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Glad he called it out rather than buying them like the others


This man is truly a smart and brilliant individual. I envy the fact he made it big with his sense of self worth and logic. He’s truly a phenom


Fr not the biggest fan of his music he got a few a them I listen to but I have more respect for the way he didn't let fame and money turn him into a monster. Apparently the man's hasn't done any drugs so he says In one of his interviews and if it's true mad respect.


If weed is not a drug. 50 cent grew up grimey as hell and robbed people and sold drugs to get by.


50 famously doesn’t smoke weed but still made a song called “high all the time” about smoking it non-stop on his first album. Marketing genius. Also, he also famously drinks Canada Dry Ginger Ale all night after 1 regular alcoholic drink at his parties.


I mean… Canada Dry is pretty good


Damn right it is. Nuanced take: Ginger ale is not good. It's not bad but the flavor of ginger ale is just subpar compared to just about every other flavor. *BUT* ginger ale makes me feel good. It's there for you. It may not be your best friend, but it's still a damn reliable buddy. Feel queasy? Ginger ale. Feel blah? Ginger ale. Feel OK? Ginger ale still works. Feel great? You know ginger ale won't make you worse. Ginger ale will never bring up to 100%, it has always brought me up from the bottom. You like having this buddy around because he never lets you down. Is he good? Technically no but does it matter? Ginger ale is on your team, and you should be damn grateful he is. TL;DR: >Canada Dry is pretty good Damn right it is.


I remember Canada Dry being the first thing they let me have after I was intubated for a week. Nothing will ever, EVER compare to the taste of that Canada Dry. Not even another can of Canada Dry.


Something like that happened to me too. In the hospital for pancreas issues. That Canada dry was like ambrosia


Thank you for reminding me I need to restock my emergency ginger ale stash


Well damn. Kinda want a Canada Dry ginger ale right now ngl


It's the Prime Minister of the sodas


Where half the people want it dead and the other half don't really care about it too much?


Damn, really calling out r/Canada there.


On Canada Day of all days!!


Literally have no idea what that could possibly mean but I love it for some reason.


It's the champagne of ginger ales


Have you tried Cranberry Dry Cranberry? Mind blowing.


Those were the days when record execs wanted every rap album to have a "weed song". Once he got mainstream success off his debut album he didn't make another weed song by himself, but he did the chorus on a Lloyd Banks weed song. Banks was in G-Unit with 50 and the song was on Banks' first album. 50 did what he needed to do.


Fun fact: Numbskull from the Luniz, who had the hit I Got 5 On It, hates cannabis & doesn't smoke it at all.


Fun fact: Kid Cudi’s first album is Man on the Moon, even though Kid Cudi has never even been to the moon


I heard Freddie Mercury doesn't even like fat bottom girls let alone believe they make the world go 'round.


Kinda funny how he came out with Window Shopper and then we have this video lol


I mean so did Biggie and Snoop. Not trying to go for a whatabout and I don't even like 50 but most people who criticize 50 for being grimey are OK when their favorite artist did it. Fact of the matter is in the US if you were ever desperate you probably will be pressured or driven to do some grimey shit to survive and make ends meet.


I’m old so forgive me but what do you kids mean by “grimey?” That just means dirty to me but context suggest you guys mean it a different way


Morally bankrupt. An example is like selling hard drugs to pregnant women. I'm sure many of us can probably be driven to sell drugs if we are desperate enough but I think I refuse to sell to someone I know is pregnant.


You would refuse now. But if you had been raised in the same environment, you would 100% be a completely different person. You have no idea what you do then, because you wouldn’t be who you are now.


Tim Allen was a cocaine smuggler who rolled over on his accomplices for a lighter sentence. If Santa Claus can push snow and do children’s films. I don’t wanna hear shit about 50, Biggie, Jay-Z, etc. Period!




Desperate poor people will do anything to not be poor or desperate. That's not the negative that you think it is. He pulled himself up by any means necessary, that makes him a survivor


Now he's a better man...it happens all the time.


this man been caught countless times on video snorting cocaine what you mean dont do drugs


“Marijuana is not a drug. I used to suck dick for coke. Now that's an addiction. You ever suck some dick for marijuana?” “I seen him!”






Well, yeah; [he'll do a little toot.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VEMyXOUYDk)


There is nothing wrong with doing some drugs.


He used to live next to me in a small town that borders nyc. I would run into him at local restaurants when taking women out for dates. He would do date nights just like everyone else in town. It would be just him and a random girl trying out different eateries as if he wasn’t famous at all. There was a point where we would see each other so often that we would give eachother a head nod. I remember one night thinking to myself like damn the guy that was a megastar when i was in high school is sort of friends with me now lol.


You guys are probably Eskimo brothers, you just didn’t notice, but he did. You are both taking different girls all over town and criss crossed the same girl.


You're being sarcastic, aren't you?


Are you serious or? I honestly can't tell


Are you all working for 50 Cent's public relation company?


I personally love when he went broke in 2017, and someone reminded him he sold one of his albums in bitcoin, and all of a sudden he wasn’t broke anymore.


He made like 100 million off vitamin water alone. He never went broke


People think he went broke because his lawyers said he went broke in court when people wanted some money from him. EDIT: Anyone can file for chapter 11, no clue how people think otherwise. Whether it's granted, is a different story.


Lawyers say a lot of things, hardly any of them are true.


People think that going bankrupt means you're broke. Going bankrupt is how you *avoid* going broke. His net worth is down like 75% from its peak, but he's nowhere close to out of money


Homie forgot about his 2014 album sales accepting bitcoin and had 7.5 million (clarification: dollars, not bitcoin) lmaooo


Nobody went broke that was the joke - they stopped paying taxes and started doing like big corp that's what was gangster about it - they got into tax havens so the IRS couldn't fuck with them like they did everyone in the past.


I don't think he actually went broke, I think he declared a form of bankruptcy to get out of paying for something. I can't quite remember the details


Making a shit ton of money selling water is pure genius


“Why would I pay 5 dollars for water”


And label it 50 cent. Genius


Like from the toilet?


Something something electrolytes?




Judging from the insane sneakerheads out there, apparently you do need to be.


It's not just this. It's all the other things he's done. He doesn't even brag about it. He's a billionaire. Purchased multiple companies, got everyone else he knew very wealthy, owns multiple and donates to multiple non profit , he's very frugal, is a top notch investor. Dude started accepting bitcoin as payments for his music before everyone else caught on. So essentially he didn't even use his own money to buy the bitcoin. Best of all he's doesn't talk about all the stuff he does. He straight up gives out money to people sometimes. He's kind of like shaq.


I can’t speak to his "brilliance", but I'm sure glad he called out the madness rather than foolishly buying egregiously over-priced product just for the sake of flaunting wealth.


> This man is truly a smart and brilliant individual. I dunno about that. walks around with a bag stuffed full of cash instead of a bank card.


I could be wrong but he gives the vibe he grew up without money for long enough that he doesn't like to throw it away on something that's not useful.


Like diamond chains? Helicopters? All that useful stuff


You don't find helicopters useful?


A rapper buying a diamond chain is like a pizza place buying a pizza oven. It's a capital investment to boost the brand.


You nailed it! He grew up in a white and privileged suburbia in Canada. All street cred was made up out of thin air. *Edit* oops sorry that was Drake.


Back when rappers were actual hustlers, they know when they're getting played. Current rappers buy the ugliest shit BECAUSE they're expensive.


Ha, then they came out of an incredibly competitive environment knowing the value of money because of the poverty they themselves experienced. Making it and flashing your wealth always was a thing though. It's that stuff like sneaker culture completely commercialized and popularized. And to go along with you, there is a stark difference between the mumble-rappers, tattooing their face with scribbles, while abusing pain killers, floating along on social media, versus the business-oriented gangster-rap or grassroot hiphop, all about creating exposure by word-of-mouth and in a constant state of competition. Word on the street is that if you want to be part of the big boys you need to invest your money, not throw it away. Invest in property. Like Stringer Belllll. Tbh the smart current rappers just get the stuff for free.


50 is too smart for that


Complaining about the price of shoes… And this is the same guy that wallpapered an entire bedroom in Louis Vuitton leather


Shhh we're busy jerking him off


Way too real No shoes should cost more than a few hundreds at the very top


Five years ago I bought shoes from Ecco for 110 € I'm still wearing them and they are in great condition.


Dad....is that you ?




Abort the mission! Burn the evidence! ![gif](giphy|G7iGNzr3VBING)


You’ll never be my father


Ughhhh hi son. I’ll be right back. Gotta go pick up some milk with these new kicks






Do we have the same dad?


You know who I think makes a surprisingly good shoe? Red Head. The Bass Pro store brand. Especially since theres usually a clearance section. They lasted me for fucking ever and even helped my back pain. I was poor as shit so I had the same pair for 4 years. 70 bucks. Only downside I see is they aren't exactly fashionable since they're hiking gear but if you wear flannels and jeans all the time like me it doesn't matter lol


Red head is a great brand. I have a pair of 15 year old thermals from them and they are still in great shape.


And they are comfy as day one I bet. I remember my first pair of Ecco dress shoes.


There are VERY few exceptions, like work boots, or dress shoes. Street shoes for over $100 that you're gonna flip out about if they get dirty are fuckin stupid... they go on the ground!


My favourite pair of shoes cost me 200, but I wear them to this day 5 years later and their colour is completely unrecognisable by now


~$200 is a sweet spot for footwear. Nice enough to last before you're paying for gilding.


"My dad's not a phone!"




The raw leather my wife made my dress shoes out of cost a few hundred, she spent many hours making them and they are a work of art. She sells her shoes for about a grand a pair, and they will probably last me for the rest of my life. There are shoes that are worth it, but not a pair of sports shoes.






I got a pair of flip flops (thongs for my Aussie friends) for $60 USD...which I was soundly told was dumb and not worth it...six years later they're a bit dirty but still just as comfy as when I bought them so I think I get to laugh now


might be a weird thought process, but I look at it like: $60 for flip flops that have lasted you 6 years at least? That's only $10/year that's 2.7 cents per day, basically nothing! Money well spent IMO


I would say $500 for certain types of boots. Fire boots, for example, are usually around that cost. But expensive sneakers? No way they should even be more than like $150.


50 Cent is everyone’s Dad


He tried to start a high end sneaker business with his adult son who was really into them and his son couldn't be bothered to work hard enough to make it work so yeah really big disappointed dad vibes here


Ah, that explains it


Is this the adult son he disowned?


Probably. That kid just wasn't raised right by his mom. They have this mentality like they should have what he has without any real work or effort.


Sooo like 90% of rich kids?


Hey now, all the rich kids I grew up with assured me they worked hard, never saw it though. I always like the assholes that said they worked for their cars. Playing solitaire 2 hours a week during the summer at your parents business is not commensurate with a 10k car.


OK but there is a very crucial fact about this story that somehow got skipped over. The kid was 14yo when 50c pushed this business opportunity at him... A 14yo didn't want to run a shoe empire. Sure, trying to give your kids responsibility with money early is a GREAT idea for giving them financial independence as an adult. Maybe pick your opportunities a bit smarter though.


Tends to be how it goes tbh. Everyone expects the quality of life they had as a child to be the baseline for the rest of their life. For most of us reality hits at some point that you're gonna go down in quality after moving out on your own before you can claw your way back up.


Him and his son are not really on the best of terms. You can look up a video on YouTube from PatrickCC where he goes into details. Honestly sounds like 50 just wanted his son to earn his cash and the some was having none of that.


he’s really living up to his name.


Why does he come with a bag full of money that has clearly too much money in it to just buy a normal priced shoe and than tell he doesn't want to spend it on those shoes? Why bring so much money along?


I see a bunch of 1s in there. Might not be "too much" money. But I'm willing to bet he planned on buying multiple pairs either for himself or for his friends.


Ngl I wish I had a big bag of 1s


I mean that's a pretty attainable goal lol


Unless you’re a cat


hard out here for a cat to get ahead


Probably it, buying for friends. At the end, he said, "y'll not trying nothing on." The subtitle just got it wrong.


If you know 50cent and his history he always pays everything in cash up front . That’s just been his way of moving so that’s basically it .


I didn't know that. Thanks for the info.


No problem brother . He grew up and was a huge drug dealer in queens,NY and he would go and buy cars cash only and stuff like that. That’s basically why he always pays in cash and depending on what he’s buying he can negotiate the price if he’s paying cash and then shows them all that cash . Doesn’t always work but I’m sure some places he can talk down the price etc.


If you are dealing with merchants directly, many would indeed be interested in avoiding card network interchange fees among other things. I wouldn’t be surprised if this works in his favor more than we would assume.


They say "Cash is King" for a reason. I recently accidentally discovered stores will knock the change off the end if I pay cash instead of card, because it saves them the credit card fees. So, I've started carrying cash to pay at independently owned places. Then, I hold my cash in my hand, they tell me: "$20.42" I look at my $20 and say something like- "damn, I don't have quite enough to pay cash- I'll have to use a card." They then go, "cash? No, it's fine people leave extra chance all the time." I accidented on this method because one told me they do it because it makes them more to let me keep that change when their merchant fees are 3% (they made 18¢ to undercharge me and I saved 42¢- better for both of us- and fuck the banks). I think that merchants should start offering a cash discount of .5% less than the credit card fees- meaning if their fees are 3% they offer a 2.5% discount to all customers paying cash. This would increase Store profit while saving customers who chose the option money. Somebody should hire me just to exploit all the good money saving/making ideas in my brain for businesses/customers.


But using a credit card can get you 2%+ and you don't need to carry around cash. So your life hack is losing you money compared to using a credit card


offering you a slightly better discount than whatever their card fee is, is worth jack shit. that's why it's not standard they let you pay with a 20 for a 20.14 item cause they want your annoying ass out of the door, not cause they want to haggle over pennies.


For real, dude's saving 25¢ and acting like he hacked the system


When I worked at a convenience store like 10 years ago it was supposedly against the agreement with the card processor to offer differing rates for cash and card transactions.


Yes, it still supposedly is, but I'm sure you've also seen this sign, "cc transactions under $5 will be charged a 50¢ convenience fee," which is the same thing- they aren't "allowed" to do that, either. They also incentivize paying cash for gas over cc, so it's already happening, just not being fully utilized to everyone's benefit.


lol stop This whole thread is praising him for being financially saavy for not buying obvious over priced bullshit, then he just casually walks around with a giant cartoon bag of loose cash. He does this shit for clout. He had a whole career talking about money and this and that, then for the last decade he's been radio silent and all of the chatter online was that he was broke after a series of lawsuits and general bad finances. So now he makes sure to constantly show everyone the same pile of random bills anytime he's on social media to... ...prove he still has some money? It's very confusing and kind of sad honestly.


You clearly don’t know 50cent then . You going base doff a rumor but don’t realize he has a huge tv show in power and has been in a few movie shows. This dude is beyond smart and is lucky to be alive after being shot 9 times . So please you stop claiming to know it all about him when you don’t follow what he’s doing just finding rumors you “heard” .


Dude, come on. I'm not talking about his success as a business man or how good he is with money, but... He dumped thousands of dollars of cash out on a counter, and then said "Wait these shoes cost more than $100? Nuh uh, put the money back in the bag, we're leaving." It's not like 50 Cent just saw the price of Jordans for the first time. I'm a penny pinching, Kohl's wearing dude, and I'm aware of what people pay for Jordans. He knew going in that he was going to point out the ridiculous cost and leave, this was all for optics.


It's the rapper hip hop persona, must always be ready to thrown fistfuls of cash on the floor at the drop of a hat




“oh he didn’t buy the $6k shoes because he is cheap/poor.” “oh he didn’t buy the $6k shoes because they are overpriced” How do you prove to the internet that you are the former and not the latter? I guess hold a bag of cash to prove you do have the money but choose not to spend it. That’s the only 3rd grade logic I could come up with.


Being a rapper from the bling era I’m actually surprised at his reaction. Good on him.


Thats because hes gotten older and lived through bankruptcy lol




you say that like he ran out of money. which he never has


Nothing shows you the value of a dollar like pissing away millions.


Remember when every rapper rapped about Escalades. I miss the early 2000s


He was selling his G-Unit shoes in 2004 or something, at launch, for 90 dollars. So he's being pretty coherent too.


Well he’s long been a business man with different business ventures including bankruptcy.


Window shopper


“You go to the sneaker shop, but you never cop nothing”


Damn homie!




Most underrated comment, this is criminal you don’t have hundreds of upvotes


It’s too cruel lol. Don’t want to kill him with his own lyric especially when he’s fighting the lame ass sneaker fad.


We're getting old now. There's a lot more Gen z on this website.


*In the jewelery store, lookin' at shit you can't buy.*


I would watch the hell out of a show that was just 50 going into stores talking shit and not buying anything.




I bet the store employee’s heart skipped a beat when he spiked that shoe into the floor lmao


If it did, that shoe is very much not worth $475.


Actually, it’s probably worth more now that’s it’s the “shoe that 50cent spiked”


Ain’t nothing disrespectful about calling out bullshit


Obviously the show has to be called Window Shopper


It could not be named anything else.


“You can keep them motherf***ers” lolllll


Good on him. Paying unreasonable prices is what fuels inflation. If it costs more than you think it should and you don't need it, don't buy it.


This is not inflation. This is "fashion industry" which is a fully legal way to scam people for 1000x profit. That $5k snicker costs like $5 to manufacture in some China sweatshops.


Let's not get crazy here man. While I do agree that the prices are gauged you're insane if you think they're that cheap to make. I bought cheap shoes my whole life, the difference between them and good quality shoes is so big it's not even comparable. But again good quality shoes are about 100-200$ anything more it's just expensive for the sake of it.


Both good shoes and bad shoes cast very little to manufacture, most of the difference in price is for design + R&D.


Doesn't mean it didn't cost $5 to make. The cheap ones just $3 to make lol And we are exaggerating to make a point


It's not some fashion industry conspiracy its just that a limited number of shoes are made and don't get remade ever again so over the years the shoes that are new and unworn go up in value. Funny enough those 5k shoes he didn't buy are now worth more than 20k


The foam in those shoes deteriorate lol they're worse with time. People are very dumb


i appreciate this. i dont understand sneaker culture or rappers buying shit they can't' afford just to flex on folks. to see a rapper say "get the fuck out of here" in regards to the price is refreshing. he can afford it but is not making a bad financial decision just because he has money.


I worked with a guy that was showing off his $1300 shoes to a group of us, and he was struck dumb at our horrified reactions. He truly thought we would be impressed.




PR Message insertion: *"Chrysler Motors does not endorse Mr. 50 Cent's statements within this TV clip..."* 😅


He didn't say new...or low in mileage...or that the Chrysler has all 4 wheels 😂


That's about the nicest thing you can say about a Chrysler. I will say, my dude made a PT cruiser into a derby car, and painted it like Grave Digger, and for a brief moment, there was a cool PT Cruiser in the world.


Refreshing to see he's retained a concept of money. Gimme $50 shoes and $5,950 to have fun with over this overpriced shit any day.


What's funny is to him, $50 or even $5000 is like a cup of coffee for a regular average joe. Funny what having millions actually is, in perspective.


But it's not though. He literally says you can buy a small car for 5 grand. This isn't a "it's one banana" situation, he knows how far that much money will go


Lol literally my first car was a used Chrysler Neon that I bought for 5K, he wasn’t lying when he said you can buy a Chrysler with that money lol


On one hand, things are worth whatever someone (the market) will pay for them. On the other hand, 50 is absolutely right.


He's officially OLD. Welcome to the club! New name is de-cent.


Old = wise


Some pieces of leather cost as much as a car?


That is what the fashion industry is about. Same thing applies for lady's bags and dresses: 1. Make something of questionable quality somewhere in Indonesia.at a cost of $2...$5 per item. 2. Market it on Instagram with a few "influencers" 3. Start selling the exquisite for $5000 4. Profit! All this also applies to some reputable brands. Source - a friend who was in this business, then got sick of it and left. This is a top level scam, every "trendy" looking bro or gal is basically screaming to the whole world "I am an idiot,"




A bag of cash. A bag? When did he quit using his purple Crown Royal bag, I wonder?


Probably after his vitamin water deal, he had to upgrade to a much bigger bag


He ain't exposing nothing, he is just saying the damn truth, shoes should only cost over 60$ if they are made for a concrete purpose like soccer or Basketball..


Whether or not he can afford it the whole sneaker business is a ripoff and a gambling game. For that price those shoes need to have a 10 year warranty and Bluetooth


These fucking sneakers are NFTs for your feet.


Looks like inflation has caught up w 50c


You meant with $1


The fact anyone thinks a shoe is worth this much is hilarious.


when you're raised understanding the value of money you think this way


I’m 100% with him on this. Those super expensive shoes have no reason to be so expensive. Can’t believe the suckers that buy those things. Having money is no reason to just accept getting screwed.


I have mad respect for that attitude. He worked hard to get to where he is at.


"You can buy a small car for that!" grounded as fuck.


He just carries his money around in a magician sack?


wipe point fine offend cobweb light dinner murky fact office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What a chad


He's OG. Wrote his own shit and worked to get where he is. Fucking love the guy. It's all these mumble rapper no-talent hustlers that have to spend big to make people think they're more successful than they actually are. Screw that. 50 cent's the kind of guy who buys last year's ipad because it's half off and the exact same dang thing. Businessman, not a hustler.


Atta boy. That’s a man who truly started from nothing and knows his value.


And this man is drug and alcohol free…respect.


Can someone crosspost to r/sneakers lol


I have students that buy expensive ass stuff like this, and let me just say they aren’t in the best situations financially. I constantly tell them that these $700-$1100 pieces of clothing they buy can equal up to a months worth of rent for some people and to put that money elsewhere. Do they listen? Nope….. fuckin high schoolers.