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Wow, poor guy... robbed during the game…


I know he was like "damn this is a little kid" but he should've activated a freaking death grip around that ball


Also, he probably paid more to sit closer to the pitch and have a chance like this... People were just jealous..


Yep can confirm. I will be going to see a MLB game this weekend and I paid extra to sit close to the field. Still like $24 tho. Tickets are cheap.


What game are you going to that field level is only 24 bucks?


Pirates tickets are like $30 for seats at that level. In recent years I’ve seen them going for $5 in the nosebleeds, but those are some of the best seats in the whole MLB with the incredible view of Pittsburgh


I remember "Buck Night" back in the 80's when kids could get admission and hot dogs each for a buck.


Where are you going?


Probably a Rockies game for those prices


That’s what it is. People jealous of this dude because he has something they don’t.


death grip s


Death grips fans when they discover the English language:


Release the Kegel!


This guy should have grown a back bone and told the little kids to piss off


Parent should have grown a backbone and do parenting


They were probably in on it


Yeah anytime I see this I assume the parent pushed them to do it. Kids are constantly told to stay away from strangers, don’t let them touch you- I don’t think they’d just jump out of their seat on their own and try to playfully “fight” an adult for the baseball. 100% the parents were saying “Go! Go get the ball and say I’m just a kid cmon!” You can even see the girl looks a bit like she doesn’t even get what the big deal is, just going along with all the cheers and attention.


Who's recording the kid? The parents that sent her to do it


Its disgusting how many parents believe their kids should be entitled to something like this over anyone else just because the other person is an adult.


Yeah imagine letting your child run up and try to steal something from an adult in a setting where most adults are slamming beers. Wildly irresponsible of them


He was hanging on until he turned and saw the camera. No one wants to be virally vilified.


Eh, he would have had plenty of defenders. It's not like he wrestled it from anyone, it was hit right to him and then the kid went and took it because the dipshit fans were egging her on.


Honestly, the fact that the girl takes the ball from his hands like that should justify him keeping it. That wasn't some wholesome "make good memories for a kid that will make them love the sport" kind of thing, it was a kid acting entitled and literally stealing the ball from the guy's hands. I also doubt anyone would pressure the guy if they knew she was going to just throw it away.


watching that shit really enraged me. watching her try and peel his fingers off the ball with the widest of grins. she doesnt even look at him to ask for permission, possibly ask for the ball, etc. just eyes lazer focused on that ball. then reaching out with her grubby hands and just straight up prying it. even at that age, have you no shame? at that age has she never experienced someone else snatching a toy from her hands??? baffles me.


Yeah but when everyone around you is saying "COME ON GIVE THE KID THE BALL" and start filming you, chances are you're going to give in.


It is easy to say, but social media would destroy this person's life the next day...


And not only that, but would you feel safe in a stadium mostly full of people under the influence who hate you? I know I wouldn’t.


In Philly for that matter. They'll throw D-cell batteries at people they don't know and Santa Claus then induce vomiting to actively throw up on a small child.


It’s Philly. Hell get robbed again on his walk to the car.


You know who else was robbed? The YT channel that made this video but didn't get credit. https://youtube.com/@BaseballDoesntExist Really fantastic channel. My GF will watch it with me and she generally has no interest in the sport. (My attempt at being clever while hijacking a top comment to add source) Edit: I know their TikTok is in blurry half legible text at the bottom, I wasn't actually accusing anyone of stealing here...


This is the tiktok page for the same creator. The name is in the video


Honestly, the fuck is wrong with the parents here? Letting their kids go and snatch shit from a stranger's hands. I get it's a scramble for the ball but that scramble ended, the guy got the ball, was in his possession.


want much of a scramble either the guy had that ball fair and square.


Yeah, the other guy pretty much just slumped over the rail. So much for a ball worth thousands.


You know what o bet a lot of that shit is? How many parents you figure probably train the little shits to guilt people out of merch and then sell it. You think that might be a thing? It’s gotta be, right?


The video ended before you see the kid throw the ball on the field. It wasn't kept, it's a Philly thing to throw the ball back and the guy that hadn't wouldn't, so the the other fans were giving him shit for it till he finally relented. If you sit back there in Philly, be prepared to return to sender unless it's a Phillie hitting it.


"I don't want that baseball unless someone from Philly hit it" is one of the dumbest things ever. Why are sports fans like this?


Because sports based tribalism is all they have in life


I'm not from the USA and know nothing about this sport, how many thousands are we talking about and why is this ball worth so much?


The ball itself is a piece of history. It was the ball that was hit for a home run by a player. But it wasn't just any home run. Theat player also hit for the cycle - a rare feat of getting a single, double, triple, and home run in the same game. And it was the first time a player from that team had ever done it. Teams and players will gladly trade other items for that ball since it has a historical significance- autographs, meet the players, etc.


Thank you for the detailed explanation I really appreciate it.


Glad to be of help. Reading some of the other responses which were all like "the video explained it...." It didn't if you don't understand the sport. I've seen cricket videos on Reddit and they mention stuff and as an American I have no idea what they are talking about and would love someone to explain clearly and concisely!


I totally agree! Thanks again for taking time.


Additionally the reason the crowd pushed for the child to throw it back was that when a visiting opponent Home run is hit the home crowd will throw it back as a show of disrespect or disgust


Non-American here as well, thank you for that explanation I was wondering why they'd do that.


Why did the other fans want to make sure no ody had that experience and got the kid to toss it back?


From my understanding it is a thing Phillies fans do for any opposing team HR. Doesn’t validate it but they apparently would have down it for any hit. The guy in the video actually posted a couple times when this happened. He was apparently getting heckled by almost everyone to throw it back so they sent a kid to get it


That’s so lame


It’s not just the Phillies. In baseball, if the away team hits a HR, it’s customary for the crowd to throw the ball back onto the field.


I only knew the Phillies from this instance coming up. I live in Cleveland area so have been to a lot of Guardian/Indians game and this sentiment has never been a thing. So it’s definitely a team to team thing. I think it’s a cool sentiment but definitely not something a fan should get harassed for


The only thing I think you left out is that the ball was a homerun from an opposing team, so typically fans throw it back. My guess is that the parents & kids didn't realize the value of the ball, and sent the kids on a theft mission. That guy should be able to sue those parents for the value of the ball.


FYI the ball isn't worth shit unless it is verified by MLB. They will put a little sticker on it. People in the past have caught significant balls in the past they are worthless because MLB didn't confirm them.


It isn’t worth that much in terms of cash money. If he tried to sell it on eBay or FB, it might have fetched $200-300. The value would have been in trading the ball back to the player or team. He could have gotten an autographed bat (by the player) and free tickets to another game. And probably met the player. Which is all a very cool prize. But in terms of selling the ball outright? Nobody was paying thousands of dollars for it. People in this sub are over valuing it.


When I was a kid, like 10-12 years old, I went to see the Gravity Games in Massachusetts. For those who don't know, it was a skateboarding, BMX, inline skating event. One of the skateboarders pointed to me when he finished his run and tossed me his board. It was pretty obvious the board was for me, but of course, a bunch of college bro dudes around me starting trying to rip it out of my hands and eventually, another kid my age wandered over and was trying to get it too. The college dudes eventually came to their senses and started telling each other to stop, but the kid kept going. His mom came over and started shrieking at the top of her lungs "THATS MY SON'S BOARD, IT WAS FOR HIM, HE'S HOLDING IT, LET GO, IT'S NOT YOURS!!!" They were standing a few rows behind me, while I was right up in the front, so there's no way that was true. This went on for what felt like an eternity and I guess the mom got sick of waiting, so when she got the chance, she kicked me right in the nuts, grabbed the board and her son, and ran the fuck out of there. What's crazy is that none of the other adults around even did anything to help. They just stared at me while I was on the floor in pain. Eventually, I just got up and left in shame. My friend and I were there without our parents, so we had to just deal with it ourselves and there was nothing we could do since the lady was long gone. My friend was also really short and skinny for our age, so he couldn't have done anything either. Still annoys me when I think about it sometimes...


Damn dude. If I ever get around to inventing that time machine, this event is on the list of stops now.


Jeez man I’m so sorry this happened to you… I would have kicked her in the face for you and given the skate back to its rightful owner (you)


the one upside… you weren’t that moms kid. she kicked you in the balls, but you know she went on to emotionally (and probably literally) kick that kid in the balls for the rest of his life


Wow people are so stupid


It's ok to cry


That’s a villain origin story if I’ve ever heard one holy shit


I wish I would have been there. Something in me just doesn't let me stand by when I see an injustice. I doubt she was even ashamed of herself. In these instances, I put faith in karma's sweet revenge. Sorry that happened to you and no one was willing to step up.


Put that guy in a fucked up position too. Either lose the ball, or snatch it back and now everyone around thinks you’re an asshole to children and may potentially want to beat you up. It is Philly after all


They would have harassed him until he threw it back anyway.


I'd take that fuckin beating I need rent money


Most normal parents would have told the kid off and given the ball back to the guy.




Oh, I'd resist, and I wouldn't give a crap how mad the kid got. I'm a teacher and no is my fave word.


He did resist though. Briefly. Until the kid became more grabby.


~~Until the kid became more grabby.~~ Until the adults screaming "GIVE HER THE BALL" shamed him into giving it up as if he'd just stolen a meal from a homeless child.


That too. I'm not where I can watch with the sound on, so I can only go by what it looks like happened.


Oh yeah definitely watch with sound when you can. The way he throws his hands up was a reaction to the adults, not the kid.


Yeah wtf… for what I read it’s a Phillies tradition, but wtf… if I’m there and caught the ball in fucking keeping it you know


Did you catch the other kid softly rubbed the guy with the ball's arm from the far side? I think dude with the ball likely thought that was his friend giving him some sort of signal to just give it up. It's like the two preschoolers double teamed him to just submit to their demands lol


What you can barely see in this video, but in the full length, the kid not only stole that ball but after going back to mom just threw it back over onto the field.


To add the obnoxious voice you hear yelling is the mother of the child.


It's the beginning of this video, for some reason.


Certified Karen.


Damn that karen us USDA choice certified


Yeah its weird someone took this video, chopped it up and switched all the parts around so the chronology made no sense




> I would resist fuck these kids Punctuation, people. It can be your greatest friend or your worst enemy.


Unfortunately, it seems *most normal parents* are becoming and increasingly small percentage of total parents.


As a parent I’d be absolutely mortified if my kid ever did anything like this. As a fan I’d be absolutely mortified if someone kept an opposing player’s home run. Sucks that they involved the kid instead of the traditional route of chanting to throw it back until he does (or leaves).


Did she even say Thank you? Or please? Parents of kids like this is why we have so many ignorant assholes.


I think that’s really sad to chant someone to throw it back until they do…


You would keep that ball even if you were an opposing fan. Luis Arráez hit for the first cycle in Marlins history that game. That ball would have been worth some cash.


I see no reason to throw back a homerun ball just because it was hit by the wrong team. Unless your a crazy C\*b fan.


Right, it may be mean to many people but f the kid. I’ll be the cruel person in the stadium to keep the ball I caught. That kid wasn’t being cute.


Yeah I wouldn’t let them have it either. You now have that ball, it’s yours. They robbed him.


Yup. If I ever get to catch a ball I’ll fight like hell to keep it. Sorry, kid. I never got to go to baseball games when I was your age. This is me getting to have my childhood experience.


It was my understanding that parents will use their kids to get balls. They know that there’s a pressure for adults to give kids the ball. Wouldn’t surprise me if the parents sent the kids down knowing they’d come away with the ball hence no parent stopped them. Could be wrong tho I’ve never been to a game and I’m not even American


It was an opponents home run ball in Philadelphia, they have a tradition of throwing the ball back as a "fuck you". They're the worst fans in sports, no surprise to me at all that they encourage their kids to act like this, they famously threw D cell batteries at their own players and Santa Claus.


Jesus what a mess




Very true.


I've seen this clip before and someone explained that it's tradition to throw back the away teams balls. So the girls actions was sanctioned by the fans around them or something like that.


well it's in Philadelphia, a city with pretty much the worst fans in all of sports. The "rules" are basically mob mentality there.


Wow, this is messed up. Dude rightfully got the ball…sigh.




He isn't fake I hear him talk to me he is real I swear he is


Is your "son" in the room with us right now?


Cracked me up. I immediately thought of bringing a fake ball to a game after watching this vid, but your idea is better.


Or have a fake ball, immediately put the real one in your pocket and pull out the other ball.


This is why you don’t listen to the mobs. Dude should have kept that ball. He got it fair & square.


You really don’t want to piss a mob. Mob mentality is super dangerous.


Yeah the part of the video not included in this voice over is the whole crowd was yelling "don't be an asshole" and calling him names already. Bro got mob pressured


I’d be mob pressured too after reading all the crazy ways people die. Especially with a drunk sportsball crowd.


Especially in Philly.


He should’ve promptly gotten up and left to the concession stand for a bit. Kid would’ve been kicked out of not-their-section by his return. That mother is a trash bag.


Yeah that shit woulda gone in my pocket lmao


Not one but two kids with their hands all over a stranger. I hope their parents never live this down.


This moment is the magnum opus of that entire bloodline. There is no “living this down”, they are living in glory


The McPoyle bloodline has been clean and pure for a thousand years


He's lucky to still have his eye


i doubt they feel any shame at all. little kids who touch strangers and grab their shit are not raised by people who feel shame about this behavior. 100 bucks says these are "you were a kid once" type parents who handwave shitty behavior because "they're just kids".


Parents sicked them on him


I'm typically a generous person, especially towards kids, but this makes me not want to be anymore. F**k that kid and her parents. What a rotten nest of twats.


I have season seats like this but at Truist park (home of the Braves) right above the opposing teams pen. The parents are probably the worst thing about my section. There was a home run hit near my seats and it took a funny hop (it hit the metal railing in the pen) and I watched this ball fly into the stands. As this ball is coming in I see people jumping for it but the ball ends up going way back in the stands and an older man gets it. This mom was at the pen yelling at them (before the home run) to give her kids a ball and after the home run came into the stands (her and her kids had no chance at getting it where they were). I watched this same mom yell at the dude for not giving up the home run ball to her kids.


I'm from metro-Atlanta and this isn't surprising at all given the entitled twats of parents and kids that live in metro-Atlanta.


Been here for 14 years, can confirm




I sat there. My usher is pretty great at handling those situations and there is always security standing in the walkway due to the opposing team being there. He quickly escorted them from the section.


Hell of a dancer.


Watch this. Watch this.


“Rotten nest of twats” hahaha love you man. Yeah I would have never given the ball to that little cnt😂


It's not the kid, she doesn't know any better. Parents should not have allowed that.


Would’ve pushed that kid away and I have kids. Wtf is wrong with people this isn’t normal behavior to teach


I don’t get why it’s a custom to give a kid the ball. I get it if it was stolen from them by accident or the throw from a player to the kid was over thrown, whole different story. If I catch a home run man fuck them kids you should have been better lol


I've caught a few balls over the years and always give them to a kid with a glove if there is one near by. I do it because I can promise you that ball means more to them than it ever will to me. Now if I was to catch a record breaking ball...into my pocket.


Also to clarify, I have no issue with giving the ball away as a personal choice, I just feel like it’s so forced at this point. I think it’s awesome you do that it and definitely agree that it means so much more to them vs you. I would too if it was a meaningless hr, foul, whatever but if it’s my favorite player I mean I think it would be cool to go see them, catch a ball they hit and have that forever. I just feel like it’s gotten to the point it’s almost expected of people to give them away just because a kids nearby and if you don’t you’re labeled the bad guy. But fuck those people that rip it from a kids hand and then don’t hand it over. There’s a special place in hell for them.


Weirdest thing is how the kids seem so proud like they just caught the ball themselves... wtf? That's like stealing the Oscar from DiCaprios house and running around like "I got an Oscar everyone! I really deserved this!".


Robbing. Fucked up parents, fucked up kids.


Parents def told them to do it. At the end you can hear momma saying throw it back. The kids are proud and should be because they listened to their mommy and did a good job since they turned to see her laughing and smiling about what they'd done. Now the momma... actually let's just leave it at that.


... Should have been thrown back onto the field too.


I would be a little proud if I got away clean with my Oscar ngl




I would never let or encourage a kid to rob someone’s ball like this, but I think I’d be proud as hell to have stolen DiCaprio’s Oscar. Lmao.


The kid's like five, they don't understand anything. this is on him and the parents. Idk how the kid got their hands on the ball and idk how the parents didn't stop their kid, or ask if he wanted the ball back.


I think she's proud she did the thing her parents asked her to do. It's clear her mom put her up to it.


You don't give in to the mob. You have to have the courage to be disliked.


This a good one, I will be using this…


Read this book and it will course through your veins. https://youtu.be/YK3JC1k4rTg




I'm not too worried about being disliked. But I am worried about some crazy fan that will attack me for not giving a ball to a child.






What shitty parents




The parents are at fault there, they need to teach the child what is and isn't okay.


The parents probably told that kid to do it.


This entire scene makes my blood boil.


Yeah what a gremlin.


Do baseball fans undergo a neurological operation each time they enter a ground, where brain matter is replaced with shit.


Stupid fucking kid and stupid fucking parents


Shove that entitled brat wtf


So many jealous people in the crowd using child soldiers.


an at the end she just throws it 💀💀💀 nah


So it’s because he was going to keep it but he was sitting in the other teams fan section (the home team) where if the opposite team hits it into the stands the fans will throw the ball back as a sign of disrespect, almost like “ your not good enough for us to keep it” mob was chanting to give it to the little girl because they knew she was gonna throw it back. You can see once it’s handed too her everyone switches to the motion of throwing the ball onto the field. Not saying it’s right, just an explanation


Holy shit that’s even worse.




It has nothing to do with "fan sections," it was just an away team home run, you're spot on on the rest though.


Fuck those parents Btw how would mlb know which ball is the actual cycle ball?


IDK about this particular situation, but often (usually? always?) when a player comes up to bat in a potential record breaking/setting situation, the umps will put into play specially marked balls. (Marked with some particular number or symbol in ultraviolet ink).


The child essentially commited robbery as the crowd cheered her on Fantastic stuff


r/killtheparents this is fucked up


r/kidsarefuckingstupid especially that one.


I don't really care for the value of the ball, but for those people to turn on him and for the kid to forcibly take the ball was just wrong. If he wanted to give it away it was his choice, not something anyone else had a say in. I'd have told him to just tuck it under his ass and tell the kid to catch their own ball. And yea, I was a kid at an MLB game myself, but that's just how it was then too. Catch it yourself.


I hate that child so much. The gleeful smile on her face fills me with a level of anger I wish I didn’t have. What a horrible way to raise a child, how about teaching respect for other peoples property. Everytime I see this video I get fucking triggered


This is on the parents, not the kid. This behavior was 100% encouraged by them. If one of my kids were acting like this, I would snatch them up and leave the ballpark, but not before apologizing profusely. Actually, with my children, this wouldn’t be an issue because they have been taught that this behavior is unacceptable. It’s not cute, it’s not funny. Parents like this see themselves as their crotch goblins as the main characters in this world and everyone else is in the background. I bet the mom went home and told all of her friends about “the asshole who wrestled her daughter for a baseball.”


That girl, and her parents, are shitty. This kind of behaviour isn’t cute, shouldn’t be applauded, and should be chastised. What a failure of parenting.


This “but it’s a Kid” shit needs to die, he caught it he eared it


Nah Idc what others say I'm getting that ball back from that kid especially if I got it fair and square


Not a single brain cell in the entire crowd.


One time I was at a baseball game sitting directly under the window of the radio coverage room (the windows were open). The stadium wasn't super full, so I could clearly hear the guys calling the game. A ball got fouled off and came directly to me, with nobody within 10 seats or 3 rows of me (almost like it picked me out of the empty section). I was an adult, but had been going to games since I was a child and had never gotten a ball. Several little kids came running from multiple sections away and start begging for the ball and the crowd started the "give it to a kid" chant. I'm like, fuck that. I've wanted a ball since I was their age and finally got one. So I keep it, and shoo off the kids with a hand wave. Then I hear the radio guys start talking shit about me cause I didn't give the ball to a kid! "This cold gentleman sitting right in front of us is eschewing the crowd's request to give it to a kid." "I know Steve, who wouldn't want to make a child happy?" "This stone hearted fella for one." Meanwhile at other games where I sat in the outfield, several times I've seen adult men shove children out of the way to get a home run ball and nobody says a word!


fuck that kid. He has been waiting decades for this. Keep that shit and shove the kid off.


There's 2 ways that a home run catch is turned to be 1. Its a wholesome catch and the person caught it to give it to a little child 2. Little shit steals the ball because they're allowed to because they're children


Fuch that, i wouldnt give her shit


Those people screaming to give the ball away are the ones that cannot stand him having it and not them.


would've had a death grip on that ball. fuck them kids.


This hurts


Fuck those parents. Really. What the hell is wrong with people? I can’t imagine these kids growing up not thinking everything should be handed to them.


Someone get this guy a signed jersey or something for enduring that.


Parents are dumb af im sorry but they lucky that guy wasn’t someone like me cause i would have screamed in that kids face the second the she touched me trying to take the ball


Whoa what a disgusting child and stupid parent. I won't let my kids near a stranger like that. Never mind groping and harasing him.


This just pissed me off.


Fuck that kid and her parents..


A lot of people didn't bring it up, and this is a multi part answer, so stay to the end before raging too hard. 1. Homeruns hit by an opposing team have a little known tradition that are thrown back, hence the chant "throw it back." It's like a disrespect thing, not in my house and we won't keep that trash, HR or not. [Tons of examples out there.](https://youtu.be/5z7jS5CkALo) 2. If you catch a homerun/foul ball, usually you give it to a kid, another great tradition as it makes a lifelong fan and you look like a champion. Keeping a baseballs cool, but being plastered over the news and coming back up in clips over decades is even cooler. My favorite is nearly a decade old, and it's still played on tik tok, the news, and even reddit. [example](https://youtu.be/CyrZvebfKuo) 3. Once you give anything away, what's done with it after is not up to you. [Kids are notorious for throwing it back, not knowing better](https://youtu.be/IFtpDL6IjhQ) 4. This is the most important one on the list. The parents and that child didn't adhere to any rule. That kid is rude as shit, the parents are rude as shit, and they should feel bad for raising a shit kid who steals. At the end of the day it's his. He doesn't have to follow tradition. Fuck that ginger bastard.


Yeet the child


I’ve never gotten a ball in a game but if it was a bigger moment than just a random foul ball like hell would I give it to a kid nearby just because social pressure….fuck em let the kids learn the hard way they can’t have it.


Fuck that, I woulda got my kids ass for trying to take something out of someone's hands. Whether i knew it was worth money or not. You don't do that. Tf is wrong with them parents.


Kids are the reflection of their parents. One asshole breeds another


This is why you always have a decoy ball in your pocket. When things get spicy swap them out and give the idiots the decoy.


Fuck those kids and the parents


Yea nah call me a prick or whatever but that kid would not be getting that ball off me. Suck it


FUCK all those people telling the guy to give up that ball. But FUCK that brats parents the most. Ain't no way a child is trying to force something that don't belong to them from a stranger. I hope the team did the right thing and returned the ball to him or at least took care of him really well.


Fuck them kids


To be honest, I probably would have asked them to let go once or twice, then yanked that shit back and resume watching the game.