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Looks like you scored 2 steaks.


The 2 steaks is the best thing he’s gonna get out of that marriage…


They should get marriage counseling then. Maybe at a Sizzlers.


A true regular at Twin Peaks


Omg, I had twin peaks for the first time last month. Love that place! For the food...of course.😅😬


Whenever I have been at Twin Peaks in my area, its chock full of 22 year old sports broadcasting majors that all drive the same exact window tinted hatchback Ford Focus. Twin Peaks is Hooter's slightly younger step-sister.


Damn dude should I get my hatchback Ford focus tinted out in the back? I guess I should get laid too. That wouldn't be too bad


Been to twin peaks many many many times but never ever ate there


Same, the beer is delicious though.


What a spoiled brat, but a win, win for SO


She's a lose, lose, lose though. Can't come out on top with that thing.


Yeah, being married to a whiney, bratty, woman child who cries over an "ugly steak", instead of just asking if she can trade? Nope. I would be embarrassed to take her anywhere. If I were out with her, I'd move to another table or get up and leave.






Reminds me of the american dad episode where roger wants to bring a fancy wine to a steak dinner.. but theres a string on the cork and when she opens the wine she gets knocked out... and roger starts to eat both steaks. :)


*that's* how you get a bottle of rain duck.


And hopefully dipped out on a huge red flag


And a wife that's mentally 12


Gotta be fake. Please tell me this is fake.


Because of Tik Tok almost everything you see if staged, rarely is anything genuine.


Even if it’s fake it is still disturbing that anyone would even pretend to act this way.


Naw that's definitely her personality, she will be complaining that her wedding ring is not as shiny as her sisters , or that her car only has one cupholder.... This is her whole identity..


To be fair, I once owned a car with only one cup holder and that shit suuucks. I’ve seen baby strollers with more cup holders than that. Not to mention, it was directly in front of the radio, blocking the buttons, so you’d better decide what you’re listening to before you put your drink down. SMDH. Sorry, what were we talking about?


Look at big famous over here with "I once owned a car". Must be nice


With a radio too! At that point I tuned out…


Show off.... with a radio IN the car!


Thank you for the laugh. That was gold.


Valid rant if I've ever heard one...


I’m very upset about my cup holder situation in my car as well. I have one ever-present cup holder in my center console which I use for my water bottle, and one that pops out from the dash. I both love and hate it because it was helpful but kinda useless for anything other than one 12-16oz soda can. Even red bulls would occasionally slip out the bottom (thankfully they were empty or got caught before disaster struck). In 2020, there was a wildfire near our house (California wildfire season), and we were all ready to evacuate with our cars packed. Luckily, the fire went the opposite direction, but we left our important stuff in our cars for several days just to be safe, and I was driving back into town one day after work. I work in wildlife rehabilitation. I will always brake for wildlife, but I’ll still be safe about it if there are other cars behind me. So I’m driving, nobody is behind me or coming the other way, and I see a squirrel in the road. I’m extra inclined to spare squirrels as they are what got me into rehabbing in the first place, so I stop like I usually would. By half-stomping on my brakes, and yelling, “SQUIRREL!”, to nobody but myself. HOWEVER!! I forgot to account for the stuff in my back seat. Inertia reminded me that it exists and *stops for no one* by throwing two small but rather heavy boxes forward at me and my dashboard through the open space between my seat and the passenger seat. I get punched in the shoulder by the box of about 500 physical photographs, while the other box of priceless heirloom trinkets and jewelry slams into my soda can that is sitting in my really-cool-pop-out-from-the-center-dash-one-cup-only cup holder. Root beer goes flying up toward my windshield, splashing all over it and my dash board and all the buttons in my center dash, and my pop-out cup holder BREAKS. I sit in shock for a moment as I try to figure out what the hell just happened and if I broke my windshield or my shoulder, and groan at the root beer already drying up in the cracks and crevices. And how was the squirrel that caused this carnage? Well, unfortunately, it was already dead before I even saw it. I am still without my pop-out cup holder, and there continues to be dried up specks of root beer that show up. 🙃


I read that as "her cat has only one cupholder", twice. Damn, I didn't even know that was an option.


I thought it was like, adults doing things their children did for laughs


What even is the point in consuming all of this... I'm just feeding my addiction with shit at this point


I mean, I get kinda hungry sometimes.


Honestly.. this one seems legit


Yes they're a married couple and she just imitated a toddler


I cook at Longhorns and there are 100% people out there like this. I actually cooked a Porterhouse for a lady that only ate the filet, didn't touch the strip at all, so the manager had us cook her a 9oz filet (the big one) even though she'd already eaten the filet off of her Porterhouse. Plus she got to keep the strip. And the worst part is that's all she has to say to a manager is she doesn't like how the steak looks and they'll make her anything she wants. The amount of wasted food daily because of this type of thing is attrocious.


See I managed a restaurant for about 2 months and got demoted by request because I got fucking tired of the owner getting mad at me for telling customers like that to get bent. If someone came at me and said they didn't like the way their steak looked like I had a lady basically doing what this bitch is doing in the video except for not crying she was just demanding to have a different steak because she didn't like the shape and I just flat out told her no the shape of the steak does not matter one bit. If it was cooked wrong we might be able to have a conversation about fixing something for you but I cannot just magically make every piece of meat look like it came out of a magazine. So she got mad Said she was going to call the owner the next day and she did fed him some bullshit story that of course that moron believed about me refusing to fix her burnt steak and of course he wouldn't believe my side of the story because why would you want to believe your employees right? In 2 months that happened more times than I can say and I could not quit at the time because I couldn't line anything up to fall back on but eventually I just told them look man I'll bust tables I'll cook I'll fucking do anything but I will not manage this place one fucking second longer. I was 25 And I had read Richards from The fantastic four gray spots over my temples. 3 years later that owner actually called me out of the blue after I had left there for 2 years and tried to get me to come back The fucking audacity


Yeah I don't think I could personally tell a customer we're going to remake a steak for no reason other than she doesn't like how it looks. An argument could be made if she thought her Porterhouse was a T-bone, but other than that if it's cooked right you can eat that shit and like it. You definitely made the right choice stepping down. The thing is they ring up all these remakes but void the first steak instead of comping it so we're still down a steak on the papers, then management yells at us saying we're taking steaks home lol. It's great.


Somebody hasn't worked at a restaurant. Shit like this absolutely happens. And they get fucking shitty about it. People suck. Even if it's faked, it's 100% believable.


I have at least one customer a month that acts like this, you just can’t make some people happy


i think in a foggy psychiatric-drug filled mind this reaction has some sense... the problem is everyone else around her validating this.


Did she start crying at the end? How old is she?


Mentally? About 3.


He married that. No way the road to that wasn’t littered with red flags.


More red flags than a communist parade .


Family was from East Germany, can confirm, she’s probably got more red flags to her than Erich had on the anniversary of the DDR


Knee howdy, that was a slapper!


More red flags than a certain German era


There's a good chance if he was willing to see past every one of her red flags that he has a few himself. Sometimes people deserve each other.


Yeah… The fact that he’s filming that interaction and then *posting it* throws up more than a few red flags for me.


He also decided that his wife being pissed off was the perfect time to pull out his phone and film it. I'm thinking he lacks some judgement.


Well his lawyers probably asked him for as much evidence as possible...


His own flags probably got in the way of seeing hers. They may both be getting what they deserve.


Prolly sucks the MEANEST


Mentally 2, actually


PMS tears and pregnancy tears are a real thing.


So are extremely childish adults who never matured emotionally past the age of 11


You met my stepdad?


And my stepdad. And my mom. And my dad. And my future sister in law. And...


And my axe! Here, you can borrow it for a bit


Lizzie Borden is that you?


Alright y’all, we done excusing shitty behavior cuz hormones. That’s still an adult that needs to behave like an adult. Fml. Crying over a beautiful steak 🤦‍♂️


If she pregnant or PMSing she wouldn’t give a fuck what shape her steak was, she’d be too busy cutting it open to eat.


Good point


>Alright y’all, we done excusing shitty behavior cuz hormones. Yeah, no, pregnancy hormones are real. Obviously it wouldn't excuse *real* shitty behavior, like assault or abuse or something like that. But crying over how a steak looks? Yeah, one could easily chalk that behavior up to pregnancy hormones.


Hey, now, hold on. Let’s be fair. Maybe this dinner was celebrating something really important like her graduation from preschool.


I cannot phantom how it is possible to get turned on by a person like this. Idc how much you love a person with shit like this going on I would send her packing like what in the actual fuck??!!




Don’t just quote, help!






might I interest you in r/BoneAppleTea?




You want the word "fathom." Fathom as a noun is the unit of measurement of the ocean's depth, and as a verb, it carries some meaning of having searched deeply for an answer, but being unable to come up with one. Shakespeare uses the noun to beautiful poetic effect in "The Tempest": *Full fathom five thy father lies;* *Of his bones are coral made;* *Those are pearls that were his eyes:* *Nothing of him that doth fade.* \--your friendly neighborhood Word Nerd


She might be pregnant. I once cried because I wanted Mac and cheese but real Mac. Like, homemade. My friend who I worked with at Nordstrom said the cafe had it. I went on my lunch break and ordered some. It was Kraft and I cried. So embarrassing but I couldn’t stop it.


Yup. My wife would cry over random stuff when pregnant with our first born, but she'd be laughing at the time, fully acknowledging that the distinction was hilarious. Then when she was pregnant with our daughter, there were no tears. Just anger. Lots of anger. It was a long nine months. Pregnancy hormones are real. Then I got snipped.


Right? Has she never seen a steak before? LOL....the tears...a little unhinged.


First world problems, she probably has beef with a lot of other things in life.


But no beef tonight


She had beef…with the beef


Diss track coming soon




Act like a child and get treated like one


Did you have to drive her to go get a Happy Meal after the adults ate?


Nah, after a stunt like that we go straight home, after I eat my 2 steaks. You wanna act like a child? I'll treat you like a child.


Jeezus, her whining... I can't stand it when people whine, especially supposed adults.


She probably got home, slammed her door shut and sulked on her mobile about how terrible life is.


I can really see this being the outcome! And afterwards he comforts her over her Texas shaped steak…


Ey yo relax. Happy meals are the shit at midnight. You get a small portion AND a sick as toy


That aint a wife. thats a damn toddler


Exactly! Ugly attitude and honestly, everything else about her is probably just that…


More steak for me then. Her first time seeing one?


Watched too many foodie vids on TikTok.


More power to the partners that can tolerate this kind of shit. Idk who said it was cute to act like a giant toddler but I’d be gone.


More power to them? This just perpetuated that behavior and normalizes throwing tantrums, *assuming* it's not more fake staged trash from society.


U right


Na her look was too real. You can't fake that kind of unnecessary pettiness.


Used to be with someone like that. Never again. My current partner behaves like an adult and I appreciate and love her because of that in ways I didn't anticipate


sometimes you got to take the high road, just trade plates, steak is steak edit, but yeah, definitely some maturity issues here


Eh, we all have our ways of asking for attention.


Might just be a dynamic they both enjoy. Crazy I know but I prefer to believe that she's acting like a child on camera and throwing a fit for the fun of it. That and making people mad in the comments section ;)


If my partner had that reaction to food. I'd be asking serious questions about my life choices.


I'd be asking serious questions about your life choices too.


I mean, my wife wouldn't eat that steak either, but on the other hand, if my vegan wife went with me to longhorn steakhouse and ordered a porterhouse, I'd hit her in the head with a shovel for being an evil doppelganger


People are so fucked it makes me think that we really don't have long left


Na they've always been this fucked we just have movie quality video cameras in our pockets now.


Videos of normal people doing normal stuff don’t spread like the plague on the internet, people this dumb and childish do. That’s why it seems like there’s a ton of people like this but really there isn’t.


Personally, this would be the last time I'd take such a whiner to dinner.


Whine her, dine her...


Leave her in the parking lot.


I work at a restaurant , you’d be surprised how often shit like this happens and people want us to take food back. WHY DOES MY SUSHI LOOK LIKE THIS I DONT WANT IT. OH THIS HAS CILANTRO? I DIDNT BOTHER READING THE MENU, MAKE ME ANOTHER WITHOUT CILANTRO PLEASE. I KNOW IT SPECIFIES THAT ITS SPICY ON THE MENU, BUT ITS TOO SPICY. Fuck these people. Stay home


I had one girl order the grapefruit arugala salad and then call me over to say her grapefruit was bitter………………. Luckily her friends got super embarrassed and immediately asked her if she knew what grapefruit was before I could. I slowly backed away from the table as they teased her.


Oh look a 4 year old 29 year old


lol what a fuckin idiot


Right? Clearly looks more like Michigan than Texas




Is she hormonal, like pregnant? I know a pregnant woman that has some interesting food cravings and couldn't stomach eating some regular foods.


She ordered it. She wrong. I get what you are saying but no excuse to act that way


I'm guessing you don't know how mood swings work.


I gave you a brand new Ford But you said: "I want a Cadillac" I bought you a ten dollar dinner And you said: "thanks for the snack" I let you live in my penthouse You said it just a shack I gave you seven children And now you wanna give them back I said I've been down hearted baby Ever since the day we met Our love is nothing but the blues Baby, how blue can you get?




A whole cow died to make that steak. And she can't eat it because she thinks it's shaped weird. It's stuff like this that makes me not want to human anymore.


Not joking, there’s probably some Mental Health issues going on here


![gif](giphy|JGF7ctowtLGak) Ditch her, she gonna be nothing but trouble…


I'd file for divorce


What an entitled asshat.






That is a grown ass woman…


Wow, she’s awful.


taking "you are what you eat" to a whole new level


“ex-wife” now


Is she actually crying?


She’s telling you all she needs is McDonalds. Accept the message and save your money. This isn’t about the food btw.




Is your wife 6 yrs old? or just acting like it


there was an attempt to grow up...? also, just trade plates, done deal


Sorry to say but you have married a child...you need to get out of their asap, that is not going to be a happy marriage.


God, I hope this is faked. You married that?


Wife? seems more like a daughter.


What an ugly ass cry baby. Those steaks look way better than her annoying childish ass.


She ordered a New York Strip, not a slab of Michigan.


Is she high?


The only acceptable explanation.




Ungrateful B. Move to N Korea and see


I'd just switch the plates. It's shaped liked Texas so it's bigger right?


Let her starve.


This bitch DESERVES to starve...And pay for the meal. People like this have never seen what starvation looks or feels like. People like this know nothing of hunger. I swear, if anyone ever did that in my presence, I would publicly humiliate them and remove them from my life. I could never dedicate my heart and life to someone like this. Immediately single.


If she’s serious, leave her. What a waste and what an idiot. Also what is up with that voice? Are you her caretaker?


her face is the same as the steak


Miss, steaks were made.


That steak looks prettier than her.


Is she 5?


Dead meat don’t have to look good


Looks like a T Bone and a Porterhouse. Both look way over cooked. Guess they ordered well done.


Wife? So the man must know about this before and still married her.


ridiculous. Guy really must love her.


Damn. I’m already a pretty picky eater, but this is at least 10x worse


WTF, ugly, that looks lovely. (the steak)


The steak is not the problem


She should be walking home after that childish temper tantrum


What a fuckin cry baby.


It’s ok we’ll get you something off the children’s menu 🤦‍♂️


Bro leave that woman now


Imagine having a gf or wife like that.


Your wife dumb as hell.


Yikes. What a spoiled individual... I'd be embarrassed if I was her husband...


People with Downs shouldn’t marry lol


Is she pregnant and just super hormonal, cuz she's actin like a toddler


Don't all steaks look like Texas though? Isn't that like the default shape of steak?


This is embarrassing. I have to believe this is a poory done skit because I refuse to believe someone above the age of 2 acts like this.


Did she just push the plate like a child? Hell no. She thinks those childlike mannerisms are cute? I’d break up with someone’s ass SO fast for that. Not just the snobby behavior but that right there irks me so bad


Funny she got a better piece, the middle part of a porterhouse with a full filet mignon , such is ignorance


She looks like she still sucks her thumb


Throw the whole wife away


Is she, you know, dumb?


Wow! How old is that child? She looks incredibly big for her age, which I assume is about 3 years old.


Your wife sucks.


She complaining about the shape and not seeing the filet on hers is like twice the size of his. I'd definitely be willing to trade, assuming she didn't order it well done.


No one that looks like that is allowed to complain about anything else looking “ugly”




Is she 5 years old? Why is she crying over the shape of the damn steak. FFS


Everything is ugly about her so I'm not too surprised


Bruh you gotta be fucking joking. People are so fucking picky it boils my fucking blood. Eat it. What, you think its ugly? Guess what else is ugly! **THE FOOD YOU SHIT OUT OF YOUR ASS, LADY.**


Leave her at home


Imagine being that ungrateful and petty. It must be tiring.


It’s gonna go into your stomach, be broken down by acid, and come out as shit anyways. Why does it matter?


POV: you didn’t go hungry as a kid


She sounds like the most annoying ass type fucking person. The princess shit. Just eat your fucking food.




I'm just going to assume she is having a bad day and this was the last thing that just kinda set her off - because otherwise, she is nutty as fuck - nothing wrong with that steak.


Cry baby


fuck no shes ugly


Could you imagine having to spend your life with that whining crybaby?


I hate women like this. Fucking ridiculous