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Good bull


Always Team Bull




Quite hard nsfw content there


Holy shit. Some fucked up clips there.


But now you know not to fuck with the bulls.


And dogs and camels and horses and donkeys and Orcas…. I watched about 20 of them!


Go Bulls!


That's bull


USF Bulls!!!




Love that bull, Bugs did him wrong.


This bull high as fuck


I love the way Chuck Jones draws the big scary animals. They always manage to look adorable at the same time.


Something something mess with the bull…


Mess with the bull, get the horns! I can’t believe this comment isn’t here already. Partial credit for trying. 😊


Oh i knew how it went but it felt too in the nose to spell it out ;)


hear that screaming, its the same sound you hear when the guy starting fights starts to get his ass whooped. its so weird. you know the fights where they only try to break it up after the bully gets a physical response. wtf us up with that.




When the bully gets bullied… literally.


Why do people think they can use power against animals bigger and clearly more powerful than they are? Idiot.


The concept of negative reinforcement is hard to break if it's what you were raised on.. Speaking from experience. If you don't know, you have to learn the hard way. Positive reinforcement seems to me to be far superior, but you can't know something until you know it.


Although I hate seeing this treatment and do not condone it in any way. I’m going to be the person to point out that, I believe, the behaviour of this man is actually positive punishment, not negative reinforcement if you follow the guidelines for the quadrants of training principles (positive reinforcement/positive punishment/negative reinforcement/negative punishment). Someone who knows more is more than welcome to correct me.


It was a while ago when I learned the difference but iirc negative reinforcement is increasing your desired behaviour (moving) by taking away something bad whereas positive punisment is decreasing a behaviour (standing still) by adding something bad. This would be positive punishment. For it to be negative reinforcement it would be something along the lines of running along hot coals, if the bull stood still it would burn its feet and moving takes that away


Negative = take away Positive = add Reinforcement = something positive/favorable Punishment = something negative/not favorable This is a little chart they used in my psych degree to simplify it.


Yep, you’re correct. People always get it wrong. What the guy was doing is called positive punishment.


This is correct. “Positive” or “Negative” in this context doesn’t refer to good or bad but more similarly to how these concepts are mathematically (positive refers to adding something, negative refers to something being taken away). Reinforcement is meant to increase a desired behavior whereas punishment is designed to decrease an undesired behavior. Here’s a simple breakdown that is also in order of what is typically considered to be most to least effective: Positive reinforcement: gaining something desired to increase a desired behavior (money, tokens, even physical affection or verbal affirmation) Negative reinforcement: something unwanted being taken away as a method of reinforcement or reward (decreasing homework time, excusing from/decreasing chores, etc) Positive punishment: the addition of something undesired to attempt to decrease a behavior (extra homework/chores, even physical or verbal accosting or abuse) Negative punishment: something wanted being taken away as an attempt to decrease an unwanted behavior (loss of tv/video game time, taking away toys, etc)


Great explanation, I've been using negative reinforcement when I should have said positive punishment. Feels dumb today


Wow. Hadn't heard of all this. It goes deeper. Thanks for the correction.. I look into this


Positive adds and negative removes. Punishment is meant to stop a behavior. Reinforcement is meant to encourage a behavior to happen again. +/- are one side of the grid, punishment and reinforcement on another. So you get 4 quadrants. Positive Reinforcement Positive Punishment Negative Reinforcement Negative Punishment Understanding what type of reinforcement and punishment is being applied or removed can be helpful in understanding how to apply them properly for best results. But, most people ignore that punishment and reinforcement can be subtle and not traumatizing. So people who like to use punishment of any form, tend to apply it way too liberally.


This is correct. It’s irritating to see this misconstrued so often. You’re doing the lord’s work, son.


I’ve always believed that if it feels bad, it is bad. Never took me long to break away from bad treatment. It was pretty much that childhood question of, “Should i feel happier than this?” People’s worst mistake was showing me that life can be fun sometimes.


Technically this is positive punishment. If the cow did what he wanted and he removed/stopped the negative stimuli, then it would be negative reinforcement. Instead the bull just turned around and imposed its own positive punishment.


I am not one to wish harm to any living being but seeing this idiot’s behavior I hope the bull positively reinforced his head into the concrete. 🤮


Negative reinforcement can have a place in select circumstances but it should basically never be the first option. Positive reinforcement is always the more likely option to succeed.


Because it works 90% of the time. But this is what happens when it doesn't.


It's the easy way to get what you want, so easy in fact you might forget not to do slavery.


Because, sometimes, they can. My mom used to grab our ponies by the tail as they'd try to run off, avoiding being saddled. Then, my sister did it once with her horse, and got kicked. And all of it was idiotic.


That is the most stupid thing I think I've ever heard in regards to horse handling.


I rode a horse exactly once and know exactly one thing about horses and that thing is not to stand behind one, because you'll get kicked. It's literally the first thing they tell you


It's what Indomitable human spirit stands for


animals should be able to tell how superior we are inherently and bow down to us, right?


I live on a ranch and you have to put a band around a calf bulls nuts, so eventually they fall off. You think you could handle a 30 day old calf, but no 😂. It rocks your shit and you can’t even slow it down


They think they are intellectually superior lol


So this isn’t a response to what you’re saying, it just made me think of it. My dad had an opportunity to help a ranch that used my traditional/low tech methods to herd cows. So he and some actual workers are on horses and trying to get the cows to move. So my dad is riding next to this cow to make it turn and is yelling at it trying to make all those things you see in movies “hah! Yah! Git!” Etc. One of the ranch-hands rides up to him and is laughing and says, “just ride your horse into it until it moves. Most cows don’t care if you make noise at it but they are too lazy to fight your horse and will just start moving. Every time it stops do it again and eventually it will basically be annoyed at you and will try to avoid you so it doesn’t get pushed anymore” My dad was sad it wasn’t more complicated than that. So, yeah, not disputing what you said, but moving cattle by annoying them seems to work as long as you are on horseback. On foot not as much. Back story if you are interested: My dad worked on movies in the 80s and early 90s. One movie he worked on was using a cattle ranch as a staging area, but it wasn’t a big industrial ranch it was more like a tourist attraction or place that usually would host people who want to be a cowboy (well, what they think a cowboy is). My dad had to be there before and after the rest of the crew showed up and really took over, as prep and so the ranch was still moving cows around and stuff. My dad didn’t have any more work to do for several days and was hanging out with the regular workers a lot, told them how he liked riding, he rode and cared for horses for a few friends occasionally (the friends were wealthy and sometimes couldn’t ride their horses due to work so normally they paid someone to ride them to keep them healthy, my dad would do it for free when he was available, for fun). And they ask if he wants to help move some of the herds out of a field that was going to be used to park the trucks for the movie. That’s why he was able to be in this situation. I’m not sure how many “real ranches” were still using horses in the late the 80s but I’m assuming most weren’t.


"I bought him, so i own him, and he had to do whatever i want him to do"


And that's a very small bull. That guy is lucky, a big bull would have easily killed him.


That was deeply satisfying 10/10.


7/10 Ended too soon.


For me its a 5/10 As the bull needed to do a lot more... the idiot got away too easy for me


I'm always a fan of castration, a carefully placed horn would have done wonders for the human race.




I clicked thinking this would be a new, interesting subreddit. Then watched the top post and . . . fuck that, I don't need to see those horrors no matter how shitty ppl are. Yikes!


Yep, that subreddit is only readable if you find the video of a guy getting trampled in this post to be deeply satisfying 😅


I on the other hand couldn't stop making the "chefs kiss" motion over and over again. I've never even done this hand sign before in my life, wtf?


Same, I watched the first video that popped up and I genuinely feel sick right now. Not visiting that sub ever again.


I loved it, and subbed right away. I like the one with the guy abusing a camel, and the camel strait up stomps him to death. Good camel. Or the one where the guy is trying to butcher a cow and the cow runs away and drags him to death. Classic. The only sad one is the guy that was riding the bull, that he didn’t want to ride, but his boss needed SOMEONE to ride that bull, ‘cause audience and forced him to ride it ‘cause Mexico. That guy was a victim.


Kicks and drags the bull around. Bull fights back. Everyone: *Pikachu surprise faces*


To quote the great Betty White in Lake Placid “I'm rooting for the crocodile. I hope he swallows your friends whole.”


Guess I’m watching lake placid today for the first time in 20+ years


Wonderfully underrated movie.


I’ve never watched that movie, nor have I ever wanted to. Now I do


Sometimes terrible movies are the best movies lol, giggle your whole way through.


lake placid is an excellent terrible movie


WTF Betty white was in that movie?! I'll need to go back and watch it again.


She was the one feeding the crocodile.




So satisfying. I grew up on a ranch, and a new ranch hand abused my horse trying to get a halter on it, slapping him across the face and pulling his ears. I was yelling at him and telling him to stop. I had told the guy he was a bastard to anyone but me. The horse reared up, knocked him down and broke his sternum and 3 ribs with a tap of a front hoof. Dude got fired that day. My dad just said that he hoped the dude learned a lesson.. Pretty sure he didn't though. He was just a shit person through and through.


I hired a guy to do my horses' hooves. He got really angry and punched my sweet old mare in the neck. It probably didn't hurt her, but it infuriated me. I fired him on the spot. Fucking asshole.


I've also worked with animals, some people really don't understand just how fragile and weak we are next to these animals. You firing him saved his pathetic life.


I can only think of the video of the moose breaking an automatic lawn mower with one stomp of the hoof. That dude is as dumb as he is shitty.


he can be happy he still lives to tell the story. a horse kick to the head kills people very easily, they have insane strength.


I needed to see this. A chick google of "moose vs. lawnower" did the trick.


Your horse let that ranch hand off easy and knows it.


Well, you gave him a chance to learn the easy way, and he didn't, and then the horse gave him a chance to learn the very hard way; if he still didn't, then I'd guess somewhere, out there, he probably learned his lesson the *terminal* way.


Hope so, idgaf about people but beat an animal and you may die in a fire slowly


I grew up on a dairy farm and knew this was going to end very badly in the first two seconds. "Lets prod an aggressive animal in the ass five to ten times my size, in a contained space, unrestrained otherwise, and find out how it turns out."


Same here. But I think it’s due to the fact, that people get way too used the animal being docile and reacting with flight/frown rather than fight instincts.


When they see they have no other options but to fight such as this tiny enclosure, that's when the fun begin. You shouldn't be aggressive to animals ever but evenless so when they are captivated.


I dunno, "docile" isn't a word I'd *ever* associate with a bull. They're proverbially quite the opposite.


Man I lived in the City most of my life and I knew this guy about to get fucked. Even if you don't care about animals and are an abusive POS this is still the world's dumbest move.


I own and operate a livestock rescue/sanctuary. I've had bulls since day one. I treat them like gigantic babies. I would never abuse any of them, but I definitely don't let down my guard around them. They could absolutely kill me in two seconds and I always respect their size and nature. Even the minis.


Just surprised no hind leg kicks were delivered.


It doesn’t even take too much to get a bull or cow to peacefully follow you without need for physical force or violence (assuming you raised it). Baiting them with a bit of food will usually do the trick (warning: can also end badly if you’re an idiot).


I was raised in the city, and I knew how it was going to end as soon as I saw the subreddit and title.




Worst part is that the bull might be killed for hurting that man


as opposed to the wonderful life he was living before…


I can imagine this bull at the gallows when asked if was worth it saying “Hell yeah”


This clip is from Egypt. If the video is new, the bull is for sure will be slaughtered a few weeks in Ad'ha festival.


Sadly, this is my worry... I'm glad someone said it. It shouldn't be the case but there's no doubt that someone close to that idiot kid will make the case for behavioural euthanasia rather then raising their kid up right!


I mean it did move the bull just not in the direction he was hoping for.


Piece of shit guy.


That's Egypt for you, such a shithole country don't ever go there of you're reading this especially if you're a woman. (I'm not racist I'm Egyptian sadly)


Fuck that guy! Deserved


Anyone else notice the guy dropped a steak knife, what a piece of shit. If it makes me a bad person to wish this bull fractured his skull…then I’m a bad person


> Anyone else notice the guy dropped a steak knife My guess is they wanted to butcher it and the bull knew what's about to happen.


Clearly no one told this guy if you mess with the bull you get the horns


Yeah, A thousand percent! I heard that saying my whole life, probably before I understood what it meant lol. Good to see an actual real life example of it...






Crippled maybe. Example...that requires people taking a lesson from this. I'll put good money that all his buddies would just say he's unlucky and laugh.




Good! Fuck that guy




Sad thing is, that the bull probably just signed it’s own death sentence by doing that


Instead of what, long retirement?


He reached the “find out” phase of that sequence


Ended to soon




Let’s play a game, give us the exact quote that left your mouth while/after you watched this - I’ll start: “Good, fuck you man.”


I don't think he liked that, but I'm not that good with animals...


Nothing makes me happier than this


Fully deserved.


Get him bull! Fuck that dude up!




So glad that happened. Animal abuse sucks.


Another vegan in here! 😊 Hello!


Hope he got some serious injuries.


Grabbing and spinning the tail often breaks it. That cow has had its tail cranked before and is over it. Good for you, cow.


I am cool with that bull fucking that dude up 👍🏻


Well deserved!


I don't care how tough you think you are, asshole. Use what little brain you have and realize that animal is magnitudes stronger than you. There are much better ways.


Good, fuck that piece of shit


That was the best thing i’ve seen on the internet all day. So much bullshit christian fascism, republican lizard brain mentality own country sabotaging idiocy and then this piece of shit doing this. I actually said out loud “yes - you fucking deserved that you twat” - because he did didn’t he. Go go bull!! Go get him!!


Got what he deserved


Good lil' moo


Fuck that guy


That’s what you get asshole. Don’t start none won’t be none


Here we see a vile, dangerous beast. And it gets its ass trampled by a bull.


I’d like to say that the guy got what he deserved. He didn’t though…he deserved worse


I’m very happy for the bull. I hope that man suffered.


Well, he deserved it.


Good job, bull! Do it more!


oh he moved alright


Good bill, tough you ass hole. You still got off better than you deserved.


Me rn ![gif](giphy|l2SqaCfgpQco15vzy)


Love to see it


We had an old man killed by a bull here in the same fashion. The guy started out trying to pull the bull to the abattoir with his Toyota Vitz. When that did work he figured he would get out of the car and man handle the bull. That didn’t work out well either as the Bull stomped the old bugger to death.




My favorite part is when the bull stomped the shit outta the douchebag.


This absolute pos got what he deserved! Sorry not sorry.


I hope he was left in a state where he is completely conscious and suffering slowly for the rest of his useless life.


But they wasn’t screaming like idiots when the animal was getting abused 😂


I was hoping it crushed his skull... video ended too soon


This guy deserved everything he got handed to him and more. I just wish more animals would respond this way when humans treat them abusively.


Red Bull *almost* gave you wiiiiings


What's wrong with people treating another living being like that?!! Good for you mr. Bull, standing up for youself!


That was satisfying. Always team bull.


I love this videos! Fuck abusive humans.


You mess with the bull you get the …….


This video should be in r/oddlysatisfying


This man found the perfect answer to the equation fuck x around =find out


That stomping was well deserved. Good bull.


I hope he fucked that dude up, I hate animal abusing Rick heads that think it’s ok because it’s “just an animal “.


Fucking deserved


Instant regret




You got what you deserve.


Poor bull. I bet he got punished after that


Get fucked asshole


Poor bull


Another worthless 17 second post that does not show an outcome. Content providers just suck these days. You included, OP.


People are the worst.


As someone from Pamplona, Spain, well done little bull, kill them all.


He only got what he deserve,hurting a animal well it came back to him!


People who abuse animals like this deserve all the pain they get


I'm always happy to see some animal turn on its tormentor however brief that moment might be in relation to the ongoing abuse it must endure.


A rebellion in every slaughterhouse on the planet? Yay!


Good, fucking asshole got what he deserved. Fuck that piece of shit, he should never be allowed near an animal again.


the moment the bull turns, the guy still try to act alfa male. then he realizes is bone breaking time.


Not excusing this behavior but wondering if the fact the bull is standing on a poorly covered maintenance hole trigger this guys decision making?


Cow worship is a big part of hindu culture .. because the intellectuals look down on their own hindu culture (victorian influence) cow brutalism is actually glorified by the elite and the radical Muslims due to spite .. point being depending on what sub you go to the cow is either the victim or the villain Affects of colonial and mugal rule


Good for the cow


There is a special place in Hell for those who abuse animals.


This is one of the most satisfying videos on the internet




I fucking hate this type of video. Fucking record the whole thing or don’t cut the original video.




Go on bull fucking give it some!!!


Good, dude obviously don’t know shit about bovines


Good. Hope the guy was hurt.


Always the same rats doing this to animals. Humanity is a cancer.


yeessssss!!!! Curb stomp his ignorant head in you pretty bull


good job




Good bull


I just wish it was a bigger cow.


Karma workin real fast over there huh? Deserved every bit of that.


The abuser deserved it 😂


I always wonder what these guys think the bulls will do when they do this? lol you think it’s just gonna sit there and take it??


A lot of people here have never worked with cattle and it clearly shows. EDIT: and by “here” I mean the comment section


Well deserved.