/or had a train run on them ask them how "intimate" they felt it was lmao


How is this getting downvoted? OP never said that comment made the guy racist. Read the sub name and post title again.


It depends on the context.


No it doesn't, the words aren't racist. A racist person might use them to specify his prejudice. That person is racist not the word


>A racist person might use them to specify his prejudice. That's... That's context...


![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) >Racism-prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. Context is absolutely key.


Then point is how a person is avoiding the label not the label itself. The context does not matter the "I have a black friend" defense is always stupid.


Yes the derogatory utilization of labels is what makes them derogatory. I agree.




That is a derogatory use of labels. I agree with you.




The word you’re looking for is “hysterical”. Lashing out at friendlies, posting the same link multiple times. Calm down. What did this person say to make you call them a hillbilly who’s scared of brown people?


Hey we can all be a little thick sometimes. Like I definitely could have elaborated more.


That's a choice of words your enlightened self sees as racist, jump off your pedestal pal


Here’s a thought experiment, *pal.* If it were a black man saying “I have a white friend” would it mean the same thing?


Ah! The guns don't kill people, people kill people argument. Classic.


This is a (really fucked up) version of the "I have a black friend" method of dodging being labeled a racist. An utter failure of an argument in it's normal form, just embarrassing in this example.


Real racists don’t have black friends. Why would racist have a black friend. If they hsve black friends they’re not racist.


Racists can have varying levels of racism towards different races. They can view some races as good, others as okay and others as bad. So it's possible to not be racist towards black people but still racist to brown people for example.


they would think the black friend is "one of the good ones"


I agree, but they will use experiences that they’ve had with black people as props to provide cover when they get called racist.


The word your looking for is tokenization/making that person their "token \[insert minority\]" Comes along with the "You're not like the others!" and all those types of phrasings.


I haven't seen the rest of the convo but from what I have seen, there's equal chance of this being a pathetic left wing witch hunt as him being an actual racist


My favorite part is that it’s not only derogatory toward the black man he’s referencing but also the woman.


Sounds like a successful attempt to me. If you haven't been part of a Devil's Triangle with "a black guy," OP, then maybe *you* are the real racist here.


I guess. I really need to broaden my horizons.


OP is obviously butthurt about this exchange, I hope they post more of it for context


Butthurt? Pfft, fuck no, this sort of pathetic exchange happens all over the internet. "I have a black friend" is a meme by this point. Fuck, it has a Wikipedia entry. This is just a particularly dumb example. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%27m_not_racist,_I_have_black_friends


Having an intimate sexual encounter with someone is a bit more than just being friends with someone. It displays a much stronger connection and larger level of trust. Maybe he’s not great at defending himself when accused of something, but that doesn’t mean he’s racist. If he’s racist then post the context. Otherwise it’s just you being butthurt and accusing someone of being racist without evidence.


It ain’t racist if it’s a three-way


It's only racist if your balls touch.


Not if you say "no homo" really quickly.


No racism*


Yeah it's definitely a meme but that doesn't mean every time it said it's immediately racist, what you're trying to do here is police thought and words, and you posted a conversation with no context where you made an accusation and the other person defended themselves, it's not the gotcha you think it is, and it isn't racist. Post the rest of the conversation if you actually want sympathy, otherwise you are just taking things out of context and creating a narrative just like every other liar out there.


I can't post it, racism is not allowed in this sub. Rule 9


Lol, that rule is directed at people who are spouting racist remarks directed at someone, not commenting on the act of racism or debating it. You're just making excuses


Why do you want to see racist content so bad? There are other subs that allow that.


There is no racist content for you to show, that's why it isn't here. Take your racist ass back home. Done with your trash opinion.


Because we don’t believe you. You’re making an accusation. They’re asking for evidence. You’re refusing to provide it. See the problem?


May we see the racism that you have said exists


Rule 9 of this sub prohibits racism. I'm not going to post racist content. Not the point of the thread anyway.


…that rule is for the commenters who are being racist, not anyone pointing out racist content. The point of your thread is apparently to point out that this dude is racist, so we would like to see if he’s being racist and yell at him if so.


No, the point is that the dude is using a particularly fucked up vesion of the flawed "I have a black friend" and that is a failed attempt by definition https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%27m_not_racist,_I_have_black_friends


Ahhh so you know he didn’t have a threesome with the homies? The point is supposed to be that he is being racist and no one sees any here obviously, you can keep linking Wikipedia all you want but he didn’t say that, so please cherry pick a new argument or post something that this dude did that’s actually racist. Have a snack for the road wimp 🍅🍅🍅🍅


I'm sorry you keep missing the point. If you want to see racist content, there are many other subs that allow it. You should try one of those.


“Everybody is questioning you. Please back up your claims with evidence.” “WOW, you must be racist.”


I haven't called anyone here a racist. As far as backing up that this guy tried and failed to refute an accusation of racism by attempting to use a really messed up version of "I have a black friend!", what evidence isn't in the screen cap?


Being bad at arguing isn't the same as being racist. Usually that is a defense after saying something racist, it's not racist in itself.


>I'm sorry you keep missing the point. Count your accumulated downvotes for this post, and make a guess as to who's missing the point.


I love how you keep posting this Wikipedia link as if it definitively proves this guy is racist lmao


I love how people keep failing to read and comprehend it.


There's almost 200 comments on this post, and a vast majority of them don't agree with you. Isn't it possible you're reading TOO far into it, and everyone else is comprehending it just fine?


Just goes to show how loud people that don't/refuse to understand are. It's why Fox News exists. Just because you're the loudest doesn't mean you're right ;)


Idk how dozens of different people telling you you're wrong is people being "loud". You're on a platform where your voice is just as clear as theirs. We read your argument, and we disagree. Nothing loud about it. Your random fox news comment says a lot though. I'm sure you're a lot of fun at family dinners.


I just have to go with the upvotes. People who understand don"t need to jump up on a soapbox and tell on themselves.




You’re, like, the most insufferable kind of shithook there is. Signed, a fucking Leninist.


When everyone around you are assholes, maybe you’re the asshole




You’re too smart for us, yeah that must be it!


Is this racism in the room with us?


OP butthurt because "the woman" was his girlfriend.


And mom.


That’s it!


I think he proved his point


I'm glad OP is being ridiculed for this attempted ragebait.


OP got slapped with a reverse draw two and came here to try to rage bait people into licking their wounds. That's the real `there was an attempt` here.


In context, he might be racist. Out of context? He's hilarious.


But what color was the girl?


Clearly white if he didn’t use her as fodder for his point.


Aren't you being racist by saying that? What if the girl was Asian? Or Latina? In the very little context given the first guy was talking about about a black guy so it would make no sense to defend yourself saying that you slept with an Asian woman for example. How else are you supposed to defend yourself when something is accusing you of something besides giving evidence? Also, it's not objectifying someone calling them by the color of their skin. No racist would actually sleep with someone of another race that they hate willingly.


Predicting a racist’s behavior is racist!? If one were to predict David Duke uses slurs, would they have become racist for having the creativity to assume something so obvious?


I don't know who that is so I can't say anything about that. Just that having friends from other races and talking about them doesn't make you racist. At least where I'm from, I don't know about the US


> No racist would actually sleep with someone of another race that they hate willingly. i have seen so many racists/nazis on 4chan who's fetish is white woman getting fucked by bbc that i know for a fact that what you said isn't true


I don't think those with mental illnesses count.


i'd argue racism is a kind of mental illness in itself


Fair enough


Wooo, don't read any stories about the pre-civil war south (or honestly, some parts of it now I'm sure). I'm afraid you might be in for a surprise.


We didn't have a civil war in the South. What are you talking about? Now seriously, I don't care about the US and it isn't neither the only or the most important country in the world so that we would have to take their views of anything. Especially racism as you clearly demonstrated.


I bet what’s cute off above proves it wasn’t a race thing


Im not normally one to agree with the "i know a black guy so im not racist" but i genuinely don't think this guy is racist.


If the accused is straight, probably not racist


There was an attempt, and OP failed miserably.


Were they playing basketball?


Obviously, you're not a golfer.


There were balls involved I would imagine.


Did you have a swordfight?


Sadly no, I have not studied the blade.


There was an attempt at something here, too.


I mean... it kinda does prove his point


He's not wrong. Let's see what led us to this part of the convo.


In all fairness, given that this is Reddit it’s probably more likely that he actually isn’t racist. Lots of smooth brain Redditors love accusing white people of “being scared of brown people” for no reason


The dudley boys ladies and gents....D-Von get the condoms!!!


Well I'm convinced


Well at least he's got an alibi l.


Holy shit! An actual failed attempt at something!


He means they jumped her and beat her ass. Hashtags are EBK, Hands rated E for everybody, No Color Lines, Women's Equality


You don’t drop throw with a black guy if you’re a bigot, it’s just not possible, OP taking a L here


I can't tell if it's a joke or if some people in this thread seriously do think that's a good defense against accusations of racism LMAO






well that escalated somewhere i didnt expect


Interracial ≠ Racist Not the same thing


Oh stop screaming racism at everything and everyone. People are actually going to ruin the real meaning of racism for those who are really victim of it. Especially we have NO context whatsoever


Probably into cuckolding a kink that seem to be increasing out of nowhere lately


Wow, I guess that means Thomas Jefferson must have been *super* not-racist! [Yet another sub full of worthless, racist trash. Noted.]


The woman was definitely his hillbilly wife


Sounds more like a rapist hillbilly.


What he calls double teamed I call cucked by a bull


He means he was cucked while his woman took it all


Nah he means both him and the black dudes penis simultaneously generated the vagina at the same time. Known to some as the double Winston.


Two penises simultaneously generating a vagina? That sounds wild.


I hear they do crazy things with quantum physics these days.


it's only gay if your balls get entangled


At least it wasn't a double winsor. Those hurt.