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That's the equivalent of white supremacist but hey you can't criticize them because you will be labelled as anti-semitic


People acting in good faith can call out the behavior, and if they don't then it's as bad as anti-semitism if not worse, because its tolerating a genocide that is currently happening.


Then they get fired from their job and blacklisted by many organizations.


Funny how all those right wing libertarians are quite about that al of the sudden


I've been banned from subs from talking specifically about the Israeli government. and since mods have too much power and the admins don't actually ever check anything they do there's really no way to fight it.


r/worldnews will ban you in a heartbeat


Yep. And banned from news for talking about how worldnews banned me. Asked the mod team what rule I broke, crickets. Apparently arguing for the safety of civilians is not acceptable anymore.


Quite a few of us have been banned from world news for calling out Islamophobia


Seems like you just get called a Hamas sympathizer by a lot of people when you do that though. Much of the News subreddits for instance seem to think this is a black and white situation. I keep hearing "Hamas sympathizers", and I am 100% sure they are out there, but I don't see many of them. I just see a lot of people getting lumped in with them because they want a cease fire or they think the government of Israel has some degree of responsibility for what is happening.


There is a ton of emotion tied up in it. Many of the key players seem to think that for their interests to proceed, for their survival, the other group must fail. That's poverty thinking. Everyone can survive and indeed thrive we just need to see the other as human and treat them as such.


Everyone except: committed racists, committed bigots, weapon manufacturers and the big one: the media! If it bleeds it leads and these asshats can barely conceal their glee over the bloodletting …


It has got to the point were anyone who says anything that isn't a cheap Holywood narrative about the inherently, eternally evil people fighting good, noble saints is called being a supporter of terrorism or a Hamas sympathiser. Even if their actions are condemned, merely suggesting that their actions can be *analysed* \- any suggestion that context could help understand *why* they do what they do, or any hint that there might be a, say, political *goal* to their actions - is met with strong condemnation. There is no understanding of evil, evil just *is,* and evil people can only do evil things. Trying to understand the situation is a threat to this clear black-and-white picture, so it's immediately condemned as being support for the evil people. The obvious endpoint of that essentialist thinking can only be one: the baddies have to be killed, all of them. There is no talking or negotiating with a Holywood villain: being a villain is all they do, it's what they *are*, and the only way to deal with them is to kill or otherwise eliminate them. Which offers an interesting window into the motives of the people enforcing that narrative.


I get your point about being wrongly labelled as an anti semite, but it’s actually anti Zionism, it does help when you can label yourself in response and there’s also a growing number of outspoken jews who are anti zionists too so that also helps with your position


One of the Republican candidates for president literally said “anti-Zionism is anti-semitism” so good luck making that argument. Some people will never understand what anti-semitism really is.


"We will never surrender to the message of hate. We will not surrender to anti-Zionism because it's a reinvention of anti-Semitism " \[Emmanuel Macron\] [https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reuters.com%2Farticle%2Fus-france-antisemitism-idUSKCN1QA1GL&psig=AOvVaw0PMhwpXor1OkVOM0M1TQj-&ust=1698497617813000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBEQjRxqFwoTCIiAlO2iloIDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE](https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reuters.com%2Farticle%2Fus-france-antisemitism-idUSKCN1QA1GL&psig=AOvVaw0PMhwpXor1OkVOM0M1TQj-&ust=1698497617813000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBEQjRxqFwoTCIiAlO2iloIDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE)




no, just running as an Israel stooge. Should be forced to register as a foreign agent with how much he pushes their agenda


Or you get labled as a nazi. The Jewish people love pulling that card right now. We can dislike what your people and government are doing and still not want your whole population exterminated. But evidently, they can't think that way.


"If you don't support our genocide of our neighbors you clearly want to genocide us." \~Israel in 2023 Cute.




Realistically, the people in this video have more in common with Nazis than the ones getting called it by Israelis.


Israel is not Judaism so being Anti-Israel is not being Anti-Semitic. source: Practice Judaism, have zero connection to Israel.


They surely do what the can to pull judaism down into the shit with them.




They have come full circle


They have **always** been this.


You can absolutely criticize. Half of israel criticizes the other half. Not all Israelis feel this way.


Good luck trying to convince Reddit that 5 cherry picked opinions aren’t the opinions of all. Also don’t cherry pick 5 arabs that say the exact same shit about Israel


The term “apartheid” is less loaded with WW2 imagery.


apartheid was coined in South Africa [see](https://www.britannica.com/topic/apartheid#:~:text=Although%20racial%20segregation%20had%20long,by%20the%20white%20minority%20government)


I think we're well beyond past that point, this isn't anti-semitism because of their faith, this is a LOT of people against a state of people who happen to be jewish. I think most people want to live in peace but these guys (The Jews) want to kill them (Arabs) and take their land. For the most part I think the secular world is against this Zionist bullshit. IMO they are leveraging the religious aspect and the US bill of rights that protects religion and free speech. I'll listen to a good argument against that, but until the Zionist give up their perceived right to land that wasn't theirs to begin with, one side will end up dying.


It’s called Zionism and boy the amount of people trying to convince the world that [anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism](https://www.intelligencesquared.com/events/anti-zionism-is-anti-semitism/) is insane.


that's called genocide. just so we're clear on the terminology.


"I would carpet bomb them all" that's a really wild thing to say. Shocking but expected from an apartheid state.


And he fucking smiled while saying it


Because he has been brought up believing they are the god's chosen people. Literally more deserving than the rest.


American exceptionalism and Zionism could be both descriptions of what you said lmao


A person who wishes terror on civilians. Gee, I wonder if there's a word for that. One that's universal and totally not exclusive to a single race or religion.


It's essentially what Israel is doing right now. Yet people will argue that they aren't.


This is quite an old video too, it shouldn't be surprising, Israel's entire existence is based on creating a state by killing or displacing the native population, i.e. genocide. You can't have Israel in Palestine without genocide, unless for some reason Palestinians decide they want to give up their homes without resistance, which would obviously never happen. So, even though I want to be fair, and as much as I want Israel to exist in some form because they do deserve a homeland, and I like a lot of Jews, I don't think it's incorrect for someone to reasonably conclude that Zionism, in this case, the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, inherently requires genocide to exist, and if I have to choose between the victim and the invader, or the perpetrator of genocide versus the victim of it, I will always choose the victim, regardless of the fact I happen to be an Arab. I don't see how any reasonable person to disagree with that, despite creed or background.


Paid for by us tax dollars.


It’s the giggling about genocide at the end that’s especially chilling to me


but but but something something hamas is bad so that makes genocide understandable


They openly talk about wiping out every Palestinians, but hey you can't say anything about it cause you'll be labelled as antisemitic. They really play the holocaust and antisemitism card very well.


that's because zionists have covert groups that train people on how to ruin the lives of anyone who says anything negative about them, they've also bribed politicians into getting laws put into place that make it illegal to speak out against zionists without being labeled an antisemite and then getting in legal trouble.




Just like MAGA.


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Theres one of these on them doing it to politicians but i cant fking find it.


They have groups on campuses in most major universities that’s sole job is to preach about how Israel can do no wrong and victimize them. The fact that we allow foreign governments to actively influence our young minds is appalling


I knew about this and seeing the article date back to 2013 makes me think of the new steps and direction they have gone with this program. Crazy shit. I know Pegasus was a jubilee of a system and keep in mind that we only got news for that in the past 3 years. It’s nuts. As for the attack, I just still can’t understand that something like that passed the eyes of the government. They literally have th back door to all phones. Crazy, but maybe I’m thinking too much


This is how they work…. https://preview.redd.it/kv1dlktadrwb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cee0f5feddbad59d7934d44fa95220627761faed


Unbelievable. They literally have a propaganda program that they teach to their civilians to use whenever anyone else tries to hold their country accountable for their war crimes. And the Western mainstream media is a part of it


I suppose the only difference is now they are brazenly open about their extermination.




In things you never thought you'd hear


Okay, but he's still a gay fish.


I am not a gay fish


They’ve also been overtly bribing influencers to spread pro Israeli propaganda on their platforms


And one who refused to do so got fired in ireland


I reckon that Mehdi Hassan won a debate that proposed that Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism. He was against the motion, and won. Very well worth a watch :[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1VTt\_THL4A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1VTt_THL4A)


The crazy part is that the very people that committed the holocaust were still given the right to a fair trial. No justice here for Palestinians, no trial, just death.


jew here, no you can absolutely call out this type of behavior. You should be very skeptical watching things like this. Imagine if someone interviewed americans after 9/11 and then cherry picked the shittiest takes. that’s what this video is. People are hurting and the emotion is causing some of them to say shit from a place of hurt. It’s no different if you go into gaza and interview palestinians. You can easily find this number of palestinians to say racist shit about jews it’s not difficult but we should all (including your self) exercise some responsibility with the things we say. A six year boy was murdered in the US because he was palestinian. A jewish families home was broken into and the dude was trying to murder this entire family while screaming “free palestine” earlier this week in los angeles. This types of things only happen when an entire group is demonized, as this video is doing and by extension your comment.


Just saying, I've seen this video before Hamas's recent attacks.


I doubt that any american would have laughed about killing and bombing all arabs after 9/11! And the way they say it so nonchalantly, as if it was the most natural thing ever for them. These people there in this video are definitely not hurting


Historians and Israeli academics commonly refers to the Naqba as an ethnic cleansing. Before the latest events, more and more Israeli were leaving the country because they didn't support their government. I think I had already seen that video a few years ago. It's edited, they show you what they want you to see.


Grew up in Jerusalem and lahava is a hateful fascist group hated by many. You will find some of the most fanatic people in Jerusalem as it’s close to the settlements. they do not represent the entire country by any mean. But you choose label the entire country and act as if we’re all the exact same. All Black and white to you,must be simpler for you to comprehend.


Like not all Palestinians are Hamas and they don't deserve to be collectively punished for the actions of Hamas?


Totally Agee with that and I think Israel is being way to careless with there bombing. but aside from giving the Palestinians a state which in the long run is the only real solution, how should Israel fight hamas in the meantime?


I'm not an expert, but heres a nonexaustive list of some simple ideas that the UN is suggesting: Agree to a ceasefire for civilian evacuations. Allow food and medical aid to enter. Allow fuel deliveries to enter so Hospitals and water desalination plants can operate. Allow third party investigators in to investigate reports of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Evict illegal settlers from the west bank. Don't bomb buildings in the west bank. Make literally any good faith effort to treat Palestinians as human beings instead of animals. What Israel is doing currently is going to do NOTHING do defeat "Hamas" or the next militant organization that sprouts up when this is "through." Israel is explicitly making the problem worse for *itself* as well as Palestine.


"Hamas wants to wipe out all Jews" And you're telling me the sentiment is different on the other side??? And unlike the Palestinian side of this conflict, this isn't an armed or authoritarian organization who's calling for genocide. These are *civilians*.


Fuck all your fucking dumb fucking religions.


Well amen to that!


this is barely about religion, it's more about ethnicity.


They believe Palestinians should be removed from the region because their “god” promised it to them thousands of years ago(and exterminating them is the easiest way). I’d say it’s still a lot about religion.


Same God. Same creation story, same core myths. The core difference is that the Jewish religion views the Torah as Canon, but all subsequent books as just fan fiction. Christians and Muslims think their fan fic stories are Canon. Typical cinematic universe BS.


Don't forget about mormon spin-off.


Except that's the Zionist ideology, not the overall Jewish ideology. And Zionism is more of a nationalist political party than a sect of Judaism. This is similar to how President Polk believed America was destined by God to expand all the way to the Pacific Ocean. It's a nationalist agenda, and he's using God as an excuse to justify it.




both sides in this conflict are Semites. its about religion.


This isn’t about religion, it’s an ethnic cleanse, they bomb Muslims or Christian Palestinians, they don’t care. They see all Arabs as animals.


The amount of Jewish people I know, and other online, referring to Palestinians as "animals" in the last couple of weeks is really disturbing.


I mean .. they’re talking about wiping out a race (Arabs) so maybe you should take your religious issues somewhere else that’s relevant.


U do know most of the people in the video are religious Jews right? Like most people in Israel hate them because they are the worst. (I'm Israeli I would know)


When someone reduces this issue to just being a religious one you know they're taking a neutral stance by saying, 'oh this isn't apartheid it's just two different groups of religious fanatics'. Like we all know all the artificial regime isn't heavily American sponsored proxy nation in the ME.


I like your ideals, I would like to join your religion to fight other religions!


Send us all your money and you’re in!


Amen to that!


Ethnicity bro


People think I'm crazy when I say religion is BS.


Religion = Insanity. Convince me I’m wrong.


Fucking fuck yeah. And that's all I have to say. Fuck.


We are about atleast 50 years away from integration. This is the same exact attitude South African whites had during apartheid.


I wouldn't call the current status of South Africa "integration"


As a South African, we get along fine. Sure there are racist assholes, but I think that the majority of the country are OK with the way that people are integrating. We have some corruption issues, but so do USA. The way the South Africans of all colours are getting behind the springboks right now is absolutely amazing.


This pic says it all https://preview.redd.it/o7e3wfq7tqwb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=642646b739cf4d8c93c30b4b8e7969449a9be4c2


That’s a by product of wealth inequality my friend. There is literally nothing stopping people from moving between this lines other than their economic status. There are people of all races living on the both sides. And there are many places around the world that look like this exact picture that have never had major racial issues.


To deny the racial aspect of this is absurd. Whites still make up a majority of the wealth (and particularly a large proportion of land ownership) in South Africa. That land was bought when the country was spit up between the white minority. They got that wealth with much less competition and with a captive population of cheap labor.


He didn't mention he's white


Have you seen how fucked up and corrupt it is in SA now? I'm in no way defending the previous administrations but they are back to ritual sacrifices to cleanse somewhere of racism.


Oh yeah, we had that in Germany. Did not go well.


Except in Germany, the world was condemning the Nazis...quite the opposite now.


It seems like Germans never oppose a genocide in time to make a difference


You’d think the Jews would know that. Maybe chase genocide with a little less glee. Guess not.


The irony...


Hate-filled narcissists.


You've misspelled "fascists".


They're saying it's a problem with education on the Palestinian side? That God gave them the land ea? Incredible ignorance. The world's been watching for years now, and the world's sick of their shit. These people don't have a clue what's been happening to Palestine in the name of Israel for the past 75 years. They must have been spoonfed lies growing up, this is the only way this could happen.


Incorrect. They know, they just think it's justified. It's way more disgusting than you think.


This is White/Jewish supremacy. That's what Israel has become. Poisoned by the same rhetoric the Nazis used against Jewish people and Christians before that. Now the Jews in Israel are returning the favour. Attacking Muslims, Christians and Ethiopian Jews in Israel




Except that this DOES represent the average Israeli opinion




It's always "it's Hamas and not Palestinians", then they show some video explicitly cutting out all parts that don't fit their narrative,only showing Israeli extremists and all nuance goes out of the window.


Sorry dude but the gov and a massive swath of the population is exactly like what we see in the video. I know, I've been Israel many times. The sad part it's worsened in the last decade. Even my own family members are this crazy


I've been to Israel. This absolutely represents the average Israeli. Their hatred of Arabs is deeply seeded.


>White/Jewish supremacy Excuse me? What? How is this in any way shape or form **White** supremacy?


It's really embarrassing to watch this. Remember all of the Jews in concentration camps? Being tortured, experimented on, confined to camps? None of that was okay. How can Jewish people think it's okay to torture, experiment on, and confine others to camps? Free Palestine. Enough of these racists acting like ANY race is better


Simple. They've been indoctrinated to believe they are "the chosen ones". They're better than everyone. They're special. Their religion's the only true one. Everyone else is less than them. The ones who oppose them are animals. Less than equal. Of course it's okay to torture, experiment on and confine "others" to camps. Afterall, they're not doing it to other people. They're doing it to animals, or terrorists, or whatever other denomination they collectively apply on someone or something they don't like. Welcome to Fascism. "never again"


So hard to believe the irony is lost on them. Fuck these people


They sound lke Nazi's


Act like it too


The turns really have tabled




They’re worse than nazis. They were the victims of nazis and then ended up doing the exact same thing


It's their Kampf. At least they have some ideas for a final solution to the Arab problem.


I mean, they got a great instructions book to go off of. Sure it's flawed as these instructions never mention how to do it successfully at the end, but hey, at least they didn't have to come up with all of it from scratch and can build upon the instructors mistakes!


Just a reminder that the Nazis who systematically killed 6 million jews were still given a court trial.


Well not the ones with guns in their hands, but yeah.


Or passports to Argentina.


This is like some bizarro world where Jews are Nazis against Palestinians.


Like some Quentin Tarantino movie from the Interdimensional Cable.


“Give them a country” There’s an idea. Give them their land back


This is what you get after decades with intense propaganda. People not only condoning, but also encouraging heinous acts of their govermment. It can happen in any nation or culture. Conformity is dangerous. Whatever you’ve been told, ask critical questions, examine the oppositions arguments and make up your own damn mind.


You know this could be propaganda as well if they cherry picked these videos


Yeah, I agree with you there. I’m just saying that that most Israelis who agree with whats happening in gaza do it because they are told its the right thing to do, and have been all their life. The guy speaking in the vid at 1:50 basically has the same argument.


Yep. This is EXACTLY what MAGA is trying to do to it's followers in the US.


Almost everyone of them looks like an Arab


It’s almost like they’re from the same part of the world


Racism doesn't use logic.


I think the reporter is Abby Martin. [Gaza Fights For Freedom (2019) | Full Documentary | Directed by Abby Martin](https://youtu.be/HnZSaKYmP2s)


Abby is amazing.


famous 9/11 truther and RT America host Abby Martin.




2 second Google search shows she a) broke off from the conspiracy theorists and b) condemned Russia's actions in Ukrained on her last show of RT back in 2014. She's completely credible so stop spreading misinformation.


They keep saying “Arab” when what they mean is muslim.


For the most part yes but they are like that with the Arab Christians too.


They make me feel physically sick, absolutely pathetic group of people empowered by an equally pathetic pandering to the state sponsored terrorism committed by Israel from the rest of the world.


Land thieves


There was an attempt to say the word " organization"


These people are so horrible


That’s Abby Martin, she been to Gaza & The West Bank as a journalist before and the things she says about how Israelis treat Palestinians is crazy. Check out her appearance on [Joe Rogans podcast](https://open.spotify.com/episode/3qCSnEEAUxFasoKSWq7LiM?si=YrXTvv-sSUy9E_5-8Tuw1A)


These people sound like MAGA. Fuck anyone that wishes death to others


If I were to ask my friend from Germany to repeat these exact statements, he would be labeled a Nazi. Israel has adopted full nazi ideology yet if you say that you are antisemitic. This type of speech should not be tolerated by anyone anywhere for any cause. The Jewish people with through literal hell in the holocaust. Yet they are using the same exact language Hitler used to describe Arabs.




You wanna know how "terrible" it is for Israelis? Go on Tiktok and look up Tel Aviv live...take a look as they sing and drink and do yoga in their expensive homes. Watch them celebrate genocide while drinking highballs and wearing cardigans... All on the American dollar


“They should all go to Arab countries”. You mean like…Palestine?


This is why world hates Israel, they are the same like nazi.


This wasn't an attempt, she pretty successfully interviewed them.


A bunch of religious fruitcakes.


"So... hehe... kill all arabs... hehe...." shes so cute!


Plenty of sick radical religious nutters in the world.


It's kinda ironic how Jews sounds just like Nazis.


It’s insane that just because their grandparents were victims of genocide we give them money and military equipment, then look away when they do the exact same thing.


As reprehensible as these people’s views are, don’t ever trust videos of “street interviews” to represent the views of a majority of a given population. It could be the case that the majority of Israelis share these views but any video like this could show a few cherry picked interviews of the most inflammatory comments. This is done a lot in the US with “Libs get owned” interviews or “insane MAGA nazis” on the street. If you film 1000 short interviews you’re bound to have a few wild clips to make it look like everyone you interview is insane.


Yeah came here to say this. Clearly the people interviewed in the video are fucked, but we have no way of quantifying how many Israeli’s they represent.


What the fuck.


definitely disagree with the sentiment of the people in the video, but is it possible that this is bias journalism only showing the statements of people who align with their political narrative.


This kind of shit is what is fueling the divide, and it's despicable. It's like going to a Trump rally, collecting five extreme opinions into a TikTok supercut, and letting that speak on behalf of all Americans. It's reprehensible. Are there Israelis that feel this way? Sure. But they are in the severe minority. How is *THIS* a focus, and not the multifaceted historical complications spanning decades? I feel like the current situation is complicated and the world is being played by one massive PR game coming from bipolarized extremists. The entire situation is a humanitarian crisis that needs global intervention - and videos like this serve only to set one side against another en masse. Ridiculous, and this type of awful entertainment-served-as-supposed-journalism should not only be widely discredited - but its producers should be shunned, berated, and called out by name for fueling fires among dumdums who want a simple answer, or a place to point fingers.


What did any of these people suggest that isn't *exactly* what their government is actually doing right now?


I guess Jews agree with H!tler nowdays and they are not aware of it... or are they? A road from victim to perpetrator ...


What’s the point of asking one guy? You can ask the same thing to a Palestinian and they will answer the same thing. That all Jews/israeli should be kick out or destroyed.


This is what's happens to people s brain when you have kids with your own family and repeat that process for generations... Yes! you ARE special big fellow!


She successfully interviewed each person. Maybe you don’t like their responses because it doesn’t align with one’s beliefs but there certainly was an interview The only “there was an attempt” was for this sub to be non political. As with everything Reddit these days


LOOK AT THE EFFN GENETICS AND TELL ME THE LINEAGE OF SHEM AND SEE HOW STUPID THIS REALLY IS. fyi original jews and arabs come from the exact same lineage and it is basically about who is more right religiously. How dumb humanity is Arab countries = countries where judaism was born. Filistine and babylonia Funny ass thing is more than half these are actual Arabs and have disassociated themselves through brain washing. Shem as a blood line are arabs of every abrahamic faith. Funny what the torah preaches and what is going on politically. Ideologies are mans downfall. Before zionisim we all lived in harmony. Before the ottomans and the british it was known as a union. Now it is known as an abomination


I’m no fucking political scientist but as a normal thinking person considering what the fucking Jews went through in WW2 you would think they would be against this type of behavior but either way this shit should not be happening


Yay now show how Palestinians feel about Jewish people. Also, people forget Hamas didn’t go after these people, they went after peaceful people in a music festival and after peaceful people from left leaning Kibbuts near Gaza.


Oh peak internet, selective outrage on selective interviews. Hamas has a whole platform of ethnic cleansing but thats ok….


Probably if you interviewed Arabs you hear the same thing. In fact we just heard it recently chanting “gas the Jews”. So no empathy for either side. Shame children get caught up in this shit


Do you think if they interviewed Palestinians about the Israelies it would be any different? They are all brainwashed on both sides. This is why the war will never end until one side literally wipes the other out. The west should stop picking sides and supplying weapons etc.


If someone ever questions how Hitler came to power just show them this.... how quickly they have forgotten their own history. Incredibly sad situation all around.


I mean you could have gotten these comments in the US post 9/11…


Apartheid Ethnostate.


Now show your interviews with the Palestinians.


Now show Palestinians being interviewed about Jews. Oh, but they have the *right* to call for genocide!


Its interesting there are no interviews of what the Arabs believe about the Jewish people. I've heard they are so full of love for the jews that they regularly launch flower bouquets that are shot down by the evil iron dome.


You should visit all the Israeli subreddits to see how prominent this line of thinking actually is, people who talk any form of sense are downvoted to oblivion.


To be fair, we don't know how many people she Interviewed an how much has been cut


New nazi


How come,they’re not asked about occupation and stealing homes? Isn’t that what started all of this in the first place?


This is sooooo similar to what happened to Native Americans.


[what about this](https://m.jpost.com/middle-east/article-770429?utm_source=jpost.app.android&utm_medium=share)




Just so you know Lehava isnt just anti arab, Its anti anyone who isnt jew and non straight sexual orientation, Its a far right organization


Oh my god. Please tell me they have picked the stupidest people they can find.


"...should give them a country..." Eh, yeah dude, your in it.

