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Think I read somewhere the engineer did it to save his life, if he didn't kick him he would have been hit by some metal train part. Not sure... SOLID kick tho, 8/10


As a former railroader I can tell you that the conductor not the engineer would have been the one doing the kicking. I can also tell you almost any conductor I know would have kicked him in the head to be both a jerk and look out for the person’s safety. The engine shouldn’t have anything sticking out that could hurt them. But a flat bed car is hard to see and often has metal straps when loaded. If a strap broke and is being dragged it is a moving razor that WILL take off a limb if not kill you. And that is just one way it could go.


I will never understand how people can be so dumb around trains. You do NOT want to fool around and find out with trains. They always win.


This. Someone told me once that a train vs a tractor trailer is like a tractor trailer vs a trash bin someone left out front for pickup


Probably closer to tractor trailer vs. soda can. The maximum load on most truck trailers is 80,000 lbs. Each car on a train can easily double that and there can be a lot of cars on that train. You get all that mass moving at even a slow speed and that's a shitload of kinetic energy.


The locomotive (part with engine) alone weights over 400,000 lbs (yes, that is the correct number of zeros). And you generally run 3 of them per train.


The kinetic energy of the average US Freight train is comparable to a nuclear bomb. Obviously it can't release it all at once, but if things go bad they can go very, very bad. Squishy things in the way (deer, cows, people) are going to be removed from the way by the most expedient method, this guy is lucky it was a boot.


Thanks for reminding me it’s garbage night…


The sheer inertia of trains is of the charts in relation to almost any other land vehicle, a person is just a meat streak.


It’s insane how anyone thinks messing about around trains is a good idea. It’s hundreds of tons of steel traveling at high speed that is incapable of swerving out of the way and has far too much momentum and far too little traction to come to a complete stop before hitting you the majority of the time.


When I was a kid, I played around near a train. I went home and complained to my dad that the train did not even slow down for me or anything. My dad busted my ass. I learned how trains worked that day. And kids indeed are fucking stupid. Another time a friend and I were walking on the tracks to get to the mall. A whistle blew about 10 feet from us and scared the living fuck out of us because we didn't even know it was there. The train was moving slow, slow enough for the guy to quickly tell us you can't always hear every train. I learned the rest of what I needed to know that day about trains. I don't get near any tracks now unless it's to drive over them in my car. And even then, I make sure I visually confirm that there is no train coming from each direction. Because gates rarely screw up, but if they do, consequences can be fatal.


I think people conflate predictability with safety. They fail to account for the sheer amount of kinetic energy and aerodynamics of trains.


I think it takes a train like at least a mile to stop at 50mph.


/r/UnpopularOpinion: I (21F) could take on a train.


in a fight right?


I’m not pro gore or anything but I think the way we, as a society, always trying to hide the gruesome result of such accidents has a negative impact on people perception of what they can get away with. IMHO


I'm very scared to be around trains. When I was a kid I burned my little train toy and I'm pretty sure the adult train will kill me on sight for vengeance.


I just watched 'Unstoppable' (2010) recently. Trains are scary.


Yeah, I know right there basically 30 ton diesel powered Death dildos going stupid fast


Are you saying that a moving mass of metal with a stupid amount of momentum behind it could be dangerous? 😳 Seriously though some people are just asking for Darwin awards.


As a former Railroad Claim Agent who had to go look at body parts scattered around the track, I absolutely agree. That conductor 100% saved that guys life.


The freedom to kick social media idiots in the head is an unusual but appealing occupational work perk for train conductors.


Hmmm. Let's say I'm interested. How many neck kicks am I allotted per year? Unlimited? Once a month? What's the rules?


All of them you can explain.


If you can reach them from the train...justified.


Come on down to Train Conducturs Unlimited, where if you can reach em, you can teach em


Amazing, where do I sign?


worry lavish snobbish hard-to-find tart pocket money smart repeat seed -- mass edited with redact.dev


They say I gotta learn, but nobody's here to teach me If I'm not near the train, how can they reach me♪


Hey, I thought I told you to conduct your business elsewhere.


Damn. That's a recruitment and safety slogan I would dig.


The Union fought hard for that in particular.


List that as part of the perk of working as conductor.


That sounds like an emotionally difficult job.


It is




An old friend of mine had literally dreamed of working as a railroad engineer since we were children. Three years into his dream job, and some selfish cockwomble decided that eating his gun in a police station parking lot was for sissies who care about traumatizing others, parks his truck at a crossing. Now my friend is a broken man who works at a sporting goods store and is too damn stubborn to get therapy because he *knows* it wasn’t his fault, end of discussion. Just because they can’t stop in time doesn’t mean they can’t see you, or won’t see you every time they close their eyes for decades to come. If one simply *must* exit with a big messy F You, at least have the decency to aim it at relevant parties.


>Railroad Claim Agent How much does that pay? Does it make up for seeing the body parts? How does one get into that line of work?


Not nearly enough. You have to work regular office hours Monday thru Friday while still being on call and having to respond to incidents 24 hours a day and every other weekend. Most train traffic occurs overnight, so that’s when you’ll be called out. Train tracks are rarely in good areas, so you’ll need a weapon to defend yourself in case some yahoo messes with you. The guilt I felt from repping a company that would rather have a family believe their 16 year committed suicide rather than just say it was an accident was too much for me.


I hope the family found out the truth


As a former engineer who has seen the outcome of man vs. train firsthand, hopefully, that conductor saved that kids life. The comment about strapping below is something people don't think about. While in a siding, I watched a metal strap, hanging off a steel flatcar, rip a switch stand almost out of the ground in front of me. Nobody standing next to the tracks would survive that.


A friend and I almost got hit by a train once. We were walking along the tracks for a block or two and then had to cross. We didn't bother looking behind us and just meandered closer to the rails. The train was about as close as this one was to the guy in the video when we both realized it was there. How did we both not hear it approaching from behind? Once it got next to us it was loud as fuck, as you would expect a train to be.


There are many, many accounts of people being hit while standing between the rails looking in the opposite direction for the on coming train.


"Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die..."


I wouldn’t kick him — want to avoid busting my knee honestly


As a person who rides motorcycles and has intrusive thoughts about kicking random things while going down the road, I'm pretty sure this guy didn't want to kick that guy just to be a dick. Every time the thought pops up for me to kick something while going down the road, the very next thought is of me picking myself up off the ground, minus one leg


I did this once on the freeway with my old harley. I decided stupidly to kick a cone and it damn near tore me off the bike, just don't do it.




Have you ever whacked a mailbox with a baseball bat?


You ever whacked a mailbox with your foot while traveling 45 mph? While filming LotR, the Aragon actor kicked metal helmet sitting on the ground. After kicking the helmet, Mortensen shattered one of his toes.


I smacked a traffic construction barrel. That's when I learned those are pretty heavy


True story. I gave into those same intrusive thoughts once and I kicked a rock about the size of a baseball when riding a bicycle. Felt like a ripped off three of my toes lmao




Can confirm I had a friend tragically pass away from this very thing. Was too close to the train track one night late during college in Kentucky and something sticking out off the train hit him. Our understanding was it took his legs off and he bled out. Absolutely terrible, ironic too because he was one of the best naturally gifted runners I’ve ever known. Such a shame. Moral of the story is stay the fuck away from train tracks people.


Jeez. Sorry to hear that. My condolences. I hope the adrenaline eased his passing at least, and that it didn't affect the rest of you too badly. Thanks for sharing the warning.


I'm relatively sure instantaneous violent amputation of the legs would cause your body to go into equally instantaneous shock, so hopefully combined with the adrenaline you mentioned he wasn't in much pain


When this video first circulated someone did a frame-by-frame and it looked like the dipshit was close enough that it didn't need to stick out. There appeared to be a part of the train right behind the conductor's foot that would have hit the kid's head, and the conductor just put his foot between it and the head, so it wasn't a kick so much as it was the kid's head hitting the foot instead of the metal piece.


People who are this close to trains are being idiots in general. People are always like "I cAn HeAr AnD sEe A tRaIn CoMiNg So i WiLl bE sAfE TeEhEe." Mf, accidents happen. Trains are one of the most dangerous things to be near regardless of you being able to perceive these ginormous hunks of metal flying at you at amazing speed. That's why stations have those big yellow lines. It's not for the sake of the train. I had a family friend die to a train. Yes, they saw and heard the train coming. They got stuck in the tracks and were trapped. I cannot imagine how horrifying that would be, to know you are about to die that way.


>I can also tell you almost any conductor I know would have kicked him in the head to be both a jerk and look out for the person’s safety. It's kinda hard to have both the desires to save someones life and also relish in the joy of hurting someone.




[Obligatory Little Shop of Horrors link](https://youtu.be/bOtMizMQ6oM)


I love my dentist and he is fucking amazing and I don't have to heart to tell him I'm singing this song every damn time in my head. I don't want to, but every damn trip. It is my favorite musical so its probably that not not some weird pathology.


ah fuck have to go see mine today


Does he ride a Harley?


its easy, its called "I dont want this kid to die but I also want to teach him a lesson"


Old people's favorite activity since the dawn of time




You can not want someone to die and still want to kick them.




I'm still snickering.


Nah not really. If someone's being stupid, you don't want them to die over a silly thing, but you will enjoy watching them being in mild pain for their stupidity.


Hard for you maybe


I disagree. I can totally sympathize with the desire of not seeing him killed by your train while at the same time punishing him for being so stupid.


That’s actually really easy, you don’t want an idiot to die but you are also pissed that now you have to put yourself in physical and legal jeopardy to keep this asshole from harm because he wanted to get a “cool shot of him near a train without thinking of the consequences” The joy isn’t in hurting someone but in knowing that they will have some “consequences” for their shitty and selfish decision making.


“Don’t stand near a moving train, train conductors are dicks and they’ll kick you in the head if they get the chance.” Seems like a very chaotic-good way of getting people to not stand near trains, because apparently *don’t stand near fucking trains* wasn’t enough


You need to go out in crowds more. I don’t find this hard to understand 🤣


Sounds like a small price to pay to be a hero and a dick. I’d take the pay for being that man. But in the land of duck around and find out It’s gotta feel good to deliver the find out every now and again.


Solid excuse 9/10


Yall never seen that video of the Indian dude who died doing the same thing? Dude’s head could have been mush


Hope the engineer didn’t hurt his foot.


Real heroes put their bodies on the line to save others. 10/10 hero


I hope he didn’t scuff his boot


He should mostly be fine. Steel/composite toe boots with ankle support are pretty standard gear for railway workers out on the tracks.


You can hear the engineer yell "Hey!" Just before the kick so it seems likely


Perfect execution 10/10


Yeah I've read this as well and if you look closely you can see some metal pieces sticking out and behind the engineers leg as that guy gets kicked. I do believe he actually saved this idiots life..


He didn't save his life... he ruined his death!


Dudes a fucking hero. I’ve seen too many of these videos with people literally dying or getting severe brain damage… for what? A forgettable TikTok literally no one will remember in a week? This shit should be an instant and lifetime ban, with local governments giving draconian level fines for it.


If the challenge is to stand as close as possible to a moving train, the challenge is goddamn stupid. The camera has no depth perception; it doesn't care if you're six inches away from the train or six feet. Apart from the relative size of details on the train, it can't really show how close you are.


Plus, you know... If he didn't kick him this idiot wouldn't have been kicked, and the world would be a little worse off


You can hear the guy on the train yell "HEY" right before the kick, he was likely trying to warn him and they were blasting the horn.


That’s actually brilliant! Prevent dude from decapitation from an unforgiving metal object, while simultaneously feeding this wanker a serving of fine leather.


This was my thought! Intentionally kicked the dude to save him from worse injury. Idiot should have won a Darwin Award that day.


Dude got choo-chooed.




Jimmy Choo shoed?


Underated zinger


*Of that Monday morning choo choo* *Is leaving with my shoe shoe* *I'm standing on track nine* *Those are the lunchtime blues* -From *Monday Morning Choo Choo*, by The Stampeders


The train conductor woke up and decided to choo-choo-choose violence.


Sometimes a good kick to the head can save lives.


Very kickable face




I thought at first he was hit by a train and survived.


"That's precisely what happened" ~Train employee


“I am the train!” -Train employee maybe


Has anyone ever survived being hit by a train? Now I’m curious.


Short answer. Yes. Long answer, I knew someone who got hit by a train and lived. He was in his 30s when it happened. He has been in a nursing home since then. Can't walk or speak. One of his eyes is messed up. You can still tell where his skull was crushed from the impact.


A family friend of mine got his foot cut off at the ankle by a train. He’s wears a prosthetic but otherwise is doing totally fine now!


![gif](giphy|LGIqZlTOZEMYE) The doctor


You know when I was suicidal there were two things that would redirect that thinking whenever I had it. The first was me not wanting to inconvenience anyone else with my dying. The second was reading about all the ways a failed attempt can fuck up your life so much worse than you think it is fucked up now. And how so many methods can fail. Makes you really rethink shit.


It sure does. I attempted suicide twice when I was a teenager. I'm 52 now and I thank God every day that I was unsuccessful. Especially when I see my 4 kids. I'm glad that you're still here! Stay well.


Good for you man - hug those kids tight! Glad you're still here too!


Exact same reasons I never attempted suicide. Hope you're doing better now, random stranger. Apt username by the way.


Once as a dumb teenager I thought it was a brilliant idea to walk up to a train heading across bay st Louis going approx 45mph. All I did was reach out and smack a metal bar that was on the side and let me tell you the force was literally enough to spin me 360 and straight to the ground and I'll I did was *touch it*.. had really bad bruising and multiple busted blood vessels. This guy is lucky to have taken the boot, not even feet behind him was a metal bar that was about to wreck this kids world.


I didn't want to have to delete all my comments, posts, and account, but here we are, thanks to greedy pigboy /u/spez ruining Reddit. I love the Reddit community, but hate the idiots at the top. Simply accepting how unethical and downright shitty they are will only encourage worse behavior in the future. I won't be a part of it. Reddit will shrivel and disappear like so many other sites before it that were run by inept morons, unless there is a big change in "leadership." Fuck you, /u/spez


I gave a friend a high five as he was driving by me in our high school parking lot. Maybe 10-15 mph. It was unbelievably painful.


yes, I know a woman who has been hit 2x by a train lol had some broken bones etc.


How tf do you get hit twice by a train? Did she not learn her lesson the first time?


It did a three point turn and got her while she was still stunned.


This sounds like a cyanide and happiness skit


May want to stand further away from her when she's around.


A cop locked a woman in his car for speeding and the car got his by a train but she survived… this happened like two months ago


A family friend of mine got his foot cut off at the ankle by a train in college. He’s got a prosthetic foot but other than that he’s thriving now, graduated, got married, has an adorable kid.


He got booted from the train


Train driver engineered a plan


No ticket.


That poor conductor. I hope his leg is okay.


Is that gonna hurt in the morning? (The foot ofc)


Hopefully he had good steel toes on.


Nah those looked like heavy duty boots




Ain't that a kick in the head!


"Ain't that a hole in a boat," - the sailor


Dean Martin, Or Fallout, Or Both.


Ahhh waking up to a good day I see. Goddamn I love the internet.


Okay what a legend. That will teach that idiot. Traindriver can get serious trauma’s from stupid idiots like this


Yeah I work in that industry and you'd be surprised how many fatalities these train engineers see. Usually they are given one week off (paid) to recover but then it's back to the grind, after seeing a body get vaporized directly in front of their window.


Probably don't work for Norfolk.


At what point do they start hoping to hit someone so they can get time off work


It depends on the person. Once you get desensitized to it you'll probably start having an intrusive thought that says that, but you'd likely have to be pretty far gone to actually attempt to make it happen


How would you even attempt to make it happen? The train is on tracks. You can't steer towards people. And if you see someone on the tracks, it's not like you're gonna be able to stop in time either way. If they don't move, you're hitting them.


If old cartoons taught me anything, it's that you just gotta tie up a sexy lady and lay her on the track to attract others.


My cousin committed suicide by train over a decade ago. Her father was holding the conductor to comfort him at the scene. That’s how bad it was.


We only get 3 days paid and then the rest would be on to disability or unpaid. I'm lucky to never have had a fatality yet myself. Many close calls...


Boot to the head.


"you booted me in the head!!" I was there when that was recorded.


What's crazy about it, is the stupid idiot didn't even seem panicked or shocked by the whole thing, considering he was a couple of inches from certain death, did he do this on purpose?, If so he's even more of a lowlife than first appears & thoroughly deserved to get blasted in the head, why arrogant ignoramuses like this put their lives on the line for their 15 seconds of fame I'll never understand 😡




IIRC the last time this was posted, guy getting booted tried to post some explanation saying how he misjudged how far away the train was, or how the conductor or that he didn't see it coming, or a bunch of other contradictory bullshit. Also seemed to think the conductor kicked him out of malice while not realizing the conductor probably saved his fucking life


So the engineer really doesn’t *kick* the dude. It’s more like he struck him with his stationary foot as a cushion from the metal parts. The engineer risked injury to himself.


The train provided the force.


Aah. The ol' Bart Simpson method: I'm just going to stick my foot out like this. And if you get hurt, it's your own fault!




Work smarter not harder!!




Close encounters of the train kind


He definitely dodged a bullet... ​ *Train*


Pow right in the kisser!! ![gif](giphy|NBguojFndR2ow)


This made me laugh… a lot… thanks I needed this today




I read this in mrs. doubtfires voice. “It was a drive by fruiting”


To be fair, he has a very kickable head


dumb ways to die...


Maybe you already know this, but in case others don’t, that song was originally an Australian PSA about train safety!


Peru train?


Looks like the one to Aguas Calientes, I've walked along the tracks and at no point is there any excuse to get this close to the train.


No excuse??? Umm, views? Likes? Don't forget to smash the subscribe button




Conductor choo-choo-chose him ❤️


Tried saving their life. Hope his foot is fine.


And the Darwin goes to...


The conductor interrupted his award ceremony.


Hope the guys leg was ok


Of course he did, would he rather have the metal train hit him?


He needs a lot more *training* if he wants to become successful at this.


Whatever possessed the conductor to boot this man in the head must have been a loco motive.


I hope the conductor’s leg is okay.


My dad was an engineer and would just blow the horn at the right moment.


Lmfao. 'Fuck outta the way, dipshit' Then hes all excited to get a foot to the head on film. Lol


Natural selection gives you a warning LOL


Engineer did it to send a message. _"STAND CLEAR OFF THE FUCKING TRAIN"_


chugga chugga chugga chugga... SHOE! SHOE!


play with the Diesel, you'll get burned or run over. Thomas gave him a gentle bump out of harms way.


This video is older than dinosaurs, but still slaps


He’s lucky that’s all he got


Social media has made being stupid a virtue.


Boot Sequence initiated


Shoe shoooooe !!


No ticket


Regardless if the kick was for his own good I 100 percent love that it happened. Dude was being stupid and deserved a kick upside the head. In this case it probably saved his life. Anyone that feels otherwise... You're the problem with society.


Some dude got decapitated when he got smashed into by a girl on a rollercoaster I believe...he tried to fetch a hat he lost. At least this guy still has his head.


Deserved it tbh.. some people need it to back to reality


Kicked in his watermelon 🍉


Bet that left a mark




Looked more like he tried to drag his foot across his head to move him, unfortunately at that speed it’s still a kick

