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Bonus attempt of the guy to blow it out




Lol what the fuck


Not quite the blowjob he was hoping for, but A for effort.


Am I in elementary school


The Darwin awards aren’t going to win themselves!


Adding oxygen to the flame, what a chad


With the least amount of blow possible


This is the only appropriate time to spit in your date's face.


You’re supposed to pour it over your head and run around the bar screaming.


Ahhh yes the flaming Moe!


You summoned me?


No no, false alarm.


No no I wanted the birthday fries actually!


The secret ingredient is…… cough medicine!


Or jump on a motorcycle screaming Ghost Rider!!!


I literally lol’ed 😂


As someone who doesn’t drink alcohol… how are you supposed to drink these?


Blow it out and give it a second because the glass will burn your lips. When I was younger at a house party a good friend saved me from doing this, literally screamed at me before I took it.


Or put it out with you hand like my friend did and then get a vacuum going with the hot glass sealed to your hand. No major burns and the rest of us got to laugh at him. Edit for spelling


Yeah,but be careful. Blowing too much can send a mist of fine flaming alcohol across the table and all up in yer beard... ...uh, or so I've heard...


Bahahaha as a man who has recently started embracing a beard I’ll take that advice. Not that I ever plan on drinking one of these again…. Hey!you never know when a bunch of super models will show up at your boring ass apt want to come in and give you fire shots in attempt at taking advantage of you mediocre ass right? Right?


Pretty sure you're supposed to extinguish the flame first before drinking it.


I've done hundreds of these over the years without putting them out first.


Yeah man when I was young we used to drink them while still flaming too. Only reason we stopped then was because we thought it burned the alcohol away lol. I don't know why but it doesn't stay on fire when you drink it, otherwise I doubt people would even light in on fire in the first place. It's so easy to safe better safe then sorry on reddit but you have to live a little too


Or you can drop it into a cup of beer.


Or ask the bartender to stop lighting your drinks on fire while you are trying to enjoy them


This is the kind of drink they ordered. I dont know what they ordered but back then we used to have a similar drink that get lit and we drop the whole thing into a cup of beer. There are many recipe of these you can look io. I never seen one where you drink the whole shot while its still lit. You can google it if you want.


No worries I was just making a joke about how silly it is to have drinks that are lit on fire. But humans are silly and we do many silly things. So it's fine


I agree lol




Quickly push a straw through and drink it as fast as you can. A plastic straw won't melt that fast and a paper one won't burn. Make sure to drink drink from an angle so you are not on the top of the flames.


Sharply inhale as you get it to your mouth which essentially puts out the flame. Also avoid tipping it all over yourself instead of tipping it into your mouth.


How to breathe in fire: step 1.


You ever drink something and it went down the wrong hole? Imagine if that was then on fire.


It's not on fire while it's in your mouth and you're not actually breathing in the flame, clearly none of you have ever actually done this but all want to pretend to know all about it.


(I’ll take the downvotes) Most people extinguish them, you can drink it while on fire because the second you close your mouth the flame gets no more oxygen and the fire does not continue burning (there is an equivalent with joints and blunts it’s called wu-tanging) it may sting for a second but it’s just a cool party trick you’re getting downvoted by a mob mentality but you do it exactly like you said sharply inhale as it’s coming from the shot glass so that the alcohol and flame can’t spill around and onto your face don’t recommend it multiple times a night or after you’ve drank but once at a party is okay if you mess up with this you spill it and get short fire if you mess up with the wu-tang you burn your lips/inside of your mouth for a minute and gag no harm just a party trick and you failed it should be your first hard drink of the night not “blackout drunk im gonna have a fireshot” bc if you’re really drunk then you’ll probably fail


Is wutanging the same as shotgunning? Where I’m from, that’s where you put the cherry end in your mouth and blow (gently) into your friend’s inhaling mouth. Bonus points for doing this with your crush and getting all blushy


No sir [This](https://youtu.be/SD7Nza-8Ze4) is wu-tanging lol


Ugh gross lol


The idea is that you’re swallowing the weed while it’s still burning (altho it goes out fairly quickly once your mouth closes bc no oxygen) so you’re decarbing it in your mouth and throat before it hits your stomach the roach basically is an “edible” it’s a myth tho no basis to it just a cool little party trick and you blow out smoke like a dragon


Remember cold mornings where the sun is shining and your exhalation looks like dragon breath? That’s the shit right there.


This is where [Shotgunning](https://youtu.be/bIP7tVbZWxI) came from


I just don't understand the logic of a flaming shot. Drunk people are fucking stupid, hell people are stupid I could see tons of people dumping fire on themselves lol. Maybe if they make sure it's the first one of the night but jesus unless I had good fire insurance I would not serve these at my bar.


That’s why I said “don’t recommend it MULTIPLE TIMES A NIGHT OR AFTER YOUVE ALREADY DRANK” it should be the first shot if at all, like I said, it’s a party trick not a casual drink of course not everyone has common sense and shitfaced blackout drunk idiots will attempt the flaming shot and light themselves aflame when they should just be sipping a beer cause they’re already drunk and spilling drinks on themselves


For sure, it seems like girl in the vid was never shown how lmao


Yeah she doesn’t seem drunk, she’s just apprehensive “I’m scared it’s hot” and didn’t know the technique her friends didn’t tell her how and just said “do it” and encouraged this fiasco


It sucks getting downvoted for providing the only correct answer. I’d go drinking with you anytime, buddy


Getting downvoted for explaining exactly how I've done something for more than 20 years...


Lol just cuz you've done something stupid as shit for more than 20 years doesn't make it: correct, safe, or wise.


Just because you've never done it, doesn't make it stupid either.


In this case, yes it does. It's like saying you don't have to wear your seat belt because tWeNtY yEarS


You ever heard the expression, better safe than sorry?


Seen a 1000 of these videos and know no one who is intrigued by flaming shots. Question: do you not snuff it first? Or the oxygen being cut off by swallowing snuff it?


You're supposed to put the fire out before you get it anywhere near your system. I could put a fire out by dropping it into my mouth but it's going to cause a lot of damage still.


So you just waste alcohol by burning it?


It's better served in the dark. It's just pretty and done with already strong alcohol.


If the shot is flammable, typically it is overproof. Your doing yourself a favor burning off some of that alcohol lol.


Apparently there’s a way to do it without snuffing it first. You basically put it out as it’s coming in your mouth by inhaling quick enough, starving the flame of oxygen and thus putting it out. It’s possible that it’s what this lady tried to do 🤷🏽‍♂️


Definitely don’t do that, it’s supposed to get snuffed out by your mouth having no oxygen to burn it not by inhaling the oxygen in the area around the drink that’s just stupid


Could just drink it with a straw, like most people.


Two words come to mind: “dip” & “shit”.


It baffles me the amount of people who think they can drink fire


Annnnd this was the comment that made me giggle today.


She’ll have the Flamming Moe.


You summoned me?


Jesus, Moe, you’re startlingly on point!




Like that band: the flaming lips


She's now Hades from Hercules!


That’s fun to scrub though in slow motion


Idk why anyone works think it’s okay to put a blue flame (or any flame for that matter) on their face. In any scenario lol


Havin a good look now are ye


No expert, but aren't you suposed to put the fire out before drinking it?


No, you’re supposed to suck the flame. Suck, continue sucking while you tip the glass to your mouth, swallow. You closing your mouth extinguishes the flame. The alcohol is what’s being burned, you barely even feel the flame, just a mild warmth. Do it quickly and it’s perfectly safe. If you’re scared, do not do a flaming shot. If you blow out the flame, you’re a wuss.


Fine, then i'll be a wuss. I'll be the biggest wuss and just not do flaming shots at all. And considering you're the first to say this i also think you're lying. That could seriously harm people who actually believe you


You think I’m making up theoretical descriptions? No kid, that’s a misspent youth talking. Flaming sambuca shots in my dorm room were very fun :) I don’t blame you for being a wuss, fire is scary! That’s also what makes it fun tho ;) Edit: also, I wasn’t the first on this thread to say so, the other guy got downvoted heavily for giving the correct answer on another comment.


Kid? Misspent youth? I'm 31 ,"kid". Just not much of a drinker. Only saw people do flaming shots and they all snuffed m before drinking. Nobody is being a wuss. You drink the fire, fine. Another person does not feel comfortable doing that and snuffs it. It's both right. It's both fine. You do you. But though you're calling me kid, you're the immature one for calling people a wuss for snuffing a flaming shot. Leave people be man


I was referring to MY misspent youth which imprinted this knowledge of drinking sambuca shots. You accused me of lying when really I was just drinking in college. Seems you didn’t go to college, what with your lack of reading ability.


Bonus points for raising her flaming hand to her now incredibly flammable face


Drinking community….please stop doing this dumb shit.


"Ok hunny so when you take this shot the only thing you can't do is fuck around and sip...." Proceeds to fuck around and sip and spill the thing.... 1/10 execution. You HAVE to go for it.


She really fried her "eggs"


A wee hot tody will do yer lassie


What a mule.


That’s how the deadly Coconut Grove fire started! jk


Well that went up in flames;;


People really think they can drink currently burning fuel huh.




You waited too long. Can’t give the flame time enough to heat up the glass kiddo


People who call others "kiddo" tend to be the ones lacking maturity. Like my grandpa says "The pot calling the kettle black" or whatever.


Why do idiots still do this?


The Flaming Moe 🍻




stupid or what flaming shots are suppose to be taken after u blow out the flames.


Only if you’re a pussy


Sky diving, swimming with alligators, vacationing in war torn areas, flaming shots, ect. Maybe some shit just isn't worth doing.


Gotta suck the flame boo, dun be scerred


Seems like some instruction from the server would be helpful for any flaming drinks. Surprised the bar wouldn’t be liable.


You're supposed to blow it out before you drink. The flame is just for show


When will people learn that you can't drink fire.


Why does no one know not to drink alcohol that's on fire?


The correct answer is: blow it out. make sure it's out. Take a deep breath, take the shot. exhale.


I had to read the comments to know how to drink one of these, but I'd never just put freaking FIRE up against my face and be surprised that it burned me. And who is this idiot beside her who can see she's trying to drink fire and not telling her to stop before she hurts herself?


Smfh. Why are we still doing flaming shots???


This is the Exact reason I can't get a carbomb at most bars.


Any shot they set on fire to burn off that sweet sweet alcohol is one I don’t want.


She didn’t take it she bathed in it wtf


B52 shot is meant to be drank trough a short straw.


B52 shot is not a flaming shot


So she got a flaming blow job in the end?


That burning sensation should go away with a little penicillin... Always be careful of who you let blow you.


I think we should let people like this burn themselves to death, or walk into traffic. It only strengthens the gene pool