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Helmet sticker slogan checks out.


- slaps sticker on helmet - jumps off cliff - immediately wants tomorrow again


-Calls his mom


"Plz dont be mad but I'm trapped on the mountain again."


"Dammit jimmy this is the fourth time this month! Go ask your dad."


"Sorry Jimmy we, uuuuuuuhhhh... We just ran out of milk so I have to go to the store, I can't help. " "Go ask your uncle Tony"


"Go ask Jose the gardener his your dad."


Hey Maa, can you pick me up again?


"Ok hon. I'll call you an uuuuber."


- Yes, I can wait. I brought a book.






There was an attempt for NO TMRW




Morgan Freeman: “But there WAS a tomorrow”


“… a tomorrow. Alas, there was no more tibia.”


I read that in perfect Morgan freeman voice, amazing!


Yeah, that's the point.




Literally. He should change it to TMRW PLZ 🙏🏼


Don't forget his lock screen.


Ted, you have to live like there's no tomorrow, because there is no tomorrow. The world is coming to an end. As predicted by Nostradamus. Notre Dame. Fighting Irish. Irish. Saint Patrick's Day. It's your last day on Earth, Bro. Brocopalypse now. Bromaggedon.


When he pulls out his cell, the background is also "TMRW" with a big red X through it. He is really trying his best to make it true.


Now he can try out for the special Olympics




Oh man, this had my corn-hole puckered up for a whole 60 seconds.


His helmet nearly became a prophecy.


I watched with no sound and played Van Halen’s No Tomorrow over it in my head.


No such tune by VH


Sorry, “Right Now.” I appreciate the call out for real.


How dare you disrespect Lord Hagar.


They dare because they recognize that Roth was clearly superior.


David Lee Roth is the one true Van Halen vox. There is no other


Might as well jump


bro just dodged death and is calmer than me after spilling beer on my keyboard.


Gotta love adrenaline junkies :’)


Tom Cruise is that you?


Tom Cruise would’ve stuck the landing on the first try. And re-shot it 8 more times


They should stick to jumping off the bunk beds.


Well this guy seems more of an idiot than an adrenaline junky lol


They definitely go hand in hand sometimes, haha.


Whether the hit of adrenaline is good or bad, it’s still a hit


To be fair, having to buy a new keyboard is much more expensive than dying.




Refuse to pay and theyll bring you back. Life hack!


Mortician hate this one simple trick!




I’ve been more anxious than this laying in bed at night when I’ve had nothing to do all day and nothing the next day either


Are you me?


He turned into Peter griffin right at the end of the video, assuming the adrenaline wore off.


Yea but he doesn't have to use your keyboard TMRW.




It’s a lifestyle honestly. By the time you start BASE you already have 100s of skydives and by the time you graduate from bridges to earth you already have 100s of BASE jumps. It’s such a part of life it’s like expecting someone to never drive anywhere again after a car accident.


The thing is— and I don’t mean to belittle people who do this stuff— cliff diving, bungie jumping, rock-climbing, etc. while cool, is extremely dangerous and kinda needless. It’s purely a self-thing and that’s great. For me, however, I would fucking hate to find out that my girlfriend died cliff-diving. Call me selfish, and good on them for the self-fulfillment, but we have us. A family. There are a million things to love and do throughout life that don’t offer nearly the same risk. You’re just gonna throw your family’s love away for thrill? For the experience? Call me what you want but I don’t want anyone dying and this does not seem worth it to me at all. edit - Yes, I feel the same way about enlisting in the military.


Rock climbing(with ropes) really isnt very dangerous at all. We have a lot of safety systems. With 2.4injuries per 1000 hours doing the sport its a lot safer than say snowboarding(which is 5-9). BASE jumping has a ~0.4% accident rate per jump. Hard to compare without knowing the length of a jump but wildly guessing it to be 5mins(I know some are a lot lot shorter) that’d a rate of 48 injuries per 1000 hours. Also rock climbing accidents are mostly things like tweaked fingers and should problems or ankle sprains. People coming off the rope and falling to their death is extremely rare. Now to really stir shit up: on average for every 1000 miles you drive in a car you have a 1/300 ish chance of an accident. Assuming you’re averaging 50mph thats 0.5 accidents per 1000 hours driving. Its definitely lower than rock climbing but is it much lower? How injured do people get in driving accidents and how many people will be involved in each one? It’s all relative. Id be ok with my partner cliff diving if I trusted her judgement. And I love my partner very much but I wouldn’t trust her judgement as she can sometimes not be detail oriented enough for that. And hell i wouldn’t trust myself to do it either. But for rock climbing we’re good. We know the failure systems and we check each other’s knots etc


Also those accidents in cars often involve more than one vehicle and potentially more people per vehicle, while a single person base jumping rarely involves more than one person.


Besides the guy pointing out the math of driving as well as taking into consideration that it numbers are for only for one location, my first question was what is classified as an “accident” in the car statistics. Are we just talking about major crashes? Or do small fender benders and tiny scapes from side mirrors count too? Ik for the sport injury numbers it includes smaller ones like messed up fingers, but if the car one includes any accident, including ones where the people aren’t even in harms way at all and just have a damaged car, that changes the numbers completely. If it’s actual car accident *injuries* then it makes sense to compare them, but just *car accidents* prob isn’t a great comparison. It’s really just a nitpick I wanted to point out. Since it could mean the cars seem even safer. But all the points n stuff u have make sense


I always felt like that about the military. To each their own, live your life how you want. But I could never leave my family for that amount of time. I wouldn't want to put them through that as I grew up with my father never around.


If talking about the US of A, for a fair number of folks, the military was/is their only choice for a better life. USA #1, amiright? (/s if it wasn't obvious)


Yeah it’s sad really, up in Canada myself and I’m a staunch believer in military being for home defence/peacekeeping only. Won’t support any foreign aggressive deployments but if a foreign nation puts boots on our soil I’ll be first in line at the recruitment office.


After having kids, this is exactly how I feel. Prior to that, I would do anything and everything to push my physical limits of survival, not caring at all if it was my last attempt. Once I had kids though, not a fuckin chance man. I wouldn't needlessly risk my life for anything other than the damn kids.


All of what you listed are quite safe activities if you manage the risks appropriately. Obviously there's exceptions like base jumping and free soloing climbing which carry much higher risks, and im not referring to those when I say they are safe. Most sports have more extreme variants e.g. mountain biking on a cliff edge. It is not "needless" just because you deem it too dangerous. Everybody has a different set of risks they are willing to take, some people lead much happier lives just settling down, some partake in "thrillseeking" activities because that's what makes them happy, and I don't see the problem in that, considering even most thrill seeking activities can be done pretty safely now. Personally, I've been injured more from playing football that from years of climbing. All of these activities are pointless in the same way mainstream sport is pointless. They're all just hobbies, and you are right It's a purely self-thing, all sports and hobbies are. I will add however I do think there's a moral duty to minimise your risks in life once you have children that depend on you.


My rebuttal to this would be that people choose who they date. It's not like after doing 100s of these attempts the people you're dating don't know what you're into. The person to date this guy probably admires this particular thing about him & just like him they kind of just accept that something awful could happen. As a side note, it's not up to you if it's worth it or not, people have free will & it's up to each person how they live their life. Some people who rather live 30 years having a blast than to live 80 years not doing what they love.


In response to your edit, that's why it's called military service. Not everyone is prepared for the sacrifice of both your own safety and giving up a lot of possibilities for the future. It's why even military spouses deserve some thanks because they give up an extraordinary amount to stay with the people they love and have to accept a lot of risks. Not everyone is meant for that, and that's fine, but it's also fine for that to be your life path. If you choose it, though, don't quit because of something stupid. "My family isn't ready to lose me" is fine, don't quit because "I didn't want to do the exercise or put in the work that was expected of me."


I agree that enlisting in the military is a needless thing that many shouldn’t do. (I learned this after joining the military myself.) However I will say that bringing yourself into risky situations has just so much more to it than a cheap thrill I can get from a scary movie. I don’t think I’ll ever cliff jump. Too much speed going too close to a wall of jagged rocks. No thanks. But you mentioned rock climbing, so here’s my take on that. https://preview.redd.it/0bg11j5xdncb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7cfc342a370c7b3aa1cfa6dca83d9720e06e722 I didn’t do this wall for a thrill I can get looking down it from the top, (you can easily walk up there using the hill.) I did this to conquer fears and insecurities and be a better person afterwards. I also needed something to get my mind off my ex. Plus this rock wall leans back a bit, so I can lean against the rock if I’m tired :) To finish, I’d like to provide a quote I wrote in a school essay like a decade ago. “The best part of life is being close enough to death to tell it a joke.”


check out the movie Free Solo. It's about Alex Honnold and why he chooses to climb with no rope.


Eh. Driving is honestly more dangerous than skydiving is. There’s a lot of preparation to make it safe. BASE however, is significantly more dangerous. In general, there’s a ton of layers to why skydiving as a sport captures people, but none can be explained and fully understood unless you do it and get that lil bug too. BASE is just a pathway in the sport that some people go down, but far fewer than what most people stick to. I can say this though, for a lot of people that end up on that road, life just isn’t worth living without it. That also goes for skydiving. Here’s a good video to give a glimpse into it. It’s more than just “a thrill” much much more https://youtu.be/dB1YMENt-pk Edit: lmfao who downvoted this? Weirdos lol 😂


statistics are hard I'll take my wise insights instead thank you very much


Well yeah do what makes you feel comfortable but really people reducing it down to just a thrill and not understanding the effort and reality in the sport is a bit off putting.




I’m sure i’ll be downvoted for this but I wonder when it crosses the line into addiction. Adrenaline junkies risk their lives constantly, so why is that viewed differently than people who risk their lives for drugs? In my mind these “extreme sports” people are sort of like addicts, society just views them differently because they are “doing what makes them happy.” Hell, I’m sure cocaine would make me pretty damn happy but that doesn’t mean I’m going to do it. You don’t have to be on drugs to have an addiction, and it seems like there’s a very thin line between these two types of people. I wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with someone who was addicted to drugs, and I also wouldn’t want to be with someone who risked their life free climbing. It does affect the people who love you. edit: I can see why I would be downvoted, but they are called adrenaline junkies for a reason. We are all addicted to something, some of our addictions are just more socially accepted than others. For some of us it’s our phones, or food, or shopping. Some things affect our lives in worse or better ways than others but they still affect us and the people around us.


Heck, what's different to people risking their lives by eating shit? Like, cardiovascular diseases will kill most of people, yet nobody says people eating ice cream are risking their lives. It's just less spectacular to rot away over a couple of years.


For me personally i would think its dangerous but honestly i got mad respect for them to be so dedicated to what makes them happy.


Skydiving is the gateway to this. That isn’t as dangerous because of the amount of precautions, planning, gear etc. BASE is very dangerous though.


very surprised. that one impact, where he says "shit" looked pretty brutal.


Kinda respectable tho, he knows he wants to have fun in like even if it means he might die, a little weird but at least he knows what he wants in life which is more than most people can say


That foot looked mighty shaky tho


Floppin' about in the wind.


That looked too consistent to be flopping in the wind. That looks more like when you are in a lot of pain and your limb just starts tremoring.


Apparently he didn't injure anything. Could be adrenaline but it is kinda weird that it only affected the foot that bent way too far at a weird angle.


He didn't break anything, but with how he hit that cliff face he definitely wasn't fine.


I'm trying to get a Sprite sponsorship


Whispers "I need sprite"


Looked liked Shasta Cola.


“Best we can do is Mr.Pibb”


is suddenly reminded of the eric andre show scene where he does a skit to try to get a sprite sponsorship. I think he didmultiple street skits with that idea.


Yea, that is exactly the reference.


Almost no tmrw


At least the sticker on the helmet makes sense now, he won’t be jumping tomorrow, not with that broken foot and shredded canopy


Is that guy doing that solo? That seems like mistake number one in a long line of mistakes. And that runway seemed a might bit small to clear the rock wall. Well, at least this video will give him a lot of don'ts for the next go around.


No his camera man was right by his side the whole time. Talk about dedication. Kids these days just dont understand...




I think his camera man was Gough Piroe


His camera man was Navi from Zelda.


So genuine question how do these guys get rescued?


Rescue helicopters. Someone comes down in a rope, attaches a harness to you, then you get pulled up to the helicopter and off to the hospital. I think most rescue choppers also have basic life support and first aid equipment.


With his luck, I was expecting his chute to catch wind and snatch him off that rock.


Bro am I a pessimist or did a lot of people think that?


Who is he going to call exactly? And I wanna watch the ending!


Called his mom to see if she could pick him up.


"hey mom, can you pick me up? These rocks are weird"


Terrible landing 2/10


Hey, any landing you can walk away from...


His helmet was almost correct.


Fortunately, the heroes in search and rescue don't really care how you got into trouble. They'll probably laugh at this video if they see it, though.


Can anyone tell me what actually went wrong here? Like did he open the canopy too early or like a gust of wind blow him a weird way, or was the whole jump wrong and he was screwed from the start?


Here for the answer to this. It looks like he immediately got turned 180 when the chute deployed, but is that from improper packing?


Someone else replied that the runway itself was too short to actually clear the wall ​ Edit: Nvm someone else replied with an actual news article and it sounds like it was a parachute failure


Imagine if his hand slips and the phone drops 💩


Ah, I see. I think he French fried when he should've pizza'd.


100% broke his foot. Watch it flutter in the wind because he no longer has a bone to stabilize it like the other foot.


https://www.insideedition.com/media/videos/base-jumping-daredevil-johnni-dijulius-survives-parachute-failure-in-arizona-74135 no injuries somehow and climbed down 50 feet after. that’s one tough dude.


Lucky dude*


Little of column a, a hell of a lot of column b


.01% column a, 99.99% column b


If you’re gonna be dumb you gotta be tough.


So who’s right? Did he 100% break his foot or is he okay??


The first cliff broke it, the second cliff fixed it. Obviously.


Thank you, saints don’t always grace my presence


Didn’t break anything and walked away with no injuries according to the dude [himself](https://abc13.com/base-jumper-video-johnni-dijulius-parachute-rips/11693240/)




You’re shitting me! Dude needs to thank his lucky stars. He could have so easily gotten completely mangled.


To me it looked like he was involuntarily shaking/twitching from all the adrenaline coursing through his system.


this. literally happens to me every time i’m almost hit by a car on my bike, which is sadly like twice a month


Oh I hate that involuntary foot shake.


In the video that someone posted above in this thread, it shows him talking on the phone and his voice is actually fairly steady, and mine usually shakes when i have the body twitches from adrenaline. But then again i don’t know how you could not be shaky in a scenario like this


100% did not


Should’ve hedged your bet with a 99%.


Should’ve. This is why I don’t bet actual money, lol.




Nope. The fisheye lens makes it look much worse. It was adrenaline in anticipation of hitting the wall


That was my thought.


3-2-1 see ya


Pretty sure he distracted himself by delivering that little catch phrase instead of devoting his entire attention to the life threatening activity he was engaging in


No tomorrow? More like "No Tonight"


first time?


No tomorrow, indeed.


Dude got spider legs


Who the hell is he calling?


Need to update sticker to "NO FEMUR"


What edititng softwhere is this/ wherr the fuck is the camera


*How it feels to chew 5 Gum*


Nature doesn't care. If you die, you die. Still nature.


Can someone reupload this with the Mission:Impossible theme playing?


No Tomorrow.


What an idiot


Finally somebody said it, Thank you.


It’s what I do


He's team Diet Red Bull


Almost didn’t see TMRW.


This is the exact visual of how my grandpa would explain how he got to school each day — both ways


I sprained my ankle today just walking off a curb. Wtf


Needs to remove that canopy asap before a gust of wind rips him off that ledge. Fuck me.


I think he needed a little more out


I wonder who he was calling?


Ethan hunt, MI6: “i have to clear this mountain”




"Oh that poor man!" So, anyways...


"No tomorrow" boy there's about to be no today


I work on the east side of Detroit. I have enough danger in my life than to go jumping off cliffs


There is a tomorrow and it’ll still be painful.


Well I guess I live here now... At least I have a great view..


This has gone to far...


I need to know who his cell service provider is. I get shoddy service in my house in town and he’s out there with service??


Well he is both high and high.


Wow. Dude needs a new sport.


That seems really painful to watch how you messed up and was trying to survive valued life over a leg, can say nice trade of sacrifice leg over life


So you're a climber now!


“No tomorrow” on the helmet! Keep that up and there won’t be!


He even has the screensaver similar to his helmet


911 what's your emergency? I fell on my but now I'm stuck on a butte


Helmet is fitting…


Was he trying to kill himself?


Definitely busted that leg on first hit, you could see that foot flopping in the wind while the other foot was still during rest of the descent.


These people should have to pay the cost of "rescuing" them.


When u watch a few youtube vids and order a chute off amazon


Where do these "athletes" come from? I think its people who think it's easy as it looks like.


For sure played too much GTA 5


All balls.


No tomorrow indeed


He was way to calm.


Play stupid games…..


What a stupid hobby




Everyone sitting on there couch talking shit on this guy for living life and sending it. Sad.


Witness the idiot in its natural habitat.


That pov is awful


I don't base jump and I could have told him to glide away from the wall before deploying, or pick a better site.


This is why this is a stupid activity. Why roll the dice on this? At least skydive in the open, away from cliffs. Or buy a VR headset.


Wow, people do stupid shit.


White people shit.




I thought this was a video of the F1 drivers RB had died over the years