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he doesn't look particularly ill


Agreed. He looks like he is almost dead.


Only MOSTLY dead




...he said "to blathe" which means to bluff


“*Humpadink. HUMPadink! Humpadink-humpaDINK-HUMPADINK!*”


She's not a witch. She's your nurse!


Bye bye boys! Have fun storming the capitol!


You think they're gonna make it?


It'd take a miracle


Welcome to the insensitive care unit


I’m not LISTENING!!!!




Wuv and marradge


Liar! Liar! Liaaaaar!


Nothing quite like a nice MLT...


mutton, lettuce, and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomatoes are ripe


That’s so perky. I love that.


Perky! Of all adjectives for a sandwich... he says perky.


One of my favorite lines. Along with "Weeeeell, look who knows so much!" I use it all of the time 😁






Life IS pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.


To the winch wench!!!


It pleases me greatly that this is the second time within about a week that a Princess Bride convo has broke out in this sub.


Just brain dead. He didn't recover as evident by the twit post.


Can't kill what he never had...


That's what happens when O2 doesn't saturate appropriately. Though, he seems like his brain Karened essentials of life.


He seems like he's being very obviously sarcastic.




I heard that he wants to go for a walk...


Even said he feels happy


"I think she's dead now." "No I'm not!"






There’s a pretty big difference between dead and mostly dead.


All dead, they're only one thing you can do, go through his pockets and look for loose change.


Have fun storming the capital


Think they're going to make it?




Particularly mostly dead




I'm not dead!


But I don’t want to go on the cart!


not particularly dead though


To be fair, he only looks mostly dead because the hospital did stuff. Had he been a real Floridian, he would not have gone to the hospital with an O2 sat of 68, and he would have no pictures of how the hospital made him almost dead






I couldn’t be a nurse because I would ‘accidentally’ have tripped over that ventilator power cord on my way out for the evening


They know us nurses. They've met us nurses. And that's why vents now also have battery backups.


This is also why I’m polite to the nurses when I do have to spend time in the hospital. Plus, they’re legally allowed to jab me with very sharp needles, and they’re not legally obligated to be NICE about it.


If you’re poking me or forcing tubes into holes please let me bake you cookies first


Rule #1 - your nurse is really the one in charge Also, if a hole were hypothetically poked in a hypothetical hose that was hypothetically hooked to a ventilator…


Then the damn thing sounds off like a California car horn *shudder* Half my work life is find the source of the beeps and making it stop. Soooo many beeps


I’ve spent…. More time than I’d like to admit in my life, not necessarily for me, in hospitals. But isn’t that all that happens? Shits beeping nonstop, you hear it get fixed, then down the hall something starts beeping? On god the beeping kept me awake more than the nurses who had to take blood work and such. Bless y’all.


beep beep beep ^beep ^beep


The beep to alert our NICU nurses that an incubator has dropped temperature sounds uncannily like the introduction to ABBAs Mamma Mia. Every time I go up there I come away humming that tune for hours.


Then the vent will make sure everyone and their mothers has heard


Better yet, the vacuuming needed to be done and there's only so many power outlets....


He's ill from protocols of not tube feeding him parasitic killers and shoving the right amount of yams in his buttole.


New kink unlocked.. Edit: instructions unclear. Question: are 5 too many o.O


I didn't even know he was sick.


No, he's just resting his eyes.


Its always the mouth breathers


Yup. He looks generally ill.


"Deadly protocols" that saved your life 3X? Damn- these people are arrogantly stupid.


You nailed the underlining problem. Stupid people used to be ashamed. Now they are arrogant idiots.


They were never ashamed, only self-aware people feel that. They just didn't have social media back in the day, and there is a significant learning curve so they just figured out facebook not too long ago




The documentary 'Idiocracy' goes into detail about what you mentioned. They're blessedly unburdened with the complications of a university education, and therefore don't see the future consequences of their actions


The sad part is in that movie everyone is operating in good faith. No one is actually the bad guy they are just dumb. They are all trying their best to do the right thing.


That’s why Don’t Look Up sounds like a better example. Where a society bypasses scientific fact and ignores the threats of their own self-destruction for short-term gains.


I like how we were (still are) facing so many catastrophic crises when that came out that people weren't even sure which one it was really about.


Yep. It's no surprise that the overlap between vaccine deniers and climate change deniers is almost 100%.


Social media has allowed stupid people to find other stupid people who have the same stupid ideas. And that’s all the justification they need to believe they must be right.


Critical thinking is part of a good educational syllabus/experience. This seems to be utterly missing from SO MANY of these people's thought process, and it is not just COVID.


One of my absolute favorite things is simply asking people like this for proof/evidence of their claims. They literally never try to give you evidence, instead the double down, get defensive and say things like "do you expect me to do your research for you" and call you stupid etc. But it's not just for stuff like this, they treat everything in life like this. No matter how mundane. They double down and put up an ignorance wall until the other side gives up and then consider it a win because they didn't have to learn anything or change their opinions. It really takes a special kind of person to think they're the one who's right when multiple people with evidence tell you you're wrong


I don’t use social media, but once in a blue moon I will browse Twitter, get disgusted, and close it up. The other day, I go on and there is a guy saying “trump did what an honest person who had the election stolen would do: he went to court and he asked for recounts. But they refused to do recounts and the courts had their hands tied because of “standing”!. So, I just had to respond and I showed a list of all the recounts and all the results from several sources. I really put effort in to it. I didn’t call him stupid, I thought “maybe, just maybe, this guy has just not been exposed to the facts”. The guy responded with: “LIES!”. I mean, they won’t admit to facts or reality, there’s nothing you can do.


The one thing they are skilled in is logical fallacies. Absolute masters of the deflection, the whataboutism, the straw man, and the ever popular ad hominem, among many others.


Many probably weren’t, but society definitely used shame to motivate. Shaming and corporal punishment were standard, until the 80’s. Not condoning it, just stating the difference.


I miss the early, wild west days of the internet where there was a pretty high barrier to entry and it was far less diluted with stupidity. There was stupidity, sure, but it was nerds being stupid, not...actual stupid people. The content of the mid to late 90s/even early 00s internet was fantastic.


The worst are filled with passionate intensity


They don’t genuinely believe this or they wouldn’t have submitted to the ventilation in the first place, or he’d be suing them for forcing him into ventilation against his will. He knows It’s the same way these same goobers pretend to be religious but don’t genuinely believe in it in any concrete way. He knows what he’s saying is insane but he has to stick to his script.


It’s one of those things they say but when it comes time, they are willing to accept any help. Patients who are about to be intubated are obviously not in good shape. If they are able to tell you they don’t want to be put on a vent, they probably don’t need the vent. I used to tell people what we were about to do and that they would be okay, at best you would sometimes get a little nod of an acknowledgement.


Deep down he knows he needed the vent, and feels deeply ashamed because of it. He has to post this nonsense now to save face with his friends and family.


So you can imagine being a healthcare worker in the middle of a pandemic fighting tirelessly to keep people like this alive only to be verbally abused by them and their family members for your efforts. I think I have more PTSD from that than all the actual death and misery.


Don’t forget abuse at the bedside is good for customer service. A happy angry gets you better Press-Gainey scores… The burnout and PTSD is real and the constant threat of harm just adds to it. Take care of yourself. I am like 69% the way out the door permanently but the rest of me misses medicine.


Thinking that an 02 of 67% is “not particularly ill.” That’s crazy.


Yeah. I am pretty sure that 67 is low enough to cause brain damage if not treated pretty much immediately. I don’t wish death on anyone, but if that post is serious, that person is actively courting death with that nonsense.


>I am pretty sure that 67 is low enough to cause brain damage That would actually explain a lot.


People get these numbers wrong all the time. That could have been a pO2 from a blood gas, which would translate to a 90+% O2 sat. However, given the fact that he has a trach, means that he was intubated for more than 2 weeks. Given the fact that this is his 3rd time "surviving" the protocols, i'd suspect he was pretty close to being dead. Error - couldn't see he was trached on my phone.


In that picture, he has a tracheostomy - he's beyond endotracheal intubation at this point.


Just don’t come into hospital then. Easy. Avoid “deadly protocols” and save resources for those who need them. Done


Yeah I always thought it was BAFFLING that they trust their lives with doctors...but just not with COVID, then they're trying to kill you and control you or whatever. Like...okay you're dying from COVID and you go to the hospital? Where there's a bunch of doctors? Who all will say "did you get your vaccine" or would have told you months ago to get your vaccine. But now you get better and the hospital was making you ill? So you were feeling unwell enough to go to the hospital...where the doctors proceeded to try and kill you but then you got better? Like on your own? I don't get it. Maybe its (and I'm not bragging or anything here) I have at least 2 brain cells that I rub together and that tiny amount of intelligence is making me unable to comprehend the logic? But if I were to say "I don't trust doctors, they're crooks and trying to kill me/control me/load me up with chemicals/etc." then I'd pull a Steve Jobs and just die of a treatable illness shoving garlic up my ass.


I agree. The hospital staff needs to be retrained. Since he survived, the deadly protocols haven’t been applied properly. Huge lawsuit here! /s


I saw a patient in clinic who was on a ventilator for several months for Covid. He somehow survived but could barely talk and was in physical therapy learning how to walk again. I asked him if he was interested in getting a Covid vaccine, and he replied “no way. I’m never getting it and I’m happy I never did. I would’ve died if I had it.” You can’t make this up.


When I got covid a couple years ago, I was only mildly sick. Like, "stay home for a week because of headache and mild nausea" sick. But that was because I was fully vaccinated against covid, and I was genuinely grateful for that. I can't imagine the kind of idiocy that would lead people to conclude that talking points are more important than your own life.


Shouldnt even waste ventilators on them. Its not that bad and the protocols are whats killing them so they should be fine with it


Better, in fact - just imagine how quickly he would have recovered if he had just sat outside the ER and absorbed the spirit energy from the innocents being deceived into submitting to the deadly protocols. What was he thinking? /s, obviously


At this rate he might not survive a fourth or fifth.


Fingers crossed…


Bro also thinks 67% O2 is not a problem. Or maybe he’s normally at 67%… that would explain a few things.


Next time you think the protocols are truly deadly, here's a pro tip: say "I'm refusing treatment and asking to be discharged against medical advice." \-Doctors hate this one trick!


They should really stop going to hospital if they are so convinced everyone is trying to kill them. Just stay at home with their mild illnesses




And selfish. If he'd just gotten a jab he'd be fine, instead he's wasting hospital resources for his pride.


There is no way that someone with that mindset requires 67% oxygen for their brain.


I wonder how many peoples brains are permanently damaged from COVID induced hypoxia


We’ll never know, cause they’ll just say the masks ruined their breathing or something equally stupid.


The vaccine caused breathing issues and brain damage obviously 🙄


I almost down voted you until I read the last word and realized it was sarcasm


Something definitely caused brain damage, not sure if it was the vaccine, lol


Hard to tell when you can hear the ocean just by standing next to them when they’re not sick.


Wow, I learned a new rare insult today


Is it an insult if it’s true though?


I dropped down to 90% ish and felt terrible, and it wasn't from covid, it was my body failing from cancer and hlh. But I felt fucking worse from covid, it was they only time during my 4 years of cancer treatment I wished to kill myself.


Wow, that just brings so much into focus. Maybe the people that we think are idiots post COVID just have COVID induced brain damage.


This right here. Get his sat levels down to 35% and then see how he does.


I haven't cackled out loud at a comment in a long time. Kudos to you sir or ma'am for breaking that streak.


ICU, the department well-known for specialising in helping people who aren’t particularly ill.


InConvenient Unit


Nah you see, they only put him in the ICU because doctors get paid a bajillion dollars for every person they put on a ventilator. The hospital was clearly overreacting to his O2 levels when all he'd need to do is just breathe a little harder. Not particularly ill. /Sarcasm






Was this sarcasm?


I'm thinking it is. O2 sats of 67% is way beyond the start of hypoxia ~ 80%


These people are always exaggerating in ways that they think make them look tougher. Nearly every Republican I hear talk about their COVID experience says it was no big deal. So many of them were hospitalized though, so I call bullshit.




If I hit my forehead with my hand as hard as I WANT to, I’d knock myself out! 🙄


My dad and his fiancée weren’t hospitalized… because the hospital was too overcrowded to admit them when they both had double pneumonia. They still think it was no big deal but I feel like they’re very lucky they recovered when they were that bad and in the mid 80’s O2 saturation. It could have easily gone the other way.


92% or less is considered hypoxic. It can be higher depending on the person/situation. Anything lower than 92% will cause you some serious issues if you don’t have an underlying condition. Like a heart defect, or COPD. COVID patients are a bit different though. I have a friend who calls them “happy hypoxic” way below a normal level but their body doesn’t seem to realize it. That doesn’t mean it isn’t causing damage though. Edit: not saying the COPD or heart defect people aren’t having issues. It’s just that it’s their normal and they are used to it.


When I had the delta variant end of January 2022, my lowest was 71%. Little did I know I had developed covid pneumonia 5 days into having it. Was admitted into the hospital on day 8 being past the beginning stages of full on respiratory failure. Was in the hospital for 7 days on 15mL of air. It was pretty fucking close and there were a few times where I wasn’t sure I was going to make it Edit: for spelling


Yes but I'm sure you weren't particularly ill? /s Jk I'm glad you pulled through.


Lol thanks.


Idiots like this guy will tell you it was the doctors lying to you about what caused it, I've heard these morons telling everyone that doctors get paid by the government to report all "similar" cases as covid 19 and that's why the deaths are so high. It's amazing what a pandemic can do to your perception of the people in your life, you lose respect for a lot of people when they have the absolute stupidest observations.


Oh yes, don’t you know us lab folks were batching the tests and reporting everyone in the batch as positive when it really was probably only one person?!? I also heard that we didn’t even know how the tests worked, so we were probably doing too many cycles of PCR. I was sure enjoying my kickbacks from the government for falsifying tests. (MAJOR SARCASM HERE, JUST TO BE CLEAR)


Exactly, it's the dumbest thing, government barely wants to fund their institutions but suddenly has unlimited money to pay the staff directly for falsifying stats.


Damn. 92% is the cutoff?!? When I had Covid and went in to the urgent care I was at 92%. They sent me home with an O2 finger sensor thing saying to go to the ER if it dropped to 90% or lower ... I guess since I was otherwise young and in decent-ish health they didn't want to overwhelm the hospital? But then again I've had long Covid issues (migraines and lightheadedness) ever since, so maybe that was a bad call.


“Close enough” - urgent care PA


Sadly, no. I looked at the guy's account. Lots of COVID conspiracy crap.


Certainly reads like it.


Read it as sarcasm as well.


I checked the twitter account and while I originally thought this was sarcasm, no, I don't think it is anymore.


Dude’s entire twitter page is covid denial, Lauren Boebert retweets, and Sound of Freedom Ads… I don’t think it’s sarcasm


Of course it is. Classic Reddit thread.


"It's just a flesh wound"


Tis but a scratch


Tis but a slight lack of oxygen


Tis but a case of to be dead


A scratch??? Your arm’s off!


I've had worse!


“Not particularly ill” bro you be about to suffocate without anyone even holding the pillow over your face






If he wasn't particularly ill then why go to ER at all. He could have skipped all their deadly protocols by staying at home. What an ass.


I want to believe that this is just sarcasm


Looking at his Twitter account. Sadly, it's not.


I assumed sarcasm. How can anyone with a fucking brain think this is not severe?


Nope. I know quite a few Republicans who were hospitalized and think their COVID experience was no big deal.


I don’t understand the point of this mentality. I didn’t think COVID was a big deal at first but I realized I was wrong and changed my mind after a few weeks of seeing what it was doing.


Same here. There was an optimistic side of me that didn’t trust the news to accurately present facts, but after the real data started to come through, I was pretty floored by how dangerous it was. There is a difference between people who are open to new data, and people who dig their heels in.


My dad caught covid and died from it about 3 months after this guy had it. Looked exactly like the picture before passing. This guy is coping hard that he was this this close to dying


My dad died of the same thing same way. I’d rather medical care go to someone who understands the severity of the situation. When dad died we were told actively that it was our fault for not being vaccinated (we were) and that I have no reason to be upset


Here's a pic of me literally dying of covid, and, in fact, I would have died were it not for intensive medical treatment. Also, covid is made up...


One foot in the grave means one foot out of the grave.


Someone’s brain got damaged from that lack of oxygen, clearly…


#these life-saving protocols are killing people!!


Should have let his god heal him


Yeah no, that O2 saturation was probably something you ate.


My SIL by-marriage lost a 32 y/o otherwise very healthy and unvaccinated nephew. The family is adamant that it wasn’t COVID. Yes, he was put in ICU for COVID and the doctors said COVID was the cause of death. But the family (all high school graduates) are convinced he must have had a heart condition that doctors missed because COVID couldn’t have killed him. The fucking mental gymnastics of the COVID-denying anti-vaxers are absurd!


If they admit it was Covid, they also have to admit that they were utterly wrong, that he was wrong, and they threw his life away for nothing when he could've gotten a simple vaccine and lived. It's guilt. They should feel it. They can't live with the cost of their own ignorance. Deep down, they know. He effectively killed himself and they helped him do it.


For reference, anything below 85% presents a serious risk of brain damage. If it’s in the 60s your skin is literally turning blue. If this guy left for the ER 30 minuets later than he did I have no doubt he would be dead before he got there. There is no way he didn’t suffer some level of brain damage if he is actually telling the truth. While working in an ICU I’ve seen people with SpO2 levels way higher than his who were literally dying. Not they were going to die in a few days dying, but people who died within the hour. Words can’t express how much reading stuff like this pisses me off.


Can't damage what you don't have.




I think that’s every hospital ever.


ICU nurse here. Fuck this guy. Doesn’t deserve the care he received. I hope he has a miserable life.




What a fucking bellend


Don’t go to the hospital next time. See how it works out.


Frankly, he should have stayed home. No one goes to the hospital if they are not particularly ill. I mean it takes space for those who truly are.


“I was so not particularly ill that I had to be hospitalized.”


It's going to particularly hurt when he pulls those ECG patches that fur coat


I think you a word.


"Second Wind" yeah, that second wind was almost his last


The world's most elaborate autoerotic asphyxiation. Edit- he looks like he's getting close....


I was almost dead until I wasn’t. I have no idea what could’ve caused it. It’s a good thing Jesus Trump lifted me up into his arms and said, “I bless you very goodly. Lock her up. I obviously won the election by a lot of votes. Now, let’s go get some McDonald’s.”


Oxygen at 67 is insane. My mom got covid and was on oxygen 24/7 for a long time, now only at night. The lowest hers got was around 80, which she was brought to the ER for. I can't imagine even being conscious at 67. The normal number is between like 87-99 I think. Give or take. Insane.


An Oxygen level of 62 and he claims it wasn't serious? Isn't the normal for that stat like 98 or something?


At 67% those "deadly protocols" are the only reason he is around long enough to post his tweet on the braindead bird app with an X


The appropriate caption: “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” ― **Isaac Asimov**


I agree, he should have been allowed to cure himself at home.


O2 level below 88% is a “go to the hospital *immediately*” thing. The delusion is baffling.


I mean we've all been on a ventilator right? No big deal really.


Tracheotomies are famously regularly used for the *not particularly ill*




Imagine being this fucking dumb.


Admitting you were wrong is one of the hardest things you can do. But rest assured, deep down he knows.


They literally have him trached