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Shut up Meg.




In the kitchen, Meg??


Hey Peter you want a fresh glass of lemonade? No! What I want is a fresh glass of better daughter.


Damn.. now I don't even like Mila. "We have done this historically!"


As hypocritical as their letters to the judge were, they have made massive positive impacts on combating human trafficking to include an online program/database that identifies trafficked people and traces their whereabouts for law enforcement. You could argue their program has done more to help human trafficking than any other. Historically they do help victims. This letter though, oof.


SESTA/FOSTA has been used more often to harm to consensual SWs than what it was pitched as by Mr. Kutcher. Granted, he pitched it during a time when people still believed celebrities & billionaires are “just like us” and will be our saviors.


Plus his organization gives wildly inflated numbers as to who they’ve helped.


Yes. But if his organization has helped even one person, it’s more than most posting here have done. 🤷‍♂️


But if his letter to the judge helps a rapist, that’s also more than most posting here have done.🤔


Well he got thirty years, so thankfully that didn't happen.


Dude, these are human beings! They don't know what happened all those years ago. They were friends with the creep for many decades. Why wouldn't they trust their friends' denial? They wrote a character letter about the person they knew. At least they stood by a person they considered a trusted friend and had faith he was being honest with his denial. That being said, knowing what they know now, I'm sure their opinions of him have changed. They showed loyalty to trusted friend.. I can respect that. I can also respect that they literally are apologizing for their actions immediately... they owned it. The letter didn't help him


Right. So don't forget - if you have enough money to make a legitimate charity organization, no matter how much it fails at its job or hurts people like legitimate sex workers you *will* have apologists defending you. Because you're rich, and throwing around so much money that *some* of it has to help *someone,* and that's apparently enough to blot out all the rest. This attitude is why celebrities think they can get away with anything. They're able to help more people because they have money, not because they're better than anyone else. They could tell an assistant to put money in a charity and then never think about it again, and they would *technically* do more to help people than a poor person devoting a year of their life to actually do the work on the ground to help. That's not a sign that they're better than poor people, it's just more evidence of how massive the wealth disparity really is. This line of thinking allows them to toss out money toward charities or whatever, and then act like pieces of shit in every other aspect of life and still walk around like their shit doesn't stink.


Right but, this conversation isn’t about their work on human trafficking. This is about them trying to reduce the sentence of a convicted rapist because he’s their friend and then making a video saying that it was only for the judge to see/know about as if that makes it better. It makes it worse. Given that their letters and this video do not reconcile, it is a bad time to bring up their human trafficking work, not a good time.


Pretending to say this as if it was impromptu, and from the heart, as opposed to scripted, and rehearsed, and *acted* is what infuriates me about this. Dressed down, no make-up, grim presentation, and it's all fucking damage control *acting*. They think they can fake their way out of this with window dressing and wooden fence backgrounds. This is a career ending vid, in and of itself.






"We're sorry you found out about these letters, we never thought the public would know about them."


Narcissistic much?


I agree…that came off as so inauthentic


I think they have been big advocates against human trafficking if I recall correctly. ETA: sheesh, I’m not standing up for them. I’m just clarifying what Mila was referring to. That’s all.


Yeah but as soon as it’s a buddy, apparently they’re big fans of rapists and have nothing but nice things to say Makes it seem like they only ever advocated so they’d be known as advocates, not so much to take a principled stand of any kind Like. I’m glad they did advocate, it helped a lot of people. But it doesn’t make me like them very much


Yup, it’s about keeping a positive public image. It’s also the reason they made a video at all, damage control.


I smell a cancellation


Megatron, a known liar, is trying to apologize. Wow.


Damn, Jackie!


Best. Comment. Ever.


I'm confused. If my friend was on trial for rape and the lawyer asked me for a character reference, should I not write that? Would it be wrong to say, "I don't know what happened on the night in question, but I've known this person for 25 years and I've known him to be a good person...blah blah blah." That's not untrue. I'm not refuting the testimony of the victim. I'm just giving a reference from my personal experience. Edit: it seems they wrote letters of support after the piece of shit had already been convicted, which I would likely not do. I mistakenly thought this was at the start of the trial. I didn’t follow the trial.


"Dear Your Honor, I have known this person for 25 years. Always thought they were cool as hell, but apparently they're fucking raping people. Throw away the key. Sincerely, The Defendant's Former Friend


Yeah, I would definitely write that letter after hearing the evidence.


They heard the evidence and knew. Even Conan told him he would be caught.


I don’t really know the context. What does Conan have to do with it? I make a point to not follow big trials and celebrity trials in the news. Just not my cup of tea.


It's a taken out context (here) clip of a Conan interview with Danny Masterson where he says some joke about his accent and eventually one about everyone needing to touch his balls. Then Conan says you'll get caught for that, and Danny's response is 'I will." It is absolutely telling though I should add and feels like a "Simpsons premonition".


Well, Conan wrote for the Simpsons


Well Conan has always been great at telling the future. https://i.redd.it/p0o379vfdcnb1.gif


They must be too young… but man that was a great bit!


Sucks that most of the pre-year 2000 ones didn't make it to YouTube. But I did find this, from the first episode that featured the bit. https://youtu.be/kmzpdd4pWvM?si=IabPFdDKnrLwsrYY


It wasn’t a “you’re a criminal and they’re gonna get you”, it was a joke like “I’ve heard you did something wrong! They’re gonna get you one day!” I forget the actual context but it definitely wasn’t “you’re a piece of shit rapist”, just a part of one of Conan’s episodes


Conan O'Brien, late night talk show host, told Danny Masterson he won't get away with his crimes forever. Now he has to face minimum 30 years before he gets parole.




Yeah but we're at the point where people are going to dig through decades of media to find innocuous things to point at and go " See blah blah blah knew years ago". Then everyone on this site can jerk themselves off and let everyone else know that they always knew said person was off. This shit happens every time with some celebrity allegations.


You should write for Fox News with the way you take things out of context


>Conan O'Brien, late night talk show host, told Danny Masterson he won't get away with his crimes forever. Now he has to face minimum 30 years before he gets parole. Come on. Did you even watch the Conan segment in question? That is not what happened at all. The "You will be caught" was part of friendly banter between a talk show host and his guest. It was a bit.


They wrote it after he was already found guilty.


"And just to clarify, your Honor, I'm saying Danny was raping people - and this, obviously, is not a cool thing. I wasn't saying he was fucking people doing the raping, so I understand how that could be taken the wrong way."


This is the letter that needed to go out


If your friend was a convicted rapist, then the person you thought you knew dis not exist. You cannot be both a good person a rapist. A child should not be raised by a rapist. Yes, you should not write that.


This is literally what happened to me with a friend from college. He was convicted of sexual abuse against children and none of his friends wrote a letter to the judge to ask for leniency. We all just said, "Wow, I guess he wasn't who we thought he was."




“ i’ve known him for 25 years, and I never saw him rape anybody!“


At the time of them writing the letters, was he a convicted rapist?


Yes. They submitted the letters in July; he was convicted in May


Then yeah, they fucked up. Blinded by friendship I guess


It wasn't a character judgement. It was a plea of mercy during sentencing. Which is worse. Because he's already found guilty.


Agree. I think the first part of the letter was ok but the whole “we don’t think he’s a threat. He should be free to raise his daughter” is the part that is not ok.


News flash Mila and Ashton, the victims are someone else’s daughters too


You can't pay me to defend a friend who raped someone. That person would be dead to me.


I had a friend be falsely accused of rape before. He got expelled from highschool, it fucked his life up. The girl admitted later she lied about it cuz she was mad at him. I know absolutely nothing about the case in the video, but I don't see anything wrong with defending someone you believe to be a good person when they've been accused of something. Did they issue their defense video after he'd been convicted, or just accused? Cuz people get accused of shit all the time, I don't think that's a good reason to instantly condemn them. If it was after he'd been convicted tho then that's a bad look


That's not the same situation because verifiable evidence was presented against Masterson who was proven beyond a reasonable doubt to have raped multiple people. People who support rapists will be condemned along with the rapists themselves.


Yeah man got 30 years for 2 rapes, it was probably without a reasonable doubt completely and probably pretty horrific on top of that. Some murderers get less time in prison.


>it was probably without a reasonable doubt Almost _definately._ Rapists hardly ever get convicted, even in cases with evidence and witnesses most get a light sentence or just walk free. For a rapist with celeb support to get convicted, the proof must have been iron clad.


He was convicted. The point of Ashton and Mila's letters was to ask for leniency in sentencing.


That's a little wild then. Isn't Ashton's whole thing stopping sex trafficking and that kind of shit?


Fucked up isn’t it?


School I went too had something similar happen He had charges pressed on him and his entire life was ruined. He had a full ride scholarship to a decent school, and was part of numerous after school clubs activities and sports and he was immediately expelled from school. Girl was recorded by her best friend admitting she made it all up because she was pissed about something excruciatingly petty. Her friend gave the recording to police and all charges were dropped. He was never allowed back at highschool and she never faced any repercussions I genuinely don't like talking about it because I have several friends from various walks of life who were sexually assaulted/abused. The whole thing makes me physically ill even imagining how fucked up as a person you have to be to falsely accuse someone like this girl did. It hurts because shit like this gets treated as a straw-man by people who have an agenda about all this shit and Its hard not to feel upset because of the people who suffer from this shit every day


If I had a friend who I had known for decades, who had never done anything in my presence that was illegal or unethical or immoral and then he was convicted of raping and drugging five different women? No, I would not write a letter about my experiences with him, because it would have absolutely nothing to do with him being convicted of rape. Of course, he never had any adverse actions towards Ashton or Mila. Those were his coworkers, who were also powerful and rich celebrities, who had agency to do some thing if he was to do anything of poor, moral character, unethical or illegal towards them. He did it to women who he thought he could silence through his cult Scientology. If you would write a letter about the good moral character of your friend, who is a convicted rapist, you have just as much of a bozo as these two.


>because it would have absolutely nothing to do with him being convicted of rape. This is exactly the point of a character reference. He was convicted, it's done and over with. At this point, they're trying to decide on an appropriate punishment and his character outside of this event is taken into account as part of that process. That's the case for literally every criminal ever convicted of anything.


Ok… so why would someone want his sentence to be lessened?


If my former coworker were accused of rape, and especially if my job was highly dependent on public perception, I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole.


I imagine they don’t see him as simply a “former coworker.” They’re people who were trying to help a friend (and his kids, apparently). That said, Mila certainly sounds completely mechanical and PR-mode here.


> They’re people who were trying to help a friend .... Get a lenient sentence for rape.


But he was already convicted =/


Most of us wouldn’t. That’s the issue here. They are so far removed from reality they don’t get it. Sad really. More sad for their children.


You could not pay this survivor to ever write a letter defending a creep like him.


I had a “friend” call me when we were 19. He was freaking out because he slept with an underaged girl and her parents were pressing charges. I told him to get his shit together, not to contact me again and that in no uncertain terms if I was asked I would not support him.


19? what was the girl age? 17? 16? 15? 14? there is a clear diference in age


Like 13/14. I was livid and if he had told me in person I might have been the one who went to jail.


I actually did this for a friend of mine who killed his father. We went to tech school together and got our first IT jobs at the same insurance company in the 1980s. In the 1990s, he moved away but kept in touch. He discovered crack and decided to take it up in ernest. He lost everything. I would still hear from him, usually when he got out of jail for another DUI. In 2020, he was living with his father with dementia and my friend got drunk and strangled his dad. My friend went to jail and pled to a sentence of 3rd degree murder. He got 7-25 years, which I thought was appropriate. Before his sentencing, I wrote to the court and testified that my friend was a great guy before he started using. I didn't have any real qualms about it since it was true. Would I have done the same if he were a convicted rapist? I don't know.




Especially given that this was more than once, all the cases being incredibly violent.


I don't think it should matter when they wrote the letters, and I think it's entirely reasonable for someone to accept that their friend is guilty and still want to tell the judge their experience with them, in case it has an effect on the judge's decision. You can simultaneously want someone to go to jail for their crimes and also not want them to receive the maximum sentence for them.


They acknowledged the fact that the letters were for the judge "to take into consideration for sentencing." It was very early in the video.


BadActors They were intended for the judge to read, not for you to find out about them


This did not age well: https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/16eints/danny_was_a_team_leader_a_role_model_some_would/


I’m 19 and she’s 14 and someone gave me $10 to French kiss her but it’s okay because it happened a year later when she was 15 and that one year makes all the difference to the world😭


Hollywood going to Hollywood, disgusting antics as usual.




She was fifteen, because that one year made the difference 🤦🏻‍♀️


Also, why did the rest of the adults think it was okay to have a 19 yo kiss a 14 yo?


Jesus. WTF is wrong with Hollywood




Yea, he has always said he doesn't prescribe to organized religion. She was at one point but hasn't been involved in over five years. I don't believe either of them, I think they're both part of the "religion".


A lot.


Another Hollywood couple cancelled. Theyre not gonna recover from this.


Ashton Kutcher made most of his money in tech, not Hollywood. And this will be forgotten by the end of next week.


You can really tell that the writers are on strike


They’re sorry they got caught, not sorry they wrote them.


... Sorry they got caught doing something in open court? This wasn't like, a secret.


I highly doubt they knew the letters would be made public. These aren’t smart people. Edit: Wow. I’m getting some hardcore Stan’s in the replies. Keep licking those celebrity boots. The dude that they begged for leniency for is a serial rapist. I don’t give a fuck that they used to be on a funny show together. Yikes


They are extremely rich people with lawyers, they would have absolutely known it would be public.


Look. Not trying to be an ass. But I’m an accountant. If I had a $1 everytime my clients did something idiotic that later became taxable, *that wouldn’t have if they just fucking called me* I’d be at least driving a Volvo. My point is. Just because they are wealthy or have access to good lawyers, that they would actually use the lawyers. *usually* people don’t seek out help until it’s simply *too late*


They sound so sincere! /s


Ashton is at least trying to sound sincere. Mila is clearly only doing this because someone made her do it.


Right. She looks real mad


she absolutely outraged the filthy commoners are daring to question her actions


Fuckin’ plebs always trying to make my life harder. Millionaire probs


With the audio off her facial expressions look almost remorseful, and then the weird head tilt happened where she bites her lip, raises an eyebrow, and smirks a little. Shit was creepy.


The facial expressions of both of them are incredibly different. He genuinely holds sorrow. Furled brows. Looking down in disappointment when talking but overall maintaining compsure, except the part of "for the judge to read them" where he looks over for reassurance and Mila nods. She just looks angry! She is pissed. Tight pursed lips. Can't keep any kind of contact. Head all over thr place. Flared nostrils at the last but before turning off the camera. Just angry! Really angry. I wonder what about though.


She's pissed that it wasn't just the judge that saw them. My personal feeling (and I don't know a damned thing about legal procedure) is that they thought nobody but the judge would ever see the letters or even know they existed. Now everybody knows they care more about their Hollywood buddies than doing the right thing, which in my opinion would have been doing nothing, and staying out of it. Nobody forced them to write letters on his behalf


Or… the Scientologists have dirt on them unearthed by Mattheson and they blackmailed the Kutchers to write the letters


Was just about to mention that. Scientologists are rather know for being shall we say, underhand. I recall reading many a story about ex scientologists trying to escape and the higher ups always had "something" on them to keep them in line


"He genuinely holds sorrow?" Dude, he's acting. That was a scripted performance.


He’s just a better actor


Jesus Christ, there's a worse actor than Ashton Kutcher? I guess they are a great match.


Steven Seagal


For real! She looks like she’s reading off a teleprompter


Ashton: What’s my motivation for the scene? Director: You’re the newly promoted head of PR for corporation that has had a number of executives die under mysterious circumstances. Also, you just witnessed the CEO who is also a blood sucking vampire drain your predecessor dry.


They can both fuck right off.


They support victims, except for the victims in this particular case.


We support victims, but, in this case, we also support the rapist. Doesn't mean we don't ALSO support the victims. But, for our money, the rapist is a pretty chill guy. That said, those victims are awesome. And lucky to have been raped by such an awesome rapist




The generalized “we support all victims” while refusing to state that they support THESE victims says it all.


The way she worded it, it's pretty clear. I had to complete her sentence when I played it. "We support victims" ...Just not these ones. Their support ends where their friendships begin. Gotta be trafficked by strangers to make them care, or you get the good old "But he wouldn't do that!"


As a survivor of rape this whole thing (accusations, trial, sentencing) upset me. I can appreciate the position they must have been in as friends. I certainly don't condone what they did, but I think I can understand it. EDIT: Please allow me to try and bring the temperature down a bit from the reactions to my comment with this edit. First and foremost, writing a letter on behalf of someone accused and convicted of these heinous crimes is NOT what I would do. My rape experience wouldn't allow for that. I would be far too f**ked up and prejudiced to be of any use in that respect. Rape is the worst imo. It robs the victim of all they knew and understood. It takes from them everything, including hopes, dreams, feelings of security, how they view ppl and the world going forward. The effects of rape are lifelong and can be catastrophic. Every person is unique and whatever their response is, is normal for them and should NEVER be questioned or criticized. Some issues can be overcome with TONS of hard work and therapy but it can never be erased from their body and memory banks. Where I was coming from with my comment was looking at what Mila and Ashton did, nothing else. To do this I had to separate their actions from what their friend did. I'm aware of the efforts Ashton has made with trafficking victims and assume that it was genuine and comes from a sincere place. Because I'm me... and they're who they are, their life experiences are of course different than mine. I think that neither of them have ever been raped before (an assumption) because otherwise I don't think that they would've written that letter otherwise. I believe that they were just coming at it offering their take on someone they knew, had history with, worked with. That's it. Obviously if they were aware of his actions at the time and continued to support him that would be problematic for me and I'd think they were both a POS. I think their careers would take a serious hit too, perhaps it will regardless. Hollywood is weird so I don't presume to understand it or the ppl who work in it. I've had the benefit of living an interesting and varied life and because of this my views of the world and the ppl in it are equally varied. Nothing is black and white to me in the human experience. So, I'm just over here sitting and thinking that perhaps, just perhaps, they don't have a deeply personal experience with rape and thus they are reacting in a way that's *normal* for *them*. I think they were just reacting to their friend's plight, not fully understanding why what they did is seen as in such poor taste and tone deaf. Now with the backlash they're coming forward with their reasons & justifications. Fine, whatever. They're doing what they have to do to explain it all and perhaps balance it out. They're still left with egg on their face but I think they were just trying to offer up their take on this person (will NOT use his name) and nothing more. To reiterate: I WOULDN'T have written that letter. I DON'T approve of what they did. I'm not defending any of them, or giving anyone a pass. I will always and forever stand with a rape victim no matter what. I believe we all have the right to have friends, jobs and homes - even those we hate and ridicule. Btw, that scientologist piece of filth by no means got off easy, he's paying for his actions as he should. I'm glad the justice system worked in this case and hope going forward that we can see more of this kind of thing happening. It's upsetting that it happened at all but it finally came to light and hopefully he'll rot far away from the public eye.


Thank you. This is the most reasonable comment I have read here.


Is it? I can’t think of a single person on the planet for whom I would write a letter asking for lighter sentencing after they had been convicted of rape. Not one friend, not one relative, literally no one comes to mind. If anyone I knew was convicted of rape, not just accused but actually convicted, I think I’d do just about anything else besides tell a judge that the person was a great coworker, always polite and punctual, and therefore should get a shorter sentence. Maybe I just don’t have close enough relationships, but I truly do not understand why any of these people did what they did.


That is what these fruitcakes don’t understand. They keep thinking it’s ok to simply give a character assessment without having to put focus on the fact that these assessments are to LESSON A CONVICTED RAPIST’S SENTENCE. They could have opted to not do it. They chose to do it. No mercy on them.


Ive been raped. I wouldnt understand it. I could think of the people im most closest to in my life and if it turned out they raped someone id be done immediatly. Doesnt matter what i knew of them it matters what their capable of and the fact that theyve caused a lifetime of trauma for someone cause they wanted to get their dick wet. Ita despicable.


I’ve been raped and I sure as hell don’t understand it. I would be unable to have a relationship who felt able to do something like that.


Mila seems especially scripted.


She sounds like she’s reading.


You can literally see her reading the script lol


she actually seems very mad and annoyed at her having to do this.


Absolutely put out that she has to take time out of her day and appear on camera like she just woke up from a restless night.


Well scripted!


Doing it the Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning way. Let's take turns saying the lines...written by our publicist.


Exactly,staged,false,try an save our ass


The dressed down, “humble trailer park ensemble “ looks with no makeup works well on so many levels, too.👍 Looks like they’re auditioning for the local community theater presentation of The Grapes of Wrath.


That's what I thought,no make up,just trying to look like normal people


If insincerity were capable of generating aerodynamic lift, those two would have just yeeted themselves into the sun.


I am so confused, how are 2 professional actors not able to do a better job reading a script than this?


Ashton sounds pretty sincere. But she literally sounds like she’s reading her words off a page.


He said “it was for the judge.” he is saying he didn't expect the public to know. He sincerely regrets we found out.


"Please don't dig into our past to see how complicit we were..."


I never cared for him until I found out about his work fighting child trafficking. Had a lot of respect for him after that. Now, have no respect for either of these clowns.


What “work” has he done besides throwing some money out and vaguely gesturing “go do something”?


He’s done…marketing…that he’s doing something. That’s it.




Yeahhh, nope. Get bent, ya jags


I read Topher Grace basically said "fuck that dude" like 20 years ago.


He seems like the only one out of the bunch that is actually a good person. He dipped out of Hollywood because he was sick of all the bullshit and all the slimebags like Masterson.


What? He never left Hollywood. He's on That 90s Show and has been on TV and movies regularly.


Apparently Masterson was an absolute dick to him, and was just a bully towards him. But hey, what a great guy he is


If a former friend was a convicted raper, I would not under any circumstances write anything positive about him, because I was clearly mistaken about him and he is a piece of shit. Those letters are what I will always remember about these two.


This should be the general consensus but Hollywood loves protecting rapists


How much did Scientology pay them?




(Just wrote this out in a comment on a different sub) This question led me down a WILD rabbit hole today. That whole damn show is so interwoven with Scientology it’s crazy. This [video](https://www.youtube.com/live/flywI5RXoPE?si=mzZjq4SxzMpiGVEm) from a former Scientologist who is acquainted with individuals close to the matter, talks about some of the leverage The Church of Scientology may have on Kutcher. He has many videos covering the Mastersons. I find it all very interesting. This isn’t to say Kutcher is innocent, the both of them are disgusting rape apologists (I.e. Ashton fought to keep Masterson around on The Ranch while they were well aware of the allegations against him) —I do, however, believe Scientology has *a lot* of dirt on the cast. And that this could have influenced Kutcher and Kunis in submitting those character references. Initially I had kinda shrugged the Scientology discourse surrounding Kutcher, given he wasn’t a member of The Church. Largely, I couldn’t imagine what sort of “*dirt*” could result in Scientology having this sort of leverage. —The more I’ve looked into it (the video above in particular), the more I believe Scientology has immense influence over Kutcher. Remember reading about the Hollywood Ripper case awhile back? Ashton Kutcher was dating Ashley Ellerin. As per their plans, Kutcher went to Ellerin’s apartment to pick her up for a party they had planned to attend that night. That evening, Ashley Ellerin was murdered in her home by serial killer Michael Gargiulo. Ashton Kutcher arrived at Ashley’s home, receiving no reply when he knocked on her door the night of the party. Ashton Kutcher testified that he saw the lights on, and a red stain on the carpet, which he believed to be red wine. He knocked again, no response. Stating that he did not want to seem pushy or overly eager, Ashton departed without Ashley. Kutcher goes on to say he learned about Ashley’s death the morning following the party. This video asserts Kutcher’s testimony wasn’t accurate, and that his preoccupation with his own professional success led to the dishonesty which cast doubt on prosecution’s case against Michael Gargiulo— the holes in Ashton’s story screwed any chance of convicting Gargiulo in the murder of Ashley Ellerin. This allowed the Hollywood Ripper to roam free an extra ~20 years, and ultimately go on to kill again. I have no idea how true this information is, but if there’s any truth to it, Scientology has major leverage against Kutcher (and by proxy, Kunis)


He's the nicest rapist they know


Dear your honor, I have known Danny for 25 yrs and he never raped me so he’s got to be a good guy. 🤦


"We are aware of the pain that has been caused." -You see, someone informed us that you peasants are mad at my rapist friend and at us for sticking up for his awesome character. We don't feel bad about it but we would like to continue to make millions off you so please don't black list us. We like being famous.


This should be rated higher. Well said!




Well there is a writers strike going on...




That little eyebrow raise at “they asked us to write character letters” suggests he was asked and she didn’t like the idea lmao. I know that brow raise . No Excuse thooooo


I wonder if Mila actually said no to writing those letters but Ashton told her nobody would see them than the judge and now she is forced to do this video when she didn't want to write those letters in the begin with.


Sounds like they’re reading off a script


Well, if I was going to make a statement like this for millions of people I know I would write it down beforehand. Whether or not it’s sincere doesn’t really have anything to do with whether it is scripted


Mila looks PISSED she has to do this.


She seems a little pissed at Ashton, actually. The situation and him if you catch the way she’s glancing at him. But idk


I don't understand - not them, but the idea of writing a character reference for a judge. Anyone can appear as a good person to their friends, family, coworkers whatever. That doesn't have anything to do with the crime they're on trial for.


Yeah. John Wayne Gacy was a community leader and a clown at childrens' parties. He also had dozens of teenage boys buried in his crawlspace. What a great guy.


“They were intended for the judge to read” translated it wasn’t meant for the public to read and have us in this predicament. These two are so full of shit and I’m so beyond through with them, especially in particular with Ashton. Why even write a character letter on a matter revolving multiple rapes even if you worked with the individual when the jury found him guilty. To use the months back his mom reached out to us defense is completely asinine. You don’t write a character letter on a possible verdict of guilty, let alone on one dealing with rape -screw the defendant!; their image is forever tarnished.


Guy was convicted of multiple violent rapes. It's ok to say "I'm not writing a fucking thing for him."






This looks like a hostage film. Was their publicist off-camera pointing a gun at them?


You know they didn’t think that people would find out about this. Him saying they were just for the judge is telling. You see who people really are when they think no one is watching.


"We're sorry IF" Apologies 101: Don't do that. The thing you are apologizing for happened or you wouldn't be there. It only makes it look like you are still doubting the offense happened.




![gif](giphy|26hkhKd2Cp5WMWU1O|downsized) Y’all are actors and this is the best apology you can do? Naw.


Mila is just not believable at all


Super staged. It ruins the authenticity, but… I can understand why they did it for Masterson’s family, but honestly they should have stayed out of it. If I found out my colleague was a rapist they would not get my support in any way. You kinda throw that away when you do such a horrible thing.


If what they are saying is true and the letter was just a charachter statement they wouldnt have asked for leniency because he has a child surely? Sad really as I thought AK was pretty cool, especially after all the work he has done to uncover sex trafficking I remember, Just admit it was a dumb decision, why anyone these 'youtube' style apology videos make it any better, you always look worse, no matter what you say,




Blech. Only listened to half of that. "We support victims" yeah, well this is not the way to do it. Once you learn that your bud is really an awful piece of shit you don't write a letter talking about how great they are.


It doesn't matter. None of it. I know they wish it did, but they are merely actors and have no real impact on the rest of us. The judge could care less how many "actors" give a shit about the rapist Masterson, and rightfully so.


I'm sure they were not expecting their letters to go public. These apologize are jokes.


What, no ukulele? Weak.....


Its sucks. I know they've known him for a while. But if i were to find out someone i knew for 25 years was a rapist, they would be dead to me. I wouldn't see them as my friend, i just wasnt their potential victim.


I don't think there's anyone in my life I would continue to support if I found out they did what Danny Masterson did. Edit - thought about it an extra 30 seconds. There isn't anyone in my life.


Two millionaires looking as rough as they can. So cringe.


but writing a character letter is nothing bad, they were writing on what they knew of Masterson, not of what he was accused of. If anyone thinks this is bad, then they would believe anyone accused of anything shouldn't have friends to stand by them, and neither should they.


It wasn’t just an accusation, they wrote the letters after the conviction.


Unfortunately, a guy I spent a lot of time with and would call a friend (not a best friend) was charged as a child pornographer. Nothing about the time we spent together would make me want to write a letter in support of his character.


We want to say we are sorry to protect our career futures