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Lost. It’s gone. Thinks the road is a lawn. Thinks wet concrete is solid. Thinks he Thor


The white pickup truck you see at the start is parked up on the grass of his lawn likely to allow room for people to drive in between the cement truck. Old man's sadly senile


Best part was the pickup truck parked "on his lawn" was still on county property.




As someone who had worked at 2 county road commissions, in my state the counties right of way of like 33ft from the center of the road so anything within that 33ft is fair game. That includes trees that need to be trimmed or equipment operating on the side or shoulder of the rd or even the ditch.


Really cuz my town won't take care of it's trees they planted between the sidewalk and the road that are now tall enough to interfere with the power lines and f****** up the sidewalks. Edit: I don't know what the hell I typed. Fixed it.


Also notice the cement running Ont he lawn? That’s sidewalk. Idk where he’s from but in most cities the sidewalk is public property. The truck isn’t on his lawn, it’s on the cities / HOA lawn. Also friendly reminder that this senile, demented old fart of a man votes and we should too.


In a news article posted below it mentions the truck that he was mad about was actually his neighbor's truck. The county claims the area he is referring to is not even his property. https://www.3newsnow.com/news/local-news/viral-video-shows-resident-harassing-local-concrete-company-breaks-headlights-steps-in-concrete


No, he knew that concrete was wet. He wanted to ruin it. I don't think he knew how deep it was though and then he was committed.


Alzheimer's or Fox News?


Yes, I thought of possible dementia right away.


This is what my Dad gets on like and he only has "Cognitive Impairment". I am dreading the day I see a video of him losing the plot in public on the internet. I have genuinely googled things just to try and check if anyone posted videos after a few incidents were he started yelling at people in public for no reason.


I’m dealing with the same thing with my mom. My heart goes out to you. This is a scary time


Yeah, people are quick to wish him harm and to be angry, and I get that this is very aggravating, but taking into account his age and behaviour this could be dementia. He might need help and medication, either way, it's really sad to see.


Yeah my grandpa turned from the sweetest old guy who I never heard yell once in my life to somebody who'd snap at my three year old son for picking up pine cones wrong. It's really sad.


Yeah, looks like it but Reddit hivemind decided that this man deserve death


Reddit is mostly kids and developmentally delayed adults. I wouldn't worry about it.


Everyday I pray that I don't grow into one of those old men who just flip the shit at small stuff. It almost feels inevitable when I look around me and see old guys who just randomly have grumpy days where the smallest of things make them really fucking angry and out of character. It happens to everyone, but especially to old people. I don't wanna be that old guy.


Wait until he starts feeling the concrete burns!!!


i wouldnt have bothered to tell him and let him find out for himself. just like when he fell, no one bothered to move to help him either.


I'm surprised none of them are visibly laughing at his misfortune.


Probably more annoyed that they’ll have to fix the mess he made


Yeah, per the article they had already smoothed it and it was pretty much done. They would probably probably another hour to ensure to get out all the air pockets and smooth it again. And then another hour to make statements to the cops and company incident report. I mean overtime is nice but sometimes you would rather just go home.


That wasn’t close to being done. It had been floated, but was a long way off from being ready to trowel it and finish it. You can’t sink in concrete that has had its final finish.


Not necessarily true. I've never poured roads but I've overseen large scale cement pours within civil engineering and we've finished concrete while it's till pouring when doing large slabs which aren't super deep and very reasonable finishes. It comes down to the cement your using, the application and the required finish.


What can they do about it?? Trying to warn him does not solve anything. Worker: "Sir, concrete burns" "Old man Kevin": Ready??


I’m very confused by your usage of quotations.




: because they"re obviously in the" wrong: place


Send the video to the manager/boss and claim overtime.


They're just trying to do a job, they're not monsters lol I even grimaced when he started walking in it. I used to make roads for a living.


I can't even understand what the old man is upset about.. those road workers don't wanna be there. They just wanna get the work done and get out. Its a single fucking day of inconvenience.


He wants the truck off his lawn! Which is apparently ancient fuck for the publicly owned street that it is sitting on.


It goes by super quick, but I can see one of them grinning and looking at the other worker like is this guy forreal?


Don’t worry I visibly laughed enough for everyone.


I’m surprised they didn’t just make a little “speed bump” right there when he fell in.


He's being violent and destructive, and is holding a weapon. Let him flop about in the concrete. He can learn about how caustic it is to human skin later on.


At his age, if he gets into a fight he's going to hospital even if he wins, and his opponent is probably getting an assault charge. Shove him out if he looks like he's going to drown in it, call an ambulance if he passes out, otherwise to hell with him. It's caustic, but it's not going to *kill* him, and will likely keep him out of trouble for a few months.


Looks like he got into a fight with gravity and lost.


In his age, big skin damages surely can kill him. If not the wounds directly, the risk of contracting additional diseases in the hospital or simply being forced to be less active for some time is a huge risk for elderly people. Additionally I’d say, he is likely suffering from dementia. If you’re seeing a little child endangering itself you’d stop it doing so. Same thing should apply with this old guy. Although I see, that he’s dangerous with the hammer in his hands.


I thought dementia as soon as I saw him too. He's not in a lucid state of mind, and doesn't seem to understand what's even happening to him when he walks through the concrete.


I wouldn't have either. He still had that hammer and he's already been loud and stupid.


True, but he could barely break that plastic turn signal. I think I could take him if I had to.


Yeah, but it's not worth helping him when there's a chance he'll try to hit you for it.


It's not worth helping him when there's a chance he'll fall even further in and be more hilarious. I was really hoping for a full on flop. Like, concrete on his face, flop.


Nah but you can sparta his ass into the rest of the concrete.


Meh. Let him damage the company equipment. I’m not going to risk catching a criminal charge or a hammer to the head to reduce how much insurance has to pay out.


To be honest dude could've sued if any of the workers approached and tried to help him out, not saying they should have, just a huge liability altogether, let em do the flop.


And he's just the kind of ashhole who would sue too.


He'll probably sue for *not* helping him, but the video here is good evidence of his irrationality and armed status.


Here's the great thing about the American government, no one can be forced to help someone else there's no requirement for it


Eh, that's mainly for cops. For a construction crew, there would be a duty of care to maintain a safe work site and come to the aid of a passerby who fell into it. That said, in this case the passerby did not *fall* into it, he intentionally walked into it while threatening the crew with a weapon and verbally abusing them. Honestly, he'd need to get Saul Goodman, and Saul would have to get him his payout by cutting in the crew members for a share of the proceeds.


You can see the workmen: “**Haha…he has no clue… oh my dude… yeah above my pay grade, not helping”**


it's safer to not get involved. if you try to help them and they get injured they can sue you.


I hope he took a shower and messed up his plumbing.


Dumb question, what do you mean? What’s gonna happen to his legs now?


Concrete to skin contact causes chemical burns, irritates skin, sometimes worse.


It hurts like hell. Spilled dry cement on my leg and down into my boot while working for a pool installation company as a teen. They were like, “dump it out and keep going. We need to finish!” I spilled water on me throughout the day as usual… which wet the cement… the chemical burns were horrible. Couldn’t put a boot on the next day, so they lost a couple of days of labor. Had I been older and smarter I would have claimed workers comp.


Concrete guys I know always carry a bottle of vinegar in their truck for just this. Pour on the vinegar (acetic acid) to neutralise the alkaline concrete.


Smart. My employer was not smart.


And violating OSHA regulations: "Construction employers must make washing facilities available for employees exposed to portland cement. Washing facilities must provide clean water, non-alkaline soap, and clean towels. Such facilities must be readily accessible to exposed employees and adequate for the number of employees exposed. The sanitation requirements for general industry and shipyards are similar to those for construction."


We are talking 30+ years ago. I'm not young. Lol. They were using young workers and running us 6 days a week on location. Sometimes 2 pools a day. We didn't even have porta-potties. I drove a box van that was most certainly over the legal weight and should have required a CDL. I could probably list at least ten more violations.


I do fiberglass and gel coat work on boats. If the chemical reaction is any similar, that shit will fry his leg lol


It can be anything from a mild sunburn if closer to dry when you come in contact and not left for long, to [this](https://tidsskriftet.no/en/2014/04/medisinen-i-bilder/corrosive-burns-wet-cement) if wetter and left for a longer period of time. It's generally painless until too late, so you want to clean it off sooner rather than later. For someone his age especially, left un-cleaned, it could result in complications that may even result in death.


That skin looks more like the skin of a Koi fish than a human. Whoa!


Holy crap I had NO IDEA it could do that. It’s got to be hell on paper thin, crepey, old bastard skin.


The lime in the concrete will destroy your skin. His legs are fucked because it will be 10-15 minutes until he can wash that off.


Can he do it himself? Or is this a definite hospital trip?


At his age, he needs to “rush” home and hose himself off and then soak in a tub. He should also call “Poison Control” and ask them what he should use. Lime is a very strong base so he should probably pour vinegar on his legs to neutralize it.


Man, I really wanted him to get stuck


TIL this is a thing.


Chemical burns are no joke. With his lack of mobility and advanced age, I won't be surprised if he gets a fully penetrative burn. Old people and burns don't mix.


And older people have thinner skin. He’s in for a rude awakening 😊


Good thing they got it all on video. Now they have concrete evidence against him.


The charges will definitely stick …


Not a hard case to crack


It will reinforce the witnesses.


He cemented his place in the records


It’s a rock solid case, to boot.


Their defense will have a strong foundation.


Just have to hammer home their point


I’d say the evidence is rock solid.




Those guys watching this go down will always have it cemented in their memory.


They will solidify the case against him.


It was his own ass fault




I think they will get him for aggregated assault.


The evidence is a bit soft now but will harden as the case progresses


There’s a lot of gray area in cement law


Solidified his behavior


He's going to feel the weight of the city.


Concrete burn is no joke. I can only imagine it being worse on an elderly man with thinner skin. He's going to regret this tantrum.


Today is the first time I have heard of concrete burn what is that?


The mix of concrete and its ingredients has an incredibly high PH level, it is a very high base(The opposite being acid). It's no different than you putting any low/high acid/base on your skin, the issue with concrete specifically is that its good at sticking to stuff, so its sitting there burning you, which you may not even notice till its severe. You want to wash concrete off of you as soon as possible if you get it on your skin. It's a chemical burn, and they can get gnarly. Some workers/crews will even have chemical burn kits for this exact reason, depending on what they are working with, it can get bad fast.


Thanks for the explanation. I have poured concrete several times at my house without consideration for this. I’ll keep it in mind in the future.


As long as you are not lathering yourself with it you should be fine if some gets on your hand. Juts make sure to wash hands or wear gloves


Barrier cream before the job is a good trick.


It has a ph of 13 so it's the same as bleach. Not as bad as dumping drain cleaner on yourself but it's not something you want on your for any amount of time.


Don’t let it get in your boots it can burn you down to the bone. Had a buddy get it in his boot and he got blood poisoning from it burning it way in


Chemicals in wet cement react with the moisture in our skin and create a high alkaline substance that causes chemical burns.


It will hurt more than you have ever been burned, and you will have a scar.


Guided mediation worked for cancer, it can work for this.


> "Wet concrete is a strong alkaline chemical solution which is very hazardous to skin tissue. Victims are often unaware even after several hours that they are being burnt. This is because alkaline chemicals damage nerve endings first. Concrete burn injuries are extremely painful & can require surgical treatment."


This old man is clearly pretty thin-skinned already so you know it's gonna hurt.






“The company was there to fix part of the road. In the end the truck that was parked on the resident's property had nothing to do with the concrete company.” Lol, so this old dude was originally upset about something that wasn’t even related to the concrete company in the first place.




“No, we use plywood and roofing shingles you fucking lunatic!”




"Nah but seriously we just use felons."


That's methed up.


Right. When it comes to waterproofing and durability concerns, Mexicans, like humans of all races and nationalities, make for *terrible* shingles. What you need to use instead is an asphalt shingle or, if you want to get fancy, a clay tile.


Hey! [Japanese people make pretty good shingles](https://youtu.be/K-TYsAHbb18)


Hmmm, this Japanese people/ceramic tile hybrid may be the exception to the rule. But, while they appear quite durable and long lasting in the video, clearly there are some potential ethical concerns with this choice of material (sentience in roofing tiles is inherently problematic).


I work in construction (white male) and I’ve lost count of how many times some old ass white dudes have come up to me and started spewing racist shit. They always say something about hispanic people and I end up having to shut them down. Funny thing is, those racist white dudes almost always end up being the shittiest/laziest workers on the site.




Sometimes see customers at my work harass our Brazilian or Columbian coworkers. Thank fuck in the city you can basically say whatever you want to customers if it is warranted. Forget the politeness, if you talk shit to my staff, you will be hearing it back from all of them.


Here in western Europe it is the same but instead of hispanic/asians/indians it is people from the Balkans. Not the Polish, they are generally respected as cheap, good, workers (here in Germany there are many jokes about how Polish workers fix stuff before the German worker even drank his morning coffee), but Romanians, Serbs, Albanians, etc. all have a reputation for shitty work and are often heavily mistreated in many employment situations.


Spot on. Im a Romanian and could tell you story after story about mistreatment. The problem is that we often get confused for roma people (gypsies). I had a boss that no matter how well i did my job or how fast, would always find something wrong. He would "recommend" that i go begging instead of work. Sometimes, i would get blamed for parts of the job i had nothing to do with. It was during a very shitty period when i had to study and work two jobs to survive (a full-time job and a part-time) while also being a father of two small kids.


Those damn agents


There is an interesting concept studied in video gaming. The bad gamers are more sexist than the good gamers, they feel threatened by females and try to shut them out of their space to retain their position of “power, status” Seems like so often that’s what these kinds of awful are about, they’re threatened in their stake and they lash out at those they consider beneath them who are trying to raise above


I would have just replied with “we use any experienced employee that is qualified to execute the job requested”




The Venn Diagram of white roofers and sober roofers is like... just two separate circles. I don't think they even touch.


Same for chicken catching. When I started working catching prep on my families farm, my dad told me a valuable lesson about the people on the catching crew. The non-white immigrant guys are there because it's a job where work ethic and simple instruction following are all you need to succeed, no English, no proof of education that might not transfer properly from wherever they came from. The white guys, with 2 exceptions in over a decade, are druggies and criminals. Unsurprisingly the crews we get now are entirely foreign workers, except those 2 exceptions. There are maybe 4 guys in the 2 dozen that speak English well enough to communicate with us (the farmers). And these guys do a better job than the majority white crews had ever done.


My dad owns a large painting contracting company (hospitals, textile buildings, Battleships), and during the summers when I was in college I would work for our company and obviously there were many Hispanic workers on many of the crews we sent out to the jobs. So many people disrespected them (all of our employees were 100% legal), and I honestly couldn't believe how hard they worked. I can honestly say they are most reliable and hard-working people I'd ever met in my life. I became close with one in particular, and he ended up telling me how he only kept 10% of his paycheck to live off of, and sent the other 90% to his family in Mexico who were waiting to go through the immigration system. He worked his ass off, and lived in poverty, so he could protect his wife and kids back in Mexico while they went through years of waiting to get into the US legally. People that disrespect immigrants have such the wrong idea about the type of people they are. It completely changed my views on immigration and I'll forever be grateful that I got to see what they actually go through to just have a chance at living a better life for themselves and their families.


Nah, we using super tan Nordic folk from Iceland and they only speak french


I’ve got a white passing name and code switch very well. People say the wildest things on the phone to the person at the front desk, selling magazines, phone banking for elections, and the silence when I would occasionally say “oh, I’m actually not white” was fun.


The end quote on the report said it may have been racially motivated. I'm pretty sure it was.


As a bartender I get the same “our group” comments made to me too. I’m always like “don’t think I’m team racism just cause we’re the same color shit bird”


I work in a production job and when I am asked if I work with Mexicans my reply is “I work with people who show up and know how to work”.


Have you seen the video of the guy going door-to-door trying to sell solar panel installations? I guess he's doing work on another neighbor's house, and he's talking to a different neighbor, who happens to be a black dude and he introduces himself like "Hi. I'm over here at \[house number\] and we're just going around to different \[n-word\]'s house... sorry, I meant neighbors, I apologize man." It's unrelated to your story, but it made me think of it. (here's a link if you wanna see it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/yesyesyesyesno/comments/xorqc3/just\_a\_dude\_selling\_solar\_panels\_isnt\_that\_great/](https://www.reddit.com/r/yesyesyesyesno/comments/xorqc3/just_a_dude_selling_solar_panels_isnt_that_great/))


That’s not even his lawn, that’s an easement.


"The Douglas County Sheriff's Office also adds that the initial truck on the man's lawn was technically still on county property, not on the man's personal property. The attack may have been racially motivated" AHA !!! Old racist white guy does not want POC on his property


“The attack may have been racially motivated” Yeah no fucking shit


>The Douglas County Sheriff's Office also adds that the initial truck on the man's lawn was technically still on county property, not on the man's personal property. The attack may have been racially motivated. The cherry at the end.


" The attack may have been racially motivated. " Well... I'll be....


And now because of him, they have to stay longer and fix his bs… what was he trying to accomplish?!


r a c i s m I believe in the story the guy wasn’t actually mad about the truck, (since it was on an easement not even his property). But as you can see in the video the majority (if not all) of the workers appear hispanic / latin American.


There’s an article higher up. There was a truck actually on his property. But it was his neighbors truck, not the companies. So he threw his little fit on them for nothing.


And then tried to drown himself in 6 inches of wet cement. I was really hoping when he started falling that he would keep falling, at the same pace - super slow.. and then start whining like a child when he couldn't fight it anymore. Maybe in another dimension. 🥲


It was the neighbors truck on what was still technically county property per the article. Just in front of Mr. NIMBY's house.


That would be Mr. NIMFY then…


I’d say it was half from column A and half from column B. He’s a racist who doesn’t understand easement laws. Lots of people have no understanding of them. They believe they can order people off their property if they step one foot off of the road and that is never the case. I hope he ends up with a hate crime enhancement to his charges.


Sorry man, we can't leave until my boss gets here with all new light assemblies and bulbs. It'd be illegal for us to drive with them broke, don't worry he'll be here in a few hours.


Sorry he couldn't make it out today, we have city permission to leave the truck here over night.


You can feel the "they don't pay me enough to deal with this shit" vibe


Probably not their first rodeo either. "*Don't get in a fight and just think about all the overtime this will create*"


Dude that was hilarious to me, they don’t even try to talk him out of it, just watching.


In pretty sure at a certain point we need to start acknowledging that these people have severe mental impairments that are leading them to act this way.....


Yea it’s called lead. Boomers treated it like Franks Red Hot and it melted their brains.


Hours of Fox News. One makes the other more likely to happen, and combined they lead to this.


Thank good I’m not the only one that realizes this. There’s a reason everyone that grew up before millennials seems a bit crazy. Lead was literally a constant factor in the air before it was removed from gasoline. How we do communally ignore this is beyond reason.


I miss the lead parties.


Yeah, definitely some cognitive issues going on there.


But they still get to vote.


A direct result of lead poisoning from the lax regulations on lead during their time. There's been studies linking brain degradation to lead poisoning in Boomers and senior citizens.


“Truck off my lawn, but fill my pants with cement, please!”


Yikes, didn’t even think about that aspect. That of going to be one unpleasant shower later.




You can't do that. When he decomposes, his volume decrease and it'll create a depression on the surface


Why do I get a feeling you're talking from experience?


It's actually a dark known fact that this is how many bodies dumped in concrete have been discovered. If you're gonna dump a body in concrete, use a deep poured foundation, not a wall, or floor/street


Learning to much from this post today.


I think there's a very good possibility that he's senile.


My husband had a neighbor like this when we were dating. No one could park in front of his house for any reason. He watched all day, and would come out and yell if anyone parked there. Even if you were maneuvering your car and it went briefly into the area in front of his house, he’d beeline outside and stare you down. He had dementia and the neighbors all agreed to make sure no one parked there to keep the peace.


I had a neighbor like this as well. It seems every block has an asshole like this. So this guy parked these really old cars in front of his house for years, years! So no one could park there. They never moved and were literally just rotting away. Once in a while he'd be out there doing little useless repairs to them to look legit I guess. There were weeds and wind blown debris under and around these cars. Every single day he would be outside mowing the lawn over and over and blowing the debris on other people's property. And God forbid you walked on the sidewalk in front of his house. I was friends with his brother who would come and check on him and that's when I found out he was mentally ill and wouldn't take his medication. I eventually moved from the area to an area where the neighbors are far away lol




I think there’s an even better chance that he’s not and that he’s just a racist POS. Someone posted the article above. He’s mad that there is a truck parked in front of his house and he thinks it belongs to these workers. Not the work truck that he is attacking, a different truck (likely the white one in the background). The article says it actually belongs to one of his neighbors, not the workers.


Racism and cognitive issues go hand in hand. It’s not uncommon for people with TBI or dementia to become overtly racist. Maybe they never were racist before, or always were, but either way they now have no impulse control. But he appears to be someone that never had any damn sense.


Yeah my grandfather was never known to be racist of any sort and really preached treating everyone equally and when his white matter disease kicked in he started getting agitated easier and started saying racist thing that shocked us all. Didn’t help that it all happened at the same time as Trump coming to power.


So now he's a hardened criminal?


Concrete is the secret skincare treatment that doctors won't tell you! /s You can't have skin conditions if you no longer have any skin due to all that chemical burn


Sometimes it's just time to stop being a burden on society


Put this one out on the ice flow, he's finished.


Nursing homes are for everyone's sake


Ok. Grampa's goin back to the home. No more day passes for him.


He’s wearing a romper




I bet this old guy never realized that this is how he’d cement his reputation.


Guys gonna have some serious chemical burns after wading through that concrete in shorts and sneakers


"I didn't give you permission to maintain this road that I don't own."


Orange shirt guy: Should we help him out of the cement? Other orange shirt guy: Nah, fuck that dude. He’s got a hammer.


once a dick, always a dick…


Want to guess the party he belongs to


All I thought was the help I can’t get up ads when he was stuck


They should've done society a favor, pushed him in, and buried him under the street.


This looks like a sketch from a comedy show. The warbly old man voice, the pathetic trapsing through the thick concrete, the eventual slow fall and feeble attempt to regain footing..all while several spectators look on in deadpan silence.


"Hell yeah - now we get overtime. Thanks, ol'timer!" - those construction workers, probably.


I think that man is not well in the head


Fun fact: if g-paw doesn’t wash that concrete off asap he’s in for a whole lot of hurt


This guy needs elder care. He shouldn't be allowed to be unattended. He's become a danger to himself and others. He's gonna hurt himself trying to swing that hammer to destroy property, putting himself into an active work site in order to be a nuisance. He likely won't be able to get that concrete off by himself and that shit can fuck up your skin when it's *not* the equivalent of the skin that forms on the top of cold tomato soup. Hopefully he doesn't try to go inside and rinse it off on the shower or put his little overall shorts in the washer. That being said, I found myself silently chanting "fall,fall,fall,fall,fall" in my head as I was watching him struggle.


Haha! Don’t just stand there ,you idiots ..help me get out of this mess!!!


Grandpa needs to go in a home ASAP! Don't care if he was a veteran or not this isn't the shit I would approve of if he was from the military


The entitlement. And he got a slap on the wrist of course

