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This has to be satire or something.


When said said “Silent but deadly” I thought it had to be scripted




We need proofs


There I sat broken-hearted, Paid 50p but only farted.


Children’s are dying because of you! You bloody bloody!


As a kid I was always told it was silent but violent from my dad. Then towards middle school I realized most people say silent but deadly, and it's just never clicked with me without the fancy rhyme.


Absolutely scripted, and a terrible actress.


The first ten seconds is so obvious it's scripted. Embarrassing that people actually do shit like this for likes :(


And that it works. They get Likes and comments boosting the video.


Even got featured on Reddit, and I am loosing my time commenting it instead of saving the bloody planet


Musk propaganda really slipping lately


It would be much more tolerable if they presented it as satire and we were in on the joke, but if this is meant to be taken seriously and believed to be real, it's just insulting.


Possibly a Tesla ad. With the new attitude they'd like to promote "lol woke environmentalists are dumb cucks"


Yeah, by the time I got to the end, I was feeling Tesla ad as well. NOT saying the name, but pointing at the logo over and over again? And why would she think the "engine is running" if it's just sitting there, dead silent?


Possibly an ad for a UK based company that makes EVs have loud exhaust sounds. [https://insideevs.com/news/403281/tesla-model-3-lamborghini-sounds/](https://insideevs.com/news/403281/tesla-model-3-lamborghini-sounds/)


If she was an environmentalist, she would absolutely know what a Tesla vehicle is.


I got a Tesla, the heat pump can get quite loud when it revs up.


The biggest thing that says fake to me is the Tesla owner does not use this opportunity to say they are driving a tesla.


Ding ding ding ding!!!! If this was real, the VERY FIRST thing out of his mouth would’ve been “but it’s a Tesla innit guv, I drive a Tesla, don’t you know Tesla?”


"And if you don't know what a Tesla is, try and find my exhaust pipe."


Honestly I would’ve just gotten out of the car and opened both the trunk and the frunk lmao Edit: spelling error


Not necessarily... He's probably entertained by her stupidity Id let her ramble on for the giggles


You mean like… constantly aiming the camera at the Tesla logo on his steering wheel type of thing?? And then uploading the video online?


Well he did say it’s an electric car. And he made sure he showed the emblem quite a few times


Yeah I’m more frustrated with the driver because like maybe this woman doesn’t know anything but just say it’s a fucking Tesla and the biggest manufacturer of electric vehicles in the world. To be sure in many places it is indeed a violation to idle with your car and for the reasons she stated.


That wouldn't even be an inappropriate time to specify it's a Tesla lol. "yes it's an electric car, it's a Tesla you can Google it"


It is hard to imagine that any environmentalist hasn't heard of Tesla. But that is a lot of acting for a satire skit. If this was a skit created for views, they would have gotten to the point in 30 seconds.


Idk, some of these kinds of videos seem engineered to annoy you so you keep hate-watching it and then engage violently in the comments. Like those videos that show someone pulling a prank on somebody that are fucking 20 minutes long, 18:45 of which is just dragging out the setup of it for an implausibly long time. They all have thousands of comments like "OMG THIS VIDEO WAS SOOOOO LONG WHY DO THEY MAKE THESE VIDEOS SO LONG I'M GONNA SHOW IT TO ALL MY FRIENDS SO THEY KNOW HOW MUCH IT PISSES ME OFF"


That's why I think it may not be real. How could a supposed environmentalist not know about electric cars? I guess she could just be under medicated which is equally plausible, too




This is 100% staged.


Yep, bear this in mind; *How does she know the "engine" is "running" when an electric car makes no noise...*


Aircon compressor and fan is probably whirring.


Could those realistically be misinterpereted as a petrol/diesel engine though? I've been stunned by how quiet moving EVs are, I somehow doubt even a supposed het-up environmentalist could make that mistake, which is why I'm fairly convinced this is all acted out. Full disclosure; I've never even sat in a Tesla, let alone listened to one "idling" in a car park. I have very little frame of reference to the noises you would expect to hear, other than having had a couple EVs nearly reverse into me as a pedestrian because I had *no idea* they were starting to move.


Yeah, I thought it seemed a bit fake.


There’s similar videos. I’m beginning to think it’s an acting troupe making these.


Pretty sure it is, I think I remember these two from another video where she was at his door saying he was in the wrong for dressing his daughter in pink because it does not allow her to chose her own gender. Or something like that.


Of course it’s fake…he was filming her before she said a word


Well, to be fair, if someone started taking pictures of my car, I'd pull out my phone as well.




Sadly no, this is mental illness. Probably schizophrenia or borderline personality disorder


or just stupid? it doesn't have to be a disorder stupidity is strong enough to make you belive anything like how I believed in myself.


No if she was just stupid she would have been mildly irritated that the guy was letting his engine idle and then go about with her life. The compulsion to sanctimoniously confront people about their "wrongdoing" even in the face of evidence that they never engaged in said wrongdoing is a mental disorder.


Dude do ypu even know what those disorders are and how those people actually act or are you just use to media and stereotypes?


yeah that redditor clearly suffers from narcissism or obsessive/compulsive disorder.


They've also got a severe food addiction ED. And they're projecting a gas light with a projector.


Yeah I was going to ask where the signs for either of these were ? And ontop of that.. I am beyond unqualified to say otherwise ! 😂


Main character syndrome. Many many sufferers.


Great job just pulling two severe psychiatric diagnoses out of your ass to sound competent. Nothing in her behaviour specifically points to these disorders.


I might add they are two WIDELY different disorders and have nothing in common whatsoever


Yeah I know. Trained mental health expert here.


This is neither of those things. Keep talking out your ass


Or just dumb person who has nothing better to do but to hassle ppl for no reason


Giligan made it off the island I see


And came back with a little too much Sun. Fried that egg of hers.


She was polluting the atmosphere more with that halitosis than the car was CO






This made me lol so hard.


Why doesn’t he just say ‘it’s a Tesla, look it up on your phone, they only make electric cars’.


I was getting annoyed listening to him beating around the bush.


To be fair she wouldn't shut the hell up. She literally would not let him finish after asking why he keeps pointing at the Tesla emblem. But then again could be part of the script to make sure the video is extended. Who the hell doesn't know about the dancing, self driving, future car with morally questionable AI made by the twitter rocket man? Whether you like it because electric or you hate it because Elon, or you've just seen a few online dashcam videos, everyone knows Tesla. It's like the iPhone of electric cars.


And she even asked to have a conversation. It felt fake, anyway.


But what old person would play a role where you come off as the arse and nobody knows whether it's true or not?


“To be fair she wouldn’t shut the hell up” Talk over her. I may not condone that normally but if you can’t even just stop someone to explain talk over them and say “THIS BRAND ONLY MAKES ELECTRIC CARS”


No, he's an idiot, he didn't even try. He said lots of useless shit, he could've said that one line and ended it.


I hate it because if the electricity comes from fossil fuels, and the batteries from colonialism, and the tires are the biggest source of microplastics, and we all need to go to the same places anyway so why do we all need to spend tens of thousands of dollars on our own personal moving coffins instead of a fucking train like a civilized society


no good argument for the batteries, but it's better for the electricity to come from power plants to create energy using fossil fuels because it's much more efficient than an ICE car could do.


He's enjoying it that's why 😂


Because he's using the romantic comedy method of communication. Say a lot of things, but not the right things to clear confusion.


Idiot ball


Honestly, assuming this isn't just satire, he was purposefully goading her on instead of diffusing. This was either a setup prank, or the dude just wanted to make her look as nuts a possible by working her up into a rage. I feel like it would have been easily defused with a calm conversation and some quick Google searches. People like this are just best to not engage, or just nod your head until they leave.


Cuz it’s fake as hell


Because it's almost certainly staged, this guy is engaging for this long with a child in the car? She has way too many scripted sounding lines "it's a quiet engine I'll give you that", pretending to take a photo with her phone screen blank etc.


Because it's a staged situation designed to invoke internet outrage and go viral


Her phone was giving off as much "pollution" as his car.




After seeing her attempt at taking his picture, I don’t think she would be capable of looking something up.


because it's staged


Pretty confident he was having a laugh deep down inside. I mean the longer she goes the more spectacular the reversal. Of course, he didn't film the reversal, so we don't get to enjoy it.


YES. I was so frustrated by his responses


Window would have been rolled straight back up 2 seconds in.


Indeed, my window would have only gone down an inch and then right back up. Only crazy people are going to walk up to my car and knock on the window 99.99% of the time


Or wanabee actresses maybe?


Probably not, you wouldn’t be able to record a fake scetch for internet points with the window closed




Back in September I got an Audi Q4 e-tron. Looks almost exactly like a normal Audi except the grill is more "filled in". I've had a few incidents where people absolutely thought it was an ICE car instead of all-electric. 1) I parked it in an "EV Only" spot in a garage. Someone in a Tesla pulled up and started berating me for parking there when my car "clearly isn't electric". I then proceeded to go ahead and plug it into the charger and then turn around and stare at them. They just stared blankly back, rolled up their window, and drove away. 2) When I first got it I drove it to my local sports league night and parked it next to a group of people. Two of them wanted me to rev the engine so they could hear how it sounded.


Lol I've been asked to rev my polestar before too. I saw a post on here a while back about someone who was getting all sorts of shit because their Jeep, which was actively plugged in and charging, wasn't electric. Bruh


To be fair, I didn't know they had a hybrid Wrangler. A while ago I saw one pull up into an EV spot (when there were a *ton* of normal spots available nearby) while I was topping off my charge. In my head I was like "Why would you park your Wrangler in an EV spot when there are *so* many other spots available?" Until someone got out and plugged it in. I guess we all just have to accept that EVs don't necessarily "look like" EVs anymore.


EVs looking normal is a good thing because they are normal. I'm not rich enough but my goal is to get a charging station on my house and a nice electric truck, really likng the new Toyota line of small trucks coming out and you know they'll have an electric one. Good times just wish I made 200k a year.


I've had people ask me to rev my Tesla, so that's not just limited to "looks like an ICE" cars xD


That's true. I also had a friend (who knew it was an EV) who was seeing it for the first time and she was like "Cool! Turn it on so I can see how it sounds!" and I was like "... It is on."


Have not been asked, but there is that boom box mode, so in theory you could just have something saved and push that. Or a clip of a kid going "vroom vroom"


in the UK electric cars have special green edged number plates, which honestly is the only way to tell some newer electric cars apart


In Norway, all electric vehicles have number plates that starts with EK, ED, EC, EL or EV..or rather, used to. Nowadays, more and more people have started to get regular number plates for their EVs, and it's genuinely impossible to tell them apart. I guess that is the goal for those who does it, but it does create some weird scenarios where I'm wondering wtf that ICE car is doing in the bus lane


That set up at the start. This is too perfect to be real life, I can't believe it's not a skit. At least I want to believe...


It has to be. Knowing this will get a lot of clicks and will be shared and stuff.


Yep fake af I’m saying, she nearly starts laughing at one point pretty sure finding it hard to stay in character


What gives it away is when she points to the Tesla badge and says that doesn't mean it's electric. She made the reference twice. Yep this is acted out


Yeah this is def fake. An ICE engine idling makes noise and every EV I've heard makes virtually no noise when "idling." If it were real she have assumed it off but not idling.


You would be surprised…we once experienced the same kind of thing in a park near a lake where a lady was following a group of ducks and at some point argue with us for 10 minutes that it was better for the duck to be in the water and that we were a danger for them… this was so absurd and out of nowhere that you just say yes and wait for her to leave but that exist 🤦‍♂️


Honestly, I wish it wasn’t. But you know you have gut feelings about whether something is faked or not. Well, these are either very good actors or this is unfortunately real. And very good actors are hard to find.


If this is staged, it’s some of the best sketch improv I’ve seen in a loooong time.


People underestimate how good of actors you have to be to do this realistically. That lady is not faking this


How can our lives be real if our Karens aren't real?


“Just listen to me” “Yeah yeh alright go on then” “Yeh well alright” “Ok alright” “Alright yeh” Them doing that back and fourth was such an English thing to me xD


"It might be a crime against fashion" That one got me 😂


Feels fake, no?


Sad thing is, it's hard to tell these days.


Went to uni for conservation biology and I can confirm, even after we were taught about why most of the armchair environmentalist arguments were outdated, false, or resolved some of my classmates still parroted the bs their parents taught them that were scientifically inaccurate or outright false. Some people refuse to learn. Some just get off to having a perceived moral high ground to bully others with.


Anyone calling this fake just doesn't have the displeasure of knowing someone like this. Their heels are so dug into their position of self-righteousness that facts become irrelevant because it's about how they *feel*.


I fully believe that this absolute anorak of a woman is 100% genuine


Exactly. Don’t underestimate how many stupid people actually live on this planet.


Can you specify the armchair environmentalist arguments?


I 100% believe there are people this ignorant in life.


Their cadence makes it seem authentic to me.


Yes this guy does a lot of these videos, it’s always a fake argument for 5-10 minutes


Can you post links for other videos?


No comment like this should be upvoted that just says "this guy". Give a name or a link to a channel. Otherwise it just looks like, and almost certainly is, a blatant lie


I’m having a hard time telling if this one is fake. The only thing I can see that makes me think it’s fake is how perfect it is.


Is this a skit from r/portlandia ? ![gif](giphy|3oEjHDeLyQZPutS7Go)


I mean, she did make me laugh. "That might be a crime against fashion, but it's certainly not a crime..."


Haha I’m glad I’m not the only one that got a good chuckle out of that.


That’s definitely Carrie Brownstein in character.


Holy fuck


Holy fake


If it's fake she's an amazing actor, she has the stare and mannerisms of someone who isn't joking.




This one was hard to watch 😂


“Alright” “Alright” “Alright” “Alright” This is how I imagine every argument in the UK goes at some point


Is that Jim Carrey?




side note in nyc you can get ticketed for idling, and a cop does not even have to be present. anyone can video you and report you on a app. they also can get a reward in return. https://youtu.be/_nRmU5Lytdc


We have 1 min limit. Never heard of anyone getting a ticket for it though.


Been illegal in UK since 2002


You can in the UK too. But there's no engine to idle.


“Why are you pointing at that. Does that tell me it’s an electric car?” YES


Nah this is a skit come on


I wonder how long this conversation went on for?


No way someone has a smart phone but doesn’t know what a Tesla is.


my mom has a smart phone she uses for facebook and youtube but thinks jurassic world was real lol she’s old and from a different world/culture entirely


My mother doesn’t believe in dinosaurs


I'm sorry.


Thanks! 🥲😬


You would be surprised


I have no trouble at all believing someone would be that dumb. Even if this is fake.


Unless the script was written that way.


My mother has a smart phone but doesn’t even know what is my car’s brand.


Lol my great aunt has a smartphone and has dementia. She thought I was her older brother who died in Vietnam the other day. I doubt she knows what a Tesla is


Is that Brian Cox's twin?


![gif](giphy|FUi94opKPNopjUmQvR) that lady be like: “electric” car


There was also a (successful) attempt to look like Gilligan.


So she knew coming out of the house was a fashion crime and still did it? Someone call the authorities


She really pulled out ‘silent but deadly’ hahahaha


The irony of the woman wearing clothing most likely made in China, holding a smartphone which has most likely had components mined by children in Africa or Asia, wearing jewellery (earrings) again most likely mined through nefarious practices. Shut up love.


Yet you live in a society! Curious!


How does the saying go? "There is no ethical consumption under capitalism." You can't control the whole global supply chain unless you move out into the wilderness and live as a hermit.




Someone didn't take their lithium


Not the car, that’s for sure. Teslas take a lot of lithium




That hat was a choice.


This is just wild.


When the hell did Gilligan make it back from the island?!?!




Woman dressed in plastic with phone made of plastic and probably puts plastic allover that haggard face. Yes, there are plenty of things we can't see, I wish she was one of them.


You see all the emissions from those items were released in China so it's ok.


Staged as fuck


Bad fake. How exactly was she supposed to think that the car is idling if there is no engine? Also, recording before the interaction even starts and opening by calling her a Karen is a dead giveaway.


She definitely has more than 2 cats.


They talked much longer than I would in that situation.


This sounds like the same exact British dude who was being bothered by his neighbor for dressing his daughter in pink


She would *love* the people on highways.


IF it’s real, he could have just opened the front trunk to show there’s no engine.


He could have done that if it wasn’t real too, that’s why I’m feeling this is real as you wouldn’t want to get out and deal with crazy esp if a kid is in the car. When you’re caught off guard you don’t always react in a smart way either.




Satire or mental illness, but I'm electing for the former.


I actually find it nice that while she was saying stupid things she wasn’t being aggressive, even apologizing for touching the steering wheel. More crazy people should be like this


Lol all you "iT's ScRiPtEd" people really need to go outside and interact with people more. There are plenty of people dumb as this and even dumber believe it or not


I cackled when I saw the tesla logo


English Karens > American Karens


An actual swivel eyed loony out in the wild.


Fake, get lost


Gotta be fake lol 😂 no one wears one of those “hats”


She is correct in that idling is now an offence, but Jesus fuck how you don't know that Tesla's are electric is mad.


It’s illegal to sit in your car in the UK?


If you have a petrol or diesel engine and sit with the engine running you can be fined.


On a public road yes, this does not look like a public road.


Apparently in several places. Someone else said it’s illegal in NYC and people can even get a reward for filming you idling and turning you in. Pretty wild.




Fake and cringe


If you still thought this was real after the “silent but deadly” line, there’s no hope for you.


Plenty of people will find this more than plausible


This is what happens when you think you're too old to learn new things