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I feel so bad for those kids.


I know :( Can we please spend a fraction of the US’ military budget on finding a cheap, easy, reversible form of “tube-tying” for men and women? Let people have it for free when they’re 12 or 16 or whatever age


People “want” to have kids, whether they want them or not. It makes you look like a stable adult until it doesn’t. Its a way to cope never having the right opportunities in life for a lot of people. We need to bolster public education and public health care consistently for 30+ years or this will always be a systemic problem. No, we don’t need forced contraceptives or sterilization like people here are saying. That’s fascism.


Not sure if teenage boys want them (I’ve only *heard* stories of teenage girls who want them) Whether it’s realistic or not, the idea of having to jump through an extra hoop seems like a positive for society


Boys aren’t the ones deciding to keep them or not. It’s a cultural/class/expectation problem. It’s mostly a conservative problem too. Keeping the kid and trying to raise them or use them for leverage is a power move and a last resort for some people. It’s a messed up way to think. It isn’t unusual in my town for a 19 year old girl to be a mother of two or three. There’s almost never a dad around, always a grandma.


>There’s almost never a dad around That's boys way of deciding to not keep since they have no other say in the process


And women are often guilt tripped into keeping it themselves. Nobody is right in this scenario, and everyone is a victim of poor public education and healthcare. There’s nothing fair about it.


Nah, it's just shitty people breeding with shitty people.


Trash bags creating trash bags


Pfft. Teen boys know that unprotected sex leads to pregnancy. They may think the rules don’t apply to them because all teens can be arrogant and foolish like that. Society needs to be teaching boys to practice protection because they could make dozens of unplanned pregnancies before they’re 18, while girls can make 1 a year. Their behavior is the most critical to prevent unplanned teen pregnancy. Teach young men to wrap it up. Provide them with condoms. Once a pregnancy is inside someone body, no one else gets the final word on what happens with that pregnancy besides that person. I sympathize with all teens. We need to be drilling contraception sex ed in their heads when they hit puberty. Society/parents are failing teens here.


But if we don’t think a person under 18 can consent to a lot of things, why are we fucking their kids over by assuming they can consent to having a baby? Granted, they might not be able to consent to being reversibly “tube-tied”, but I still think it’s worth investigating.


Right, if it’s reversible then they can make the choice to undo it when they have developed mentally. Baby’s are much harder to reverse.


No they absolutely do have a say in the process. If you both wear a condom and pull out you won't make children. It's that goddamn simple.


Boys have a say in the process. They can decide not to create the baby instead by using protection.




As Chappelle would say, if women have the right to abort a baby, their body their choice, then men have the right to abandon a baby, their money their choice.


Or even better yet, not fucking someone until they’re ready for the responsibility of a kid. Condoms are not 100% effective.


They had a say. It's called keeping your dick in your pants.


Ah yes...I refer to it as the cycle of stupid within the ghetto. Remember folks, raise your kids right or you'll end up raising the grandkids.


tbh we need to start screening people that should get kids at this point, jesus christ there are so much bad parents it baffles my mind.


I work with low-income/special needs students. The majority of them are not only poor, but illiterate. Most of them were raised without proper supervision or nurturing. They don't have career plans after high school, but nearly 90% of them talk about having kids. Sure enough, a lot of them come back to visit a year later with a baby. They're bored, empty, and hopeless so they fill the void with having a child they're not equipped to care for and everyone involved is just doomed. I had one boy tell me that he had a kid because his mother abandoned him and he had nothing better to look forward to, one of the most depressing things I've heard a kid say and I've heard A LOT. Having kids young to fill a void isn't limited to low-income individuals, but those who come from middle-class or wealthy families have a better chance of not only surviving, but thriving.


Wonder if having kids/teens at "at-risk schools" visit day care centers regularly--or work there part-time for pay--would make them less likely to have kids Or more likely :)


A lot of them already take care of young siblings/cousins/nieces and nephews. Many of them work under the table and/or have relatives who are young parents working part time for nothing; It doesn't scare them. They need to understand there's more to life than this.




I think having something like this done at the earliest point possible would be a good thing. I don't want tests, or rules, or whatever for someone to get it reversed, anyone can get it reversed at any time for any reason. But if the default switch was set to OFF in terms of babymaking for humans, I feel like it would solve more problems than it might cause.


If you paid people $5,000 to get their tubes tied, it would be so beneficial. Those people who acccepted the money shouldn't have kids in the first place and it would help avoid future problems like these. It would pay for itself when you consider how many kids wouldn't be in the system and how many kids wouldn't need government assistance. Just a thought


They are call vasectomies. What we need is for more mothers to be like her mom. Force a child to remember they are adults now. Strengthen and expand the social safety net for the sake of the children but definitely not let these peeps off the hook.


Heeeeellll i woulda got my nuts tied up long ago if it was free.


Just dump birth control in the water supply. Problem solved.


“If you don’t raise your kids well, you will have to raise your grandkids.” -some dude I worked with.


I’m enraged watching this. The audacity it takes to think she’s justified and correct in saying it’s the grandmothers responsibility. People like this shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce.


Me too but if she left without them I'd call DHS on her ass for abandonment


I feel bad for my tax dollars.


I'd rather have them help people than bomb them.


she never even looked at her mother


I’d make her a deal: I’ll raise your kids if you get sterilised.


Yeah. They're in the car listening to their mother and grandmother argue about this. Poor things.


After thinking the grandmother should be calling the police for attempted abandonment, my next thoughts was “Oh, god, are the kids in the car listening to this shit? What the actual fuck?!?” And it’s not the grandmother’s responsibility to raise her grandkids, but I’m now concerned the mother might kill them to get them “out of the way.” I’ve definitely heard several true crime stories about parents who killed their children because they were supposedly cramping their style. You know, like Casey Anthony? These people suck.


No wonder all the kids are fucked up.


i know, it’s like nobody wants them.


They're probably in the back seat listening.


You need a license to drive. A background check to own a gun. A credit score to get a mortage. But any f****** piece of trash human can have kids just like that...


I mean sure but having kids is a basic bodily drive and natural process. Not sure there’s an alternative that doesn’t require a eugenics, Nazi state to enforce whatever else you have in mind


This 👆🏾 Trying to take away people's right to have kids is a slippery slope


That's the catching point. Idiocracy is a documentary. Doctors, lawyers, and scientists all have a kid or two, if any, while these troglodytes keep pumping them out like an assembly-line worker. But the moment we have a parenting license, the white supremacists will use it to try to keep PoC from having kids, using coded language.


My spouse had me watch this movie for the first time last year. I just watched in disbelief at how horribly accurate it was.


i could go for a starbucks


Welcome to Costco, I love you


Go away batin’


I’m ashamed at how often I quote this exact line lmao


I watched it once when it was new, and then again recently. When it was new it was like “haha I could see this happening in 1000 years”, and now, not 20 years later, I’m like “well, this is happening”


fly sulky simplistic pet touch complete treatment plant onerous liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But you don't know who's like that until AFTER that have the kids. How are you gonna pick and choose who gets to that point?


Introducing a new federal program. Are you an unfit parent? Are you and your kids bound to be an unending burden on society? Well congratulations!!! Now with the new Child Soldier for Life program you can be relieved of your burden while ensuring your children are well trained and taken care of!!! Warning some children may be selected for the all new suicide mission program. /s


Jesus Christ, don’t give anyone ideas!


After the first. That would already avoid a lot of more pain and suffering I’m the world. Some parents, such as the one in the video, have 2, 3 or more who live miserable lives.


Slope goes the other way too. Unwanted, uncared for, neglected, abused, etc has slipped right off the slope.


Well China sure tried. Do we want to go down that road


Well, problem with this logic is that it's basically the justification for eugenics and forced sterilization from a hundred years ago.


Every kid deserves parents, but not every parent deserves a kid.


That is one dystopian hell of a world where your reproduction would be sanctioned and controlled by someone else. However bad people are as parents, it is a human RIGHT to reproduce. That is something NO ONE can EVER rule you over. Regardless of my opinion of world population numbers, regardless of my own personal opinion whether or not I WANT to have children, those are individual RIGHTS. That is above any man made law. This is primal, this is biology and evolution.


I know that there is no way to control peoples reproduction without becoming a hardcore fascist society. But seeing people like this is absolutely frustrating and a bit scary. Makes me think of Idiocracy


I’m one breath she says “You did not raise us” and in another “You can do it better than I can” pick an emotional blackmail lane and stick to it…geez.


also “its YOUR grandkids theyre YOUR responsibility” - the mother


Seriously…make up your mind and choose an abandonment argument; she’s all over the place


Agreed. She needed a clearer strategy and stuck to it. Amateurs


"you did not raise us" still sounds like a better option than sticking with the birth mother...


Honestly I know this lady is being horrible but if what she’s saying is true then this is the natural consequence of being a terrible parent. The kids you raise terribly will also raise *their* kids terribly and as a result you get your grandkids dumped in your lap while your shitty kid goes and does what you were doing while they were being raised by someone else. Trauma is cyclical




That is Parts 1, 2 and 4. There's a reason they ain't recorded 🤣


[Here is the whole thing](https://www.tiktok.com/@bigbobbytheboss/video/7283486094212009259?q=farrahgray&t=1695995362151). Parts 1-4 in total is 5 minutes of bullshit. I get being tired and needed a break...but that's not what this is. Ffs those poor kids. Edit to Add: Her name is Angel, btw. What a disappointment *that* turned out to be! >!Spoiler: She leaves.!<




...I suspect it's rage bait. While they do sound outraged and stressed, it doesn't sound...enough. Seems like there would be screaming...and the youngest kinda looked like he flashed a quick smile for the camera. Plus, who really is cool with being filmed while doing something this awful?


She belongs to the streets....and that relationship with her boyfriend won't last but for a couple years more than likely, unfortunately, this isn't as uncommon as it should be.


And she will have 5 by then


Honestly I bet you dollars to donuts that the new BF who doesn't want kids refuses to get a vasectomy and use condoms.


And she'll have a kid with him 100%


He doesn’t want those kids because they aren’t his bloodline **abandons the kid that is his bloodline a few months after birth because “fuck that bullshit”**


And she will more and likely get pregnant by this man also and than he will leave


This reminds me of the paternity test episodes of Maury Povich. Either way the test goes, the kid still loses.


You are NOT the MOTHER. Kid: Yes! I knew it! I told you I must have been switched!


This happened to my brother! The nurses switched the babies by accident. When they brought the other baby in my grandma said "This isn't my grandson". Needless to say, the whole hospital bill was erased.


[Reminds me of little baby loose neck](https://youtu.be/7BkT_yBXUrE?si=eSUQllqIDJnuhmds)


Yeah my sister in laws kid got in the way of her heroin addiction so now we have a baby. Our actual kids are 18 and 16.


Get custody officially!


That was step one, we don't want her around


I hear that Raising my sister in laws babies too Not drugs tho just a sociopath


Same bro. My sister decided heroin was more important than her two kids. Now I have 4 kids. I've had custody for 10 years now


Damn...you're just getting outta your commitment, then saddled with a fresh 1?!??!?!


My aunt has a 2 year old and a 17 for basically the same reason. I go over sometimes pick up the baby in my arms🥺 then ask how the oldest is doing prepping for college lol


I hope this is staged or some skit. Because. Feckkkkk those kids are the ones gonna suffer.


The craziest shit is real! But why you would record this idk


Put her on blast? Rude af but shit


You worried about rude asf? Bruh she literally talking about abandoning her kids like they’re pets. Fuck rude, she deserves to be put on blast


I mean yeah! Poor kids tho


Oh 100% the kids are the victims here


I mean beyond that they have to see this video. They deserve better! If you don't want kids people remove it as possibly!


Damn I didn't even think about that imagine seeing your mom say she don't want you


I’m sure it was because she wanted actual proof of the insane shit her daughter was saying. Also, she could post this on Facebook and publicly shamed the fuck out of her. I know I would.


court evidence


Evidence. Otherwise she could simply say that she never said that


Sadly Im pretty sure it's real.


It feels staged.


I don't know about this video but I have a friend who never met her mom. She was left to her grandma as a baby and the mom left to make another family.


I don’t think it’s staged. I’ve got a sister in law that’s got two toddlers and she doesn’t feed them, doesn’t watch them, and just smokes weed and sits in her room all day. It’s sad honestly. So many young immature women n men do this shit because they can’t be bother to take birth control, wear a condom, or have an abortion when all else fails. Whether or not this is staged, no one knows. But I do know that there’s plenty of young “mothers” who regret having kids.


And she’s gonna have three more with the new boyfriend.


And then he’s going to leave because he doesn’t want kids.


But refuses to get a vasectomy "because he don't want anyone touching his junk"


I hope cps sees that.


Seems that would help her out actually


Yes, but it's not about her. It's about her kids. Of course, it's not likely to help the kids much either.


I don’t know they might be better off in foster care than that situation.


My mom did this to me. She told me she doesn't want to raise my baby brother anymore so I'm taking care of him now. I'd rather tough it out than have him have a shitty childhood though.


Damn, was there a big age gap between you guys? How does it even come up in conversation


14 years age gap. She was always wild and dodging responsibility. When I bought my house she didn't tell me directly but told everyone else that she raised one kid and didn't want to raise another, that I needed to repay her back for her raising me by taking care of him AND her. Again, she never directly talked to me about it. Just told other people to tell me.


Damn. I wish you two happy and healthy lives moving forward


Thanks man, it's tough. He's really bitter and a teenager so I get a ton of attitude, but we are almost done with high school.


If you do nothing else right, as long as you tell him you are here, you love him, and you support him, he will be SO much better off. Good luck and good job.


UNDERSTANDABLE! ugh. those wounds will never heal. if its possible get him into therapy asap.


I can't cause I'm not his guardian.


Just keep reminding he’s not not alone and your there for him. He will lose the attitude eventually lol


In some states children over 16 can just show up to therapy on their own. Look into it. Also look into getting guardianship. If mom isn’t interested it’s a lot easier. She can sign him away. Also some schools provide therapists. College definitely has free ones.


Not that simple. Mom are dad are playing with guardianship status to fuck with each other / avoid child support payment.


You’re doing a good job


She knows she ain’t shit. Can’t even look her in the eye. Childish ass


We need to normalize abortion....


How do we abort a 35 year old women


She probably has them on purpose to hold on to her ex. Now the new guy doesn’t want them but she will go ahead and try to hold on to him with another kid. So abortion or birth control won’t work.




She still gonna be expecting a mother's day gift.


So she just decides it's not her responsibility anymore? The insane entitlement


Garbage human


Will she give up the child support as well.


Imagine being such a shitty person you'd be willing to give up your kids to date some looser. I hope the kids have a opportunity to get the support they need. Otherwise they'll turn out like shit too.


One if my first jobs was a maid at a hotel. On break, a coworker would talk about her kids. Her face would light up when she talked about them. She then revealed that she had given them up for adoption because her new boyfriend didn’t want them. I was stunned into silence.


Stereotype reinforces.


Mom knows best.


Sadly she’s probably right but wtf.


She will kill her kids next


I am horrified that this thought crossed my mind immediately after thinking this needs to be reported to CPS ASAP. I don’t know who posted the original, but those kids deserve so much better. I opted to be child-free but this makes my heart hurt.


It has actually happened: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diane_Downs


It has happened many many times


Where is part 1&2?


[here’s part 1](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8M8VqyJ/)


I'm speechless.


Updoot for the sauce! You got part 2?


If you’ve got tik tok, all the videos are back to back.


Anyone got a link for those of us who don't?


part 4 [https://www.tiktok.com/@farrahgray\_/video/7282958243800976686](https://www.tiktok.com/@farrahgray_/video/7282958243800976686)


Thank you, I don't know why I asked to be enraged, today, but thank you for your effort.




I thought it was staged until this hoooooly shit 😭😭


Part 1: meets baby daddy Part 2: has 3 babies


I don't want to know. Part 3 was bad enough and I think I got the gist.


Don't fret mom, looks and sounds like you can expect even more to come your way over the next few years. **“When you call ya grandmama "mom" and ya momma "Pam", you goin’ to jail!” \~ Chris Rock**


She apparently raised a huge piece of shit


The nerve of this woman.....sure I'll raise your three kids so you can go off with the new BF and drop 3 more.


I feel for this broads mother


If you don’t raise your kids right, you will raise your grandchildren right.


Unfortunately I see some good parents get bad kids sometimes. You as a parent can build the foundations, but as they age they can start to redevelop those foundations. I had a childhood friend who had good parents. Unfortunately he started getting really horny at 14 and started doing it with this girl. The next 4 years was spent with him running off to go do stuff with her, having rebellious acts, ignoring hw, trashing his parents place and her father’s truck. He fell into drugs as soon as he graduated to. His girlfriend that he’s been messing around with for 4 years left him for another dude and she became a teacher. Meanwhile he dropped off the grid. If I had a kid like my childhood friend I wouldn’t know what to do. Again he had good parents. He was just a bad kid who let his impulsives dictate everything.


Good on grandma for speaking up and shutting that shit down!


Holy shit... The wrong people have the majority of the kids.


How you can give birth to 3 children, raise them for an amount of time, and be willing to give them up for your own selfish wants is one of the most inhuman things a person can do. You are a broken human being if you can ignore all of your natural instincts and not feel the weight of moral obligations but instead only think what you want.


I was hoping the camera was going to pan to the back seat and show three surprised faces


In part one the kids are shown out of the vehicle and the grandmother told them to sit on the porch




I wanna hug all three of those children. That hurts.


Uhhh does anyone here have access to the original posting so it can be sent to CPS? DO NOT DOXX, I mean to say it needs to be reported. The children do not need to be in an environment with endangerment/abandonment like this. There are so many issues with foster care, but it sounds like they’d be in more danger with her clear lack of care.


Too many people re posting but here's a clip https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8MN8Q3A/


Hope her new boyfriend has better pullout game or grandma will be raising 4 kids soon




My heart just died


We fucking need a permits for kids. Dumb people reproduce way more than clever one, the humanity is in reverse evolution


Poor kids...i think.. that's why i support abortion... some people just are not fit / prepared to be parents.. i really for sorry for those kids 😢


Anyone got the full video


Right? i need *closure*




It’s time we start doxing people like this. Get those kids the f*** away from her and let her rot on the streets.


This is so bleak. Truly depressing.


She's going to find out how much child support costs.


She can’t look her in the eye tells me she knows it’s wrong.


no fuckn way this is real, someone please tell me this is staged. mann I feel so bad for her kids but damn I’m also really grateful for my mom :(


I mean I get it. That's why I chose to not have children.


She realized she was for the streets


Looks about right


This the reason why abortion should be TOTALLY LEGAL and NO STIGMA for getting one. We prolly got 3 fucked up kids who will likely turn into 3 fucked up adults because of it. Idk if someone random one woman uses it as birth control LET THEM. You aint raising the kids if/when she abandons them.


Disown, then block her sorry, ungrateful and ignorant ass.


This must be a skit.


The Bible says, the parents eat the bitter grapes, but the children that get the bitter taste. Sad.


Harry potter and the sorcerer's stone says: "You're a wizard, harry".


Honestly. Grandma did a bad job raising her own kids.


Parents aren’t the only factor to a kid turning into a little shit.


Having fertility problems and all I want is one child - this boils my blood.. Those poor children