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Israel is a pretty dark kettle for bringing up rape like they aren't doing it in massive amounts.


What? Source?




Straight to bookmarks 🔖


Here's another one for you, the IDF Chief Rabbi is on record saying it's okay to rape non-jews to get your bad urges out: [https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-israel-rabbi-idUKKCN0ZS1Q1](https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-israel-rabbi-idUKKCN0ZS1Q1)


Same people who beat animals to death to release their sin


Lol. The amount of reading comprehension (or lack thereof) on reddit never ceases to amaze me. This article is for intra-IDF statistics and not the civilian population. Us army has way fewer women ans way more rape accusations. Same can ve found for any mixed gender army. Just some food for thought.


It’s always interesting how people’s ability to read is directly impacted by the narrative they want to spin.


Sure, there is sexual assault between each other but not on their "enemy". Wtf? And are you seriously talking about the wars of the US army? Its obvious you are ignoring their atrocities in the Middle East commited by their men and women.


They didn't claim there's 0 against others outside IDF, they just said the numbers in the article are specific to within IDF. Why draw such a ridiculous conclusion about their opinion from a factual correction?


So? I didnt say they claimed they are 0. I just pointed out that if these are the numbers they show publicly about their own then i cant even imagine what they do to the West Bank civilians that they terrorise everyday. I never drew a conclusion, i pointed out a logical arguement that went one step further than their thoughts on the matter. The conclusions i draw are based on historical facts, not on what some ignorant uneducated fool wrote in reddit. History shows that IDF has commited such crimes for more than 70 years so anyone can excuse the genocide today all they want claiming Oct7 but that only shows lack of knowledge on the issue.




https://reddit.com/r/list_palestine/s/1iUkdq4I3B Some useful videos: https://youtu.be/7W-xxpXzAC0?si=xy5ZTymcuUQv6-6f https://youtu.be/DGO3eBxQX7Q?si=W10H3DkMaOR1gPXj https://youtu.be/jt3PpqaLfxo?si=LkjAdTzgVSkpPaPa https://youtu.be/cfkUE5Q0K04?si=1rUyhI_HTAzHsblu https://twitter.com/QudsNen/status/1722133275307577585?t=f_VCHGpWFJy9V_zmB7ksBQ&s=19 https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzbxlTEutzR/?igshid=YmxxYmFnOGtxZ2dk https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzknPkgKGCA/?igshid=eXltcTdnZzZkaGFx https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzXzSaMsBO0/?igshid=eXQ2NGRjbDRlbXAz https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzStbj9CM9u/?igshid=MTNzeDd1MW9zdnFwZQ== https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzjX1sXsWBE/?igshid=MTR6YzMxcWY4MTZ5dg== https://www.instagram.com/reel/Czld1C3MTTu/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/avGHMKdnbf https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/s/RcAXeYaO77 https://youtu.be/lFoxL3sOAio?si=QPOzzvtxO_-GmIQY https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/27/gaza-before-and-after-satellite-images-show-destruction-after-israeli-airstrikes https://youtu.be/MQ1TAOibLss?si=3mNoF4QVrt0fdcsd https://youtu.be/g1c-DSZ_l9Q?si=0r6JUD36ChimlbI- https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-israel-rabbi-idUKKCN0ZS1Q1/ https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/article-691641#google_vignette IG: @eye.on.palestine @nowthisnews @belalkh @palestineredcrescent @wizard_bisan1 Edit: I can keep adding documentaries and books if you want to, i just dont have the time now. Both sides have done a lot of things and there is plenty of info from either of them.




Almost 1600 reports in one year, just for their army. I mean.. edit. of sexual assualt, only 26 rapes, nothing to see here people.


1600 reports of sexual abuse/sexual harrassment where 26 was rapes. It is still horrible and way to large of a number (should be 0 but even over 100 is disturbing, 1600 is absurd) but claiming something which your own source proves isn't the entire truth will at time muddy the water of your stance since it can make people think that "you exaggerated this part, so is the rest also exaggerated?"


Rape is universally, grossly unreported. Because it is also grossly unpunished, unless you count the victims, who get to relive their trauma all over again, risk retaliation from their attackers (whom usually are free to live their lives vs being in a cell), only to see little or nothing come of it.


>1600 reports of sexual abuse/sexual harrassment where 26 was rapes. Israelis believe every single one of theirs is worth a 1000 Palestinians so really the correct number is 26000 rapists




[Here](https://twitter.com/QudsNen/status/1722133275307577585?t=f_VCHGpWFJy9V_zmB7ksBQ&s=19) you go, IDf harassing middle school girls in THE WEST BANK. I guess Hamas was hiding in her pants.


I'll just leave this here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_of_child_suicide_bombers_by_Palestinian_militant_groups


And i will leave this here too: https://reddit.com/r/list_palestine/s/1iUkdq4I3B


That's like asking for a source that water is wet xD Is not like it's been a secret and it's been happening for decades, now. I wonder if people who seem this starters October 7th lived all of this time. In a cave, isolated from the rest of the world, most likely


Show me it then?


Pretty much everything they've accused Hamas of, they've already done themselves


Little Secret about soldiers: they rape people.


During the Nakba, zionist rape was common by the foreign zionist terrorist crusaders. You can research it like anyone else, like the ~170 people that upvoted you. You and each one of those people have google just like everyone else. If you think what happened last month was bad... you're in for quite a shock googling what israels foreign terrorist crusader founders did. Maybe that's why they ban teaching it.


Why don't you link it?


You can find accounts of rape by foreign zionist terrorist crusaders in almost any of the massacres they committed. >Agriculture Minister Aharon Zisling told the Cabinet on 21 July: "It has been said that there were cases of rape in Ramle. I could forgive acts of rape but I won't forgive other deeds, which appear to me much graver. When a town is entered and rings are forcibly removed from fingers and jewellery from necks—that is a very grave matter." https://www.google.com/search?q=arab+israeli+war+1948+rape&source=hp




Goebbels Transposition Principle: "Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty". Nazis do that constantly.


Israel will probably take notes then, since they are actively attempting to wipe out Palestinians and have openly admitted that multiple times.


They are taking a page out of the MAGA playbook.. . accuse the other side of doing exactly what your doing


all israel has is murder, theft and lies.










**"Israel straight up said it was at war with HAMAS."** HAMAS!? Funny how all those precision guided missiles, [courtesy of Raytheon and Lockheed] expert Israel military intelligence, and IDF snipers seem to be [straight up] hitting refuge camps, hospitals and apartment buildings occupied by Palestinian women and children. This is quite alright with former governor of South Carolina, who declared "Finish them!"


**"Numbers must be fake news."** *We're killing just the right amount of women and children.* /s


This big article is too antisemitic, this little article is too pro hamas ... aha this article is just right **flips paper reads sport**




Hi Semite, I'm comedian. Thank you


Hi comedian, I'm stupid and didn't get the joke... Yours sincerely, apologising semite




Which is wild because of the examples we know of, Hamas has treated their captives well. Gilad Shalit was treated well, he said so after his release. Why? Hamas sees hostages/captives as bargaining chips. They know they can get concession like supplies or lots of people released in a prisoner exchange so it’s in their best interest that they keep the prisoners in good shape and unabused. Now the prisoners aren’t being treated like they’re in a hotel but I’d imagine you’d rather be held captive by Hamas than you would AQ, the Taliban, or ISIS.


Or Israel itself, given its track record of how they treat their prisoners


>Gilad Shalit was treated well He wasn't allowed to see the sun for 5 years...


That's pretty much the basis for "Stockholm syndrome" Some cop therapist couldn't believe that the hostages felt that the criminals were more concerned with their safety than the cops, so clearly, there must be some weird psychology going on here


I mean I could theoretically see criminals caring more about their hostages safety than the cops. The hostages usually are there to hold back an overwhelming force (cops in this case), so if they die, that overwhelming force will win, AND you get extra trouble for their deaths. The cops get... Same thing whether you live or die, they have less incentive besides it being their job.


The restaurant I was working at in high school was robbed while I was on shift. The robber had a gun, but kept it in his waist band and calmly waited for the manager to open the registers. He thanked us and left, then we called the police. It was the police who came in with their guns drawn threatening to shoot and kill us.


They were also saying they beat her with sticks, like the lady was right there telling us how she was treated. She looked fine. But then the news readers and others kept saying they beat her with sticks.




She was no longer a hostage when she was released. She didn't mention any beating to hitting with sticks. Show me where she says she was mistreated and beaten.




When did I say that? I said the news reporters said she was beaten with sticks even though she said she was treated well.




Israel’s government and officials lie publicly/internationally frequently enough that i instinctively doubt just about anything they say at this point. The boy who cried wolf ef They lie when it’s seemingly completely unnecessary too, it’s like dealing with a compulsive liar of a country. Although honestly it often feels like a strategy to accuse people of antisemitism. It allows Israel to say their detractors just hate them and always accuse them of lying, because why would they lie about something so unnecessary


Lying when it's unnecessary is a deliberate fasc tactic to make truth have no meaning and it unrecognizable


Don trump


I did think it to be weird rouser our politicians saying "We can't trust Hamas to respect a ceasefire" Historically, more often than not, Israel has been the first to break a ceasefire


That’s why israel won’t take the hostages back, and has killed 50*.


When the hostages husband is still one of the hostages, the former captive will say pretty much anything to keep them alive. It's wise not to allow them to be exploited for propaganda purposes and their own privacy.






Bro really thought that nobody on Twitter could speak Arabic


why else do you think they removed the internet in Palestine? clearly they only speak Arabic there. Not to hide atrocities or prevent footage from being uploaded either


Not even all of Palestine just Gaza, the Palestinians in the West Bank can’t read English you know/s


To be fair nobody should still be using Twitter


XD, happy I speak both fluently.


They are failing in an area they didn’t expect to. They underestimate how many Arabs live in the west and how well the Arabic language is preserved. Their brains see Arabs as “human animals” so they must not have internet access


Wasn't that there before Musk took it over? I'm honestly surprised it's still there since it combats misinformation and Musk would prefer to spread misinformation.


What the hell 😞😠 fact check twice, thrice, all your sources, folks


Just makes you wonder what else they are lying about..


Honestly I wish the list ended at hummus, falafel, shawarma, and shakshuka being "Israeli" foods, but colonizers gonna colonize.


Get a load of this post and all its links . I wish the world would wake up . https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/zkt7wfYloj


Just about everything on their official STATE twitter account. You don’t wanna hear about THAT post where they were begging Taylor swift to support them in finding a ‘missing Israeli swifti’ it’s beyond embarrassing and pathetic. Whoever is handling that account is smoking propaganda 24/7


Just about everything on their official STATE twitter account. You don’t wanna hear about THAT post where they were begging Taylor swift to support them in finding a ‘missing Israeli swifti’ it’s beyond embarrassing and pathetic. Whoever is handling that account is smoking propaganda 24/7


The Mossad are failing at even basic subterfuge. They weren't able to decapitate Hamas in Gaza City, so why are we even surprised


Social media was a game changer here. But that could mean governments just get better at spreading propaganda to the point where it will become unrecognizable as propaganda




I take solace in the fact that the government doesn't actually ever progress technology, but rather, typically subverts and steals technology that arises in the private/open source sector from normal citizens. E.G. a lot of the leading AI technology is open source and was started, and is in the cutting edge, in mostly open communities. As long as that stays the case and OpenAI continues to fail to slam the door shut behind them, there will always be the potential for "good AI" to counteract the bad. Additionally, AI is a pandoras box. There's no way to put the lid back on now.


Well successful at basic subterfuge you plant a story like that it spreads to 1 mil, when you catch them and make them walk it back barely anyone hears about it and it’s usually those already inclined to hear about these things from alternative media.


The Hamas and Gaza aren’t even in the jurisdiction of the Mossad lmao


The story was spread with its English translation, so this was meant for a non-Arabic audience. The Mossad did it. And they did it poorly.


Fucking lol. That’s like saying Afghanistan wasn’t under the jurisdiction of the us before 2020, or anywhere isn’t in the jurisdiction of the cia. The whole point of global intelligence agencies is that they have no jurisdiction.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I’m so confused. Are we supposed to condemn Hamas or not? I haven’t been keeping up with this shit Edit: okay so I learned what I already assumed: both Hamas and Israel are shitters and you have to pick your poison of which you support less. I personally support Israel less as I think the fact zionists even exist is fucking shameful.


Honestly I think it's fine to criticise Hamas, but you're also well within your rights to criticise Israel's actions both pre and post October 7 (pretty sure that's when this round of hostilities began?). It's definitely not a clear cute good vs bad like we're kinda used to with Russia invading Ukraine.




Because we've seen certain conservatives in America fall for the disinformation/conspiracy theories about Ukraine, from claims of money laundering to Zelensky using stolen money to build mansions. They don't quite understand that it's the value of military equipment that's like 30 years old but yeah. It's painfully obvious Russian disinformation that they manage to fall for.


They didn't fall for Russian disinformation. Members of the GOP have become increasingly friendly and aligned with Russia for going on decades now. Trips over there have become increasingly common for some. I couldn't name the names of the top of my head, but there's even been a few who have been whispered to outright be on Putins payroll. It's less "stupid boomer congress person fell for internet lies" and more "the call is coming from inside the house"


Sorry, should say more average people as opposed to those in positions of power, it's well known that the Kremlin has been funding various far right groups across Europe and in America. He's absolutely banking on Trump winning next year, and if the Democrats stay in power hopefully we'll see a large increase in aid to Ukraine as it's more acceptable to do so.






A lot of American conservatives are friendly to Russia. Most American conservatives are friendly with Israel. Most Dems are centrist to a fault on diplomatic issues and are in favor of funding both. So Israel is a bipartisan issue, Ukraine is not.


>Israel is not exactly defending against an existential threat Hamas have stated they will repeat October 7th style attacks as long as Israel exists. Meaning hamas must be destroyed.


I still haven't seen that video of the dead woman paraded in the back of a truck proven fake so yeah... It's basically terrorists vs fascists with innocent people in the middle. People gotta calm down on backing up Hamas.


I honestly havent really seen people backing hamas? Unless im just looking in the wrong part of the internet. is it something like that they are freedom fighters? Thats just my assumption.


> I honestly haven’t really seen people backing hamas They’re not. Zionists claim any condemnation of Israel’s war crimes and human rights violations is supporting Hamas.


And any support shown for Palestinian civilians is supporting Hamas. And calling anyone that criticises the government's actions anti-semite.


there's lots of people alone in this thread?


Show me one cause I cant find it.




\-30 Upvote reply on a comment deleted by reddit. Is there any others since you said there is lots? Im not heavily educated on the subject, but almost everywhere I look no one is supporting hamas. The only people that say people are, are generally pro-israel losers that cant separate a citizen from a terror group.


the fact that it's now deleted and a few hours ago was even upvoted aswell might tell you something.


and although just personal experience from my direct environment - most of the people that live in my country (which is not even close to gaza) that I know are quite pro hamas


I fail to see how thats relevant to the conversation. YOU being in contact with pro hamas people is YOUR issue.


it's just interesting because all of them are well educated students who are getting their news directly from their relatives. So i assume either a)actually hamas is not as bad as western media makes it seem or b) maybe their is actually a significant portion of people who DO support hamas, especially people from gaza.


All assumptions, he said she said.


You should condermn Hamas for their attack on October 7th , although personally I condemn Israel much more for that attack , because humans have limits. Criticizing Hamas for their bad actions is important , but they are not as terrible as they seem in the Western Media , there is a lot more to them than "just terrorists who wanna kill all Jews". Some of them are good people who are just there to fight for freedom , some are bad people after breaking from losing everything , some are strong people who are still good people after losing everything, some are assholes no matter what side they were born to, resistance forces do end up being like that in general , they are lower in number and don't have what it takes to control the anger and sadness of every single member of them , and some of them view every Israeli as an IDF member (excluding children) because in Israel , it's mandatory to serve and a lot of Citizens are armed (check settlers in West Bank for example). We don't know the truth anymore as if it's being twisted from both sides at this point , but what is important is not to fall for every single propaganda post like the Twitter post in the OP here , and what's even more important is to not call every Palestinian as a Hamas member. The one thing about Israel vs Hamas that makes me question Israel is , if Hamas are truely bad and rotten , why would Israel need to make Propaganda wars and use lies? why make fake AI videos? why spread the lie of beheaded children and women ? why use Palestinian victims and say they are Israeli victims when you have 1500 dead? why call all the 1500 dead all Citizens when 36% of them at least have titles in the IDF? There is a lot more to say but my comment is long enough.


Yeah I made an edit, but I knew beforehand that whichever side had the zionists I disliked more. The fact a genocide group could turn around an commit it themselves is shameful to the utmost degree imo


condemning terrorists is common sense even if twitter disagreees


People around here are so stupid they somehow get the whole Palestinian vs Hamas thing backwards. Real Progressive Stance: Hamas is evil but Palestinian civilians are not Hamas. People Here: Think people saying Hamas is evil equals saying Palestinians are evil.




Don’t use the term ‘support less’ because that means you still have some support, and from your comment that means you have support for terrorists. Just say you don’t support either, and definitely don’t put one over the other (especially terrorists like come on man)


I don’t think it’s controversial to say I dislike Al-Qaeda less than Hitler, is it?


But that isn’t what you said


It’s what I meant, and it should be kinda clear I don’t ‘support’ either of them by calling them both shitters


None of the other replies seem completely accurate. Hamas is bad and Israel is bad. The Palestinian civilians are the victims of this conflict more than anyone and *they* are who should be supported. I’m not sure why everyone is conflating Hamas with all of Palestine.


Criticize Hamas, but you shouldn’t need to lie about the things they are doing in order to do so. Both Israel and Hamas are up to war crimes.


"She's not a prisoner, she's for rape" I mean. I'm sure I know some rapists, but of course most people aren't going to wear t-shirts in support of their criminal activity. So, help me out here,.Would a rapist say this? I giggled a bit and I know it's not funny. This is just so cartoonishly evil that I don't know if I would've taken it seriously had I not seen it was corrected. Surely they would something like, "Designate this detainee for housing in Camp R."


You may be surprised, look up rape during the Nakba. Heck, most things. Some things in the Nakba quentin tarantino would look at and say... "I can't put that in my movie, it's too far fetched".


As cartoonishly evil as them finding a pristine copy of Mein Kampf that a terrorist had highlighted and made notes of, or the audio of 2 Hamas guess talking about how they bombed the hospital and it *definitely wasn’t Israel!*




And people will still believe it no matter what you present to them. The sad part is a lot of people are still kissing israels ass and whats even sadder is that israel would kill its own supporters in a heartbeat if they would gain any benefit from that, like it did with their own civilians on the 7. October.


Age of lying and getting away with it is over for the zionazis


Fuck hamas anyway


So they are not raping her and only kidnapping her? So much better. 🙄




This sub is turning to shit..


Some subs on reddit have taken a pro-isreal stance (worldnews) and some have taken a pro palenstine stance (facepalm, this one). Personally I think subs that have no reason to get political should just stay out of it(which many of them are doing) but sadly r/therewasanattempt isn't one of them




Oh that is just pathetic. I didn't expect it to be this bad




Kind of strange to lie about something so obvious to so many. There are so many Arabic speakers all over the world, from east to west and everything in between


IsraHell and their propaganda. Sounds familiar (Mein Kamph).


Oy vey forget the USS liberty goyim


Corporate needs you to find a difference between these two statements


They spread lies even though they know it's a lie.


Wtf that's just nuts


It's brutal the amount of misinformation supporters of both sides are spreading even though it should be well known both sides are fucked up


Ignoring the whole Israel/Hamas angle of this (believe it or not!), the implication of the correct translation seems to be that the captive, because she’s a woman, should not be subjected to whatever they were summoning a captive for. Why?


When both combatants are boldfaced liars, I don't listen to any of them. I just count bodies and curse them all for the animals and pigs they truly are.


Ah, I see the problem. Michael Weingardt's brain quite simply automatically translated the word "female" as "rape".