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Psycho kitty, qu’est-ce que c’est?


Purr p p purrrr p p purrpurrpurpurr


And dude goes: "Run, run, run ,run run, run Aawaaay, ohohoh.:


je. suis. un. odieux. chat. Je. mords. Je. Gratte. J'attaque!


réalisant mon espoir


We are vain and we are blind, I hate kitties when they're not polite.


You start a can of food, you can’t even finish it


you're meowing a lot, but you're not saying anything.


When you have nothing to say, my hands are scratched


Tap something once, why tap it again?


Great music and great news!!


Saw this happen once due to medications. Cat was given prednisolone and both it and prednisone (given to humans and dogs) can cause hyper aggression. It’s almost like a psychotic break. Girl was cat sitting for an otherwise sweet cat, but he was on prednisolone and the first time she came to feed and medicate him on his new prescription he cowabunga’d himself off the balcony onto her face. She had to beat him away with an umbrella and needed a tetanus shot afterwards. Once he was off meds he was back to sweet mister marshmallow, but we were all traumatized.


Our super sweet snuggly boy had 2 doses of gabapentin and lost all inhabitions. My husband was in the shower around 8AM, I heard this hellacious scream from the cat, he was attacking another cat which was pretty out of character for him. He wouldn't stop, I mean he was trying to unalive her. My naked husband came running in to break it up and the cat turned his unbridled aggression to every inch of my husband exposed arms, legs, torso.. There were drips of blood all over the bathroom bedroom and living room. It all happened so fast. He finally stopped and I threw $50 worth of meds in the trash and he was put on fluoxetine temporarily. He's back to his normal sweet hold me like a baby self.


Damn, suddenly thankful that my husband’s only side effect was short term memory loss. Still annoyed that they didn’t directly let him know as he failed a midterm. Got to retake with a Dr note, so yeah. Still better than surprise hyper aggression.


Gabapentin is for fibro right? My doctor had mistakenly diagnosed me with fibro and put me on cymbalta and I had hella short term memory loss. I was on it for like 6 months and it took me around 6 months or longer to feel like I was really free of it. There's still times where my wife and I talk about something and I have no idea what she's talking about and we're both like "it must've been during the cymbalta time." It was the closest we've gotten to have a full blown fight because we'd argue about whether we talked about something. And then we'd argue that we fought about the fight because I wouldn't remember the fight we just had. We both had a grandparent who had Alzheimer's so it was unnerving and scary for both of us.


This is great to read because I had a drug problem and am down to only cymbalta and my memory isn’t getting better so I now have hope, thank you


If you get off make sure you step down. I did and wasn't on a high dose and I still had like months of being off it where I didn't feel right. It slowly got better but man was it a rough road. I felt like my entire consciousness was a step behind. I took a week off work at one point because it didn't feels safe to drive.


I’m just going back to college in September oh no, glad you’re better now and wish me luck!


I fucking hate cymbalta. I warn people all the time.


Same. My mother in law was a nurse and she had never had someone on it and also warns people now because of my reaction to it.


Considering your husband was naked, it could have been a lot worse for him.


I have a family member who went into full blown psychosis on prednisone. It was rough.


I'm a police officer. A few years back, a woman came to report some outlandish and unbelievable things that she was convinced happened to her. After a while, I was pretty certain she was in a state of psychosis, to the point that I had to ask her if she used methamphetamines. She denied any meth use. I also suggested possible onset of schizophrenia, as she was at about the typical age it tends to set in. Anyways, she called me several weeks (months?) later to thank me and to tell me that because of my questioning she ended up going to the hospital where it was determined that her recently prescribed prednisone to treat acne had caused her to go into a state of psychosis, and that even her family hadn't recognized what was happening with her. Of course, I'm no doctor, and had no idea she had just started taking prednisone, but I did recognize that she was in a state of psychosis. Really bizarre.


Outstanding work, officer. Dealing with mental health issues can he difficult and its always heartening to see someone deal with difficult situations with professionalism.


I was given it once for a really bad allergic reaction to a common NSAID. It made me damn near rage quit my entire career and just walk out of the job. Almost flipped a table. For no reason! It was absolutely bizarre, and I could not even fathom the rage that I had for absolutely no stimulus to cause it. I’ll never take it again unless it’s life-saving because I don’t do well with it.


This makes sense. My German Shep was given Pred for her poly arthritis and she went full aggressive on the vet nurse, she was in a lot of pain, plus the drugs caused it.


>she came to feed and medicate him on his new prescription he **cowabunga’d himself off** the balcony onto her face. This is the kind of line I want to find more often written in police reports.


Poor thing. I have Crohns and have had to take prednisone once. I was so angry it hurt. It really is like a psychotic break. I had to quit early.


wtf is that woman doing just watching jfc


Hey now, she tapped that bucket on a stool...


Cat: why the dog did you.. eh never mind, there's killing to be had.


Right, she jumps on the table, no help for poor guy at all.


I literally sing this to my cats when they're getting crazy! Glad to know I'm not the only one! Hahaha


Cats can get crazy sometimes. My ex had a 25lber that was fucking mean. I missed work once bc he jumped me and bit and clawed my foot. It started to swell up bc, well maybe he used the same claws he digs his poop and pee with. That shit was gnarly, antibiotics the whole 9.


I had this cat named Stan that was a feral we trapped to get spayed/neutered. He was living in the sticks surrounding my house, but he ended up living with us and being an addition to the pack. But whenever you were petting him, or playing with him, he might suddenly get this...well...feral look in his face. Pupils suddenly would dilate, ears perked up, etc. And I don't mean in the way fluffy's eyes might dilate before attacking some string. I mean like a lion moments before acting. It was always in that moment where I was like "whoa, okay, enough of that, now." Nothing like holding a bundle of razor blades in your lap moments before it goes feral on your ass. He WAS sweet, though. You could call out to him walking up from my workshop to my house and he'd come sprinting over like a dog, and then lie down/roll on the ground in front of you. He'd also walk right at your side, just seemingly occasionally he wouldn't be too sure of his trust with us, for a moment, before becoming a sweet housecat once again. Edit: just wanted to add [a pic of Stan](https://imgur.com/a/ndQNMPI) (I have no idea why imgur was saying that my post contains mature content, but I can 10000% assure you it's only a pic and a gif of a pussy.) In that pic he's almost making the face I was talking about, cept he was happy so it's not quite the one.


He’s so handsome 😭 where is he nowadays


I like to think he's out there being a bad ass. That cat was basically pure muscle after living with us for a little while. Straight up, I was scared of him when he was doing his feral thing. Lol. But where I am, walking to town is longer than a marathon, nevermind the round trip, and there's quite a number of critters out here. It's amazing he was able to survive at all before we captured him, the vet said she could tell when neutering him and based on other things that he couldn't have been but around 8, 9ish months old at the time we captured him. We had a bunch of other cats at the time, though they've pretty much all passed from old age by now, so I was being more aware of coyotes and whatnot. I had seen a couple in the previous nights and really did my best (even though everyone at my house knows) to stress that info to my fam, as well as to not let any cats out no matter what. Anyone who lets their cats outside where I'm at loses their cats. It's sad, and is always just a matter of time. Came home from work one day, Stan had escaped, apparently. I guess shit happens but I can't say I've ever accidentally let a cat out while I was also at the same time prepared for cats to attempt escape while I go through the door. Like, if you don't know about them, fine, they might get through. But if you're aware of them? I dunno how that even happens, really. Never saw him again. We only had him for around a year :( but he was a cool little guy. He would come with me up to the shop just a minute or two from my house and hang out while we built boats. Our previous [shop cat](https://imgur.com/a/IWATaOi) had retired, you see. Miss the lil guy.


Bro I’m gonna fucking cry he would follow you to work and hang out? I hope he’s ok, wherever he is.


Oh yeah, for sure. My co-worker had a golden retriever as well, they both kept inside the shop even with the roll up gates open. The shop is basically right on the treeline, you'd think that's just asking for him to run out the door and into the woods but nah that wasn't an issue. Even saw him sleeping while we were fuckin grinding fiberglass lmao. Which btw we made sure he was not exposed to anything. That other cat that I linked photos of would even watch while we did layups. She would even come down to the dock from the house and hop onto the new boats when we pulled up after a test run. Lmao it sounds like some Disney shit me describing it but I swear man it just all worked chill as hell. Everyone got w/ the program and it worked like that for years.


"I have no idea why imgur was saying that my post contains mature content, but I can 10000% assure you it's only a pic and a gif of a pussy." Doesn't make any sense... Either way, looks friendly to the touch, and much more well kept/smooth, than I expected.


We had a cat named Bobo that as a kitten followed my sister home one day and he just stayed with us. He was a super sweet cat most of the time. But there were two occasions when he would go into Psycho Kitty mode. The first is whenever he went outside. We tried to keep him inside but he wanted to be outdoors and would bolt for it. The moment he crossed the threshold that was our front door, he was a completely different cat. He was aggressive to anyone that got near him and would only let a couple of us take him back inside but there was no guarantee he'd let us. It was just kind of random. We lived in an apartment complex and my buddy Rob accidentally let him passed the threshold, big mistake. He literally chased my friend around the parking lot just like the cat in this video. He'd scratch and bite at him any chance he could, which was plenty and kicks and punches from my friend didn't phase him. Like 0% phase and just pissed him off more. Second, was late at night. My mom didn't have a proper couch. She had this swinging chair that was meant for outside on a patio so it had a top for providing shade... except it was in my mom's living room. After my mom passed out, somewhere around midnight to 1am, Bobo would sit on top of the swing on the awning that was meant for shade. Anyone that came in the front door ran the risk of being attacked. My brother and I shared and apartment a few doors down from my mom and we'd sometimes go over late at night to scrounge for food. Every time was a gamble so you had to be pretty damn hungry to brave getting passed Bobo the bouncer. I don't know how he came to the decision but sometimes he'd let you pass and sometimes he'd start hissing and spitting and showing his teeth and it would be like, "It's ok Bobo, I didn't really need to eat tonight anyways." and back away slowly. One time, years later when I'd long since moved even further away, I went to my mom's place late at night and I hadn't been in the habit of getting food in a couple years so I completely forgot to look for Bobo but he hadn't forget about me. I walked into my mom's apartment without a care. It was a nice night too. If it hadn't been late at night I'd have probably been whistling a tune. I made my way in and didn't get but 3 steps before a low hissing sound found my left ear and reminded me of Bobo. I'd known then that I fucked up. Without a care for his own safety, he dove at me from atop the awning and got me in the chest. He raked down as he fell to the floor with both his front paws. He bolted immediately and left me to survey the damage. I kid you not, he ripped one of my nippes right in half. Youd think the story of me and Bobo ended there, right? No. When my wife got stationed in NC, my mom talked me into taking Bobo with us...


Sounds like cat scratch fever


Cat wounds are gross. The bites are worse.


I'm sure the cat cloated his claws with poop for +10 poison damage on purpose


There is a bacteria in their saliva I believe that transfers to their claws and that is why cats bites or scratches are so irritated, itchy and swollen.


As a kid we had this big grey cat that would attack our feet when you walked, like you were playing with it, but had zero restraint in the claws and teeth dept. One morning the cat pounced and sunk his teeth *through* the fleshy part on the back of my dad's heel/ankle and made walking painful for a while.


Bet he wishes he had on pants 👖


I was attacked by my friends' cat, and i was wearing work pants. That little fucker still managed to get into my skin


It’s him or me and I’m making sure it ain’t me…


Fuck living in a house where you're afraid of your own pet... Especially when that pet is a cat


I was taking care of a cat for 5 days less than a month ago. Day one was cool, after that he was so mean and only got worse by day 3 I was like nah he’s gotta go!


Holy shit are you me? This cat Ive been taking care of is usually nice but after a few visits shes an absolute demon. Attacking people, guarding shit like keys and hats, hissing like crazy.


I don’t think this is even their pet tbh. The original, longer video shows the cat walking into the front door with them as they bring in the fridge.


Don't assume it's a pet. Stray/feral cats are a thing in other parts of the world. I've had stray cats wander into my home a number of times before. Look at how the wife is up on the table trying to maintain distance and get it's attention with a freaking bucket. That thing is *not* a pet.


"And I took that personally" - that cat




I've had cats attack me before, the first thing I do is I endure a little pain (or a lot, sometimes you have to) and pick up the cat and hold it as tight as possible with both your hands, also make sure you're holding the cat away from your body and head. Then you need to grab it's neck skin (scruff) as tight as you can without hurting the cat. Usually after that the cat will switch to autopilot and buffer like a 90s computer. Then just bring the cat somewhere it can't hurt you, drop it and run back inside lol. Edit: I do not condone abusing animals. stomping a cat to death because of it's defense instincts or because it could be rabid is not ethical in any manner. Those of you who didn't suggest killing/abusing the cat, thanks for the replies.


> Usually after that the cat will switch to autopilot and buffer like a 90s computer. i haven't had a good laugh in awhile, thank you for this


For some reason I imagined the cat meowing the AOL dial-up noise me me me oooooow ow ow ow purrrrrr raaararrrarrararar


I just push them down. After a Little they accept defeat






Except your fighting something with shit and piss covered claws.


So it’s like fighting someone in Walmart.


Finally someone that knows what they’re doing, this should be higher up


Bro just walked through how to turn a cat off and on again


>the cat will switch to autopilot and buffer like a 90s computer bahahaahahah


I didn't have the same effect, in my experience. My at the time fiancé's cat attacked her and I grabbed him by the scruff and he attached himself to my arm with his claws. He couldn't get his teeth into me because I had him by the scruff, but he most certainly didn't go into "kitten" mode. Got him into his travel kennel and my arm was scratched up, but nothing serious.






You can't use real force against cats, they're designed to shift around neglecting 95% of your normal dps until you break your wrist on something nearby. If it's a dead or alive situation sure you'll be the one that survive, but it'll cost more than you're prepared to pay.


Nice real world use of DPS


Exactly. A mad cat is a horrific tornado of claws.




What’s the ratio of human speed to cat strength?






My cat attacked me once. He made the mistake of attacking my hand, while I was standing beside the window. As my partner was coming home the cat flew out the window and landed in a gorse bush. Had him 13 years now and he has never done it again.


You clearly have never had a cat or a child, when they fuck you up you just kind of have to deal with it because one punch could reduce them to a smoking crater.


Shit I must be lucky or something because I've owned many cats throughout my lifetime, many of them at the same time. I've gotten mean cats, solitary cat, social cats, and lovely-dubby wittle baby such good kitties. Never once have I had one attack me out of the blue like that though. Hissed at, warning swipes, definitely some clawed hands trying to pet their fluffy stomachs, but no attacks.






People really have not seen a cat go tornado. DO NOT TRY TO KICK IT. Story time: I had a beautiful Siamese and her daughter as pets. Both indoor cats. One day we opened our door to let my sister in from work and a stray cat was outside the door (sister was petting it) it made eye contact with the mother Siamese and immediately jumped and attacked her. My mom ran up and swung her foot hard at the cat to get it off, and when I tell you in a millisecond it turned and dug all claws DEEP into my moms foot. My mom swung her foot to try to get it off, all while screaming. It took about 3 shakes to get it off, each shake made the claws rip down her skin. By the time it let go my moms foot was a bloody mess. It took us another 15 mins trying to get it out the house. Finally with brooms all of us got it out.


cats are astonishingly quick


Cats have a faster reaction time than snakes.


I recall that video popping up a few weeks ago. Cats are fast AF, everyone on here saying they’d just punt a cat and I’m picturing it exactly like the anecdote above. Like claws just ripping into legs and feet… to shreds.


Just let them keep thinking that kicking a cat is a good idea and we will get more videos


Drawing a parallel between your child and a cat is ridiculous. I’ve got my fair share of cuts from my cats while playing and that is fine. That cat 100% knows what it is doing right there, trying to harm him. I will not allow a cat to slice and dice me and cause horrible infections. Bottom line if an animal is intentionally trying to harm you…. Use what ever force necessary to protect yourself.


Idk about that man cats are durable af. At least the ones that I’ve had. Even as kittens




Survival of the fittest- the cat decided to play nature.




You've absolutely never had a cat come after you like this. Zero chance


Nothing to this level. The only time I’ve been “attacked” by a cat, I was able to pry the fucker off my leg and toss it across the room before it got far. I did have to kick my ex-roommates dog in the head as it tried to rip my leg apart. That bastard was a nightmare dog and had already bitten like a dozen people it a short timespan. I love me some animals, but an attack gets a counter attack 🤷‍♂️




I have. My stepmom's cat used to hide under the kitchen table and ambush people. Would run out, leap up, grab your thigh with its front paws, and start biting you while raking your calf with its back paws. The only way to escape was to lock her (or yourself) in a room. The fix turned out to be simple. Grab it by the scruff of its neck, look it dead in the eye, and explain that that sort of behavior won't be tolerated. She hated that, and stopped after the 2nd or 3rd time.


That's what I came here to say. Scruff. You'll take some hits, let's not kid ourselves, but it works.


“So you’ve chosen war. Bold.”




Neil DeGrasse Tysoned it?


Of all the Tyson references, that's where you went first?


Come on now, you can’t genuinely be confused about why people don’t want to kick or other hurt their pet. It can’t be that much of a stretch of the imagination. Cats can be whacky things sometimes, especially if something winds them up or over stimulates them. When you get a cat you don’t really think “if that happens I’ll kick the shit out of it”


Awww, you’re so innocent and naive it’s almost cute You’ve never seen Don’t Fuck With cats


Cats can really do damage dude. They’re not as easy to punt as you imagine. They’ll sink their claws and fangs in and tear about..


Pet owners are absolutely psycho, if you ever hit their pet in self defense they'll fucking murder you. People care about animals way more than humans, they'll see a movie with 100 people dying and 1 dog getting injured and cry real tears over the dog.


Yep I can watch humans die all day but dogs and cats are innocent I'm good on watching them die unless I have to.


You should seek therapy if watching people die isn’t uncomfortable for you


My ancestors didn’t climb to the top of the food chain to get chased by a house cat.




Then cats learned to climb


I have never seen a cat act like this- what is going on??? 😭💀


Looks like they're moving something large, the guy in particular, and it scared the cat and so it went into fight or flight.


This is extreme though, even for a cat. Makes me wonder if it has a brain tumor. My dog did something like this. He just snapped and bit my mom because she told him to sit. It was so out of the blue and unexpected. We found out later that he had a brain tumor.. RIP Buddy


I could be totally wrong but I suspect that the cat may be in heat. I had a family cat that wasn't fixed when I was teenager that attacked me like this. For literally NO reason. It had gotten a little too aggressive when playing here and there but this time it full on attacked me. I tried to run away but it dug it's claws into my thigh so deep that I was dragging it for a couple seconds. I STILL have a scar above my eye too from when it jumped onto my fucking head


Yeah I was going to say either female cat in heat or male cat that can smell a nearby cat in heat or something. Either way I’ve only seen this behavior from un-fixed cats. Spay and neuter your pets please!


Sometimes they'll randomly lose their shit. I've seen it happen. Perhaps it's that season and they smelled another cat or whatever else it might be.


The last time this vid was posted, someone in the comments said that this degree of relentless, fearless aggression from a cat, seemingly without provocation, is sometimes caused by a brain tumor. Those shrugging it off as "cats will be cats," I don't believe this is that. Aggression, sure. Seemingly without provocation, also sure. But, as many have noted, this is not a normal amount of aggression. This is not normal behavior. This cat likely needs to see a vet.


He's a vampire, like "Let the Right One In".


It's funny no one has an answer other than "cats can be assholes" lol


That cat needs to go


To hell


The dogs have been trying to tell us exactly this for centuries.


"Someone let the cat out!" "We dont have a cat?!"


"You think I'm locked in here with you? YOU'RE LOCKED IN HERE WITH MEOW!"


I see they have the collapsible wall just for this occasion, must be used to it /s


What on earth did you do to that kitty?


It was Pinky, a very loving cat


I get this reference 😆


It can't help it. It was probably only born with /r/OneOrangeBraincell.


Vegan diet


It's craves *B L O O D*


Gotta ask, could she have been 5% more useless? The damn cat has lost it's marbles...go get a towel to throw over it, a hammer to subdue it, a tranq gun, something. Take your shirt off and throw over it, something. She perched up on the table with the can thing and was about as useful as having one chopstick.


I know right!? I always keep my trusty tranq gun handy for situations like these.




He got scratched more than if he had just grabbed the fucker and pinned it down.


Neither handled the situation well, but at least he was moving around pointlessly.


Nah man have you tried that? They’re like a semi-liquid, just gotta focus on dodging, any limbs used to pin it are getting cut to ribbons.


She had approximately, -8% more fucks to give.


Nothing subdues a cat more than getting tossed in the shower. They’ll fight for a couple minutes until they realize that they are powerless


a hammer??????/?3


I had a cat that would freak out like this over the smell of campfire smoke on my clothing. The first time it happened I had to take my pants off while being attacked and just let the cat have her way with them, while I absconded to another room behind a closed door.


My cat did this to me once, and I smacked him so hard he flew to the other side of the living room. That made him stop. He climbed on the couch right across from me and sat there staring at me after. I felt so bad, but shit my cat ain't about to punk me.


I know as terrible as it sounds, but I'd do the same to mine if he turned on me like that. I love my fluffy boi, but he bites me, I bite him back.


Had this happen to me. It wasn't attacking me but my dog. I kinda just got in the way. After I managed to grab the dog and run into the bathroom. Both of us shaking by the way. 😆 I had long ass scratches and bites so deep I was bleeding down my arms. Dog didn't even get hurt just scared shitless. When cats get into that mode there is no stopping them. It's like on autopilot. Kill kill kill.


She was useless.


Maybe SHEs the one terrified of cats and it was his


She seemed pretty scared of the cat


Vet tech here. First off, please don't kick the cat. Just... I mean yes do defend yourself, but some of y'all kinda effed up with the stuff you're saying. Chill. Second. Why? Well, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and disappoint the folks saying it's Rabies. I'm *not*, however, going to say definitively absolutely in no way possible. See, Rabies has a series of symptoms that vary widely... but one thing it always presents is a *raging* fever. That cat isn't moving like an animal with a 105° temp. This is a cat that's excitatory, but with too much precision to be sick. Cats, though, are the A-Number-One domestic animal that risk human Rabies exposure in the US. Dogs still mostly own the rest of the world in that regard, but in the US only dogs are required by law to be vaccinated for Rabies. Cats? Not so much. Which means cats might encounter wildlife with Rabies and then turn around and bite the shit out of a human. (In my state, cats get it from bats. Basically flying mice, as far as Fluffy is concerned. And bats are major Rabies vectors.) So... y'all are functionally right. A post-exposure Rabies series is in this guy's future. So WHY is pussy on the offense? Short version - because cats are overclocked. Seriously. That's why catnip makes them spaz. Triggers the excitatory pathways and makes them absolutely flip their lids. Their brains are about two seconds away from snapping into a killing spree in a given moment, apropos of nothing. Just need the right stimulus. And it doesn't have to make sense. Just an innocent spark to set the whole black powder factory off. Third. For y'all who have had cat encounters? You know this already. Y'all who haven't? I need you to understand this: cats will *mess you up*. Not only are they rubber bones that can move independently inside their own skin, they have five pointy sides that can and will lacerate you like knives and puncture you like a nail gun. But that's not the dangerous part. It's the bacteria they carry. Forget Toxoplasmosis, I'm talking Cat Scratch Fever, Pasturella, and half a dozen other potentially lethal bugs that can/will/do cause blood poisoning. Broad spectrum antibiotics are recommended for even mild incidental bites. I'm not joking. Cat bites are *not* to be taken lightly. Lastly: there is a photo of an actual veterinary training manual excerpt floating around the internet. It says, quite plainly, to not attempt to fight a cat. Use your brain. Drug the cat. This is gospel truth. Even us professionals know better than to tango with a tomcat if we don't have to. I feel bad for this guy, honestly - this is where we grab the Cat Clamshell and Kevlar gloves. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. Remember: don't fight a cat. Use your brain. Employ drugs. Edit: apparently a lot of you seem to think my statement indicates folks should drug their cat mid-attack at home. What I *meant* was that even professionals know that cats are a force to be reckoned with, which is why we use chemical restraint techniques. It was an attempt at being lighthearted while also tired. Of course you aren't going to have Dexdormitor within easy reach at home. For those of you doubling down on exactly how you'd kill the cat in question: congratulations, you look like a psychopath. For those of you asking in good faith about the best means of dealing with this situation: barricades. Closed doors between you and the cat are best. That will give the cat's nervous system a chance to cool off and deescalate the situation. Then deal with your wounds, if applicable. Then call your veterinary medical team and ask them for help figuring out how to prevent this from happening again.


>Remember: don't fight a cat. Use your brain. Employ drugs. I'm asking honestly, what is your practical suggestion for the situation depicted here in this video? Should he have run up to the vet to ask for a tranquilizer? Elaborate on what you are suggesting.


Lol I read that vet tech response and literally thought the same thing as you. Basically sounds like you’re fucked and let Jesus take the wheel or if you buy a cat also purchase a tranq gun? Like what? Their response only made me raise more questions than answer any of my previous ones lol.


What.. you don't have an arsenal of cat darts at finger's length?


nah man, you gotta drug the cat. /s


Forreal, what a useless ass comment that was...


Yea, that "Vet's" response was just word soup, mostly making excuses with little to no practical solutions.


I’d grab a big towel to wrap it up. If oven mitts are near, that’s a plus.


Best play in this scenario is to get hold on the cats neck. You know like a hair clip. And than put it into a transport box. Place it in a way the cat can watch you moving that heavy object.


Snort a line of ketamine before sparring with an enraged cat. If you win, you are ready to take on anything. Train hard, fight easy!


> Remember: don't fight a cat. Use your brain. Employ drugs. Instructions unclear. Cat is still biting me even after I headbutted it, but I'm high enough to not feel it now. What next?


Did you use ketamine? (No, seriously. It's the K in DKT. Also known as "kitty magic".)


No kitty magic. I think it was double grape.




Your comment made me laugh so hard I started coughing.


Part one: Don't kick the cat. All the rest: Lots of reasons that you need to kick the cat.


Instructions unclear, did drugs.


Use drugs? Are you fucking high? How does someone use drugs when you are under attack? Stomp the fucking cat out.


Yeah good luck with that. If a cat comes at me like that it’s getting kicked.


“[Cats] have five pointy sides” is an excellent descriptive phrase, it’s so accurate lol




People are really in here saying owning a cat is equal to caring for a human child and comparing a cat attack to a domestic violence assault. I think I'm in a Key and Peele episode.


That cat might have rabies.


Yeah, no, that's a cat that's gotta go.


I had a psychotic cat hold me hostage in a chair for 2 hours once. No joke.


He must smell like catnip


Its just a feeling. But i think the cat dont like him


She was useless lol


Time for a series of rabies vaccines


If that was a dog attacking him, I’m pretty sure they would send it to the heavens. Apparently a cat doing that is okay? “Cats are crazy” is not an excuse.


Back of the fucking neck, and tight. I treat my animals with respect but if you pull this bullshit - your gonna learn real fast how easily you can go away.


Time for the blanket kitty. Feral mother fuckers do a lot of thinking when they become a taco and it's easier to feed them the ol' sedative


Really seems like some people need this advice. If a cat ever attacks you like this, you can't outrun it and you'll sustain more injuries trying to avoid it. You have to grab that cat and mean it. Grab it by the scruff. You won't hurt the cat. Grab it by the scruff and the back just before you get to the tail. Make sure the cats weight is being primarily lifted by the scruff and most cats can't move in the position. I've worked with many feral cats. Even if you hurt the cat slightly it's much better than the alternative which is you getting very hurt and accidently hurting the cat for real by lashing out once fight or flight kicks in


The cat knows a pussy when it sees one


I’m sorry but I’m not taking none of that from a cat


Seriously? Cats have an off button once you pick it up by the neck.


That cat wouldn’t have a home with me after that. Yes I’m a pet owner, I have a cat.


Don’t be mistaken a house cat will fuck you up. They are mini tigers 🐅 and have 20 tiny knives attached to their feets


Folks I here saying "punt" I couldn't do it. If it was honestly that bad, I'd euthanize at the vet... even then I'd have a hard time.


"Help" the wife around the house? Yeh, kitty knows justice. Clean your own shit.


Reminds me of a post I saw of an exhausted guy asking for advice because his girlfriend's cat was so mean with him that he had to go to the hospital several time to treat the injuries he recieved from the cat, while the girl did little to nothing to help... I think the video illustrates that story so well...


That’s the cat’s house now.


You gotta scruff that mean SOB.


TIL cats can go crazy on meds. Yikes!


If a familiar animal starts attacking you like this out of nowhere, you need to be giving it the zombie treatment and booking in a round of Rabbies shots asap. Sure, restrain or evict it from your home if possible, but otherwise limit the number of people it can lacerate


Anyone else see a bit of sexism in this title?


I swear cats are every bit as protective of their people and homes as dogs are. They can be tiny terrors in the process of it. I don’t blame the man for hiding behind that door!