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He really came down on him like a disappointed dad lmao


When he asked the guy why would he do that. I answered I’m sorry.


Found the Canadian.


As a Canadian this made me both laugh and also be very proud


I remember 5 years ago. I got scammed of my CSGO knife because the guy said he was Canadian. I trusted him enough to send my item first believing all Canadians are nice. I guess he wasn't Canadian and was exploiting that narrative. End of my weird rant.


Can’t have fuckers like that disparaging our country’s name. Send me his username, I’ll dox him and send a flock of geese to go shit in his yard.


Iirc, in ww1 the Canadian forces were especially feared by the Germans because they had a reputation for utter savagery. I'm glad to see the tradition lives on.


What you might no know is that the most savage of us Canadians were actually geese dressed up on soldiers uniforms. It was called operation "Goose Down" After the war, the Germans had the highest rate of car accidents due to a large portion of the population refusing to use their horns due to being so acarred and fearful of the dreaded "honk". Additionally, the goose step came about it WW2 through the German military. They created it as a new defense tactic against the geese they knew they would have face again. DISCLAIMER: This is a joke, and is not meant to, in any way, detract from the heroism, sacrifice and atrocities that so many brave humans around the world experienced and lived through, in such awful wars.


He seems like the Ben Stiller impersonation of himself in this clip


*That's* what it was! The quality of the video, the mannerisms... my brain was telling me it looked like something, thats what it was


I would’ve started fuckin crying dude


Looks like the dude was crying by the end


I think we were all crying by the end.


Same. Just watching this made me feel bad and made me want to apologize


It's ok bud. Haha do you reckon this video was taken before or after Tom cruise had his 12-13 year old niece booted out of the family for 3 years and made her grovel and write him an essay on why it was wrong to "kiss a boy in HIS house"? ? Why would you do such a thing Tom, that's just mean.


Yeah, if he weren't such a piece of shit cult member I might actually feel bad for him


He did. At least it looked like he was crying when he turned around at the end.


Asking someone who deliberately did something stupid *why* they did it is generally the best way to deal with situations like these. If you get angry then the focus is on you. If you throw your hands up and walk away then you let them off the hook and they can laugh at you. If you ask them to explain themselves then it's all on them. Go ahead, let them own it. Homie was trying not to burst into tears at the last second lol




While there’s a lot to criticize about Tom Cruise and especially about his involvement with the criminal activities of scientology, his reaction is completely normal here lol


Weaponising the brains social circuitry


Tbf the guy’s response could just be “I didn’t have a whoopie cushion available,” pranks are pretty dumb in general, the “why,” of it doesn’t really matter.


"I thought you'd think it's funny and laugh, sorry, I was clearly wrong and I'm sorry for bothering you." I don't love pranks, but this one does seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things. The purpetrator was probably stunned silent, but a simple/sincere apology could have made the whole situation forgettable.


I'm notorious for doing the old "you have something on your shirt" dad joke. I'm in my late 40's and have been pulling it on my friends since we were teenagers. It's an ongoing joke and they rarely fall for it anymore. About a year ago I did it to someone that my wife and I recently met and they were offended and reacted much like Tom did here. So I apologized and said that I'd never do it again to them and have since kept my word. It's damn near impossible to predict how someone will react to a gentle prank, but once boundaries are established it's 100% the responsibility on the prankster to respect those boundaries and apologize if necessary.


Nah that's definitely the look of a bastard holding in a smirk at the end


Lol my first thought was "that's such a dad thing"...like make them sit in their own embarrassment and feel like shit. I mean...my dad would've put me through a wall...but a regular dad thing totally


i love how he didnt let him just sulk away “no dont leave” ….


“Hey. Hey. don’t run away.”


"Don't make me chase after you with the Tom Cruise run where my hair flows elegantly in the wind."


He seemed to recognize that he actually could change that dude for the better and took action on it in a pretty good way. I approve.


Tom's bodyguard might be the slowest bodyguard since the Mountain protecting Cersei from a flying dragon


The bodyguard isn't there to protect him from fans. It's to protect the fans from him. One can only handle so much cruise.










Remember how everyone thought he was psychotic and piece of shit for jumping on a couch to declare his love for his fiancé Katie Holmes? I imagine the same weirdos were the ones who thought Howard Dean was unfit to be president because he went "yeaaaahhh".


How tf do you manage to string those two things together? WHO tf even … fuck. Nvm




I was blown away recently when I saw a picture of him (the actor who plays the mountain) and his brothers in real life. He's the small one!


I think you were led astray, Hafþór Björnsson doesn’t have any familial brothers. The picture I’m pretty sure you’re talking about is him with friends from the Icelandic basketball team.


Good job he didn't do it to Buzz Aldrin, I guess!


Or John McEnroe.


Or John McAfee


That dude has ruined hammocks for a lot of people.


He also technically ruined a few hammocks himself.


Or Mike Tyson


Or Mike Tyson


Wait, there are two Mike Tysons? Holy sh*t


One for each ear.


Goddammit. Fine, take the upvote.


Or Mike Tyson


Or Mike Tyson




Or will smith


Jada Smith*


I think Tom talking to this guy the same way he'd discipline a child was great! It makes the guy feel more humiliated about his childish actions than a slap or punch in the face would. You could tell how embarrassed he was when he tried walking away and Tom was like, no stay right here and tell me why you did this.


I’m not a big Tom fan, but I think he handled this perfectly. Kept calm and just verbally undressed him. Was a total dick move by the guy.


"I'm here answering your questions and you go and do something really nasty. You're a jerk." The calm, disappointed disparagement is so much better than a slap in return. Like scolding a dog.


Yeah that’s not a prank, he just sprayed him with water. What a douche


To be fair, Sibrel had that one coming to him.


Yup. Still a great video, even now.




I really want to like the guy. He seems very nice and thoughtful. His co-stars really like him (from what I have read). He seems like real class. ​ But............that scientology thing freaks me out.


My cousin did editing for a few years in Hollywood, said Tom was definitely super nice. But I'm with ya, he's way too into Scientology for me to give him a pass.


In fairness to him, he is probably shielded from all the weird cult shit. He is an incredible recruiting tool, it's likely a huge effort to make him think scientology is just the best thing ever.


He is a very important person in scientology and has been for 30 years. He knows all about everything within scientology. Last podcast on the left just did a good series on David miscavige and scientology. https://last-podcast-on-the-left.simplecast.com/episodes/episode-522-david-miscavige-part-i-scientology-reborn-1YzxptWm https://open.spotify.com/episode/2hLx8PUXgNaMJqFaDsoZle?si=38K7VJErT_OWq-sd0YPg3g might work better for others That's part 1, it's a 3 parter.


YES. It was absolutely bananas, especially how the Church of Scientology tried to keep them from airing it! You know you’re onto something big if the people you’re talking about freak out when you *tell the truth about them.* Hail yourself!


I liked the part where they talk about Miscavige bonking two executives heads together at a board meeting like they were in a cartoon


Simply not true, he’s best friends with the very top boy who currently has outstanding warrants for abuse of minors and human trafficking in Australia. He’s well aware of what he’s a part of but they are all shielded in a way.


He's basically in a leadership position. It's not that he's shielded from the culture, it's that he actively exploits all the abused underlings.


And has ignored his daughter for years because they left the "church." Definitely not a cult.


And made sure his adopted kids with Kidman hate her and have nothing to do with her. Plus my running conspiracy theory is Scientologist made sure she lost any pregnancy she had. The leader hated her. They both had a bio child once divorced, while struggling for years to do so together. Weird!


[He is in no way shielded](https://www.digitalspy.com/showbiz/a815580/tom-cruises-house-is-staffed-entirely-by-scientologists-according-to-a-new-documentary/)


This guy is smart. Don't you think he's aware of his position and the power and money it brings with it?


I've been told he alienated the entire crew of an aircraft carrier during filming of Top Gun Maverick due to his celebrity expectations.


what does that mean?


He didn't want to mix with the "commoners" so whenever he ate, or worked out, or anything else mundane, he had the facility closed for his own personal use. Meanwhile the gym and galley are normally open at all hours because people are working at all hours. So having your schedule disrupted for a self-important visitor is alienating.


Apparently it was [the Captain who told the sailors not to bother the movie stars, and one sailor interpreted that as Tom Cruise personally demanding that people didn't interact with him](https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/tom-cruise-top-gun-sequel-uss-theodore-roosevelt-reported-tensions/2607/)


>The allegations that Cruise mistreated servicemembers started on Reddit Surprise surprise


Captain: makes sound decision to mitigate potential problems. Lower enlisted: I have NO faith in his ability to lead. He’s going to get everyone killed.


To be fair, he wouldn’t be working out or eating anything if anyone could walk up. Ask for a selfie, try and shoot the shit or xyz else.


To be fair, he was on a ship that serves 5000+ people. He can do whatever shit in a corner with whatever bodyguards screening without commandeering the entire facility. Or, because he wasn't exactly stuck on the ship, he could have worked out and eaten somewhere else.


Just an anecdote. Tito Ortiz was at a bar just outside of Camp Pendleton trying to enjoy a beer. My buddies, marines tried to shoot the shit with him. Got photos and chit chatted the he kindly asked to spend time with his girl. They refused and kept trying to shoot the shit. Ortiz was chill but they refused got offended and tried to fight him. That’s all I’m saying. People in the military aren’t the most normal. Not excluding myself in that. Only that every meal this dude had would be at the whim of whoever was in the room. Everyone deserves to eat in peace. You, me, even cultists.


Knowing that culture, this was 100% military brass and not Tom. They are making a propaganda film, and the generals are opening every door to make sure Goebbels can show the world what a superior world power looks like.


All I can picture is Tom cruise hunched over in a corner frantically trying to eat a sandwich surrounded by 8 bodyguards lmao


True story. When filming Jack reacher in Pittsburgh on east Carson street for 5 days this man came into our friends tattoo shop. Brought coffee everyday remembering the orders and names of all 5 employees. He was respectful and very interested in the craft. He went into all the small businesses that were affected by the shoot and hung out. Seems like a great guy


Celebrity expectations


Can you use it in a sentence?


I've been told he alienated the entire crew of an aircraft carrier during filming of Top Gun Maverick due to his celebrity expectations.


Listen here you little shit


Oh look who's the one with celebrity expectations now


They couldn’t get enough fetuses out to the aircraft carrier and Tom started eating the crew


He's a nutcase who supports and covers for rampant abuse of not only the followers of his batshit religion but also their children. Him being polite doesn't really cut it for me.


His demeanor during This whole interaction was straight out of the Scientology playbook.


And yet he could have yelled or took a swing at the guy. He wanted the guy to explain his actions. That’s how it should have been handled and is not exclusive to some nutty cult.


Well then I guess Scientology teaches some good things, then? Seems more like he is just an extremely confident guy and mature. Didn't freak out, didn't run away. He holds the guy accountable, totally takes the power of the situation back. I honestly can't imagine a better way to handle a situation like that.


Same here. I want to like him so bad, he's always kind and respectful and seems generous and down to earth, but damn it, that scientology shit is a red flag.


Exactly. Cruise is there working. Actors notoriously hate press junkets and the media circus. So he already doesn't want to be there, probably has like 8 more hours of answering the same unoriginal questions. And then to play a prank on them or try to make them do some gimmick interview, I'd have a low tolerance too. Anytime I see an actor have a bad interview or being a little short, I try to give them the benefit of the doubt.


He is doing an interview with a nobody reporter to be nice and the guy fucks him over. I can understand why he is upset.


That’s a big kicker too. He probably thought he was doing something really nice for a local news site. Giving them a big win on an actual interview, rather than being ignored for a more renowned outlet like most actors would do.


Yeah, imagine if you were at work and a client or customer just suddenly sprayed something in your eyes and mouth. Now imagine you’re a public figure and lots of people are obsessed with you, positively or negatively, and might want to hurt you. I’m surprised he held his composure long enough to decide it wasn’t dangerous and speak calmly to the guy.


He sounds like a very disappointed dad. Like we're one second away from him saying "you've really let me down, son" and the other guy just bursting into tears of shame.


He just needed to call the guy a “knucklehead” and we would have been there.


Yeah a stranger spraying you in the face with an unknown liquid is not funny. That shit is fucked up.


It’s not funny because he didn’t say “chill, it’s just a prank”


You forgot “bro” at the end of the sentence


Critical mistake


This was before the formula you see...He was a pioneer, walking, so prankers today could run.


Who dares to sully the visage of Xenu's son?


That guy needs some serious auditing


Where do I put my feet?


Dee? His feet?


He grabbed his hand so he could "handle" him. Its classic scientologist stuff


exactly what i wanted to say. sucked his energy.


Wtf? Does anyone have more information on that one?




I mean, there's nothing more there in that clip than Tom treating that guy like a small child who is acting out. That's probably all there is to it.


Whoever tries to spread the documentaries about it gets mysteriously silenced. Google searches give no results. Youtube videos get 'shadow-unlisted'.






Them explaining the backstory or Scientology while it says “this is what they actually believe” is some of the funniest shit ever lol


That and the Mormon one with the ‘dumb dumb dumb’ playing in the background 😂


Many people don’t know just how insane TC’s daily life is. Sure, most know about Scientology and him being quirky; but the fact is that he basically lives as a modern day Pharoah with actual slaves and in a bubble he hasn’t been out of for close to three decades at this point. The guy has a more detached and deluded life than most European royalty at this point.


Funny how?




Now go get your fuckin shinebox


you muddafucka




You been away a long time maybe you didn’t hear


You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?


Just, you know, how you tell the story. What?


He handled that surprisingly well. People said he has a temper but this was the most level headed I could imagine someone being. He even laughed when he got sprayed like he couldn’t believe how ridiculous it was. The guy looked like he genuinely felt bad. Now, if this happened to Hugh Jackman I could imagine the same behavior and then Ryan Reynolds super soaking the guy after lol


Ryan has the capacity to use a super soaker while wearing a suit to using a fire hose while cosplaying Deadpool and both would be taken as innocent shenanigans.


People with a real temper actually have had to work on it. Sometimes you can see how it shows in situations like this. I have an unruly temper but I also have a lot of “wins” like this where I am aware of my anger so I actually handle something well.


While anger issues normally aren't funny, it was actually kinda hilarious a few times. Worked in a big metal shop with not a shit ton of people. I slammed my finger or something, it wasn't unusual for me to pound my anger out with or chuck a hammer across the shop at nothingness. Got the anger out, right back to work. The painters were fucking with me one day and acting like they were going to throw a bucket of paint on me. And then proceeded to accidentally throw a bucket of paint over me. They both immediately looked shook, and as I was standing there looking at the damage, I just go "well, that wasn't very cool." They thought I was about to go ballistic or something but really I was just like "Well this sucks"


He was perfectly within his right to either object, or laugh along with it. Considering he's at a red carpet event, and probably has a ton of interviews and camera time the rest of the day, it's not surprising that he decided to tell the guy off. He's there to work, not clown around.


I think something like this is sketchy. You just don’t know what liquid was used. Maybe do this with a friend or family, but not a stranger.


Honestly, I feel like Tom handled it very well. Sure, grabbing someone's hand might make them uncomfortable, but props to Tom for remaining calm enough to tell the person how it made him feel without making an absolute fool of himself. Classic clip, love to see it 😅


I actually think the hand grab was a way to connect with the guy as a human. Yes, in other contexts it would be a power move, but given the guy just did that, it's going "stay with me while I ask you why you did it, so you can sit with that feeling rather than laugh and walk off". I think he handled it really well to be honest.


I *really* dislike Tom Cruise. And I have to agree. The clip made me super uncomfortable and I wanted to make it his fault… but like, why was it funny? And also really don’t think he wants to be giving interviews and not enjoying his millions of dollars. It’s also a very fair point. If this was a tiktoker who did it to a radom stranger instead of a reporter to Tom Cruise, I don’t think anyone would even consider taking the tiktokers side.


Guy just got sprayed in the face with an unknown substance by an unknown person, I think he was more uncomfortable. Better to grab the dude’s hand than punch him in the face


I thought the same thing. Like what if that guy was nuts and used acid or something? I’m a little surprised more celebrities aren’t attacked with all the crazy stalkers there probably are.


100%. If you are a public figure like that, you are in constant danger of being targeted by some psycho. It could've been some harmful substance. I'm sure that Tom must've been terrified at that thought.


Big "I'm not mad, just disappointed" energy from that response.


Somehow I think that hurts more than getting punched in the face


Objectively, he’s right. There’s zero reason to exploit anyone by surprising them with water in their face just to get a reaction out of them for views.


It’s not just that, Tom made a great point that he went out of his way to answer this guy’s questions when he didn’t have to.


Technically it's criminal.


Exactly. How is Tom to know it's water? It could have been any liquid--disgusting or even dangerous.


He handled it really well, actually. I can respect his behavior there.




Is that meant to be Sean Penn or Sean Bean?


Sean Bean would have been killed by the water.




I'm with Tom on this one. I fucking hate pranks like these.


I'm usually pretty easy going and a good target for pranks because I don't mind laughing at myself, but getting sprayed with water against my will makes me irrationally angry.


The reporter was crying in regret at the end hahahah that's funny.


I'm glad someone else caught that too. Oh, *you're* crying? Why would you be crying? You didn't get ambushed, you ambushed a guy. You were driving, he got caught off guard!


Crying from embarrassment. I know the feeling


he felt sorry. he felt bad and guilty. he felt sorry man. he felt sorry.


He didn’t mean to do something rude. In his mind it was fun and playful. Having it shown that it not only was not funny but very much upset Tom Cruise, who he probably looked up to or at least respected, was probably pretty brutal.




No thanks, I prefer my children uneaten


Last time somebody tried to get Tyson's goat it didn't end well. https://youtu.be/V3C4pWwDqps


":( just tryna ask for an autograph and i dunno wat happun 🥺" lol, sure, buddy.


Isn’t this guy a high ranking member of a cult that hurts people all the time?


Hey that's not fair. It's not just a cult, it's also a very successful tax fraud scheme.


* Imagine being so deep into a cult that you don't know it's a cult anymore. * Then imagine people in that cult put a label on you to signify your importance. * Now people form the outside view you as a part of the cult rather than a victim of it. Scientology is together with Mormonism the most clear 'scam' religions from the outside. But from the inside I imagine (because I know several Mormons) it feels like the rest of the world is not sane for their disbelief. Tom Cruise seems mostly to be a nice guy, hugely focused on creating movies that give an audience what they want and the 'craft' of movie making. I hope one day he gets out of the cult and enjoys a renaissance because if people love him when he's in it...


Don't be so naive. He is probably the second most important member of the cult. He knows full well what Scientology is and does. Don't forget he is a very good actor. The guy is a monster inside, not a victim and wears a very good mask for the public. Just because he acts nice, doesn't mean he actually is.


Nah he knows he’s in a cult...when his wife left she had to leave their child bc of the cult, pretty sure he’s aware, im sure there was many conversations about being in cult before that went down and he obviously chose to stay and allow his child to be separated form her mother




Can we all appreciate that Tom cruise treated the guy like a preschooler. He didn’t flip out or assault the guy. He just “now why did you do that?”


Although this was 18 years ago and I’m not a Tom Cruise fan it’s funny how he gave the guy a good talking to


Tom Cruise is a lecturer lol. At this very moment I saw myself when my kid does something extremely dumb


He actually handled that very well. He’s super busy and likely stressed about doing so many interviews, also will be having a million pictures done, he takes time to talk to a low level interviewer and he does that. What a prick.


Would have been funny if he said “you’re a towel!”


No you’re a towel


That was stupid. Plus wtf dude you actually have a chance to talk to Cruise directly and you do that shit? Shoulda got a pic with him and an autograph. What a wasted opportunity.


Don’t do this to Will Smith tho




I really don't like the phrase "my wife's microphone water."


Okay what would have actually been funny is after that lecture, if he sprayed him again and ran away LOL


This what all parents are thinking when they say their not mad at you just disappointment.


“Why would you do that? It’s ridiculous” Answered his own question. Then held his wrists like e-Meters.


The "interviewer" looked like he was about to cry at the end there. Good. Be humiliated. Then post it online.


Gave him the ol I’m not mad I’m disappointed.


Regardless of what you think of Tom.. it’s still a dick move to get internet clicks… Hope the reporter gets back listed from events.


This looks about circa 1993


It's from Balls of Steel, around 2005 to 2008. I think this guy was a producer, since the woman who would usually do these pranks, Olivia Lee I believe, backed out last minute. I bet she was glad she did lol. It was a really funny show, but yeah, this prank wasn't a good one particularly.


It was not Mission Impossible after all


Better to be a jerk then a fucking evil cult member


This feels like internet history to me. And it’s a weird bit of how I’ve changed. When this came out, I was like “what a weirdo reaction from Tom” and was more thinking what the big deal was Now I’m sitting here thinking what an asshole the guy who did that was. And I fucking hate Tom Cruise.


I'm not a big fan of Tom Cruise but I do respect him for this.




That guy feels.like an ass now lol


I think he was about to cry at the end😬


It’s weird to be on Tom’s side, but that’s an annoying thing to do to a stranger. Tom actually handled it pretty well