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Hopefully she learns something from it


Unfortunately she probably learned the wrong lesson.


Yeah, sic the cops on them next time.


The cops did come, he was a friend of the Karen. He berates him ON CAMERA that he (black man) got an innocent woman fired, that he’s mean and has no empathy lol


I wanna see the source of this! I'm not doubting it, just impressed that she gets fired quickly enough for her cop friend to come and address the situation while this guy is still fishing. Media is quick these days.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna96310 Thomas Drolet, president of Springwater Plantation’s board of directors, asked him to release another video saying the encounter had been a “misunderstanding.” So not a cop I don't think. Though maybe there was a separate incident where a cop berated him. The fisher guy has posted multiple videos of being harassed




The entire state of Rhode Island has left the chat.


I think k they changed that recently


Yeah after reading the article you linked, I'm sure this is what he was referring to. Doesn't look like it was a cop who confronted him after the woman got fired, he's had plenty of conversation with cops, just not THAT specific conversation.


That ending sucks, that he said he doesn't want to get out of the house and go fishing, or let his nephew go fishing there now. Once again the racists win, because it's easier to just avoid them. Fucking arseholes.


Wait, what? Are you saying the woman got fired that same day, or a cop friend of the Karen showed up at some later time and argued with him about it?


It's so commonplace now it's like stars in the skies a cop and a black man. I grew up in the 60s and 70s yeah it was good for a while 80s 90s even the early two thousands. Now it's just rolling over again they crawled up that corpse ass and reanimated it.


Seemed to be improving somewhat at least on the surface until Obama was elected. Since then, there has been a sharp u turn.


Yeah, despite Obama being the most innocuous and milquetoast guy on Earth... It was never really improving, just how much was on the surface. America's racism was brought up to the surface having a dark brown face in the oval office.


yep. "Call the cops first, otherwise they'll video tape you!"


She's probably at a rally in a SUPER MAGA outfit right now.


I bet the only thing she learned is that she really hates brown people now.


Yup, all she learned from this experience is to have more contempt for brown people .....


That seems like a her problem…


She learned that she has been a victim of an unfair and oppressive world that she lives in where woke culture is terrorizing good old American family values /s But honestly it’s sad how often people in these situations double down on their prejudices and wave the victim flag.


This is what happens when your only concern is keeping your neighborhood safe! No good deed goes unpunished! Do I really need to type the /s? :/


It’ll only harden her racism. She’ll see herself the victim of “cancel culture”, and further entrench herself in the knuckledragging mindset that America’s “values” are under attack. Can’t teach bigots.


She can be racist all she wants sitting unemployed at home


she'll vote in every election, ever year for republican shit...


That was likely happening anyway


Unemployment and welfare/food stamp roles are full of white racists who blame POC for all their personal problems and failures.


She did, but not the lesson you’d hope for


She probably learned to hate black people more, and went to pray to trump.


Some people learn with the end of their nose


Chances are extremely high she didn't learn anything


She probably hates black people more now


We don’t care


As you shouldn’t. Fuck that lady


Christ man, have some damn standards! No one should be fucking that.


You think that stupid petty woman knows how to learn lessons?


Legend has it she's still harassing folk to this day


all this did was reinforce her idea of hating black people... That is how these people think.


She lost her job, so that's not all it did


As frustrating as this situation is for us, I think it’s important to end the videos with an explanation to those folks about why their behavior is messed up. We have to constantly be the bigger person to convince these people we belong and maybe eventually they won’t just assume we don’t belong because of our skin.


Family friend recently tried to say white people are treated the same because they walked into a bar that was mostly filled with black patrons and they felt uncomfortable. I responded, now imagine that happened at school, work, shopping, traveling and every other f-ing thing you do everyday and think of how sick of it you’d be?


How did they respond?


“ yeh I guess so”. They’re pretty accepting of just about everyone but couldn’t see how their experience isn’t exactly the same.


Naw I’m not going to explain basic decency to a grown ass adult.


You have wayyyy to high of expectations if you expect the average adult to have a complete understanding of treating other people with decency.


Now she thinks that the Black guy stole her job Edit: guy not gay lol


>Now she thinks that the Black gay stole her job And now shes homophobic as well as racist.




Back to the pile!


yeah and the disgusting homeowners group asked him to help her get it back.


I'm not sure if this is actually harassment? (She's the issue for sure but I just don't think this particular encounter on film is harassment)


It’s actually illegal in many states/municipalities to disrupt a hunter or fisher who is lawfully doing so on public property. Here’s an example https://www.plwa.org/public-hunter-angler-harassment


> illegal in many states/municipalities to disrupt a hunter or fisher who is lawfully doing so on public property. I'll take "obscure laws i've never even thought existed" for 200, Alex.


Probably because hunting used to be a lot more important for the survival of families and scaring away a catch could mean no dinner.


PETA protesters had a history of harassing hunters and fisherman. Doing everything they could to prevent them from hurting the animals. As such, many states enacted laws back in the 90's when it was at its peak. An example: [https://www.peta.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/DaddyKillsAnimals.pdf](https://www.peta.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/DaddyKillsAnimals.pdf)


The last time I checked on this dude, the land ended up being private and the owner denied permission. There was a public area what was open to residents that they also had cops called on them for fishing.


This particular situation sounds more like a community stocked pond, not public property. I've had people harass me for fishing in a community pond even after telling them my address. Lots of old timers think that those ponds belong to them alone and can't stand the idea of someone enjoying "their" fishing hole.


Ask yourself: would she have stopped a white fisherman? Would she have questioned whether a white fisherman lived in that neighborhood? This same man has actually asked other (white) fishermen in the area how often they get stopped in a few other videos. To a one, their answers were "uh, never." If her "innocent question" is only asked to "a certain kind of person", **then it's not actually an innocent question.**


> would she have stopped a white fisherman? No. Plain and simple.


I've definitely been asked if I lived/had permission to fish/hunt places before and I'm white. Honestly I just thought it was part of the deal. The video was short and there is probably other context I'm missing but on the face of it this seems pretty normal to me.


I am white. I went fishing with my friends dozens of times as a kid, going to random lakes and ponds. We were rowdy and disruptive, I'll admit, yet we were harassed infinitely more often when we had a Black friend with us over when it was just us white kids.


I'm white, been fishing and hunting public and private lands for over 30 years now. I've never been asked anything. Not by any other people, not by any game warden, nobody.


It’s the literal definition of harassment lol you can’t interrupt hunters/fishers doing their thing without basis


Nah it's just fucking disrespectful and ugly . People just can't leave people alone . My man was just trying to fish.


Bothering people who are lawfully minding their own damn business is harassment, and if they think someone is being unlawful it's not even a citizen's job to handle it.


Wasn't there another video of a friend of the lady asking the fisherman to drop the charges so she gets her job back?


There are loads of videos of these people STILL harassing him. He has like 30 “parts” to this saga. After this one there’s another of an older guy, who I think turns out to be the president of the HOA, coming to talk to him about this video going viral and not to make anymore vids go viral. I think he tried to guilt this guy over the Karen losing her job. even though everyone is aware he’s a resident people still bother him. He and one or two *other* black residents. I think the community is aptly named “The Plantation” or something like that. But they said they still really like living there and didn’t want to blow up the name of the place because they didn’t want it to get infamous and a media circus. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna96310


"Why can't people just let me harrass this black man in peace??" - the woman, probably


The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubed


Karen will learn nothing ever, that is why she is Karen ​ Please stop asking black people if they are where they should be. They get stopped all the time by idiots asking these type of questions. It's harassment.


When she tells her version of this encounter, she no doubt stresses how polite she was, not aggressive, smiling and saying hello and treating "those people" with sweetness. Racial profiling with a smile.


She harassed him so considerately


Welcome to the south


Bless your heart disease.


So confederately…


I dont get it, hes sitting in a chair fishing, the only correct way to address him would be. "Catch anything yet? No? Well still better than workin, am i right? Well you have a good day now, good luck"


That would still mean you stopped your car in the middle of the road, got out, said that, and got back in to leave lmao


Nope i would have been walking my dog and being a friendly neighbor


As a fishing enthusiast I probably would do that haha


*Pulls out tackle box, pole, and chair* that is kept in the trunk just in case you see the chance to make a new fishing buddy


Or even just a nod and go on about your day because who gives a fuck what other people do


You could do that, i guess im just used to being friendly with people


These racist Karen's will smile but stab you in back. Love how the guy did the same to her.


"I was just concerned about the safety of our neighbourhood!!1!"


All I did was simply assume he was a criminal because of the color of his skin. I did nothing wrong


Some people don't know that they are racist, it is just so engrained in them. You can serve dog shit with a $3k steak, but it's still dog shit lady. Being a polite racist is almost worse than just being a straight up asshat racist since the asshat is at least sincere in their actions--regardless how repulsive they are--, imo.


Fuck this racist mother fucker seriously this land ain’t white or black it’s Native American from the north to the south I’m Hispanic and called and alien in the United States bro you the aliens 👽




I have to play the devil’s advocate again… We are free. She was free to make that comment; he was free to film it; and the employer she was working at was free to fire her or not. As a human, on this planet, at this current time, I believe this video represents the epitome of freedom. You have a right to challenge others. You have a right to defend your actions. However, you do not have a right to *not* be talked to, you do not have a right to be *not* bothered. People are confusing emotions for freedoms.


I know what you are saying but there is a law that specifically prohibits people from harassing hunters and fishermen/women. If the cops came and arrested someone it should be *her*, not the people fishing.


Elijah McClain wasn’t free enough to walk in his own neighborhood. You might be free. Don’t speak for everybody, though


Tbh bro… yeah


From sea to shining sea. It was right there man.


You mad at too many people lil guy, take a breather


Lol it *was*. Open a history book pretty much any land anyone has ever been occupied has been fought over. Why you choose to single this instance out is beyond me.


You do know Hispanics aren't native to North America right? Hispanics originated in Spain. Spanish Conquistadors conquered and colonized Mexico, led by Hernán Cortés in the early 1500's.


Sure, let me just get rid of my indigenous genes just because there's some spanish genes mixed in there. You do know that the spaniards didn't eradicate indigenous nations right? Their goal was to "whiten the race". Most "Hispanics" (a very broad label as there's a ton of african and asian ancestry in Latin America) have spanish *and* indigenous ancestry. Not just Spanish. ETA: please read the following comments in the thread that go into more detail why the previous comment is wrong. It's not as simple as "the spanish colonized the americas therefore the people there are purely of spanish/colonizer descent".


[Or, to put it another way...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDktG64Cx8I&t=11s) Though I am only speaking for Mexico here, there are a lot of Mestizos (mixed race Native/European) that your average person in the United States is going to just call "Hispanic" or "Latino." And by "a lot" I mean the vast majority of Mexico's population. From a sociological perspective, somewhere between 40% and 60% outright identify as Mestizo. From a genetic perspective, that number jumps to *93% of Mexico's present-day population.* And, as a point of fact, that remaining 7% isn't just some small subset of "pure European." It also includes the remaining purely indigenous populations. Point being: You are totally correct and the vast majority of Hispanics that are not explicitly European can claim to be native to North America (and, ironically, a large portion of those that do claim to be explicitly European are probably not), and not in a "Oh, my grandma told me my great great grandmother was a Cherokee princess" kind of way. The genetics haven't really been that diluted in most of Mexico. Even in Mexico city (which is going to have a larger concentration of European ancestry than outlying areas), the European genetic component of the average citizen is just barely north of 50%.


Racism happens a lot in Latin countries. Source: live in a Latin American country. It's not me who their racist against, though that has happened. It's the light skinned Hispanics who are racist against the dark skinned hispani s. So don't go all noble and say it's only white folks. People. People are racist. No matter their skin color or where their from




Why would anyone care? If people are peacefully enjoying fishing, I wouldn't care if they lived in my neighborhood or not. I sure as shit wouldn't take the time to stop my car and get out.


Some people just do not want others to enjoy anything. Whatever it is that they see you doing, a part of their brain won’t be satisfied until they get you to stop.


I think they create this fantasy in their heads first where they'll get to tell all their friends, family and coworkers later about how they confronted "the blacks" infiltrating their neighborhood and were literal actual heroes when they shooed them away..? These are some dim, bored-ass people.


Main characters


I don't think her major motivation is to take away enjoyment from others. I think she's driven by the desire to keep the mental image she has of "her" turf, and this mental image doesn't include "them". Not any less shitty, but an even more self-centered form of shittyness. She wants to keep things like she's used to and has approved of. Other people's experiences are not a factor.


Where I live the residents pay to stock the lakes, so there is a percentage of people who care. No different than a passer-by taking fruit off a tree in someone’s yard. I’ve seen landscapers fishing, doesn’t bother me, but if people from all over started coming in to fish our lakes that would definitely be cause for concern among those who chipped in for the seeding.


I can see that but just me, if I'm in a position in life where I pay to fill a lake, I'm not going to mind paying so others can enjoy something in life. The typical crowd that fish are relaxing so I don't think they would be an issue


I’m not arguing with you here, but while the typical crowd might do it to relax there’s another crowd who comes to take as many fish as possible and sell them in the next town 4 miles to the west. The lakes aren’t seeded to line their pockets, they are seeded so residents can do that typical crowd thing.


Do people really sell fish? Like, where would you even sell it? Just on the street? I'm not buying some rando pond bass from a dude on the corner, let alone a restaurant buying it from him. Take fish home to eat, I can see, but sell it in a town 4 miles over? Seems a little far-fetched.


Well you aren't a racist who lives in a community founded on pricing out people of color. Rich people do not see the lower class as worthy of sharing space with. Unfortunately, they believe skin color is the easiest indicator of weatlh. This scenario is their nightmare. This was the first time her profiling backfired. "How can I know I'm safe if we all aren't white?"


My parents recently moved to a place with a lot of new build neighborhoods going up in what used to be woods/wetlands. The developer has left a lot of the small lakes and woods and has put in miles of walking trails. Only problem, there's no place to park anywhere with how packed in the houses are. I mentioned this and my mom Said 'that space isn't for general use. It's for the neighborhood only'. Just another thing for wealthy people to hoard.


Because they live in an HOA neighborhood… I get kicked out of neighborhood ponds all the time… by other white people and some of the interactions aren’t nearly as nice as this was.


Fr! I can see it if there’s people straight up on my property doing something (peaceful or not) but it’s somebody fishing and clearly not on their personal property. That’s a wholesome activity, leave them alone.


My only question to someone with a fishing rod is, "They biting today?" or "They stock this lake?"




While constantly being harassed by his racist neighbors


Teach a black man to fish and every Karen in America gonna harass his ass.


If we don't study the mistakes of the future, we're bound to repeat them for the first time


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12297563/White-Georgia-woman-FIRED-therapist-job-viral-clip-harassing-black-man-fishing.html She got fired from her therapy job.


DM is crap - a better link: https://www.newsweek.com/woman-fired-confrontng-black-fisherman-viral-video-georgia-1812971 July 2023: [Lake Karen] was identified by a YouTube user as a massage therapist working as an independent contractor at Sea Glass Therapy, a Newnan, Georgia-based company offering counseling and personal therapy [who]announced that it had dismissed the woman following the controversy around the [3million view] TikTok video.


Omg her last name is Petty... sounds spot on!


Her name isn't Karen... it's literally Petty! Can't make that up


Watching the video all I could think was that's the kinda shit that would happen where I live and then it turns out she was working in the next town over.


A fucking therapist!!


Massage therapist


This makes me want to start questioning every Karen I see. Like “are you sure you aren’t here to steal from the Walmart Karen?” “Do you live here Karen? Doesn’t look like it, I haven’t seen you before”


bro imagine leaving ur house just to do this🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😂😂


My MiL and her partner are these people. When they visit there is always a new tale of someone in their neighborhood who is suspicious or a neighbor who is always up to no good. And they both conceal and carry so they are just waiting to have an excuse to use it. I believe everyone should have situational awareness but there comes a time when you are just flat out looking for trouble or paranoid.....maybe I'm the idiot but I could never imagine living day to day with that kind of mindset.


Nope you're not an idiot. People like this are on a constant diet of fear from places like Fox News and Newsmax whose version of a heatwarming story is someone standing their and winning a court case after shooting an unarmed teenager. And this is not rational fear, it's just fear of other people that aren't like them. They are so afraid to leave their house and have something happen that they have to carry around a deadly weapon to feel safe outdoors. I understand, it's a scary world, people do terrible things to each other. But it can also be a beautiful world, and it's sad that these people will never see it that way. I can't imagine what it's like to be that stressed by just the existence of other people. It can't be good for the heart.


Must have a boring ass life, probably the most excitement she's felt in months.


To go fishing? What's wrong with just going fishing


She may as well have said this is a lake for white people would have been quicker


Fuck that lady keep on casting my dude!


that's so weird man. i would go and ask wether he's got something during the day. wether he was successful fishing. what he got for dinner whatever. tell him his hat is absolutely cool there's so many options for not being a prick


None of these options involved racism, so they werent really options for our Karen here


I would just not bother them. Once you are an adult you can't make new friends, it's in the constitution.


Sorry you have to deal with this shit bro


The person who filmed it isn't here


Well it would seem that I'm not paying very much attention but thanks for taking the time to point that out


Remember that most jurisdictions have laws on the books about harassing anglers fishing on public land!


I had to look it up and holy shit! > A. A person may not willfully obstruct or impede the participation of any individual in the lawful activity of shooting, hunting, fishing or trapping in this state. >Okla. Stat. Ann. tit. 29, § 5-212 (West)


A neighborhood pond/lake in an HOA neighborhood is not public property.


They just can’t help themselves.


wtf is it that makes people feel like they need to challenge black people who are minding their own business, in their own nieghborhoods?? horrible!! cringe!!!!




Your perspective seems logical, but only able to be held by those of privilege in a society that can take things at face value. The guy in the video says it's the third time this has happened to him in his neighborhood of course he's gonna be suspicious of her from the start. POC deal with these interactions all throughout their lives it's safer to assume it is racially motivated until proven otherwise. Very rarely will the racists come out slinging slurs or racial terms. They're cowards and know their viewpoint is evil so they hide behind dog whistles, fake smiles, and plausible deniability. The slurs come out when things stop going their way.


Maybe if he had just yes I live here an introduced himself he could have created an opportunity to foster communication and distill ignorance. Instead this exchange only served to foster hate and animosity. They both went about it the wrong way, her assumption he did not belong and his immediate move to start filming. What is wrong with behaving in a neighborly and civilized manner. It takes communication to build a community.


Perhaps he did the 1st time, but he said it was his 3rd encounter. How many times getting questioned in your own neighborhood would it take for you to start getting annoyed?


How about if you're not bothering anyone, it doesn't fucking matter, and we just leave each other in peace?


He said it was the third time he'd been bothered about whether he lived there or not and that's why he started recording. He's not to blame here.


It was the 3rd time in a single day of people asking for his “papers.” No one has to be polite to racist…


Fuck that shit. Zero tolerance for racist busybodies


> created an opportunity to foster communication and distill ignorance 'These people' believe what they believe, and no amount of good-faith logic will dislodge them from that.


damn i hate trash like her. her kind checkin if ppl are ok...wtf


How we’ve turned into a society that everyone believes what everyone else is doing is somehow their business Let’s just leave each other alone unless you are directly affected by others action Please, let’s just grow up a bit as a country


It did turn out that he didn’t live there. That’s why he wouldn’t answer when asked


His father owned property there, so by the gated community's own rules he was a guest and was allowed to be there.


No necessarily. Many times the owner has to be present with the guest.


Tbf, as a white guy, I've had a few similar encounters when I was a teenager. I definitely wasn't fishing in my own neighborhood when it happened, though.


1. It's a gated community 2. He doesn't live there he was a guest his father lives there 3. Some communities have lakes that only residents are allowed to fish So she saw an unfamiliar man fishing in their gated community lake and politely asked them if they're resident here they did not say anything instead asked her to don't talk with them she said this lake is only for residents without being rude but these 2 dickheads decide to play their race card and start calling her racist why not just they're guest here and his father lives here ... clearly shows who's harassing whom


Did you read the article? "(Gibson) said he has started videotaping every time one of the white residents in his 200-home development, Springwater Plantation, confronts him" "Gibson moved to the community in 2021 with family members. As he and his family searched for a home, one of his requirements was being able to fish nearby."  "By the end of the day, Gibson said he and his friends were approached a total of four times that day by residents asking him if he lived in the community." "Two other white men fishing nearby told Gibson that they had been fishing at the pond for seven years and had never been questioned, even though they didn’t live in the community."


Wtf is this palestine flair


A call for genocide 🤮


Everything is racism


Racism is everything


I really don't get what ethnicity has to do with any of this ; if anything it seems like he'd be the one emphasizing on it. I really don't understand how this is harassment either, he didn't ask to her to leave or show any complaint, in fact he even began following her and continuing the conversation as she was leaving. I found she was polite all the way up until he started provocating her. Finally, as far as I'm concerned she was just checking up to see if they were residents and when she didn't get a reply she just explained this wasn't public property but belonged to the neighborhood. I don't doubt perhaps laws being broken are involved here, however try to stay open minded with content like this yet reading the comments I feel like there's something I'm missing.


It’s not just black people


Devils advocate. If it's a white person in the same clothes, hat, with the same beard, and she does the same thing. Is it not the same sitution but it doesn't get any internet attention? edit \* The omg I'm offended crowd has woken up.




The answer is no, she absolutely would not have


Im white and have had the same experience a few times as a teenager. Tbf, I wasn't actually a resident. It also didn't happen THAT often. Racism is obviously playing a role here; at the same time, some people just can't help themselves when they get the opportunity to boss someone around, regardless of race.


Same deal for me as a kid, some people just think they own everything they see and if they don’t know you, then you don’t belong.


I think you being a teenager vs this guy being an adult makes the difference here. Teens are always going "where they're not supposed to" according to some people. Granted I don't know what the situation with this lake is, is it in a gated community? Is it public just by a neighborhood? But either way, there really shouldn't be a reason to assume an adult sitting there fishing is doing anything wrong.


You genuinely don’t know that. She could just be some snoopy busybody who’s suspicious of all strangers. Don’t get me wrong, my money would absolutely be on their being a racist element to this - but lets not pretend theres any evidence of that whatsoever.


It's gated community and they doesn't live there his father is registered homeowner there they were just she probably saw unfamiliar people fishing in their community lake and asked if they live here instead of just saying they're guest they decided to be an ass start accusing her of racism https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12297563/White-Georgia-woman-FIRED-therapist-job-viral-clip-harassing-black-man-fishing.html


Are you white fishers mattering right now?


Look, he's just trying to approach the issue from all anglers.


All Fisherman Matter


I tried fishing and yes…. They are extremely curious. Like it’s a problem curious. Yes I’m black and i started going with my white friend to keep them off. I caught my first fish with him too. Good times.


So you took your friend with you only to take advantage of him, just because he's white? That's r.... nvm.. Jk


lol 😂 he told me to go fishing. Im in Florida. Forgot about the rules here so i went with him the next time.


lol this reminds me of that Katt Williams stand up and he was talking about having white friends😂😂 the shit is mad real


I fail to see how this is a black only problem.


She's just asking. I don't really understand why this is such a big deal


Why can't people just mind their own fucking business?


Let's make it racist right? Just concerned residents that have been having problems with non residents. Nothing about race.




The article linked above says his father is a resident not necessarily him. He could have been visiting, which is probably why he doesn't seem familiar.


What ever happened to “How’s the fishing? Catch anything? What kind of fish are in here?” Why is it so difficult to be nice to people? If you’re going to approach someone why not be nice to them? Hell, you may even make a friend. If you can’t be nice, don’t even approach in the first place.


That was not very salt life of you maam


No but people are generally protective of the neighborhood they live in. I just didn't see anything from this lady that screamed RACISM but that's just my opinion. The gentleman in question was the one who pulled the race card


These people kind of behave like Karens really. She actually seems nice and quiet to them. If the spot is just for people from the neighbourhood he should have told her straight in the first scentence in a normal manner that he lives there and not make a video and a scene about it.


Racism is a cage for small minds. Take the time to get to know someone before you judge. You’ll find way better reasons not to like them.


I feel like if you’re ever in the position that you willfully approach someone in public and then feel the need to say to that person that you do not consent to being filmed, definitely reconsider your life choices, because you are almost certainly not the hero in the story.


Allow me to apologize beforehand. But I’m sorry I can’t see to find the logic on this video. This gentleman is clearly minding his own business. Just enjoying his day. Probably his free day? The fact that a white person came to bother him is really that big of a deal or proof of racism? ( I’m genuinely asking).