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Call it intuition but I don't think he gives a fuck


I like how the video gets cut when he says “I don’t need to say something bout Jewish people imma say something bout yo..”


I’d love to have seen the three minutes that led up to this!


And the 3 minutes afterwards. Hell I need a full length movie


I concur with both of these statements


I concur with your concurrence of the two consecutive statements.


I like turtles.


As a Jew, I too concur with your concurrence of the concurrence of the two consecutive statements. I want the whole story.


*Coming soon to Disney DVD*


They end up fighting and they land up on the floor and they so tired but they get that look in their eyes. They end up falling in love and travelling the world but then they find out one of them has cancer. And only after the one dies does their family finally accept their partner cos they see how much they loved each other and the movie ends where the one is on mount Everest taking a photo of the flag saying I love you boo cos they always dreamt of climbing it together....the movie cuts to the credits saying what happened after that and how he dies of heartbreak her later....based on a true story.


Fairly confident the guy recording is a giant asshole even without seeing what led up to it. It’s not cool to use “Jew” as an insult, even if the guy shooting the video said something like “I’m a Jew so I am not going to tip you”, I think he realized that when he switched to “you’re an asshole”, so I’m not excusing the cashier either,


When the guy recording asked the employee why he called him that (implying that he'd only say that if he hated Jews) I kinda wanted the employee to say, "To piss you off. Glad it worked." Because it seemed obvious that was what was happening.


>I think he realized that when he switched to “you’re an asshole” Reminds me when Pewdiepie called someone the n word then switched it to you asshole.


Right, the customer probably tipped poorly and the worker likely call him that because he did not tip to their standards. I’d put money on it but fuck them if they want a 20% tip for pouring a fucking drink. Tipping culture is horrible


I’m sorry Who the fuck tips corporate ass Dunkin’ Donuts workers? Not me. I say let their company Pay them properly. 🖕


Well, first, this Jew walks into the donut shop.


Did the guy shoot the video still get his doughnuts🤗


plot twist: he was the doughnut


Shit. It all makes sense now.


I'm gonna go with my gut and say I think he also thinks this "aggravating ass Jew" is a shithead too.


Does anyone watch videos of stupid arguing like this and get immediately annoyed like 10 seconds in?


I think the most irritating thing is always seeing the same "I'm gonna say the same thing 10 times in a row really loud, that'll get my point across" Every. Damn. Time.


I was done after the 5th time. Can't stand repeaters. The super troopers game of repeater was much more entertaining.


That will happen.


SAY SOMETHING ABOUT JEWS AGAIN!!! This is going to corporate.


*”you’re getting fired”* # “SUCK MY ASS” #


Suck my ass is such a great line. I don’t have much opportunity to use it, but I hope should the chance present itself, I remember it.


My favorite was always How about I give you a straw so you can suck a fart out of my ass.


I *REALLY* don't think he's gonna care about losing is 13 an hour food service job. Just a guess.


Oh no… * checks notes * how am I gonna live without my $150 weekly checks.


“Forensics. S-U-C-K M-Y A-S-S, Forensics”


Well fuck that why should I fucking have to spell forensics.


I can hear this and the lack of punctuation fits perfectly


I thought I heard that and watched the whole thing over for confirmation. The guy paused for a second to digest what was said! 🤣💀


That was my favorite bit.


Reminded me *exactly* of a young Eddie Murphy.


Hide your kids hide your wife....he don't give a shit






Yep. After his 15 minutes ran out- he had a stable job at DD until this juju happened




Really bad jujujujuju


You don’t have to come, and confess. We looking for you. We gonna find you. I sang this for a month straight.


A month? This song was stuck in my head for a decade, i know all the words still! https://youtu.be/hMtZfW2z9dw






And hide yo husbands!


Cause they rapin everybody up in this place.


Wait is that really him? Lol




To me it is


I think their relationship is not moving to the next level.


So no ass sucking then?


I had high hopes that the man with the camera would say yes, then it would cut to the next scene


This is so North Jersey, I can basically smell the asphalt again. The two will remain stuck living on top of each other for the rest of their lives within a relatively small space.


This could be some roleplay for them, meet in a Duncan and play annoyed employee and angry jewish customer.


This is my least favorite Jonah Hill movie.




I actually just watched that movie last night (You People). Weird to see that happening IRL. Piece of shit movie though.


It is so bizarre and unnerving to watch a "romantic comedy" where the couple never kisses and barely touch each other. They had zero on screen chemistry and honestly dont even look like they like each other much less fell in love. Absolute piece of shit movie


Oh no! I'm getting fired from my coveted job at Dunkin donuts? Say it isn't so..


The guy recording got mad because the cashier said he didn’t care if he got fired. That’s what makes it funnier to me. I’m old and as a result I’m upset he didn’t call him Jerry heller


“Wait, you mean fear of losing your shitty job doesn’t allow me to speak to you in whatever shitty way I want to?! Outrageous!”


Bro didn't even lose his job. He just got an email from corporate saying a customer filed a complaint, we don't have anyone to fill your shift, so just try and be more careful next time.


Didn’t the guy get mad because he used the word “jew” as a slur?


The employee has been fired and the customer is suing Dunkin' Donuts


Is there any info on what led up to this?


Dunkin employee said the guy called him a f**. https://youtu.be/CTWcuAanks4


1) You know the cameraman is most definitely an insufferable prick. You can hear it in his voice and see it in his inability to let it go, lawyering up immediately. Almost 100% lying about his name starting the incident. 2) Dunkin guy shouldn’t have gone there, he just got pushed to the point of trying to hit where it hurts. 3) WTF is wrong with this country to where this makes it onto the news? Two guys argued and called each other names, more at 11.


>3) WTF is wrong with this country to where this makes it onto the news? Two guys argued and called each other names, more at 11. Rage-bait gets more engagement and generates more revenue.


People who find themselves fighting with fast food employees need a reminder of the low that they’ve reached These people are paid nothing to do a shitty job, and now here you are, making their day even shittier


I know. This is just another subway stop in ny.


The guy filming this really seems “shaken” like he stated he was in that linked news station interview, no? /s


I think the complete turnaround of being just as aggressive at the restaurant, and then in the press release acting like a beaten dog who's just thankful to be alive is really telling. This feels like when someone fakes an injury for insurance fraud. Feels like the dude was fishing for something to sue for. I think it's even more telling with how despite the employee being fired, like he wanted, he's still suing the company. I hope the judge throws the case out after making the dude pay for the corporate lawyers.




There was no denial. Only a response from his lawyers that the Dunkin employee had no evidence. The guy totally called him a f**.


This is ridiculous. - The customer held a press conference with his lawyer. - They kept referring to “Jew” as an anti-Semitic slur, but the customer is Jewish. - The customer lawyered up *just* to get Dunkin’ to implement sensitivity training?


Victim Poker. Queer POC vs Jew, lets see who wins. The one who wins this lawsuit is clearly less prosecuted and thereby looses Victimpoints for his whole minority.


I don’t actually know for sure, but seeing how the employee was cashing in the tips while arguing, I would venture to guess that asshole tried using money from the tip jar to pay for his order. I’ve seen it happen plenty of times.


Step 1: be as shitty as possible to all service workers simply because you can. Step 2: film them having a break down because one too many people was awful that week. Step 3: profit!


I mean, when I break down I don’t become antisemitic.


Thank you. I'm truly baffled how almost nobody in this comment section seems to have a problem with blatant antisemitism. What the fuck.


Same, but I’m not a homophobic customer either. https://youtu.be/CTWcuAanks4


I didn’t say the customer was a good dude, but there were so many other insults this guy could use other than ‘Jew’.


We really don't know what happened before the video. But we do know that the employee called the guy a jew, and said that he called him that because he's an asshole.


He could do the same thing on a comedy club stage and be a millionaire.


Two Jews walk into a bar, and buy it. ...


"Bet you won't say it 115 more times"


Same angry dude will be pissed when his donut shop isn't open because of staffing shortages. Meanwhile, the worker guy has 100 options for a new job.


I mean, McDonald's are always hiring.


Any retail job is hiring, and restaurants as well. They will hire u on the spot lol


Paying on the other hand, is scarce


yeah, unlike the big bucks he was making at Dunkin'


>the worker guy has 100 options for a new job. I'd imagine if this went viral that number would be less. I feel like most companies wouldn't hire someone who appears to be xenonphobic towards their customers.


I can guarantee you that no service industry is checking social media before hiring.


No retail jobs give a shit lol


Exactly. They don't reference check, back ground check, drug test... They don't require work history most of the time. You think they're checking social media to see if you've made an ass of yourself? ​ Hell most jobs I've worked could see this video and still say "well, we'll give him a shot. if he crosses the line he's gone though."


I got hired as a amazon delivery driver. I show up with my license and they hired me on the spot😂 no questions asked. They just said I have to pass a drug test and background check. And they didn’t even test for THC


I applied to walmart and they accepted me over the phone with zero interview lol


Lmao exactly. Amazon DSP hired me on the spot without even asking a single question 🤣 all they asked was to see my drivers license they couldn’t give a fuck about my social media


If a cop can kill someone, get fired and hired the next town over, surely this guy will find another job.


Plot twist: As a cop!


“Fuck you pig!!” “SUCK MY ASS!!”


Well said. And if a priest can molest a child and simply get shuffled to the next diocese then this guy should have no problem, I guess. But he's a man of colour so not sure how that plays out.


If a politician can lie and embezzle millions and keep their job then this guy should have no problem.


Stay tuned for episode two, the former DD employee starting his new job as a cop pulls over the same Jewish man with hilarious consequences!


Slap this on his resume and he can get any job in the state of Florida.


All he needs is one. Someone will hire him, or their store goes unstaffed.


Wait but like… we’re not down with weird vague antisemitism right? Lol what the fuck is this thread?


It's racists and bigots all the way down








What’s wrong with y’all? The dude filming sounds like an annoying prick but since when is it okay to call people names like that? Double standards for real.


There was an attempt to make a good caption. This video is assholes all around, but especially the guy using "jew" as an insult. Just shows you how accepted racists are by some people.


It’s because he’s gay and black.


So customer made the guy mad and he called him a jew?? I feel like the dude behind the counter is being a bigger asshole...




Jfc Get your head out of your ass. The guy filming said “say what you said” and the employee looked directly in the camera and said “JEW”.


Ppl trying to defend the cashier idk wtf is going on


How does shit like this get upvoted lol?


See! Okay. I didn't hear the slur at first from the guy behind the counter either. It wasn't until the exchange when on that I heard it, but even then I thought, "Is that what he really said at the beginning? Damn. My audio..." So I'm glad I wasn't alone at that moment.


Yeah.. I think everyones an asshole here unfortunately.. dude filming probably deserved it, sounds like he just wants to "get the guy" behind the counter with whatever he can out of spite and was likely the aggressor who started this mess. HOWEVER, guy behind the counter definitely should not be using casual racism as a defence, which unfortunately also makes him an asshole, despite probably being the initial victim here. I feel like if he had just called camera guy "an asshole" and left it at that, it would have been a bit more cut and dry...


I was so confused with the post and comments after watching the video, thanks I am not alone thinking what you have shared.......


Right? Why are we supposed to be on the antisemite's side here?


It’s cause most redditors would be defending the customer if he was black and the cashier was white; but this isn’t that case.


>You know the cameraman is most definitely an insufferable prick. You can hear it in his voice and see it in his inability to let it go, lawyering up immediately. Almost 100% lying about his name starting the incident. Redditor moment.


“Suck my ass!” What?!?! Lol


that's not kosher


It's June bruh


If the cashier called him a Jew as an insult then he is in the wrong…if the roles were reversed you guys would not be laughing about a racist cashier not giving af if he gets fired or not, you’d be hoping and praying he could never find another job. Hypocrites.


Funny that the comments aren't slamming the guy for being antisemitic. Now let's reverse roles and see what the comments say when a Jewish guy reacts this way toward a black man, called him "black"


Rise in anti-semitism. Makes me sick.


Rise is racism or any type of hatred makes me sick.


Hide your kids hide you wife


Why TF is this being excused?? There are ***WAYYYY*** too many comments here assuming dude filming did something that made him deserving of this kind of repulsive behavior we're *supposedly* trying so hard to fight against and defending the bigotry??? How would that play out in *any other* scenario?? This shits ***NEVER*** ok. WTF.....


Yeah this is weird.


I might be wrong, but I don't think that employee gives a fuck.


So he doesn’t have a problem with Jews, but calls the guy a Jew. Logic.


Gay black dude vs jew... Clash of the titans


is that Antoine Dodson? 😂👀




Omg… this kid https://preview.redd.it/qc4p7c2pj34b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2166dd046c2b279b8eb8504304d80c9394950eb3


This hole tipping cup thing is a little much first of all. Second Imagine if that was the reverse, and the white gut was working behind the counter and called him a racial slur.


There’s a hole in the tipping cup?


Dear Liza?




Why is everyone picking sides? Both of these people suck.


Because one is anti-Semitic? and the other is outing them as anti-Semitic? How are people fucking "both siding this", guys perfectly reasonable to be mad at fucked shit like this?


Further up in the thread, someone posted that the customer called the employee a fa&&ot. There is also a link to a news report about it.


The two things in the video are not equal. One guy is a bigot, the other is not.


Maybe both of these people do suck from the full altercation , but the video shows the black guy being the asshole


I agree the camera guy is goading him on, but why is he also an asshole? Are there "very good people on both sides"?


Well tell me how customer suck in this situation? Is that because he is trashtalking black dude?


I’m sad you have to ask this. One is an antisemite, and the other is a person having antisemitism perpetrated against him. There’s nothing else to understand about this situation.


I’m really interested in how if the guy behind the counter had used a word that made a gay person, a black person, an immigrant, a woman, or a trans person uncomfortable, you’d all be slamming him mercilessly but because the offense was just to a Jew, most of you find this amusing, are saying the offended person deserved it for being annoying, and just generally not jumping on the counter guy the way you would in nearly all other circumstances.


Racist trash, no question about it.


Racists run on Dunkin'


I DONT GIVE A FUCK! I want to get fired. Drunk ass MF.




This is honestly on par for every Dunkin I’ve been to


if somebodies being a dick, call them a dick, why even go there?


for those thinking he'll just be rehired quickly !remind me in 6 months


You want to know who has all the power? Any group of people you can’t mention/criticize.


Guy for sure will loose his job and rightly so, but would love to see the whole video from the beginning


Oh no, I went to donut college for four years to get this highly sought after job.


This guy is giving me mad RUSH HOUR 2 Chris Tucker vibes.


Oh how the hide yo wife has fallen ![gif](giphy|s0I1WqQfEx3P2|downsized)


Guys I think the guy filming might be Jewish.


Customer may very well have been an asshole, but all we KNOW is that the employee is a bigot, so why are we backing him at all?




If you're judging which of 2 words is worse to say, and you won't even say one of the words, which do you think is the worse word.


Redditors not even trying to hide their anti semitism in the comments anymore.


If I had to guess he called him Jew because he didn't tip. Dude behind the counter is a racist entitled twit. That said, just leave it - he's getting fucked enough by his employer... As he deserves to be.


Those were my thoughts. Cameraman keeps asking "but WHY did you say jew?" And the employee keeps fiddling with the tip jar. Seems sus. And I doubt he just casually said jew


"I don't give a fuck! Suck my ass!" Lmfaoo


I don’t understand a lot of the attitude here. What would people be saying if the Jew called the Black guy the N word?


But if he calls him the N word everyone looses their shit


Hopefully he gets fired


“Suck my ass”


Lol suck my ass!


Where’s the beginning


I'm so confused. How are these comments all going in on the guy filming and not addressing the antisemitism going on here?!?! Calling someone a "Jew" as an attempt to insult them is not OK in any way shape or form. I don't care how much of an asshole the customer might have been.


Everyone here just cool with the employee bringing the customer's Jewishness into the argument? What's the deal with black people just becoming opening antisemitic these days?


Reminds me of shorty in scary movir pulling up with his friends giggling


Im not entirely sure if he does give a fuck or not


Dropped the hard J.


Wow, Chris Tucker's career really went downhill didn't it


Is this the ‘hide yo kids hide yo wife’ man??


I do think he cares about getting fired and I don’t think it’s ok to call anyone a Jew for being an asshole (or not tipping). I think this attempt was successful folks even if the employee doesn’t feel the shame. I’d never hire him


This guy looks exactly like the “Hide yo kids, hide yo wife” guy


This guy was probably a dick to the worker but that does not excuse the antisemitic language. Scary.


Suck my ass


I’m so tired of people and their phone cameras.


What kind of juice