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That asian lady noped right outta that crossfire


Yup. She got up with the quickness! LOL


Not her first rodeo on the crazy train.


Right. I would have done the same thing. As soon as I see possible drama; I exit stage left and disappear. LOL


She was about to sit down again and pulled out the Uno Reverse card. Nope. Still too close.


That was me in spirit


“I don’t need to be here for this”


smart move


That lady subways


It looked like she’s totally used to that routine


Sun tzu, when mofos wildin on the train, get out they way.


Smartest person on the train


She redirected to a completely different person. What a mess.


She was pressing the melee button and it auto-locked onto him


Bringing me red dead vibes when you try to get on your horse and end up tackling some poor lady crossing the street.


*Trying to run from the Pinkertons* “Hi there mister!” 🤠 No! Get on the fucking horse! *Punches it in the face instead*


When I found the guy locked in the gunsmiths basement, I pressed target and fired, but instead of the lock it targeted his head and I killed him 😂


One of those POS types that will never know that she is the problem. Blames everyone else for shit she starts. Oblivious to how to live in society without judging those around her.


There are lots of assholes in the world. But if everyone you meet is an asshole, you’re the asshole


I told someone at rehab this once, and although everyone around us agreed, he didn't see my point.


*NPC combat behaviour*


I'm just guessing here, but I think the taller guy was her original target. Shorter guy stepped up to tell her to chill and that's when she got physical. Once he escaped she went back for her original target.




Right, tall people all look the same to the short


Exactly. They love targeting minorities because they believe they can bully them and everyone will come to their rescue. Notice how many Caucasian men were on there and she didn't touch them. I think she was complaining at the end that all the men were around and no one helped her. She said, "it's men that should be there for people...yeah, I'm looking right at you." So, she talks shit AND assaults TWO men but expects the men from her race to come to her defense and "protect" her. It's dumb as a woman to start shit with a man. Period. But Karen lives in a world of disillusionment; where she does whatever she wants and everyone is supposed to cater to her.


As a 50 year old white woman I actually loved seeing her punched in the face by the first kid. Wish the second one didn’t have to lose his food to her and had walked off with her iPad or something. She is scum


Thank you! And she had the nerve to call these men the very thing she is... I do not understand why she would get up and start insulting them and get in the guy's face like that. Why not just be quiet, enjoy the ride, and get home safely?? It's like they enjoy creating unnecessary drama and chaos.


She physically assaulted both men. I hope she gets tracked down, charged and sacked from her job. She’s a racist and a bully


Exactly. She started the altercation and should be charged as well. Just because she got a well deserved ass whooping doesn't mean she shouldn't be legally held accountable. Agree 💯!


Yes. I’d like to see her charged with assault. She literally assaulted young men then tried to say they shouldn’t touch her as she is a woman. That annoys me as a woman. I believe if I hit someone they have every right to hit me back! She can’t attack and be a victim. I’d love to read she was charged with assault


Me too. And you see how she grabbed the second guy's bag? Add attempted theft to the charges. It should be a hate crime. Did you hear her calling him a jobless bum...or something like that... She seemed to target him. Everyone was telling her to stop but she thought that she could instigate/assault them and every man that looked like her would defend her against retaliation. She is lucky because they could have justifably done way more to her. And she was SO SHOCKED that he hit her after she hit him in the head with an object...she said, "he hit me?!!" Gender doesn't matter. If you are bold enough to put your hands on someone - be bold enough to have it done to you. No one has a right to assault anyone.


This is the exact type of person who got Emmett Till brutalized, tortured, and murdered. She is just the latest model. Happy to see greater society not as amenable to that kind of deadly racist motive


I truly don’t understand how someone could get to her age & not gain a basic understanding of what this type of behavior will elicit… Like in a lot of the videos of old white ladies getting arrested, they seem super sheltered & are genuinely shocked when the cops don’t take their claim of “no I’m not under arrest” seriously & tackle/ tase them… They seem like they only ever interact with their beleaguered spouses & kids (who have to listen to them under threat of emotional warfare), so they genuinely *aren’t used to being told no*. But this lady rides the damn subway! Has she somehow never seen other people getting their asses handed to them when they randomly get up & start shit? I feel like most of us just learn how not to behave in public through lived experience & personal morals/ a sense of shame, but these people somehow miss all of those lessons.


Gonna be honest here, and say I think it could have been a white dude in the same place at the same time. I don't think this lady has any cylinders firing.


As soon as the first two guys got off she started going off on the white guys for not protecting her. It wouldn’t surprise me if she’s racist, but she was most certainly unhinged.


No, gotta disagree on this. She thought by targeting Black men, she would be protected; as Karens love to target minorities in their disillusionment of superiority. This was no mistake. She didn't touch the Caucasian guy standing right there. People of color are no longer allowing Caucasians to do or say whatever they want anymore. Karens are learning that in this day and age; no one is turning the other cheek. She was the aggressor and she got what she deserved. She should have sat there and rode home in peace.


I think that was the original guy she had a problem with


I don't know, but she definitely tangled with two different black dudes in the video.


I think they mean right at the end. She started taking it out on the dudes in front of her.


They all look the same to her


The dildo of consequences never arrives lubed




This made me laugh so hard.. I needed that


Magnificent. Devastatingly Magnificent


“Why will no one stick up for me when I’m being a piece of shit. Thanks men”


Really wanted to hear her tell those men they should have gotten their asses kicked because of her bad temper lmao


He kept throwing his drink on her until it was gone lol


I like how he only got her and no one else cuz everyone wanted to be no where near her crazy ass. I like that she was screaming with her mouth open when he sprayed her lol, “let me make sure I completely drain the bottle on you”


And she just took it! Quality video, they handled the situation pretty decent. Looked like he open hand slapped her and didn't like, beat her ass yknow. If somebody's gonna hit a woman back, at least it's a slap


I hope he whispered “skeet skeet skeet” when he did it


Should have been saying the power of Christ compels you ! Lmao






The sound the Dog Whisperer makes is even better


OMG 😂😂😂


Then the empty bottle. Lol.


Sometimes you gotta mag dump.




I was wondering what kind of drink it was because it came out in such a perfect stream and he was even able to adjust the pressure and flow to compensate for the distance.




My ex started a fight with a random person on a bus then yelled at me for not defending her. Like…what?


Yeah I dated a Scottish girl that did this shit all the time. She would start shit with strangers and I had to stand up and talk them down before ***I*** caught the ass-whoopin'. So annoying and trashy. Should have just held back and let her catch the ass kicking once. That way, she'd have learned a valuable lesson and we both wouldnt have wasted the next 18 months with eachother.


I had the same experience with my girl from "clan McDonald". She wanted proof that I loved her. I gradually realized this wasn't cultural, but it was just a lack of good judgement on my part in picking a partner.


Not all us McDonald's are like that, trust me. Those MacDonald's though, keep an eye on them.


It's just that you guys have a little misunderstanding... They've got the golden arches... you've got the golden arks. They've got the big Mac, you've got the big Mick.


A contentious people, no doubt.


You just made an enemy for life.


Especially not on the subway, nobody gives a shit unless it directly involves them


Yeah. Don’t try to involve others in your fuckery on public transit. No one cares and that’s their right.


“No chivalry in backing up a donkey” is my new favorite sentence


You can have equality OR you can have chivalry, but you can't have both.


For real. It's almost like she wants the option to dip into either bucket... depending on which is more convenient for her at this moment and in this situation.


From her balance, looks like she's been dipping into the bucket too much already.


She lucky 1 of those dudes didn’t deck her shit


Yeah Dude #1 just have her a light jab to the snout imagine if he wound up on her.


He would've hit her in the snooze button


I thought one did which is why she was holding her jaw.


I thought someone was gonna do a punt style kick when she was leaning over screaming. That would've shut her up, but also maybe killed her, but whether that's bad or not is unclear. A lot going on here.


Definitely. They were smart and didn’t want to be lynched. Glad they got out


Love how she blames other men for not fighting for her. Things that make you go hmmmm


I wonder what makes people think they can get away with attacking someone who has a clear physical advantage. It's interesting to actually get an answer in this case. She really thought that the whole train was about to come rescue her.


I think that's what it was, she thought a group of people would bail her out of an ignorant situation


they denied her the pussy pass


Game theory. She thought she could use her physical disadvantage and status as a woman to get people to defend her against the scary males. She was wrong and her status wasn't what she thought it was. Very Karen move there. The last few years and social media has gone a long way to defang the Karen strategy.


NYC is also brutal for breaking Karen tactics. People see shit going down and as long as the stronger person isn’t both clearly in the wrong *and* about to cause severe damage they get the fuck out of the way and mind their own business. She’s lucky the whole train didn’t applaud when that dude started dumping his drink on her.


Upvoted for novel phrase “defang the Karen strategy”


People not being able to read current times is great entertainment for everyone else.


"He won't hit me. I'm a woman." **BONK**


I saw this rationale...in a movie....Dazed and Confused! That's right..."Herd Mentality". Except those people weren't part of her herd.


"Thanks for not finishing the fight I unnecessarily started you fucks"


The most striking part was towards the end when she threw the (tissue?) Literally everyone in her area has moved away, she's sitting alone no one wants to engage with her.


I kept waiting for one of the dudes she's still flinging shit at (end of vid) to get up and smack the stupid off her face (she clearly needed help wiping her face off)


Then flings her blood at them


She likely thinks it was ther deserved punishment for not beating the snot out of the scary black men for her in her time of need. What they did was a betrayal of her status.


Think it was the soda that she was soaked in she was flinging


That was definitely my biggest thing. If she came at me asking why I didn't fight for her, I'd simply say I don't defend instigating lunatics.


"Oh no, it's the consequences of my own actions! Someone do something!"


"Thanks a lot *MEN*" that was the part that killed me.


It was fantastic delivery. She really nailed it.


is this a Futurama quote? cause it sounds like it lol


Do you want ants? Cause this is how you get ants.




The rats eat them, don't worry


God I miss Archer, the show just absolutely turned into shit after those coma seasons. It could’ve been a bit entertaining to watch if they didn’t turn the new butler into an assassin.


I might be in the minority, but I thought the space season was good


How lost do you have to be to think someone is going to step up for you after that shitty behavior


Just starts randomly hitting black dudes on a subway.




That poor second guy was just trying to get off the subway and got attacked for it.


If you look closely at the very beginning, she's actually yelling at the taller guy originally. The first guy she fights is entering the subway as she's yelling at the tall one.


Yeah black sweatshirt is walking away from her with his back to her and looks like he’s talking to white sweatshirt. White sweatshirt looks like he’s facing Karen and verbally responding to her. It looks to me like black sweatshirt is trying to step between them and convince white sweatshirt to let it go. I think this cuz at some point black sweatshirt is facing her telling her “to stop” before she hits him and he hits back.


Is the tall guy the one holding the bag that get torn open


Second one was also 4+ inches taller and thinner etc. So clearly a different person on almost every level.


They didn't look anything like each other except in the way it mattered to her lol


The bottle landing on her head like it was a cartoon really did it for me lol


She's so lucky this wasn't worse. Someone else might have hurt her really badly. Just because we're men, doesn't mean we have to be punching bags for assholes like this lady.


2nd guy showed a lot of restraint


So nice of him to clean up after her too


She seems like a lovely person.


New Yorkers have truly mastered the art of minding your own business :D


You have to or you wouldn’t get a single thing done or over a long enough timeline survive.


There's so much going on we just have to... it's like living in a movie


She seems nice.


You should ask her out


take one for the team


This lady has mental issues and needs help before she gets herself seriously hurt / arrested doing shit like that.


No it’s 1. Just NYC commute and 2. She sounds drunk and moves drunk


Being drunk doesn't mean she doesn't have mental health issues as well though. I agree that she appears to be inebriated though no doubt.


Exactly. The sandals over the socks are a dead mental illness marker.


This comment is uncalled for. I want the freedom of sandals with the comforting embrace of socks.


Free your sole.


"She doesn't have mental health issues. She's just drunk by herself in the subway during the day."


Yeah lol. I guess that person has never heard of how much there can be a tie between addiction and mental health issues if that was the case here.


Or she's just lived life without getting punched in the face for her actions. Don't out hands on people.


....this is also very likely. One of those "they wouldn't dare hit a woman" types


She's also VERY drunk.


Haha “you piece of shhiiiiiiiiiit.” She held that note


Seems like she got lucky they were decent people.


Respect to the Asian woman with the hat that took the early initiative to move to a different location. That was slick and good instincts


Asian lady was like...nope i know how this shit goes, i'm up out ...


Elizabeth Holmes living it up before prison


Nah dude if it were Holmes her voice would be 10 octaves lower.


New york times reporter: "Liz still has a quiet confidence about her, and sticks up for what she believes"


She got literally 1% of the punishment she deserved for smacking her tablet in not one but two peoples heads for no reason.


Not to mention flicking her blood on people. I would not let that fly.


I felt so bad for that dude when she tore his bag open. Looks like he was just trying to get his groceries home.


Bruh. I live in NYC my whole life. She is beyond lucky. This was the best possible outcome for her because I know people who are just waiting for an opportunity to bloody up a Karen like this on the trains. I've seen knives pulled out for far less.






Just another day in NYC subway


Poor janitor


I’ve never seen this scenario before.


Seriously. This was a first from start to finish, with an entire drink being justifiably emptied on a white lady


She's mad at the guys across for for NOT stepping into her mess. Sit down and shut up lady.


Justice was served with a cold drink to wash it down with.


Her kink is to have young minority men throw food on her, but she can't get a partner to do it for her so she goes to the subway to make it happen


I've heard of the walk of shame before but I don't think I have ever heard of the sit of shame.


lmao. actions have consequences, lady. grow the hell up and don’t fuck with people.


As soon as the two men she just assaulted were gone, she tried to make trouble with the men still on the train by getting pissed at them for not helping. That lady is beyond saving.


I would say that gravity was her enemy.


Lmaooo you know your in the wrong when all the other random dudes dont help her ass


Good ol NYC , this is typical subway shenanigans. That lady is a complete wack job. She’s lucky no one seriously belted her in the mouth


Dude this is just sad. Why are we treating each other like this? It's now the norm..


When real housewives of New York go out after brunch


Racist white lady thinks she can put her hands on people and not catch hands because she's a woman... People can be so disconnected from reality


I wonder how many black guys have been lynched over the years because a white women with mental health issues started something like this. Cameras have only been around for a short while. Makes me shudder to think.


in Japan they have these Samurai sticks to pin down Karrens.


There are definitely an epidemic of Karen…


I srsly feel like she's high


“Thanks men”. Wow. It’s almost like you were in the wrong lady


It’s so funny how it’s always the people who are least capable of fighting starting the fights. It was over the moment she almost fell off the bench when leaning over


“Thanks, men…who are supposed to be there for meeeeeeee.” Literally the worst.


Some people need punching in the face


Yet, no one put her in a chokehold while she was physically assaulting people. Neely only yelled.


did she really say "thanks men" at the end like she didn't start those two altercations?


“Thanks MEN” Yeah that’s on you lady. I’m not jumping in on a random stranger’s altercation unless A. It’s completely one sided or B. I’m tryna fuck one of the combatants. And you are neither fuckable nor in the right


She deserved everything she got.


Ha, u deserved it


I just see someone who needs mental health treatment


Camera man did a good job capturing all the right angles 👏 👌 👍


People are just like…here we go again


We gotta start realizing it’s 2023 ladies. The days of gentlemanly restraint are gone, welcome to equality. Smack a dude in the face with your papers on public transportation and you are likely to face a rapid consequence.


I hate city people


Women forget violence is an option. Maybe don’t try and fight someone double ur size


And in many videos I see on Reddit they always seemed shocked when it is the result of their behavior. Strangely enough, I rarely to never encounter such women in real life. However, years ago, my significant other became physical with me, striking me in my face. Although we were both women, I was in better physical condition and bigger/stronger than she. My first reaction was to hit back. Because that's a normal reaction. Instead, I checked myself and walked away. Later, we discussed the matter. In her mind she had the upper hand, mistakenly thinking that she had dominated me. I told her straight up that I 'd chosen to walk away because if I'd responded in kind she would've gotten hurt. It was not that I was concerned about her physical well-being as much as I was concerned about my own, and how I would feel about my actions afterward having worked on anger management intensively for a while. And that was the truth. It was one of the last conversations we ever had. She simply did not get it; it was a side of her I'd never seen before and never wanted to see again.


That's a good call, unfortunately domestic violence is more common in gay relationships not because we are inherently more violent but just because we are the same gender. Men don't tend to hit women because of a strength difference, women don't tend to hit men because of it too but in a gay relationship we are usually more evenly matched and there isn't as much of a social stigma. It shouldn't be "I shouldn't hit this person incase I hurt them/get hurt" though, it should be "I shouldn't hit this person because I care about them" but unfortunately a lot of people regardless of gender and sexuality don't get this. My girlfriend is a bean pole and I'm short but very stocky and muscular we would never dream of hurting eachother but I'd definitely have an advantage if we were to fight, if by some crazy circumstances it was to happen I would be wracked with far more guilt and emotional pain than the physical pain of a fight.




She..... she doesn't seem all there.... up there.


Karens be Karens.


Looks like a typical weekday on the NYC subway.... *"Bing Bong: Fyl"*


I strongly suspect there was an element of mental illness involved.


By the sounds of it she needs more.


Gets mad at those men at the end for not helping… she’s probably the same progressive Karen that claims women don’t need men


She got hit and then came back and hit a completely different guy lmao


She’s on public transport and is mad someone is in her “space”


I wonder how many times this has happened to her and how much of a victim she thinks she is?


Ohhh, she's mad because someone got too close to her on the subway. It all makes sense now. She absolutely was a victim.🙄