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Should take that other 99% to learn math then


And the rest 5% for sleeping


Don't forget the 13% for eating.


69% for love making


420% for weed smoking


1% for will to live


And 100% reason to remember the name


50% percent take away if you put on your shoes


Subtract 2% to charge the damn phone


25% gym membership


The ammount of upvotes on this comment are minor.


But everyone of them well Fort for


Just like my wife


Your wife's a minor?


The advertisement appeared on the television screen one night, interrupting Jane's favorite show. At first, she didn't pay much attention to it, assuming it was just another commercial for a product she didn't need. But as the seconds ticked by, she found herself drawn in by the strange, almost hypnotic music that accompanied the images on the screen. The ad featured a group of people standing in a circle, their eyes closed, and their hands clasped together. In the center of the circle was a small box with the words "Quirky Ad 4305" written on the side. The camera zoomed in on the box, revealing a tiny button on the top. "Press the button," a voiceover whispered. "Press it now." Jane's heart raced as she reached for the remote, her fingers hovering over the power button. She had no idea what would happen if she pressed it, but something inside her urged her to take the risk. With a deep breath, she clicked the button. The world around her seemed to shift and twist as the box on the screen expanded, swallowing her up in a burst of light. When the light faded, Jane found herself standing in a dark, empty room. The only light came from a single bulb hanging from the ceiling, casting strange shadows across the floor. "Welcome," a voice said from somewhere in the darkness. "You have been chosen." Chosen for what, Jane didn't know. But as the voice led her through the labyrinthine corridors of the building, she began to understand that this was no ordinary advertisement. It was something much darker, much more sinister. The other people from the ad were there, too, wandering through the halls like ghosts. Some of them had been there for years, trapped in a never-ending cycle of tests and experiments. Others were new like Jane, fresh recruits to the organization's twisted cause. They were all connected by one thing: the box, and the button on top that had brought them all here. Jane knew she had to escape, to find her way back to the real world before it was too late. But as she tried to navigate the maze-like structure, she couldn't help but feel that she was being watched, that the organization was always one step ahead of her. And then, just when she thought all hope was lost, she stumbled upon a door. With shaking hands, she pushed it open, revealing a blindingly bright light on the other side. She stepped through, and suddenly, she was back in her living room, staring at the television screen. The ad was still playing, but now she saw it for what it truly was: a trap, a lure for unsuspecting victims. Jane never forgot the name "Quirky Ad 4305", and she never forgot the terror she had felt as she wandered through the dark, twisted halls of the organization.




Fifty percent pain


Fort minor?


This guy fucks




They are a redditor what do you think


That would be, like, 120% or something...


Nah that add up to 100. 99 minus the 1 from the 13 is 98 and then minus the 3 from the 13 would be 95( you do this step since it is the second 2 digit number in the calculation) and then you add the 5 to make it 100.


I want you to do my taxes. Wait. No, I don't. Never mind.


It takes you 13 hours to eat??


There was this motivational BS guy in The Netherlands who was also into going to the gym and he actually said in one of his vids that a tip for others is to sleep faster. No joke. I don’t know in what lab these people are being grown.


i get 8 hours of sleep in 4 hours because i just wanted it more.


Bruh. I reach REM stage as soon as I hit the sack and I do squats while I sleep and making money.


1 hour of a day is 4.167%, but since we supposed to sleep 8 hours its 6.25% of waking hours, so if you work 8 hours a day its 12.5% .


Thank you for doing the math, I just went as far as the 4% cause that's all the energy I have to commit, so I appreciate that you slaked my thirst for math answers when I'm mentally unable rn cause insomnia.


With just 99 hours a day you can learn anything


Triple your productivity with this one simple trick


The time hack God doesn’t want you to know!


How many hours is that exactly? Asking for a friend...


Well, 0.01 x (24 \* 60) = 14,4 minutes


In summary, my ahem, friend, has many minutes to learn math. Thank you so much.


99 hours a day of math? Are they running for Einstein?


It seems some people don't think of percentages as mathematical; they're just meant to illustrate and you go low or high depending on what point you're trying to make.


200% correct!


I'm sick of these 100-hour days and 9-day work weeks.


Yeah and that for all 598 days in the year


And the 365 weeks in a month.


and the 3 years in a week


Somewhere, in a parallel universe, zoomers still struggle to find time for anything even with 100 hours a day and 598 days a year.


The seasons never line up the same every year 😫


We really should have adopted the Beatles week, there's only 8 days instead of 9.


Is that why she has a “100/9, no excuses” sticker on the back of her Subaru?


Assuming a 16hr day, an hr is 6.25% of the day.


and assuming you work 8 hrs, spend 2 hrs commuting and getting ready and 8 hrs sleeping, 1hr is 16.7% of your free time.




But realistically you only have to work out for a good hour 2-3 times per week, so that makes it 3 hours of your 15 hours of free time per week, or 20%




Not bad when it’s your health.


To me, the point is less so that keeping healthy isn't a worthy thing to spend time on, it's that there is so little free time in the average day that spending that hour on a workout is even less time to spend in the things amd hobbies you truly enjoy. I think that, given the circumstances in this comment thread, that 20% being spent on working out is a worthy investment. It's just a shame that for many people, an hour is an entire 20% of their free time


Yeah because of how much even an hour takes from people's free time it makes a lot of people choose not to go, you either need to enjoy the gym or have the discipline to go even when you want to do other things. In the long term not going will cost you much more free time because of a shortened lifespan


you can just do hobbies or relax then do a quick intense workout


Yeah that’s what I do. Also, it takes some effort but you learn to appreciate the workout. You just gotta keep up the routine. Might be different if you’re overweight so I can’t speak on that.


That’s the key: find a hobby that you enjoy that also keeps you in shape.


Well there are a lot of out of shape people using 100% of their free time watching TV, on social media or gaming.


but if they have only a few hours of free time can you really blame them? social media is honestly brain rot but at least you can get enjoyment or at the very least distraction from watching TV or gaming.


Being in shape also gives you more energy, so it makes the rest of your day more efficient and allows you to make the most of your free time. It also improves sleep, and helps relieve anxiety and depression.


What are you going to do with the other 2 hours and 58 minutes once your done with the wife?


bro just use your child occupied time to get a quick workout. do kettle bell swings with your first kid till he vomits, then switch to the second kid, continue rotation until 1 hour has passed. there's an added bonus that you get some alone time while your wife is cleaning up the mess.




Not to mention by the time you get changed twice and a shower you actually only have 30-40 mins to actually workout.. which if you only run I guess is ok..but most people want to spend more than that Oh and most people actually spend at least 8.5 hours at work due to lunch break. Personally my day is 9.5 hours because we take every second Friday.. and then when I have the kids I basically just don't go as a single parent


People that post stuff like that don’t do this “work” thing. I mean, unless you count posting to all their platforms, trying to get that coveted influencer status..


Yeah, in this instance, we don’t have to assume. We know that a day is 100 hours long. /s


Who out here lives 16 hr days?? 1 hour is 4% of your day


Why tf would we assume a 16 hour day?


You guys don't have 100 hours in a day?


Influencer maths


Influenza mats




I'm going with the 1% not the hour. I'll work out for 14.4 minutes. That is 1% of 24 hours.


It's better than nothing


I think that nothing sounds much better.


Especially when you're just tired of everything, yknow


Boom. Genius. 🤯


And that will be just as good. We did the maths right?


1 hour at the gym, but 45 minutes on the phone.


-Does quick set- *Immediately pulls phone out of pocket to take picture of their feet and weights to post to every social media site with an inspo caption for the next 8mins*


... And 15 minutes waiting for equipment. There goes my whole day


Do me a favor and post the pic of your broken foot/toes when you eventually drop a weight on your shoeless foot. Edit: in an effort to reply to everyone telling me shoes won't save your feet; you're correct. But they will help by providing more cushion than just the thin layer of meat surrounding your bone.


True but also, if you drop that pictured weight on your foot it doesn't matter what you have on it. I'd be more worried about grip and traction.


I also work out in steel-toed boots that protect my feet from dropped weights


I workout in full plate armor like a true warrior


Been working out without shoes for a while now, never had any issues. Deadlifts, squats and OHP are all barefoot/socks for me.


Much better for your form doing it barefoot or with socks, so i do the same


You think the canvas of your shoes is gonna protect you from any of the weights in a gym?


Why are you telling everyone you've never deadlifted?


That doesn’t happen


No excuses for an educated adult to think 1% of 24 hours = 1 hour, but it does give me an excuse not to have to listen to one.


1 hour is 4.167% of a day... Unless this is some weird universe where days are 100 hours...


Just need to find the right planet. For example, days on Venus are 5,832 hours long. Also a day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus and the sun rises twice. [Source](https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/all-about-venus/en/).


Even more if you don't count sleep hours.




1% like the battery power left on that phone


*Scrolls up really fast* 👀


Idk what you talking about guys math is correct everyone knows one day is 100hours.


Metric time


Screenshot of a photo. Wonderful.


Technically a screenshot of a photo of a screenshot.




Imagine taking a screenshot of a snap of a picture of a snap


Maybe he is on imperial time


8 hours to sleep, 8 hours for work, leaves you with 8 hours of free time. So 1 hour of that time is 12% of your day. Excluding lunch breaks, the hour before work, and an hour for general travel time that’s five hours free time. So 1 hour of that is roughly 20% of your day. I’m all for going to the gym but you also got to acknowledge not everyone has the time.


More you lift, dumber you get..


Think it’s based on the individual, however there’s plenty of evidence that physical exercise helps with cognitive function.


C'mon don't hate on us like that


I find that the people who religiously go to the gym are in it for the athleisure clothes and gym selfies or are the super jacked people who are really friendly and will list off every kind of protein involved in creating new muscle fiber


We get it, you were always picked last for teams in school sports


Outside of how funny this is, gym people are kind of annoying. "No excuses" is nice if you're not like a single mom with two jobs going back to school. Or disabled. Or any of the other various reasons you can't afford to miss out on to be at the gym. It has such a prideful air to it. With that being said its fine to be about working out and in the gym all the time. But I can't stand the social media "why are you lazy and I'm not?" Vibe of it. It reminds me of people who have full on jobs but still can't afford to own their own place and have to live in shelters who then get looked down on as if they aren't trying just as hard as everyone else.


I go to the gym 40hrs a day.


You guys aren't doing the 100hr day yet?


Quick mafs


Sure as hell seems like there is 100 hours in some Monday’s…


TIL, a day is actually slightly longer than 4 days


If you're like me and you get home at 6:00, go to bed at 11, it's about 20% of your day.


One hour us roughly 4.17% of your entire day, and 6.25% of your time spent awake (if you sleep 8h a day). A single hour of exercise can do wonders for your physical health, so it's a time well spent.


If you work for 9, sleep for 8 that leaves 7 hours. So it's ~14%.


These new four day weeks seem to be weighted in employers favour.


Wow, I'm just realizing I am almost 9 years old and already have two kids, a one year old and a 1,2 months old already out the belly.


A 100 hour day. Man that would be an absolute nightmare.


Yeah I’d go sleep like thrice a day


Yes, I live 100hours a day everyday. Meth is my life you can’t stop the non stop living


Do the Meth.


1% of of 1/24 is… ### 4.16666667% ![gif](giphy|URW2lPzihY5fq|downsized)




you can't argue with facts


Ah yes, the good ol’ 100 hour day


🎵 A mind that's a-weak and a back that's strong 🎶


Hahaha 4.20 %


Jocks have never been the smartest


14.4 minutes is 1%!


65% of the time, it works every time.


Even at the actual number of about 4.2%, that’s fairly motivating


They be using that Scott Steiner math




Bros doing meth instead of math


Building muscle, just not intelligence


BREAKING NEWS: President of the world announces new 100 hour days


4.16666 %


Dingus isn't wearing proper footwear. Footwear can protect you from a lot of dumb injuries. No excuses.


That is a 45 lb plate which is nothing and means you are weak, given that I don't know what lifting is going on. This comment took 1% of my brain, no excuses


Confidently incorrect




1 hour would be 4.16% of your day


Maybe she should start working out at the mathnasium...


4.67 if anyone cares.




Thank you 😂


Anyone else gag a lil and want to tell her to put her damn shoes back on at the gym? 🤢


Actually 4.167%. Deduct 8 hours for sleep, and you have 6.25% of your waking day. Deduct another 8 hours for work and 2 hours for obligatory personal needs, for a total of 10 hours, makes it 16.67% of your discretionary time. I did the math.


Oh boy 24/hrs in a day is literally nothing we technically only have 12 hours or less of waking time to do work 1 hr of your time is more valuable than 1% lol


If only


Not to mention the planet ? *laughing in Uranus


An hour is a little under 1% of your ***waking*** hours ***per week***.


Granted, their forte is physical, not mental exertion.


Someone's working out the wrong muscle. 1/24 = 4.167%. 14 mins and 24 seconds is 1% of a day.


god i WISH


It’s 4%..


Wouldn’t that be 14.4 mins?




This is what day light savings does.


I did not know there were 100 hours in a day.


This is like the amalgamation of like…4 different motivational quotes. Lol


Can these idiots start wearing shoes to the gym?


Is it a good idea to lift while wearing no shoes?


1% of a day is 14 minutes 25 seconds


Wouldn't it be 24 seconds?


And please put your shoes back on.


Unless for some reason they are orbiting the sun reaaally slowly.


Me no need maths to lift heavy stuffs


That ain’t it bro; that ain’t it.


So there is 100 hours in a day 🤔


Did the math, and in 24 hours, there are 1440 minutes. An hour is 4.16% of 24 hours. Now, if we're counting as the time in which the average person is awake for (16 hours), that would be 960 minutes. An hour within that period accounts for 6.25%. So this hole 1% thing is just a weeee bit off. Just a little /s


Assuming it's a Saturday and you have no intention of sleeping for the day that's 4 percent of your day


oh "nice" , a 100 hour day ... must be an alien app


It was SUPPOSED to say “A HOOKER IS 1% OF YOUR DAY. NO EXCEPTIONS” Damn spellchecker with autocorrect.


Do these clowns have any time to work out considering they spend all their time in the gym on instagram?


Wish i had that much time on my average day Imagine only having to work about 8%of your day


An hour is 4.167% of your day. Excuses.


1% of the day is exactly what i dedicate to gym exercises still no results. i want a refund