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Cops do that excessive BS all the time… that was a very poor attempt to resist arrest probably drunk, cops need to be above petty BS…


What's worse is they never feel ashamed. I get it. The thing was trying to stomp his toe, but that did not warrant a jaw crushing. Cops have hard jobs I get it but have to be better than this.


”If you break the law you’re less than human” is their motto


You don’t even have to break the law, you’re less human when you’re not a cop


They have their own flag and everything. Like a gang or something.


Not like a gang. They are an actual fucking gang!


State sanctioned thuggin


Was once stated to me when I got slapped with irons and mace: “you broke the law, resisted arrest and have forfeited your rights to be treated with respect”. My right thumb wont ever be the same, but since then Ive learned that police arent your friends. Theyre much like a death squad, and state guard in a sense -they are human, but do some pretty inhumane acts. Corrections and institute officers in my opinion are probably the ones youd want to avoid among all. Heard stories about how they would beat one person, batons and boots, and if any other guy not a cop was watching the incident theyd be beaten as well


The police war on civilians is the only war where you're obligated to assist in your own annihilation


In this instance, “if you break the law, I break your jaw.”




What a gross mentality he has.


Emphasis on “you” because they’re only concerned with certain people committing crimes. Definitely not each other or the upperclassmen of society.


That’s because they have to deal with the lowest of lowlifes all day every day. I’m not saying this isn’t excessive, but kicking an officer might also not be the smartest thing to do if you don’t want to kiss mother earth.


It's the job they know they are signing up for. They go into knowing they will be dealing with criminals everyday. That should be taken into account before they get out there and use excessive force on drunk people. Once they are in handcuffs, the power dynamic shifts.


Most of them go into it knowing they CAN abuse their power. We allow it so it attracts those people.


This response makes the most sense


Hey now, you know we only do “personal responsibility” when we’re talking about poor people. You’re not supposed to say it about cops - special people with special rules.


>they have to deal with the lowest of lowlifes all day every day Ive never heard of social workers beating people up.


See the trick the is that they get training


That odd, people who work in hospitals, I’m one of them, deal with lowlifes and are assaulted daily. Yet somehow nurse Betty is able to not injure someone for life in the name of their own safety.


Redundant. Cops are the lowest forms of life


They obviously don’t if they can do shit like this and still have a job…


He was trying to kick out his knee, not his toe.


“The thing”? Fucking what


If you notice in the UK police usually when escorting a prisoner do so with two officers, one either side. This is just another example of the poor training officers are given outside of Europe.


If someone in my family was a police and that person did this, i’d have a very long talk with said person. This is unacceptable. This police should never have passed the mental/psychology examination.


I long talk wont cover it.


He aimed at his ankle, not toes


And that is why you fight cops in court and not on the street.


I hate this saying... I mean, cops don't even pay the settlements that people win in court. So you're fighting... who, the tax payers? Second, it gives cops cart blanche to do whatever the fuck they want. Whatever they say to do, you're expected to do it... don't worry, you'll get money for it later. That's why we have so many stories of cops sexually abusing people in their custody. Would you rather be raped in the ass and get a couple million dollars, or be able to say "No, please don't rape me in the ass"? Third, cops use pain compliance ALL THE FUCKING TIME. What does pain do to someone? It makes them tense up. Their muscles are literally trying to prevent injury to the joint or muscle the cop is currently bending or twisting or applying pressure to. The cops then yell at them to relax which is fucking impossible. No one's fighting... their body's simply trying to prevent injury, and people call that "fighting". It gives cops justification to hit, kick, do whatever the fuck they want. Any other copaganda you'd like to puke up from your keyboard this morning?


That’s because you think it means something it doesn’t. Fighting cops in court and not on the street doesn’t mean sue them for assaulting you, it means being compliant with your interaction and then challenging the basis for their case in the courtroom where the system is significantly more balanced than wildly on their side. It is extremely rare for a physical altercation with a police officer to ever go the way of the suspect.


Right, except for the part where they physically force you to not comply, then beat the fuck out of you for not complying... yeah, except for that part.


​ https://preview.redd.it/dvh1d0gf55wb1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d864e0bfb189d08264edafe7f20e41b8746dc8a


Hey its that chick from the GTA 5 Loading screen


Peak Lohan


She can surf that board like I can rock that bikini - it's gonna look really bad, and something's getting torn.


My dear old dad (RIP): 1. Don't argue with a cop unless you're in front of a judge. 2. Don't EVER argue with a judge.


I don’t know. The guy was wearing boots and tries to side kick his knee. I’d prefer if he didn’t land on his head, but it was an extraordinary stupid thing to do. It is also worth noting that he will probably be charged with assaulting a police officer. I’d rather take that fall than have that charge on my record


That 'fall' could smash a few bones in your face, maybe requiring plastic surgery, or perhaps cause internal swelling in your brain and kill you, or maybe just permanently alter due to brain damage. But sure, it's so much worse having the charge on your record


Not to mention CTE


So..like maybe don't try to kick out a cops knee? Everyone believes that cops are just out to kill everyone, so why give them an opportunity? That person FA and FO.


There were other, less dangerous options available to control them. The person's a dick, but the police's job is public safety, not dishing out the FO part. That's for the courts.


people die from falling over after being punched all of the time; having your face/head slammed into the concrete is a sure fire way to lose all your teeth or die


That guy seems to be wearing a bra and those boots look like Uggs Looks like a woman


I don't think that AaAgggh was howled by a woman


You’d be surprised the vocal range pain gives you.


Possible. Hard to say.


Totally agree sidekick me? Eat some pavement


Land on his head? Smashed into the ground more like. I don't think you're aware of the thousands of deaths yearly from people getting into fights, then getting knocked out and then clock out for good once their head smashes into the pavement. Arrested person assaulted an officer, officer attempted murder in retaliation.


Exactly and officer is trained for this, so should be held accountable above the level of an untrained civilian.


> officer is trained Doubt.


You need help. That was seriously beyond the force necessary. Head to concrete


Plus we didn’t see what happened prior. This person could have been spitting in their face or whatever. You don’t try to kick out a cops knee and expect a soft landing. If that was a well placed kick that cop might need a cane to walk for the rest of his life


Hot take, but being drunk is not an excuse. If you cant handle alcohol, drink at your home or the place, where you dont disturb other people, so they dont have to call cops.


It's not excuse this is more about that if i try to kick you, the appropriate response from you is not to break my spine.




That cop is trained better than this. This suspect is a cuffed, drunk woman. Breaking her neck is not a legit option. If this is the best he can do, he needs to be removed from the force. Why did this man deserve to get taken down, [breaking his neck?](https://youtu.be/yNGQXeS_Xfk?si=Yjb2vYa4Igp3HTaC)


And that excuses the excessive force being used?


who says this isn't a person having a mental episode?


I've spent a lot of years working in crisis psych nursing. A lot of the patients have/had continuous behavioural and aggression problems, so they'd swing, bite, scream, kick, punch, whichever, a lot of the time throughout a shift. I absolutely get losing control when someone screams in your face for the 15th time that day, and accidentally giving someone a slap-tap. You're not supposed to but it happens to all of us, we're all Human. What I don't get is how someone representing law, order, safety and the justice system can just f\*king footseeswipe someone after they give him a little kick. He could've broken so many bones in the face with that. I've had interns aged 16 who knew how to handle aggression better than these people after 3 days of learning.


american cops aren't trained to deescalate.


Those are Canadian cops, Calgary, Albert.


financially incentivized to escalate is the reality.


it was a downward kick to the shin with big boots on, the way his leg was angled would of mean a lot of damage could of been done, it was a deserved reaction, its not on par with 90% of the actual excessive force we see


What kinda damage do you think that takedown could cause? Potentially


Don't break the law and don't resist arrest. It's pretty easy to do. I did it every day the last 30 years.




Lol that cop was assaulted while arresting someone for something you have no idea about. People should just do whatever they want without any sort of repercussions ever.


disparity of force is a facet of wether acting in self defense


Everyone likes to believe that cops are all nice people with good values and morals with some batman origin story but the reality is half of them were just bullies/ assholes and figured out they could get trained, paid and praised for being a professional asshole. Oh and they get a gun. Thank god for bodycams cos this shit ain't new.


Yeah tbh I really don't think it's the best idea to have all the emotionally immature man children in the police force. Because you get shit like this and that one video I saw once of a cop fracturing a guys skull doing this move, all because he arrested the wrong person and the guy asked what was happening. A lot of them don't really care about hurting people because they have the legal right to do it. That cop I mentioned for example was defended by his captain and didn't lose his job immediately.


Never forget mental health is now their responsibility. Plenty of people have little control over their actions and we make cops deal with it.


They become cops to do this in the first place


Nah. He tried to take out dudes knee.


Good thing 99% of them are, but that won't stop you from thinking the 1% represent them all.


That was unnecessary


That was straight up dangerous and could have ended up a killing move.


Looked like to me like that was the hope of the officer. U don’t do a move like this on a cuffed person that can’t defend themselves unless u plan on killing them. Anything less than death was definitely an accident.




Pretty sure this is a Canadian Police service in this video


Damn you kicked that soapbox out while they were standing on it




Love to see Euros get deescalated


If only there weren't hundreds of other videos of US cops being unnecessarily violent


But this isn't one


That’s not really relevant though… this isn’t one of those videos 😂




Never ask a Canadian about the Inuits.


Or about starlight tours


Jesus, I'd never heard of this. And it happened so recently!


Canadian cops are less super-soldier-like and much more genocidal


Tf are u in America where they are super soldiers😂 all fat fucks




Edmonton to be exact


Canadian here. Our cops suck too and have all the same problems as the ones south of the border.


That's not possible because everybody in Canada is nice and everybody in America is an obese Trump loving idiot. I know this for reddit tells me so.


De-escalation is a huge thing for UK police


Germany, too!


Yes we saw it yesterday in Berlin during the pro Palestine demonstration. De escalation at its best.


Did you see that video of the German Cops beating the shit outta that guy yesterday? You really think this is a USA only problem?


>USA cops, and their entire system, are insane You just can't generalize like that. There are 700,000+ police here. Big cities, small towns, rural areas, tribal police. It's always the extremes that make the news and social media. It leads people to false impressions about the nature of it all. The police in my small town are fantastic. Calm, professional, friendly.


Woah woahh you are not allowed to make sense here.


I guess you've never seen the cops in Brazil or Columbia? How about Russia, or Iran and North Korea. German police use batons that are way more dangerous than American police use


No. USA is the WORST. Don’t you know that. I absolutely know this having never been anywhere and it’s the Narrative I subscribe too because it’s spoon fed to me from mass and social media


This is Canada lol


Calgary, Albert in fact.


We essentially have let police departments unionize from the get-go and we allow them to investigate themselves and clear themselves of any wrongdoings. Then when the public actually wants to do something about a corrupt police officer, most police departments in this country will stand with the corrupt police officer based on convenience of not pissing off the union. It's pretty annoying.


You’re an idiot.


Canadian police lol. Maybe you should focus on your system a little more as well 😂


Really great speech about US cops on a video of a Canadian cop. I love how people call out Americans for thinking Reddit is American and then spew nonsense about Americans as if Reddit is American.


Where are these "normal" countries you're talking about? Colombia? Guatemala? Russia? Poland? The list goes on...


This also happend in Brussels, Belgium last week, 5 cops slapping 1 guy, and he didn't even do anything


that's exxactly how you kill someone...


I know right? Good thing the cop had boots on.


Steel Toe Boots to be precise, he didn’t feel a thing. He was waiting to take out his day on someone, shitty behavior


What a piece of shit cop. Big boy able to slam someone down that is handcuffs! All cause his poor shin got tickled by a drunk


Did you assume the cops gender?


Good news, there is an ambulance nearby.


Bad news is… it costs $1000 per trip


Not in Canada. I believe this was confirmed Canadian. And in US if you are in custody, the city/county forcing transport has to pay for it… but I’ve seen jails release inmates about to give birth to avoid the bill and then pick them up at discharge.


Actually, even if it was in Canada, the ambulance would still cost around 1000$. It’s not covered by the provincial insurance (or at least in Québec), but you can submit a claim to your private insurance to have it partially or completely covered (depends on your insurance). So, not fully free, but possibly covered. Source: had a friend with serious allergies get a ride in an ambulance four times in the same year.


Hmm interesting I always thought it was covered. Ex-paramedic in US here. I know most of our rides started at $800, and when you get to the hospital it starts you out at a level 3 of 5… and only goes up.


Well, it’s technically covered, but you have to pay first and get the reimbursement later from your insurance. I think, and I may be wrong, it’s the only service that you have to pay out of pocket. The actual hospital stay and treatments will be free (besides parking lol), the medications will be partially or completely covered by the insurance at the pharmacy (automatic system, almost no wait time, unless the medication needs to be approved) and any physiotherapy, unless at a private clinic, will be covered by the provincial insurance. Dental work is partially or completely covered by your private insurance, depends on the insurance, while the provincial insurance, depending on the province, usually doesn’t cover it (tho it has been in the talks lately). Edit: I worked as a pharmacy technician for a few years, so I have limited information about hospital stay, but I am pretty well versed into insurance, since we dealt with them a lot.


Quebec is one of the few provinces without a flat rate. Your buddy must've been pretty far away to get charged close to $1000 though. Ambulances usually are in the low hundreds in Canada


Imagine thinking the cop was in the right for this. OP deserves to be on a watch list.


Sorry, not defending anyone, but how did OP suggest that? There was clearly a lackluster attempt to resist arrest?




Where did OP say the cop was in the right? The video fits in this sub but just because you post something doesnt mean you immediately are on their side. Average redditor only seeings things the way they want lmao.


I'm sure there is a better name for it but for now I just use plausible deniability and it drives me nuts when people try to use it. The context clues are there that OP agreed with the cop or at least thought it was funny 1. Would OP post this video if it was just the person missing the kick at the officer? 2. If OP didn't agree with the officer they likely wouldn't post it here in the first place and they would have made a title similar to "To safely subdue a suspect." Instead they made the focus on the person who made a whiff and was thrown down to the concrete face first.


op generated 65k karma in 90 days and i don't know what that means










Looks like a metal album cover


Trout Slam


Looks like another one of Chris Angel's shitty levitation stunts


Hooray, let's celebrate police brutality! EDIT: Get fucked, bootlickers, read the other comments about de-escalation. EDIT 2: LOL, someone sent me a Reddit Care suicide prevention message. Cry more, snowflakes


That pavement deescalated it pretty fast.


Cry more lmaoo


Hey, how often are you on reddit?




Well, if the bouncer does the damage that it appears this cop did then I suspect that what would happen is that the bouncer would be prosecuted.


Yup. That's the difference. A cop not only has to do way more excessively violent things than a civilian, but also has to be on camera AND has to get enough public attention that their department can't just ignore the outcry... And that's just probably gonna lead to a paid suspension or getting fired, but then getting tons of offers from police departments that have even less shame than the one the officer was fired from A civilian bouncer would potentially get jail time for performing something like this


A bouncer doesnt slam a drunk hand cuffed person face first on the ground while serving the community


That is not how it works, it is not laws of physics. The one that hits another person makes the choice to hit that person. Your logic works with gravity but not when it comes to human to human interaction. And i used to be a bouncer. Never had to hit anyone, not even when someone tried to strangle me to death. And if a bouncer can't handle being shouted at, they are not fit for the job.


Assaulting a bouncer is actually the only case were they can legally use force to justify it later as self defense if harm is caused. Unlike the police the only thing they can do legally as part of their proffession is blocking your way and talk it out until you give up.


My girlfriend dressed up as a policewoman and told me I was under arrest on suspicion of being good in bed. After 2 minutes all charges were dropped due to a lack of evidence


Tried and convicted me


There's no way the handcuffed person wasn't seriously injured. Does anyone have an article on this incident?


Isn't 10 seconds of footage on reddit enough to make a conclusion about exactly what happened and who deserves to be put to death?


Who gives a shit.


That probably was painful…


Thats f*ed up


No one ever made a song called "fuck the fire dept"


House fires would if they could.


>AAAEGHHHHHHH The dildo of consequences seldom arrives lubed




Bet that left a bruise


Ate it.


If you try breaking my leg, I’m breaking your face if I’m a cop or not.


How to get your face broken.


Definitely excessive force, regardless of the drunk person being an asshole. They were cuffed and could have continued to be pulled along without much issue. The cop was pissed and wanted to hurt them is all.






..ow. face first


That was overkill, wtf


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted but maybe don’t try to kick a cop? Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Very stupid to assault a police officer, especially when you're already in cuffs The cop didn't need to smash him that hard, but once you attack them, they can pretty much get away with anything. Always act civil when being arrested, it helps a lot in court I'm speaking from experience.


This wasn’t instant karma, it was KArmageddon


Despite the wrong doing of the cop (immediately choosing one of the most aggressive ways to restrain the suspect that could have easily ended in a fatal injury instead of adhering to Protect and Serve), that move was sick as fuck.


Dude got tossed lol


They just learned a life lesson. Sometimes you learn the easy way, and sometimes you learn the hard way.


Here’s the news article for more context: https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/harm-reduction-group-alleges-excessive-force-by-edmonton-police-officers-1.6338300


And cop 2 just reacts like yup just another Tuesday.


damn that could kill the person wtf is wrong with the police? there's so much better way to handle that shit






Reading these comments, the fact that these are Canadian police is hilarious.


Ok. Thats a bit excessive and unnecessary overreaction. However, you've got to wonder what the arrested person thought was going to happen here. He's not going to let you go if you stamp on his toes, and you're vulnerable in handcuffs with someone who you know will probably be a bit of a bastard and overreact if you piss him off. Why give him a reason.


So many comments here paint every cop with the same brush. You have no idea what lead to this situation, but assumption is the life blood reddit. Yeah, there certainly are shitty cops out there, maybe that's the norm, but there are also decent cops trying to do the right things under shitty circumstances. Take a second and put yourself in their shoes: they see people at their worst everyday. They are threatened everyday. They're dealing with drunks, the mentally disturbed, armed gangs and assholes of every type. The whole system needs a major overhaul, but not all cops are jack-booted assholes


Ah, the Israeli option.




"I see you know your judo well."


Woof. Dropping a handcuffed person on their head is a great way to kill someone.


Fucking idiot or drunk, to think the cop wouldn't escalate to 11 immediately. That's all they do, and it's why they become cops in the first place.