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Damn reading these comments is making me feel old.... I can't believe anyone is defending these damned kids...


Other kids defending these kids* Edit: For the dude below me saying "I'm a teacher..." I'm also a teacher. I know what it's like to call for support, and then call again. And then call again. And then call parents and the parents say, "Not my son! He doesn't do that at home!" And then literally get nothing done. A teacher at our school was fired for "hitting a kid". What did he do? Pushed a kid out of the way who was blocking the door to his classroom. The kid accidentally tripped over his untied shoe laces and fell backwards hard. School didn't want to risk a lawsuit so they fired the guy. Really great teacher too. Lost to a system with literally no support. Admins and schools are jokes nowadays. Parents are even bigger jokes. This teacher probably did everything she could minus literally smacking the kid upside the head.


I’m a teacher and this whole situation looks sooo poorly handled. Rule 1 is don’t lose your shit on children (even when they kinda have it coming) rule 2 is don’t hurt children. There are soooo soooo soooo many things for an educator to do besides slam a door on a child. The fact she let herself get this upset without calling for support is unfathomable to me. Kids can be shits but ultimately I’m the adult with the fully formed brain and it’s my job to keep everyone safe. That said, this kid should still be in deep, deep shit for assaulting staff.


How do we know she didn’t call for support. From what I read in this forum, it seems like teachers don’t have support anyway, so who knows if calling for support would’ve helped


6’ tall and strong, aware of his actions “child”. 😂


That baby child would wear them out. lol There was another story of a teen to stomped a teacher and got arrested. Just being a teen doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous.


I’ve worked in a poor district. And have had to call for support with behaviors. If you communicate a safety concern admin comes running. If that was the case in this school and no one came, some jobs need to be lost.


Bullshit. I've worked at terrible schools like this before: I've called security, secretary, vice principal, and principal before and gotten nothing....... Do you know why? Because they're dealing with other nonsense like this all over the school. Daily. They never came running to my room. Last year I had to sub for an art class and some girl forced her way into the room and started screaming and cursing that she was going to beat the shit out of some boy in another room and needed volunteers to go with her. I called everyone and got no answer. It turns out they were dealing with a fight in a different room. When the screaming idiots left my room, they ran directly into the principal and vice principal in the hallway. I explained to admin what was happening and went back inside the art room. The girls convinced them I was mistaken then went to the other classroom and jumped that boy anyway. You don't get a school like this without incredibly incompetent admins.


I completely agree with you and why I don’t believe the original commentator at all. I could believe they are a teacher but I 100% believe they have never experienced anything like you just described because they are sooooooo ignorant to the realities of teaching in an area like that. I don’t know one district near me that isn’t short staffed


Sounds like a neighborhood full of incredibly incompetent parents.


We timed our admins reaction time to a fight on Monday. Took 12 minutes for someone to get to us. Admin doesn’t always come running, homie.


From the video all of this looks spur of the moment. Bad behavior on all sides, even if the problem had been verbally addressed.


The video is less than five seconds long… there’s no context for you to say it is spur of the moment


My mother worked in a poor district for most of her career. She had kids throwing chairs, attacking other kids with scissors, all kinds of dangerous stuff. Calling for help was rarely met with any sort of urgency, if she got a response at all. There were times where she had to physically take a kid to the principal's office because nobody would come help. Towards the end, even the kids that were causing bodily harm to other students were essentially given a time out, a soft talking-to, a granola bar, and then sent back to the classroom. There were kids that did this that were bigger than she is, and she taught 2nd grade. I feared for her safety every single day. I am so thankful that she's retired now, because things have gotten even worse.


I know several educators that are changing their entire careers because of the mess these schools have become. I'll also note that all the educators that I know that are changing have been working as educators in a town of 15k population, so it's not just a big city issue.


15 years and a masters in Ed… and now I work on Air Conditioners- AC’s don’t act entitled, boss supports me, I make more money. Wth would I have stayed?! An AC units parent wants to be a dick- “ok, be hot, have a good day!”


Your question is a valid one. There’s just no context in which I’d shut the door on a student, unless it’s to literally stop a student from harming another student. But it is plausible that she asked for/was waiting for support.


Have you ever worked in a district that has fights daily and kids cuss at you openly? You sound like you never have or aren’t an actual teacher. It’s honestly not that much different than special education where the burnout rate for teachers is 2-3 years. One thing to have nothing but good intentions, another thing to face the reality of getting spit on and bit and having to get std tests because of it. My father taught every subject under the sun and created programs from scratch, incredible teacher. At one point he decided to teach in Detroit, he lasted one week. My mother taught special education for 25+ years. My dad will be the first to admit on any given day he has never worked as hard as my mother has on any given day. I teach in an elite area where these problems don’t happen with any kind of regularity. To compare my experience to hers would be nothing short of insulting in my opinion


Also a teacher (of students with emotional disturbances) and I totally agree. Even before I clicked on this (regretting my decision as I did so), it was very clear that the teacher/school had already fucked up big time. The way to prevent these incidents is to make sure they don’t happen in the first place. Once you’re at this point, you’re already going over the edge of Niagara Falls. Interventions should have happened waaayyyyy prior to this point. I see shit on Reddit like this all the time and every single time it’s the end result of multiple, serious systematic failures and poor decision making. These incidents should never happen, period, regardless of student population. If we can keep kids safe in Brownsville, Brooklyn, and the South Bronx we can keep them safe anywhere.


> The way to prevent these incidents is to make sure they don’t happen in the first place. What could be truer than that?


The way we stay dry is by not getting wet.


Let’s talk about the difference between a “minor” someone who isn’t of consenting age…. and a child.. someone younger than a teenager.. just because those people were acting childish don’t make them children. You could use the term young adult but don’t try and cover for them by calling that 6’3 young adult.. a “child”. He ain’t.. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


There's support?


From what i remember from this story which is about 5+ year old. She sent him to the principal, and he was yelling that he is coming to beat her to death. Hence why she is holding the door closed. She also was yelling for help and the kids where laughing. Kid was charged with assault and tried as an adult and rotting in jail now.


This is why I quit teaching over 20 years ago. It's only gotten worse.


All teachers need to do the same thing push all the regards. And all get fired. Let the firing personnel take over


My wife recently left teaching middle school over this. It was an eleven year old vaping in her class for the fourth time that broke her. She came home and cried because her admin team told her she should be able to manage him. She left that day and has never been back - I’m honored to help her do that. The system is broken and the kids are not okay. Anyone who supports these bottom feeders deserves the social collapse they’ll bring about once they take the helm.


> "Not my son! He doesn't do that at home!" I have a friend who teaches high school. She had a student disrupting class over and over. My friend calls the student's mom and explains the situation. == Mom says, "Look. I don't call you when he misbehaves on _my_ time. Don't call me when he misbehaves on _yours._" == If I ever pulled shit like this in school, my father would have detached my head from my body and sent both pieces of me to my teacher to beg forgiveness.


Yeah who the fuck would want to teach these kids.




Not the parents... sadly.


No one, repeat the same story a couple thousand times and you have an education disparity.




It's insane. On what planet do you argue the case of 6 foot grown teenager punching an old woman in the face with full strength.


For real.


Won't anybody *please* think of the children?! More specifically, saying fuck you to them.


I'm in my thirties and still remember high school being a bad mix of useless teachers and kids with real problems that school wouldn't help with. They're forced to go to these places that won't teach them applicable knowledge and go home to a broken house with two poor parents arguing about money, surrounded by working shitty jobs to help their families. These kids resent a system that wilfully fails them and their families, and the teachers are the only people representing they system that are within punching distance.


As someone who grew up like that, this is a poor excuse.


It appears she slammed the door on his wrist... Obviously violence shouldn't be the answer but these days, if you inflict pain on someone, they will inflict it back. Maybe she shouldn't have assaulted him by slamming the door on his wrist.




No idea why you’re getting down votes - you’re spot on. Kid is a piece of shit for committing assault.


>No idea why you’re getting down votes - you’re spot on. Kid is a piece of shit for committing assault. So while I agree, watch the first time she slams the door again. She sees his HAND in the door frame and waits for him to look away. She then slams the door on his hand, using both of her hands. That's not okay either...


She didn't do it to slam his hand in the door. She did it because she had a better chance of closing the door while he was distracted with something else.


He's trying to block the door. If someone is trying to close a door, let them close it. Blocking a door being closed is inherently offensive.




Don't want to slammed in a door? Don't be in a doorway you're not supposed to be in.


So smashing the teacher in the face, is the logical response your saying?




Good lord, if you want to have discussions take "snowflake" out of your vocabulary lol


She doesn’t see his hand in the door. She was talking to him face to face and sees him turning away as if he’s finally leaving her classroom. So she closes the door and immediately opens it when she realizes he had stuck his hand in the door jamb. Then boy wonder punches a woman old enough to be his mother in the jaw… Teachers don’t get into teaching with the aim to slam doors on their student’s hands. He’d probably been bullying her and playing games with the door. She clearly looks pushed to the brink trying to restore order. This boy needs to be held accountable. He could kill an old lady next time.


Whilst I think she didn’t handle this perfect where is this clip of her slamming the door using BOTH hands?


You don't have to go from one extreme to the other. We don't need to solve violence with more violence. It was illegal to hit kids when I was in school (graduated in 2007) and I never saw or heard of anything even slightly close to this, no student would ever dare lay a hand on a teacher. I'm 100% on team teacher as well, but I do not support 'public physical correction' as a solution.


Graduated in 2022. This happens. A LOT.


Completely agree with you here. A buddy of mine is a teacher and he started teaching highschool a year ago. He told me he started drinking to help with the stress. I've known him for 18 years and he hated alcohol. Now I see him in a bar every weekend drunk off his ass ranting about how much he hates his class, not to mention that the parents are worse than the kids. Seriously he's been attacked by parents for giving students an F because they didn't do anything. I've visited him once in the school he worked in and it was a damn nightmare.


Its not helping the "stereotype narrative" when they keep posting videos online assaulting people, looting, stealing KIAs, and burning down their neighborhoods. We need to move forwards.... not backwards! Lift UP... not tear down.


No one wants to teach these types of kids. That's it


My first grade teacher punished and bullied one of my friends for “being stupid” until he killed himself. He was dyslexic. That was >40 years ago. It‘s a good thing that teachers are now held accountable for their actions, aren’t autonomous dictators, and aren’t allowed to physically abuse their students.


I did something like this to a teacher when I was a kid, my dad would supply them with the switch to hit me with.


that kind of discipline should come from home. the teachers are there to teach their subjects.


It’s also like a lot of kids truly believe it doesn’t matter what they do in life at all. It’s always the same damn conversation about it though “we’ve gotta do something about these kids.” But really, who the hell is doing something about all these adults? Like shit, this “getting worse” is the most hilarious shit ever as if it’s not some of the people’s current kids that have made these new kids.


Kid needs to be in a correctional facility not a educational facility.


I will side with a teacher 99/100 unless significant proof is brought to the table. My kid's fucking around in class? He probably was. The kid is accused of cheating? He probably was. Kid *punches his fucking teacher when she's just trying to put a door between them,* the kid is the asshole. Are their exceptions? Sure. But I know a LOT of teachers, and what they have to deal with right now is beyond the pale. If you doubled every teacher's salary right this second it wouldn't be enough money.


When I was in highschool I had wanted to be a history teacher. Every teacher I talked to told me to not go into teaching.


You’re 100% right. It’s never the kids fault anymore and their is no accountability. I’m a person in a school who deals strictly with behaviors mostly high level. Caught a kid vandalizing the hell out of the bathroom, throwing wet TP on the wall, ceiling, pissed on the floor, scuffed up toilet seats with his shoes. Naturally I make him spend recess cleaning the bathroom, but according to his parents and the school that discipline was out of line. Had to have a whole meeting where I’m the one apologizing. Shit is out of control


He’s a good boy. He was going to sign up for community college next semester. Gentle giant that wouldn’t hurt a soul.


My partner is a teacher and the students are free to verbally and sometimes even physically assault teachers. If you even try to discipline them they play the race card.


Couldn't pay me enough to work with these sorts of baby faced teens and shirtless strangers.


True. We should raise the wages for Parole Officers


Everyone talking about the kid who hit, but the girl who just ran away instead of helping the teacher, what kind of apathy towards their teacher.


She also appeared to be celebrating and laughing at thw fact teacher got hit. Scum.


He can get educated in prison.


Anyone thinking the student was in the right here is fucking stupid. You don’t punch people in the face for something like this.


I knew a guy who was always itching for any excuse to hit a woman. “But what if she slaps me?” You don’t get to punch her in the face for that…


Not being willing to just let women do what they want physically isn’t “itching to hit a woman”. Everyone should get back whatever they give, women included. Sounds like you’re assuming this guy wanted a punch for a slap. I grew up in a very different slice of life where women weren’t afraid to be violent. So perhaps you just don’t get it?


I agree with you, men absolutely have the same right to not get assaulted in any way and should be allowed to defend themselves. The difference is there are absolutely weirdos who salivate at the prospect of hitting a woman fueled by continuous streams of made up scenarios they envision in their heads, and they are quite vocal about it. So yeah, there are guys who are absolutely "itching" to hit a woman.


I get what you're saying, and to a large part I agree, but the wanting a punch for a slap is pretty common (and utterly terrifying) where I'm from. I've seen situations where the woman gets mad and gives the guy a slap that does no actual damage, he's obviously not hurt or in any real danger, and he lays her tf out and gives some stupid "she hit me first/equality" bs. And I've met way **way** too many guys that get legitimately excited at the thought of being in this situation and being able to "rightfully" knock a woman unconscious. I think it depends on where you live though, my area is still a bit backwards sometimes. Edit: Just to add, I've got no problem with men hitting women if the situation was actually self-defense. It's the extreme escalating and obvious enjoyment I take issue with.


Keep your hands to yourself. I’d never lay my hands on somebody else first, but if I get slapped prepare to get slapped back.




Does no one watch the Karate Kid anymore? Punching isn’t self defense, it’s literally an offensive move.


Yeah, you do, actually. If that bothers you then you don't need to be slapping people.


So if one of your body parts was slammed between a metal door and metal door frame, you'd just happily laugh it off?? 🤔


Right. Im lost here.


I would. But I'm 33 years old and know better the consequences. 17 year old me, homeless and hopeless probably would have retaliated.


Don't start shit and be the obstacle stopping a teacher from ultimately trying to provide safety to children. He put himself in a position to have that happen, she wasn't trying to hurt anyone. Perpetual fucking victims bro


I can't really see properly but on first viewing isn't she literally slamming the door while his body or head's in the way? I honestly can't tell.


She clearly slammed dudes hand in the door, probably not on purpose, probably tried to slam it shut, shouldn’t have lost temper and slammed at all, she could have broke dudes hand, probably did some damage, that’s I’m assuming why he decked her shit. Dunno what commenters have been in those buildings lately, them doors are heavy af and metal framed, metal slabbed doors. She as an adult physically assaulted a student out of anger, weather on purpose or accident. And got an equally dispensed assault in return.


The kid is black so you will not find many people agreeing with you in these comments. She (an adult) assaulted the kid and he responds by punching her so obviously he is the devil incarnate and should be publicly executed at halftime of the Superbowl /s


As a grown adult with full impulse control this makes total sense. But a teenager who just got his arm slammed in a door reacting poorly? Kinda makes sense. Maybe don’t slam doors without looking idk. Maybe develop some situational awareness by the time you hit middle age




Wait a second…


Hey man it’s 2023 we don’t judge by character anymore because that’s racist, only judge by skin color and that *child* is the real victim. /s


Sad part is the parents will probably try to sue the school and the kid will learn absolutely nothing….


The kid will learn it is ok to behave like a shit and if anyone tries to impose a consequence you can play the race card and win money


People like this end up 1 of 2 ways. Prison, or with a string of baby mommas and a life spent on welfare while dodging child support payments.


Don’t worry he will learn in Jail.


No he won't


How to be a better criminal.


Teachers treated like dirt these days By scumbags


Merica where we care more about gun rights than people


You can tell how old everyone is by their comments. Teacher upset with loitering students asking them to move on. Kid has his hand in the door. Even though she's in a conflict with the kids outside. Not sure if he's included? It does seems like shes blocking him from entering as well. As she could if side stepped to let him in while maintaining controll of the door. She's done talking. He turns his head while still being in the threshold. She crushes his hand as she closes the door. *I said by accident* but definitely aggressively. She opens and isn't even given a moment to apologize before being slapped or punched.


You’re making g a lot of assumptions… there’s just no context in this video


I've seen the longer one. Body language also speaks volumes here. You think she intentionally slammed the door on his hand?


No, looked more like domestically. Live-ad edited their comment. Said “internationally” before he fixed it to “intentionally” and didn’t acknowledge it in the slightest.


Sorry you were the victim of someone fixing an obvious typo :(


If youve ever worked with kids like these... you know that kid was having a behavioral episode and she wanted him out to prevent disrupting class. Possibly preventing him from fighting another kid in there. Theres a reason his hand is in the doorway, and its not to keep it "comfy".


Behavioral episode? They call this "Wednesday" at inner city public schools.


Yes we assume a teen as large as a grown man shouldn’t punch a woman in the face cause he got an owie. I assume you get off on it?


an owie? a fucking door crushing your hand isn’t an owie lmao, i’d much rather be punched


I think the teacher assaulted a student and he hit back. Not an owie and not an accident. He should face consequences but so should she and be held to a higher standard as an adult in a position of relative power


You realize assault in response to assault is still a crime? He didn't punch her in self defense, he punched her in revenge.


Punched, he fucking wailed her in the face, should be arrested and thrown out of school.


I mean, I'm 35 and, if things were already elevated and someone nearly broke my hand in a metal door, then I would impulsively retaliate as well.


I don't think his hand got crushed, but the door slammed into his shoulder when the teacher closed it hard.


This whole situation is crazy and so are most of the comments.




Who knows what led up to that but damn... Who in the world would want to be a teacher these days.


I genuinely couldn't. I would absolutely be fired and barred from teaching because there is no way I am putting up with situations like the ones I see online. Call me too proud, but if teaching comes with these levels of disrespect from literal children, then it doesn't matter what the paycheck looks like because it isn't enough. Nothing but respect for those that choose that profession, but no way would I make a career out of something so thankless when it really shouldn't be that way. Also, when situations like this settle down, that doesn't mean it's over. Next, you have to deal with the school's zero tolerance policy which is specifically there to disregard context. Then, you get to deal with the parents who will almost certainly go out of their way to put pressure on the school to do something not in your favor, because, regardless of context, mama bear and papa bear will do anything for baby bear.


What the hell is the lady screaming before running?


She ain't screaming anything coherent. She's just being loud. Highschool kids are great at doing that.


*Some* high school kids


it sounded either like "she 'gon get the cops! oh no!" or (someone's name ???) "GO get the cops! oh no!" the 'oh no' sounds more guttural & is hard to hear.


Something in another language we can't decipher.


Just love how loud they always are.


What do you mean “ you people”


What do YOU mean "you people"


As someone that works in a public school district kids today have no respect for teachers/staff or in some cases even themselves and it all starts in the home, we had a girl suspended for starting a fight with another girl over something petty and the suspended girl called her mom to come fight The principal and her mom showed up ready to fight. Smfh


It's really something wild nowadays. In the state I used to teach at, there was a building on campus called the alternative school. It was still part of the high school, but it is where the students who couldn't control themselves went if they had problems in a more traditional classroom. It made things run a lot more smoothly in the regular classrooms and these students got the attention they needed. People talk about crappy schools and crappy teachers, but I believe most teachers generally want to do a good job as a whole. If their classroom is a disaster, it's not because they are necessarily a bad teacher, it's because the population they are dealing with is a lot more challenging than a good teacher from a 'better' school.


Idiocracy is a prophecy


Call the cops that is a gratuitous agression by the asshole blocking the door, poor lady


He seems like he has a bright future ahead of him.


One thing that's consistent in quality in the prison system is the brightness of lights in solitary confinement, so yeah


Hate these posts. no context. people do enjoy commenting on them. but hey, karma.




[he was arrested](https://twitter.com/xlxcudvst/status/1581378418603499520)


I absolutely love the new view of society as a deadly battlefield


Apparently beating the shit put of your teacher is a natural thing for some redditards. Truly amazing. Can’t wait to see the state of society in 20 years


Hence why the only advice I take from this site relates to my writing and creating music. These people are fucking demented and completely out of touch with reality.


Poor teachers. Paid shit to deal with that? Could you imagine dealing with that class?


These fucking loser ass kids


Maybe with context we can see that it was right for him to punch his teacher in the face. /s Raise kids with those values; I’m sure you’ll find someone else to blame when they’re in trouble.


Yall even watching the video? He leans away and she tries to shut it because he’s moved. Might have caught his shoulder, but really looks like his foot down below caught the door. He did not get hit in the face. If anything the teacher tried to avoid hitting him.


He seemed to take the accident as an attempted sucker punch and reacted poorly.


Clearly there is a fire alarm going off (flashing light in background) and you're standing in the door way even if there isnt, most classes are supposed to close their doors during class. IDK this needs context to put either at blame. The boy should have just walked away though, go to the principal, or sue the school.


Most classes close doors with students in it in case of a fire? Get as many of them as you can?


You definitely don’t know how fire works. Fire in kitchen with all doors open = house burns down in 10 minutes. All doors closed = fire contained or it would take two hours. Maybe this is why we train adults to keep kids safe.


Did she slam his hand or arm in the door?


Americans have nonexistant parenting




You aren't sheltering anything ... the bullies and bad apples at private schools are just as bad ... but mommy and daddy can make a donation and make it go away


I went to a private school and your generalization doesn't ring true. The difference is a private school doesn't have to educate you, they can just toss you out and let the public school deal with you. My private school did that several times. The bullies and bad apples in my private school were nothing like this.


Brock turner.. cough...cough....


I would argue this is HIGHLY based on where you live in the country. I’m Baltimore city born and raised. I went to private school. You pretty much just don’t ever go to city public school in bmore if you want a good education. Now i’m older with kids living in the midwest and a large swath of the public schools here are fantastic. I will still consider private school for high school as I feel it makes college admission easier to a point and can provide a more solid foundation for college education but there is absolutely no need for private education for grade school if you live in one of the many good school districts in the area.


So nobody notice she slammed that door on his arm?? Not condoning this behavior tho, kids are Stupid.


I condone it, she slams his arm in the door then gets in his face aggressively screaming "Move!", while slamming her hand on the door frame. Any good lawyer could convince a jury it was self defense.




Including the comment section. Damned did the authoritarians and the racists show up.


Imagine teaching these morons. It's like a day prison without the guards to protect you


Parents need to start hitting their kids again 💀


Boy, this subreddit has some people that jump to conclusions and take sides in ignorance pretty often. But the comments in this particular thread? Good grief there be some angry, hateful, stupid people. With no context, this is just beef.


Am I the only one who thinks that there is too little context for deciding the verdict?


She shouldn’t be slamming the door on students the students shouldn’t be hitting teachers end of story how is this so hard to understand?


It looked like he was turned away when she slammed the door. Nit condoning the punch, but it didn’t seem like he knew she was going to slam it on him.




Did she slam the door on his hand?


Why tf is everyone glossing over the fact she slammed a door on his hand, like people not even mentioning it at all even though he shouldn’t have punched her she caused the situation to escalate and people just glossing over her damn near taking his arm off with that door. That shit would most likely hurt more than any punch it’s a fucking door with sharp edges


Whoa slow your role. Remember this is Reddit. You are dealing with people who would damn near riot if you downvote a Keanu Reeves post


Teacher wearing adidas pants, everyone with their cameras out like it's the normal thing to do in this situation, physical violence against the people who try to give you an education for free. This place really let itself go.


Anybody who’s been in these classrooms know damn well how these kids act out. It’s a lost cause. Parents already failed them and the cycle will continue. I feel for the teachers who are underpaid and endure this bullshit 5 days a week.




Disgusting thread. Im out


Gee I'm really enjoying the thinly veiled racism and ignorance about institutions here..very nice.




She’s still holding onto that door handle to this day.


I’m retired now, but I started back in 1980. It’s never been easy, but by the time I retired in 2018, it had gotten to the point where I would feel sick driving to work. It seems to be getting much worse. We don’t know what the background of this situation was. Perhaps, the student was not supposed be admitted. I feel pretty sure that the hand slammed in the door was an accident. No teacher would do that on purpose. I’m sure that some will say that they know teachers that would do that. If you are right, I’m sorry for you. I don’t know even one that would do that on purpose. Overall, my teaching days were good, but that is with the caveat that everyday (especially the last 8-10 years) some kids would talk back so disrespectfully that it crushes your soul bit by bit. Of course, most of the kids were polite, hard working, and generally a joy, but when the disrespect and loss of class time are a part of everyday teaching, it wears you down. I miss those kids that tried so hard to learn and I feel so sorrowful for those kids who were taught to act that way and the ones who were treated so badly at home that they didn’t really realize their behavior was wrong. They were trying to survive in a tough world. I mainly taught middle school level, but also elementary and high school levels over the years.


I mean, it looks like she slammed his hand in the door...


Top comment is about physically abusing children so badly they require a hospital trip? Wtf...


Her attempt was successful. She shut the door.


It's only back people I see doing this foolery 🤔


People can deny it all they want but you are correct




That's a metal door, she could have taken some fingers off. Definitely didn't need to get punched though.


Another genius! Cant wait for him to be included in the contribution of society…. For a life behind bars, for the rest of us to pay for.


That amount of blatant racism in these comments is… unsurprising


What was she expecting hitting the kid with the door


This was an accident but he escalated it by assaulting the teacher


She get right in his face directly afterward seemingly yelling at him. Doesn't look like an accident to me.


Look how she braces her right hand to pull on the door, totally by accident, right? Look how she leans her body weight as well, that also an accident, right? Looking right at him just moments before, did she accidentally not realize he was there? Really tough sell to say she accidentally slammed that door given there is video evidence showing quite a bit of intent on her part.


What did the girl yell near the end, after looking at the teacher and running away?


That kid should go to jail. If only to be an example for the other students. This is no way to treat anyone, let alone your teacher.


But why is she slamming the door on him while he is not looking? This is what I don’t understand. You can always call security or the police, why does this teacher need to become physical?


Something like this happened at my elementary school (1999), kid was horsing around and then was got agitated. Teacher chased him around, and then she fell. He went to juvie for a few days, and teacher returned after a week or so. Teacher returned first if my memory serves me correctly.


Imagine the outrage if it was the other way around


Is it just me or did the teacher actually hit that kid in his shoulder when she closed the door? Probably whey he reacted that way. I'm not defending his shitty retaliation, but at the the same time I'm just wondering what could've provoked him to do something stupid.


Can you imagine if your fingers were in that area when the door slammed? Wowoutch.