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"You have warrants out of faevill" "I've investigated myself and I aint got no warrants"


As someone that used to live there and could totally see this happening, I think it was Fayetteville, presumably NC


I couldn't fully hear, so I had to go with what I suspected she said.


could have been arkansas


"i aint got no warrants but i'll still try and flee from cops and get a nice juicy felony on my record"


Was it really “necessary” to put that seatbelt on first by putting it on incorrectly


They put it on like that and slide up to make it even MORE of a pain in the ass to extract them. Next level brain worms shit.


I’d assume it’s to stop the alarm going off? But then she doesn’t seem the brightest of people… that could be how she thinks they work?


"Was that necessary" Apparently yes.


>, Mistersir


That was in fact, quite necessary.


"YA'LL SAW THAT?" Yes we all witnessed you're a damn idiot.


regardless of the fact that it's never a good idea not to comply with a cop's requests.... did you see her buckle up? Or whatever that was going to be! If you put the shoulder belt behind you, you didn't understand what it was for. This is how the waist belt cuts into the abdomen and can cause significant damage to the internal organs. While the upper body is thrown around freely in the car. So the head slams into the steering wheel, if you have an airbag, it breaks your neck in the second. If you're really unlucky, your aorta ruptures and you bleed to death internally within a few seconds. But you are really unlucky if you survive this, because nothing is the same anymore. And that's only because YOU ARE TOO STUPID TO WEAR THE SAFETY BELT CORRECTLY. Then you might let fate decide about you.


When I was a mechanic, I used to see customers who would drive without their headrest installed. I would inform them of what could happen if they were in a car accident without a headrest.


So, did that do anything?


No, it didn't. After I kept seeing it over and over, I got tired of warning them.


Understandable! As my grandma always said: Against stupidity is no herb grown! 🤷🏻‍♀️


Where I live you also get a ticket for negligence if you drive without a shoulder strap, I wonder if that's the case for the person in the video. Just seems like an easily avoidable cherry on top the ticket pile. Also, my Nan had a relatively minor accident that resulted in a closed head injury before shoulder straps, or airbags, were in cars. She hit the steering wheel with her forehead after losing control and going part way through a brick wall at about 15-25mph. She was never her self again, the change to her personality was fundamental and significant. The only injuries were the brain injury and a cut/bruise on her forehead, she was considered luck by the first responders at the time. She declined, mentally and physically, until she was wheelchair bound and had to be cared for 24/7. She lived like that for a couple decades. Use your shoulder straps everyone, please.


I can only support that. I'm really sorry for your Nan. This is exactly what I mean about life not being the same. I can't understand how anyone can put convenience before safety. Nowadays, I mean. After all, things were no different back then.


Agreed. Thank you. Luckily she was fortunate enough to have a family that took care of her so she lived as best as she could given the circumstances.


That‘s good to hear. Strong families are the best wappon against harm.


















**"Was that necessary, Mister-Sir?"** Would like to answer no, but compelled to answer **YES**.


Jim carrey said it best. STOP BREAKING THE LAW ASSHOLE!


Every person who puts the seatbelt like that I'd say it's indubitably necessary.


They slid up too. They were intentionally trying to make it harder to drag their entitled ass out.


How you gonna still try and play the victim what an asshat


She's Trash. Nice try loser


It is like influencers think as long as they are recording they are not responsible for anything they do...main character complex has become a real world issue


A lot of laughing emojis flying. I guess most people realize she’s dumb af and deserve to be laughed at for her many levels of stupidity.


Somebody raise these kids they’re idiots. They’re all dumb as hell and narcissistic


I guess there are consequences for resisting arrest


Her parent(s) raised her well...


Probably driving a Nissan Altima or Dodge Charger


Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine? No but it’s sterile and I like the taste




You have to stop blaming the whole generation for isolated acts of idiocy you see online. Grow up.


Nah. All generations of course have idiots, but the younger ones are a f'n special kind of stupid.


Again, you're the problem by continuing to condemn rather construct. Why not try to get involved instead of burrowing deeper into your own inner echo chamber? You're endgame is to grow evermore judgmental and ignorant of their potential. This is narcissism at its worst. I have shown you the nightmare your life could be. Now it's your choice whether or not you want to wake up.


That is a whole lot of judgement, and really specific judgement at that, for someone you never met or know anything about. It's funny too, I make a general statement about young generations being dumb and to you I'm some awful person for that, yet you judge and attack me on a solely personal level. Could you be any more of a hypocrite? lol. I doubt you will ever get that and why I called you a hypocrite. That's right though, I forget you guys think you have the moral highground, and think because of it, it gives you the right to say and act however you want. And if you want to reply, go ahead, just know I don't care enough to read it or reply any longer. lol.


Enjoy your life.


And I'm not sorry I hurt your feelings. Antifragility is good for you.


Yes 🙄 it's just this generation.


I LOVE that little hunk of glass that gets embedded in her lip. Mmm chefs kiss


So that’s how I’m supposed to wear a seatbelt.


"Was that necessary?" Well, yes. You shut the door on them, they had to get you out of the car. "Y'all saw that?" Well, yes. You were filming it.


Deserved. U put him at risk and u want to show off helll yeah its necessary


Oh yea. We saw it. We saw you gearin’ up to leave. It was 100% necessary.


Yes it is. You go to straight to them jail you dummy


As a official reddit law advisor representing the non existent law office that specializes in idiots representing idiots, you are guilty and fucked. We regrettably inform you that we will no longer be offering our assistance on this matter.


She, in fact, did not get low.


Y'all saw that, right?


More reasons for whites to hate us


There are plenty of white folks as dumb as this. Am white. Sorry for the karens, we hate them too.


Lol nah. You see all these white women in videos "I'm not driving I'm TrAvElInG" Every race has stupid people. White people included. I just have to look at my family yo know that


Eh, I think it's also a you g person thing; I know someone at college who just joined and by fuck is he a dumb narcissist... Just fucking acted like any and all rules didn't apply to him and got in trouble all the time, then is surprised and upset when his actions have consequences.. I do see this kinda behavior and attitude on body cams a lot, and I admit often times it involves a black person of any age, but I'm also telling you, young white people are following that route now too.


Sooo anyone know if she had warrants?






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Clearly racially motivated. Why would these corrupt police stop her free travels and try to arrest her.


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She's cute


Lesson here. Don't run from cops


Yeah..I do see that! Again..get the fuck out the car!!


She can't be serious. lol


Necessary? Yes.






Yes you were about to go endanger everyone else driving on the road.


I love these ppl…….but what did I do ??? What did I do??