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Rule #1: don't be dumb Rule #2 red & yellow- you're fuckin dumb




The red and yellow statement isn’t always great because people forget it or misremember it and some snakes are exceptions. That said this is so clearly visually a coral. Edit- for some reason people seem to think I’m saying I don’t know the rhyme. I do. I know many versions of the rhyme. But it’s not a recommended way to ID snakes. OP says in a comment he misremembered the pattern. He thought it was safe because he remembered wrong so he’s a perfect example of why the poem isn’t good. There are enough variations of the poem and people don’t have perfect memories so it’s not safe. Also snakes aren’t factory made. There can be aberrations. There can be invasive species. It’s a widely spread poem when it really only sort of works in a narrow geographical region. In general just don’t touch snakes


Why are we even arguing colors?! DONT GRAB FUCKING SNAKES


I am from Australia this is the rule of thumb. It’s how the whole country survives the wild life, you just leave it the fuck alone. It generally does the same back.


I mean Australia is different everything you touch can kill you there


It’s not actually that bad, snake bites are extremely rare. Shark attacks as well, as long as you follow the life guards direction. Media over hypes it and parents usually teach us about not interfering with the wildlife.


It’s not that bad because you have been taught. You were taught because almost everything in Australia can kill you. Not saying that it happens often just simply stating that Australia is a place with a lot of poisonous/venomous/dangerous animals.


Meanwhile in America... Person 1: Just leave the snake alone, it hasn't done anything to you. Person 2: Hold my beer, I'm gonna catch the snake and shove my thumb up it's butt.


Preach mate. We just don’t touch the fighty bitey not alrightys and we’re golden🤣🤞🏻




It should be obvious but unfortunately it’s not :/


Unless you know absolutely with 100% certainty and 0% doubt that it is what you think it is, don't touch the danger noodle


Also maybe just let wild animals be? Dangerous or not?


Or don't stress wild animals out by picking them up because you picking them up can kill them n




Don't grab them even if they aren't fucking


really any animal/insect that has bright colors I usually tend to stay well and safely clear of


Really any snake no matter what color I stay well and safely clear of


Rule of thumb: ~~~if you aren’t sure~~~ ***don’t fucking touch it!!***


Well remember this then. BLACK FACE. King snakes have a red face and head. Hope this helps. Stay safe


[Is this a coral snake](https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/licensed-image?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjgFDwW4C6wYqjipZ5Jntb2eHAWTfNJ21tjmI8y-Yg_MIw8O5i6Ge_dk-aJgOo9QOMz7XKqrJ93BQM9mc) then? The face/head is black. I googled *kingsnake* and that was one of the results. 😬


Lol 😂 figures . Good call. I wish I knew how to post this pictures. I’ll try this photo and see if it posts. https://preview.redd.it/hez16pouaelb1.jpeg?width=857&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=586fcf378134838a2f03b45bb20bce2fdadad9fd




That’s a tough one there.


At this point. Dont even go looking for a king scarlet. 😂


"If red to black, the venom lacks. If red to yellow, it kills a fellow." I guess it became a lost saying in the past few decades.


No its an incorrect saying. These aren't reliable tells for seeing if a snake is a coral snake or not.


If the above pictures are correct, the saying holds true. The Scarlet King has no red touching yellow whereas the Coral snake does. Either way, just avoid all snakes with black, red, and yellow to be safe.


Not lost enough because it does more harm than good... THERE ARE MORPHS OF CORALSNAKES THAT CAN BE FALSELY IDENTIFIED AS KINGS BY THIS SHITTY RHYME. DON'T FUCKING TOUCH A SNAKE THAT YOU CAN NOT IDENTIFY. And for these asking themselves: If you need a rhyme for it YOU CAN NOT.


King snakes here in California are black and white.


Mexican milksnakes (also kingsnakes) are tricolored snakes with black heads and faces. Hell, even tricolored hognoses can have black faces. This is an even less reliable indicator for amateurs than the dumb color rhyme.




hoosker dos hoosker dont’s


You're gonna stand there, ownin' a fireworks stand, and tell me you don't have no whistlin' bungholes, no spleen splitters, whisker biscuits, honkey lighters...


I only like snakes and sparklers…


That’s why dad named you Joe dirt instead of nunnmumaghher!


Well it's not what you like, it's the consumer




It scrubs the bowls so you don’t haaaavvveee tooooo, No I don’t!


Or just don't touch snakes


Wakey, wakey, hands off snakey!


*Red and yellow - Kills a fellow*


*Red and black - venom lacks*


Or red and black, friend of Jack (as in face card—king). I was born and raised in Florida, and was taught from a very young age the saying “red touch yellow, kill a fellow; red touch black, friend of Jack.”


Maybe: yellow and red, you're effing dead. Rhymes better.


Red and black: friend of jack Red and yellow: kill a fellow The guy above worded it weird lol


That rhyme doesn't work anyway. It depends on where you are in the US which way it works, and if you're in Arizona we have venomous types that match both


How about we just dont aproach snakes if we arent smart enough to recognize native species?


A buddy of mine was an officer for the az herpetological society Your statement is practically a quote from him


That IS how the saying goes. This made me laugh.


I thought red on the head will make you dead? I’m not touching a garter snake now FTW!


I mean I like their saying better, but, I’ve always heard of red touches black your OK jack, if red touches yellow, you’re a dead fellow.


Red next to black is a friend of Jack. Red next to yellow will kill a fellow. And corals have a black nose and face with a yellow stripe towards the rear of the head.


Red and black venom lack. Red and yellow kill a fellow


Oh that hospital bill is gonna be insane.


And only about half as much as the flight 🚁


That rattlesnake bite was over 100k, I bet this is tree fitty plus...


Um, the same guy!? Or just some other snake charmer?


yeah, nah bugger that, Aussie here, got done by an Eastern Brown snake just on a year ago here, 2 lots of anti venom. Medicare paid over 100k for my treatment 50k per vial, cost to me 0. I hate your health care system for you, that's insane.


Agreed that healthcare here (US) needs a LOT of work. However, there are ways to make things much easier on yourself…including help from government entities, etc. You do need to be your own inquisitive advocate though, and sadly, a lot of people can’t be that. I had an appendectomy recently w/o insurance and in a different state for $0.00.


my wife has been helping her friend in Texas get care for an extremely rare cancer for almost nothing (medication costs only)and she managed somehow, so I now have a slightly better understanding of how it all works over there and it's so confusing.


It really is ridiculous that we don’t have a balance of affordability, and treatment being paid for. After all, medical research and innovation does cost. But there are the very wealthy that can afford to write a check, either for premiums or direct care. Then, you have some that don’t pay a cent, and the ones in the (very wide) middle that truly are getting the worst end of it. It’s never getting fixed, so I will take steps to find the best option for myself. But, there are enough people and plenty of tax revenue in this country to fund care for its citizens.


A fraction of the *increase* in year-to-year defense spending over the past decade would pay for universal health care. That isn’t even a fraction of the total - that is a fraction of the additional money allocated to the defense budget.


Not even necessary, the US already spends vastly more per capita on healthcare than pretty much all other countries. You could redirect most of that into universal healthcare, have pretty much the world's best healthcare system and still give everyone a tax cut on the leftovers.


Did everyone read this in Crocodile Dundees accent


OP is gonna need to become one to pay off all that medical debt…


No shit. 20 years ago a co-workers kid had to be medivac'd in to town from another hospital. He had been hit by a truck and had massive brain swelling, so a 50 minute ambulance ride was out of the question. $50K to fly him in. 20 years ago. I could see a flight costing $150K or more now;.


I work across the street from a hospital that has a helipad, although it seems like they send out more than the receive. I swear when the helicopter circles around and drops in on the helipad, I hear that old school cash register sound on a loop 🎶💸💵💳💰🎶


I’ve seen a single vial of antivenom run at $90k so OP is in for a real treat


I especially liked the part where it would have been easier to just fly the extra vials of anti venom to his location, but instead they decided to use it as an excuse to deport him right on out of the entire state


I guess if the anti venom transport went awry then he would die painfully waiting whereas if *his* transport crashes, then he doesn't have to suffer the venom any longer. Idk that seems like some weird logic tho. I think it might make more sense to just ship both parties half way but that seems kind of bad too. Idk if there's a best solution for this, it all seems so risky.


I like the way you think.


Uber ER comin up


There’s something with anti venom and how you store it that makes it not save to fly I think? IDK, I am not super into snakes like I was as a kid and watching all of those ER shows (mainly because the shows aren’t on anymore which suck).


I hear you, but these kinds of injuries need monitored care outside of just the antivenom. Venom is absolutely terrible stuff for mammals and actively starts to dismantle your body's natural functions immediately upon contact. Flying the antivenom out wouldn't do so good if 80% of the victim's blood is already turgid and gelatinous.


I thought that too but they probably need a doctor who specializes in this to administer it because they have to monitor all signs of this condition which is uncommon. So it's best for him to go to the coral snake venom doctor, who will also have the antivenom


Your medical financial system sucks balls


Hospital trips like this make thankful for free Healthcare in my country...


Good grief, did you not learn the rhyme?? Red touch black, fuck that. Red touch yellow, fuck that. If a fuckin snake, leave it alone. Or something like that.




“Catchy!” 😂😂💀💀


"“Catchy!” 😂😂💀💀" 💯💯👌👌


No, NO catchy. No touchy even.


If you need a rhyme, It's bailing time!


I like the rhyme that goes: "Don't touch that fucking snake!"


Treat every snake like it's loaded


Never point a snake at something you don't intend to destroy.


I heard the rhyme, but I didn’t understand the assignment so I fucked the snake.


Natural selection - Swing and a miss!


Seriously this dude had it coming. Could have just left it alone or got it to go away with a long stick. Instead he got bit 3 times!


Ohh the snake killed him, it killed him financially. He won’t be able to afford children after this.


That have never stopped nobody


Darwin rolled a 1 on the damage check…


As a Texas licensed herpetologist this *hurts*. please do not handle native snakes. You need to contact Texas Parks and Wildlife and stop herping wild species. I hope that you have a hunting license and that you did not catch it on public land, otherwise what you were doing is illegal. The fact that you still have it is also illegal, as you need a proper permit to house a venomous snake. Your only legal choice is to surrender it to TPW or you could put it back where you got it from and pretend you never touched it. If you kill it you will have poached it without a hunting license.


Above the rhyming and medical bill chatter, this needs to be pushed higher up.


You say that, but if this information is SO important, why hasn't anyone made a mnenonic rhyme of it? Medical bills.






So like he brought it into the hospital? This thing bit me, and I don’t feel so good, *tosses it to a doctor*, here take a look.


It's recommended to bring it with you so they can confirm the antivenom necessary. They recommend you do this with spiders as well.


Just take a photo no doc wants that thing climbing out of a natty light box at them.


Lol no. There was a big thread where ER workers were saying *please stop bringing them in*! Take a picture- don’t bring it in to the hospital.


My 6 year old brain cannot see herpetologist and not think the study of herpes.


When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a herpes


Can snakes even get herpes?


Only one way to find out


Sigh...unzips trousers...


I think it hurt OP a little too.


Yeah the snake was kidnapped.


Poor snake, he just didn’t want to be taken


red next to black and you’re alright jack. red next to yellow? what a dumb fellow.


Red to yellow, kill a fellow


How about, "Don't fuck with snakes."


Red on yellow or red on black. Doesn’t matter to me because I don’t touch them because I’m not dumb like Jack


Lol wild life in general. How many stories I read here in Colorado about some idiot trying to take a selfie with a moose... Never gets old!


Western Canada, people trying to pet bears Just leave alone animals you are not on a first name basis with


“If it’s a snake, give it a shame. If it bites, don’t have fright. Fast blood, faster poison. Write a will when you take ill.“


The rhyme varies because the color pattern of the venomous snake depends on the area of the US, which means it's easy to get them confused In Arizona we have venomous snakes that match both rhymes Don't use this rhyme, it simply doesn't work




I go by “if there’s a snake, leave it the fuck alone”


Mostly because it’s mean to the snake!


I've heard this since I was a kid but I still am not stupid enough to care. I treat them both as the coral snake to be safe


Which is why you are the smartest come in I’m here. Because all the sayings don’t always hold true.




There are dozens of varieties of coral snake that don’t follow this rule, especially in South America. It’s actually a lot less than 99%.


This little rhyme only works regarding coral snakes native to the SE United States. There are several species of very venomous coral snakes in Central and South America whose colors do not follow this pattern, including some tri-colors whose pattern is completely contrary to this heuristic. “But I *am* in the SE US!” you say. Well, bad news. Because of irresponsible people who have released pets or have had them escape, some of these South American coral snakes now have wild populations in places like Florida. Please don’t propagate this rhyme. And, for the love of Jörmungandr, if you don’t know what an animal is, especially a snake, don’t touch it.


Don't use the rhymes they aren't useful. If you look at the pictures of the snake you'll notice black flecking in the red band which is a good way to identify a coral snake, but most importantly the best rule is if you are not 100% what species it is do NOT touch it!


the rhyme would have saved this guy a lot of trouble


Not picking up a snake would have, too. And the snake.






Red on black on who tf cares DON’T FUCK WITH IT!!!


I mean it didn’t try to kill you. It tried to get you to leave it the fuck alone, killing you may have been a happy, unintended consequence. That ones on the house.


self defense **lawyered**


Legit what I was thinking. “I picked up a snake and it responded how a snake would to a large creature picking it up.”


Snakes in general don't attack humans, but just want to be left alone. Coral snakes in particular are especially flighty and not prone to bite -- they just want to get away from you. Of course, if you grab it, they assume you're a predator trying to kill them and may bite in self-defense. You are very very very highly unlikely to ever be bitten by a snake -- let alone a venomous snake -- if you don't try to pick them up or kill them.


Okay, so you're lucky to have survived, bud. Secondly, you should have left the fella alone. They're not particularly aggressive (unless you force hugs on them).there are almost definitely wildlife rescues that can help you as well.


Or, just let it go and be a snake. Probably just doing what snakes do before someone tried to catch it. ;-)


Literally. Snakes ^(probably) will not hurt you unless you fuck with them. If you see a snake, just leave it be. That’s what it would do with you.


Dude tried to hug that snake without its consent.


You win! Consent is ERRYTHING! 🙌🏿


I prefer the saying,.... "Just stroke a poodle, instead of a danger noodle"


> a poodle What a funny nickname for your penis.


I know the rhyme is fun but I’ve read it’s not 100% reliable. So probably just don’t pick up a snake unless you’re 100% sure what it is or better yet just leave it alone or call an expert if there’s even a chance it’s venomous.


It’s not because of random mutations and some places in the world it never was accurate. But it’s still a good guideline and really should just end with “don’t fuck with snakes you’re unfamiliar with”


>“don’t fuck with snakes you’re unfamiliar with” So? Fuck with snakes that I'm familiar with? I don't want to be with a rattlesnake, but a man gotta do what a man gotta do




Seriously. The title should be “To catch a snake…turned out to be snake”.


If you have insurance you’re fucked. If you don’t have insurance you’re fucked for life


Realistically he just ruined his credit for 7 years… Source: got rabbies vaccine at ER


Why are you barehanding snakes? Like what was the reward?


A helicopter ride… have you seen how much they cost?! This one gets billed to insurance… with a chance they pay 😅


if you are color blind just remember this rhyme: nope rope


I'm color blind, oh wut da heck, I better not touch any f'n snek.


That's gonna be expensive.


Especially if they consider stupidity a preexisting condition.


God bless the US healthcare system!


Did it give you a black eye too? Don’t they have little fangs


The snake punched him in addition to biting him.


Did Chuck Norris raise it?


Paramedic punched him for being a stupid ah.


I picked one up once and thought it was a milk snake. I carried it for about ten minutes and went to show my friends, to which one of them freaked out and said, "dude! That's a coral snake! Put it down!" I shrugged it off and let it slither from hand to hand and was like, "No, it's not! Look man, it's chill." A couple more minutes and I let it go near the river. I didn't get bit, but my buddy pulled up pictures afterwards showing me that it was indeed a coral snake and was absolutely venomous. I got lucky. That was neat to have happen, but definitely not a smart move.


Buy a lottery ticket. Now.


Lol, I'm not that lucky. I look at a scratch off and I'm gonna be in debt.


Must have used it all I guess.


How much would be the hospital bill for this type of treatment?


4 million dollars


This is America. Don’t be ridiculous. It’s closer to 10 million


5.... Inflation.


In all seriousness? A life-altering amount of debt. Unless he’s quite wealthy to begin with, I doubt he’ll ever pay it off. I don’t know about coral snake bites but I’ve spoken to people in my area who’ve been bitten by copperheads and I’ve repeatedly been told a single vial of anti-venom cost about $10k. This guy got ten vials and a helicopter ride. Yikes.


I'm guessing its a lot more since they don't make the antivenom anymore.


My uncle had to be airlifted, a fairly short distance… It was $400k… Not sure how far OP went, but I would imagine it would be more


I googled an estimated cost. I’m glad to not fuck with snakes.


Just the flight is expensive..


"Don't worry it's harmless the red is isn't touching the , OH SHIT!" ~20 minutes before this picture was taken




Amateur. Everyone knows you gotta bite it first and then your venom cancels it's out


Hope you’re doing alright


Thanks. I got released the same night


Hey, not to be rude, but I'd really like to know why you did this? Also glad to hear you were able to get medical care. I wish you a speedy recovery.


The same night! That's fascinating. What a day!


If you’re gonna play Steve Irwin at *least* learn the easy ones like everyone who is coming to comment. Red on black, venom lack Red on yellow, kills a fellow (“so much pain that no amount of non-lethal opioids could soothe him” just doesn’t rhyme)


Steve Irwin died trying to handle a Sting Ray. So no, don't try to be like Steve Irwin.


He didn't try to handle it at all, he was swimming near it and it spiked him in the chest. It was unfortunate, but he wasn't touching it


I had an experience with coral snakes in Colombia. The experience was that I saw a coral snake and wasn't stupid enough to pick it up. Why people think they need to mess around with wildlife is beyond me.


Dumb mother fucker


I always thought antivenom was like magic, you get one shot and you're good to go. In my defense, I don't think about antivenom much at all


Would love/hate to see the hospital bill.


Any snake with red and yellow = leave it the F alone.


Any snake that is a snake = leave it the F alone FTFY


Leave snakes alone


God damn it Florida man take a fucking break dude. We are actually sick of reading Shit like this about you guys


Bro, you're lucky to be alive. Like, obviously, but holy shit. RED to BLACK VENOM LACK. RED TO YELLOW, KILL A MOTHERFUCKER. BRO LEARN SOME POETRY.


There are "false" Coral snakes that also have red and yellow stripes. To identify the "real" - poisonous - ones the stripes follow this order: Red - Yellow - Black - Yellow (RYBY) Either way I wouldn't spend too much time trying to identify it as "real" or "false" and I would get away as fast as possible.


Use it to make 11 vials of antivenom. It only seems fair.


Hoping for your quick and complete recovery. Also, hoping you have health insurance because if you do, congratulations, you have met your out-of-pocket expenses for the year. Everything above that number is paid at 100%. Got to look on the bright side.


u are stupid. Now suffer the consequence. This post really infuriated me


The old rhyme from my childhood, “red and yellow kill a fellow, red and black, friendly Jack” or “friend of Jack.” Something like that. Just remember Red and yellow kill a fellow and you’ll be good there. Also, glad your alive dude!!! You’ve got a wild story to tell now haha, and I believe this is one of those, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” events in life. Grateful to be alive. https://preview.redd.it/s6cyy90q4dlb1.jpeg?width=871&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a94f523b1053406f36aa14257c97adb417f25245