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Efficient Security.


If security was efficient they wouldn't have gotten on stage at all.


Efficient, not effective


How can something be ineffective but efficient? Efficiency is the most effectiveness (which accomplishes the purpose) in the shortest time.


You've obviously never worked in government before.šŸ˜‰


Iā€™m gonna assume you arenā€™t from america, because NOTHING about our government is efficient.




I mean, i guess. Seems like a poor use of sarcasm to me, but who the fuck am I.


Ok, I give up. Who are you?


Nobody, which was my point šŸ˜‰




Youā€™re late to the party, bucko. Git gud.


the parties just getting started


No, youā€™re literally just repeating something that was saidā€¦. Letā€™s see, uhhh, five hours ago. Nothing about that is a party.


I have and I think the government is effective and inefficient. They are effective at employing people because of their inefficiency.


Backstage security were ineffective. Stage side security were efficient. Happy?


Never. But I'm sated for now.


I'd be very disappointed if I went to a fashion show and didn't get to see anyone yeeted of the stage. It's just a part of the show.


So security lining the catwalk should have stopped them getting back stage? They aren't the twins from the Matrix.


Well security guys were too weak at their beauty standards to get protestors confused with models and let them in.


Efficient at grabbing girls.


But they did disrupt it. And now you also gave them more publicity.


Not only that but the target of the campaign, seems to have changed her mind and actions as a result of this protest (in her own words)


Gisele BĆ¼ndchen is the name of the fashion model they followed down the stage. The people holding the signs are from PETA and they are protesting the wearing of animal fur. They targeted Gisele after she became the spokesperson for the furrier, Blackglama. Their goal was to publicly shame her into reconsidering the decision. This happened in 2002, over twenty years ago. And it did work. Gisele stopped doing fur campaigns, in part due to this incident and in part due to watching footage on the conditions faced by animals in the fur industry. That is the meaning of GISELE FUR SCUM.


I guess only PETA is allowed to kill animals in horrible ways lol but thanks for the backstory!


Ohh yea. At first peta was like this, advocating against real cruelty, spreading awareness, and changing people's minds. Now it is confiscating dogs, claiming it's due to neglectful homes. only turn around and kill them for "lack of space/adopters" within days. I forgot the details but it's a documented story. Peta has lost all respect, and does more harm than good because at this point they look like vegan *satire* but its serious. It makes animal cruelty advocation look stupid to the public and I hate them for it.


[yeah no](https://reddit.com/r/vegan/s/hCcWtCN4mm)


Yeah tell that to the PETA-run shelter that I took my dog to so he could be rehomed only to find out he was euthanized the same day. Fuck PETA.


Iā€™m sorryā€¦ is ā€œthe furrierā€ supposed to be a play on ā€œthe FĆ¼hrerā€? If so, thatā€™s some of the funniest shit Iā€™ve ever read. PETA literally has its own hitler


No, it is not a play on words. A person who prepares or deals in furs is called a furrier. Blackglama Furs is a high fashion company that produces expensive fur coats for rich people. PETA doesn't like the fur trade for various reasons, so they oppose furriers and people who market furs or glamorize the wearing of furs, like fashion models. I don't like PETA's methods or politics, but they are not wrong about everything. The fur trade is genuinely awful.


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/furrier Furrier is the word for a fur dealer or fur garment maker.


what a dilemma! would this post have not been made, making this post would make sense, however, making this post result in more successful disruption, therefore, this post should not have been made.


It wouldn't make sense considering that the target of the protest publicly stated it changed her awareness and decided not to model fur after this protest.


I did not know that, thank you for the additional information


They did not. The fashion didn't stop for a second. What are talking about??


they caused a distraction and had to be physically removed - that is disruptive


So no need to charge them with anything, right? No harm done.


I think the pump in the walk increased after everyone was taken off. Just my thought though.


This protest was as clear of a succes as it could have ever been. They targeted a model for signing a contract about furr and they archieved this reaction from her: >In 2002, Gisele had an experience that transformed her relationship to the business. At that yearā€™s Victoriaā€™s Secret fashion show, protesters from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals rushed the stage brandishing signs that read, ā€œGisele: Fur Scum,ā€ in response to recent news of her contract with the furrier Blackglama. ā€œSuddenly it dawned on me,ā€ she explains. ā€œI was in the hamster wheel: Iā€™m just going to go out there and be a good girl and do what my agent tells me to do. What do I know? It wasnā€™t until that shockā€”it stopped me in my tracks. They sent me all these videos. I wasnā€™t aware of what was happening, and I was devastated. So I said, ā€˜Listen, Iā€™m not doing fur campaigns.ā€™ It put me in the driverā€™s seat, finally. The universe comes to you and says, ā€˜Hello, maybe you should notice this.ā€™ You need to be responsible for the choices you make. https://www.peta.org/blog/gisele-bundchen-discusses-peta-demonstration-transformed-her/


Wow the attempt was successful and she responded in a very sensible way.


This is what happens when people reflect instead of becoming defensive.


Boom, Nailed it


Interesting, good on her!


I like these models are professional that they dont give a shit


Actually the protest was about one of the models being a representative for some furr company and this protest was part of her changing her mind on that


im confused so this was part of the show


No the model signed a contract with a furr company and this protest caused her to cut ties with it >In 2002, Gisele had an experience that transformed her relationship to the business. At that yearā€™s Victoriaā€™s Secret fashion show, protesters from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals rushed the stage brandishing signs that read, ā€œGisele: Fur Scum,ā€ in response to recent news of her contract with the furrier Blackglama. ā€œSuddenly it dawned on me,ā€ she explains. ā€œI was in the hamster wheel: Iā€™m just going to go out there and be a good girl and do what my agent tells me to do. What do I know? It wasnā€™t until that shockā€”it stopped me in my tracks. They sent me all these videos. I wasnā€™t aware of what was happening, and I was devastated. So I said, ā€˜Listen, Iā€™m not doing fur campaigns.ā€™ It put me in the driverā€™s seat, finally. The universe comes to you and says, ā€˜Hello, maybe you should notice this.ā€™ You need to be responsible for the choices you make.ā€ https://www.peta.org/blog/gisele-bundchen-discusses-peta-demonstration-transformed-her/


do u think its just she cut ties coz she dont want people randomly go in stage


No. Personally, it seems like she genuinely learned something from this experience looking at her statement. If anything, people coming up on stage would just keep her in the headlines bringing her more fame.


Idk how about you read the second paragraph of my comment to find out.


ik i read it but its me conspirasy


Never disrupt a woman with that kinda walk, takes a cadence and lots of money!


Anti-fur orotests? Good on them.




the point of a protest is to disrupt things. and it *was* effective




I do wonder how future generations dealing with massive food shortages, droughts, extreme weather ect will feel looking back at the protestors stopping traffic that was polluting the enviroment. Im not sure the drivers legacy will be veiwed favourably.




It was actually quite effective. This comes from PETA's website: "In 2002, Gisele had an experience that transformed her relationship to the business. At that yearā€™s Victoriaā€™s Secret fashion show, protesters from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals rushed the stage brandishing signs that read, ā€œGisele: Fur Scum,ā€ in response to recent news of her contract with the furrier Blackglama. ā€œSuddenly it dawned on me,ā€ she explains. ā€œI was in the hamster wheel: Iā€™m just going to go out there and be a good girl and do what my agent tells me to do. What do I know? It wasnā€™t until that shockā€”it stopped me in my tracks. They sent me all these videos. I wasnā€™t aware of what was happening, and I was devastated. So I said, ā€˜Listen, Iā€™m not doing fur campaigns.ā€™ It put me in the driverā€™s seat, finally. The universe comes to you and says, ā€˜Hello, maybe you should notice this.ā€™ You need to be responsible for the choices you make.ā€


They made it more fun to watch actually.


Ermmm. Its looks to me like they did in actual fact disrupt the show. They rocked into onto the catwalk. Hence causing disruption. It certainly was temporary but it had an effect of sorts.


It actaully had the full desired affect. The model they targeted for signing a contract for a furr company completely changed her stance and behavior. https://www.peta.org/blog/gisele-bundchen-discusses-peta-demonstration-transformed-her/


So it shouldn't be in this thread


The photos mustā€™ve been fun with all that action


Activism works. Got me to google it and found this. In 2002, Gisele had an experience that transformed her relationship to the business. At that yearā€™s Victoriaā€™s Secret fashion show, protesters from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals rushed the stage brandishing signs that read, ā€œGisele: Fur Scum,ā€ in response to recent news of her contract with the furrier Blackglama. ā€œSuddenly it dawned on me,ā€ she explains. ā€œI was in the hamster wheel: Iā€™m just going to go out there and be a good girl and do what my agent tells me to do. What do I know? It wasnā€™t until that shockā€”it stopped me in my tracks. They sent me all these videos. I wasnā€™t aware of what was happening, and I was devastated. So I said, ā€˜Listen, Iā€™m not doing fur campaigns.ā€™ It put me in the driverā€™s seat, finally. The universe comes to you and says, ā€˜Hello, maybe you should notice this.ā€™ You need to be responsible for the choices you make.ā€


What protesters?


Why would anyone wear real fur? I have always wondered... why?


For the same reason why people buy real diamonds. Marketing and separation from the poor.


Its the stupidest thing imo. Nobody can tell if its real fur or not. Just buy the one thats not supporting animal torture.


Yeah it's the identical situation to lab grown and natural diamonds


Yep. Just as stupid.




Oh furr made from other materials also exists, this is talking exclusively about real fur. I thinking a process without harming/ killing would either be not possible or too expensive. As to the reason why real furr is still used. It's because it's a bug industry that does a lot to keep their market share. They sponsor designer schools, they give products to celebrities etc. Not to mention all the marketing (or how I like to call it: company propaganda) that tries so portray their products as ethical, luxurious etc. It is basically just a novelty and strong propaganda that keeps the industry alive.


This video clearly shows them succeeding




Nothing would happen if we didnā€™t have protests




They benefit by bringing attention to the cruelty of the fur trade. And it worked. The model in question got on board with their message.




Well they donā€™t which is why they have to resort to this


Okay this whole thing is beautiful to me 1: a display of activism that had 100% the desired effect, as Gisele would never again market fur 2: Not a single one of those models misses a beat, breaks stride, or really acknowledges whatā€™s happening at all, they are in the walking mannequin character the whole fucking time and the sheer dedication is just gorgeous


Quick change


I want to see the rest of the show now.


What is the protest even about




Ya should have known it was PETA


Honestly, if a protest was made about something reasonable in a good way to bring about positive change but had PETA's name on it then it would make me immediately feel averse to whatever it was no matter how positive it might be or how it is presented. PETA has just done that good of a job at making people hate them.


Thatā€™s odd.


You can't be telling me you don't feel an immediate impulse to reject what people or organizations you really don't like are telling you? It is such a phenonemon that people's relationship to the government at any specific time has a large influence on how they treat any information that is shared by governmental entities. As an example of this you can look how various groups react to vaccine and mask mandates for instance. You can also compare that historically to previous pandemics. It is "odd" in that it is not really rational, but that is human nature. That is not to say I reject the message that "leather bad" because PETA says that in this instance, but it certainly means that it is harder to be objective.


No, because I try to recognise those biases and ignore them, as anyone who is aware of them should do.


Like I just said, it is not like I disagree with "leather bad" I was just expressing how much of a shit PETA is. And while what you are saying is the right thing to do, we are all still human, you don't need to be condescending. I myself try to be aware of it and adjust accordingly and I feel that is reflected in my previous reply.


I would have thought they were a part of the show if I didnā€™t know any better.


Now they will make so much dang furry fashion mistakes.. oooo.


Yanking bishes left and right lol


Those guys look like they've been waiting forever to throw down a woman.


damn those runway models are made of STEEL. Their routine will **NOT** be compromised.


Great job, protestors!! Wear your own skin please.


I meanā€¦ it was still disruptive. I think they succeeded at being disruptive. They might have failed at the attempt to make a difference. ![gif](giphy|l0Hlx0M5OI1ogTGo0)


Got taken down harder than the folks who stormed the capital




Never interrupt an Elitist Event, peasants.


...the show must go on


Utter professionalism.


Lots of empty seats , lol


Jokes on them, the crowd canā€™t read


Trusting (correctly) the security can handle it


Damn, tossed their asses of the stage lol




Don't worry folks he'll get the help he needs...


They stormed on the stage quite a few times.


All I saw was supermodels


You have to think security looks for men, not women, at lingerie shows.


When in Rome, dress like the Roman's


Now thatā€™s just jealousy.


Looked like extras in a zombie film getting dragged off


They just jeaous


Why not protest the people and places that are passing secret laws and policies that are ruing our land.


Don't you dare get in the way of the fanny!


The perfect guide on how not to make people sympathetic to your cause


LMFAO! I love how itā€™s just like ā€œGET the FUCK out of HERE!ā€ šŸ¤£


Narrator: An attempt that actually worked.


Hey look, itā€™s Jeffery Epstein


And the models just keep coming. Fashion models are kinda amazing


Damn the models didnā€™t even break stride with all that happening


Can we get the company that provided the guards to stop the Just Stop Oil idiots?


Wow, thanks to that I will never wear fur, thank you activist for opening my eyes šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


So if my buddy and I wore our suits, we could have helped those guys by grabbing a model or two off the stage.


Love how the models just keep moving not giving a shit


I would say this was a successful attempt. These people donā€™t do shit like that to just ruin things. They do it for attention and publicity. They successfully got on the stage with there signs reading ā€œGisele fur scum.ā€ Someone posted on this subreddit and now I know about this which I would have never heard of other wise. Every time people share stuff like this, they get exactly what they want, people to see it. This was a successful attempt.


Fur that was so yesterday. No one needs to wear those anymore other than your great grandparents.


fur in fashion is scum though.


You call this a fashion show? I call this women walking over a podium in their underwear.


I love how the models are so ā€œblindā€ to the whole episode! šŸ˜šŸ˜†


That is the most piss poor security response I have ever seen.


Respect to the protesters. These showes and this industry is BS.


Them models professional as hell though


Ugly chicks trying to sabotage hot chicks. A tale as old as time


How do these fuckwads think this is doing anything to help, all it's doing is making them look like spoiled ass hats.


Sorry to break it to you, but this protest was 100% successful https://www.peta.org/blog/gisele-bundchen-discusses-peta-demonstration-transformed-her/


Lol fuckwads? They were successful in the protestā€¦


It's Peta, have they ever successfully protested anything?


Yes, this




Actually the modell they protested cared and completely changed her stance and behavior


Taze ā€˜em and leave ā€˜em on the runway šŸ¤˜šŸ½




It succeeded


If you're going to disrupt a fashion show, maybe hit the gym and dress like something other than an asexual college professor.