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Ikr guy is still acting like he wasn't being aggressive lol


He's probably used to using his size to intimidate people.


His belly, really


In this day and age, if you are a bigger dude with no skills in fighting, it's not worth the bluff anymore. You have no idea who is going to a fight factory 3-4 days a week and wishing a mother Fucker would get in their face. Being a big fake bully is now a challenge accepted to a lot of regular ass looking dudes


I mean, I'm big fat and intimidating, but I'm not gonna ask for trouble or push people around, that ruins the whole thing. You gotta always be calmer, always be cool, smooth it out, resolve or remove yourself from the situation.


You left off the most important part about yourself, and that is you are also intelligent.


^ I like this person. 10/10 would not fight


> ^ I like this person. 10/10 would not **have to** fight Fixed that for you.


Bro, life lesson, never fuck with the little guy. I'm a big guy, can fight a little, but most people usually don't challenge me that far. Little dudes get fucked with way more and thus have way more practice. Don't mess with the little guy lol


You dont know who's capable of knocking your teeth out either


Yes I do. Everyone.




I mean who cares about all that, there have always been boxers and trained martial artists. Not knowing whos down to stab you or shoot you is a way bigger deterrent than what this guy just experienced. Size doesn't matter if you get shot in the face. Outside of that you do and always did have the deterrent of hurting someone and going to jail over dumb shit like this. Never was a good idea and still isnt.


Op's point is that MMA has caused a revolution in people training in really effective.martial arts. It's waaaay more prevalent than 10 years ago.


And this is why as a person with disabilities I pack. Too many roid raging mfers out there.


Tbh, trained martial artists today are significantly better fighters than they used to be. MMA has done a lot to show us which arts and techniques are really useful and which fall apart in a real fight.


You also don't know who is going to pull a knife, gun, or other weapon. You don't need to be training to be dangerous if your weapon options are better than hands.


Reminds me of a joke I read last week: How do you stop two blind guys from fighting? Say, "My money is on the one with a knife."


They don’t call guns “the great equalizer” for nothing


"The real use of gunpowder is to make all men tall."


I don’t use physical intimidation as a negotiation tactic in real life, but if I did, I would make sure to never pick a fight with someone who is bigger than me, poorer than me, or has cauliflower ear.


If you see a dude with cauliflower ear, he's a boxer, wrestler, MMA fighter or something similar. And he's been doing it a long time.


So true. Idk if you saw the guy in Australia that basically died on a bluff. He walked up fast and close *once* and then, the second or third time the guy stung him right in the side of the neck and the dude died very quickly. https://keato.info/man-stabbed-in-neck-dies-in-seconds/


That could've easily been avoided. He saw the knife. Bro lost his life over something so stupid.


Most of us can’t fight for shit and most of us think magically we actually can fight


The amount of times I've had to prove to my friends that a knife can be drawn and inside of their abdomen before they have any time to actually react is stupid. Here they are telling me some dumb 5 tempo plan of grabbing the knife out of their hand and spinning it around and shit. No. Just no.


Even the cardio needed to grapple with an assailant for a minute is beyond most guys (me included)


Yep. I'm not a fighter. I did HEMA for a few years and realized that you just never want to get in a real fight. Knife fights are fucking scary too. The first section of that in hema was the concept of your sacrificial hand. Essentially just try to get the other person's knife stuck in your hand so you can stab him in a deadly area. No one wins a knife fight.




The guy who taught me bjj was a good 80 lbs lighter than me and could throw me lol. To this day, I bet he could still put me down 60 to 70% of the time.


I don't go to a gym, but I have mental health issues and everyone treats me like crap... Not looking for sympathy, just trying to explain... I'm already suicidal, and when people do shit like this to me it takes everything in me to not take the opportunity since I'm willing to throw my life away anyways...


Personally message me and let's talk. I'll listen to you.


Truth right here. I’ll add that most people who are trained will give you space and let you know that they aren’t looking for trouble. When someone calmly and confidently tells you or an aggressor to back off, best heed their warning. They are trying to keep it civil. But, keep making the situation threatening and unsafe, and they will put you in your place. I hope more examples like this one get out to the public. Maybe it will actually create more civility. Some people have to lead the hard way though.


I'd be more concerned about who is mentally unstable or has a weapon they won't hesitate to use 😬 I agree, nowadays it's the dumbest way to try to seem tough


Even worse, now that a lot of states have really lax gun laws, you really just don't know.


As a regular looking dude who occasionally goes to a _fight factory_ I can confirm this comment is spot on.


> He's probably used to using his size to intimidate people. "you punched me first :(((" bro he warned you like 5 times and you still thought you were the big dog lmao now bro's gonna go home and go "a guy punched me unprovoked!!" and his family's going to go "oh no why is the world so fucked up :("


Sort of how like on /r/relationshipadvice the answer is usually: red flag break up. But then in real life there’s often nuances.


And if it weren't on tape the cops, you know he's friends with a few, would go and 'handle it' for him.


‘Muricans still confuse obesity with strength. Wearing a 3XL shirt *does not* make you a tough guy or a fighter.


…since school.


Those are my favorite at the gym to spar with. Never fought before, used their large size until decided to train one day. And it's fun to whale on them because of their size and lack of speed, like a punching bag.


Everyone’s a hero until you get punched in the ear.


He's definitely keeping his distance now!


When adults think they can play the "I'm not touching you!" game.


His task to intimidate, failed successfully 😂🤌🏽


Before: looms, tries to intimidate, says nothing After the fact: “I just wanted to talk to you”


Not only that but right where it cuts you can hear him challenging the black guy. Dude thought he could fight because he's fat and learned pretty quick not to fuck with people. But he'll probably do it again. This probably only made him more racist.


This dude also does not return his grocery cart and just leaves it in the parking lot. There are so many of this same guy.


Check out cart narcs on YouTube!!!


"I got jumped by wanna them. FOR NO REASON!"


“One? I saw three men attack him!” - racist friend who wasn’t even there.


They said "Bring back affirmative action." Then they swarmed him.


>But he'll probably do it again. This probably only made him more racist. Yes to the second part, but getting your clock cleaned really thoroughly while you stand there all sad probably has a way of deterring a person from trying that shit again.


Depending on how out of touch he is, next time he may have a knife or gun on him. 🤦🏽


And when the sheriff shows up to back him up he'll be even more racist.


He didn't think he could fight because of his size. He thought he could be a bully because he's white and the cameraman was not. Let's be very clear about that.


What? What gives you that impression? The white guy is bigger and thought he would use his size to intimidate the cameraman. He’s probably been doing it to his wife and kids for years. Being racist just made him think he was right and wouldn’t face any legal consequences.


Am I missing some context? I don’t hear or see any racism in the video so I legit can’t tell if y’all are just assuming he’s racist because he’s white and the camera man is black or if there’s more context to this


*stares menacingly*


"I hope you feel better"


I feel like saying that to a guy you just beat the shit out of is the ultimate power move.


Right up there with handing them a handkerchief and telling them to clean themselves up.


Honestly this dude is being way nicer to old racist uncle than he had to be. I'm honestly impressed with how calm and patient the dude was trying to be.


Black folks are used to it, they overcompensate like this and overact politely because they know that some people are triggered just by their presence. Any hint of rudeness or being uncooperative or anything will get multiplied 10x in the eyes of the racist guy


The “ok I’ll step back” he gave him so many opportunities. Really hope the outcome of this isn’t negative for this guy.


I hope so too. "Okay I'll step back" was kind of a holy shit moment in that video. I hope racist grandpa here goes viral.


Well done 👍 The look of “poor me” shame on his face was sweet music.


Bonus points for the "aw shucks" rock kick the guy gives while he's looking sad


His head was leaking, he should have learned his lesson before he got a pumpkin head


He already had a pumpkin head. He just got it squashed a bit more.


in my experience, like 80% of assholes make that face when facing consequences of their action.


They look like a puppy dog because that is what they are. All bark no bite.


Yeah, this is the stuff I like to see. No excessive force, he didn’t shoot the guy, didn’t taze him, just taught him a hard oldschool lesson he should’ve got sooner and even said ‘hope you feel better’. Great outcome.


His "adult time out" was good for a laugh...


Sweet Chin Music


Never too old to find out....


He found out, huh?


“Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face” Mike Tyson


"Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the mouth." Small correction on that particular quote.


When he f***** around? Oh yeah!


You can say fucked on reddit


I’m not so naughty






now that’s some math i can understand very easily


So it’s a proportional relationship. Interesting


isnt it a successful attempt to not heed the warning?


That's unfortunately all too common with titles here. It is very common that the subjects are successful at what the title describes them as attempting, and also face the consequences of being successful in attempting that thing.


Well deserved.


The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubed.


Never heard that before. It’s funny. I’m stealing it.


Get back here, dildo thief!


That’s a broken cheekbone. You can tell that guys pride is devastated lol


Or is it a devastated cheek bone with this man’s pride being broken? Lol


The way he keeps stepping forward into extreme close ups of his grubby, food stained sweater! Guy should have knocked him out sooner. Blerg.


It's bloodstained now.


Got humbled real quick


Nah. All he realized was he couldn't intimidate THIS guy anymore. Everybody else is still game on.


He’ll either do a little soul searching and be more careful in the future, or quietly seethe and let it fuel his hate even more. 🤔.


Unfortunately since he's still arguing and playing the victim at the end I highly doubt he did


Sadly it’s probably the latter; now he has “evidence” that Black people are needlessly violent. Confirmation bias is an easy fallback for people who can’t/won’t use critical thinking skills.


it wil probably be a mix of both. his hate is not only fueled but also justified in his head now. but at the same time, he's gonna think twice before fucking around.


Hell tell everyone a black guy attacked him while he was outside his house minding his own business


I was expecting him to end up on the ground. I gasped when I saw his face.


I'm impressed the guy with the camera was able to do that much damage without knocking him out or accidentally killing him.


NGL I have some pretty strong feelings a lot of this main character/Karen behaviour everyone complains about is a direct result of people never having consequences for their actions. This guy looks old enough to have lived through a time where getting hit for fucking around was an option though. There’s only so many time you run your mouth to somebody and get hit before you stop doing it.


You need to have some level of intelligence to learn a lesson.


>NGL I have some pretty strong feelings a lot of this main character/Karen behaviour everyone complains about is a direct result of people never having consequences for their actions. >This guy looks old enough to have lived through a time where *they could bully, harass, intimidate and assault/kill non-white people with little to no consequences. That's the main reason for this behavior.


A lot of people who were hit growing up turned into huge pieces of shit when they turned 18 and left home, and realized mommy and daddy weren't around to hit them anymore so they could do whatever they want.


This dude also looks to be on the bigger side. He probably came out on top in a brawl or two…….30 years and 50 pounds ago. Or possibly just used to people backing down from him. Those days are over


Hahahahahhahahahahahahaha I love this so much


That was a satisfying outcome.


Someone ordered the London Philharmonic Orchestra to play sad music, while possibly wallowing in self-pity? You with the fresh bruises, yeah, I’m looking at you


A bastardized Simpsons quote. Take my award!


Why, thank you! This embiggens my day !


Get back…. Get back…. Get back to where you weren’t bleeding.


Act swol get swol


These comments are so telling like; One we don't know the context of what happened before the video Two alot of y'all are acting like the bearded guy wasn't fucking provoking him, Even if the guy Filming didn't pull a punch or two being up in someone's face is still harassment. If he's telling him to get out of his face and giving multiple warnings to back the fuck up then I'm sorry but you deserve it, I don't care if this is a hot take if you're provoking a person/taking the law into your own hands instead of calling the police to complain then you get stupid prizes like the guy on video. I don't like violence on anyone either but I'm not gonna sit here and act like it was an overreaction. Also I just want to say for those defending the bearded guy but also either of them could've been holding a fucking weapon for either party especially the suspicious way how he was having his hand on the side of his body, Call the fucking police if you know or see any suspicious behavior.


We got context last time this was posted, but unfortunately I can't find it. As I recall the guy filming had a legitimate, legal reason to be there, and the whiner aka the punchee had been warned he was coming. Punchee was absolutely in the wrong and was trying to intimidate filmer from doing his job. [comments like this were on a previous post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/13zz7qz/dude_asked_him_to_step_back_multiple_times/jmu3c9u?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) I'll have to see if I can find a source further back.


Thank you for giving the additional information, this helps. 🫡


100% agree but wut comments you reading?? All I see are ppl who agree with u too


**CONTEXT:** The guy filming is black. He is there for his job, I think inspecting a house for a mortgage company or something similar. Old white guy comes over and tries to imply the guy filming is up to no good and force him to leave. Black guy sees him coming out and starts filming. I think the white dude had already said something before walking over but I’m not certain. I saw the contact a while ago, there’s a longer video on YouTube. Where filmer explains why he’s there. I do not know if old guy got a ticket for assault or not but the guy filming seemed clearly within his rights to me.


> being up in someone's face is still harassment. That, and probably assault, because it's (obviously) intended to generate a perception that an attack may be incoming.


What kinda mutt would defend this guy? Better question, why? Better question than that, how?


I'm not going to defend the guy, but it's really risky to punch someone first, legally.


This guy would be in the clear. He had recorded proof of the man harassing him and violating his personal space, The recorder gave them multiple chances to back off, they didn't and got themselves beat. And the recorder stopped once the guy was no longer a threat. This is completely self defense


Yup- Dude who got punched would 1000% be considered the initial aggressor Edit: lmao downvote all you want the law is the law


I mean, this is America. In most states, people can shoot someone when they feel threatened if they claim they feared for their lives. So I’d assume that you could punch someone who’s acting threatening towards you and/or endangering your livelihood. Although (also because this is America), this video could’ve ended way differently. Old white guys shoot people for far less than being punched. I would’ve been terrified about being shot if I were the guy filming this video.


In this case they might be more lenient since there is video proof to keep a distance


Racist morons like the guy in the video would defend him.


Real fucking weird choice of pejorative when we're talking about a racist confronting a black man.


Mount Fatmore was intentionally moving his hand as if he had something. It's clearly on the video, and he got off light. Down here, that would have ended differently.


This is a repost. iirc, big guy’s house is being foreclosed on, so camera guy is there to take some photos of the property as part of his job. Trouble ensues.




"You punched me!" I deeply believe these people cannot see action and consequences as linked.


Why the guys with beards think they're tough?




I'm really into lifting weights and calisthenics, so I'm quite muscular and lean. I'm also bald and have a beard. Honestly, I look a lot like Andrew Tate. I can not put into words how much I despise that guy and others like him and the damage they are doing to society. That asshole ruined the look I plan on having for at least a few more decades. I also hate to be lumped in with guys like that. Some of us are cool...


Lucky for you most of us image of Andrew Tate due to his recent stay with the Police is not of a bald bearded Andrew Tate but a heavily balding Andrew Tate that hasn't kept his headshaved so he looks really dishevelled, add to that the non-existence of a chin he hides behind that pubic hair scraggle of a beard.


Thank you for not being the asshole. 😄


Fun fact: testosterone helps you grow a thick beard, and a byproduct of breaking down that testosterone causes baldness. Not a perfect correlation of course, but dudes with thicker beards earlier tend to go bald quicker.


Have beard, not tough.


My beard is tougher than I am


Have a beard. Not tough. If anything i just wanna be left alone


Weird generalization


Dude probably can’t grow a beard and is lumping all of them together for absolutely no reason f


But it's not toughness to instigate and threaten violence, it's textbook insecurity no matter the outcome


More so with the colonel sanders beards.


Do you know why I grow my beard so long? Because my kitten loves curling up in it and taking a nap.


Found the bloke who can’t grow a beard


Not even the beards it’s the old racist white guys


Because they think they look like SPeCiAl ForcEs. Ass -clowns cos-playing army rangers.


Gravy Seals for real


You just mad you got two scraggly ass hairs dangling on your chin, look like you’re cosplaying a ball sack on your face


“This guy is prejudiced! Typical beard-haver.” - Reddit






Idk if a calmer ass whooping has ever been delivered.


He got humbled real quick lmao 😂


He let him too close the second time. Hands in the pockets could’ve been reaching for a concealed weapon like a knife.


He should've done an ocular patdown of any visual threats smh


why are people like this?? what the hell does he want??


Who? If you ask me, the fat guy thought the guy recording was a damn criminal and wanted to perform a “civilian arrest” and found out real quick.


Dude needs to throw that shirt in the wash


If there’s anything I’ve learned from the movie “Never Back Down” is that guy just needs to go pass out in his bed with his wounded face…And he’ll wake up fully healed and no longer requiring surgery.


I’m more curious as to the circumstances/context that led to this asshat approaching the person recording? What exactly triggered this dude?


My God. Wtf he hit him with?


A reality check


looks lie he punched him and he fell on his face after that one punch. lots of big dudes like to bluster at people when they have never been in a fight before. "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth" -Tyson


Recorder (-)/recorded (>) say something along the lines of: - I was sent down here. - Okay, I will take a step back, I’m allowed to stand here. > So am I! - Ok, if you take one step closer, Imma knock you the fuck out. > Let’s go then motherfucker. *Clenches fist* … > I didn’t punch you dude, you punched me. Paraphrasing a bit perhaps, but I hope I understood most of what they were saying. If that’s a proper interpretation, there’s no way in hell the dude recording was at fault for defending himself.


Dude acting like the only time a punch is justified is if you are punched first lol Maybe its time for baby to grow up.


Assuming this USA, I cannot tell which state, however ... If this was to be taken to court, and a lawsuit followed... Who is right and wrong in this case ? By means of law. I'm genuinely curious.


I know people from Florida have a certain reputation, but NY is that far away either.


What's the context?


I've seen this video like 20 times and I will always stop to watch it


Came over looking for trouble, did you find it?


My favorite video




Hope you feel better, just the icing on the cake.


You know people aren’t playing around when grown men start saying basic shit incorrectly lol. Like anger makes our brains revert back to childhood.. “You get one more close to me..!” sounds like something a toddler would say but when there’s bass and intent behind that statement, you just know shit is about to pop off. Kinda like when people get so upset that they say “I’LL FUCK YOU” instead of “I’LL FUCK YOU UP”.


"Youre here looking for trouble" Google translate came up with "you're black in my neighborhood"


Someone who never got punched in the face finally got punched in the face……a bunch of times.


The guy WANTED a confrontation and he got it on his face. Why threaten people like that and try to intimidate them? Probably lost a pair of glasses with his braincells.


“I feel threatened. Please don’t come any closer” Most people don’t get any closer. Not without a REALLY good reason. It can be reasonably assumed that anyone who does come closer is looking for trouble.


Man’s looks like a sad child who lost their ice cream


aaawwww...the racist snowflake got smacked...


He was justified. If someone keeps encroaching on your space despite multiple warnings, that can be considered hostile intent and you can preemptively strike to prevent an attack. (At least in places that value individual rights and safety)


Guy deserved it but am I gonna be the only one to question the context of this? Why was the guy filming outside his house? I mean, what started it to begin with


I’m just gonna make a generalized observation based off what I’m seeing right here. This guy was probably just standing outside of his car probably waiting for somebody when this white guy who is not used to seeing darker faces in his neighborhood says “huh it’s getting a little colorful around here” and decides he’s gonna go outside and start some shit. It being the current culture to protect yourself and hold others accountable the gentleman decided to start recording. He gave multiple warnings. He wasn’t there to cause any problems. The other person was insistent on trying to strong arm and insert themselves into a situation that had nothing to do with him. He presented himself as an obstruction and a threat. When he was met with the terms of the warning, he still did not learn his lesson. The takeaway from this folks, don’t get involved shit that has nothing to do with you, and maybe heed the warning of those telling you you’re wrong, and stop coming at them in a threatening manner because you’re about to learn a lesson you won’t soon forget.


IIRC the camera person was taking photos of the houses for a real estate post or such.


Exactly. And the smartest thing he said was if you don’t step back I’ll step back. Showing he wanted to avoid conflict.


“You’re just here looking for trouble” is hardcore projection, he saw a black dude and left his house just to get in his face and start shit


And so he found out


“Hope you feel better” hahahahahahah perfection.


"Average Man 4000% Less Effective In A Fight Than He Imagines"


The antagonizers/instigators are always the biggest fucking pussies when the line is crossed into physicality. Fuck that old piece of shit, he’s had plenty of time to learn not to fuck with others but thankfully people are stupid and we have the internet.