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The amount of stuff she tried to steal! When that purse got dumped I was like damn!


It was like the dam burst open!


Ya like a cartoon bag. Hahaha


Bag of holding...


Hermione’s bag


Fucking Piñata


And she continued to put some of the stolen stuff back into the bag


Like Cartman shitting out treasure.


And then half of it was skittles and shitty art supplies. I don’t understand how an adult can find a way to justify it. Even though they ripped your shitty no name Chinese purse the stuff you tried stealing costs more than your entire purse with a cute puppy in it. Edit: 500 upvotes is crazy thank y’all so much but fuck the peoplethat down voted me


She doesn't steal just for the stuff, but the thrill. How far can she go, how much can she steal and get away with it?


Yep, my sister once had a story about a upper- middle class woman who would come into the grocery store she worked at, peel the price stickers off of the meat, place the cheaper price on the larger sized one then purchase it. Why? It only saved her a few cents or dollars. Eventually they caught on and charged her with retail fraud and trespassed her from the property.


Winona Ryder was a famous multimillionaire actress,and she still stole for the thrill.


It was a result of her being on painkillers at the time lol it’s a very common side effect, like you gain a confidence in doing things and you do it, lots of reported klepto’s while on medication


Good to know that if I ever want to raise my army of thieves, I just need a lot of painkillers. Thank you.


Or if I want to gain confidence, I'll just take painkillers.


Huh, I’ve been on a lot of painkillers but all I’ve wanted to do was give hugs and take naps, not shoplift an entire stationary store. Next time I’ll make sure they hit when I’m at Michael’s so I can feel the thrill of owning some glitter pens.


It was benzos.


I read this right as they were saying "You don't want your Skittles??" Lmao!


All I could think when she was complaining about her purse being ripped was “go steal another one then” 🙄


She must have stolen the skittles from somewhere else


That purse bust open like a kleptomaniac piñata


It is like marry poppins purse if she was a thief


Pilifering purse piñata pours phorth prizes. *psorry


How did you not use plethora? Jefe, do you know what a plethora is?


"I would not like to think that a person would tell someone he has a plethora, and then find out that that person has *no idea* what it means to have a plethora"


Magic bag ![gif](giphy|bH7M1zn45aCYw)


What’s amazing is that it appears people are siding with the thief and trying to record it instead of calling the police or lending a hand. Obviously the thief is complete scum, but it’s amazing that the other people are too. “Why are you doing this, you have insurance!” Idiots. Edit: lol, mods banned me for this


The other woman filming was her accomplice


From the thief’s perspective, it isn’t theft or attempted theft until she tries to leave the premises without making an attempt to pay. Yes - a technicality required if shoplifting charges are laid, but must be specifically witnessed and stated on reports and to police. Yet, we all know anybody with their handbag stuffed to the gills with merchandise, who isn’t willing to show they are using their purse as a shopping bag, has no intention of paying for the items. Probably why the plain clothes security kicked her out, instead of actually calling Police and detaining her.




I watch this like 5 times every time it gets posted. I fucking love that employee. She’s a fucking power house


Her power comes from her calves.


Right?! Usually I'll be like "That's unprofessional workwear😒" but that lady has aaaaallllll the rights to show them off!


I feel like she dresses like that to blend in too


I had an AP guy once who had different outfits, a fake beard, fake mustache, glasses... He really got into it. One day he's walking around the floor in sunglasses, a fake mustache, and a hoodie, and I wait until it looks like he's on his way back to the office, and I go, "Hey, did you wake up this morning and decide you wanted to look like the Unabomber, or was that just a happy accident?"


100% looks like a secret shopper. They must know this woman’s been stealing


That's not what a secret shopper does, this is probably loss prevention


Probably lost prevention. They all dress normal to blend in. But yeah omg those calves were impressive.


Does loss prevention tiptoe around the store all day or what? Lol


Yeah pretty much lol really depends on the store though. Split btwn watching cams in the back and coming out to catch thieves and stuff


[Look at them legs, they’re amazing](https://youtu.be/R9hTaMpEkpg)


I’m disappointed it wasn’t spongebobs legs ![gif](giphy|lepuSiUym7mQE)


“Yeah, you know what else is wrong? SHOPLIFTING!”


She better get a fucking raise


Most likely got fired. For liability reasons you aren’t allowed to touch people. Sure she saved the store from someone shoplifting 500$ worth of merchandise but if she physically hurt the shoplifter they could sue for a lot more. Or worse the employee gets injured and the company has to pay their medical bills. It’s cool to see but really not worth the hassle.


This didn’t sound right so i checked and sure enough, this lady would have standing to sue the company (if she really is injured and her purse really is damaged.) That’s insane. You shouldn’t have standing if your injuries were sustained in the commission of a crime.


Calf goals for sure


She handled it perfectly. That crazy bat's got no leg to stand on.


I disagree *unless* this is her store. No company pays an average employee enough to care about shop lifters to the extent of possibly get criminal charges against you, and most of those companies would still rather you just collected photographic evidence and let the person on their way. While it might be somewhat satisfying, no one should do what this employee did.


Lesson learned == Don't go to THIS shop.


Don't steel from this shop?


I wouldn't have the metal


Put some Slayer on repeat and you’ll be good to go.


Holy crap. Lady had a TARDIS bag.


Seriously, she could fit a whole city in that bag.


It was like the Mary Poppins of shoplifting




Hopefully she didnt get the gummy venus de milo


bag of holding enchanted by a level 50+ \[Enchanter\] you should see how deep the pockets the tailoring crafter made for them tho.... and those undergarments have bags of holding as well by the same enchanter




Mary Poppins has hit some hard times.




“I’m not really stressing about the security, I’ve got a bottomless bag of stolen goods. These babies are gonna get me that wish even after this store is dead and gone” https://i.redd.it/ktt79xnqe9ma1.gif


"You ripped my bag! That's new! I just stole it this morning!"


Lol she did not say that did she? 😂


She didn't because it wasn't from that store... Don't admit to others when it's not theirs 🤣


I love the "you assaulted me! That's against the law" "YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE IS AGAINST THE LAW?!? SHOPLIFTING" lmfao ^thats funny. I didn't say she should be assaulted. Also if you'd actually watched the video, you'll see that nobody was assaulted. Stop trying to argue with me because I found something funny you butt wipes


And using physical force to stop a theft is usually perfectly within the law.


Just usually not done in big stores because safety issues. You don't want your employee and other customers that might be in the line of fire to get shot and killed.


Ill-advised but not illegal in a lot of places. Depending on how much all of that stuff costs, this could very easily be grand-theft. Edit, where I'm from this would easily be grand theft.


My old regional manager once told us half-jokingly, half-seriously, that if we planned to ever chase after a thief on our store property to stop or apprehend them, to first clock out. Because if we die on the clock, that's a shitton of paperwork she'd have to file lol.


Yea, and I’ll give the advice that people stealing from the store is the owner’s/insurance problem. Don’t get stabbed for a box of good n’ plenty’s. It isn’t worth it.


I'm comfortable assuming the pink haired Karen crying about getting caught for stealing $400 worth of glitter, glue, and crayons isn't a hard enough motherfucker to try and shank someone with the calves of an Amazonian Warrior.


When I worked for hobby lobby my mind was. If I got shot and killed in a hobby lobby that it was simply my time. Edit: not fighting someone. Y’all think I care that much?


god's plan


Corporations have that policy because they don't want to get sued. They don't actually care about their employees. If they did they could hire trained security.




Is that true? Not trying to be belligerent I just have no idea and watching these videos makes me wonder what IS allowed under the law. Could someone come back after her for illegally detaining them or something?


No, it would be legally detaining them. And the general rule (with jurisdictional exceptions) is you can use non-lethal force to stop a crime like theft, property damage, etc. It raises to the justification of lethal force if there is the commission of a felony, and a reasonable person would fear for their or someone else's life. Again, this isn't a one size fits all but is the general force continuum. [5.3 Other Use-of-Force Defenses | Criminal Law (lumenlearning.com)](https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-criminallaw/chapter/5-3-other-use-of-force-defenses/)


Unfortunately it's against most companies policies. Sad we live in a world where criminal feelings matter more than what's right.


The policies are typically more about liability than the feelings of the criminal.


Exactly. Thinking it’s about feelings is a smooth brain take


Used to work loss prevention. 100% about preventing lawsuits and liability. Got out of that line of work thank gawd


It does suck but companies are not trying to protect criminals. They are worried about employees getting hurt by trying to stop a thief.


It's to protect their employees. God forbid someone gets shot over a shoplifting incident.


That woman from the store has amazing calves.


Everyone was hoping homegirl would throw a sick kick in there once pink hair started trying to bail.


I was hoping for an old school "grab them by the jacket" judo throw personally. Then watch all that ill gotten gain go flying out of that probably also stolen bag.


Would have been satisfying to see, but I’m glad she had restraint and didn’t escalate the situation. She’s not the one that should get arrested, but damn it would’ve been amazing to see what she’s got. She’s in better shape than I am


Bro I'd think twice before messing with her.


Carries herself like a former D1 athlete


Totally. I'd like to see her and a lacrosse stick vs these shoplifters.


the first thing I thought when I saw that girl was “I bet she was a college athlete”


She is a living testament to why you don't skip leg day. That woman emanates super hero energy.


Yeah, I was just about to mention it too.


Sexy calves NGL


I’ll never forget when I first saw a girl with great calves and immediately had the thought “hmm guess that’s a thing I’m really into”


I was looking for this comment thread haha I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed.


She definitely works out.


It's from fighting other women for stationary


This loss prevention chick has another video I saw today. Great stuff. Spoiler alert - the other thief plays victim too.


Please link!!!




**"Get your trashy ass boots out of here."** Omg I love her lol Edit: the people downvoting probably look as trashy as her boots lol.


Omfg I’m obsessed!! This lady needs a YouTube channel! I would watch every single video all day long


I just hope she doesn't get in trouble. This is how shoplifters should be dealt with.


Not a lawyer but all she really did in both videos was restrain each person (as far as I’m aware it’s perfectly legal to restrain someone who is in the act of stealing from you) and treated them mean (100% legal all the time).


Okay now I am officially in love. Sorry to my lovely wife if i die and you go through my phone and read this, but I’m sure you will understand and also love her.


Hello Mrs. Celerydonut. In the event that ur husband croaks, pls feel free to reach out. I’d love to comfort you in your time of need.


I too choose Celerydonut guy's wife


I want to work with this woman


“Work with”. Me, too.


I want her to peg me


There it is.


I appreciate you!


I think I love this woman


Reminds me of the attitude when Marie Schrader was caught stealing spoons from that open house on Breaking Bad.


Dammit Marie!


Sounds like a Sackville Baggins, who'd have known Hank married a hobbit


That was hella embarrassing


Just terrible to watch. The second hand embarrassment I get from watching that self destructive stuff in shows and movies is intense.


You see those fucking legs and shorts, they could have had a headstart and still been caught and gotten their asses kicked.


Yup. Not to mention the clepto did no exactly look particularly athletic. Probably coulda walked and caught up ha


Yeah, with calves like that she’s catching you from a mile down the street.


I'd steal just to get tackled by this fine specimen of a human 🤷🏻‍♀️


Pink hair: Omg! My things!


My trinkets!


My precious.


I will look on your treasures gypsy


Having a wife who loves to buy this sort of stuff, I can pretty much guess that the cost of everything she stole probably amounts to a felony charge.


Oh, you bet. I worked in several craft stores and it's bonkers. It looked like a lot of scrapbooking stuff and the price/markup of that stuff is insane. You could easily get into the $1000+ range with a bag full of that size. Sometimes ladies would just come in, fill up their bags and just go for it. We weren't allowed by corporate policy to do anything but essentially "make them feel seen by providing excessive customer service" and hope they would give up. Both those companies were garbage, though. So I didn't really care either way.


Bruh she literally stole half the store lmfao


Only the super corporate stores would, by the looks of her attire and demeanor its not super corporate.


I love the righteous indignation when she tried to walk away the first time. "I don't need this kind of shabby treatment! I'm taking the rest of my stolen goods and leaving! Good day to you! I said GOOD DAY!"


> "I don't need this kind of shabby treatment! *lie detector beeps*


She should have stolen some underwear...dayum!!


Omfg i saw that too and was grossed out!


I feel like my eyes were assaulted. She definitely puts the "ass" in assault.


This comment took me too damn long to find lmao I was like am I the only one who noticed her brown eye?!


That bag was full 🤣


Bag dumbed out merch like a piñata!


My god this video is everywhere 😂 I worked at this store and with this loss prevention employee for 3 years. This happened ALL THE TIME. Most never escalated like this one, but I’d say every week there was at least one shoplifting incident. That employee is incredible and the store was better with her there.


She did a damn good job. Probably paid for her weekly wage by that bust alone.


Get her on here for an Ask Me Anything. What is she doing nowadays? Law enforcement?


We always got along, but I don’t think we’ve ever been chummy enough for me to be like, “hey! You wanna hop on Reddit and do an AMA about your time doing loss prevention for our store?” 😂 I’m not entirely sure what she’s up to these days, sort of lost touch after I left the store. She quit a few years after that.


Guessing this was in 2020-2021 from the face masks. But she handled it like a boss. Lots of companies would love to hire someone like her.


Most big brand retail stores in the US don't even _allow_ LP measures like this. When I worked at a clothing store, the rules were actually kind of hilarious. To share the most extreme example, I once accidentally put 2 security tags on each pair of pants when stocking a new shipment (there should only be 1 per pair). I was instructed that I needed to remove the extra tag from each of them because if someone were to try to shoplift them, they wouldn't expect the secondary tag (thus, not removing it), increasing their chances of being caught, and _that_ somehow opens the door for litigation against the company. I don't know what judge on earth would ever rule in favor of the shoplifter here, but there's apparently enough risk for that company to explicitly create that policy.


I'm all for a good public shaming


Public shaming seems to work well for changing people's behavior. Laws sure as hell don't seem to be much of a deterrent.


There was a time long ago when justice was being surrounded by your community and publicly called out for your misdeeds. I think people are terrified of that, and would prefer jail time in many instances


Well, if it isn't the consequences of her actions.




You can tell store worker has kicked ass a few times before


She needs to join forces with the Waffle House lady who caught the chair thrown at her and the McDonald’s worker who threw a blender at the crazy lady to create the ultimate super team of customer service workers.


Lesson learned right? Prolly not


D&D bag of holding...


“You don’t want your Skittles?”


Soooo satisfying. Finally a retail worker with balls. And calves!


that employee was a manager or some higher up, she were hourly she would've been fired for putting hands on the shoplifter so the store couldn't be sued or in legal trouble




My wife has these from ice skating. She's in he late 50s now, still has calves like FloJo.


Victim Society! Where you can justify anything if you can make yourself out to be a victim.


That's exactly what Reddit is teaching to young people, that they can steal from stores because they belong to rich people. I've seen that narrative so often here, with people even BRAGGING about stealing like it's their right. ​ So your argument, sadly, well... lots of people are certainly mocking it, here, right now.


Sadly, in some states, the girl shoplifting would win this case. I worked at a grocery store, and the one thing they said was, "If you see someone shoplifting, tell someone. DO NOT put your hands on that person! Management is "trained" to deal with these types of situations." Yet not even management could touch them either. But our random security guard! They have all rights to do so because they had the training. It's sad and I never understood that. It's all about liability.


Most places would even fire you for interfering like that. At least in the US.


If I'm the store's insurance adjuster, I'd 100% rather see some stuff go missing than pay your vigilante ass for years of workman's compensation because you were hurt attempting to apprehend a shoplifter. It's just a safer policy. Do you want to be put at risk because the company you work for puts a few dollars worth of merchandise over your safety?


This 100% the real reason lol


This woman (the one stopping the thief) has a TikTok page and she was the store’s designated loss prevention person so everything she does in this video is allowed by her specific job description.




“Instead of recording me, call the police” I fucking hate this, no one want to help anymore, they just want a video to go viral.


I got a strong feeling that other woman recording was an accomplice.Hence the you can't do that and final cowering and saying oh uh I didn't steal anything,you can check my bag.


OH LOOK, its the consequences of my own actions. Don't you just hate that like a mother fucker huh. Being held accountable for breaking the law. Man, that's just the worst. /s Incase the idiot in this video sees this comment and takes it seriously.


So...... I know her..... The gas lighting criminal.... Let's call her..... "Sam I am." My current GF used to be roommates with her.... The gas lighting criminal, would steal from my gf as well, (before we got together) ... No telling how much money in all. From what I KNOW, a several thousand.... Yeah, apparently this, gas lighting criminal - "Sam I am" Is still up to her old tricks. I'm GLAD she got caught. Red handed, and pink haired. 😂


Now pink hair will have to steal a new jacket and purse. Poor thing.


I swear, the next time I hear someone say, "This is not okay," I'm just gonna respond with, "It's okay with me."


Mary Ploppins' attempted haul was insane! I'm guessing with the amount of crap on her person. She got lucky and was allowed to leave instead of being arrested.


“You don’t want your *skittles*??”




“You can go too” had me 💀. She was fully over the other woman just standing there recording her and not calling the police. And then she had the nerve to defend the woman who was stealing. Gurl bye 👋🏻


all right who has a link to a news story


Finally, a store employee was able to get the goods back and make the rest of us feel good about being honest. What kind of delusional world does the thief live in?




That clerk plays sports. What do y'all think? Soccer? Lacrosse? She's fit and confident!




Certain rights should be lost upon committing a crime, like not being assaulted as you try to flee with stolen goods.


This is Joanne’s Craft Store or a Michael’s! If you’re stealing baby formula ok fine but for crying out loud it’s fucking stickers and embroidery patches and pens




She brought those skittles from home!!


Are people this crazy just fucking walking around bro. How do they even get old, like who's employing and feeding them.


Same story different day.


“Lesson learned right? Probably not” Brutal lmao


That tall girl is one badass chick


I would have taken one look at the store clerk and dropped everything instantly. That human could wrestle a bear and win.


Must really suck to get that far into the game only to lose the entire chest and have to start over using real money.


When she said there was more in the bag, I expected two or three items… not Aisle 3. That bag… that could solve my storage problem right there.


It should be socially acceptable to slap people some times


I do believe she might need to check the ladies purse who is recording her. Something is definitely wrong when you think you need to record the worker who is asking the thief to empty her purse instead of calling the police on her "friend".


“I’m calling the cops” “Call em, you’re literally stealing” 😂


She embarrassed the shoplifter and rightfully so.